HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-02-02, Page 4PAGE ?QUA • •eitern. Canada :Special :Bargain .Excursions APII:0.14 ALL STATIONS .14-EAS'llgfitiNT ...VANA.ThAs ' • • Going Daily Feb. --18 , Mar. 4 Indusive Ret,u,jj54ays TICEEiS. GOOE 1' • COACHES dt: ffireti niprOidelatOli 1.1/se Per nine. r. 1'01.11tIST SLE1,111,10 CARS At approximately 1Yee per mile • .STANDARD SLEEPING .CAP at aPPrOximately per mile . COST OF ACCOMMODATION •in SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL • • . Baggage. Stepevette at Port Ailthur, Areisteeng; Chicago • — „ and West- ' • • • . . ' Suyimmt ExouRstoNs Fitom WESTERN TO. EitsTERN CAN- ADA DURING SAME PER12D Tieketee fileetting. Car Reservations and all information from any • Agent OR HA,103BILL4' • . , ' T20 T ON L • • 4 THVIMAY., FE00.11,1ART 2ndr. 11939 .Mrend Mr. -liervey Webster:end fanly of Gederieh were Sunday 'xis- itors -with Mr, and MrseJohn Purim* Mx. Oaf Mrs.- Elden t,hneteesseand children visited off SeindaY with and ' Mrs. Stanley 'Dennia. . '5 • • ri4h4..Seine-iildn't get out UntiI Sun "Council Standard" RIB -ROU. or Tite-Lap Roofing is being widely used for houses. It dgi permanent, firePteoefivieather- proof, requires tolnlin- tint; upkeep. Weiteforeerneyrfree book. ''llrotise Tone. EaSterik Steel products kaLSTON 0711 Afirf4Riff.411•4t 1•1014,RI4L f.,000/4Tr: aild Mrs. Ira MacLean of Eras- -sels spent Sunda)/ afternoon with their. parents, Me. and Mrs. F. Mac- Lean, . ,here: Xwo knights of th.e road, visited in ., • ; the, station here Over Sunday. They • fared well gathering' food through the -vi1lage-,--arcd71ieeping-hach -in: the •station. The stern!' and gale at the .firee:e.4 the Week slowed •:things up consider ably, and people didn't move.,,areund much- but remained content by theit fire sides. It would seem :that 030: businstplate in Dungannon is the Public Library. The young lads of the village appear to have a contract for keeping the, sidewalks pieggicee and they doing a goad. job. Hope it doesn't increase inice,a'teo The meeting .selledelecl[fer Men,47' night regarding. the ',feiMinff Of :1 Iderde OW -Wes cpostinanealeowing to the -blocked condition of :the road:, erhieh' rprevented Rer. ;44r 11 Moore - .house of Yarchoutis Centre near- St. Thomas 'from Coming, who was ,ire - senting a motion picture "Wheels A- . gross. Africa." We, heartily congretulete Mrs: Da!: id Gervin who Will observe her 97th .birthday' on :Sunday, February 5th, and .we Wish her Continued strength im4adr.k.a.hby arPiwITIl; sbut were She is ikgetrePtilVthe ill- ness of her -daughter, Mrs. jean Will, lama, whe, is her: faithful attendant. Mrs: Williams. at the end of the week suffered a 'sick-et:tell and is remaining in bed 'under the doctor's tare. Mise Frances; Bridges ,is toasting during tier iI1nss. "Mis..Wm. Bray and Mrs. John Gar- nIs, ; Toronto, visited on . Saturday with Mr. and Mrs:W.: J. WH nrgai U RCN. • Mr :and Ms ehas. Gime' Eipie:anr( amity of St. Thomas pent the v,veek-. end`-livith, 'the formes" parents here, Mr. and Mrs. John•:Gilliespie. , int Sunday ,evening with her par- Congrntulations. to litirs. Robert' ents Mr.- and Mrs 4.: J. Kilpatrick. RoWbray ;on winning second Prize -in The Woments, Association of Blake:, the Robin Hood Baking Contest held 'Church are holding a suPeor and .a 'Wingilifon Saturday. ••• mAFEKING•• Mi ss Mary Crarcaton. assisting At -aie keine of Mra Richird- Johnstor at preent. ' • • ' Mr. and Mrii. Harvey' Webb and twi ThildrOn of Sts,' .Helens, Visited One' lay las wetk with fdr:crui,24rs. 'Anderson. ' • ' • Miss ,Olive, Blakeis:ender' the dece .erie caie ,at.-•preSent, We nope ,aht dill soon .be, feeling .better,-,, Mr. • end. Mrs Georg* Saunders spent Thursday .with Mr., and. tare; 'Sant gihscht• of I4echn1ah: • :The commimity extends 'their .trym ' to Mrs. Thee. ,Blake in the re c‘Cn(tiestit of. her brother, Mr. Rebeet Webster .of: clint,On. encl•Mrs. Cecil Blake of Crewe . MIT; John Gaunt spent:the Week- • end in Wingicane'with friends there, eecial evening Friday February tOth' in the halt Aire.' Rev. Young of S. Kinloss Will give a recital and there Manyi: cars were 'stuck between • Vti 111 be 'other musicernuMbers: Hier/- Wingliam and Whiteckirch Saturday one welcome. , • f .l:'-'• ..•.........;..,.t:,,•,' .'.',•_:,..._.:::,,..,...„..:-_,.. + \ li .4,atili, 111111111;h1c1;:, ‘ 61r4P:01111livall111111:111pApER E 3 1 fifian uumsurns , I The aler'v.,–ll t reader irecognize at once that here it a golden opportunity fri obtain the outstanding subicription bargain of the year, THIS NEWSPAPER, 1- Year • And Any Magazine Listed — Both 'for Price Shown. • - • I -2.72-Albiiiirta)itoictot «if me rierrn-,169, . American Fruit Grower American Moarstine Canadian Horticulture. & Home Magoiltse.. Canadian ,Maga:zin. Chefelairie child ifile • Christian Herals1 etudo Mute Matta:tete Forbes Home Arts Nodise:1ff Judge • Magazine tigett Maclean's Magatine Notional Home Monthly ,elevo-Waak „ . Open Rodd (Roys) • P'?irents' Magazine Picottoorpy ielall!eview ph •Physical Culture • Popular Mdl ear:los 340 Popular Science tviont,hly - 3.00 • 2.26, 13.10 , 2.36 2436 2!.15 310 3.10 3.00 340 '6.60 240 • 2.50 3.60 2.35 2.35 4.60 2.50 2.75 • • 2.35 3.10 3.10 RodboA 1 • Rod ood Gun in Canada Sereenland • Silva;^ Screen . • . .... . . ..... 246 Travel Magazine 210 "True Story • „ Woman's Home Companion • 1:01: . s .. 3.10 2.35 -2.60 klatk 1404-0*ZINE. 'DESIRED ABOVE (X) 4 4 • • Ceittlemen: 1 sql•elila . ..for'whichisind nre.arrlar :fir'oestraperio jtor.is Mt year, ora4 th • Woo #48 d! • rS,1 • Or ii.k. ..... ....•, it • . • • POA,t. (k1H1.6 , 411 100 474 The ,Viask In ParIiiiinent W. 4.-7,6,164.n!Tsoz4: M. P. , . The outstanding event ,of the 'yeah was the .eppointMeit of two Ministers of the Crown—The Ilon- Miclannan0., and We are glad to see Miss Melindo Blackout *gain since,her recent , .ness. • ., Miss 'Ada Plunkett or Toren , who hzs been visiting her Mint, .Mrs. Irnc Iverte,' spent, the Week -end with het aunt Mrs., Ches. Congram... ' - • Mrs. Burton Roach -entertainea the Woreen's Institute Thursday If lest week in her hence for the Januery. meeting. Mrs . -L. leers presided With fourteen members ,prekent and, 'ttkp visitors. The MB call we's answered tiv New Year Institute Resolution. Mrs. Wm. Stewart read correspond- ence in regards to the prospects of getting a resident physieitin in. the village: Mts. Chas. Alton; convenor foe .eomintihity activities and reliefs, gave* worthwhile paper on the same. Mrs. Roach'glive a demonstratitin.on dyeing wool suits -A aisplay of var- ious Itandwerk was brought to ere - 'Ate interest Lunch was served at the. lose of, the efterneen: It was decided that -the February meeting Would be • in the fortn of,a social evening, PO. at the' home of Mrst Chas. Alton nriting the husbands, with Mr. Chas. • klton 'end l4Ir.• Bruce McArthur. in, • harge eke the program to -be given 'ty the men. Itannunal40--lioratart • Irlitikrty,s • Natural* the 1,0010t *ie.. con- "stiencney of-Brnic are doubly grit: :tied et -the appOintnient .of 'the Hon curable • James MatKinnen, as Me. MicKintlem was horn end grew up. in My Own honie town of 'Vert Elgin, ind is well-knowe 'throughout. the d.dnie::11mbegt'.1titiies, 041114Ploirithene:14.; Allabbeertitri:. Xis ilLeeKiimin'itt:: manager 2.0e . the Canadhrt Men's Trust i* Ednionton and also coddiscts a fire insuraece hutch:mei: He, therefore,. brings% with him ,sinto, hte cabinet a .Wide-hrisines experience;' with knowledge of 'th'• -East as well as the West, whiehe.e.: ! day is a valuable' 'asset to any Ge'v eminent, Another •resident. of Bruce is rapidbil clinching to, the top.' The new POstinaSter General; Eon. outahle. Norman McLtirty, is prob-.-• ally- not so:, weli known -In icry con- stiteencY, but is a „Man of great she ity Hn'Asrmerly practised ie lifedicitteAEit, and new resides mn Wintleor..Therefere, he •' brings ,with, him into the Cabinet wide experience He is fine 'speaker, and. of a con- genial disposition. is te' Persona' friend of Mine and his ..appointefieW is. very gratifying to ;me., • . The Honour:Ole James. • Gardiner:. who 1.; Mentidned in my lest. art, . . . We; did not set' up the 'tele legis- lattion that ay be introduced in the House this Session' affecting thi- farMers , in Enetern Canada. I' ant net at libeity' at the present time te dischas thie probable legisletioe but you May rest assured that -Mt• •Gairdiner will 'take up several mat• tem, affecting. the farmers of this country as • regards: marketing •of. farm' products, which is. of great im, portance at the present • time.. . • I might may that It, J. Scott, pres- ident of the Central -Fitirmere Co - Operative, end -'seVerirl ethers, in-, tervietved Mr. Qardiner the, other day in, connection' with these, prob- lems. Tbp 'Minister. was favourably • impressed. No man in Cane& .today Understands the difficulties of the farmer 'better- than does the Honour- Jable Jatiteti Gardifilr. • J MIB Cathe4ne *pent IL few days wsith Nix!, Matthew Sbneirieton• 0" Misses' PprothY. Abut :Mr. Bertram . Curran of *felting :spent Entorelny afternoon with Mr: and Mr s. Jack Purretls, : Mr* and Wired: Drennan . and e-14klrea- +eats Saturday In Wingbant . ' I MOS Ieerena Crezier of L.E.S. wpm home over the week -end Miss Bernice Bake Rivet the week end 'fit .honse Dengannons Mr. Tilos; Rivett Of Wilkie, Saelue is visiting friendi hem D'Imgan- .SEPOYS • STAGE TWC) OVERTIME DUELS • WITH .LISTOWEL puyea ,Overtime Draw Here etidaiz—lieferee I.di, Gives •„ stowel Decision ,In Ovet. time On Friday When He • Play Back As Fisher Scored Over-' thie Equalieer. . Sri. Lorne ttamOns espent a day -recelithr With her, parents Mr. and 3,tra. Gep,' Fr-tenni* teeelnirnr Mr: pave ,•74.toyKhinney:. mid-, Bert 4 ViSitia. Mir A: M4 Mr#. Eaii.Make: near • 17-1 .1n Lucknow LucknoW •and Listowel battled to o 171 evertinie draw here, last Wed - nestle* night `aii one of the double feature attractions that marked Bob- by. Burn's night in the ,Villege, . Free Johnston, veteran" Listowel goilie,'-garre a Sensatientsi display PI acrobatics.,and goal tencling in his first return. to the gime thirrieasori. Clinton on Mendey.-; • ; tentinual rain of •reb- ami while rnany .of bee siivea, lia4;11Alit, it(r. and *IL., Cot' $thkIrx ' and bar- especially in the first, Period, old ;spent :Friday with Mt. and Mie • . Raymond Finnigan. , . The met Friday evening at the home of the president Mr. Lorne Hasty. Migme !text charge I?! Or meeting. Ronald Treleaven read , the Scripture Lesion, and -after the de -otional period Ila Mahe joire the •.opie :which interestiO, rolloived disctissien. After the meeting all enjoyed a number of gamess play diaalkiwing -the goal, oe" for calling the play Wa0. tha.1-Ohitsten hOd drePPed, on the pu'elei . •It was another illotom:09 of .mC very unsatisfactory feferceb4 ibis • seaman, and iso far as the Sepoys are; concerned,° the ngreirent at. the, ginningunt the seation to the grOup sioneetier. appoint -ref • .e00. 'in • Plitee•-';'-" . • Goats Imo not very well known or edier‘tood in. thicepart:ortheeountry. • This has apparently Made them feel rather slighted. :At p recent concert and dance': sponiered by the bun-, zannon Agricultural Society, • ono tiro -tight it was a good time and place ..to make its Appearance. It ceme in the front door ail proceeded to the hy the orehestra and there took .ts bow.' The goat might have figured this qt for himself, but We think that some of the little farmers had hand in it. ' FOURTH CONCESSION ens field' on Thursday he the eth Con. School Hansa The day W11'. fine anti Mere was a large attend ente. Mrs. A. McKinnon presided and the meeting opened with singing the "Opening Ode", anti repeating the Loed's Prayer in 'unison. The min" utes of the last meeting were read and adopted. baring the •buOiness 't was decided to donate ten dollar, the Arena, buy cupe and make lothes 'for the needy. This was fol- lowed by a splendid program. Scotch .ecnein iy notrithy Webb; a inns en1 number by Mrs. White; readink- ..y Miss Dean McLeod and ?Ire. Mc. Tver. The report of the Cenventior in Toronto was read by Mrs. R yartin.. •• • • Mrs. fl. Lavin gave reeding. A ry interestin.g, contest on vehid1e0 brolleht the Iprograte t acloserThe 'AS/ 'being fl6e. the birthday of “Roht •!turns" Sonicif his pieces were Flung "Flow Gen tl y *ee t Afton" anrl "Annie lAuriO," A vete ot thanks, As tendered the. ladies in ehnrge r•inking . the Natienal A n t h e isrenght the meeting to a elese. Lem+ was Rettred And pleesan' inie Spent. 14h6 -,Fehrtlitry tritOin4 will he held, at the, home of, Mrs. Ar(hI Mthijrre„,..., • ST. HELENS • , 'Miss Norma_ Weatlierhead Of the Winglistra ;High School was home foe he week end. Eddie Gaunt of Kapuskasing a visitor With his Mother, Mrs. Jhs. Gaunt. earmarks of pure luck,' he„tontinued; his 'performance during the entire seventy minutes -and the only gocV to lieat thim i was one BY Ken. Cant eron in the first period on which , Fisher and Ellie had assists. The regular -meeting of the Y.P.1.: seas held on. Sunday evening with good attendance: This 'was the firs' night of the new contest, of vihict the captains are- Stanley .Todd ane GOldwie Purvis and the former's sidt had [charge of the meeting., Dick: •Weatherhead presided and Mac Mc- r'?„onald read the Scripture Le$50.2,' Shirley Buchitenare contributed e eeading: The topie"New Hymns" wa`f. taken by 'Mrs. E. W. Bice While Mrs D. Phillips played sone.of the hymns The discussion was led by Stanley Toad. MONDAY • Honourable Norman -Rogers mimic( today on the -question . Of the relief .1roblerri in the Dominion of Canada. lie spoke of a new measure of Fed- eral assistance for 011ie Works, with the Dominion and the Province pay- ing the cost of. direct labour 5, elfty4ifty The direet relief hajils will be on a ratio- of 40 X ,40 x 20 as between. tit, Dominion,. the l'iovinees and th VItinicipalitieS. This will relieve th :nunicipalities ,from the taXation bur den. oeuried hr, dir.cci_ . , • . ' *ADVERTISING VEERS Ire whp whimper:4 down a Well .Ahout the goodel ho has to sell • I Will never Make as nutty' dollars in ante*. to tho . critics. .1 Mr: Eriler rafts are iloW 'fully before the mein' AO .he WIWI Olitithe a tree mid hang -414,-.15 ' at length Wittt the trade sit. tiers of Parliasnent. • of W. A.Hewitt. secretary, has resulted i some ve poorly . handled game • .The Sent' to pan believe roles t cut IN t. In tairing toetnhfaonreetheaiiri the nder• the present' lid up of- or� eriiies!uttos oaltaeYety,heisoirtatwede -*Atli bill hfin- prtd, o:ninosgi f;c0ifipt rornnyrihtsdehi.ctihe;g1twita Jinnnie Auld the Se- e, until his last de- s certainly a honer. --r • Lew Thompson, Listowel defence, man got the. equaliser inz the .secopd period, and from, there neither teary.' -.mild' Score...Lie:towel played then eat hockey le'the third peroicl, when -heir passing- Plays •began to .click, Luckno*—Goal, Ritchie;', Defence, r'amet'ori; McLeod; Centre,Visher;' Wings, Ellis, a-ree,r; Alt., Thpinp. ..9.)1.omon; lifcLay, McKenzie, Mc did -they; • • • Listowel-eGoal, Johnston; Defence Peppier, 'L. ThoraPEioh;° Spence; Wing, Lavery,Yotin,;" Alt, Wray,. ,Jim Thenitison, Jack Thome on, Athos.- • • Referee -Ken Somers; •Wingham. •• - 6-5 In Listowel Friday i'Lucknow Sepoys and Lietowe' clashed in Listowel on Friday, foi their second Menting in three dais' and again the game went into over time With Jimmie A:uld's. refereeing giving tk Listowel squad a 6 to 5 win over the Sopoys., costing then'. a Point that was badly needed. Fred 'JohnstOn was. again in the •ation thrOugheut the world. He Itated Many figures relating to treat 'Ind trade balances,. He said Canada -produpeeso much .morethan i' i!onstunes that the stirplus prOducte .must find an °Wet, and if they could ie exported, the buying power at tome would be increased. • Mr. Euler sPolie in his usual con- • incing • manner and Metered the Timis that everything in his pOWei vould be done t� continuethe policy • sfs new trade' agreements in other ,ountries to absorb our surplus of farm "ioduee. This Trade; Treaty no loubt will be,discussed at greater 'ength and in: more detail when same cdhies before. Parliament. • . low' on the right hand of the leadet if the Opposition, the Hortenrable Or. Manion, -spoke at some length. flis bpeech was awaited with inter .st .due to the fact of his disloyalty to his. leader. in 1934, when be con . ducted a campaign of his own with hireseif at the head Of it new party :le has nhw returned once none to the Conservative told. He made a •reey•brilliant epeechs criticizing the Government , in ' every field, .and lit'Vilirrangeate-44.14tece-:.0;n4- fienotirabg 11"4-114iifildif tO"'Ingle-for- -his statement; as to taking over the entire relief costs. Mit. ManiOn's re - y was "1 ant net going to ninki s statement of. policy „lust MAY". Thi. • Of couree, , direet contrast t is address at Barry's Bay last -fall Dr. Manionylatei on, in the coiirad he Minister's speech denied that le ;tied ever suggested. that the 'Pont inion take over the"entire burden of • 41Vit4.11LES.... .04 -,,OVERTIME . . know !juveniles went into a !first place tie With Wingheni on Fri- day night by: defeating the Brussels boys 3 to 2 in &upsets-, in, Overtime. The locals were without the services • of „Eldon Metetel and "'Way” Har - wound up with a few .brilliint re - narks picturing the job of Prime --Vilnistee.As_not being -CaPtain of the EVESDAY . Mr, Perry, of ,Qu'Aiipelle, in he Ireech today alleged graft. in relief administration. in the 'brovince:of iaskatchewan. ,apparently iii - tend to ask for a Cormuitte to in- vestigate it: The Minister Of . Pin- nnee, in answering his allegations stated that there were two itst three -bites' of graft :Which art now being Iroseeuted.tindet the criminal cede. Mirk SOnn, tating that -the prices of the ferni',Iseeducts etre determined the law of sbpply and demand 'onsentlently wider maikets would 'lot serve the problem. lie hinted 'a' a policy of fixing 'the price, although ;le would not Copinilt hithself on thi, nellous• ,prObleni a the • farmer. of tOdAy. lie , also 'critgised the Trade Treaty. ne• heirnentr.t‘Aheqindhstr* fri Canada. WEDNESDAY • The Itenourible W., D. Volt*, Min biter *of Tcade and Cimmieree, spoke , nets for Listowel and e sports welter from Listowel Ici" the, Beecon-Herald Said,i4171mston in the Listo*el, goal was the hero of the • game, holding off Lueknow' „attacks wheti 'every-, thing appeared to be lost". But, the •Sepoys really het- it in the first period'"before they were aware What it. was all about...At the 'our -minute mark, the Listowel.spree istartedend within three minutes• they had scored as many goals. Jiin Thonnson, Athos and Pratt were -the goal -getters. Ellis gcit one Of them back it 12 minutes and that endec' the peering in the first period. At eight minutes- in the wend period, Thompson scored fot Luck - new.. LaVery got Listowel's fourth real nix Minutest later, but Ellis ored-lbucknowls---third,--goal-nt th nineteen:minute mark. • Spence made it 5 to 3 for 'Listowe' early in the third. Three minutes later Fisher' scored for Lucknow. ane •eith two -minutes to go Ellis tied. uP 5-5. • , With three minutes left in the vertime 1>eilee and Pratt.combinec'• icely with the 'fernier -picking thr corner th beat Ritchie. Fisher heistee n the tying goal witkiei minute left wer the .prostrate body of • Goalie lohnston. Jimmie Auld didn't ailev ..'he goal .calling the play • "becauit Tolniston had dropped on the puck' • - ,,,etziratetttnerhntraltqumpx Vine aif'd -another :1-urstauee• ete ship and its passengers. -He some crude refereeing thet-have put hought there might be holes in' it; 'p with this seadon. ' ',did lots of teaks. W. A. Fraser, a Listowel—Goal, Johnston; Detente l..iberstl member interjected '"You 'Peppier, L Thompson; Centre hould know—you Scuttled one ship" Wray; Wings, YOUT1, Jnn ThomPson' ;n4. In -Ought' down the House with 'kit., jack Tlionipson, Pratt, *Spence oprlar of laughter. Mr. Steven r tovery, Athos. t as completely taken.' aback, and i' '14ficknow-s-Goa1, Ritchie; Defence Isore or Te'es, ruined his !nal* "anteron, ' McLeod; •Centret. Fisher; meech this year. He sat down, and Wings,, Greer, Ellis; Alt., Thompson' 1, naked • a slight smile play over '11114ton, McLay, . McCartney, • 'he face face df the Honourable Dr. Man- Lan on, Leader of the OPposition. eRdierce--iimity Auld, Palmerston • THURSDAY, • - As :Yet -no eriticipm of the Bren "WEWAS ROBBED" Contract has been voiced by mem- This has been the, theme song of hors off the Conservative Party inthe Lucknow Sephys, following their the essmrsehs. lieltSurshieto 5 oVeetime defeat' in Lietervel Rowe dia mention in hi's' speech -oh Friday night, It should have beer 0'1E4 the people in Canada were not ,Larticularly intdrested iii any one loteil-(18 hdarqp,iebkyedpwuhictimuchhthn e,Seedwi.: peoyr -ontraci, but were interested in the tuturk. policy ,of the. Defense bePatt- tlf?tt - lemperted like this. Comg intr. rheas After a scoreless 'first period, Luknow stored the only .goal Of the second period with "Freck" Button' getting the marker. -Brussels took the Lead ;in the third period. With 2 goals in!' • qutek successioni but "Babe". - Aitehison got the elm:Iliad' late in, - the period:14a, Cocci get the win- ning goal in the overtime perietel. Brussels boys have eneenntered tiara luck in their ,epcetniiers With • LueknOw. In the game here one Of the boys broke a collar bone • and in" BrUsseh on• FridaY, another player had his ankle broken: , The 'locals iine-Up was as follows:: Goal, Reia Metlini' defence,. Rosssikle- Denald, Q. Paterson; 'centre John- nie Dahmer; ,wings, Jack- CoOk,.Erre- • est ButSon. alt., Lloyd- iWylds, I. Eedy, Doug. Aitehisop, John X. Me - Kenzie and Gordon SteWart. ' Referee -.Howard - Agnew. •SEPOYS WIN TO MOVE UP Defeat: Harriston Branches lf To 4 .In .Pocely Played Game, And Mose tip Into Playa Spot: • •In a slap -bang intermediate "B" game here Teesdey night, and by far the poorest exhibition of the „season, Lucknovi SePoys won An 11, to 4 de- cision over Harriston Bronchos. The .win, while Palmerten was dropping 3 to 1 decision to Arthur, sent the •Sepoys, fel. the time being at least, into fourth place ad a play- offispot.I The first Period of TuesdaY's game Was in particular a listleas affair.: Only -goal of the peried was seerej by Ellis on a pretty solo ruqh. Pisher scored two of five in the second • n and Caieron got another. Bruce and Davie scored for Harrista, the per- iod Milling if to 2. In the third period, Sepoys. Played their hest hockek of 'he night, swarming around. thellar- .iston net almost, continually to out - ore the trenches 7 t� 2. Fieher got 'hive inere, Cameron 2, Ellis and Sol— omon one' each. ' • Seven penalties 'tended out by ken Sanwa- of Winghane were divided to Lechnow and four to the visitors.. Harriston-sthial, Howard:. Defence, Ireger,.-Y-OtOtg; .13ruce, XIts.:744.71DitiggrA ' Davie, Morrison,. O'llreeht. 1..tielindw--L-Goal, Ritchie; Defence, Cdperiiri, McUeod; Centre, Fisher; Whigs, Greer, Ellis; 'Alt,. Thompacin, oternon, McCartheY, Huston. . • 'Oratit McNeil,. a C.C.F. member '2,1Ye/t11110with the '41scorireat teremi- 'or Vaheetiver North spoke end dee Listoivet 5�red al, nouitted the tiefenee Dephrttrittit tion lileY at the1-mitilite npirli. With eieterly. cO'nn-c-ceeiti•-svitictee Bean but St minute to go, .Lnektiow war Inn' Contract, about which we have Putting on aPower play.. aortlie John heettlso tnueh, lie demanded,a petit- ston, hi his -well-known' manlier . artientary investigation, regardless of litaligesd out of hi net. Several feef lite fact, that an:: independent Revalmnan'etteniPt- tO .11OP On fl loose' puck .•Commission- weige_e„. .Tti thia.. he waeret.„ eueeeSsful. f'jtIllsftit!eepotiet4vitol'ibtitiisttedh.lii;thdoit'ith+otiittkIliint 'Yiel:t;ed""crthe Creek trilither, htitsitt.. that thmq. Committee wmfl be formed 'Pg: 'it over tile ,PraStrato goalie' into tut it is an eiepensive proeeduitc.. The 66 eVeit net „ As thee :Nib going on gefpfee Jim grad Autd Of."-0.1sititerstott Called tho 41, • s.. Intermediate "TV' •-llesnits Lucknolvt 1 Listowel 1 Vingharn 5, Palmerston 3. oListoweI6, thicknow 6 . Arthur 3, l'almerston 1 aListowel 2, Winghathe 1 Lucknow 11, Ilarriston 4 (o—overtime) • -- /a .. tiltanding Team, • ".• W, L T P Arthur , 0 0 18 Listowel 5 I. '1 11 ,. wingham 3 4 1 1 ' 7 Lucknow 1 • 2 .. 5 - 1• 5 .,,,.> , Palniereton 6 0. 4 ly Haeriston 0 6' 1 1. - . hiteitile Standing „ream W Wingham 3 1 -t,tickno* .„— . - . 6 • • 1 Brussels • • 1 8 2 Teestvater . . ... • . 6 .2. Two men were talking together ih the public library. , eipn iiiriat:11,-viyie. novel beri Igoe. 'wonder what's -Weenie 01 it?' Second Matt (who knew., something literatiwe its varloa It's" 'gone to two donate -and fifty