HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-03-02, Page 3A�r
)vers # E4tixnated
y a pec.ullax
Tori haY.e i)e•en, 4v0_estimating.
Canada's egg ,00nsttnption, ^,W. A..
Landreth, of W'inailpeg, .president
of the Canadian Yrodlide Associa
• tion, declared last week. . '
Their estima es,ha've been based,
on the :assUin tion that roosters
Ss well as hens are 'among , Can-
isda'a, egg •pr9dilcers, Mr, Landreth
told delegates to the •asociation's
nnnual.convention.. •
Two -Thirds Egg Per pay
"or. some ,years, the per capita
eonsumption.� of . eggs was quoted
In 'Cana.dian 'statistics an approxi-'
'Mately 30 , dozen• or an egg a .day,
'w'hich was far, in excess . of any
other area of the,World," Mr. Lan-
drethsaid. ' •
"During ,recent ,'years this has
been 'ad,l uste.d . to,', approxirnately '21'
dozen, about two-third',s of •an egg
' "We understand°that� the.' fernier
potation was based on the'theory
, ;hat egg production was not, limitr
id to pullets :and hens; but vthat all
hicktns and cockerels 'performe'd
t sini la•r.'i fission.
"Even statisticians Must have
heir ,tun."
Canadian Cardinal` Might,
Be Papal Choice
:,todrigu'e Cardinal. Villeneuve,
Archbishop . of Quebec, who is
Canada's. only Cardinal of the Ro
, lnan 'Catholic Church is being
-- prominently mentioned as. 'a pos--
ialbie successor to Pope Pius•XI-in'
the event .that the Italian mend -
tiers .oi ti4 Sacred College of Car-
dinals; whose taskit is to elect a
new Pope, should split • their vote. -
Don't Hunt, For
.Pearls In • Stew
Nobody .Ever Found One Of
• Any Consequence In A Plate-
ful Of Oysters Ori The Half-
' Shell, Ether.
• Don't go :fambii--ng -around In a
_. ,. h :_,..,,.eii•��f---•oysfhir _:s'f�v',�oh3aag ax.::;
Frank Gardner Hale, jewel expert
of the Boston Society of ,Arts and,
Crafts says it isn't worth while.
"Nobody ever found ,a pearl of
Vie•. ' any consequence in an oyster ,stew
or irk' a plate o4' oysters, on half
AWL". he told a lecture audience.
Facts About Garr::
Hale dropped' these other facts
about. gems: ' ' . i •
The diamond is notthe most val-
uable jewel, and never . was. The
* . emerald• is;: having replaced the
rttby,. •.
"Tiihre is scarcely a flawless
prect'ous stone. ',Even diamonds
usually are °j.rwe_,d. Just because a
'diamond' Will scratch glass is no
proof it is a diamond. 'French
paste' will scratch glass i just as
So far' as 'scientists can learn'
there is no diffrence between, an
lgliil nial�111C
ancl 'ah emerald excer t '
he shade of green.. ,
• ''Any emerald of 'more than two'
carats is either flawed or synthetic.
The chief trouble with •synthetic
die:te nds: is that they are too ter. •
"there is no such thing as an'un-
•eut:stone." •Thiise that appear ,n -
Crit are just cut that 'way. -
r .I
is '
Russian 'airplanes ah h Will fly
between Moscow°and New. York by
carry 42 .Ir'asseng'er•'s arid" c'r'ew
KEY TO. PACIFIC: The mostaixi
portant island in the world -has'
fallen into the wrong hands. The
domination of Hainan by Japan,
will strike heavily against Great
Britain, France and the United "
States, strategically situated as'
the island is athwart the British
Far .Eastern lifeline;, :menacing •
France's .Indo-China' ports; threat- -
eni•ng the • United States' lines to
the. Philipj4nes 'and Hawaii. Should
Britain,' 'and the U,l -ever decide
Jo act' in concert in the East, their,
movements wi11 now , be''seritie4'
hampered. •,.�: - • •
• At the present .niornent,.the' is-
"land's .chief importance to Japan
Is' las 'a ba'>te; froiai •whicth air at -
"tacks'. ean,' be latinc-hod at Ching's
•: two " remaining communications s
,with the outside world.''
:Looking at in the, long way,• low
ever;; as. Generalissimo. Chiang''Kai-
Shek put it! last,. week, .the seiz-
,ure .of Hainan is the first••step in,
• a southward expansion of the Jap-
anese Empire.- japan now 'hasan
excellent .jumping-off place toward
• the Dutch Indies; rich .in oil, and
is in v, better position than ever ,.
;before to accompli h the eventual..
nomination"pfthe whole .Pacific.
; body's: met Ferdinand the, Bull—
/who loved
ull—/who.loved to • smell the flowers
.in themovie or in the hook or.in
the song (advt.)' and '.loved him
. too, we're Certain., But for all his
charm, his • mildness, Ferdinand is
yet a' menace. .Because little'
chilrren love, him, too much. '
"Not•,wisely, but tan well".:.
Ferdinand, 'the bull ;who. ;never.
'Darned: to'' fight,is giving children
a. false •idea of bulls in general.
They: 'see a 'Ferdinand in.. every
snorting; 'pawing, tearing •bovin•e.
..... ell -doom, •it'.s -,a •d~a t e s d,
:they, don't .believe ;you, They.know
•different, knowing Ferdinand.
So if your` little. chile is gored ,
this suhr:m'er while ..profferinig flow-,.
ers. to -same fierce bull 'in a spas-
ture field, you can't say ,we haven't
Warned you. • '
:. 'Tchou, .dynamic former 'se,;retary
• • to' China's Chiang Kai-Sh'ek, 'pea'•
'nig 'in Toronto last week made , =
significant 'statementwhich' it
would be well for ua Wester, de-
mberaeies,to think 'o',•er. He said:
":ou'Il never •achieve peace 'by
'preparing for, war; you must pre-
pare fr,r 'peace)„-,
I-IELD IR:. The British North Am-
erica Act can. become„ one of the
.greatest barriers 'to social progress.
in the Dominion unless ,.1l the nine
PrG\inces agree to co-operate for
. •th ; common good, That, in fine,
was the substance of a speech by
Hon. Norman. Rogers, Minister of
• Labor, to the -House of Commons
•last week when he announced that
the Federal Government is Prepar-
ed to introduce a bill for institut-
ing unemployment insurance, in
.' Canada. , .•
'Other countries'have unemploy-
' - meat .3risiirance.' ' Why riot Can•
ada? Because . the. B:N:A. Act
leaves loopholes open fol': the pro-.
vinces to setup howls •each for
their . -own-parti'euiar rights. And •
reformii blocked.”' . •
are autoniobi.le ihstirance `.rates in
Ontario going up the first .of this
month? Answer: Theret has been
a Marked increase in riablic: Ha-
, bility and property damage claims
the past year. The increased speed
limit,' too, tends to make each ac-
cident more, costly; (Incidentally, ,
fire insurance rates . on cars have..
leen substantially reduced). -
Testing' Cattle
Ontario Breeders Ask Federal
Government to Speed Up, the.
Work =- Many Farmers Un-
• her Serious . Handicap.
The Dominion ,Department of Ag-
ricilture was urged'.in a resolution
adopted at ,the annual meeting of
the Ontario' Cattle' Breeders' Asso-,
elation to "speed -up." --the work -of
testing cattle for tuberculosis. •
,The resolution, adopted after W.
P. Watson • of the Livestock branch,
• Ontario• Departirent of Agriculture,
told, the Meeting that at the Pres-
; ent rate it would require 24 years'•
to "complete and test :n this .prov-
ince, declaring that many Ontario
• breeders were under a serious hafi-
dicap in marketing cattle.'
• UUnpo%rtant TO Cattle Business
Mr. Watson:Ipresetiti.ng a report'
an tuberculosis testing in Ontario,
said the work' fr'gan 12 years ago
as a health:measure but now was a
"most iinpor:tant't.-factor •to• the .en-
tire cattle bmsinss. He added that
there are 800;000 cattle in areas
under test in ,Canada and 1,600,-
• 000 in other areas. •
petitions for tub•ereulbsis testing:
'have been circulated in all counties:
in the province' except Renfrew and.
the county council there now • la
'working on the •proposal, 1Ye• •said..,
hog i'3 4
outhefirO iTa h'"slgne+: up
• Year in favlsr' co the elan. ,
araadiar4oz,r ,
efla Peer's -Brother, ."
Honeymooning in Hollywood after a •surprise..marriagein TucsonAriz.,
. are Frances Drake, Canadian-bo'i at:tress, and her husband, Cecil John=
Arthur .Toward.' Howard is the brut ler of .the Earl of. Suffolk. •
Canada's . Greatest
Highway Pr.O act
Road Connecting: Peace', River
District Wirth Great Slave
Lake Will Soon Be Under
Construction : -.= 400, Miles
Long. -
Final sanction was gi'en last..
• week by Federal 11esource -Minis-
ter ,Ck'erar to the construction of a
winter ;traction" read cbririecting
the'Trite- re. "u r ' wf :the
.Northern Alberta ' Railways. with
Greq ' Slave: 'take; • • almost 400
miler farther ,north._
This will be the greatest: road-:
.way of its ;kind. • in .Canada.. ' It
. will servethe purpose of a railway
and -tractors' drawing 10 or more
trailers will ply along it..•
• To Radium Mines
Departmental ' officials expect
that next year ' the pitchblende
concentrates • 'from• Eldorado' ,
Mines, gold concentrates from the
Yellowknife Mines and the • fish
'from) :Greet • Slave Lake will. • be.
hauled to: the railway' over this
For the return trip food sup-
plies and. construction materials
will be hauled north. It will fur-
• nish • a direct connection between
the .mining .fieldsi, and the, ' farm
lands ,around Fort. Vermilion in
Northern' Alberta and the ,Peace.
River districts. • ' '•
Although the •distance. was less
from ' • McMurray. to Great Slave
Lake,' it was decided the Peace
River route Was, preferable be-
cause the country over' which it
would pass is more level:.
Co-eds Are Told
• What To . Eat; Do
Saner,. Food; And Less. Cosmetics
Urged By' Miss Dayis to' Class
At \ University of • Western'
• Ontario -`.`Can't Trust Own
' Tastes"
One' teaspoonful of cod jiver 'oil
contains as. .much •bone -building
•vitamin• D' as 1,500 servings of spin-
ach,"Miss L..M. Davis,. instructress
in home economics, told 'a class of
'coeds at , the University. of West-
ern Ontario last week.
"Cokes and chocolate bar•s are
the modern adolescent's diet,"• she
pdeoesl he n ffl4-°•:: :"
inente lrevicesitre ^to -A wei'f='iiuTaficed"""
- diet, and we cannot,live and retain
our health. without. them. A little
less money' spent on cosmetics and.,
'alittle . more spent on the right
kind of food would- mean, a toff to •
the average beauty of the American
Woman." • • •
that "iii the good old days" people
' didn't fuss so muchlabout what they.
ate. and . were no 'worse off for ,it,
'Miss Davis quoted an article in the
: Jqurnal 'of. the Am•eriean, Dietetic
Association, .which stated tliat'•in,
Charlotte Bronte's day school chi]-
dren were: too weak. to take physi
cal training' becanee they were fed
inadequately. • Many •diseases at-
itributed to' the wrong diet -'have
been wiped oat by'modern medical''
inetiods, and now' the proble'ro is
•,bow' to choose foods , which are not
deficient, in food values...
In thiS day there arerfewer., nat-
ti'raT toga's "-'Miss`' 15riis. saki;" aria.
more are manufactured. But many,
of the artificial brands are deficient'
in nutritive value, even though they'
are more pleasing -to the, taste.
"We' can't trust our tastes any
more," the specialist, lir home econ,'.
omits told'the co-eds, "we=ve got to '
learn what we •should eat and why."
.More Orchards
Being Planted
Prodaetion•Of F,rttits InDomin-
ion. Has Bee ' ShOWing: An
• : Upward '1 -'re � 11 'Recent
Years. _
Produetien of the more important :
fruits in.•Canadai have been showing
an upward trend in 'recent years,. •
aeaordiug to the Agricultural Situa- , -
tion 'a'nd•Outlook for 193.9•, issued by
the Dominion Departments ,ofR,Agri-
culture and Trade and Commerce.
In the case of apples production has
been increasing steadily since 1926 -
and the 1938'crop, while, only slight-
ly higher than that of 1937, was;
more than' 15 per cent. above the
pr'eviqus: five-year average.. Heavy •
new plantings in recent years in-
' dicate that the'upward trend in pro-
' duction may be 'expected to., con;
ti:nue for'sdrae .time. The fact 'that
apple production fluctuates greatly
from year to year as a • result 'of'
weather conditions'makes it diffi-
cult, o forecast the price outlook
of this productin advance. Ship-
ments,of'apples both inbarrels and
in boxes for export were sharply
higher in the fall of, 1938 than• in
the previous' year. , •.
McIntosh Reds Lead
Thirty-three ' commercial. nurser-
ies 'reported to 'the ;Dorrrinion De-
'partment of Agriculture, on sales
of trees during,, the year ended
'March 31, 192811' Apple trees led 'L
the list' at 4,41137 two-thirds, of
tosh continues ,to lead all' other
varieties„for planting. Other sorts
that continue to be popular are.
Duchei;s,` bT^'iia, Yellow 'Transpar-
ent, Pameuse, Wealthy, .Cortland,,
Delicious and Spy. •• -
Many communities in ,England
Diseases Due To Wrong Diet , are limiting dance• hours • to,' mid.
Refuting the common impression night.. ''
in :Sweden, packs of wolves are
keeping: 'people away groin church.
Tbat 'isn't what's keeping them
-• away over here: Tor'.onta Star.
When we're moved ,to speak
slightingl3, of the "horse and buggy
clays,” we might remember that the
'hotse would, always start on a•cold
.morning.—Owen Sound Sun -Time's:
It is strange that nearly everyone
who protests against increased debt
And increased taxation has his own
pet project which, if accepted by
the governments,' could only. mean
• more ,dept: or more taxation,
• .Brockville,, Recorder •and Times.
Addresses •:to --the• King ,are to be,
as few as possible; and 'his ,Majes
ty will not be expected to reply.
This might be a •good policy to .fol-
• low In regard to all distinguished'
• visitors. A weakness.'01 Canadians
is their tendency' toward speech
making on 4110'. slightest provoca-
tion.—Toronto•Qlobe and Mail. •-
Editors Of; small town Tapers,
meet 'a lot of people. `In 'spite -of
::the fact that a . good 50 per cent.
'of these people wantto sell., him.
,something, he learns a little ?bout
,,a' great manysubjects from convex.-'
sations with caliers,'wlio' And. It
.consideraiirry easier to gain. access'.
to the office of a small town editor'
than'the .holy .of holies .occupied by
editors of• . metropolitan, publica-
•''tins.—Lindsay Post. •
Safe diriving is nota mechanical
problem—although the mechanics
of solely°"?M8'r., bn ehzo'ri1itt:•
primarily'-? pr.o'blem ' of the. human
mentality. 'It is ,not a ,qi estion of
'stronger metals or safety'glass or.
,brakes or 'laws or penalties., It is
purely. and, simply a ' matter Of
`brains. Death lurk§,, notinthe
mechanism of the automobile •r'ror
on what' we. are pleased to `call
Nlangerous- crossings'! Death lurk's
,in the human mind. -4 Vancouver
;San. •
Homemaker. Should, ;
Understaind • Drugs
Dean' It- O. -Hurst of the Ontario .
' College of. Pharmacy 'recommends
pharmacy.. as a course of study '
for girls, especially t}iose conteni
'plgting marriage.
'•'The Course in pharmacy: is' of
exceptional practical__usefulness.
No other 'college course contrib-
kites quite' so .much knowledge_ use-
ful' to the wife, and Another- Even •
in' such arts as baking o.c.'.cookery,
understanding of the • principles of
pharmacy' is • invaluable. It • ,is
.especially , valuable' to the mother.
o€''a growing -family;' 'improving
' her 'knowledge and judgment in
the• 'care of children:' '
The ,
By Walter Amstutz
'Yqu don't read this book. Y;ou
look' at the pictures, Each page
carries:• five or •.six photo illustra
.tione taken with a high-speed cam-
era which analyse 'for you .every•
ski-ing movement in 'all• essential
phasee, Individual details ;,an be
studied at, leisure with the'help of
of each Picture. ` A§ a handbook.
it is excellent.
.Mr. Amstutz'' book is .the result
of the careful study of a lifetime
spent on skis: Both the beginner
and the' expert' will benefit from
What he has to teach,
"Ski-ing' from, A to Z" ... by
Walter Amstutz ... Toronto: Ox-
ford University Press . . $1;50.
fdren Of 14
"Eat The Most '-
-Food .Consumption Of Hulln
Being 1s Highest .At
That Age;
The sinal:!, baby does not require
as much energy producing food:.ae
the. active boy or girl. The .baby
: of one month of•n
,age eeds about •,
500 'calories in 24 boors; • of 'two
-months, 610 calories; of b anantive .
750 cllories; of 10 giontb,s,+ 900 cal •
ories; of .12 months, 1000 and of 24
months,• 1200 calories 'per, day." -Af--'
„ter .thiws time, however, the child
begins ' • activities which ' •'in.er.'ease
greatly ,the demand for energy fobd
because the child 'le also' at this
time. 'growing at an .exceedingly •
rapid rate:, '
Fewer; Calories Needed Thereafter
During the last. •f fty years at:
tempts -have been• made tu,+.set up`
standards of•.,food requirement'for
Children of various ages.:'The cal -
oriel, required anerease'`•steadily
with ,age, reaching• a peak at the'
,age. Of 14 . of"tG; which .there. is "• a'
drop.-., •
It must be remembered that for'
energy requirement of the body .it '
is the carbohydrate • foods which
are chiefly important. ',In carbohy-
drate•.foods we include not only
sugar but . also all of the cereals'
like oats, corn, wheat, rye, rice,
barley and similar. grains. Once
children objected seriously to such
foods because they Wer 3 mono•ten-
ous, ,bm nowa•'ay's " . i •. •iufactur-
ers, or prepared'.. cereals -have' de-
velop.ed so many different modift-
captions'' .tliat any sort of .appetite •
or taste, may be' met by the foods
that are availal:'e.'
Sugpl'ernentary estimates an- • ,
nounced by the British' Govern- ,'
meat included ail appropriation of -
$445;550, for participation . in :.;the.
New York World's, Fair.
Fewer T •'
wv sty
Entered.. Canada..
During 1938Volw ,, e ' of Mie
:tor ,Travel Declined
• Tourists:" visiting Canada in 7;93$:
spent, ani estimated $269,999,999
compared with $29000,000 in 1937,
according to a preliminary report: ;.
issued" by •the' Dominion Bureau of
Stat1skies. Expenditures of Cana-
dian travellers; abroad were esti
mated at. $120.,0.00,000 against 1124,-
000,000, • The'"favorable balance to
Canada: n her inter'national`tourlet
account may be, .placed..•a apt .aheat
$149,000,000 in 1938 compared with.
1166,000;000 In 1937. . •
Though Visiors'..Spent Millions
• Volume of motor travel to Can-
ada declined in 1938, the total nurr4-
ber '`of . automobiles' .entered for
touring purposes being 4, 345,.645
•compared with ' 4,511;840; do 19;37.,
Estimated :, expenditures of. motor.
tourists in Canada. were $178,000,
000 'compared •with 4411432,000 ',id
Tourist entries lit Canada b .rail, •
as :reported by immigration oiffcers, .
totalled 757;860 in. '1938; a decline •
of 137,097 from `•193;7
. There are 40'• million Ukrainian•
people; most of ,them. in Regina., .
e When you plan a trip abroad;
you.'can take a guide book, and
figure out exactly where you want •
to -go, how long ybu can stay, and,‘
what it Will. cost you.
• Ther advertisements in this
paper are reallya guile book tn.
good values. If: you make ,a .habit`
of reading them orarefully,; :you
can . plan your shopping trips and
save' yourself, time, •energy and
money. ,
also to 25C Tins
1/2 LB. TIN •55c•
By Fred Neher : ,
By L. Frank Baum
, (well was 'very glad to be permit.,
ted to go with this promise of as-:-
sistanee. from the First and 'Fore-,
most, . The owl -man led hien back'•
downthe mountain path and or-
dered the 'scarl'et alligator to crawl '
away and allow" the ghente to cross
the bridge:-Vn' safety,. After thevis-
t.ter.:had gone a brilliant and gorko-
The First and' 1trtrereost, t>cutiti•
fully arrtiyed,. addressed the others:
"it is fihrolwe.Went into the,worki
and brought sorrow toits tieaple.,
, While iv;e have remained here Many
nations have grown happy and pros-
Pettus. It is lucky -that the gnoftle
came to remind us t'a, make truubl'-e.
We will •use the. tdnnel to conquer
t.4:catVag, t he >w;tx:lkn
ou't to ravage and annoy the *ho1e,
-'of the gaily' dressed Multitude or
Phanfasms'that jived there.
Dorothy and her fellow'travelle•rs
rode away from the Ctittenci•ip vil-
lage and followed the indistinct path
as far: hs the sign post. flere they
took the main road and again ,pray
ceeded on their journey. When eve.
Bing came they stopped at a dwell- •
ing and were wel•concd and given..
tood• and °good beds for the night.
I ariy nest morning, however; -they
.r.,weea.rtp,p-:rid'ager to.atnrt,•and.rif- asl.ed
their Bost goo - id orrfn•tird' In
to the red iv. gen.
'rhe weather •1s a,iwuys ht.t�,i.'ail
in as, and this morning the ; ir• w s'
cool -and the•sunshine dcOphtful.
about an hour they came to a pinre-
where' another road ,branched 'off.
There was . a sign post here. Coo.
"Oh,, here i where we'turn." -sold
Dorothy, observing the sign. "What .
are We going to .Fui3dlCcumlr",
the Captaili General, "les,
d.litns Hili htrw, -.il
interesting." replied Dorothy.