HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-02-23, Page 54
TFi•il'R$OAY, PERIMARY 23rd,A939
r . heat'
Show starts at o$ P.M' eaKcept
Sat -.Sat. night two • skimee
°7.4'0 and 9.45 p, in.
MATINEE Saturday afternoon
Thursday, Friday, • Saturday
• ebru ry. 23=2'4-25
Charles_ Starret
b Iris Meredit.
avv 0I The ;Plains•
A western -picture with ,glen
ty of action and thrills.
;Also "The .Thies Stooges".
'S 'artoon" •+M;usicat?
Monday, ,Teesdsy.• • Wednesday
Feb.. 27:4S Ser.
' Jacks Benny • Gail Patrick
*,* ••_la • *.•
Artists :•& ' Models11.. :
A musical comedy with poi-'
Ideal intrigue,. thwarted , ro-
• mantes, .• and broken promises.
Also •• °A Novelty :Sabielct
Showing . Third ••Dimension on
the Screen" end "Trayeltalk"
Matinee Saturday afternoon at
2.30_ Pan. • .
Admission ; Adults•=20c
Children --10e
Finlay of iucknoa►spent
last' week -With Mr, and.
'Kilpatrick.' . " ; i
The W,M.S held.their regular .ineete
ing last Thursday -afternoon at the.
imine of Iles. Eri st Blake.
'Miss jean 'Anderson, of ° Kiiilough :
spent Sunday'afternoo'n .at•her tonne.
Mrs: Will Irvin is confined to her
bed, We ,hope she will, soon be up.
an , d again. •
. end Mrs. Ernest Blake, and'
iowaird, .and Mrs. Harold Webster:
spent Saturday in Louden• It being
the occasion' of Metiers 'birthday.
The . Y '.S. held a social in, the
hall Friday evening„ -
A•,number 3'rom this ,line attended
the hockey game in Lucknow, " Mon-
day night.
ouncil .Standard"
Tits -Lap Roofing
is.being -widely
.used• for houses.
.It 'is permanent,
fireproof; weather'
' proof—requires
mii'Iimum upkeep.
Write for one new free
book,: " BoUae Toes".
PRESTON ORT,A(T04,9r)AarPAr MGMra CAL r.'9'9•pOHTC
Mr..Jacli ,MacLennan and his sister
niton, lef ,last Thursday
iVli s. F. wham,
to visit her sister 4n Wiaidcsor, a '
brother ep: Detroit and a sister in
Chicago. A . -
The Women's Institute., meets' this..
Tuesday- at the home, . •of . idra. Wm..
McDonald et .KintaiL
The •W.M.S.. ofthe .Presbyterian•
Church are planning•, to observe the
Lord's Day of Prayer..
al • .-
• We, are sorry to- report the -recent
death ' of ler.' John 'Reid in 1Vlinnea-
polis He . was born in the community
and attended the Paramount school.'
He. taught school for. 'several years
and then entered the Methodist 'min-'
istry. After Church 'Union 'he. went
to the United States. His brother; Dr.
Wm. Reid from: Port Rowan, was
with him when he passed • away. He
also leaves a beckhdr, James and
a 'sister; Alice, at Sprucedale :and two
deters inWestern Canada.
Mr, James and Miss • M.' Pickering
from Lucknow '.spent last Friday with
Mr. lames' Murray:
A . number from herettended the
concert • and dance in the Lucknow
Town Hall last Friday, sponsored by•
the Imperial Oil • Company.
•,"SYSTEM .. •,
Ripley, Ontario.
Febi`tiary 11, 1939.
The Commissioners of the Huron &
Kinloss: Municipal Telephone System
met in the secretary's' office 'on the
above date at 2.30 p.m,;.Stewart'Need•
ham, president, • occupied the chair.'t_
Members were ail •present.' • •
Moved by Dan D. McDonald,_ sec:
by Ernest W. Pollock that the min•.
utes of last meeting be adopted iv
read '(Carried)
Jason, "How .did your brother Os-
car happen' to lose control,o.f his ear
at the railroad crossing?"
Linden: "He's the kind'. •of .a fellow
who always -:drops everything' when
whistle. blows".
fished' ever, • Thersday meriting •' F�ebRmry 14th, ]93,9.
Pohl' "Y
at- Lncknovv, Ontario... . , - • ounoal poet on above :date, all
a members present, minutes of January,
:Mrs. A. ' 13. 'M8 enzie—Proprietor meeting read and approved on mot-
;Canipbe l Thompson -Publisher ion of Anderson 4.. d Frayne• •
Moved by Frayne and L. 'Johnston
and resolvedthat Councii call for
tenders ler:'approximately 7.000 yards
of crushed gravel to pass through t
screen •,one inch square, gravel to be..
placed on To!wiiship .roads, where .dia.
>cted . by. road supt., a' markde cheque
for "1$300.00 tto accomiany tender.
Tenders to be opened on March the.
13th 'at 3 p•n?.
The• auditors presented their re-
'Moved by'•Frayee and •Anderson
shat the auditors be paid $3;00 extra
to ..give' a, :statement railway monies
Nee by December 3Ist, 1938 in order.
to' .keep raileVay' Morley separate from
I ownship money: •r Unts• Thefollowing bills and.. acco
. vere ordered paid on motion of Lorne
'ohnston and Cecil Johnston.
• George Drennan, erecting •sziay."
fence,. $2:1:6; ' Tom 'Anderson, sh'eve11-
ing:snow, 1:00; John Little, .•shovell-
:ing snow, 1 1.50; Clifford Crozier, shov-
ailing' snow, 4.45; Mel Stewart, truck-
;lig 'sand, •2,00; Herb. Curran, . salary,
3..60:; Local Board ' of Health, Jan-'
nary meeting, 11.06; Municipal World.
lis .
dog, tags.4and Supp e , 37.67 • , Pr
tial Government, for insulin, 1.46;
Lucknow 'Sentinel; printing and :sup
plies,: 9..75; 'Village 'of Fergus, .relief
:.in 1938, 9L35; •S. Martin, relief, 1.5.00;
Neil '.MCDanaId, relief, 48.00; Mrs. N.
D..I11ekenz•ie,. relied*, .15:00; Frank
Austin, refund, on: dog tax error, 2.00;
W. Hornell, relief; 3.00;• Wilfred Mc-.
Carthee, 'salary as auditor, 21.00,
-,tamps, .9.0-24'90; :