HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-02-09, Page 8till PigaT s • • LOCALamdGENIRAL L- ' TQ ww 1 J ' ' e ' Line.Of .Girdl Teo Intretbsee,, This Blew J.nsf Receaved A 1'�ew , �?- .. l . j . Line, We Are • Offering mor Fehntar'�y, Reg. $2.25 .Girdle for ..$1.95 ,SIZES 251-32 • OSE -Full. fashioned -1beg. 75c'.pair,. S. S. LADIES PUKE SILK H ,w : New - colors, pair,.. ,....:......... . , • 59c 'e PER1AL TWIST CHIFFON HOSE -Reg $1.00 1AI?�"j'ES IM Sale• 69e.' p hose for 'school girls LADIES PLATED SILK HOSE -A real • • . . Special, :pair . . 39c . REWOOL MIT`> S -Fahey cuffs;' clearing'`at CHiLDREl�'SP. U • Fain 25c.. CI31LDS irtiEtrE PYJAMAS-Sci stylepants, sizes 8 y earsto 14. • ?Sir .., ..., . .r . 98e • "MT LUC NOw SENT,NEL,:•. 7 ; 4. TElti tSDA , FEBRUARY ,9th, 1939 1 Mrs. `E* • I11, Thompson spent - the Convicted on a joint charge of con- -The West •W awanosh Couecil .met week -end. iu .Teeente. :_.. , statuteon Janua .y :9t1), 1931 spiracy an eonnection:'with'.the 'raising A rY er, S P. for an er'ousl a 1 fro m f v' s_a. 1 ` ....Y e ha en y i f t ro h ons m The necessary declarations were . -sub-. After r ..-... n,8, be ~of nada h.. - Ng . o_ the past few weeka, ,Mrs, Robert Rae's two Ontario people supposedly, condition is now much . improved• " to b c anti -knock .compound for ak an P Mr John ,MeQuillin spent. the week- .gasoline, folic Lgndoq men last Thurs end in 'Windier with his daughter, days were sentenced by Judge Cough- ' •and Mr. McCape. li>l in criminal court . at G�hatham - to, Mrs Irvin McCabe _ zie w .'recen2tl un- serve terms in the reformatory:. Tom . M'acKen ,.. ho y 23? ear -old: 'ama- on -orappendicitis. erald W3ea?, F derwent an .operate ftear chemist who hoped tomake mill at Timsgins, is convalescing at his ions from his 'chemical formula, his 1}otgee? '• • • father, V.:T. Wyant; and his grand Mr. and hire, Henry Carter left father, Samuel. Willis, each were sent;. on. Saturday morning for a 'visit with enced to 'servetwo years 'leas a day Erie. "cls Flint end ;other points 'in :determinate,_ . and 'two years *deter,. is . �. , ., Miebigen i. - " . 4 • - mn!nhte, , while Thomas. Agnew was given one year' determinate ann one. Mr J;''C MOW; was in. MontFeal:, rs ' .. wee • attendiii °ache: year indeterminetei ' the, fi t .of. the k .. Following their convictions. -'their convention of •that :Canadian -Produce': ,, ; . counselwent huddle, _,-,,,,.i, , • . • . : respective ; into a hud Association c'µ. ' and 'advised their r clients ,to `'plead scribed to by Reeve 'Thomas'Webeter -rood ' Co neiilors Harald Gaunt, ,: Gor• u don McPherson, Wallace Miller and Brown Smyth.•. Ex -Reeve Stewart',was Present and addressed theneCouncil; Mr.. Stewart gave - the membe. rs some ,good advice. .and . told .them that he was 'willing, at any time to assist • in any problems.which might come' before the Council. He. iiad been a member of the West?Wa w anosh pundit fox thirteen years,; `eight years as Reeve. 13e 'hoped the new council world be ,successful in its work • and that .. there would , be real - co=operation -rind assistaiioe for the Reeve Such' as he ,had, received :from :past councils.pM3.-Stewart• said be' vyas retiring Mwitlt the 'hest feeling of. goodwill for ..the new council '`and. the ratepayers ,of West''Wawanosh Township. -• s LADIES DRESSES -Silk .dresses, smart styles, :all ?colors. For this week -end at only MEN'S FINE '81IIi.TS-•Forsyth shirts in latest pat- terns with forfused collars' Reg. $2.00,' -for only • .: . F::• a is 55,c MEN'S TIES--Miratex ties, in new patterns. Reg., =75c;, now only.:, • - ... • • , a' for $L00 'HOS SEARESSES-'In new spring prints, guaranteed fast ;colors,. nischstY 'les,sizes:rang.ing from 14--.50- end • s > I THE' ' ABOVE SPECIALS . ARE -.THIS FR►L. tic . ST. A ; ONL• Y It lis: Wise To Econonuse Buy, Now and Save, ARLMA Jam. ADUT BIBLE : CLASS bLiGGESTIV :' STUDIES' IN THE LIFE OF PETER ' . Prepared by Rev. :J. 'IC.,1MZacGillivraY , • LESSON 7, -Peter, Heals ,A. ' ;Lame, . • • , Man, Acts3' and 4: ' 1..we need to know the CONTEXT ae wen 'Se :4be. TEXT; so' let usiiggin ny reading what precedes and what ' toilows, Chapters 1 to 6, .inchisive.. Note the "Arithmetic"' of ;the Acts, - `"Additions; -Subtraction, Multiplica,. lion and :later, :alas', Divisions.,, Who ".ilio;" the `.`adding "to the church" and how 7 :'Also the other operations-- "•sums,. •we used to . call them --Acte. 1;:1 •2:4, 41;47; .. 4:4; 5:5, 10; 6:7? What reasons cars you give for codling this book; , The Acta of the Apostles; and, The' Acts of the Holy Spirit? . • • 2: In . this first apostolic : iniraek end . the ,second sermon .4:41 Peter t, • the peon and -his • :vigorous- protest to, the religious. leaders, may we no: group the lessons .to-, be learned" re garding the mission of the Church in four "places'., -The Place of Drayer, The Place of Poverty, *The Place .01 Power,' and, The Place of Preaching? The minutes Of the 'December meet- ing :were' read"and .accepted. on 'Motion. of :Councill'o'rs' -Smyth and Miller,, ,By- law :No. 1 was read a 'third time and. passed : on ' • motion-, of Councillors Smyth • and : McPherson -'itis- by -cavi confirmed the appointment of the fol= .terns,. 36 inch-, wide, nd guaranteed . been •made. ;for Agnew's arraignment lowing officials ,for '1939. Assessor- fast' dolor, at a price that *ill ?sat- On the, specific, charges. Ross :• Murray; Collector --Charles 41- isfy-B: PEAiRLMAN The. case for the crown was that V. ton; ;Clerk Durnin• Phillips Treas- >wdisses Mary McD.onald,. Catherine T. Wyant and Samuel. Willis Parti- urer--Wtii. A. Boyle, Audiiors--W i.:'MaeKei ie and°. Kathleen dThom at- cularly, and Thomas' Agnew in a les - Miller, .Thomas B. Taylor; Board of tended the Stratford Normal "At ser degree, 'secured loans from people on 04.. representation` that big. ' interests : iii the United `States were interested• • 'in Gerald • Wyent's formula for an anti -knock compound for natural gas. In ` this 'connection -Witnesses s'Wore• •they ' hadbeen led to 'believe the, DuPont. interests, had paid .anything from three to nine mill- ions and that the money was in banks in Washington and Detroit: ■ rP"'4.�'.A a �.rq The "B" Family was referred to our ' Society by .one of dur local re- presentatives, because of the- condit- ion in the home. • Mr. 'and Mrs. B. were invited. They were livan. g in a yery ordinary house, which they found difficult to Beep warm. Mr. 'B.: much older than his wife, and very lame,_ He' found, it difficult, to •do work in the ' snow ox" follow a team. He tried .to • give the Impression •-he: was a victim of,.. circumstances. On •this•'point we al- together did not agree .with •him. ,Mrd. :B. was delicate and very .an-' aemic. She felt 50 1.0' — for her childreia and we were 'quite: satisfied she was doing the best, she "could : "fol`' t1aii under. •the "circumstances. • The familyconsisted of five' child -,ren -a boy of 16 years, very ' smal ror his age,kwhom the father thought' 'was toe'. oung to 'work •Werk was: found for him with k' fartner;° ,Who would be a good instructor, and who would use , good ;judgement about what work he would put him •at. He was to receive, small wages. •'The •girl," 15 years, . hada good ap- pearance except fqr her teeth. 'She. lacked• training. She 'did not seem to lie any help to her .mother. A local aitd-•-friead'-of oiir- society was .approached'. and 'gladly gave; het' the necessary dental care, without charge, • • She • ,was fitted: out.. with clothing •that : was left', at our office by.. ;different donors for us •to'use where We saw fit. Then she Was placed. in a .good' home to, be trained in dom-•. estic wok They report -today that she is-- progressing nicely, and - ;prom-.. ises to be a' fine; ,girl. • ' ° The ' :three , 'younger children • ,,Wer, given . gree medical, examination by a •doctor in their community.. Some: surgical attention was required, ether - wise 'they werein fair lialth. • - Besides • the doctor •end the dentist; the.:, Women's Thstitutewas' interested in this' family and provided bedding, and Some 'colthes for ' the ' . younger ;hil4ren. Remember rthe• Valentine -Supper .-in guilty to . the ; numerousspecific, the ,XThlted, Church, under, W.A- au- charges pending . and 'which alleged spices, nett \Thursda'y, February 'I6th false .representations in connection,, at,' sin o'clock, . ; with; the. mortice ° raised' by the loans: The February meeting of the Wo- MI,- but Agnew . entered .pleas of men's •Institute will be :held in. the guilty and 'received two years less Town Hall -,-Friday, February" 10th, a day determinate and two years in- at 2.80. : Debate. • determinate, •the' sentences td run con- currently with .those imposed 'for the • NEW PRIIaTTS�-Lovely_�tiesv..pat .•conspiracy:'; A-rraiigepiienta -have-,`not Health Dr. Vokes, .M.O.H., D. 13. Murray, Joseph Leddy' and Thein is Salkeld; Truant officer -7-D. B. Mur- ray; Live ' Stock . valuators -L Grant;' A. Anderson, U Thompson,„•. Spreul;' Poundkeepers=-A. Brown,; •R. Taylor, H. Reid, W: Nicholson,: J. Walsh, J. Kinahan, Mid. I umphrey, Wm.‘ •• Mc-- Quillin,: D. Alton;. 'Penceviewers-W,. Orser, S. ,Johnson, 11. King, ' J. ASHFi:ELD Service next Sunday heyresbyter- fan •. Church will ' be "at l eleven.. A.M.' For: -the . past few'•:;nonths the • meet-. ing Chas.been held in the afternoon: Qr;i.,Friday evening a very' pleasant evening -was- spent • in. Kintail. Hall, where' the :friends and neighbours of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Ribbon and' fam- ily met' to . spend . an evening with them before they .leave for • their . new 'home in the Listowel district.: Mr. Duncan. Mackay read an address, to Mr. and Mss. Hibbon and they , were presented with_ a well filled purse. Mr. Hibbon made ' areply. thanking them on behalf of himself and Mrs.' Hibbon.:.' `-T1iey go to their new home'followed by the , very best wishes ,of a host of friends. - Teter to• give' that you andI .can give every :da--y--of the ministry of the eye to see need; the -ministry of -the lips to speaka needed message; and the ministry of the helping hand? 6, FRACTURED 'ANKLE 5. What power is there in messages in the "Name of :Jesus Christ? . Acta Williaini G. Nicholson, -pre:aident of 3:6-8, 16; .4:4, 12, 20, 33. Whet' in Peter's prgaehing, •gave offence to the. Sadducees? Acts 3:14, 15; and' 20'; .also:4.1, 2... C.. What' about • the power of prayer in 4:23-31? 'Do On believe it?' ,7. Should not the -eloquence of the pews match that of the pulpit in. power •-o� 's .b. .life witnessiirg:��-Jesusr•Chti. t _y_._.._,. , • y^ , • . i ”" " e-a6tro: °, •fair �1 ?.-�-vr+ •fit nu' °"b mss' $ hells . ,mets "f:B, Eat• '12111-e-2-.---,- silent 1, '2• silent partnership with God, the beet kind'? :Acts 4119, 20: For .February 19th, the. lesson will ;Christ? And how may one's wealth he on 'Beverage Alcohol and its .Soe- 3. What great Bible characters had ,a fixed time and place of Prayer? What' was the habit of ' prayer ,of ,'esus Himself? What time of 'tours was -the ninth hour of the Jews? What outstanding- event in the plan of Re demption took .place 'at this hour and' - e,li tt Was econtg1heit byeitt -_ _... ."''�.�ii+ :*"t't4a. ,ate;` "� What' "the . ire the world? hteatesta g riches? When the • believer is burn Into the family of Godo how rich is he or she,' as a joint -heir with Jesus Home" .in Stratford on Friday.' Miss Freda MacDougallreturn d, Saturday, to her '`home in Luckncw after spending 'a month's holidays With: her cou°sins, Mr: and- Mrs An- gus Nicholson, Willow . St., Water- +. Guests' from . town . at the Pentland- Armstrong wedding on Saturday were Durnin (con.' 6),. W. Armstrong, P. Mr, and Mrs:., W. B. Anderson, Mrs. Watson, 'G.' 'A. Greer: • W. V. Johnston: Miss Helen McLeod, and. aw No. 2 providing for ex-: Mrs. G. H. Marr (nee Vera . V Sher - By -1 peinditures: on -'the' roads. for 1930.'.was passed on motion' of Councillors Gaunt and McPherson. _A resolution author izing the 'Reeve and Clerk to sign de darations .for `the °Provincial subsidy. ,,mg several weeks in: Ontario and. Mr:, Harvey -McDougal, of Toronto= on road, expenditure Was passed . on, a spent the week -end' at his home. Michigan, ml r.' MacKe ., zie visited hei e `- Master Walter McKenzie returned home, after attending a week with Mr. 'and Mrs: HI: Buckton.. - tabelle ' StacD Wald local Mr: Austin Martin, who is a pat- - rent expenditure as passed ` on:: Tao;Miss Eo� t Q ' ient in the Kincardine Hospital, is tion of Councillors Slny'th and Gaunt. - school .winnep.:9f ,the ;Tomlinso9 Tra-. `" ' h left oil. Monday `progressing : favourably. Just before. the meeting. ad oiirncil• Welling 'Sdto1 `s ip ,. The friend's of Mr. Ross Black are Coterie -Bier .Smyth moved that a vote for. Ottawa,, where she will ,spend the �' lc be ,e 'end' to r ' tewar ' week at the Canadian. Capitol as the sorry to hear of his •illness, but hope, t thanks ;extended - , M , Stewart R T 1' M P "for for an 'early recovery.. for his kindness' in: attending th meeting,•of the new Council; .for the $ri:ce .and Mrs. Tomlinson. itf) of Derthester. ; ;• An' . item in his: hof te'' town' paper. tells :af the return of Angus, Mac- Kenzie. to'Premier•, B. C., after spend• - FOURTH: CONCESSION Mr. and' Mrs: •Gilbert H•aniilton and childreia spent a. day last, week '•with Mr; and Mrs. J: McQuiliin. • motion of Councillors Gaunt and MA, dpring his trip, with. his brother, Mr. ler.,' By-law No..3, authorizing the Alex MacKenzie, Second Concession: .Reeve and Treasurer to borrow sums ' 7 •: • • - . .. up to the amount of $7000.11) fee cure Left For Ottawa'' P fiPst guest of W: om mson, j Miss Ethel Buckton of. Toronto: vis- tedon, ;Sunday at the home of Mr: expression 01goodwill and the prom- ise of continued interestin the affairs: of 'West WThiswanosh Township. This - was seconded _ by Councillor Gaunt and passed unanimously. The Council adjourned to meet Tuesday, February 14th, at 1.30 P.M. Durnin Phi11ns Clerk: ii • j Herbert• Buckton. ' '' • ' in ,the Bank of Heaven be increased ia•1 Perils] -A Social Aspect of the tray by .day on • earth? - What had Liquor' Problem. • A doctor in Western Canada .sent girt an"account with .a.:.note sdying: "If you don't pay this bill, •I shall tell all' your other creditors that * you did." • °. Miss Elizabeth Robinson is spend- ing a'few weeks in Wingham. "Mr. John McKenzie of the. second .con., who• has been' quite' ill the past few weeks, is much` improved:' the U.F.O., suffered a fractured ankle ` recently on hisfarm at North Brace. Mr. Nicholhon' -was working, with his. son in the bush,' when, a log which,: they were hauling to the 'skidway, ; rolled sideways ,'striking; anddriractur- i ing the • ankle. 1 "is Mr. ;Smith itele"- the --is iy eked,:{ "No, madam," said the well trained , boy, "he's gone to lunch with his' wife.° . • "Oh really/' :snorted the lady. "Well• when he comes in, tell him his typist called," , CHURCH Rev. R. ,C. Todd,........ Fattier ' ' SUNDAY , - FEBRUARY 12• 11• a.m.-="The Dell's ,Complaint"' 7•- p.ni. The Ten Commandments. as rules 'for living. • - 3. "Be Sincere."• , Everyone iteinvited to the 'after-. 1 inllK: :?ligh t+ at�• -8. �•._.. -:•4reiii'.41ir, °initetrated•• asters , ',t0'Tie ry Life of. David Livhagstone--the man who conquered Africa for Christ. • Plates will be at the door fora love gift to Christ's work in Africa. • .Pastor:}Origipal „Ad • ' . . First, honorsfor the most original "ad" for 1939 should go to Rev. D. A. Cowan, pastor of the Epworth Unitech Church, ;Kingsville, formerly of Port Elgin, for the ,following, notice from - the classified columns of his town's weekly newspaper, and reported•',in the daily press: "Pefeonai: Will the person who took --by mistake --a pair of• leather gloves off thedesk in the Kingsville post •office last Friday, since 'he is known -to God; --return them to the Post office, he will get. his reward ----in heaven. (Rev.) D. 4. ,Catean, owner . tlx ptl;rcbase." . 1 Y For •Tube.., weekend .JAM .' ,R°• .iRed Plum, 32 oz.' " ,,. , .k . 23e Srawiierry, and -Apple 32•'oz. 2.3c.. 'MARMALADE •: t}range Marmalade 32.o;�.:';23c• -JELLY • 1!OWDERS t 7 for - . 25c "FINK SALMON 2 for .. ... .. 25e. KULA-SALMON •'. Fancy, 2 •for .:...... • ,.•. 21e • PORK & BEAN •. •� Libby's, 21. fez., 2 for ... 19e • TOMATOE JUTCE - Aylmer, 25'oz., 2 for . .. 19c CASTiL• E SOAP • • CARBOLIC SOAP ,. , . - • BULK SOAP FLAKES 3lbs. .ter .,. .. . 19c CASTILE:.IiLOOR ,WA% 1's. 23e ORANG PEKOE TEA - With' cup .&' saucer, ib. • 65e TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT - 6 for �. 25e -ORAL ifixES. Good size, ' 6.griart 'basket.'. 39c TOILET `TISSUE , 8 rorlo•: for - R. H. T.H OMS O•N It took many` visits to this home to accomplish . these results. The, mother was . intelligent . enough , to see that her two older children were' receiving a good ` training • and' Providing ''for themselves. We are convinced that the parents will be able to care for. the three youngera'children. The Child' renes Aid Society is "continuing to. keep .a watchful eye, ovet' this • family especially the two. older children. , Without . this ,programme of Pre- vention work, 'some ' of these chidret+ Would , nodoubt, become a 'consider. able' -expense tothe municipality, Donald W. •Cameron, Sup't. Children's ;Aid, Society bf. the County ..of Bruce. . "Brothers and sisters', sighed the Negro Pastor,'"yo' faith is deploable. Tieah we are, gathered to gethah, to isk for rain and 1 ask you ---where is you umbrellas?", F: ARMSTRONG' T. • OPTOMETRIST ' IN LUCK'NOW E!#CH`-WEDNESDAY 9.30, A. M. To 6.00: P. M. EACHeSATURDAY - 9.30 A. M. To .12.00 P. M. AT WM. SCIIMID'S STORE • EDITOR APPRECIATED ' Speselting. of ailpreciation, thefol- lowing from a recent issue ofa well known Manitoba weekly, is rather ap-•', propiate:, - - Editors who: have shared• the cent, mon-feeling of their clan that no one loves • them; can be assured now .that. -the. feeling is just so much nonsense. We have been informed how an editor was recently presented .with a hand• some bouquet of flowers .by 'a: group of hie. fellow citizens: On that, occa- sion a., quartette sang a •few songs and I•_a ciergy'nian gave a little talk, six hsky men hoisted the editor on their slioulders'and :put hifif in.a handsome: =yea, .fi . � µ dnn�`td.atlg3-�ot _t. `� r orxEz. . fid... a -parade. The ' a'ppi eiaLive 'crotied returned to .their homes, serene in the thought of laving providedone bright day for their beloved news purveyor. P.S.--We forgot to, mention that the editor was dbad. BRAY CHICKS ,Ney e Why. write•lttten and send money orders? Order your -.Bray Chicks through mo -personal attention, prompt delivery. • Finlayson B'°s LU C NOW ONT. _ U K y _ xR . Rte �� ���eton � was' retie}vett 'by ia IsPli'tch''t tat iuiCit concern.. • "For nine years' I was totally deaf,,; arid- after using your 'ear salve for j only ten days I heard from my broth-, ^ - er • in Nebraska. ' . • ;WO VOW raheetings, ; ' Pillow Cottons, d' 1 And Upholstry Goods. a r • ° 4 , _ •.2, � '� -rw . mar .:y.• c r.