HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-04-27, Page 3tKAI. di IE
fa el T 0
The most prevalent trouble in spring-
tim3 is dyspepsia in its many va.led
This common l;ut dreaded disease is
produced by mute infiauunation of the
nerves centered about the stomach,
It is a we',1 kuolrn fact .hat the sto-
mach 114 one of tho chief nerve centres,
and physicians will tell yon that ss ilheut
healthy vigorous nerves, tho steinacll
cannot properly digest food.
It must also be noted that the tissues
and all the organs of digestion are quick-
ly weakened by impoverished blood,
overwork, worry and care.
The first and greatest work for all
sufferers from dyspepsia and indigestion
to accomplish, is to newish aucl brace
the nerves and purify the blood.
Paine's Celery Compound is the chosen
medicine of the ablest physicians for
producing nerve fibre, true nerve force
and pure, rich blood. When these bless-
ings have been secured, dyspepsia and
its train of evils are completely banish-
ed, and solid, lasting health is establish
• Paine's Celery Compound has done
more for dyspeptics than all other com-
bined agencies. Tliousauds of testi-
monials from the best people tell the
story that Paino's Oelery Compound
"makes sick people well."
Mrs. E. Triuder, of Simeoe, Ont., says:
"For a long time siyspopsia and indiges-
tion made life miserable for me. I was
;so bad I could not go out of the house,
do housework or got regular sleep, I
bought six bottles of Paiiie's Celery
Compound from Mr. Austin, our drug-
gist, and commenced to use it regularly.
My doctor advised me to continue with
your compound, and told me if I had
mot been using it he would have recom-
aneuded it to ole."
"Your Paine's Celery Corenound has
'worked wonders for me; it has banished
any clyspospia, indigestion and sleepless-
ttliess, and given me a new lire."
�i;NVe like to read descriptions of
• The merry Paris show,
The cost of steamship tickets and
The nicest way to go..
We like to road this merry. truck
Despite the fact that we
Couldn't go if steamship tickets were
A -selling for a V.
Liniment removes a hard; -soft or cal -
.used Lumps and Blemishes from
horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints,
Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains,
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc.
The use of one bottle may make you $50.
'Warranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by A. L.
The egg eating record has been broken
byNew York city getting outside of 8.-
4)00,000 on Eastor day.
Speaker Evantural, of the Ontario Leg-
islature, will leave Montreal for Europe
onMay 12 to represent Ontario at the
Paris L+ixposition. He will sail on the
steamer Persian.
Mrs. Thos. Tracy, Byrnedale, Ont.,
-writes!: We have used Dr. Low's Pleas-
aht Worm Syrup and find itto be better
titan any other remedy. It is easy to
take and always effectual.
Iuthegreat annual 25 mile roadraoe
ran in Massachusetts on the 19th, The 1st
2nd and 3rd prizes were won by Hamilton
;,nen. The time was 2 hours and 44 min-
lites,whichis now a world's record. Can-
zladians should feel proud of their Cham-
One Dose
Tells the story. When your head
aches, and you feel bilious,
p� ted, and
out of tune, with
sour andno appetite, us
uy a package of
itirC004 's Piles
And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills.
You will be surprised at how easily
they will do their work, cure your
headache and biliousness, rouse the
liver and make you feel happy again. tp
23 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers.
"Canada for the Canadians."
A montlily magazine full of inter-
esting reading matter and useful in-
formation for
Subscription 'price Ono Dollar per
OR you can receive it with thio
paper for one veer at the sante
sof the TIur MES nt
Send 10 etas for sample copy.
You will litre it. Address.
Canadian Hone Journal Co.,
tuwereo) TOilbN114, oN•r
To PATENT good !has
.nay be secured by
our aid. Address,
Nattimoro, Md.
AmonlS lillr.rlltttlora,
How to transfo.nr a west() palter bas-
ket into a spring hioullot•-^-lick it three
times in the middle and sit down. in it.
It is a strange world, '.there is the
Clear gairg to Moscow to 1rny that a
SOU may bo burro to hila, and hero are
the Toronto police force looking for the
parents who abandoned a lino baby bby
in a shed the other niglit.: Toronto Star.
A chimney 200 feet high and contain -
lug 1.701,000 brink toppled over the other
night. It is presumed that the chimney
was trying to rubber -11000 over the
=within top and took 11,111114b13 10 itself'.
= --,14114.111:l IlOra.ld.
1'y s.anc;or in speakii;g of the death of
Joubert says: On whichever side the
right::, of 1 h Trarsvcai question might
be, ;ito I3ozr was fighting as a patriot,
for the independence of his State: and
happy is the patriot whose eyes, when
he Las done is best for his country, are
closed by death before he lies seen her
fall. So =oh oven an enemy may say.
The Editor of the Southampton Bea-
con has been indulging in a pipe dream.
He calls the artiole,"Thirty Years After"
Tho time is as expressed in the title; the
scene is Southampton; characters, the
Editor himself and another person. The
Editor is alone, save for his stenograph-
ers, secretaries, and his faithful core of
assistant editors, when the other person
enters. The Beacon luau rings for his
"eleetromobile" and they sot out to
view the "city," first taking in the city
hall which cost up in, six figures. Great
manufacturing plants employing thous-
ands of hands were also seen. We do
not know how the dream ended but very
likely it was by tho "devil" asking for
Solomon in the Furnitaro Journal
says: "Out of the emptiness of the miud,
nine times out of ten, the jaw waggeth.
A full head means a closed month. Put
that down. It is the shallow brook that
babbles most; it is the empty Wagon
that makes the greatest clatter. The
people who aro most anxious to hoar
then' own voices are those who know
least what they are talking about. It is
usually the most difficult thing to get
.nen with a comprehensive knowledge
of a subject to express their. views.
Those who have spent a lifetime study-
ing and thinking aro very chary of talk-
ing. On the other hand, the loss some
people know the more ready they aro to
Excollent as in the ohauge in local
press mothods yet there is ono point to
be noted, which is that in the brief aud
otherwise moderate reports of the ex-
ecution, Williams is described as ad-
vancing with a brave step, showing won-
derful nerve, being the most =con-
cerned man present, etc. Are these
phrases not somewhat over -far .liar?
Have they not been used in describing
the last moments of nearly every blooci-
spiller executed in Ontario within the
last quarter of a century? The man who
commits a capital crime is necessarily
not a timid creature, with fluttering
nerves; he is usually of a coarse, animal
narure, deficient iu sentiment aucl in-
clined to be sullen. •Hepworth Journal.
The Khan. is at present ill in the
general hospital, Toronto. The follow-
ing poem which he has recently written
from there is one of his best:
The hospital is dim, the 'lights aro low,
The minutes feet aro weighted aud are
And in the silence ominous and deep
Au hundred fevered souls do pray for
And on their feveted pillows clry and
They moan beneath their breath, " It
cometh not!" '
Will morning never break? When will
the sun
Arise and this sad night be done?
Tho white -capped angels on their task of
Glide past the rest -robbed Dots to bring
surcease •
But to the anxious braiu with fever
The parched lips make moan, "It cometh
They count their heart -boats, thus to
measure time, •
7110 world reels round them like a drunk-
en rhyme,
Their hot eyes fixed upon the window
Their poor hearts thirst to see the morn
Or sleep 1 Ono little sleep, God wot!
But still their lips make moan, "It
cometh not 1"
Their shall foot shod with ,silence, all
night long,
Tho fair -faced nurses in their patience
Glide through the wards, and in the sil-
ence deep,
They whisper soft, "Bohol 1,1 b: nig you
And ere the flay -darts through the Wiu-
dowS ereepf
They sleep and sleep and sloop and sleep
an sleep 1
Is sent direct to theXliseased
parts by the improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cares
Catarrh Old Hay Trevor, blower
free. All dealers, or Dr, A. W. Chase
Mediohae Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
rano Notes.
It is time now to give the Breit alt• 1
r plication of spraying to the orchard.
. C:•. f t. ?:'Note, T.ittie .Current, Manitou- j
1'u '111 1 t d the t
ship out
gill. le ptls y Oar
331 head of cath?, 7',.* t lieop au 1 lambs
1113 hoes, 23 horses and 2::?s tolls of
_ dee.:sed beet and pork.
l~EW >rSOAPE, FOR l3ACI�FiCIIE Z, I'otatoos for• ewes are proving a good
IUDNEY TALI . food fcr milk. Peed the lambs for 1
early markets brae, oats, cracked corn
I very mall adds evidence to tao filet and oil meal as a gram ration.
that Dr. Pitcher's l3aekenheKiduey Tab- ' For lane and wi:xttr laying Opt Pari -
lets act on different lines front other
medicines, i�modueiug quick and Irrxna- ' Fti� lart,e a;.,s ztntliizig cal. Ucat the
cent cures item Buc•kacho and Kidney
troubles. They aro a rcvelalien'to tsar- Idulorcas, The I°lyn:oath Rook is the 1
fcrers from Kidney complaints, au+i bee.; ell around fowl.
bring conviction of merit because t f the
quick relief gained in unexpected cases, 3:3H pupils were ii1 attendance at file '
The Backache Kidney sufroror only Ontaxie Agrirmint:al College last year,
doubts their worth befor3 using, for a .A. butter mould of other wooden t
tow doses imparts a sensation of relief
that fortells the story of euro, It did lltei;sil for hanclliug butter should be
not take Mrs. Win. Glendenning, Minnie well scalded and then placed in cold
water and allowed to soak until perefect-
ly cold. Sometimes it is adviseb13 to
rale thein well with eo:1r'ce salt before
The Khan says the 1C0 -sore farm of
became severe. Some time ago I heard Ontario is one of the wcrld's wonders;
of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- in it generation after generation has
lots and wont to Colin A. Campbell's
drug store and got a bottle. I took but
the ono bottle, two at a dose, and am
glad to say the effect was rapid and
marked. I find great comfort since I
ridge Cochins aro found to be the best.
St., Wiughalu, long to find this out, It
was accomplished W/1110110 bottle of Dr.
Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, awl
this is her report: "All my lite I have
had a weak back due to kidney trouble.
As I grow older, and I am now 75 years
of age, it became worse, and the paiu
found wherewith to matte lawyers and
doctors of some of the family, to out-
fit others for mining, lumbering and
arming, to provide trousseaux for the
took then., and shall get more so as to girls, to salary squads upon squads of
have them should Iever need them again. mnnioipal, provincial and Dominion
I can safely recommend them to all ofQce holders to payits shard in m-
If you have the slightest symptom of terest on hundreds of millions of money
Kidney or Bladder tronble, you can test for public buildings, canals and railway
this great medicine free. Arrangements bonuses.
have been made whereby every reader
of this paper can obtain a trial package ONE GASP FROitK DEATH.
of Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab-
lets absolutely free by enclosing two cent AND YET NOT BEYOND T11is POWER OF DR.
stamp for postage to the Pitcher Tablet AttNEw's CURE FOR THE HEART To SAYE
Co., Toronto, Ont. When giving ad- AND CURE YOU—THIS IS NOT FICTION,
dress mention this paper, BUT TACT.
If you aro aoirviucecl Pitcher's `Cab Tho constant terror and distress of
lets aro what you'want, you can pur- those in the thrawls or of heart disease
chase regular size for 50 coats per bottle.,
If not obtainable at druggist's, mailedonly the sufferer can know, and what a
free of postage•on receipt of price. Moon, se magical a relief and cure as Dr.
Aenew's Care for the Heart has proved
Bruce Pioneer Association. • itself to be. In many cases recorded.
Tho Bruce Pioneer Association have the patient seemed but a gasp from the
grave, and this wonderful liquid heart
specific has tided over the crisis, given
relief in 30 minutes, and after taking a
bottle or two perfect health has been
restored a:id all the distressing symptoms
and sufferings seem but a dream. It
cines hearts wealcend by la grippe.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
issued the following circular with the
object of gathering the early history of
the county:—Tho objeotsof the Associa-
tion are as follows: (1) To cultivate a
feeling of friendship and sociability
among the members, by meeting at least
once a year, to recall the events of by-
gone days in the bush and to exchange
those sentiments of good will and kind-
ness of which we cannot have too much.
To tho American Press.
We wish to most respectfully suggest
to the about twenty thousand Americau
(2) To gather as much of the early his- editors , who receive our little paper
tory of the county as possible. In this every month that they will, in the in -
you aro earnestly requested to assist, as terests of humanity, both to human
it is intended to publish in boot: form at beings and the lower creatures (used. in
au early date a history of the County. wars), loudly consider:
Among other things the Association 1st. That while we are a very power -
would like to get information from your ful nation, yet when this South African
township on the following points: trouble eucls Great Britain will probably
1. Who was the fust settler in your bo the most powerful nation in the
township? world -1st, on account of its enormous
2. Where was the first clearing irmde? navy, equal, we believe, to all others in
3. Where and when was the first Europe, and its enormous mercantile
school opened? First. teachers? First marine, easily used for transportation of
trustees? troops and military supplies.
4. Who was the first minister,to 2d. Because of its large armies, now
preach in your township? Where as thoroughly equipped and experienced in
the first church built? By what deuom- using all the most modern military ape
ivation? pliauces.
5. Who was.the first white child boru? 31 Because of its power to add to its
When? . armies hundreds of thousands of men
0. Who brought the fust horse into from its various colonies in Canada,
your towrsllip? Australia India aucl elsewhere.
7. Who composed your first iuunicipal 4th. Because of its enormous fortiflca-
conucil? First assessor, clerk, 'collector tions on both the Atlantic and Pacific,
and treasurer? and in almost all parts of the world.
8. Who built the first grist mill? Saw- 5th. Because, after deducting the
mill?. Cheese factory? great military debts of continental
9. Give names of as many original European nations, it will be found that
Settlers as you can who are yet alive. • k Groat Britain bas probably ' greater
10. Give any incidents in the early financial power to. carry on great wars
histofy of your neighborhood that would than all the continental European
be of general interest at this date. nations combined.•
6th. Because while there may be dif-
A BUSINESS MAN'S L'AITH. ferences of opinion between the peoples
TORTURED BY RHEUBLi'r1S21 ion MONTHS, of Great Britain and Germany; there
IIE PINS HIS Farm TO SOUTH A,I13 RICAN almost no possibility that the German
RHEUMAT1C CURE AND IS HEALED IT government will, during many years, be
CURES IN ONE TO THREE DAYS. found at war with Great Britain. Let
Mr. S. Barker is a business man err To- as have no More wars with any nation.
route, aud lives at 9 Suffolk Place. He —From Dumb Animals, Boston.
contracted very acute rheumatism, and
for months was a great sufferer.- He Joints Swollen.
treated with best physicians Without any My little boy, 8 years old, hada bad
relief. He took South Americaan Rheu- I w
a,tak of Rllenmatism. His joints wore
swollen and he couldn't sleep with the
pain. Ono box of Milburn's Rheumatic
Pills completely cured hull.. F. Sisson-
otte, Port Hope. Ont.
Southampton business was in full
swing ongood Friday.
made Cure for what it claimed to be in
advertisements he' react of it, and when
he had taken two bottles he was com-
pletely cured. He says: "I voluntarily
give this testimonial that other snfferers
may be benefitted, as I believe the
remedy is a perfect 'specific." Sold by
A. L. Hamilton.
Always keep your dogs =cleats at nights
where they will not distnrd the sleep of
your neighbors and so come in danger of
being poisoned.
The selection of a druggist who can at
all times truly and honestly dispensowhat
has been prescribed by the physician is
an important mattes. Wo can assure
you Of devotion to your commands and
Wo are noted for our fitll stock of
Toilet Requisites, Perfumes and
up-to-date goods at
Popular Prices.
Paine's Celery Compound is the, best
of spring medicines. It gives wonder-
ful results to rundown and ailing people.
Tho use of Paine's Celery Compound
means riob, pure blood, and increased
A. II.L't:T,'tn:, Drtlgg:sl',
Wiu; ham, Ont.
in mevit1, d:ni't forget your oat.
liesitneirt 5;ltts lies the first law in. til:+
world prohibiting viviroctios in filo
schools, '
fl f y w 5[ir' y,. C yy
1?/ 4 V' ` Y.
Horses anted !
To draw away the ear 1.0.'ds t".f: goof .3
ordered for Spring.
w..,... .:aa+..w.�•..rxn.:v.:c�l..rvw��wr..�+•w
Buggies and Oar:;.' kys.
been ordered
have buggies
grade, medium
Prices to
t0 suit
Naples and Carri't„ tis have
in the country. We will
tastes of everybody. 11 igh
high noir mcdiurn.
and a
Farm. Implements.
VVe will have in farm Irplementsnothing hut the best. We
don't need to say anything about the Massey-1-larr'is goods,
suffice to say, that the farmers are going wild over the new
Bincler and Mower, and those placing their orders with any
other firm before seeing these new nachmeus will undoubtedly
feel disappointed, Buy from a thoroughly CANADIAN
firm that can give you the best on earth, and a firm that
keeps thousands of dollars worth of repairs at jour door.
We have the slickest plows and gang plows you ever saw.
The National and Imperial Gangs are something new, and
had an extraordinary sale last fall, In fact we could not meet
the demand made on us for these goods. Ask your neighbor
about the gang plow he got here last fall.
Repairs ! Repairs
We are loaded up with all kinds of repairs We can fit
any plow ever made with hard and tough tempered in oil cast-
ings. Having bought our repairs last fall, before the raise in
prices, we will be able to sell plow repairs at 1899 prices until
further notice.
,Music and Sewing Machine Dept.
In this department you will find choice selected Pianos
and Organs from Gerhard-Heintzman, of Toronto ; Bell, of
Guelph ; Doherty, of Clinton ; Dominion, of Bowlnanville,
and Sewing Machine from Raymond, cf Guelph.
Small Instruments, Music Books, Sheet Music of all.
kinds in abundance, all of which are sold at a small margin.
Come in everybody and see through our stores and
Opposite Presbyterian Church.
� ,=�- J and
- LT- - Yz _ 4'545 .
These goods are
are not surpassed in the WORLD.
Their Woven Wire Fencings have stood
stood over fifteen years of very successful
testing on FARM and RAILWAY.
Special offers made this year on HOG
all manufactured by
The Ontario Wire Fencing Co., limited, of Picton, Ont.
icor sale by the Hardware Merchants and General Dealers throughout Canada.
Also by the Cau. Hardware Jobbers.
t.` -en. Agents—The B. Greening Wire Co., of Hamilton and Montreal.
Agent for Railway Fencing—James Cooper, Montreal.
ger—Correspondence with the manufacturers invited.
A Travelling
An experienced canvasser, or a man with good character
and address, with the necessary ability to travel from town
to town and appoint agents. No canvassing. Salary and ex-
penses paid. Position permanent and promotion according to
The Bradley-Garretson, Co., Limited,
Shorey's Clothing is sold by Reliable Dealers
only others cannot buy it, consequently you can, he sure
it- is as represented.
11. Shorey & Co., Montreal.
All Wool Business Suits
Shorey's Retailed at 38.00
Cannot be beaten.