HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-04-27, Page 2f IIE WJNUJIA.MMM APRIL 27 l00O
t'.1r.1`.;.'I ('Ci•13116) is in/.
141DI i',>, 3*,::T1P- .^.....:1), P,::L M:i'MI-11:'S
,,:it•e- nc:r':la T() v9,M*All FEDER
ffill. 1R. NWSt'A.TA1lfafI.FO\ DElt
7.l 1 ,1T"IDNT---817LIB Ix T1?1 MINUTES.
Mr. Benjamin F. Wonch, 31 McGee
street, 'Toronto, says: "I was troubled
with that insidious disease--cat•irrl.-m•
for manly years, It became very deep-
seatetl, ;mid was rapidly growing worse,
with diegusging ilis.'harges from my nos-
trils and -the (hopping i. guy throat
alnio. t choking nue at times. i tried a
dozen. so-called catarrh .cures without
any relief, but after rising ig, few bottles
of Dr. A gnew's Catarrhal Powder I was
completely eared front this loathsome
disease," hull by A. L. Hamilton,
M. Dave Me ill sang at rti concert at
Kippe:l on Good Friday.
.A. Wallace men. has It calf that weigh -
93 lbs.
he ighh-93lbs. when a few .lours old. He ex -
peels it to rival the Mammoth ox; but
there's many a slip, &e,
Among the persons mentioned to fill
the vacancy caused by the departure of
Rov, Morgan Wood from; Bond street
Congregetioual church, Toronto, are
Rov. Dr. Sperling, of Montreal, and Rev.
W. G. Howson, of Clinton.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Mlles DearthKsSoill
Then my friends of jolm McCready,
' om\ tvel'•kuow young naily of ('lover Idill, Ilarristou, will be glad to know that ho
FREE ! ',LB, writes. "I glalhr roc munoabil has been appointed recently as one of
The Illustrated
Book.(mum: S S Cooper has the colt- Harriston, and was born In 1878, so that
tonna at data O,ikario Ag .oultu'a
from .Ever narks t')anyoneeisuffering— the dairy inspectors nod instructors for
from t t)uski, a on They R1
before I naa finished the third the state of Wisconsin, Mr. McCready
box, is a son of Postmaster McCready of
Rave you ever tried to stake a Maned -
some Hooked Mat or Floor Rug from'
old rags or yarns dyed with. Diamond
re you have not tried the fascivatiii
work, send for a free copy of oar illus-
trated "Diamond Dye long Book." that
fully explains how to do the work and
how to procure the Scotch Hessian pat-
terus made by us.
The "Diamond Dye Mat and Rug De-
signs" are the newest and most popular
sold in Canada. Orders are pouring;
each day from all parts of the Dominion.
Sand address to 'Wells & Richardson Co..,
200 Mountain St., Montreal, P. Q.
Gorrie Baseball Team have organized.
Engagements awaited.
Guelph St. Geor's Society held their
annn dinner on St. George's Day,
Goderich scholars have purchased a
flag which will be unfurled on Empire
Teeswater council will renovate and
improve the concert. hall in their Town
Hall. •
D. W. Kern. & Co;, of Woodstock, are
building a $10,000 organ for a Montreal
Rev. Dr. McDonald, formerly of Sea -
forth, is having very poor health in
The Brussels Methodist congregation
are negotiating fort the erection of a
new parsonage.
W. E. Armstrong has been appoint-
ed secretary -treasurer of the London
Coll. Inst., kickers,
Brussels flax mill will be iu. operation
this year after a vacation of several sea-
sons. This will bee, good thing for the
See Fee -Simile Wrapper Below.
'Very nmail and as easy
- to rake sin wagon
Dicke f Issemt oxo MU6THAYL,3140MATUR .
8 Cents I "heals t'egctable.,�lLr ev,sG
Better •stop that
cough now with
a few doses of
Dr. Wood's
Norw^.y Pine
Cyr..:p than let
it run on to end
perhaps in Ppon-
chitis, Pneu-
monia or Con-
sumption. It's
awonderfu lung
healing re'; edy
that cure the
worst kin s of
coughs and colds
when others fail.
Price 25c. & 5oc. All dealers.
tract of erecting the nosy sawmill for the he is now but 22 years old.,. Tie took a
r g. 1 Col-
Dt herty Organ Factory ;•it w111 bo built lege in 1890, then worked in a cheese
in the yard south of the D 1e. ty red-
ofactory for a season and took the Dairy
deuce, and the building will be put up Scheel course in 1893. Ia.1809 he took
once.. the dairy conrsa at the Wisconsin Dairy
(xaderich: The anneal spring ride School, taking a very high mark in his
down the Maitland River was made by class, The year 1900 saw hila instructor
a Goderich party in several boats from in the Wisconsin school, in the depart -
14Tanehester to the lake, a distance of 40 moist of milk -testing, and now he has
guiles. Next year they intend starting been appointor as a state instrnotor.
from Win liars. Mr. McCready 'is an example of how
The Gazette ennoun ces • that Sccoucl young Canadiu * colo to the front in
Lt. S. E. Kent having failed to qualify, the United States
will have his name removed from the R. Roche the IV'ei1 known horseman,
list of o(Uoorss of the active inalitia. who has handled some of the best strings
Sergeant S. J A.. Boyd has been pro- of race horses both on this Continent
mated to fill tile'vacancy.. and Europe, leaves on 112onday for
Ten)perauco workers should be pleas- Aylmer, Ont,, whore lie will take charge
ed with the follow-iug: In Huron in of the fast stock belonging to a syndicate
1874 there were 154 taverns and 33 shop there far the coming season and if it is
licences; iu 1899, 83 taverns and 9 shop in the animals tl'<Ua driver will see that
licenses, with 21 comn.itals for drunk- the lst money collies to his fliers. Jas.
elaess comparedwith 2 in 1893.. O'Leeary's 4 horses, that Mr. Roche was
The first se'' on delivered in Brace training here during the winter, were
County appear to have been in Kincar-
sent to their miner at Petrolia. hire,
dine. Capt. R `Wan states that the Rev. Roche and famil will not remove fr n
Mr. Kidd, of Goderich, a student at the Brussels, wo are pleased to know. The
time, preached in the bar -room ofPetriok Aylmer people will find "Diek" a fail,
Downie's hetettKiaeardine, in the spring squareman, wet up in business and
of 1850. and gentlemanly ;to a marked degree.
c ,
nasty comment on the editor of Recorder : be put in a small Space.
A Mitchell prrespoudent gets off this what he don't knowabout a horse could
The Canadian, Horticulturist has the The Toronto World's Ottawa cpg-
photo of Mr. Race on its front page this respondent pays at high compliment to
week- It is very good and must have a political opponent whom it designates
been taken when he was judging apples as "Honest John:'
at a fall fair as he never looks se well Mr. McMillan dossessed the floor of
when ho stumbles over a Mitchell cow. the House upon gssembliug after the
Last spring, Mr. Robert Currie, 4th baster recess; enc the Toronto World
line, Morris, solved thirty acres with
says, "that honest John McMillan is
Golen Drop oats, and received as a re- the best posted farmer in 'the House,
tarn over 1,800 bushels. He has sold and the possessor of the richest and
600 bushels this winter for seed and is deepest Gaelic brogue. He spoke from
3:15 to 5:45. John prides himself upon
villagers. , sorry now that elle did not reserve
several hundred lore by feeding other his agrarian knowledge, and is regard
"Delays are dangerous." Those who . less of the burr in his speech. When
have poor, weak; impure blood should drain, owing to the demand, he speaks he .loos so as one with
take Hood's Sarsaparilla at once.• It Last fall Mr. Wotherspoon, from
never disappoints. ,authority. He made an effective party
Glasgow, Scotland, while on a business s each that would; do wonders on `the
A poor fellow named Crooks, of Bel- trip through Canada and the Status, p
grave, who had his leg broken by a kick stayed over for a few days in Harriston hustlings. ,
from a horse,was taken to the House of friends. After his return to This from thak' rabid Tory . news -
visiting frienc s paper the Toronto 'World, and re -
Refuge on the 17tH.. Scotland he diel ilial forget the Pork
Chesle will celebrate the Queen's. Peeking establishment as the Treasurer,lgriuted in the Tcy Sun, should lead
Y Q"Honest John" t6 suspect that ho had
Birthday. If the efforts meet the same Mr. Y.V. D. Mc4cllan, received the
1 admirers among his political 'ouemies. .
success as last year they well have a other day from hien a draft for quite
monster celebration, a large amount of stock, taken up .by
An armoury for storing the equipment him and his friends in Glasgow.. That
of the 33rd Batt. is to be erected in the Harriston Pr$rk Packery is a
Huron county. Clinton and 'Goderich financial success' is now an accomplish-
people are pulling for it. - ed fact. i
Mr. Ripley Express: "Johnston Roulston L. H. Taylor, of Brantford, is the
has a litter of pigs, sixteen in number. possessor of a sti'tenge old document,
Who can beat this" Well donei We headed The lyra
give that man theiturals. elius Burley, tvhor
don, Upper CanedrL; on Aug. 19,1830,for
At Stur. .. n Falls a wealthy corporation the murder of Timothy C. Pomeroy."
has at present at work at good wages Burley's execution , was witnessed by
600 to 700 stonemasons sand laborers in about 3,000 spectatdi's. The -first drop
the erection of a largo pulp .mid. was unsuccessful, the'rope breaking, and
Mi'.Herb Morrison, Seaforth, who has Burley walked up the scaffeld the second
confession of Corn -
as executed at Lon -
been iu Mr. Geo. Baldwin's employ for time with a first step. When the sheriff
some time left on Tuesday for Detroit, came to him with ; new rope Burley
Where he expects to =get a situation in a pulled clown the collar of his shirt to
big bicycle repair shop. r give him an opporttuity of making the
The Guelph Musical Society has en- knot secure. .
gaged as bandmaster ''for their band, T.
E. Corrigan, who hes been for nine
years bandmaster foe' the Royal Welsh
Fusiliers in the British Army.
Stop the 11'aaii. but 'Destroy
the Stomach—This is sadly too
■ A t.z.. Cure constipation, biliousness, sick often the case. So Many nauseous nos -
Co headache and dyspepsia. Every ' trums purporting to Ours, because they
e_ f�Ts"a pill guaranteed perfect and to act are so loaded with injurious drugs and
6M•g t `•�`t wic'souty,yaay griping, weakening or narcotics, In the end. do the patient
siclreniig effects z5e. at all drug- immensely more harm than good and in
PILL $iGt.
many cases so destroy the digestive or -
Bans that a cure is impossible. Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tabees"ts are purely vege-
ls3 ' ' W I C E ";T O a� 0 TALE. table pepsin preparaticln., as harmless as
' milk. One after eating prevents any
disorder of the digestive organs. 60 in
A ST. THOMAS ADY IN MAY, '87, abov, 35 cents. Sold';' __.
��yy r
A 4; t S` 0 Aa
Monday, the 16t11i inst., was a record
day at - the Pork Hottse, Harriston.
Twelve hundred an fifty hogs were de-
livered. Being a bs nk holiday (Easter
Monday) the Stall rd Bank wasblosed,
but Manager Gr
urgency of the occas
big doors for two h
Yea, verily, John, the Grit and Tory
farmers "Lo' their ain champion."
0]? THE....„
is pure and cold an.d
:Notice is her ., y given that all of the placer
mining claims, hole 4ind f., etional, the pro-
perty of the Oro- • in the liken Territory,
will be offered r sale n public auction at
Dawson by the. •' d Oon ' issioner, on the 2nd
dery of jtttly, ,1900.
Twenty per cent.
recognized the shall be paid to the
ion and opened the son on the day of
within thirty da -y fro
ars so that most of There will bo no re.
of claims which may
the farmers got their checks - coshed. or eonspany Boldin
Those who did not get to the bank in - but no hydraulic c
tinie were accomodated by obligiug busi- :foil eht ats 40
men. As an evidence of the growth of accordance witi
on. t the pig industry may be noted the nuns- e' mining on of th ti
CURED HER OF BACKACHE Mr. Louis J. Bieithatipst, proprietor of ber of crates containing choice specimens hews a d trig
AND MADE HER STRONG Berlin and Listowel tlsuleries was re- of the youthful hog which daily passes A survey of the
AND HEALTHY. , ' p through the hands of the local express 1tiilidDke `rrtm nt at
address b
l `thaco
m li eut
sen.ec svl p m cry y .,,,,:
. Fr
e purchase money
ommissioner at Davi-
,and the remainder
hat date.
tion as to the number
old to any one person.
e Miner s Certificate,
'11 be included in the
the clai
the provi,'ons of the )lacer
as then in f •ce, with the ex -
°vision as to the staking out
e claims sold hall thereafter
cer mining eau llikens.
.aims sold t 11 be made by
is early a da o as possible,
q shainelncle grot d tate Gov-
eyer ay define by urvey in ae---
th HU regulations s may be
int bell'if and the
c ion of the
all in respeet hereof be
foronelanysivereason it is deem impos-
the *Gold ommissioncr to ve title
ession to an claim disposed o it such
sale, the G ld Commissioner vill re -
0 deposit pal at the time of sa ,and
shall lie agldnst the Orown in r vpect
e to give titictor possession.
A Icond auction Bile under the cond 'ons
I abo • set forth will blip held at Dawson o the
2n ay of August, 1800, of all claims not is-
m of at the auction sale of the 2nd Ji y,
1 , and of any other clitims which have in 1 to
n anthem become theproperty of the Oro*,
der the regulationuiiu that behalf.
cpartment of Interior,
Ottawa, 21st February, 14tO,
oney has been paid
willbe granted in
I the young Liberals of Berlin prior to his agents. Hoes of all varieties, white,
IX A IIEC.:1.T LETTER SHE TELLS HOWNE I black, long, short, speckled, spotted,
YEARS departure for Paris �vliere he has charge striped—hogs from. which the dainty
OF • PLEIDID $EALrH—TREE FROM . of an exhibit. " breakfast ba ton is made and hogs more
Pal' o11 Stfre'aRING. Clinton C. O, F. band under the able plebian which only aspire to bologna
There ore very fast remedies now on leadership of Mr. B. Gibbings, made sausage eminence—they aro all hogs
the market that will stand the test of their 1900 debut on Good Friday. Clinton just the same.
time. Alt they do is to give a little tem- citizens are proud of their band and are
porary relief. They never go to the seat______
anxious that the council give them a
of the tr:.ubie and root it out of the liberal grant.
Not s.) with Doan's Itidney Pills. Kincardine Council give an assist-
Their action. on the I1ic?ncy's is of a ant collector 25 cts for every .dog found
peeutaneat curative character, altogether unta ed after the etre of 1129 If the
unlike i111y of the substitutes or cheap. gg y'
irnitaticliss. owner remains .negligent he becomes
One st titer proof of this is the two liable to a fine of $10 half of which goes
stateme2 i s made by Mrs. E. W. Trump, to the assistant collector.
of St. 71 anus, Ont. The Mitchell Advocate of lash week
The fi ,•t of these, made May 10th,
1897, is ne follows: "When I coin- says: "Mrs. Rttue, who is some months
meuced ti.I lues -Down's Kidney Pills I over ninety years of ego, called on the
was Pifk alai miserable with severe Advocate Wednesday, and presented
pains in 1 y back and kidneys. I was
it's() editor with a spool of loran thread,
also Vel r` ivt"alS ,,,,a nervous.,r•• Ign P a t
sur " Y.
• •"•' ''.s. y., , ,-.(, t . • -, t i Lich she had just woven from flax .
movie. •• • . .r e--- "' • t'he% • that Ilan; been in her possession for
ed and 1...,.:(.. 1.I t.- ,. Lit:, w , iii 1, K 0101 tit , over ninety years, and on an old wheel
Arte. 'z • ;t ro a splerntir,l medicine it I : which was matlo about the year 1.783."'
kidney tr :1 .las of any .:incl.
The Ft, e ierlstateinent which 'TM give i '"Carry Sunshine With. You."
below is 4roet�ant date, olid shows what
stilendid health Mrs. Trump 1•as had 1 A bright, fresh, sunny face is always
*wee Po:in's i2idncy Pills cured her ` iinspiring, and it always denotes good
over two and a half years ago. I health as well as es happy heart. Many
"Over t ., a years ago I wrote telling faces that ever° once overcast with gloom
fi'.f the c.. e' made in my case by, Doan's have been made bright and gently by
lfdney rills. At the present time r ant Hood's Sarsaparilla, which cures all dys.
+snjoyin.t the very best of health, slop , poptic symptoms, Strengthens the nerves
well, at well and Illy old enemies, back- and tones up and i:ivil f rates the whole
aohe sill kidney trouble have clever re- ; system..
turned. Tests"ltd of misery and a broken I ...
down c>7 . titntion, T have for the past 1 Constipation is cured. by Hood's ?ills,
Om value bea
uty st fresh senco of the. thohu n•i itatin , entingrtic. Sold by all
Gold Oo
final and
In eats.
stele b
and pos
fund t
no cla
olrtn�lrllt;nnl!Ii1: 1t111N1&Y•PII"'�:plVDll l t da...
. 14 "C^6. ,,,t W
•4.N.J,fn �>afV�.J+..�4J4•
tI , yegetabial're, 1rdti0ilf0rA t ,
sinlitatinR ill,Tocti oncIReguia,
Iting the Starachs endl3owels a1;i
! Promotes Digestion,Cheerful'
doss ardRest.Contain, neither
Opium,Morphitle nor Mineral,
•; e
1 A tectRemedy for cons tipa-
tion, Sour Stolnach,Diarrhoea,
Wori ls,GorsvulMioils,Feverish-
€R.SS acidLoss or SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature cf
1• Cf;�GJ; fig ✓.
..E'reyariOIrZ.71r'a/JC."7'�1'1Jf Il
)'3a• -igen J'ced
Alx wrnei
/1 �:ue,,xrs-
�siae SrerL +
o ;ti Jid,r, r
7,xm heel -
(Z. 111,E Same, .
13C)TT i .T; OF
r' IsTEW YORK. "; Ccctorftt is pet rein cna-size 1lottlos only, 'It
' ra- �rtx.' in not sold in ben:.I o::'t a1.a-v anyuna ao soil
c i? s 1- �'. . you aa;, thi: g also on tho plea c: promise that it
is '•just an hued,, enc "u'.11 ausier every pnr-
-" ter 3 j _' _ ... poseego that Sen gat
ill le ` The i�a- Y,/'
11 EXACT COPY t' [ . i • n, a:.a sir 41Ae.� {se io os.
•{,%pf✓T� •... .G+�. 040ry
a.. �.a .f arappo:-
.k•2.....;.ir.....-'.amu'<.• i «. .... .._. '. .... ...w.+...y-..y--..-:7a uF.:....w-rS�-.aS"«a�'
Walkerton will `celebrate the 24th of
May with horse races and baseball.
A Globe last wee- cnitained a picture
of Mr. Arch. Hyslo, M. i'. P: for East
Scald Hand.
Some years ago I scalded ray hand
very badly, then took cold 111 the burn,
my haucl swelled and was ve y painful,
but half a bottle of HagyTarl's Yelow
Oil cured it completely. Mrs. Wauna-
maker, Fraukforet, Ont.
Hanover village is thinking seriously
of -securing possession of tlie Blue Springs
at Maple Hill as a:sourca of water supply
for its citizens.
Passed Moo 3.
Mrs. Traviss, Fennels P. 0., Oat.,
writes: ' "My husband was so bad with
Diarrhoea that he passel bleed and
could get nothing to cure him until he
tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry. He says it saved his life."
Fordwich Canadian Foresters have
pin chased a new site for their Hall and
will immediately move their present
building thereto. A large addition and
many improvements will be added.
These pills are a specific for all
diseases arising from disordered
nerves, weak heart or watery blood.
They Cure palpitation, dizziness,
smothering, faint and weak 'spells,
shortness of breath, swelling of feet
and ankles, ,nervousness, sleepless-
ness, aniitila, hysteria, St. Vitus'
daneta, partial paralysis, brain fag,
female complaints, 'general debility,
and lack of vitality. Price roc.. a bo...
As tide seasol is tibw
�ipproa hing where these
bills will be needed by
horsetn4n, we would
sny to Tnrl:all, such that the
Ts (i�•$cc, is
equipped for turnip out
this class owork. A
splendid line of suitable
Reasonable rates.
About three years ago I had to:
leave school with sore hands.
My teacher said it was Salt Rheum
or Eczema and told me to see the
doctor. -
Mother got some medicine, but
it did me no good.
After I had suffered with the
itching and burning about three'
months, mother thought slit
would try BurdookBlaod Bitters.
1 only took two bottles, when-
heymy hands got completely cured.
—Emma Sheridan, Parry Sound,
We give, this splendid
Rifle forsoilhtgonlytwo
dozen pa, kages or•Swc of
1'e., Seeds at 10 cents
each. Each Inge pnekago contains'.
O most fragrant varieties. ;MI colors. This Melo oftho best make:mi latest model, well anlzhcd
nickel plated, carefully sighted and tested before Ieaving the factory. It is just the thing for
target practice or for shooting cats, rats, sparrows, eta Itetnrn this advertisement with your address and wo
send seeds. Sell them return money and we for wo,d your Male all charges paid. The seaseu for selling seeds
isshertaoorder at once. Our Sweet Pcapack4.csst ithemse1vos reunion Supply Cu ocx W J. leronto,
_-siartla7A'r 7 1 -l-..._
!-;,..1/4,:;:-:.,;f41.4.p. •�•It3..a...-3..a. _..`�Is'i�:ti4i , l !�v_;�.•. _�
Gxs �f'K
''t, Thous:wcls of Young and.l>St.ldlc Aged Been are annually st'ept to a premature rave
If' •hron:;h (arty End;ser lion nrd later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood
Dis ases h t o ;alined wad wrecked the life of many a promising young man Have you
Many of the fol lotvint; Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in 'Morning,. No Ambi -
ti t Mem n y- Poor; Easily Fatigiyedl Ezcitablo and Irritable: Eyes blur• Wimples on
thelfeeo; 1helnte and Drains at Night; Restless;Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore
'leo It; Voce;
Doose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of
Lies y and :Mr ngih. Our New Treatment will bund you up mentally, physically
. ; 1011 8 oxen l ly. .
th '�r In. nealt DRS. KENNEDY KERGAN sae
t,:.;.,?J ghat
"At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which,almoet ruined
me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled mo. - I could . /.
stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and:
drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Finns,
trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family -Doctors. 1
hoY saveno help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy 8c Iiorgan. They
b ? sant ine one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feet
, myself gaining every day. Their Neu) Met14041 7'reaanent tures w,nwa.
C r e is un 1 ui, ..0 all else fads." They have cured many o` my friends."
Ur. Moulton;`E
C11111 R� TCCD• CR Zit.? iti'ii1D:D.
"Sone 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood
disease. 1 went to Ilot Springs to treat for syphilis. Merc.,ry almost
killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. '!'trout
became sore, pains in limbs, pimples oa face, blot thee, eyes teL
lose of hair, glands onla•god. oto. A medical friend advised Drs.
Kennedy & itergan's Now Method Treatment. It eared Illf', and I have
had no symptoms for five years. I ant married and happy. As
Cara; .• yo.an ago, doctlor,i�1 heartily recomend it to alt who have this terrible disease—
s ✓1' will eradicate the poison from the blood.
Ga-tt 'rrnvnsead.
" am 88 years of aye, and mvrrio•1. When young I hmt a
Ray life. Early indiscrotions rind later excesses made trouble)
for mo. I becatno weak and nervous My k'cineys became
affected and I feared Bright's disease Mara si lit w 111 ti 1gntis-
` factoryandyhome unhappy. I tried every'hing-all retest :ill
`. I took trenttmnont from 1)rs. 'Kennedy and Iter (an. 'rheic H w
Method built me up moatally, physically ai,l s fauns. l flat
and act like a man in every rospoot. Try them,"
r No Names Used Without Writtet
Consent of Patient,
c:,,.e s in time, New Method power £ails in curi'rq n18° °6' of tiles+.
': OurTreatmentIt, strengthens Ilse holy, sops telt
,, dr tins and losses, purifies the>lcocl clears the brain, builds up the nervousort
and f zal
systems and restores lost vitality to the body.
we Guarantee to Cure IsPervopla Estittti . •:eratt5trru 3t
ti d'phitir3,"lfav*COceie,trIctilt`'e,ollet,e,ilitcretttir:el ,)IMelieir::;tt3„
'Weak ]Parts and 11.11 I tdttey and Madder . tseato to
1"' l)rs. kennels & Morgan aro the to teilu>y iy;tnl it:tJbt est
Atnoriea. They gnatanteo to 0 tro Ott.119:. 11te,r touti-
tntion and fifteen scare of basiaoss aro at st:xo. Lint
run Ski risk. Write them foe an honest a iniOrt, n0 matt: wh 1 ttetth.l yo,2. it lust
t, p ,
save you years of rascal and satforin;l. Chasm roagaas.,lp. 1Vritp for u
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