HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-01-26, Page 6_T sthelfisii body. or :rest F Y r -'Type Dan the (abin G �ck'to no, te t top e
got, to,tte,�ben- It be 11b nodded, ITU lt§ —...-will e, 4,o. ntil -wbz-van get r.qpo. from ''R iti '1� I -B e e
L'' F Ity thq cabin. You,--vall. rl LMA Siou *A iiE4 4' A ght. �Heztdgear panted, Yes. Ohl Thm Vi I Th n —').And y' derifig. 6, -e 0 shud h ook Re, d her head or lavisilly oi A,How di3O yait'kn .6w did you o' gue*s� theyod fly 4 -How I Wellh U. T. io' iT -e maell trt in 'pill Ol- ' I . . - h ere? 5 LM PIL I ,____t y . a gi o Your' spectacles, is likely" to kfvb 11 - -. I. h u cgime� fast?We'were s4w AM jOur face an- 4L,, , -4 -ed AN EXOTUC TOUCH TO, 'Mpe, —Motor tro�ubr ed et. -e.,e�& of .h&. look.' Narro-w .,btlm§ w o"He iteaht t.o R me.'Vael W". VE Y zT ovas, at. fh E R nAy MtALS:- t a S (Iow, acro" tliie, gl�assqss! A:J�� afrai�i, was for it, a littlk stlifixilug-, -tg -d4ngerdusl�.. b4i'' tob.' Oja6er Aid he's do- it Sometimes even an inprOsting 44ii be m e ' 'or -reqip,'e adds., a _-Kot severe tircorn.e�� aid a ., neat In f a W4 0 salmon se. yo of the -unuSual, hot* when yqu, U b1pe 'th� rice, tAed w rily.'Col- e9t be� h a �at?Pl e bh d'salmon cil, and er s an -
pill-boxeS are your It a, twist 10f f., te swung .,f vq an 'interestin name, p u it, q. iaC6*19 quit J w1fill. - YO 'r olded the gl in 'his arms IOUs recipe, yall ces§ary. deer which. nibbled 'unusual WV delle, eive.ait once. and irib(led the fragrab.c-e - of her ma es y' 9, .0 r'. ightly At f ri4t' trees, ugu S, - I e,. -e P dhappines .?. omethinj' that Follow with a salad of shredded A at eep _d an hav s
ward atigbtly, on ou sq _. . Zir. "The nOw19 Ili hei e.abbakei or s6rV4 with chopped fity On fatality comp.-b4ck for a seio4d Pflaa and, Q. $.'vDeGoJyer,.:'far- Iood." Graber '.Said `he All bf. it?. G sornach� Th,06 -;Viltb a des- tried, eviery�a lng� 1�he� f This-Nb*,spaper" kill ydu'.�66euse� 1,,,wha?" b0ping.,Airt-4 Ask' for rdpe;Lts xieair t 'b_,�.er . '�t hing they i) nk f to ke�p rigm. ser ge, e T , , , - - - C'uldjli,
f Filaffs' Are, uTk .1. k 0 wid.4 -,e you'�,e all if acour M 11 -he hettl d to. him. om�riared �o: t Or 4ey might li,6. c thit anlmals� Aw�ty- l Oey ung. mQ - S'. ID a. T 'e A Caaiadian`,'�ffsh cak6s'or baYabu�*g� t1i'&' 11' striligs -,frok f b, .,,and efre� �iinaij 61well consi'de;�r'-ed I.earninz. the 4pq: hag slio*m 6,rs in pbpq Ofig nally they fae4,,;p e o in e, I qst' tin de e, W tiledsi", Not. a aaaned, ut y wer e ".Very. Jg b r. a hi If] a its m tfieir-orch4 di-41ee
and fth. W self andthe testes. - t art chuckled. efeii figure$. look pret- V ry nus, b ims 11'' d tb at! 1—there fiasn', t been ets have'givezi the.recipo it is. planfied ts to iF ;P !'I do, You Every W . oman, Wg� Wan onth e -i r. n t., S your Amily- 6'n this.,. As: v4� 1. a ie gh y� silly wi t I H gic�;rn!o,�e eff
oorts, n'. chance to say� it. But— much for the Whitle ftmil�, whichnie"S struggled!,for or Should' Zu are simple'"so.chil" fte bath. to- gb'- on. Be. �Attiictive -k'There will, be, lo s f the, t Q chance. 'C a e ce Wr4 n dre"n"and' elderly,',people, indy'pat- Clothet,'That Are From henow 0�1" t I of it' Add a, ba leaf t6 tha 4flering?. y tomatoes-, or : teaspoo'n -of curry po,)vdqr, I 7o.0 want to' The* woman'': who I's determlne4 d,down!' 'its ildden, ilra*t� she Will bei ,116,946t to coln efirst fellow w, Make Your Hubbk Y, M&e. exotic. d w� g d 1110re atttadtive.at The words s a 01 h'ird, th4 crumpe It ?.n -were rq.1P')y, EL Ut bo a "the erid'qf 1939 than she 1-9 r Ight eoice mouth. liefore,' hb antl,.* -opened ril ff 'now WhenAbe. New YearAs so v6,ry S6e' Ypur Clothe up jr4ee - 0 4ou� I ari. 4 (�*6ill6n rose Lefty Quillen's Tty -o' ?�3'c new alight to fesolve'to -studly ji-rk.'.Lef.ty:: s a as 4 veIll. ej ulatio ii. 1 He *a -or 6d 1% tablespdon butter 6. s, r. asing in Advice i mad - women: If type 'more Carefully,and learn eir- '4k' could. As �3 '.struck jrcuz�d. Dan y6ix wa n t you. usband to Sak Actly'llow to buy clothes, which. -are -,13hri"a jaw. sagged;'fiiiVai; ogechr r cilp grated cheese.' wk� agatesjollo� that. Uita'D 3 tlespbofis chbpped traly flattering.. Ior in was oil so�iething, about. your clothes. en�, ined i6inatoes' ed the, sharp'45 op the* irbraft, ip f-1O`O*r of "ie'pariiaI1y,dpwC,l7,,- �qqurtge him'to notice them. :21,1:, cup$ Cal ow or other pp ished cabin.of t1e,monq1arJf.-'.*� That :wii. the' advice .kiven i at 1' cup Canadian shlur6n same ..Your- %vitrd. se foremost, t, Siff le robe always s ems --fairttly disjolht;' laSr.Lwee e"g''' -k'by Mrs. :Geo. - Boil 'the der hnd -bugii- blic. and rice tifiti1 ten P %�: 1. I I—— . ... " li.elpl.L6ss di $tantiv Afe tit -'bid at Elhek r a anientJor d Tfiere. was a sp1hiteditgr crasb. b-.ittlfd Ifer'boads. emVe i:Phrli raln.'- Rinse if Brown'-' Refits in it, p Thot, was g gn grope you. 0 D,- d As khecs,.-shiiat-� ag, list 66dercarria e and onion'in buttL��; andi-alia:.tci the ,about half the 0 -tile Y ukon right to makB a 6hoppi in 11 uyln L '& tb,� alwit. It Y in ro d 1: bur, nOtice -mine unless -I spoke to him wit- ,e teaspoon ro S W clothes -duty four time's a year., I b,other chap, n -in f iounder6d.- A 6ng. 15� -about them," sliti said,, desir6d,. and add any seas gs stead of whu6�0� you happ6i��.t Ilk ro
IAve a -and toppled. Dan, n si Quill`6n litieked with th sp-ced, puslifid %v 1i inner w en t: If. in the grated qpar�. e rushed for hii After 4' h fiieri� hus- you prefer.' 'St sle something yqu: thtnl� -you Ilk QUIllen, An6iheir yef) band 's' smoking. -and qdite placid (1eese.` :SAute the+sal-mon,in 4ut-. f r.om ry. -fellow iay'.st'J,l` but pr6tty.well. a 1)096K h Is- the time to f clothes. have: a red ter,L removing ihe"'skii', but keep- I)amip i)4 ejehe ip -1 got wfthft�,ten feet,, This Way, you wont wben Colwel 'as' Argb. piece sDalliel Do&�e, former tble- 1_nd a u f.
`It' ben. 1 talk io, )iim abdut ini it in s -as pop,- n- I' irc t, I tin -it his fig.-Ure dim in :th'e .4alf-cavered 9 hat with which, not a - single' dress, thi at' Mpart- sible. (This is.% b Phone upell -On wood and -,fu*twie. lights- still uil the tri. ngs are ii esf done -if' .'yolf own can -be worn.. itoi of Goze Bay. 'Quieke'r.,of.-.wit�, Colwell ant to m.e,'p Mrs' 'Blabk Said. Ith-i bcen-�re�f i1sly. chifl0dy... Qqiiaw -and idow of'thp,youtfiful motor oes w Gra4er.! hen 'all of Your. froCks are 'heir who 'lost his' life in 'an L,cei- the ship 4efore -that D�ti,uessed' Mack. fin., atastrophe.' I't %vas- ahdi 1. dent'litst juffim' ivill receive ai�`;, :Tfic� st Both heuvj- the Be. Crazy �About'Your Dresses. P10.166nt'reported' from $2.000,609, seemed-rigve r� on U.Uck that: Fe Proi!d- T -0 Lau�a WheiAe" eldom- islvadvisable b to .59,006,000'frornAis, estate, ac. t -ific impact o wn T his r 's' merely iiiered. HS great feAt was of to Puy any, mb,'thAt would bpVn++them 'all thing jiurriedl ,er. the cording -to, the -tiare faVe, 'was, Aiid remedkb of a -ettle
Croche' Cloth' fla, the Glaber,5 sq 0 rdss, wlilb e'oi, are -unced Mich. h'you don!�'Iik t .;sit+ Pon
rneri. anno to a crisp, an er. Con'tarted into vt hidiefent about until; a salesw6ni- a,n4 r�k6 that- d prevent any h3t hg' ,:Dan ner' d iebn, th re before P 4pyfr M. I . an tells �au'ho.W fla 'there was deii-pera- tt�rin7gltls. And Perhaps, &Igo. It did n6t in the, d V Y'hAd on-Igu"ess'-4- that you certa-Inly.s aie re had tiluck --doa at knoWing.the hould buy It.' t1w ght' fla' wlii�b' t arrive here, fist dnd+., ually ii a dress, tbq you w6n t
a wear or yea -W, round Sam him to. 6r6, C.oiw that, -now he -battl6 ast im6, arm craw any y e 6 I Out, ".-Stick 'mi to .,win or, ose. Make It, a. rule. not to ... as - up. 'he 'liter -of - -9a '�RdsqnkYatz; yui 011, -9�� , , , + 0 U- V- that a tt'relit'i Simply WoW, G
p ten -and s n e .did ith -a gii.n. daud costume� His stub�ld 'of -hair felt,hard as -n but w ... So" -h* dal, Ren cio man'.' craty al�bftt,:Ijeing a polite, constd- Isu% necessarily Ch fl d erate customer�,,dtie f Danish family, who, i 9� a o an, nclent li his )land'- It need fire. Col- the bristIds of .. brush' t e er,c :L6.rd.�,a-nd-,LIidy+ hand. inad urtsy tol well's' -ha J.at his.head as hey traOed and P.uncheil 6ith i,i�.ishy; wdsby,, eitsilk ban 'T, nuir- at ottAw and gi�abpled for the guns._ Cal- -in a by soh;.'s invf§Iblerhand.' Iwe e hat P ,*in6ed one. ne:K+t instak fie realized f, It's twil1ed f rom'llia. grh9o.. fabi,ic' with LA pink. Otto -�haR was. not the f ir�t t" hi� ct� let consdVation'-dull that ha Give Steednaan?s Powdeis, er, got in a murderobs' Iteft " , . - !�'7, - Z__ - - go,- Qrab 00 q, y .: Gi our' Sho6i mild, gentle laxative specially made for
MO. Ok, LAA gi aze�l Dan. s psw;�. Had babies and growing children. Furl more -a -aye 0 thAn 100 ybarsdMotheis iverywhere It
it landed. All would have been 6�61. Them. D'a 1y C e, trustedteedmita'sLp keep children health- 4 fully regular from: infancy to karlyopens. didn't ],And B.,ut it and '601 ruch
-small wir
p a e silede b Kee
plit new savagery, into his attack. FREE S fe. a�d, Bob'k let of j' j4 F, Gxaber's' plo'ded' upward a',regular h e� br slij 9, Ox,, of gan ex Mix It "ITInts ii�. iind again. Ili polish and,an,ektra pair of ties for the Aarkhegs they 'IN rite ohii Sl.eedninn & Co., yo )(1pt, I 1). 442,� St. treet, eacli: other; .... .. tir sj�ads hand�_`Make it,,a rule'
could' scarcely. See ......... 67N fr.om never 'ia put on ihoeig_ wh'fch. ..... S there wa only feeble, flkht th-, wing lamps.: They ,sfi;tInbfe'd lifterilt. been brughO or polished. stA e'meW,s11rrupat,. Press-ribbo'n ties.often and subst. . . . . . . . . . . . back h IDah's; -Iu�k:V- tute a n6w,pai as soon asthe. '.old b door. how signs of. wedr. 'Ldah for the doubho EE symba Ion. edch pachitsi. ..t b4'en �bin -onos e right',flaitened GriIbe?s- b. gin to s, afan nose., Bloo I d sporte , d from It as And,get*new leather lifts as, often, water,from a -fife hy4rai 'Otto howlbd.z Colwell tried. to, 41.FFYqR,;5C:HET`.CL0T.H PATTERN.�'183,7 I - th this 1 ovely Clot4i. A. large hook two x -bend ,fiim back out of co'litfol on Enrich your `ta�ble, %v eggs, in ten minutes --:-raw' `stiarLtl� of'strin�..;nake this 68� in'ch cloth grow quickly�. -You -ca wrapboth..aTnis arouhA,-him to Ma Hine] of, Bost on a�te '75 AD TS", F AS T - . the floor of the cabii n Crochet n. Gra.b6r side%XOOU r is OOM People � g14 stepp6d,' and his terrific, blqw to a-40, 6 �or 4)0 in It clo h froin the samt: pat rn , at,, rn. 4. can a -lothi' a- illustratioli' of. it an& of titches'; the.SAWrda'y off too. Good'rri-' .,GIVE'YOURS9:-LF X EAUTY instructions for. inakini' 6 TO .0 TO'BRINGIELIEF
on April. 6-KTAKING1 thd temple stunned Dan. 116 'was .day' comes - year, Send tenty cents in .coins * (stanip% cannot � be tiepepted) .iitiil Aft '.r M- th-erho: d% and Easter1i April 9 The New Year.19 a good Wine to aware of .shots 'a, distan c 6'aff and material§ rdquh , photograph 'of cloth., foe o Wils;xi 'afV Dept. 7.3. We 0 illen's scream. And - St;; un4ergo.9 Beauty SU ktakthg. Con- f Lefty Qu pattern to 14edlecr A Adelarde Tpr6j�to. -end holiday e ` go Wi-iitc,';5lainiy -pAttern number, your 'name and address. The long July week tha'he. bimLself AS, We�k nin F .,YOU are Wea FROOM U'Los" comes on Dominion D -y,-'wfiich' sider youiselt' from head . to tob., that. Graber. Was more erf ul nervou falls,crn,'a Saturday,-, leaving the weighuIx.,your g9o.q. pointi an than he ever h . ad . estinitted. backabhe;, sideache 'This.Simple Way tasei bolidy, makers'tvo full -days' be- those fht,are'not so good, Resolve If or hdadachcs due'tool -wh , tei, Wh re' dves it entitelv. and. Disdomifort Desparate 'Fi`ght T.ff nts Im Pain-' : fdre; they:have to return toi the to make,the'most of your aDpe'qr. irlouse-1 old4ih born,'try 2C, reliable organic disthr- and 11 , gtli . ' it , . . ; :1 banceso� you will fifid Sore ThroarAccompany1bg daily grihd again. ante durifig the . coming moirths. 110 itunched-iagaii �vitb� both his -y-cle-aning fluid. denly grabbtd for the Dr. PiCrce's F-;tvdr. di k �Ist� and su,d '&r'HAC with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presi�rjptfon August and Septembe*r,. of. A94 br6a all, your other New'Ycsar ). . . . . . . . . . . e6lds,wQh-A., aziqg -end holi- resolutionsi If you, mix fig, week When. Ma fng b gun As it s-wurtk' near' If the hiniil�, ttireA of. coo.ked k' 0, 4:coursd, have IP his f .. cereal.c, dress' t5`bM 6P bit by ace. Their 'b-atdsi .--truck; %the. aprd -77 1-- A nerve qu 'improv4Ds'nufrition. Aim. Maurice Tebin' DH4&Y n ick�c6oking Aapioca ci mak6,a a .n Support Nran,,St,, Mterboroi Ont., says:,' iLabor bay: on Sepiternber 4 talciTiK a dish at fi,ui-t,, salt in a. b ck. His licad bi�I,a h -y wet sh4es dIc -that at" th' liot. rhobd I &.vc1oped, inward weaka'cia t Water every mot sb. �hai they, cabin. Thihg.4' -at To di ick juice that sh0uld
t'a' The' last' long wbqk�.end' holiday� glass o -iflitg on - ..Iu re iles, my bock,ached and, f in - 6eir sbape� apd-not', during� biking axid h_.-plilled m1c.,completell, (Iowa in htalth. I was n December. - Christmas Og gr Y. - insin my 81, arising. I C 1ps-Internzif cleatilfabc" out P cothes t .1c rl�, aeo a. Aftt:e taking Do battles of bpeomel-stiff 'and hardo s uff with w Iq neatly. is' on a Mnday. r omy nerves way avq Day - and keeps si)ots.' mid pimpfrA a t� S$'M ' etl4ng cot(' c his re., I ' 'ban! j' 1. Ore Sk In. Yr an!, 16c 'paocr ana Allow them were I "on and"I bad ftilly rega,ined I . erqmp . r in geed comlitp w, as'a screarn tjttcrec� close to to. dry �slowlyi . Ige-cr , dr them my hert,lib and strength."', Ask e Day Saturday . day for it -in liquid or tablets. ve you any -ing" - lines br, Thet.6 - will. be': anotbei ' long his ear. V�notnolpqly'be wungp'.thpt near a. hot st6�6 at, radiatok, P012 Longest Name' Week4nd� for, those who obsertd lnkl6s Look espepiall.0 around a d ihing, w' I - thoroughly P,,5 soor they 016 eyo.q. M011Lh, Chin and orphead.' c I ung' it at GrAber A I -V . . . 1. N6vemer 11 as, a holiday� govern. . ski.ill. And it lafided, with' rpietc.ly. dky-4 rhe *onkest name. of any organ- t1fe signs 4re only faint,' get to 'a , low, �.aerc cot sIL ber oh A..- Saturday -Ili rld is that of the iz. tion thA wo work art them. It will save lots of. hollow sound that, thrilled one' 'ear. , I - -8 y at to 0 Wher. .&Pparing dates. t ri Gnanawim ubl,6 later 6n; Deep fin -rows re- tro, cle .h. ol� Add Ceyloji body,''Che May' 94, coffies it) the. middle of the.pit 'f the stomai to In oulrfan,Usmallana Sahitfyia.' Otto Crumbled. He twisWd Ing p.uddingg eld cut g quire.constalit'. and DAtient 'care to' -iggled (yh the ssors a put throAgI. a� �vi W the vviiek, oh'. a' Wednez�dhy,. and. ground -with V 'u. -ing,6 e adi6ate.,L 9 cleans cl-earn dur- hile Cal 2en dippc� in day* -set asift to mark the. ing hht, nissage olleeted himsell well C a�d gifti-der that hAi bi day at il ig slowly fly 2 go,; Birthday, M,, come pf(Acli, he,ated4 tood sNyaying, s.r on A, Saturday. With a rich 'Crqim. Leave roggily, forced hot wat6r until Corn ro ease ppin fi ild if wroat is ra*w' fall, Gp'a s mr t and re. From culd,'crush and oijy.s�in. talce. 2 dissolve a "Aopirin" ed 'there. oil the (lark ground Tablets In 1/3418as of
ies nixeked in some What 4(ind of face Y�Il Bd AT' "Loolk isco f 9�0 r Witter manner dur' ')A 0 i i abl�ats on 11111('-s Oil Ilitg �-a the bi�en cibin door or to through. They wilt c4t and tvc,all ' her's writhing iland laau stick less. Other 'holidays and annivdrar� tFIGHT ing the Ireat fall'on �he following 8 ar? J ai-6d. hi" -rn suddd 'idles it'rippitig THEI r lks glass ofwstier,
d n;
at, In 2 hours
4ates: .SL David'g. Pay', March - I kre y6ti using aejoars-� powder I .9 S. hi n tains t1rim (!a*l '011 cps wipely use it occai�hiffly SOUR I E f Just Be Sure Youl ge St.' Patrick's Day, March 17; St. oat'Ornisbes or (I a y6n ".1,001.' aut! fa& line the delightfull' Gr�ber :�Praspcdjt jusit as'Liefty. dinary, laundering tocdure4. U 6eorkd"s Wyo. April 23,; St. 'An rais hAlen' limped u , Dan reached a (lull knife' to 8crape off as -mi s15o it the Monlent afsptin V.owd�v ItbAt . V Qu 4 p Dayo November K. -aber'6 'as kible 7WIthotit -hig -th -POL Youivel-a Cd Comini op skin and gives it. it; �,olitlirill ap. out and a ki4k at Gx inifii e asi Id
Tance? arm tried to dilodi� tlik gun., AAd lilleno-SlItIbbing 1�rd into the i0ot e s' tlie fitst.s.rhot did ko�wild. . Efit. . the' oTh in�p e.way,pictlired abo�re I Do you Ili.t,c 14)s. or 44) thoy ftoli loosells,the tallow, qufficieiit- Vrice 'You oftefibring9gMazingly fds6elief
'Men 'Mind, BaNes Niel) easfly? The (,old ly� so that flie nd A�601)d toblt effect. Lefty Quillen, I knifor of from discomfort and isore. diroat ty I acconipanying 1:61ds, wititorg plays havoc V�ltll our llp�, weetah yiiir Anti- x`%e'e'p -Nouse i;i*i* ,
buta lyVqyI StIlve will. "Rinooth 'I.uew about., gave' way Try it,� Then - ste Yopr d6dor, ft� at nee morsting aerea probably will theiw"and' k1pep them lovely. the k' . A clot' blackened his tell You to C:Ohtinue YO �,The 'native men - of 7,anzibar NL�xt: week's article will contintie for6bead a.n&dti 6xpresslon oflril- I, U..rEEL SUNK with "Aspirin" bgcguse it acts go qn of'A coldii�i ireat it in e At the first i I 'it'to relieve discomicirts of a -cold; 0 Itead this ajn4 Cheer up a simple, direct, andiim0i�proven *ay. fa
bavo usurped the womezPs rhoSt hp with'BEE. RIVE
di staclw�kilik,, InsiirP a little N16ritbolatitiuri'vell. U And to teduce fev IVA.14nly occupation min ing write me Rbow.7your por-, —0 en fal ded limean i.ittered a low rnoan Atre yon no blue that life is ho,loriger wo -This 0imp t. way, I 645r6U Iiw"daiflsb M, * .� I I - ... . . -1 ' the babyj -the at the,- soinfO beauty.prablems. 'Yun -ob.' i -If -A� heap. Dead livilig? Dd'YOAdr h4ily? 1D ell . . ,tio"faqJolurs Sy r. a . . I ' )acic tafti any pf the following -interest- From o6111 most, depressed -just allsolutoly SURK? quickly reach to the �artliest air pa4;. tific authority, haslar q"ecto!vate reieals. YOU. el� supplanted secis, peHornied Then horiA good,news f6r YbUin case sages fight Ibbe lurking geims. 0 tllb� use Of gtrofig 'Medicines Ili casifig' llig 161ilets, by `§611ding 3kc ;tamp, Dan straddled Otto lfe Aeda A good general'ay-eitem toule-Just tWk,e kdwhow rams o0ae om� clear your nog6 and'heto keep it, clear. Cold�%M
me'n t,eihg em.. famotisLydIaMPInIh i bl C ePt z
Pcrhap3'the easiest,
by mplies, it kew''wo for each, 6no: PAtiat Ure, B118t D6. doved him with. his ound. t its wholes6mq Wits sold toots lincis way yi�t disco cied, 00yed v4ldltmeni, Undei,w0ght, SIT * L efftt , I'd up moro' physilcal residt- cot a 30 Dttube V of MOM 0 pe olliNat!ri io brift# qui4k 90 id-dereat re bul tum f6d tiara dftcb�afid tone up y6be s teral, ad that it can r.1W 6P M nel/4 badc. service, is. performed bv otis. ilail" Ha�d` Iq I Jy; (Jirlftfnolb,t"S� �11 Scious. 'ghen olwell,, ver tili more easily throw'bff t c "bkucs" ,and gim to tasift '�tlxe report,says. iling, Peet Ca i, . I - re enjoy'llto.,. teady fiith ik�Tm' bl&otl WOM ed no- 0011, enere MILU hav6,d 4 and- v"addod th's wor I '"d
went, epL thildren; bor is employed. is'best conveyttl "'Ple'll.qe 'a 616ug-to fflondh and n6i9bb6ri, and to their -gs, your to: tainly tb'th6 'fellCiw.th, t Left�"h 16. 4 ddiL ad Issue N arbArn Lyntf. Room 49L*_73 -Hoigc6 Vael go 'Adl`tifFle St., Torobto, Ont ru"? A Iftnd 'wetiping. (lrq qImilv . 00. All
io emid.5
0111ri". �4939.-'Tfieie.Are At The'
.Le Loi* Week7eitilit,
ter. Sun&y Period,
,Thb!,'year, 1`989 pr4mlses at..
Jeast ive I holid
to'those who,are in sition to & .130
. . , N
k e advantage of'ifiem.,, The,
daySL Co me in: April, wd&�ond'-hiili
IV ui
u yp. 4ifj September an& .De-
The �firsf *eek.iend is'
MO. Ok, LAA gi aze�l Dan. s psw;�. Had babies and growing children. Furl more -a -aye 0 thAn 100 ybarsdMotheis iverywhere It
it landed. All would have been 6�61. Them. D'a 1y C e, trustedteedmita'sLp keep children health- 4 fully regular from: infancy to karlyopens. didn't ],And B.,ut it and '601 ruch
-small wir
p a e silede b Kee
plit new savagery, into his attack. FREE S fe. a�d, Bob'k let of j' j4 F, Gxaber's' plo'ded' upward a',regular h e� br slij 9, Ox,, of gan ex Mix It "ITInts ii�. iind again. Ili polish and,an,ektra pair of ties for the Aarkhegs they 'IN rite ohii Sl.eedninn & Co., yo )(1pt, I 1). 442,� St. treet, eacli: other; .... .. tir sj�ads hand�_`Make it,,a rule'
could' scarcely. See ......... 67N fr.om never 'ia put on ihoeig_ wh'fch. ..... S there wa only feeble, flkht th-, wing lamps.: They ,sfi;tInbfe'd lifterilt. been brughO or polished. stA e'meW,s11rrupat,. Press-ribbo'n ties.often and subst. . . . . . . . . . . . back h IDah's; -Iu�k:V- tute a n6w,pai as soon asthe. '.old b door. how signs of. wedr. 'Ldah for the doubho EE symba Ion. edch pachitsi. ..t b4'en �bin -onos e right',flaitened GriIbe?s- b. gin to s, afan nose., Bloo I d sporte , d from It as And,get*new leather lifts as, often, water,from a -fife hy4rai 'Otto howlbd.z Colwell tried. to, 41.FFYqR,;5C:HET`.CL0T.H PATTERN.�'183,7 I - th this 1 ovely Clot4i. A. large hook two x -bend ,fiim back out of co'litfol on Enrich your `ta�ble, %v eggs, in ten minutes --:-raw' `stiarLtl� of'strin�..;nake this 68� in'ch cloth grow quickly�. -You -ca wrapboth..aTnis arouhA,-him to Ma Hine] of, Bost on a�te '75 AD TS", F AS T - . the floor of the cabii n Crochet n. Gra.b6r side%XOOU r is OOM People � g14 stepp6d,' and his terrific, blqw to a-40, 6 �or 4)0 in It clo h froin the samt: pat rn , at,, rn. 4. can a -lothi' a- illustratioli' of. it an& of titches'; the.SAWrda'y off too. Good'rri-' .,GIVE'YOURS9:-LF X EAUTY instructions for. inakini' 6 TO .0 TO'BRINGIELIEF
on April. 6-KTAKING1 thd temple stunned Dan. 116 'was .day' comes - year, Send tenty cents in .coins * (stanip% cannot � be tiepepted) .iitiil Aft '.r M- th-erho: d% and Easter1i April 9 The New Year.19 a good Wine to aware of .shots 'a, distan c 6'aff and material§ rdquh , photograph 'of cloth., foe o Wils;xi 'afV Dept. 7.3. We 0 illen's scream. And - St;; un4ergo.9 Beauty SU ktakthg. Con- f Lefty Qu pattern to 14edlecr A Adelarde Tpr6j�to. -end holiday e ` go Wi-iitc,';5lainiy -pAttern number, your 'name and address. The long July week tha'he. bimLself AS, We�k nin F .,YOU are Wea FROOM U'Los" comes on Dominion D -y,-'wfiich' sider youiselt' from head . to tob., that. Graber. Was more erf ul nervou falls,crn,'a Saturday,-, leaving the weighuIx.,your g9o.q. pointi an than he ever h . ad . estinitted. backabhe;, sideache 'This.Simple Way tasei bolidy, makers'tvo full -days' be- those fht,are'not so good, Resolve If or hdadachcs due'tool -wh , tei, Wh re' dves it entitelv. and. Disdomifort Desparate 'Fi`ght T.ff nts Im Pain-' : fdre; they:have to return toi the to make,the'most of your aDpe'qr. irlouse-1 old4ih born,'try 2C, reliable organic disthr- and 11 , gtli . ' it , . . ; :1 banceso� you will fifid Sore ThroarAccompany1bg daily grihd again. ante durifig the . coming moirths. 110 itunched-iagaii �vitb� both his -y-cle-aning fluid. denly grabbtd for the Dr. PiCrce's F-;tvdr. di k �Ist� and su,d '&r'HAC with . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presi�rjptfon August and Septembe*r,. of. A94 br6a all, your other New'Ycsar ). . . . . . . . . . . e6lds,wQh-A., aziqg -end holi- resolutionsi If you, mix fig, week When. Ma fng b gun As it s-wurtk' near' If the hiniil�, ttireA of. coo.ked k' 0, 4:coursd, have IP his f .. cereal.c, dress' t5`bM 6P bit by ace. Their 'b-atdsi .--truck; %the. aprd -77 1-- A nerve qu 'improv4Ds'nufrition. Aim. Maurice Tebin' DH4&Y n ick�c6oking Aapioca ci mak6,a a .n Support Nran,,St,, Mterboroi Ont., says:,' iLabor bay: on Sepiternber 4 talciTiK a dish at fi,ui-t,, salt in a. b ck. His licad bi�I,a h -y wet sh4es dIc -that at" th' liot. rhobd I &.vc1oped, inward weaka'cia t Water every mot sb. �hai they, cabin. Thihg.4' -at To di ick juice that sh0uld
t'a' The' last' long wbqk�.end' holiday� glass o -iflitg on - ..Iu re iles, my bock,ached and, f in - 6eir sbape� apd-not', during� biking axid h_.-plilled m1c.,completell, (Iowa in htalth. I was n December. - Christmas Og gr Y. - insin my 81, arising. I C 1ps-Internzif cleatilfabc" out P cothes t .1c rl�, aeo a. Aftt:e taking Do battles of bpeomel-stiff 'and hardo s uff with w Iq neatly. is' on a Mnday. r omy nerves way avq Day - and keeps si)ots.' mid pimpfrA a t� S$'M ' etl4ng cot(' c his re., I ' 'ban! j' 1. Ore Sk In. Yr an!, 16c 'paocr ana Allow them were I "on and"I bad ftilly rega,ined I . erqmp . r in geed comlitp w, as'a screarn tjttcrec� close to to. dry �slowlyi . Ige-cr , dr them my hert,lib and strength."', Ask e Day Saturday . day for it -in liquid or tablets. ve you any -ing" - lines br, Thet.6 - will. be': anotbei ' long his ear. V�notnolpqly'be wungp'.thpt near a. hot st6�6 at, radiatok, P012 Longest Name' Week4nd� for, those who obsertd lnkl6s Look espepiall.0 around a d ihing, w' I - thoroughly P,,5 soor they 016 eyo.q. M011Lh, Chin and orphead.' c I ung' it at GrAber A I -V . . . 1. N6vemer 11 as, a holiday� govern. . ski.ill. And it lafided, with' rpietc.ly. dky-4 rhe *onkest name. of any organ- t1fe signs 4re only faint,' get to 'a , low, �.aerc cot sIL ber oh A..- Saturday -Ili rld is that of the iz. tion thA wo work art them. It will save lots of. hollow sound that, thrilled one' 'ear. , I - -8 y at to 0 Wher. .&Pparing dates. t ri Gnanawim ubl,6 later 6n; Deep fin -rows re- tro, cle .h. ol� Add Ceyloji body,''Che May' 94, coffies it) the. middle of the.pit 'f the stomai to In oulrfan,Usmallana Sahitfyia.' Otto Crumbled. He twisWd Ing p.uddingg eld cut g quire.constalit'. and DAtient 'care to' -iggled (yh the ssors a put throAgI. a� �vi W the vviiek, oh'. a' Wednez�dhy,. and. ground -with V 'u. -ing,6 e adi6ate.,L 9 cleans cl-earn dur- hile Cal 2en dippc� in day* -set asift to mark the. ing hht, nissage olleeted himsell well C a�d gifti-der that hAi bi day at il ig slowly fly 2 go,; Birthday, M,, come pf(Acli, he,ated4 tood sNyaying, s.r on A, Saturday. With a rich 'Crqim. Leave roggily, forced hot wat6r until Corn ro ease ppin fi ild if wroat is ra*w' fall, Gp'a s mr t and re. From culd,'crush and oijy.s�in. talce. 2 dissolve a "Aopirin" ed 'there. oil the (lark ground Tablets In 1/3418as of
ies nixeked in some What 4(ind of face Y�Il Bd AT' "Loolk isco f 9�0 r Witter manner dur' ')A 0 i i abl�ats on 11111('-s Oil Ilitg �-a the bi�en cibin door or to through. They wilt c4t and tvc,all ' her's writhing iland laau stick less. Other 'holidays and annivdrar� tFIGHT ing the Ireat fall'on �he following 8 ar? J ai-6d. hi" -rn suddd 'idles it'rippitig THEI r lks glass ofwstier,
d n;
at, In 2 hours
4ates: .SL David'g. Pay', March - I kre y6ti using aejoars-� powder I .9 S. hi n tains t1rim (!a*l '011 cps wipely use it occai�hiffly SOUR I E f Just Be Sure Youl ge St.' Patrick's Day, March 17; St. oat'Ornisbes or (I a y6n ".1,001.' aut! fa& line the delightfull' Gr�ber :�Praspcdjt jusit as'Liefty. dinary, laundering tocdure4. U 6eorkd"s Wyo. April 23,; St. 'An rais hAlen' limped u , Dan reached a (lull knife' to 8crape off as -mi s15o it the Monlent afsptin V.owd�v ItbAt . V Qu 4 p Dayo November K. -aber'6 'as kible 7WIthotit -hig -th -POL Youivel-a Cd Comini op skin and gives it. it; �,olitlirill ap. out and a ki4k at Gx inifii e asi Id
Tance? arm tried to dilodi� tlik gun., AAd lilleno-SlItIbbing 1�rd into the i0ot e s' tlie fitst.s.rhot did ko�wild. . Efit. . the' oTh in�p e.way,pictlired abo�re I Do you Ili.t,c 14)s. or 44) thoy ftoli loosells,the tallow, qufficieiit- Vrice 'You oftefibring9gMazingly fds6elief
'Men 'Mind, BaNes Niel) easfly? The (,old ly� so that flie nd A�601)d toblt effect. Lefty Quillen, I knifor of from discomfort and isore. diroat ty I acconipanying 1:61ds, wititorg plays havoc V�ltll our llp�, weetah yiiir Anti- x`%e'e'p -Nouse i;i*i* ,
buta lyVqyI StIlve will. "Rinooth 'I.uew about., gave' way Try it,� Then - ste Yopr d6dor, ft� at nee morsting aerea probably will theiw"and' k1pep them lovely. the k' . A clot' blackened his tell You to C:Ohtinue YO �,The 'native men - of 7,anzibar NL�xt: week's article will contintie for6bead a.n&dti 6xpresslon oflril- I, U..rEEL SUNK with "Aspirin" bgcguse it acts go qn of'A coldii�i ireat it in e At the first i I 'it'to relieve discomicirts of a -cold; 0 Itead this ajn4 Cheer up a simple, direct, andiim0i�proven *ay. fa
bavo usurped the womezPs rhoSt hp with'BEE. RIVE
di staclw�kilik,, InsiirP a little N16ritbolatitiuri'vell. U And to teduce fev IVA.14nly occupation min ing write me Rbow.7your por-, —0 en fal ded limean i.ittered a low rnoan Atre yon no blue that life is ho,loriger wo -This 0imp t. way, I 645r6U Iiw"daiflsb M, * .� I I - ... . . -1 ' the babyj -the at the,- soinfO beauty.prablems. 'Yun -ob.' i -If -A� heap. Dead livilig? Dd'YOAdr h4ily? 1D ell . . ,tio"faqJolurs Sy r. a . . I ' )acic tafti any pf the following -interest- From o6111 most, depressed -just allsolutoly SURK? quickly reach to the �artliest air pa4;. tific authority, haslar q"ecto!vate reieals. YOU. el� supplanted secis, peHornied Then horiA good,news f6r YbUin case sages fight Ibbe lurking geims. 0 tllb� use Of gtrofig 'Medicines Ili casifig' llig 161ilets, by `§611ding 3kc ;tamp, Dan straddled Otto lfe Aeda A good general'ay-eitem toule-Just tWk,e kdwhow rams o0ae om� clear your nog6 and'heto keep it, clear. Cold�%M
me'n t,eihg em.. famotisLydIaMPInIh i bl C ePt z
Pcrhap3'the easiest,
by mplies, it kew''wo for each, 6no: PAtiat Ure, B118t D6. doved him with. his ound. t its wholes6mq Wits sold toots lincis way yi�t disco cied, 00yed v4ldltmeni, Undei,w0ght, SIT * L efftt , I'd up moro' physilcal residt- cot a 30 Dttube V of MOM 0 pe olliNat!ri io brift# qui4k 90 id-dereat re bul tum f6d tiara dftcb�afid tone up y6be s teral, ad that it can r.1W 6P M nel/4 badc. service, is. performed bv otis. ilail" Ha�d` Iq I Jy; (Jirlftfnolb,t"S� �11 Scious. 'ghen olwell,, ver tili more easily throw'bff t c "bkucs" ,and gim to tasift '�tlxe report,says. iling, Peet Ca i, . I - re enjoy'llto.,. teady fiith ik�Tm' bl&otl WOM ed no- 0011, enere MILU hav6,d 4 and- v"addod th's wor I '"d
went, epL thildren; bor is employed. is'best conveyttl "'Ple'll.qe 'a 616ug-to fflondh and n6i9bb6ri, and to their -gs, your to: tainly tb'th6 'fellCiw.th, t Left�"h 16. 4 ddiL ad Issue N arbArn Lyntf. Room 49L*_73 -Hoigc6 Vael go 'Adl`tifFle St., Torobto, Ont ru"? A Iftnd 'wetiping. (lrq qImilv . 00. All