HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-02-23, Page 4(;ig F(Yvit • i*ATINEL.: V1 ss , .100 • • va3 cigeilS'st 0;e "OA tVigi't31 '340116 "s1 a Vote° 008 .011.G.0 161,..to.$0143 00.6%* to,,golf`t°;;ei cai..iittt Vik.1116/9111 titlt 010 0 lois w.-- teleaittein: oteefie illeocceeslole" 'got ri$1 twine Vilte' itexceet° /00 •;": no farm, shouldbe without a teieabone. • It's "iainhty handy!' •t6 call relations' and neigh•bours and • gulch aid if need Vet A ig,a1r.T. SeaVicg OF •rtir CO.NNDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE • 11.8.41WRANCE COMPANIES ,IN CANADA • irgim PALMERSTON FOR 1OURTH .-PLACE Mrs.,,W. Lowery of Toreno Irisited,'. ' ' .he r cousin Mrs. flekt,,X(eWitinney last ' 'Friday. : •• 1 1 ' Miss Fiera Durninli expected home, Friday from !I a, Grey Co. where 1 ' she has been conducting a three mon- ths domestic *nose andwhidh will he completed then, * ' Dr. H. Hall and Vs. Hall, Goiter- ich visited their annh*iss. L. brean- daily. exercise of the body. Exercise 'ey on SlInday, -• '''''''•''•, tends to strengthen the muscles of.,1 . Mr- and Mes. R. 4. %Van, ,Miss the body, including the lrirt•:=1011‘-'11 Bessie Smith and Mr. •Brown, Smith 1 is a• musenlar organ. Eicercis deep- :attended the 'funeral Of their cousin, ens• and increases respiratiOn, pro-- Nit* 4.w..Bissett, sait‘rd.. • ' , EXERCISE AND ItA;ST' It appears t� eeeneceesary to re- nrin'd,many -tiers:ens of the need for ' • .dnce§ heat, induces perspiration, aed, 'develops the motor • afte sensrJ ry eentree of the 'brain. , ' If the food which' we Oct is to: 'he !properly' digested Asnd 'used for the: nutrition 'of tharbody, mi.* ex-.. Uteise; if the. elithinatioi`from.hoWel and kidney i's to be kept, in proper oi- der, we ninst is perhaps a. leo& working rule to say that the tiormal •individOal should exercise to the. pent of perspiration. once a day. We should walk .sornetitnes in plae of riding, pla:y: .some games and sepoYs clicked in Iiringham .Fri- Mts. W. A. 0;l1beitapent the week.: end with 'her iliieghter Mrs, Leonard. ".Ceawford,zind. other friends hi ,Gieler= • cute eeight To Decisi" '8 To 3 Victory FrOM F,Iraerstonr-,-Meet • Listowel la/ Send -Fields,. . • • LlickneW Sepoys established their, right to fourth place in Group on Friday night, when they handed Palmerston Railroaders an 8 to 3 trimming in a. sudden 'death 'firiture Wingham. ' • '10.1nourErliltinhiedinitesicdne::, tbhire. aWscoierg9h.a: i2E•ete'olts,, •thjahnerston FlYer was bound for until the Sepoys• threw* • the' switch, derailing the Playoff, Hope Osi:peociysal, bae this mlaheetiloefn'griti.ginbb4r,. t.Tishte. owel he. a ,heme-and-lionte seilleffe in We aril hear' ottlig Serious ,tjhoT •hsee7st-efptrilsa... were grouprily h.. °non. Meese Of Mrs-:"JAn" !Agett; Tort Ai- clicking :Vert, fame' bUngaim—ite." 1Friday hie and eXeeht:ter ancet Mrs. Dan ••Ftrcjiilier"ies i:IsarWenitdh- part of the second period evekeerairry- Menary R. I•L' t her sister during her 'illneos. , • • THIORSDAY. FEBRUARY 23d 3939 • ° ERE. - IS 'FANS! , folliroing article is by 'Scoop" tn. laat week's Pahnerston Observer; "On Tuesday mOrning' George •,141, velle, secretary •of . thee Palmerston Intermediate Hotkey reaeived notice from W. Ae' gewitt, secket,- arY• of the 0#1.1.A.,' to the effect that. as a result of complaiete registered bcylubsAorothnurTuelindday. .Lthucaktnhoie`v oiDeAw,Clcite had decided 'hi Order a 'sudden death garnato he flayed between Wingharn and Palmerston hi the ListOwel arena on Wednesday,' 'February the win- ner to eoetinue on, oild sudden death game With tucknow,.to declare •a fourth place team' In the !;"The tomPlaints bY the Arthur and Lucknow teams efolhewecl ,as- a result of the meeting. held in the Hess Hotel -on Monday evening. Ddring the meet- •ing ee.A.r.ther LiteknoW • pro- tested' •a . Motion made Coot Bainford 'fm'z';'' to Mike the' issue fair' to all teams concerned, •was decided!' to vote on' the :Motion. When it was decided: to take A yOte, Arthur and laicknow made no 0P- Wisition And agreed' to vote, with the rest, of the' teams, „het lifter the mete •hie, was passed, emueh.,e0 the dis- domeort of Arthnr and Lucknow re- prits,Antatives), Lucknow, and Arthur 'iesorted to a, rathed underhand meth. •-4 of getting their own wee, by Com' rylaining..to the'0.1T.A.. es ' soon as the ethei • font clubs • had tamed backs. • "It ;seenOS increchilous that, club :Arthur. and .Lucktm* Should 14 such peer' .sports And, protest mot. ion that has been favoured' by 00? per cerit...vote.'' Tali, . too,- bad there isn't .a hitb.y's league in wheel they could: eritei....,they :woulcirie for a; !retain Or mi.dgetjea •true. The one 'thing .that' we. regret meet is theefaet that a .foemer Teeretee boy is one of the "big shots' 6f the Arthur aggregation. " • "Just Why. Arthur And ...Lueknoci v6ted on the Motion,' When they no lit had already. decided to pro- test if the. motion paeseile is beyond cOinprehenSion. ,Conyenor 'Bam- ford and delegates from • the yation,:: dubs •spent at least one' hant,,ar- ranging a pley-off schedule amortc: 'the. 'three teams;!. while •Arthur ape Lueknew aat 'in a. corner, and .showee their igrierance ane stupidity by talk in. •ene chewing the rag between „. themselves. . • "We 1We inclined to:•,,agree With the :nsinuaticin . made by our Iocal sec- :'etarif to ,•Mr. Hewitt that Arthut,, 4.nd I.licknoW are running thing's lye his group. HoWever, Mr. Hewitt id.n't• seem to think so, so We must cecent his. decision, as final. ' • parsonage with Mrs. . C. Alton the . "After the sudden death . game in Wings, Ellisi, 'Greer; Alt Thompson. T.Astowel last night, we feel quite mew president in, the • chair. •Aftec Solomon, McKenziie atifl •McCartney. ,urtain that the Lucknow Sepoys. draw in tle#,...1orns aliont„...that a 'hymn, the Lord's prayer Was re- .1Polinersten-e-Gloal;• Struke; Defence vill liymn, the business.p.,1" rt, ton •and • Auld; Centre, 'ecitinsegier "Welrelicell;", 'kaeke; ehat, they : peated in . unison. 'After anogieiv ee. 0. '1,-."*•••wer " AIX the meet-, ttl • Alt bar, %/Ting to Work. The suspicion in Mr: and Meg. Ed. Sereion spent Satiirday with Clinton' .friends. Mrs: Ti. Drennan of Goilekleh is now vielt-• ing them. • ' • ' - spread them throughout the week, MiS Mies Etta Belle 'Webster and ,S not concentrate theAi all on Satur- • • Iris Rivett sang Saturday evening ov- er CXNX, Winghano and one of their On the other hand, we shoeld not num.• e . in the third) period, wieh each team hers• was dedicated. to Iles' grand-, forget the need of .rest.. Perhans ( Mother, Mrs David S. -Errington getting a -goal in the second stienza' : there ate more • of Ps An neod: of rest LucknOw, wile was celebrating• ht., Ellis 'with three, Gre'er• and: Fisher not • birthday and her cOnsin, Mi s with twit each and Solomon with one, than of ,, eeereLe. Geildeen require a : greet deal of rest. freedom from act 7t Black, her •29th birthday oc accounted for the goals with tearez icity,,and :Icing hours . of sleep. in oie 1.-. Sittirday. Miss Fern 'Alton accoinpan mates figuring in Practically every ' der that they may grow and ,clevelop ..., :od tnem at the piano. - ' • , play," as, the Sepoys gave. their b.eet healthy minds in. heathy bodies. ll 0 • ' - •• display Of Passing the -rubber. • adult needs:,rett, in order 'th repai the weal, and. tear of daily life, and to piebnre :for the days. ahead..., Isc , 'quantity of Mu; activities..are . any particular interest :to us. The. 3 4430 i'eci5ve''Y'lroiii eif 61.5eattitee' Mark. 'Erni '7efeifed' It lilf vi ufkrAute are largely a Matter of doing sonie e . later and Greer send Fisher coinbined t Goderich Hospital week: .. el.e.,•44, :re.- ee.••ev - •..:_e-er thing, an eeidence• of, oer inebility ee Mrs: Sam 'Swan and daughter Drs, I !'i ; „ • ' , . ' - , ' ' :, ' ' . will he -held in the' be still, and to enjoy ourselves qpiet- spent the week -end With MeseHervey :OLIVET - for this district , ly and restfully in relaxation. , Mae Febtuary 24th, at' 2.80 pm, , .15..ties f b • b. . ing the Play to the:Railroader? and pouring "hot; rebb,er at 'Struke., BUt • Palmerston' kept battling to 'the last and.with a 4 & '5 min attack, at times, gave Ritchie the opportunitY to turn his' best effort of tbe year in the Lucknow nets, Leclenow outscored Palmerston • 3' to 1 in the first period, and 4 th I, hockey games ,aee wen on the ieee not by eoerinittee reoniearraegemente) or sport colann • p9F,Oire VA the , to ,3 triinnling the. Sepoys handed the. . 14almerston Ralroaders 'un Piday night epee*s deeisely in fi4V.Oar .0! the e'.',b.vtrabey iclenaogwizer:4;Tlei4tOsohf:!:'t'hii.c.Qui. mittee.room meetine, hat. yee do know. • 'tat Leichnow delegates :did net vote 'in favor 'of the set up that was ap.., prov,ed ;of 1,Y. a4 to 2 vote ef thesiy teems, and further we believe that it shOwed very little insight on' the part • of :those faVotitig :it; to expect that •• the 0.11.A. would wait until. March 3rd (et the very earliese) for this group. th declare, a •wirinee. Especially' When a solution had been Offered, So that ','every teent could haee had *••• - home-and-home.eaneee eerie§ and:sell declare a group wiii*Oe, March. let • (at the Iveiy latest) and .pirtelat any layoffs :fey •aliyeteaul: heer.e. thiaprcipeled: ". '• • Tender Al*" Original :plane ,Teuelniew:e Weald have had a sixteen , day" layoff and Arthu*, veho. ended, theesehedule .„ with' ten straight wins; weuld'Itave rem'zilned inactive the .Moat '.01 the: menthe . Conec:e.rnaidA.foi "Sc. oieelepr'se ni theSeo:ar aef.atrhaC"gooplingriehett," in e° • we refer him te W. A. gewviitt,, Of . The goals On the season do count in such a tie, unleaa the teams agree to. play, §ff: , and' *heti Winghtem and •L'Ucknow were tied foe fourth Place, before Harrision; and Palmerston' oositions Were, decideol4 the Wingham Managemeet Offered •to Ple.Y-eff ,a sudden death .ganie, in .Luchnote: in, "eVtirk Of Only two team*: being thede; „,But the thrineway tie 'changed things and made committee. room arrangements nossible, with. the die e.Pi)e.e.e0Yee4eltfteeiliet. the .SePeYs on the pint iifeOther teanie • That paragraph :ending "It iminciti pretty. stupid," sure does eScoop's ' nert. its et , lot of. bologna.' If 'SCooe", VrOuld like to etudy.. past records . Of ,1,.theknenes•-PerfOrmances. on Winghaine ice, milehiefeee: underatand. • See', fie as "'the fteeire' 'Of ethe deins is- concerned; thiptierlisee, takes, lie, fill], 'credit: et, /was his' idea, which. :we, threw Up to the hockey executive entil they. acted. 'We hail no '"ulterior iotive Other than the „gate receipts. the. interenta Of eboth • clubs. In :Mee.. "ScOmee 'hitetested,. • ake at the ListoweleLuelenew game as very close tie $200,00, Aed. on the basis that Palmerston lemanded a split Of the play-off gate. efiiigha!neeend get it, it 'Would sreasonable ,deduet. that they might have expected the entire gate— ees eepenies,,had they come to Luck-'• - "7:At. any rate", :the Sepoys as a' team ;have .fpund. the 'players as ,t4t• Arbo!,e - on the Arthur, • Palmerton, WillgigtM teams good • "ports .and a good, bunch of fellows, ,we believe if' "Scoop!' were to' the., Poll' individually, the playeks Of these t:eams, he would find that they might hold the Same' opinion, of the Sepoys: *Catty tate 'they're -still en -there- battling and 'Wednesday night' will decide whethet or not they meet Ar..- thur in the finale In such •a case,. Mr. "Scoop, these two teams whom' you believe Were , trying to run the league, Will. have the last laugh,--,•"Tak, Tak." • . *4.1 - Mr. yrn. Mokattended the funeral of the late Mr.' Mack Johnston at --oderich on Thursday. ; We 'wish for Miss Melba Fowler The Sepoys' threatened several times early in the Brit period .bat it Was English of Palmerston that open- ed the.' scoring at the six -minute on a nice play with Greer drawing' the goaliee to pink the disc and put Lucknow one up at twelve minutes. Two minutes late} Greer scored again 1 • L'we must, realize that tee. mrs. Cecil Treleaven, Miss Lois Tre- • Anglietan • 'Church 'on leiday, •next, s - The Woments Missionary 'meeting • • o e.ale •depend, in large nma • • • ., : ' , • - Mr. and Mro. . WM. Pineell and Mil- , ere upon ourselves. If we Would' nave- -. her the month of elebidderem 'heel . dred visited during the Week 'with 1 health: we must be prepared to make in the church ' on Thurs ay • a tel n, .0,1 , , , . . !the necessary effort to sect -ire theLex • 9 ' ' relatives at gamilion Febreary, e6th. After the -opening ' • , • . tome "mese ii.. -e The,./iie.thaf,inde 4Miss Eile,en Colviell of Gfaelph, 'the Lord's Peaeee was eepeated in ;031;formerly of the West, is visiting with :. ison. There were thieteenevieitoks and relatives heee, • . e• membeie present The secretary, lip....,1 . Mrs, Hattie Brock .Of Owen Sound • ,a Brook, charge of the roll ris, with her Mother, Mrs, P. A. Black - call; and the 'r'ending:* Of: the minute4e well 'Who is eery peer health. ' :‘ Owing to therviesiclent, Mre. B.. -Black eymeteiliy is extended to Mrs. Wn. not being, able to "he present, the vice- Haldenby in the loss of her father," , preside*, *Meg. Vogan, took charge the late John Seeking of bulross. •of. the business , Mule the first. pert- ' Miss Sylvia Jaelcion is visiting with .. • '• of' our meeting. Mrs: Mie 'IlIcGoir•e , hit- cousin; Mrs: Bert Caskinette, took charge 'of our Teroperince pat Preston. , : of the program. Our Leader, Mes..E. The W. ...M. S. •meeting Wes held Osborne"; for the Month of.Febramry , - - -: at the home of Mrs. Wm: Percy on ' took charge of the remainder, of ou'i• ' . Wednesday afternoon. • . -Meetieg: Our devotionaj leaflet iir deVotion'al period was well taktni : ire Mrs. E. Osberede chosing to deal" with Matthew 5, verses 45-4. Tb -'n • we were favoured by a .solo "With Him In Galilee"' by Ret -a Walden. ' Mrs.• •-Al&x -Metavish, took charge or the Study Book and ; gave a very, on'yeirg InstiCate -al be • interesting 'account Of this chapter, home dre,Xeefeeeeeree:ZZ'A(bile "Weaving 4 New eyeaudeeeete.egeeeeee,.4..„,--Wlefs.' Sks. liodgins, March ' ere-eneee.. 2nd. Convenor; Mrs: Fred Thoiripson; Assistants Mrs. Alex Percy, Mrs.' Earl Hodgins; Topic, Canadian In- dustries; Current events, eels§ Hazel Percy; Motto, Yesterday is past, to- morrow comes, etoday is here, Make 'he most of it --Mrs. M. Mereeed; Roll eall. An Irish joke; Lunch co.mrnittee, Mrs. Jas. Hedging, Mrs. Archie Me- Farlan, Mrs. Toni Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Donale McFarlan aed ercise we need and to establish hab he of living which permit of suffic, tent rest and sleep; 14eglect ineart lesi. health if ,nOt, OctuaI.,dieeasg; it mearis hiring Our lives beloe the stair, dard whieh we are eepable of attiee- ing. It means more Worry and leee happiness. Health is wortlethe'effort but "we must • make the effort Our - leaven, Miss-Leeille Eedy, Feank Eedy. with Ellis and Cameron assisting: and Ronald ,Pentland were * meter. 'Fisher scoted. Lueknowei •orily goal partiee!ho spent the weekend with in the second with' English getting frietds and relaeivee in Torentoe Palmerston's second near the end of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bradford and the perioe, • • ‘, end nine tiainuees family are soon leaving, the villag ' three, 'six third period, Fisher, Ellis and in to conduct a butchering busineei laCthe Solomon got a gOal apiece, with Greee, Ellis, .Cemeron and Thompson getting assists. Baron 'scored for Pelmerstori at. aixteee minutes and registered :with ,the final .geal on 4 Millet shot at eighteen minutes.. • , Johnnie Jones of Guelph handled the game, giving 'five penalties, Me - Lem! die* Lueknow's two, with Bar- ton getting a pair and, Hunt one for Talmerston •• Lucknow—Geal, Ritchie; Defence, • , Ciimeeomi 'McLeod; Centre, Fisher; 1 ST,. HELENS-':'.. ". • Mrs. R. K. Miller is seriously' 111. •at her trine here following a ,heait attack 1-6ffered: on Thursday morn - Mrs: Sturgeon of Bervie was a ing. - feeent, vieito‘• with Mrs. M. McLean. An interesting meeting of the Y Mrs. Ethel Raunchey of Merritoa was held on Sunday evening With has come to artakelier home with hex • • Dick Weatherhead presiding. Mae•Me- inothet; Mrs. E. T. Haldenby. . , , Donald read the Scripture lesson ioa poems were read by Sta ereete. ea ane The Mardi meeting of the Holyrood Mulcolin Beebe/Man. A ghat :Visa- ionary lantern lecture was folloWed by a game of Bible Baseball with Dick Weatherhead's side as ninters. • The meeting of the Women's In- stitute will be held in the Community. Hall on Thursday afternoon, March 2nd. Roll call, A spot in Our Cot/linen- ity that might be :improved. Subject— "Community Activitiek and Relief" in charge of Miss Annie Writiori and "Canadiaiiiiatione charge of •'Mrs. Pliaris Math'ees. Program Committee, eriffeeeptetteefelereillirreind MisseMildeed 14710.01firlit4.10-8 Ripley. They have had a meat mar. .cet in Dungannon for the last six years and we are sorry to rose theme: Not 'only ,as citizene but ,for the convenience ' erf eirieeffeeto-date meat shop.. We Wish them success in their new. home: and business. . • • • . rier.eThose Rivett 'Wilkie, Sask.. is visiting hie brother and other eel. •atives in •the„community: • ; • • 1The •Woneen's Association of the. United Church met on Friday at the •-,•••• .e• , was br,ought to a Cle.se by 'Mrs Ale leading in prayer. , This" month: tne ,meeting .e as er " charge, of Mrs. E. Oseorne • as e-m- vener,..ancl Mrs: A. McTaviSh, 'Ms W.: liVeildene Mrs. W. Hamilton are edrs.,Mcienzie as helpers.. The next month be in clutige of Mr. • 6.. MeChailes as convener, and Mrs „It J. fieldstone NoreerieWelden, Mrs Lf:.r.a401.**5#4447311-' I-11•VAI The Olivet Young Tenole's meet- ' trig last Wedeesday evenine was in red -visited- -1,,Satarda4 ' • Mr. and MrS. Bert McLeith and Bei: fber were week -end visitors With Mr the form. of a box social aria Valen. • . •tiile ' parte welch everyone enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gillispie, Doe .Many contests , emb as Wings,' "T" ald and Betty of St. Thomas., .were "If" Contest, the prize.bein't a nice week -end visitors with M. and Mrs box of 'chocolates, geessing coetest ':.15., Hodgins. . one Way of finding partners was b,•!, •Mr. George galdenly And ditughte• solos by Mrs. E. W. Rice, Grant Rolli• gutting hearts in two Pieces, no tele Ethel were to Toronto daring the erford and Jackie Aitebisort; 'violin • being alike. The boys then we-nt to .1 eek. Solos by Lloyd Thempson; duet hy , • .,.. • ' search the, girl •Who was 'cepab o .:le f The 'Church Society meeting we:- • mending his: 'broken heart and etc !postponed on Monday evening wine 'kids box 'social wag held at the home , to the fog, conditions, entir next * -0(Mi. W.• Walden and about thirty- I Meraday eveninge, February 27th five thenibers and visitors were pree- ervi Mrs Gordon McBurney, Clifford. Wings, rig , ton, leitimgeotir, Marshall, Patter- -,h,e minds of the northerners from son, Hunt. , eueknow, that Palnierston. and Har - _Hann had the game all planned here NieridaY night ShOuld also be leered up by now.: According to re- norts; Luc oar had it, worked out this way--Harriston was to tie With Palmerston to let the locale into the race; Palmerston werh then to drer the game to Winghein so that Wing. eafneeveuld have the odds, against Lucknow, when they met in a sudden death game on Wingham ice....Try and figure that one out. It rends kireety stunid. • 0.J.H.A. playdowns. A number from'here .attended. the Yehile"the visetere got -a eouple .cifethehelock .fcitegight, protestinr leeeree gee ewe wee ar- - Teeasy- eeroersTeenteeellete Perte*ewee.. end dee* Winghinne-Talmerston-inee "'"eeeee---e-e-eeee_le,Te nnev--onilleaneseay-' they . earned their margin (4 victorY, themselves out of honie gates, •the They 'played a Clever 'passing game 'eepoys now clarnoriAg for, the Mrs.•Anetta Knight and Mr. dant- and' chocked and, hack -checked ,lext game to be played in Lucknow.. zi. of Linwood attended the funeral fectively. en we can say is that •thosli numb- et Mr. Wes. Moore and Called on her le. On the opening 'face Off, within a elite% have plenty Of nerve, even if brother, Mr. GeOrge Fisher. matter of serrids, Winghaan .opened ,they 'can't play hockey. Imagine thi.• the scoring when Joensten •got the -no *net had the•sun peeped about draw, slipped a ,pas -to Hamilton the eastern hi:wizen thie Thursday morning, than George Lavelle, .see retary �f the -local chile, received r, long-distance call from Lucknow, ask .hl that, the sudden, death , game be tween Palmerston and Leckpow or Friday night b,e played in the Leek no* arena. Isn't that jest tete too ,too, .... end doesn't that TAXI? THE CAKE. •' • • "At any rate we wish here to give s big hand to the Wingham Eagles. ..yho tithed eut to be the best col. lection of GOOD SPORTS' that ,we have lied the; pleaspre of meeting this season. The Whighem- boys who eraeli a severe lacing at the hen& of the looals, still had enough vim left to give three lieerty cheeks for the winning team When the game ended; We hope to meet therii in this Iroup next hockey lesson. ' ingw taken rip, and it wee. decided to have a St. Patrick's social, March h.' The lailiee are also werkinn • to have a bazaar in the spring. The topic was taken by Mrs. More entitled "Building". A duet wee, ren- dered by Mrs. Gill and MistilBryage. Mrs. McWhinney gain a readirige The meeting conchieed with a herine ane the benediction. Mrs. Moore cenducted a contest While lunch was being pre. pared by. Mrs i Alton's .group. The •ettendance numhered 19. • hour, Mrs, Crinsten, Mise-nia-Tii- phrey. • Aa enjoyable • social evening was spent in the,Community Hall .on day, sponsored by the Women's ,i1n- otitute. Mrs. Ewan liePliersOn pre - 'sided civet the following peogram— ent. , • ., • , We are glad to -say r hat Mr. Pee - Black arrived home last week frow '•lo long ,as we have homes to which ' men turn • HOME Kincardine Hospital' and lei im pro v * Ing. • . 1 , . '.t clo.-e of day. ' Contrratulations are extencleci to -o loror as ''.ce have homes whets :Mr, end :Mist' Melvin 'Coiling on, the : Children are, . * arrival Of 'a little son con St, Valen le eel wotnen „stele, . . ...tine Day. _ . , • 1 f Inve awl loyalty gild faith be found n • i .Miss Marian Campbell Was e Sun. these sills, • • 4, ' iley Atiotor at the bome of kr. and 1 steiel.:en ,tiatin can recever, front . ts 'eravest ills. ' Mrs. 0, •EreekV ' . - . • we heve heines where' firee • KI NLO:UGH , .-1:e144"114,. );e6leileteeeee e„. Walter letreester eride Isabel e'o •1•.e11:1 •4iiho Were married oil Saturday at the itte.tory, Herviee by Rev. F. te. elm- ' Ritchie. • Mr. and Mrs.' Geo?ge Petry and, dee liter Marie of amio, were burn, ' • i \rd. there is itre;d:, So long we. have hotaes '' where' praYers are eel& Altheeeh a • people falter' through the ' dark, , • 4. nntiong grolt5e, Core leireself, back of theee little horneS, • We. have sure .hope. • OU-RTH- -C-ONCESSION Marearet and Florence McPherson month •orgate selection Hugh Ruth"- ereord and a dandep "The Lambeth •Walic" khy" 4_,gronp of girls. MUS'Ic ?or the dariceZhat followed was sup:- rliod -by the Maetin-Farrier:Welneme orchestra Whitechurch. relit ViSitOil with Mit. Jane Percy. the WonienV Day roof meet g ENeA MIN AVON HOWLERS •••••• •••••••* Mrs. Archie MacIntyre Was hoeteee for the February" meeting -of the IL F. W.• 0. which was on. Thursday with thirty of an attendance. Mee. A. McKinnon presided and:the meeting' opened with singing the op. ening e(ing and repeating the Lord'rt Prayer In unison. Mrs. A. Hughs lore - sided at the piano. • The minutes of the last meetink were read lied adopted. The roll call was answered hy Valentine verse. After Omni -UMW singing the busines:s was transacted. It was decided tO clOn • rte three dollar to the Agrienitural Society for le epeeist prtze. A com- m:ttee: was 'named to nurehase nuit- erial for several quilts, tot; be quilted at the 6th sehoOI hdlise:Thiiiwns followed be a sidendie program. A 'feeding by Catherine Carripbell, Current Events by Miss Deep eldeLeed, reading ,by Mrs. IL Levis. lefes. V. McDonald gaye theintroduction the serial 'e story, "With Fienie of rreedonee by Ethel .Chapinzie., A duet by Mrs. IT. Lavis,'Ethel and katherine Campbell. J UVEN I LES LOSE . TO WI NGHAM In the eiret of a two -game, goals. to -count series; played here ren Thurs- day night, Lucknow 'Juveniles were below' form and di -Oiled a 4 to 1 desi.d.ori to' the Wingharri lads. ,The aeries is, for the group championship and. the , right to continue in, the 'Now that T.erelcilow has diseeVereif WH ITECHURCH . eate001.~ •3••` • "The hieliest" forniI of ,ardinal,lif , is the giraffe:, : "A inotiolegue is a conversation etween tWo people, such as husband and wife.' "Twe pommel -els • of the eivilized ratee are working and looking for work." • •"In Christianity' a inert can have -ekly one wife,. This is Called men- .. tony." ' "The tower of.: Hebei was the plaer • re- Soloniee kept his wives."' • —Grace Nbit .6rovven ratese elude but they are beeper there dile q:ates.."_:: "Savages are people Who. &ITT now 'What wrong is until mistiOri- ary tells them." ••• • "Minetei weol is the sheatinge 'from a liedraulie tem." • Mr, S. Rathwell wee Pregent and gave a ver interesting Enid instruct. .ive talk ori„"The are ef the Feet" teadlng by Mts. McLeod. The meeting closed with singing God Save deiced the oStess ter Refreshinents were seived'and,a plea- sant half. boar spent,.__The_Alareh Meeting is to \be at the sieth echool. Mr. Denill Statters ie to be the guerit who picked the corner of the net .frere • e• the Wink. George, Johneton made it numbertWO niidway thru' e.ep period. • • , ,T4ta second period •was .seorelese, bet in the third Winghaen tan iri two more with the Johnston brothers getting one each. Eldon IdeLeod who had been, checked closely all night, broke thieritgli on a 'solo effoet late in the period to prevent a shut- - . out, : • - By the time this is in", print the seers will be leeided: The Jilveniles have a task ahead of them to over- eirneethe lead; but a eepetition their 6 to 2 vein in Witieliam early en the geotott, will do the trick. ' All.. Locki-idge 'enfereed the game giving two pentiltieS, One to ROSS Meleonald• lii th'e firat and one to PraOer in, the third. Leglinow—Goal, Defence,- •FAcien MeLeeci, Bons McDonald; "Oen., Wings, Cook and Button; --"••-eWeeRla e'T" terson. „WitighanieeGoal, Metes; ,Deferiee. -torikilie; IC Oliffati'sfifterttre;- SUM; Wing4 Hainitton Amid Priteete eNIIMBSettiLLS EVEN •THEY CAN'T TLei.et• HOCKEY," WIN 8-3 • Mts. Jack Flanagan who is assisting at the femme ely her parente, • Mr. and .M"re. Thomas Inglis, is •looking ;lair Mrs. Ben Naylor, who has been yery sick. We hope for a quick re- covery. I" , Mrs., Jos Holmes is visiting' in Clin: • ton for a week and, then going to Heniilton to spend a month or two sieh her sister, Mrs. Middleton. • Congratulation's to Mr. and Nfrs, leeiswater on celebriting. their 24th 'wedding anniversary on Wednesday , 'este Mrs. Keiswatei had her neigh- • '.)ors helping her to quilt that day. eel •Mrs. Frank. Medoskie and sons , lore and Harry of Guelph attended the -1 funeral of Mr. Wes.,Moore and visited a while with her ,sister.in-law; • Mrs. David Xennedy. We wish' Mr. Walter Forester and hie bride many happy years of vied - (led life. • , Congratulations to Mr, and elte. r. F. McLean on celebrating their thirty.tifth 'wedding anniversari; • We' r • Sheele we reply te tee above blast7 liftvrt6 reconig atter To ignore it would probably be the '''eeelit esisese eourSe, for_jn_ ont opiaiOn The World's Day of Praye; is beirik too ridienlous to Merit' a reply, but Dce.-13reabYteriSh in Friday the 24th. The Iiidlee of the kirk, Sturdy. First ideal We Would:Me to "Scoop" sienitea ave invited to .litteed. ,geraket, Roll Call "The taiiiie of. an bras, airbuft, . na t,e bard to realloie, go— , Irish 561'." '