HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-02-02, Page 7I ed the immediate an icommefidattos m to requir pf t sade , , or ou. t e growq Tl- Unitiod StOfto le,&044W a teA�iQ 11 e. owblPvs`F' 'England. �f of the,gpill, r. e. t tl 'the t,49 " h annual conven �Oa Def Ca oi! ..... ..... Irrult orow of Out- U y ho j'#*p jM sit e, payin
1, : , Palo ine, Ar S, % P 'Fir' M XX andt ario, �y, George Wilo9n,, 6f Staico.0 voluntary tixes on Aciprette n the presidbnt. 'ots of aamism*q ',a, appl .,.w OP Is Pr osed tp Speod $SO,- esson Consumption of eq_� 4u-, Aim JacIps,of ow s000,000 D*W&C . M Ti ibillaing 114 an 'i. " or6d ye �ble$, to. rM pAnmg 5" ultdi rapI(Vy;'Xrj WI 014 mp gota: said,- and It was a proble�m %ililoy o security meastirem funds f
'M likr oney LESSON V11 ypted q. Air, Force.' RETER Plll�.AICREG.A-T- W—, 1pgNTI�CO 4T. 'W �W Cina X '2-: .6-18, 86-41 's 1fitentlon to e pand,tts Acts Forpso" -enc �vith 'emphasis. -�11S!6t by s Cdk Aef progrhni Goldep Text mlht,.nor by, to power,, but by my SpIrRi "owl 1-1 a alfforco And a pio.�6sal iialth jhqease. expOndituies p n public. .4ah of,.boate. ZeO. 4: fl.., works to re hove unemployment &,e co before Par-, TTl Nq T"Er 1. t88ON IN ITS sF
6v York- is thd liamnt; Time .3�,(�htecost, lv�ay, 28', s tikiii-motored 'bomber 9ho.wn as it'Arriv6d from C41 ifornia f Ffp,yd B annett airfield in. N. rcarious st6te Thi, I chine is a Lockhe-l-,d 14, powbred by two T In v�o of t b .1� to. the 1toyal'Air.'F6#e'. ' T6 &a rn�ntleid first of .250 orddred'b�'Great BrUaln'foi AL=LATF- THA
-of. igernational, gftairs,.the Gov-! a�druisin spee o o q Placl;i= The. elty of. Jerusalem.' 1,100 horsepowet-onginei; axid w4li 0 miles per hodit * the bomber'will -6'e 1is "intends 70.7 ernin to te.'Ontlnu�JtS.,. to -EnglWd-'by. boal ers1tood tbat' Brita'.1nointendi.-to use the American built ihaebine"s, for Spirit - fell upon, Clio, dis- aiidsbippe W177104,12- of modernizing the do �es ;-ithdtied'faigethe��U.4n up- long dig.tance r6tonnaiasixime 1worR.' � 0 I I6,L6 r. ej�j fenaes of -the country to safeguard rmon was preach.. per room. Vherlo Canada � from danges, of' 4ttack�i 'ea Ili s6m6 large ou - It door.,.grea, e -rd A CLO' Sm. TH E according, Q -N mded to the thrbne. :iipb.qqh.,,.' pe'op . w ere able, 'to, .,many le, ktlif6. �S me. dk� I So New 01�htiim` 'P, ioKear,-the wor4., To lAnes - as'serhblrd togethe WM:R racies t 1h,,dAl3rfeqt1dn� With'�thip de�'fenc.Ip- -Our'jAird- had: tdId-'t4e. dlclples'� that they wir to a I -n the: air '16rde. r* 6 t '�ry. in ttlii6i c ty" ftp progral with ceL kore'i,IgiA'giad'Ing' and :ving the greatest. attention, 'leg-, 6i Jerus-tileal'until bey-66iluld �e holding 0 , wer fro%, own Iklak:' S*ing afice ft the. market a p u t -30900 Clai" Wh File i9lation will, be ffitroau6e4", t celve pq h16 to; 'YVI TW 1$al of -a p les ' tilikely to t Most areg give consumer satIsf4ctI'0n,,was'one -defettice , purchasli-irg. h'a greArt, truths Which, Mi. 1§38 Jo'Canada's v Powe Native Girl Dec�l PWPCNZrl oard to protect the public from Chr1riCarae, a. establish. (Luke -24*.. Activtly Pios I e On -Lectur 'Tour of 'This -7 b s cted Gold 114 . .. - armament. profit�eiing. ")., The latter part of the'chaptei TkAT. Area. ontinent WrIes, s, To. Millions e e es n showed th' wou The def e:ncie, estimates for the pi�'AdinjMbrur i so' �corainj fiscal year pibbably NK ill, 'di 961DIes waiting Ili an. upper.roo�i CA1,4 ATTAIN Undeclared war -ow, OTZAWk Canada Yellow. fn the pres'ene at. lemeni of p , er. SPME3D 401= be Jumped from $34,00,0,000 fb this new end knife, Noithv�es;t'territoirles; Was' d reritaies an(] dictit,orships In- iabout $�0,000,000-w.ith 'moit of T1 �ey, had been, waiting. for some, ten 0m( 3 ected Ithe ngw appropria ions devotealto, filet flaia-a-pur-.1ord" the most- actively'pkosP 'fiftli[ og- tile -Sk t -in Canada -durtrig 4�4Z?S,, aC- Ue air force, The, Pr ;Vf opbsiatil t'& the day 'of Pentecost., area, on, is . . . . . . . . . . . . . esent per cordinig.* to the,, Departrheilt- of A of the" demorioraqles, h1ri6ci 1306 p o, n bolit,2;600 oifiders� and Petecost is the, reversal of Bab- go double& d1ast new I -every Mines And' Re§ �Afo men may: I'Lln A.- ThO� 0661 can be.. tbid -Ii livala, ah, attrdctiv�'Il fighting planes* will be tirchased& topgq . e I that me . ta can, aii6a I k ad Mare,tli�n tiairty 'mining an(I pros- bti'� to' tlils tour', iald ft.,: Iufei�vie-4. were =titve in 'the Spirit are bound PCc ing egmpan-le, le, a: they wlio have to,utter tlio wonderful works the Yellowknife hrea, ii3, as 'M si pa�tljMa% is., C�nldh6qdl ,Ih�t r :of , ifirdiv�dqals, syriffluitp 1 nq:1a play -a . i , i Ai, i-4, She'� A.'Genius: Aa� all 'for -these works- S 0 ds avie �d �wr`o.ught- for all, flesh.. . and groups. -Som;e .3,5QO clatiVs. in lr� .; w I.' weiiie -filed during the 6avi brinj�.- ''futlird'and tliat tire weight, of '11" 12. Aild� they ere all maze( y er g the t6til, nu riber-of.clairn' �'u lot and were 'peritlex�d,' one to C-AZLF 0ALL -lie meae-th thig? '0 YQ11OWI',nifC .3�cglpn up to.. a.bout' dispIabe t balance ,of anotheri,. What LrAvks -.rHtE C:WrB' A:7 and'iti, Europ6.. 1,000 PebF 13 Boyc'Ott apan A fd 13i But others moehinj palil,, 'I� in g J 'A OF,.ABQ4Sr� Tfiey.are'1111�d with nAw'wIn6. New in'.6.-IlLt neverthe- A thriving- sett e.me' niore �Jn Ili iddle at Fcbruai,y,, the, t w nt �f wille was swee WHEfN Ht7r'B,- 'one thousand �'pe6pl6. tias -111dia; Natidnal Congress,:wliich -an, I .1 1 � AVF_ th All e QuIr internal. Affall' "wil q m up at Day, at-� governs Pri FL 38:11Y NE� SER�IdE. INC. ter Pre.aches d6p �iq nt by- the iniping;devel6prile its-anual se�sio.trte'dr� th� di u *hiA 'has'. ta'ken,'�place during the to,�% n of Jubbafpore,?,1'shd,'said - 'Ilt�. tHE Maisachrisetts Institute.'of �rechflology. has made.9tudies' of 'the 61eveij, lfted u:p. his -voicv,v'and always �Nt� y a n high phe which disclose the 'i6uribus actions of.. -A' asi thr'ee or 'four- yrLast meets I*ii 'a. Yillage. so as to H -clan WintborD& -speed plia the peop!0�. 7he, ',golf -ball in,fhotl6n. At the men ent 6i impact With' the Clor t I* ake, linto them be -s b yea -r a 40-are,,townsite wa� ''spi.- r -fe0era- gir�i-�Tn e%� h niet -at J,udaeei,,- aqd, ll e, that neii er t: af'ce. 'therl' Into '112.5 ton -of" all Ind a ill, be -the main niusidal'shows" -4nder the stage*. ho. S C*A A y fl6ttefi .'remaln� moment '1' qeo aivinst. th veye -an de ball pr d d subdivi dwell at. Jerusalem.be -ow on, 2 of, the.. hgenda,, although t e -re S ots off- it)to,spqFe- lct��. The townsitc, ri Uxins point r, u of Whithrop.Wayrap, will unto ybii. aijd, give 6r�. nt6 my a-ri ' a gdvcrn�, elegates are asi bound to speak ceive'a riest. of $300 d I fort buildilries, d' ht�e� NEXT,- Wh do; w9tzl[hk mice, 11wiltz'".' i.,', .words, y n n- ot the infe nation .sit nof ent radio -ttati'biV. niainiai's'coi' ..r a,.l uti� n' - India boo, all of',a upliose; .-seeing it, -IS - but the.. stit,,nt conlinunickiorl with oirt- is the, country which bai the -most tirmited, to amount to between ye s a Edmonton,. an n' aln-st the -gressibu, the.ternis' o'f t1fe will n- from. in., df Co'l. 4ake, 116p -cit, la"te owner of TdIn ls1om'oll Exo- mles 4y havigAtibi M yer ,'rnil S, from d' unk by the J6*s witli flesh a -to
I prote
sid( ne a6- Yellawknife . is 0out .'s eff6etive boycott of Ja'p�' se go OaS t6ird. lipar: of the &Ay.. Ind Was 00 0,0 010 -and,
1 os., 'del. i is ,still be d of;s, to ve (I leader tile -�N6�v� 813&, four g the et thd.*c'n Gandli the York"Ya`p�kees. Miss -ead . Ili the qitg 16.: 8, they' ate bi .. ... ... ... . ... . Ai i's 9 B�tfi ng plants, Wij�ir 66 gold . mill! vala ll�.--.: AnSW' 'td 21 gie 0on the t the-Uln4s , �
fl�pji. in W-ekAnt a strikin'g. br'unette Ili her HORIiO14TAL: er ioUS PfiFZ1.0 is . p i eo e _,oi ifie, 14,eal' of:non-vlo e.rice. allr no wine 4 go tool, d ill, Ihte In. the- s0'crP deve-1 and �ISr I h M EXII home iji.. ew CZ �E .entir&.wQr aviator, 4totrishing (At the ditip'thi at, lost any of ifs force. i�i'nierou'q golJ I'iseoveries catt�i�e'd:over- a �idd -S as onl� E P NM D 22.,To, feel mai eitation occrr"ed).'it w C6.1qne1 nIrter 0 area, ill'Ade rapid P VA N S disl3leasurp. clock.. I'll the morlllng�' Charles 9 He,\ E C. th progress in' fts a- 24 PH thr�` Y tit this is:tbqt which h yas the canu e s 11 flyer:. t4i ff spok an tji�oiigh., Ydr 25 pliet' the, pro' Ne**Nv. n which Peter, make a Ne fo A A r;carch. for blyStUiOUS Pirate 0 K V I A M Jai; 2�ea
AreU �uotos. at, begi-nning o. its York to Pa ris -1 IL- -NA 'S AMAIN A rsure ti�6ugfii:,to. be buried 017. 28 Snaky, fish. tt tfou d 'Ili 2- 28- asolo,. flight.
a 14 Surttrcc T 29 To dibble. heuninbabited.AsIt rfd-'o: FREDDIE TEE L 3*2. E I as t -900 M. i I �.q measUreme gh b e' 'iti., not Qf R T U COAT OF 30 Ni i bef.pre., *S OF 3,�y Sun.. enc)a i ed out by -the 157r 'd I. will tpour forth E� C j, oari
M E� v a Zel- "EXTRA! EXTAA! ANN'OUNCER jv� it� 0 pl�ibducex' of ;he, in�asurlp, N 'O E 1 3-3 Wrath or S11.irit iiponall flpsb: -Ali(& ownt nd' 6vIiw of the M0 MEXICO '34 To, scold. 20' ni.' When the show ivas,*still, n. )it relivarsal form, Gardner s6gg6st- 48� Distihctiv A:., v old a .A7 Branches.
your.t;oii and'your'dalIgntel", shall, and ya:bt, gatahi. G A ill .,cents a ight selling newspirlperg e 7—J-33'Make's lace men of p.ro, ram's prophesy, nnouncug%Oie 'new "Sfteen . 9 VERTICAL ings. e. d Al wagon., s(26 vision-,, and, out-, old shal r' tile. Cal r T eory Guild 9how;" 'heard..civd clial actors. hEre% ws o: actor Musical no axim... ray The �lllldren'hove spoken. of, .are e � �rted.out;39 Me�4Vre of., t 4� M eldepart by Is rael'� but't.hos,p irip ia network ''every, Sunday from around to r&a iero-: as a! aye. .434fo- the. 0ii.Idren of LT, d t1 flyer" ndnialdens ill in scale. servijis all(I oil ni� ii, who -di eter spoke of as I ;10 'to 8,00 'p..m.,. Z ST. it is that, dirmcor. r0ad them himself. He did '.�O-God. of sky. 40. Gog of. war. boat. ds, will I poill, forth. of.� . O." I . I . . I , 2 Part, of -eye of liliesy, '111111st' b6 the .:-of 1obn Colitc, the 28.voa�,,'old, an- g8od job that -a ellarnor im-, 21 Maintains. 44 Aside. 4,4,$ou#d Spiril.: nd 3 Prbrnontoi 40. And,wlth mapy other serives, air the the Vpst,-Of 23. Ha -vin g 46 To p6int with wall -OriL oriie The 'main thoine of Petel -orl - t.* 2,,�t iUtdy- . . , I 'Tit lle�rd cast, -an markings -like . k6ld. Dkey-- 1, LLWL of Jesus he tCStifl�d, nd exhorted theill, .4sill�e� datre" programs; slume letters. 49 To lixiviaW 46Plac6'.wh&e _j7, ("Ives II -QM is ovor tile', F�ame � network ffom 6.0U, 1pdSfl0 .rtl.�t_ presents s I ng, - Se v, a yonvs (;ials ttia't. GA'rdner, When 'Ro t 0 V .1 6. 0 p. ni., ESf.,on'tltli sarnIi- day. c9ndi lie, . in tVe 26,Bei 51 Rock. rac"e ends' esta- I .1 53 Wireless tille, Old. T m . arks 4, the pi- a 7 In. a ridle. � Arid -th'at' sayithat hese were to sav Co.irtd�is�a�.liative 27 Yields.. nipfit Vila L stich. a � re�-urrec- African . Ila I .0 43 1, Opposite of 54 By. 48 To' ogle.. selvq§ from a. llcropked,general,i-an" of Palmer,.. Mds�., w Oar,dnpr�q s 10P '50 Mini `jr shaft ro is 1�anc� Fol-busli. 1.1 -year- I 11,; lie ten proves, tha" ist M antel * D .to t, Cli i ' ' t the ' time � ivuld Pived his'b, 1),ecarpe actor Winning. 56.Mitidle of e. Jle ifieli 4 tha bu,r re(! IL - -I, "dead; ' ; :: . �� 11 -. .: . 95 To. depart:. oatmeal 8 Feinae fowls. &ii. old Cleveland gii�Lwitivon. 6f fi.6r ct illy rud i ,:e' from tire a u come" wifen wickedness and schooling iii Loq 0t);ie-i- peg- marionettes on -the slander, lie oailrltr6s by 4ho�ving-.the 36 Astringent 5a Those that 10 Persia. 52 Peak. r I y -feA. ro,
of tile %vorld Ili gon- 11 Gentis f ffois-, 5311all A, 6-b6ke'dness of AngbleA; turqd of which h .1ding. to tremerrifork vo -reel. A C. is I already maniffest'in litis �gerrer- plac6i p*lfere 11 6 11 f 0 rlmcll's on. iindeniable tile 87 PertaWing to . 59 H�, likes- to 12.Bad soft coal.'..64 Postscript ine.. ancy started liar mariioil- eu Is' I atidn. would 'be judged, ind tit lie uge'd '.t.o -be -a "This New A10.. , new air 13.1-lote.in,s6ale., 55Musicalriotq� ettv. collection when dollis pr6ved would be saved froin such 1* I yo�,�*,' I lrx e newsboy, NN7 li I e too 11�elcss for,her, ivid imagina-� orl� 3,8 $prin ss-- routes. 14 Quiet.' 57 Ncrtl�eaist;- merit� . only'. it fbey-'wc1re s fe' ill I liar -4efl- l",,oi,)-,tild'E�hewoln-tuchadclai*illtl.l'- 61-ist.'s lesO Christ. ing nespapers �s -esurrectioll. fic . I -to disvlay� beit; art - ciplisioll, 110 she was i lVjt6d roceived his bxcelicn chogtra and th e T h L%.N� the,,!. 0, at.,the White Hotise.' apd later oil, iiuloe(t for- tile, pul-pose,of e.x, - IT- wor'd were bapflzed;� and. iliere r a r announcing; radio proqa!lis. tli6 Jewish 'nalloiy� at pre- , Y. wer el linto. tlitili, In tht d lie itd-mit§ that I -'Its t )Oillt 'a' I a :dde g Diffeyent'. ?('t ion; about tbr.oe thousand, souls, ag Ed.' Gardi er. ietiests. both,prom-, a -as ry fr iro knoiN0a,,;.;;urtI1ly; tho Fll on PrOgra,111'. VUL ee, 'It tit. de a a,,, you is heard eVery S u ri'dy eachei Nak ey t r. lie clainiq, e cl'u("I- Shot 'Near'' Ched $id ovel, t1 inoot bettei, class of people,. What. -Peter .. .. . : illose 'w.lio' m.0 listellln�" to. Or farnier 27 that &G STONE, HE Traffic F,cr -193� Witter Than NO ROLL ple liolilil Jurit 'it few miles NvIest of Ches-, Jewish p mvo Munri, tenr star of NB("s NEW MOTOROLA -AUTO RAD19 .,Jn Any. Previous. Year I know Is , suredly that waq -116t- ley, shot .1 tinibor wolf. 35.. Time Is fai, from, beigg Tho V'anldian Radio Law.'reneq, LQcks Gain 8.0t., aninial willit j1p be., a'crinir ne'ar , his h6rrrIi. The He Ila oil, Toi�onlo, tiiiowice astriment . . i I of doat:h, but the 61 a about i s been 37� Declines. Ist oSoo, :I rlq NV ighed naf wori.hy air Ve 'Ifi�sh;but, ifie for .,16 consecutive of outstnding atitom on 111111 ml,� acklin sho of tilfed (d th-Pir w qrq t it. Whon'the Il00 yea.ct. toll 'Notonyla hlItOnio1iile�l,adlos,f6i' CIO �Vi�ich W01,121:1,51111irik oVOf. 2 . 3 gst b 9�
freight and ealen at the same �Inhot.lau .1,939 t stil-prisingly Ifew low;pl.ice§. "Repent Ye" bits, "ichhsed it.', Tile. wolf had, the St., Lawrence aiid Wo-lian(l 1 i -et, iran,t' for -some. .12 yeans. The lidv , antage qf,just. f)res ing R. 40-.141 16. 17. Avl� 2: Now'Wheu they b(den seexi- 'a. few -days ago. in tid having a . stat 9 than in tivard , thW. they were pricke1l . in Prant Townsliip, elos� to-wilqre liti t! a 11, a Io ii, -re sPolld ally P1,0VI 1.11- a fo heavy "ARCHIE"" neops,izity. 30 0 year and said,unto Peter it was, shot, at Monk's,'busll, 01 1, 9 Arciiie", whose h cklirfg of uebt t)f tho dr*Nef- taking his oyes, aff tile grain shi the DaIrrilliall, n's home on t1fe St. "epovt bf ind the, 1-ost of the..-apbstles. near Mr. Jackti' erforniers ahlgq- 'road to have to turn- a'knob to tune lluro.lu Of atistics I S. Ti -.. V accounts of go w.liat. shall .wp do', A sharp* 12th',_condesslon, of Brant. fi,� 'thi1q,u,4"Il the satrit-stp. Tgwiis-hip. - I :A b . oun-h- will b on In. VDufty',s Baf'and Gr1ill" hhve ill. )a 41939 niodelliat killre Ilad becli struck e e' ('13, nilade him a stand -out oil Iti, this lipw plill-btiltoil'� It Va 1, q as 'Peter, relo,ntldlssi� and pl' dd,on the animal. 8 2. ae drove home series, "This I's New..Yoi1'k)!' I I 3 I e, eatu re.. the fhef'ot 'Th& 911and.ship.4,knal liandip(.1 met sly ii�onslbllltfes for tho 'rleath a ttlotal. of 12,633,093 toltis, Ili 1938 1,1,loir rc flie'sol qf-Go-il. Tii&y Ayel!�'smit' 0, with it-, 19.37 r0rord. 6.1! POP—Anythin % Left:Shoiul. r y J. MILLAR WArr, ( eli - by- his words Ili tile pa�v,, nr g Salty Goes. ver R6612'. e Barley, ificx�ns- .11,747,950 tlre'llol.� - ----- tjl (;ver j931-bv corn by i44,700. nd".wboat by 781',021) 38, And Peter said 1111to, dlem, aipttzdd eVetY, W�4 E N! E' E t UPS ET THE SALT- T 'IT OYER j,o . I . . - I HfkOW M'� LEFT HOULDE, rztepent. ye, and,be,b tolls nild otlier graillik, flOU14. , I - . I .1�m .. � V, one, of 5-ou :.In the'lihnie. of 'Jesus' I . .1 I . . . . . . . I . . . . I I , gas6lifi6 ind sfigap dl.;�ol showed Chilst uhto tile refiliqsiolt, OVY011" c�oft coal ill4hall receive the gift' 0 ir spirit. f tile' 1101. n1 9 0 The ansier Actop-4wo con, or, he, 9 fiang, -Ind points to tW?i gifts. di 8 tolii 'in I coil Itellentanco and bapt1,14m Ill the it axtr 0 If JeAlls are - the 11eq'Ilee' Ticmi,48,10',a'Of�sllls and. the -he gifts. -IT(ly Spil-ft: Fire t 119). V or to you A the pt'amis of alt,-- Mid it youl"childron, ind t6 all that are 196 off, -even op maby 'as 'file tiny.d.dbt; all 0,er the iIlronli;e ;fo* t6e gIrt rif tile'.1,1ol'y butI,. the Robr After this -11t.is trit is tb' be given only to, those., to taken 6n, Who h4vo �v .6 the, �Il .4,i ha '00 n