HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-02-02, Page 1'
. $2.00 YEAR,-IN'ADVANCE-490..EXTRA. TO. U. S.. A. k
. .
44 . ehavigorated by using Rumacaps. At'
regular tetervals, use Rumecaps for ' SUFFER . INiURIES
your heaths sake. leIcKIIVI'S DIUgh
.: POR SALELeKarii Church :Organ'
NosBroken Friday In Listowel
. . . . e
When Sertiek With Teriliee Forte
By Hoekey ..Puek.
• ...-. •
Bill Webster In Hospital With meek
en" Leg—Harvey Treleaven' Had
with. Electric-, Blower7-single mere%
nal; solid Oak ease; 21 stops: with 44
sets of ' reeds, knee , swell control,
.,and grand organ pedal. Fa.ctety re-
built ,by •experts and in perfect gen:
elieien; $350.00. Ileffitiinan MIT Co.;
Led., '242 Dundas Ste ,London,, Ont
'Write ;for complete' list of reeeriche
tinned organs. - :`•
Rudd an independent business of
yeur owfl With the distribution: of
•over 200 guaranteed necessities
select diseriet. Every clay i Pay
day. Repeat orders on all goode:
Lo•wer price*. Sincess *guatenteed to
all •honest; ,ambitious, alert 4 men. .
. Write -today without obligation tt, after .the mishap. „
14MILEK ' 570 St: ...Clement, Two years ago, last September,'
monteedt r . a Teethe accident south of Dungan •
non, Bill had this sante, lege•badle
fractured •bele* the knee: about
a. year he was si 'patient in Goelieich
'Hospital, as the badly. shattered l'eg
responded .very Slowly to. treitmente
and emu yet, s net completely beak'
_ed,, although stifficiently to. , perr it
hini to 'work and or some ime lTe
has been eMployeci at A:grieves- Sr
.viceestation. •
• Suffeted. Fractured ,Nose ••
On Friday -night. ,in Listowel, .1lar-
yey .Tteleaven.suffered aepeitiful ac
cedent when Struck With • a hard. elicit
puck .that shattered his nose.' HarveY
was acting as goal judge, and eerly.
in the third Period One of the Liet-
eWel players let go a terrific 'd-ive
that cleared the top of the net and
caught liaret full on the bridge qt.
'the . nose,' ' • .
First aid',treatment. 'wee rendered
the dazed' man, 'who was later re-
weed:to his home where the fracture
was eete.Blace arid ;swollen eyes. that
,Peek out between the splints and tape'
boiled face, are mute .eviderece of
. tee..
Last week was injury. week beally,
with two. 'major accideritt ancr'other
Minor mishaps. Most , severe injul:04
Weresuffered by Bill Webster, Who is
in Walleereet ,with it I roken
Jett 1eg and Hervey :Vteleaeen•who
suffered a badly !shaefeee'd -hie when
struck with a puck at Listowel.
Bill fell on mainstreet, at .an 'eerie?
hour Thursday mo.rning on bis wey
home:from • Been's Ball. The fracture
was A 'Cleiri-byeak about: five zinches
above. the knee, and was reduced
later in the 'week at Walkerton liOse
pital to Where bill was taken 'shortly
'•• The annual 'meeting of the , West
Wawanosh 'Fire Insurance 'Company
will be held in the: Patish ,Hall, ;Dun-
' garinore :on Friday, FebrUary 10the
193.4-4-2 P.M.,_ta_reeeive--reno,
to elect directors and transact gen-
e, eral .busiriess.
Directors Davison,. MacKay and Me-
Carthy retire, ..but are eligible for re-
• electien„ .•
G. C. Treleaven, c'y:
Sealed and Marked tenders will be
. received by the undersigned up to
1 o'cloelt, P M on FebruarY, 13th,
1930 for the censhing of . approxi-
metele 4,000 cue ynrds of gravel, ie
two 'sett •and to toed approximately
4,000 cu. 'yards of urierimbed grave',
for •the TOwnshiP df-Iineore
'A Marked check of. $200:09 must
eaccoiripany tender and. all Work to be
,comipleted on 101' before August, let,
1939.. Also tenders or. truekint 'of
gravel on the Townshiproe& at so
InuCh. Per cit.. yard -per mile. Marked
theelci of $2001.00, innet -accompany
tender. •
Tenders Will be .0P.enat 3 ro'clock
P.M. on :Fehrizary1.3th, at the Town-
• ship Hall Ripley. .
Donald MacKay.
• Clerk.
Mr. Harvey MacDougall 'or -Tor:'
onto Will be the special speaker at
the, meeting of. the, Young, Men's
Class Of the tteite,d Church, this
Sunday, Febrnary 5th at two o'clock.
Mr: MacDougall'i Subject is,. efdo-
'Operatives in Canada."
• The annual meeting of the, Luck -
now Horticultural . Society 'will' be,.
held in the Town Hall, : Thutsday,
February 2nd, (tonight) at fyo'clock;
, The Society aqicifratei it most sue!
•cessful.. _year, !rand invite not only
ifiCatien to attend thit, meeting.
ft' ,
The funeral of Robert Webster, •
• • formerly of this vicinity'was held.
.in Ontario Street Church, idintone
• last .Wednesday. The church -'was
. filled te • capacity es friends fro:en
London, ,Luekriew,' Viriegliarn, Sea-
fortheHensall and other centre e join-
' ed, together " in paying tribute to the
memory Of .Robert Webster. Relat-,
• iees..from a' distance itictudece ttve
cousins, Mr.. John Webster' of Bear,
Lake and Mr. Lloyd Webster of .Big
• Valley, Mberia.. Rey; :G.. Q. eiturtoe
spoke ,highly the deceased° man
as he condtieted the service ie° which'
he was assisted by Ret. Lane ,•aild
•(Rev, Peters. 'Mrs. W. Aiken fulfil'
ilauelleer Floret -tee sang a heautiTul
;duet,' "Good -night ind •Goed Mem-
tine." adding. to the imPressiveheee of
the service. The members 'of, Varna
L.O.L. 1086 were- Piesent in a body
Mice aceorded their departed brother
the rites of the Order at the grave:
• side hi ttafid's cemetery:.
Those who aeted„as pal:bearers were
Iohn'Vebiter, Fred Anderson,. Nei ,
son Reid; Dan JerVis, Jan pire-
oight. Goorgo:11. ItaiV
•-beacutifUl •fforill kifliutes Avero ,14401,;.
• as Turner, Alein•Irwin,. Robert and
Thomas Reid Ectwerd !Elliete, and
Wellingtee and Lloyd Webster.
Ludmow nt11 Thursday - FOru
/Res -McKenzie, a member of the
intermediate hockey 'team; is out of
the tame with. injuries received in
last Wednesday's 'Listowel at Luck -
now gante, Bob was accidentally
"sandwiched" between two Listowel
player's and came out, of the crush
with e hard Senash on the side of..
the face. and:head. His eye and fae„
became badly . swollen, so. much. r10,
that the blackened eye was comple-
tely shut the following day. Bob lead
e bone in his cheek - cracked bitncY
cemplipationsi•are expected..
' lla Eye,I.B101tenedi •
' Girls hockey is peppier here ten,
and that the girls really go at it
hammer and tongs'. is evidenced by
the "shiner" Mildred' Ritchie has been
carrying .arOund, for the past few
days. During a Practice aession. Milly
Collided with • Oneof the other girls
receiving • a bad blow on the eye end
another on the back of the head in
the spill that fellewed.'
, Her'Sistet Dods is also going about
with her hand in a cast as the re-
sult Oe an injury.
• •
JOHN HARIcic,- •
ter a ..lon•g: • 'period- , Of :failing
'health, el -ie• ,death ' of John ,'Hable/e•
in his 86th• .year,,S.ec,utred at the 'her*:
of Mr....and...Mrs: .R... IL in
.Lucknow. on Friday:. •, •
The .• funeral .:..serVice was:. held.••"iri.
'the :Preehyterian church, releknew, on
• , A short lived Aeorrn that blew up
on - Monday, tolloWitie leaser week-
end storms, ' soon madeconcessfonb
roadae.impassable, and by evening
main roads,arere pretty well blocked
:in spite , the' efforts of snow plow
crewee lo keep thkna Open., ,
'4 a yesult thell double-header rar.
al hoCkey gartieseeschedeled for that
night. were pestpiined and this new.-
ly formed loop 'Will not get:. Under-
way uiiti next Mendki When' Dim --
'germ* aid ICingehridte "and' Rapid
City and Zion teinnieng,age: in, the
dual fixture. ,-; ••fee: ••• • • •
• In this league, 4ouble-headers will
be •featured each Monday, night, com-
mencing at 7.30
Sunday- afternoon conducted by Rev.
C. H. MacDonaed. leterment was, in
Greenhill Cemetery, evitli' Win. Mar-.
I ;
loch, W.W. Hid, Wm. MacKenzieR.
T. Douglas,D. J.' MeCharle,e :and R.
11. McQiiillin acting he .pallbearers. •
Mr. liabiek Was born ,in Dunferm-
line, Fifeshire, Scotland in 1853. Corn-
ing to . Canada'. as a ''you'ng man; he
firFt settled in the, Galt .district, and
after his marriage toElizabeth Smith
of Ayr, thebride ane greem earneeth
the Zion' district of Ashfield where
the force of the linpact. Harvey suf-
tney fanned, for a number yeaie.
fered much on. 'Saturday,. het rwas
before' mitring' to Luckno* about the
feeling sorne 'better on. Sunday with
less: pain. . • ; • • ••
There is satisfaction: hoiVever
:the fact it might have been ' Worse::
Had, it • struek. his eye, Hary ei ino
doubt Would have lest the Qt)tic, and .Er
,. hie.' home with has ,daughter
Medical •attenclant at Listewel stated •
;John •Mcguillin of *est NVawanoh,
that had he been struck on the foie ho predeceased.:him tour yearsago
head, the blowcould have .eaede been Mr
Habick is survived by one son.,
.3.h•lc,, and three -daughters, (Mari).
Mrs. John Mcgaiii; Susan and- Min:,
nie: all of Torteeto.. Three �f the fam-
ily their 'father. A son
AndreW was killed in the Great Were
•William 'died Mee years age from -et:.
fecte of being gassed during the war.
Presbyterian Church held their Ann -,end john McQoillin,
ual meeting' on Tnueeday evenink, the eldest of the
January 19th.. After tile, devotional
period conducted by the minister, Mr.
:R. V. McKenzie 'wee appointed Chair-
nian for. the business meeting.
The reports' of :the. several °rpm-
it:466ns: of the corigregatiohe reeerd.
a very suceeesful year. The Stesion.
i•eported increased attendanceat the
enoreing service and also at Cerrimtei-
ien services during .1938. The even• -,
meniberahip At. the close of the year
is 354, art increaseeof 11. .Seventeen
new members.' have7been received and
five have been rernoved,four' by death
and one by certificate. There ,were
'five' haptisms; four., infants end ohe
adult. The Session 'noted with grat-
itude theorganization: of .'a . Yotine-
keres ',Bible Class utider the leader:.
ship of Dr. James Little. The Oport
unity, thus given to the young !men'
and boys for •eysterriatic Bible study
is of inestimable Value. •
The Treasurer reported that the
Congregatiems Missionary 'Allocation
gad been :.subscribed.in' fell and that
the amount eubsceilied.to the .Genetel
Pend is eonsiderably in advance Of.
'last year. • , • •
Phe Sabbath and 'Bible Claiegs have
•cloeed this year With a :balance in
their ,general And and have centri.
buted more than $60.00 for MisSions.
• The W.M.S., the Y.W.A. • and the
'Mission Bard 'have- all raised in full'
their^lVfiasi0„.Allocations And thp Re-'
ports for the ' year tell of . excellent
Work done. in -keePing tfid koine and
OVeraeas Mi*Ssion *ark of the church
before the congregation. The amount
given for MiatiOns in this dePattnent,
e•xceeded :$450. • ,
The Young Pe6ples Guild have had
o vet successful 'ear Tho Meetings
haste be4n moat ibteAsting and the
of &refill „prepa'at16. A ;knell bal-
'beginning: of • the .century. 'Following
-the-4.a.r,.' Mr; .and Mrs.- moved-.
to Teronio :Where Mrs.; Habic.k Passeil
away twelve ..,YearS....ago..'....Following
his, Wife's. 'death,' .Mr, :Habiek• made
• • .
The dongtegatien :the Lucknow
- •
January is the inonth •whert .than
Sentinel subacription renewals 'are
due. If you haven't attended to yours
yet, We draw attention to the matter
requesting. that it be given your early
attention. •
sytrEgv. OF.,
_ • •
Not, A Nickel's 'Worth Of Sto.k Sal
vagecl As • Flames Roar Through
. • •
L. G. Turvey's Five Cent To, A,
Dollar -Store: In Lucknow` ,Friday
• :
:Flames that roared through the
L. G. Turvey 5.0 to $1.‘.00- Store on.
'Friday everiing so tompletefy 'gutted,
the, interior that not•a Penny's Worth
of steek wee saved: .
• The, fire -yvase discovered about
nineethiity that evening, after it had
ga.ined rapid -headway as it licked
'along the epee. °display- ,titblee of
:gooda, much' Of whieh was, of e par-
ticularly inflamabWitstere. ee•••. -
Before the Fire Brigade; arrived
the tern front show windows hadebeee
blown 'out and flames shot oetinany
feet and /then tipt„,, the iront.of the
brick buildings to the: eaves • and
ridgeborted. " •
• Window, seehes iteid -.other wood-
work en thefront of the -building were
teen on fire; While flames roared up
the back stairway, to the resiclenee
above. Flames: howeeereelfd not break
thrOugh inte the dwelling; to any ex-
tent hut the furnishings suffered from
water' and smoke damage. Two lines
of hose were leideeo •battle the coe,
fagl—lration, in ;whieh7firenren-wei
aided, by the fact it was a brick
helidiug,. situated- On a corner and
isolated from adjoining ,41 -
though quite - close to. the residence
of Fred Nixon.
, :The building is , owned by Seines
A. Geddes, former proprietor of 'the
Variety Store, and now of Torontci.
This store was getted by fire in Dee
Cember 1933; *heti :Mre'ancl Ged:
dee were trapped upstairs ,ane
escaped in their night attire through
a second story, window.
. „ •
The family: of the late WMArwip
wish to extend sincere thanks to the
many friends and. neighbors for the
many -kind .acts • and expressions. of
sympathy. •at, the eirrie of, the 'death
of . their father.
Miss' Helen MacLeod was hostess
at a eery nicely arranged nejeeellanz.
eoes shower held last Wednesday at
the homa. of her pa.ents, Mr., and,
Mrs. W. • S. • IVIacLeod; in ...honor of
Miss Win,nifred .,Armstrong, daughter
of Mr. .end Mrs. F. T. Armstroeg,
of Gederich, whose Marriage takes
place early this' month. '
• Twenty-five ladies wereepresent at
the shower, when Miss Armstreng
tedeived many Io'vely and useful gifts.
During a please/it .hoeial •afterneon,
Mrs. A. Newton played a melody
Piano nuinbers. 'A dainty lunch
was served. in conclusion With` Mrs.
I. W. Joynt Pouritig tea.'
tea towel shower was held at the
:home Of Mrs. If: p. Sheriff On Mon
day eveninein honor Of Miss Arrit7
*strong. I
Mission work in .
During the year, tour :elders were
elected and ordained, Messrs. Dr. Jas,
Little e Ve. W. Hill, .Centerort
,eld• and Henry 1Gardner.
Those. aleeted • to the • Menagine
13 oar& at. the Annual .ineethig Wei.e
Messra.. W: tie:mier.sop, W. A. Rue: -
eel, Aitehipee,,Verden Mowbray
re-eiected 'firiancial'secretar4 and NV:
'elide ieiniin ifl\ the reahry and S.Reid,e(lingil'egatibhal seg'retEtrY and
the nom: of .05.0(). as 'contributed. tivasurer.
Mr. Henri leathers' hap his pos-
seseiee the Crewel Deed, covering the
sale of TOO. acres of land in Wawa: -
wish Township, over 85 years .age:
The sale was e„Ittecuted under the,
terms:. of An Act of Parliament of
Greae ritian end, Ireland to provide
for the sale cifvOie Clergy .Reserves
iti theeprovince Canada. e
• :The • purchas,er was. John Mcieen-
ele Of the "Township of Weyealue.sh,
who paid. t4e. sjo:n of 40:,P,Ounds;fer
49, acres,' being ther,south-half of ,Ice
Murtebt, twenty-four in the 14th' Con-
cession of Wawanosh. The fartn is at
Dickies' .
• :The deed iri-cluded, all the woods ,ane
-waters thereon,. but not, , any Miner
„ef geld or silver that "shall Or may
hereaftee' be found."...
'The dopueient Was detect at Que-
bec, Arifil 15th, 1852.
lJow the deed happens to he in
'Mr. Mather's ' possession, he ea not
sure.tinlesr.it was ar4Orig the docue
melees held by. his uncle, the late
Benty Illathers, at one time a Meg-.
istrate and notary public et • St. Hel-
, •
A quiet wedding took piece in Tr,in-
ity College 'Chapel Toronto, Friday,
,l;ten Miss Mona Mitchell, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Moereheuse Mitchell;
Lucknow, became the briele of Dr.
Ggeald Viecene.,Helwig, son. of: Mr.
,elharles. Helwie, ..Jamaiea, B.W:L.
Rev. F. GeeKingsten condueted the
ceripioay. ' •
• The • bride,- who was unattended,
was given tn Marriage by her brother
Mr. James ' S. Mitchell, London.. She
was .,govvned sa ,sinart frock Of
light beige wool,- with small terhae.
in dee P plum shade. Her shoes ,match
ed her bat, and she wore beige :Ayes
und a shoulder bouquet. of violets
l'ollowing the cereniony, , • re-
teption was held at Gray Gables,
Avenue Road. Dr. and Mrs. ,.11eIviig
will sail February 1st from New.
.York for: JaMaica, B.W.I., Where they
will reside. '
. ,
Mr. Henry iVlathers recently cami,
across an issue of the Sentinel dated
October 28th, 1881. A "great Reform
dernonstration" had been bell in
Lucknow at:that time' and the Sent-
inel had planned to publish en full
the.s.peeeh of Sir Richard Cartwright:
ala. the .printers devil pied a
whole case Of type that week, and
the publisher was apologizing,: that
as a result of the sPill, the 'Sentinel
was, short of type and would have
to produce the speech in instellments.
Candidate Visits Here
Leigh IL Snider,' :Conservative -can
didate in the Federal • Constituency
of Brnce, was a taller in toWn
companied ntnerher of fans wile at-
tended the Listowel-Lucknow hockey
game. Mrs. , Turvey ,and young som
Wayne, were visiting friends for the
evening, but for a time their Where-
abouts was unknoWneed Considerable
•alarm was felt by those first on the
scene, as entoke and fire made en-
trance to the upstairs,' by the- leen
stairway. impossible.; ••:
Mr. Geddes came up from Toronto
on Saturday and spent the week -end
here. We understand he Plans •to re.
pair the -building, but probably not
before spring.
Mr, and Mrs. Turvey plan to re-
establish:their business 'here aC,1
early a date ' as possible. With all
stock and rece"rds destroyed, it is
difficult to rIleteNmiiie the exact loss.
which is partially, covered by insnr;
ance. In the-meg:Wine they are, moe-
ing their turnitureeto a portion of
k. C. Orr's "residence.
' With both ,hockey teaens arid e
tolloWing' sef.:finis out Ote town on
Friday evening, and With ether meet,
ings and gatherings in town, the main,
street Was practically deserted it The
tiine, the flame.s. were, gaining head-
way: Bert Ward, noticingameke 'from
the rear, of .hie residence, hurried
down Street fq,investigate and reach-
ed theeeseeterresditeeen bUttoa, itiat
two ladies who were passing, dia-
#ie-lilaZe hid p212110
the alarm, lvhich he did ht aTestriller
that left no doubt that it was a ger-
ontbreak. • •
Itertieultural Society :Held. &meal
• ,Ev.eninge On Thursday When Ont-
ario Association; Diploma Was Pre-
sented on Behalf Of Local, Societe
To :G. H. Smith For Meritorious.
With 'Some,' eighty, neembera,,efrie.ndt
and guest e in Atieneance,. the Luck -
_now 1-1.Orticurtnral Society held..aeneef
delightful social evening in the 9eld:-
fellows dn'tlintedaY„ evenieg. .
During the ,evenini, the •Ontarie.
:HOrticulturil Association's ' service
()interim; neatly framed; was present-
ed to , G. H. Smith for nieritorioee:
.s'ervice locally. Mr, W, ,Hainilton.
made the presentatien eddress, re-.
feering to the organizing of the Soc.
•ety in 1.923,' and paet
bad played in the organikin.g; and the
work of the Scielety .since then. Mr.
Smith, totally uhaware.' or this • feae
tere of , the evening,' was takee.
emelt .by 'te, but thanked the
Society in a neat speech. ,
, .
The gathering wes presided over N
Wm. MacKenzie, president.eof
the local organisation, who :condeetec.
the meeting quite capabli., Ninaber!:
en the program 'music by
„ orchestra of Mes. Newten, :Dr.
Little and Cameron ,MacDonald;
Ili:moron§ reading by Mrs. (Rev.). G
1/1. Yonnt; a solo 'by . Fred Wain,
wriglit, 'and 'a Scotch readitig • by' Rev:
C. H, MaeDOnald.
. S. C. Ratiewell, past president Of
he Society, gave 'it .brief 'resume of
flerticultural „, adeomplielneerits and
introduced' the Chief epeaker of the
ening,•Mr. Faleter of Owen 'Solind.
eietrict representative- of Huron.
Bruce and Grey. His' talk' Was :of an
echicational nature dealing chiefly
with the prohuriciation of names of
• Other. speakers efethe eveithige in -
chided; Dr: W. V., Johnston, Rev. G.
M. .Yourige. Rev.-X....A. Maloney, and
Rey: 'J. fC ,
fer the, serving, of a very delicioe
!Mice the gathering .wEiS arranged in
birthday groups. At a Centre table:
Rttractively laid; Mrs. G. Smithi;
Mrs.' T. J. Salkeld; Mrs. A. SOlomon
'and Mrs. :D. Ruston, peured eqa:
• The, gathering was voted a most
enjoyable 'one arid was on ef.
coinagement to 'th'e officers, who come
thence their ,year's • a9tivities tonight
(Thursday). by the holding ef theii
annual meeting in the Town Hall:
Members • and edherents of, Lutil7
now United ."Chureh' gathered inethe.
S,S.eroCnii on Friday eyening„Tanuary
27th, for their 'annual. donOregational•
meetin,g. The tminister Rey. R.C. Toda.
presided. Splendid spiritnaI and fin -
arida] reports were presented :Red
,eccepted7with gratitude by the meet-
. . .
• The- Minister opened the meeting
with a short devotional during
he addressed thcise present on
the •subject; "Let the mind which as
the Me. A. Lockett. le ,NVIls.
reported that lee persons had, declared
their faith in Jekes Christ as , Lord
and SaViour, during' 1938, and had
united • with the .Church. Fivo. had
united by, certificate from •other
• churches. Fourteen had been baptized.
The Session expressed gratitude to
Cod' for this end urged the .dongreg-
atiori.to give every encoefagemeet to
,those who had niade • cenfeesicie of
their faith. Gratitude was ' expressed.
at the attendance nt the services of
worship, especially 'the evening
service. The Work of the S.S. and its
increased interest in 'missionary and
relief eyorlc..wits eingled out. It 'wee
eeperted liter iliht :the S.S. had in -
Creased, its Missionary givings 100
per emit, " ,
All . the inieeionary orgenizations
reported feif ineeesee in their giving!,
and in the deeire nn the*part of elem.
here to support the preaehing of :the
Kingdom of God to all :parts of the
The renore -which brought most
eappiness and gratittide to those pree-
one', wee that of tile Mission:ley and
:Maintenance comMittes when it .0.-.1a4.
stated that die ris5ione4 givings of
the Whole congregation had iriateased
by almost $100. This was parrcula HY'
•minieter had 'announced that the
Presbytery eneeded. 'ON `before the
c4.1. of January. .
Treasareies teeort, wiis another
source of 'lbeerinesS. All ciii.rent o
Editor of the 'Sentinel.The t011beirig exit:act': tfrorn the
printed peeeeedings bt the opening
session Of the Legislative' Assembly
f. gaskdtqlewan on Jariuery liltb.
for wetich I am indebted to Hon. Jno.
M. ijiirich, Minister. Of Health', may
be of itterest 'tie some of 'Youe read,-
ers. •
,It certainlY interested ..,11TC, ()/.
Uhrich was one of my students irt
he Walkerton High Schoolehnd Hon.
Charles Agar is e. fOrmer ilelfrist
boy whose father- James Agar wwi
one of My old eine friend", land his
•motliet, Mita Duenin wes my dasist-
ant in Belfast school, S.S. No. :13,
Aslifield long ago.• •
`4The Horilourable Mr: Patterson*
addressing himself to • the Clerk,
neweed, seconded 'by. the HonOnrable
Mr: Uhricli .that Charles Agar, 'Es-
quire, member for, the Electoral Dis-
trict of Henley do take the Chair of
this Assembly as Speaker.
The Clerk having declared Charles
*gar Eseeeire duly elected,. :he *as
condueted to the chair by the Hon-
yurable 'Mr. Patterson and the Hon-
ourable tJhrich, When he returh-
.ed hie litniNe ecknewledgeMente
the Assembly for "the . great hoeour
they -bad been pleased to &infer upon
ThiWlijelecting htpt-to- -430
gptaker,-:then Nv
Mace as
upon ,the Table.' "
Wednesday last was the • 1801h
bkrthday anniv.ersarY Ser!qand!s •
treat bard, Robert Burps. As hal
been custOMary .here for many years,
he event ise'oheerved by the annual
Buerea. tell, under Fire qompany
, The event is traditionally acceies
.'nenjed by severe, weather' and
iuently Jiinnary storm. -This, 34iir • '
13 settle extent Was, no exception,
teeo, and. Inane sidereads blocked
Aorms., As a result them wee not the
2UStOnlary. jain. ,
MacKenziets orchestra" - supplied
music, With Roy Mcdreight, caller -off' ••
•Dgeing the lunch hour the MacKen.
rick quartette of Lhchalsh sang sev-
eral of their 'popular nurnbers.
' The Trail Rangers telt . as usini -
'n the United 'Church with 12,1n, it;
;endance..- The secretary was away °
41O the miniitea of the last Meeting
'vete not "-read. As the seeretety
:lot be present at all meetings,- an.
Assistant 'secretary was appointed..
Bible e Passage was read after
vhiefi questions were asked ' "and •„
)(Ante 'given .for'the correct answers.
During the business period three
Tiembers were appointed to sell pea- -
iuts at the next three gamee. After
, he 'meeting adjourned ganies Yeere •
To the Sentinel publisher many of.
,ur distant subscribers'. are unknown,
nnd We are alevays glak jto learn
whit part of this , district.- they
"'`orinerli lieed ‘,‘'who, they 'are" and
'when they, left"
A year ago in sending a subscrip
tion receipt to George aVfirehourie,
Tt: 2, Sarlese North Dakota, we :asked,
hose "pertinent" 'qiiestioris. This
year in sending along his renewal
IVErehouse answered them.
He the :soli of the late Mr. and
Vies. Theenits Mirehesuse, Si.; of" the ee
Second Concession, ' George
eiirehonse 'went. to Dakota in the
spring of 1897, homesteaded the'. •
-,pring Of '1898, and his firmed ,there -
wer Once. .
The: Post Office advises that bqxes
in the new Post °Ili -ft be secured now.
thougleeth-e---clieWelies • not been an- •
nounced, no doubt the nee; building
will be occnpied in the near 'future,
Card �f thanks •
•Messrs. Jack. (*Kay.' and Ralph
Nixon wish to acknowledge with ap-
preciation and thanks, the kindnees
end. sympathy of friends during the
'illness and at the time of the death
of Mrs. Margaret Mcleay.
*r-lige4Sillri=trilt4=1' CC.
day, January, 24th to Mr. and Mrs
Billie Habkirk, a Son.
'Mr. A. R. Phillips of Colfax, Sask.,
in renewing his stbscription states -
that conditions in .that district .are
muck better than they have been for
sevezkal yaara.s Fifty per cent. Of, the '
1638 wheat crop was of rust resist.
ant varieties.-'
Card .,Of Thanks
Mrs. Themes Reid ' and family
gratefully. appreciate all floral trib,
tes from abcieties arid, friends and
kind expfessions of symPathy during
their ' bereavement.-.
liach. been ifiet, . and a hale •
;ince of $5715. Was ehoiti.. $t50, gift
"If the Worden's, Association, had been
applied to the' eharch debt, thus re-
clecielt it eonsidereble. •
• .
• Stewards elected fora one year
term' are, H. -Treleaven, McIntosh,
ri:1::::iviAceKk,eirnrt„, : Rae,' Mallough, A.
A eeitee �f and love ex-.
tended to all mernbera .adlierepis
who are dcmfined to their heels be.
eause ei .siekneee, "was recorded'. 'Tile,
inini1,4tcy, -.lit this point led ..tlre -con- ....-
gregaftbtr '
• for these.
After. supper wee served by the
'ladies, the • minister adjourned the
meeting vcith a benediction.,•