HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-02-02, Page 8IMAGE • 111.RV tit
I, i .. A b . ,. i C•', a'1 e"" P 'r i c es
UN.. LEACHED SUEETTNG U inches wide, even wear', good . ,
B-'' 33
Weaye__Wholesale,• yard , • •
81 inches wide,. same quay .
.. 11T14I.EACHEp ,
Wholese, yard, . • 38c
reversible, satin bound; 110164.
`1PU E WOOL BLANKETS,. rev . , , . , ..
Mos$field_'...Wholesale, each . ,.'�,... . x6.00
'ool Tweeds, One dozen in Lot. Sizee, 32,
MEN'S PANTS,.W , ,. , ,
-40.-2—Wholesale . ice. ....'. , , . , s ....::.: . . ....:.. •$2.90..
• 34, •38, vice
Short sleeves • , , ., :. ... } :... 45e
'L;4D'lES . FIDE . �., .
F - OR -....-...• v v.r SATURDAY, ONLY
M us ,
° A tin 'Martin a
The -gran. reaper has again entered
our midst, removing ,front.— our coin-
minty one .of it's beloved memlleri,
11 rs. Mergaiet McKay, aged. seventy-
five years, who passed away on ,Sahi-
day at the home of her brother,, :Mr.
Ralph :Nixon following a lengthy.
illness, 'vhicli was • •borne with
Christian * fortitude and . patience. •
The funeral which was held ,on
on of Mr •and RuCE '" A r"
r. .
s. R. Go Martin, lunderWent en •
r.. an
,• . Tp the Board,of 'Directors, County
° ' . • ,moi' o.. • Councillors• and Friends of the Child-
,. ' Miss..Lillian Alitcheli wa,s in Tx:�
onto last week attending the wedd-'ren's Aid Society.
• Ing' pt her sister,. Miss Mina, Mitchell Ladies and Gentlemen:
and Dr, Gerald Vincent Helwig• This Society.
oeiet having come to ahs-
it Y
'. , THURSDAY, FEBRAJARY 2i , 1939
Inglis dealt with t eniy f'ye .di fes..
ent children., In all .there were 3,524
dey;;' cares given to khese children:
• 625 (days. for^ placeab1 children. and,
2,899 days• for tliiplacabrTe,. children.
A large. amount of creditis .due Miss
Inglis for the individual interest tak-
en in all children placed in her care.•
We are fortunate in hawing .a person
like her with the warmth of feeling
so' necessary, and 'particular'ly so, in
dealing' with problem' children.
Foster Rome Parents.
: ar . ts'• we
• To our foster .home p en, .,
ate greatly indebted. They have 'co-
operated with u in every way posv-
ible and have tlken a real:' personal.
interest in the child placed with then'►.
a labor•;of love on their part
it being
and. a desires to : give ''an underpriv-
a ' ooh, 'home with' • real•
eleged child ,� ..�
:home advantages.. • ..
operation • this week: Xis Kincardine •• Walke ton, J' KI7, '1939
Hospital,• for :appendjeitis • Y
, , . • other • Annual Meeting, I am exceed
Claire Richards of •Fairview, Alta -
re ort
.. ingly ha'pPY in presenting„ my P .
�shted .last week with his aunt and
• • ; .. t -a11 • parties interesteds
° r • enhill Cemetery, . vloa:;W gds and (.h►ldretn Dsrectly Dnder
Tuesday to G e y• and is visiting with other relatives'•in , a,
largely attended, services at" the the .district.
house -and graveside being conducted During the year we supervised: 131
b herastor, Rev. J.• Wilkins. -.:Those; ~.. P, p, re
Y P , � ,
uncle, Mr. and 'Mrs. N. E. Bushell, , o
e arato :,y "seryicea wilt leo held child : e directly under our ,care. We
-officiating as pallbearers were Messrs: in the Presbyterian 'church on , Fri- now have 81; ' 45 are permanent
Fred nde. son Thos: •itackett, Al-. day at '8 o'clock aini'''S'aturday;after- wards,25 .are wards of other eoun-
Pol., hold•
Bert Iselin, • C: 'E Mcl7otiagh,, •Sit• J.: neon at three o clock; „with:'Rev, � ties, 11 are'• iron -wards These -c.
Kilpatrick d W.' T. Gardner. , kik or ''Whitechurch, and Rev. 'Todd'.' ren.,are. cared for throughout ,ithe;
aro , • J e n 'and: ;the 'res ective',S eake rsthe followin :e Of. care;
Surviving her ' son J, h � . , e • P _ ,, , p ..7„.. County. by th following' 't!YP
, ` brother Mr: Ralph. Nixon:'`Sii1cere: Fee ,homes 47 Wage .homes, 11.
si,. ; y r s . P. Maigaret -E, ,Iinflion :of, ora,.;, r e .. ,
s' ;m nth is extended to those' ber� Adoption ' - probation, 13; Boarding
Y 1? y states,.i4i renewmg`�her Sentinel,; ';!ti -tat •
cu ed - )ler aged mother, Mrs.. ;1.ielen Rad- 'homes, 2 ;'both wards of ether•;coun-
Miss Violet Ritchie, . whose Normal l' 11• t .reset which ties, and the Welfare: Home, 8.
studies. were interruptedas ' year • '
son is res we a present,- ,
wr11 be good- news. to:. her ma During the year each child• receives,
by }Ilness _.returned to Stratford ,on: a 'medical , examination, and given.
The ;Convention is being held in the friends. in this ,community.:
'. ,JO1:NS Monday. treatment. `if necessary, also dental
k`KA�ICK COLE. Touris •Park here sin Tam- attention. Thirteen children had ton
lasts t. Miss' • Irlma Hackett..has- , returned
TOV�•�.STS. •;nd two. weeks. It. opened .
IN:. CAN, „ ar e d n a month
• � pato her home afte sp n i g
Lvcknow . Sentinel:
ions places in Tampa.
• 16th end closes
last Monday, Jalivary Lucknow
January 28th Entertariunent is held • .
;cads afternoon and night at S.ar- Communion " Service, be• held
Dear Friend ak
Thanks for :"publishing my, recent Monday,„ Wednesday and Fri "`"�
letter tri the Sentinel. Since writing
in Zion Church next Sunday, at 10.30
s onY.. d " Listeners fain the Wingham radii •
mpa Un -
ay a circus was held at Ta
interest neo'
d were agreeably.' entertained by th,+
-• all Field. Sixteen .cir-
events have 'taken, place down here ; ac from the Rangling Bros, and presentation of a .sacred play, "'lehe r
' cis isLost Church," by a number. of young
k-` friends will be in- ,.. t theshow, which
my last letter. several . • • iversity Foot•
and thin Ing w' other. circuses•:pu on
teres . d . I -will give you a few !of.'laste two hours. Dances.. and enter-. -people from Zion and, vicinity.
d- . i.night in the The cast of characters' . included
. tlie• high ,lights. •,taiiument , is held. each n g t
mentioned :that: the, Tonrlsts•'.in suditoriutn' and at ;the. trailer .
Messrs: Jack Ritchie Charlie Ander-
I e avin "an: lit a`•+ city prof:. son, Harold Gardner, Misses @ueenie.
the :Park` here were h g n camp• One afternoon we , had . p
elebratien° Well it -was held'to oral wrestlers 'entertain us. I and Muriel' Wilkins, Ellen Andrew
Eve Cessi
the enjoyment and entertainmenta
: of 'b r of the Ti and Yielet Ritchie.
m now a lifetime mem 0 Owing to the limited length of time.
us:„all.,About 150, people were.pres Can Tourists and certainly am enjoy g. ,• g
' ow an refresh b allowed '-for the presentation,. the •
ent at the open 'air sh ilig the amusement being presented y .
nt ."at, 7:30 P.M.' Each child t•. Cast of the original pl'a'y had. to '. be
-Me sr held • the'
r Resious1v affecting the•''. effectiveness of
The Hollywood. Clowns' grid I a
orgamza hon. depleted and curtailed to certain tent •but this 'was done without ter-'
received •;a present Acrobatic, c own,, • There is plenty of :entertainment 'ex
and 'musical acts were•`presented by and th next thing to, take
down here e
place, is the. Florida State. 1! - d
Bray Chicks are real •money
Makers: I can prove it. Plea
our order here. 100% live de
,ivererguaranteed. y
sils removed and two received ap-
pendix operations: '
Each • . -child was visited- at ,least
twice during' the .year: Two hundred
and. seventy visits' were made. in coir-
nection with •the children as well as
one. hundred and sixty-seven office
interviews,. •
• . Protection of ,Children
• A great part Of our time has been
spent. protecting. children in their
owe homes. We had twenty. six act-
:ive .'cases , at the beginning of the'
year.' Thirty-seven, new' cases,. 'invol-
ving ninety children, were •investig-
ated; thirty-eight cases. ' were • .closed
when... the condition of the: home ` im-
'proved' or'. the children made wards.
This leaves us working, with 26' fam
per and then' ice: cream and cake was DeSoto
air'• ee ' the moral and religious sentiment of :
Exposition starts . next : ween the, l
resent• P
an ::
e ham on Saturday writing off one of
mote lad "down hare was :a, visit i State. All the' • above mentioned events Winter 'liI`averi, site `of, the favi- areh d outdoors under. clear ` skfe: her University subjects.
an ' e .Show, and GY-' _
ous Florida Or g , e; ;It. With the .shut• ins—Mr. Robt. Gard-
.and •'�eather �jiist line summ
Press Gardens.' Winter' Haven' is one •.
e the show places of Florida. -while: Mr., Richard. Gardner is able:
mass `of • fro 'cal; •open• iii January watching a circa
entire town is • s pl� h Cher warm a person to be about again after being bed
bloom: Orange groves
is 'inore..:comfortable ..in their ,. shirt •'fait , for some .'time.
passed around to all ay
d we will stay here • and attend ie
:One of, the Meet enjoyable tiiPs; . ri 'around th Miss Elleda •Hunter ;was nit Wan
befog ' leaving •fes a t p.
seems strange to he `sitting. opt in the drew • bas not been so well' 'of . late
of The
and ,the weather so. •
flowers in full
,snrroutnd'the 'town andare'even plan,.
Multiply .your age- -by 2 and', add, 5 -
a dozen, gr pe Eras one cent each: y; o, the. result: ; a ••
Multiply by'50.. '
Add:' the number of ,coins .;in your
pocket. • , '
Subtract the number of days in
this year,, 365. •
Add 115 for good measure.
•The two lefthand figures will ahoi
.your, age.
The two , right-hand figures will
show; the. • number ,of' coins.
Try .it.. •.
in the yards of the houses in sleeves
• -Fresh fruit and.vegetables are in
aseaso .and we:'are buying strawberr-
Janus h we all'. drove' over to n a x Ban gas are 5 cent,.
for 5c .�:
Tarpon, •Springs, Rl ., and .
ane of the; strangest „ and• most
pressive ceremonies on the America
continent: Each. year. on the, above'
date, the Presiding -.Bishop of the
Greek • Church in America conies to'
Tarpon Springs to hold this very
9.30 A. MJ To 6.0 P. M.•
9:30 A. M. •To 12:30 P. M.
and orange
onions a
be dow
with ,'me.
50 cents- a bushel. Green
radishes are • 5 .cents a
wish all 'my'. friends, could
here t.„en'oy themselves
Strange. rite. • Tarpon Springs Is the' More about the Tin Can 'Tou 'sts.'
trailers are now • arked
''Over' 1400 P
seat of the 'sponge diving industryi, •.
• and . hundreds r of the divers gather in the Municipal 'Camp. Tampa has 14
to conipete in the festiVal eneh year: trailer' caiiips and over 2000 trailers
The Bishop is taken out, .from the. are• here. A part -of the Tin' -an Topr
-ist' Convention_is a_�trailer how. All
shore in' . a ;.barge ands has in his -=•.
possession a gold; cross He blesses: the .'manufacturers of trailers' have
:this cross and throws it into the •w.at-. models .or, samples, there being about.
ers of. the Gulf. All' the Greek sponge 100 different models••on' display. The?
divers' then plunge into the w•atei, trailers varying in size from '' 12 • toy
retrieve: the 'cross and the luck'
;j arty is,blessed. and .supposed to•ha'vr
good• luck in his ,diving; fair 'sponger
until next year. •
Another very interesting' trip wad:
one •we took two weeks ago .to the
'Airport. to . witness. the Aii=show., Sev-
eral airplanes took part in the- show,'
doing trick` flying, parachute -drops or
•' 1 and _a. fellow known es: the bu
��,.•`�aed ,£s�ons.�^.- lei �n •
iliee.. Court was attended forty . times
:in connection with Protection of
•Children but, only`sten children . were
made 'permanent .wards. Area' hun-
dred and. thirty-five visit's were made
ai well. as one.hundred and•"sixty-
four office interviews.
We •.have completed. 16 '.adoptionF'
this year and have . three ;waiting
completion.: I ' may say we 'have
treat deal of pleasure' and satisfact•-
'ion in admir►astenng • this
dealing with. this , work, every , care
has- to'be taken; and. sincere thought
given before ".recommending adopt -
The Children of'Unmarried ,Parent' -
In the Work carried on under th'
. Ch'ldren. of Unmarried Parent`s :Act,
'at the `first of ''the year there 'were
43 open, . eases, Durinlg the ,year .vitc
had. reported 36 new': eases: Thirty-
six were closed..At, the • end of •'they
year there were 43 open `cases. Dui-.
ing 193&,. we worked with: 79' t nmar
ried :parents cases, '.entailing .495 in
terviews and Court was' attended
twenty-one times.
Office Work
The Office work has •steadily ' in-
creased `until we, find' it is necessary
to have a full time stenographer.
During the year we'had, five hundred
and twenty-seven office ' interviews;
approximately 1,239 letters were, re-
ceived and : 1,572 sent out. It, would
be impossible to give .;a, true picture
of this . particular work as:it is so
Varied. In. the' matter of records, :a.
tremendous; amount of labor;y is • in-
volved. -
„The Welfare • Home ;
- E t. fir f ,h ear t}te7r �rcare Tke police- •are . - oin - =to .try -•toy:
� g
, w 97e .
asieh�i'ldrer��. iaa�h#iristitsi£lioin.- P m ficin " t2�<"
the end of the year we have eight their'' age."
,*hildren in the. home.: Two older girls;
who ;wished to. , spend the holiday,
season :with Miss Inglis,, one little
ripple .girl and five problem child -
:'en waiting admittance: to. the Orillia
In conclusion, let me . etpress' my
F,.pPreciation to our ..President,'
Wir,., and to the . members.” of out•
of D irectors'`for• Cheri,, -.co. -opera
board ,D
ation -in dealing with matters per-
taining to'the work: We owe ' a debt
of • gratitude -to our various coin-.
mittees, especially . the house' com•-
mittee, Mrs. Korman;'' Mrs: `Eidt ,and
Mrs. Itowand, . why o: is .also. Honourai•y
Secretary, for •the capable. way they
:manage their -duties and ' the time.
theypend on this work, without re.
meration. To the physicians in :all
parts Of the; .County • who: have , reed-
ered invaluable assistance• in conned.-
ion with children ni different types.,
of our work.- The Clergy i'ii the pour=
ty. •have always been help#ul in givin•::
advice and. assistance. • 1 appreciate
•the ' kindness received at, .all times •
from the .different ' County Iothcials.
particularly . Judge °Ivens and Mag-
istrate Walker in ;adjusting all mat-
ters' pertaining; to different'phases of
the work, and I feel these gentleiten
have a• sympathetic understanding of
,the social. problems.. which' confront
is• I Wish ,t thank 'the different Sim,.
leties and the hundreds ,of ..private
individuals -throughoiit�'the 'County,;
'who:` have helped Us in various ways•
some giving.children . homes; sone
,,donating . clothes, bedding, furniture
etc.; solicitors giving -free legal• ad-
vice; our confidential representative,'
and, the ones who helped in 'ways ,tor'
numerous' to mention. • We' would• like
to pay shtecitrl tribute to'the 'people•..
of ,Bervie community' for. their ass
•istance. ,. We would also ' like. • to ex-
press our. appreciation to'Mc: L. C! •
Ecker, field supervisor, for .itis ben:
eficial.:and personal .interest in `wel;.
dare w:ork in our County. And to Mr.
' 13.. W. Heise, Provincial .St'perintend
ent," and `. the departmental : staff
'erhoin, it .has been a pleasure .to: work:
Our ,appreciation is. extended to the
Press for • its' very' helpful' co-oper-
ation and ; its kindly.' attitude : to-
ward the problem of giving publicity
to lour work without embarrassment
to ''those .. whom we are: striving to.
help.' and' ' serve. .
I am pleased to report.that wr
lave been able oto"' secure a `.hrahe
Trading and thereby,, receive One
Thousand •Dollars grant' from the
Provincial' Government. • •
I feel . we have' accomplished mite)'
;luring. the' past year. We are plan-
ning . greater things for the . futurr
We therefore ask • a contintiaiice .of
your support :and sympathy in '•the
^arrying out o! 'this very important
Ind necessary work.
A11 of which is respectfully sun
miffed. v • , •
Donald W Caim`eron,
h' Asst In
his legs and arms.
'Tampa is the site of the icarlY
living. in a trailer or Tourist tamp
can jein this organization. MY wife Sentinel spon,. 1 am, •,
and 1, also My son Roy, joined here • , Sincerely Youra,
and are taking part in the festivities. • Frank Cole.
20 feet in, length and .priced from
$350.00 to. $2000. • ' ' watchman• said, The morning cometh.
Tourists' are here from every;'state and also the night." There is nothing
in the . United 'tates . and all over that ; will ` keep • one ` steady in these
Canada. I have inet two from Ontario dark days of uncertainty like a ;know -
and they were from Toronto,. When ledge of God's. Word..Come out to the
the leave here we will go down the., Bible Institute on Friday evening and
,vest ' coast ,of Florida to Fort., Myers,•' hear 'what God's Word has to 'say
then east. to 'Miami and head northon concerning future "days. Come and
the east coast to Jacksonville; .Sayan- help pray a Reviv*il down upon' our
ah}., Ga�and..,onc3iorth.
"Watchnfan what of the nigbt? 'The
0.111. --"The Ten (CoMniand-
The Lord and -lite world will tee
us, not by what love profess, bat
1,p' the way in which we: walk:
Tin ..: • 10c
Tin .. •9e...
. !pi's
OK1' ON• CO. •
Aylmer... 15c,.
:3” for • . .• .. 25c •
a -oz. 2 for • 26c: `MARMALADE ,
Orange and •Lesson
'32 • oz. 25c
•R 'A
'�'14IA. M. LA ,
,,Grapefuuit, 32 oz . , . 25c T
= 2 Itis • . •25c
Fancylue Rose.
4' lb..
3 lbs
.3 lbe. '
6 fur.•,...•...
Fresh) Tomatoes,
• Lettuce .always`
... :25c
.•, 13c
.....•1 255c;
Cele* • and •-
on 'hand. .
LIFE 014 - PETER , - • •
Prepared by'Rev. J. K.'.MacGillivray
AT PENTECOST:' Acts '2 • '
1. The pentecost of Acts ' was the
fulfillment of what type in • .Lev.. 23, •.
and what prophecy by Joel? .What
new Dispensation ivas •thus inaugue:
2. What had our Lord •'°Himself.
taught concerning the coming. of ` 'the
Holy Spirit in John. ?, 14, 15- and 16.?
Also in Acts 1'?'
3. What are,,:God's two g}eat gifts
to the worrld.in the plan sof Redemp• '
tion? And what does each- :accent, :
plish ;in the salvation of the believer ?
What, did' the ,latter do for Peter?
4.. What verse is • the climax in •
Peter's Sermon? What was the effect
on his. audience? What did •.Peter
'advise• his convicted'hearers' to da?
How .did' the first .church.:eonie; into•
.existence?' How were additions made
after ' the 3000 were added - to the,
12tt? Howl is this a' -fulfillment, of
Chrigt's . declaration in Matt, 16:187.
"Sorry,. madam, . but hcereses are
issued only when your -form is filled
out preperly." "Why, , I like your
nerve, sir. We can get married no
.miss matter what, I look like."
Hospital. Throughout the year
5. 1i� what way did Peter use "the . -
keys of • the kingdom of heaven" on
he day'•of Pentecost? `When.and how'
he make a second notable :use of
. '6. What miracles attended the. Out -
Pouring ' of the Holy Spirit on the
day Of Penternst? Whit was the •
cnrpose of -Miracles in ; the earthly
of our Lord and during the apr,
tolie age? Why ha -toe they been
7. What are the conditions of Pow-
is this Holy Spirit 'grieved; quenched,
resisted, in the • !Wei of professing
Inerletellie"ffillierentAlvingirthe'llnir a";"--4-."
Spirit *ill de roe those who let Him 1, L
have His way. M their lives. What •
does: the Golden Text for this, -lesion
gote-4iMiliar ,studies will he a
•weeklY idatitre in the Sentinel.