HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-01-26, Page 5THURSDAY, ,JANUARY 26th, 10e9:, , THE.L.mc k;NtQw ..SENTINEL ...s!!EznEmzza3z DUNGANNON. LADY EIGHTY YEARS ()1.1) tyceurri Theatre. WIN.GHAM Show ,starte at 8 p,at. excepe $a,.' -,.Sat, 'night , two ehows, 7.46 and 9.45 le, in, MATINEE Saturday afteinoots at 230 P.m: " 1644414429.1fix Thursday,. Friday', 'Sitio:Mae January 26 - 28 .Stan Liturel: Oliver. Hardy- * * * * . _BLOCKHEADS', the ,war Started •' alt 'ever a- gain: when Olivet's wife- met. Stan. . Ale() 'Edgar Kennedy" 'Meeker • • ,Spnrt *Subject!':' "News" n• Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday ;JO!. '3O.-3.1 Feb. ROliere Taylor Maureen &Sullivan he. Crowd Reari" A dranta•toUtite boxing ring. Taylor is sePported in the pict- ureby Bewail Arnold and Frank Morgan. , Also "Golden California" and " veatarees •-e.f Newsreel- Camerman" , • • Remember the MATINEE:: 'SATURDAY Afternoon at 2.36 p.m. Adtiles-20e Children -40e .411.441, KIN.LOSS.-COUNCIL • Mt. Camp -bell 'Richardsori l'ere kus .Fur, Varms and assistant, Mr Jelage Gauley, formerly of Crewe/ • called on• the Penner's bother, •Mie D. Richardson on Tuesday.... We are gladto report that Mrs rea,nk Coertice is steadily•impreving from her accident recently. Her fract- ured knee was taken out of the ease the first. of the ew:eek. Her, niece, • Miss IBeateiee TreleaVeze of .Crewe, in char, since Mee, Bert Treleaver _retureed, herne, Mh. Harvey Alton' and on /tonal(' . ". . !Peet laet',Teuesday visitingher sis tee, Mrs. Tees.. Mitchell; .Sertfore., • Mrs, ,SCruten of Clinton is, visitirie ber Son, Mreefel, Serieton.l andekre. Set:peon. • ' A. house PaetY: was given,iast Mor day , night •by• Mr. Jack :Errington apd friends in, Mi. Robe. Levvieei ' house. Ahput forty Were the nuenbee who attended and enjoyed the danc- iri.e. Mr.. gild Mrs....HoWard Johnston :Cedar Valley also, entertained in the eerne .wey last Friday .evening. twe Mrs, jOhneGatniss of. Toronto ar. rived last Friday to visit with he'• Mother, Mrs. Win. Bray.' It has been considered to organ- • ize. a "Men's' Club" ane 'on Monday evening neee. the Vest meeting'•wilt 1)e held in the United Church for that purpose. A sound otioe picture en- titled "Wheels "Acrogs Africa" froin 1Viorrocco across tee Sahara_ Desert • to the India Ocean is the.route -leee-ed.` Re*. Amen elieorelyerrieee •mouth -6eiitre, near St. Thoinas, be tee guest in charge: A. good att., enelence ls looked for by the erben: whe ‚will be interested in, forreier this . new organization. , .The newly . elected :Members of. Council hieing -takeie their declar-: ittion of :Ace, took their seats at the' ,ReeVe .Richard Elliott and ptincilloes Anglia Meentoshe-eAlex MeteKeesaie; James 'II,. Mantosli and: Earle Hodgins. , The minutes Of the Deeetriber 1038 ineetirig, as read, were approved' ,and- ,sfgied•• ' A geHient -$5.60-Was given to the• • • War. Memorial elespital„ London, Ont. The eonomunicatien Of John Wade] - '.::.was filed for further information. e • • The communication from ehe Town-. ship of -Greenock was filed and the ;. .Reeve instrected.to• consult with the Reeve of Greenock and the County Engineer. . e The * Read Superintepdeet was au- , thorized to attend 'the' Good Roads Convention 'Toronto; Pelyeuere, 20: to e4, 1919. • -The necesearY forms .Were filled . °tit ;and eompkted, esking .foe the ,:Statutoty Granton:the Road Expe•nel: • itere for, the year 1938 .amounting . to 15431.37., • • : •The Coen: of etevisieri• ore•the Ack- ert Draie By -Lew,, adjourned from .December 15th;. 1938, was. opened, •and..the fedlewinKchanges-micie., John 7' Johnston, Lot 6, Con..9, reduced to 14 acres; Johnston Conn, . Lot. 32; Con. 4,• reduced to 45 acres; Wm. •'Conen Lot. •334 Con. 44 reduced to _4e_ , e 7:,:naell*P2V-VerA;;;MiNtie-•--0071-ra.101;77, VOW; Yetitteel 't43‘ LOCkarti- Lots 14-15, Con. .4, tedOee. , to ,65 acts ; Allister -Hughes, Lot 11, ,'Con. S, Benefit Assessnierit reduced to $1e0.00. . • *tied byl McKenzie and .A. Leptese Mc - that we do now. chop .the aouet 'of Revision on •the*Ackert• Idenicipto Drain By -Law, and the Clerk make ehe necessary corrections to the seine . Rend rates were set at 12 cent!. per day. per .head of families. end e cents per • day fee each deneneent and a relief conemittee of J. A: intosh, as. ,11. lefeintosh• and. 'Earle Hodgins appointed to look after- all eelief wqrk. • . . By -Law NO-1-1930ewas Prepared and finally Passed, making. offiniel appeirrtmeries and ••their reininner- " . ation. • • BY -Law .No -2-1939 wes Prepared • repel 'finally Pegged, makhig provision , fe;lot estimated eepeediture oi roads Torthe current year, • . „ Cott -hell adjourned to Meet igain or, eVfpnelay, the 18thi-' day of 'Fehetiary e, . • at 10 o'elOck, ' 'Cheques isseedeelVlunicipal •World ,supplies, $10.07; • Joseph AgrieW, Div-. Collet fees, 19.56; War 'Nferner- . lel iinSpitetle gient,e5.q0; election erripenses, 75,00; Nittlitipal Wotld; 8 subs. Munieinal World, 8.06: Miss:,$. ,pury.is,J•eller siapplie5•11.,37; Mise' Peael4Cartet. relief;iilk. 7.00.• .-erieeeeet. leaeeleanate •e'elleeeeettpplioa,....21,eRe .1 •Dept af Publie Welfaree Weenie°, tee • lief h13.15 D. Theiripeon, relief relit • 0.00; E. eeeetaking, • 300. •• . The: Seneete Bret:eh ef the DungSe- riOn Weteen's betitute will 'meet •the• 'Elenred.ay• afternoon at the home of Dere. Burton Reach:, The rolleeell be :answered -by. "A, New Year's Res - elution" .and..MreChmis.,AIton's topit, will . eCommeinity Activities ane Reliefs.".. . The Junior Branch Institute emet Thursday, 'Janefitle at the heine .o. Mrs, R. Davedseie Mise :Frances Cep,: eiee let 'vice-president was, iri charge The roll call was anewered.:by "Hinte' on :table •ecniverseeion„ Mies Lorre .Roach led' in a ,contest. Mrs. pavide 'son reed a.poem.' yhe' Maeter's ..Tpuel•-• This' •wag- .felloWed be a discessior ()rebooks and lietatiee. Misses Andre,- Cengram and ;Frances Crozier' *ete the hostesses: for the. afternoon. Th February nieeteee„ will: be heldat thr teiehe of Nliss' Flora Duthie. '. The. Presbyterian W.M:S. •net last Wednesday, Jan: 18th ae the hone ef' Mrs. W.ete :Stothers. Mrs. R. Mt, Whinney presided; The meetikg •wa,,- neened in the -usual Way andtth Deteniber minutes were read and .ad- eptede Mre7, Davidson gave a retiree ef the executive ,reeeting held in :Wineheen. The roll call was attsweree hv Veree of .:Seriptere. Mite.. Mr; Whinney' took the topic '"The New Year. Interesting' New Year ,meee- eees . were %given by Miss .Mary Me ;jeenzie. •Mrs.' Herb Steel:lees and Me! AteWart. Piens far' Work in 'tilt Yevki Year were discussed by ritakine reeltseand preparing an tastee Con - :Tit. Mrs: MeWeinneyethe president "lased with prayer after' whites Mr.. Pelee:ere served 'refreshments., The next Meeting *wiii be held 'at the' home of Mee. R. Fitzgerald. „ • . -tbi colon •at ',Seri. • Robt. Moore with eeeel attendance. Mrs Moere openee tvie meeting ,and' Mrs. Jas. Firmigar ...find the .Scripture 'lesson. Mrs. DeVie• enroele led in prayer. The Toll eale "ea'. enswered by, payment of fee§ etre, Chas. Alton, 14tre, W: 'A, Culbert and Mrs. V! Roach' were anpoittee •es preeident§ for the year. each wite free-- menthe in, teen. Mrs. Wilfree Te.ntland 'gave a reading .and Mrs nM fra-Ve s parer en "TheNeweitear" rneethee closed with a „keine .'ane Mr'. Wilfred Pentland 'concluetee P eenteet as lunch was being prepared ,A emit twenty-five attended tie Meet- ing. ' • . Theannual meetingof the Dung ennon: Ageieultpral Society was hele lege, 'Wedneeder afternoon,' San. :18te in the Parish Hall. The: oftleers •fan year Were re-elected -With. Mr: Jae. an president. The board o direetors were reduced- frorial.5 to 10 Mt: Chas. Alton ageumes,"the. of sderetarY hinee the death of the Society's 'secreta, Mr.' ?1'e1vi11 Col here. The .stiec'ese of the fair last year places tSoeiety -eiziod standitse with a surplus of funds on heedel- :lowing an itterease en the prize lis't .for tre34 Year. Mr. Jaesee Rio d waeete pointed. 'delegate to attend.. the. On- vention iii' Toronto, Feb: 23td., • I.Crttorito Whir "Spends . . thecein'iteeee avitheakeeeedeareertee,„ It. -pl. ',Veils,' • Detroit; has recently observed hergdth hirthcley, We Pei" frtSaying., inati'hpp retains' of tire da. • • . , HELENS An At Home ,sponsored br.m,enee bees. of the Women's ,Institute was enjeyed in the Community. all ori Preeilied• over the program wliich in - ended the fallowing\ numbers; violin. Fi iday eight. Mrs. Ewart McPherson •:eleetion. by Charles MeQtrillin, 7.0." MeQuillin by George Stuart; a eqng and 'dance,. "The Second Min vet" by Marie Syean and Dopethy Webb; piane solo by, Ws* :Florence McQuillire :readings be Mee balls and Mrs. McKenzie Webb; seeigs by Jack, ie Aitchison- and 'by Merle and Jean eitchiseare Litter dancing was etre:wed to ..inueic by,eFle. MeQtlillin .and Geo Stiaert with Miss, Florence MeQuinin Mr s Fred efeeirillie and Mrs.,'Stuart as eeeoriapanistbe door prizes were von: by Mee, • Will 'Rettlierfordefer the die and Miler for geeteee Mr. Neely. Todd of Stratford Was e week -end visitor at his leapie here. Miss Florence MeQuillin; R.N. of the iWineharn Hospital staff was a Visitor' et her home here on Friday. The meeting of the Y.P.U. was ',lee] on Sundae evening with Mr. E. W. Rice, vice-president in the chair. The topic "Naeelient, and,Faeisin" was tek en- by Mt. Lorne Weicids: Mr. Rice led the .discussion. Arrangements were made for the new contest Which starts eeet Senday night. 1, MAFEKI.N9 ....kis.. Richard johestOre. is-. spending a couple of • Weeks. Witlf her dairghtee.• . „ . Mrs. 1.-lifeee;'Moffet.'ne• Watford,. Mr.. and , Arthur,' spent Wednesday with. Mr.. arid.:Mes., Henryellottee. • , -• Mr e Fruest, .Blake 'It:pent:tie-Week- end. with his daughters , Mintieleein Loeden.', H_e reports.. Muriel's'. cOndit- eon . being much •.improved .• 'since her ..yeeent••eetback: 1whieh teetilte.d..• Stern • . ••• . Miss, .Jean Aridereee .of Kmnlotmgh spent. the week -end at her „lionie. . O • The •le.P.S.,held a .sa'cial • in.. the hall , last .Friday eeening..:The..usrial prot grainwas given • first,' itftet' which: group. gams Were. :enjoyed. for a 'copple of :bourse Following this .s. taffy ',pen .tooli•Plaee., which eettsed Medi: eMuseinent.. ,e ' • .• • ..• Mr. and Mrs..Johri Blake end 'Bele trice.'.of Durigannini visited with. Mr. aee.•Mee.'-Eraest,Blake.Saturday. Father; "First. of all, •my :boy, re- %Hee thatmertime is limited. Sec- -mdly, say whet you want :thirdly' ee short." ' • - Son:. "Well, ded, firstly I do. Sec- mdly I evil'. Thirdly 1 am." ZION: Several from thit & the immediate district attended the funeral' Clin 'tenon Wenesday of the lite Reber' Te."Web.ster. who -was 'stricken with 'peralytic seizure a week previouslv The deceased was a former residene if Lucknew and vicinity, moving, t^ Stanley township some 15 years e'er I and was a frequent visite In ehi .eetion aehe'always retained a drone 'titer* : in his, old neighbors and eriende. The eyrenathy, ,of this coin- retinity is extended to the bereaveri efe anti family. • Mrs, John Helm was a week -end eisieor with Mr. and Mrs., Jack Gard- ner. • .r. a nd Mrs.. Jacob Hunter and eflenely.e.„Meeeeetr, - 14C. and Mtg.' Will iliniter on -Thum 'lay evening. • Mr. and Mrs. S. B. tothers, of Ar weeteerecent visitors witeelkis. TtflaC Andrew. Mee. .,eyan papernick ofe Goderich oed Miss Jean Ritchie, R.N. lee Byron • van. epent Sueday at her home here. Mrs-. J. A. Finlay of leroknow and Mese1. Andrew visited recently witb eeree W. T: Gardner. The • Y.P.S: me at, the 'home oe "Tr. and Mee. Jack MeDonegh on Men- eny eveiling,.. the pres., Mr. 'Charlie 8 nderson ITt charge of the devotional- 7,xercisesi. Scripture leSsoh was -read '1.+17 'Jack Ritehie. The ,tbpic was taken tiv Harold deedner. A discussion. fol-' 1r:wed-led by Rev. 3 Wilkins. A social,. 'emir was then enjoyed. • s'p'ecial meeting of Zion le Tuesday next When the •R.A.P. will be covered. Otf no' PAGE FIVE THE Count3r Cotancii LUCKNPW SENT I NEL (continued From Page 1) e. . , • Legislative Published 4'very Thivsday. morning. • at 'Lucknow; tam 10 " . Messrs,' McFarlane, Logie, Young : ae• llre: 7 A:. .11), el • et'err i. Pi •prietoi ';E4glAsa, leee'aili- 7) Campbell TheMpreen Puelezher • • • . t' Pr perter .. Messrs. Wintere:Aheres, Logen. (3-1 elIURSDAlee• ". ' 1939 110Usc of Refuge ' .eMeseee Chisholm, Evans," and the •• 'Warden (3,) , • ° • THE COUNTRY EDI'fOR • Children's Shelter .- ,„ With • all • his faults and slipshod Me‘sr,' business' "nmeagement, trusting his, eibscribers for ien years, end niakbli gooi. fellow Of himself by not print. Liesemer, Theele,, lEyeeet.. (3). Warden's Messrs Zurtteie Foster 11,Pann,..(a) Highways • Mg the news thae-.Selly hes:elePee. Mmes.' Davis, Muen and miott. ed with, a *sauerkraut salesman, the (;),. ,, • '. Oneltry ,editetes. Sob is so elieersified. • '`Favorablee:Finencial Position that not onecity editor e bend/tied his oPenirigeetatement to the, •eieel'e .ee. ea, to earene eieee Ceuricie., the County treasurer, refer- • financial stand- Ver4'ete the Pews. 'solicit gneserlitiOnS • sP•1:?ndict' end advertisi• ng, collect his accounts, a the County, the the debenture deb{ ko-eW b./3w ,to operate a linotypi,-'0.0 being now Only 47;140.70, with the final .payment falling.due in 1943. All hfs own bOokkeepiegeeeow hove:to re - the :Cdunty rates had been fully paid Pair machinery, and a huneied other in December as required ,i3y By-law jeba, that would make a nervous weeck and at the end of the Year there of the average city editor,. Who. sits' at a 'deskall day and never. has to use pumice etone to :get the ink aff his lands.--Eifehailge: 'rirowaresirialiimemoisopmro • . • • . • . • 1 :. • - wasa.balance on band:Of *27,116.12, Against , this,. eowever,.. there are lia- bilities Outstanding such as Warden's orders nneeshed, Criminal Justice at - teethes frit the Deceniber qqarter, Provincial ; Police, Industrial Scheol. and Oeher eteeduries Which well . mount: to, apProkimetely, $0,060.00 This will leave a 'credit balance eff over' $26,000.09 tt, start the flew rear. With • this layOrahle beginning, • Mee Nelson 'estimates that Unless eerieici"- erabie,4einforeeeeti eeperidieltees' are irientrea,the &runty raie..ter1e39 cam be reduced to abone.6 mins as alSinst 0. 11 f • last r. •• •eformeing Mrs. Crawferd's 804; eiethclay, jan., the ladies ''of elethel .Pr:esbyteria,n 'Church, Detroii., of which Mr. and Mrs. R,. E. Willis arc members and Willi & soloist, pre'- enied Mrs: Crawford with a beatiti- fel bouquet of flowers whilettnitly others. .called 'and `,seilt thoughtful greetinge of her birthday: A velry: deligliteel luncheon Was eiveie by Mrs. Warren Paterson at :her liOrae; '11;70 Meyers Road, De teerit?..edh 4.11.,Thrlifte 414911.6.ring eleawford'e 80th birehtlete: The pager his aseietent arid mow friends from tee :church which Mrs: Craeiford,at- tend& called to 'effete cortgrateletione r r ' • 4 OF SERVICE This a reproduction of a Pcture taken in sub -zero tem- perature the morning after a severe enpw storm. It shows footprints of a telephone operator leading to he. tele- phone ,office. They are mute evidence of , the "spirit of SerViCe" tbat backjA3f your telephone.; Blocked streets' and high:: 'ways, seldom lteep telephone employeee from :the joh. • If humanly possibleo. they are at woikleady to .their pito in providing mit ielephOne • servIde. • , • The management of this, Company is proud'of the fine• • "spitir service6 shown by eneetoyees''afid we. feel Sure that °Ur custaner§ apprciate ir, j3-ccapse your tele- phone sefirice is Maintained.at constantly high. ,standard. • 'county Highways 'According t� Engineer's eeturre nutde to the Department of Ilighivaye, at Toronto .tee total expe.nditUre on Bitice County roads in:1938,Was 0.4.31, of which the government wie• pay 50 , per cent.. The. road levy` fos thise year' .2.6 mills: as .agaieet, 271e • for! Iasi year, This will provide a sum .of: $76,000..00 emd with an equal stib- sidy from the ;government there wile .be available for .road •eepeneiture:ir 1939 the total..suiri • of about $1.52,61* of ,which eboutsfe$100,009.00 • Will he spent ori 'construction arse about Op,o0o.o0 :on maintenance • and ee-• P • lleefi'wing'•ce th*.OlilrieSS :of tee. Eng- ineer the -COmmittee -Wes .not. able to putline its full Progrem• Of wet* for 1939, but it Include the re- treading •of the Elora RoedfrennPais- leteeeeci Dunblane, ielmilding tee 'narrow' _bridges near Dunblenee the straijhtening the bend in the road .near Burgoyne' and grading and ditch ing from Dunblane to Southampton. Reeves,- MacFarlane • and, Pastel made a motion requesting the Coin- mittee to eefread the Seale:it of Ceunte road from Tiverton pavement t� hieerliuron Beath. A motion by Reeve's l'hedeeand Foster asked .that the Coinite rnad'on. TewnIine of Bruce and Stingeen be continued into Paisley to connect • with • Church Street • in• steee .of ' by. the present 'deviation along North Street, as the proposed new route would 'better ,serve the 'four adjacent municiPelities•Of Bruce; Sau- geep, Gi•em3ock and, Paisley. Reeve !hinter of Wiarten ,requested the Nutty to assume -the eoad'fiom Ber- ford Street est along the Township line t� Gould Street in said teivea, These tequeets, were referred to the 2•Highvie-YeeeGoinenitteeeellieteettlielyeezteme-- /7;7:47 at session. • A motion•-sPonsored by Reeves Win, ter and .Huntee that the -Highway. Comrnittee ipereetie the pay for day labor • en meta from 22 .cents to: 25' cents per hour caused a heated de- bate ,which brOught • out the best de • bating talent of the meriebers. Tin Committee, took the mend that the rate of pay fee regular -employees- was 25 cenee per. hour; the .22 tent rat only Applying to"temPoreiry em- ployees and thoee on trial.. Once a man .proved his ebility to handle pick shoVel he was ettitled, to the high- er late. The matter was finally left toethe discretion of the, Committee. . Grants • • ' :The 'following • :grate evei.e made: Children's Aid Society $2.000.00: SalV.atiOn rni,y $100:00; Institutel0r Blind. $106.00; Townehip • of 'Ste:Ed. muride to assist in 'keeping a doctor ai TOberreory 'for the Winter months $11)6.00; Ontario Agricultural Cowl - ell $50.00; Bruce ,Tourist .Reeott As. sociatioe $25.00;, Ontario ColiSereeti n and Reforest Associaten 425.90; to each.of the three new Dietriet W,oin- mite Instittitee $g5-00, • Education , :By. e change in the Statutelesehice. .aornes into effect WS year, the C./ottii- ty .Council. 'limite4 :one repres- entative •-ptr 'Pireirnigh" Behool Board itpOointite to bold eAe,e onc year Only histeacl -of•fer a three year tairie Under the former Ads, elite 'potinte .wite etititled t6. appoint three Trustees foe .etich High Scheel: The 'felloWiege Tineeees werei • appointed: 'for the six High. Selvedge in, the, Coun- ty: Cheeley, ,John Nraxwell..; Kie- leerdine, *Dr. M, Leck- new; 'Robert Rae; Pont Elgin, Dr: J. A. Epsilon; Walkerton, C,roi- iPee Wiarton, Dr. E. L. Hardereen.- l'he Walkerton 'I:lel:silo 'School' board was paid $§6.69 for the 'cost of Atit educatipre of pupils from .ehe... rens Shelter,:tin hie payment beingl; °see by Staeete.,. •• , ‘. „ Reeves White and Young of -the Edueation Committee; and the •Cotin- ty .Clerk eeere, appointed . a. special committee: to., investigate and au•iht the iieepunts. for ' the .•edueation. of' County pupils at • the various High sand' .Continnatien Seheole which ere pst6ii ent:eed;:,..1.eer paymentL,at .the e , Jue .¥r 3,..M.•.;0ente, Pubhc School In spector fOr:ESst:'BrUee, appeared ' beg. fere,* eee, -CPurien ande renewed':the' teeniest erl4ch, he had uesecees.sfully made in 037 and 1938, for a• speeise grant of $10.06 per. clue room to any School 1Boaril which establishes setisfactory, school nursing e service' •and. inapeetion. After Considerable e.iscession .the Ceericil decided to ee- corer-need puce A greet, Providing such inepectiem is -,-reade bY.,. a ,registered .nurse or. the 'inediCal • Health, Officer at least our times e -Year. • -2- Children's Welfare -Society • ' 'According to the, report,. the Sienerinterieene, Mee Donald :W...Cam,-- eione the Society had a eery' aeteen and successful year,: the .D'epeaftiiiiiir at,. Toionto having ealeeel the grade so .that the. PrOvincia. . , . . l grant. . 1932• was... $1,000, wherees • in 1937 it •Weeetelly, $500. The' ''olfreee; eteedile : iriereaee.d so that it ,,iwas • found neeessery ' t�'secure 'a, separate; •ofkce.ceetially located .and 'this was • • .proyided lythe County which 'allowed' the .• Society to pee the 'Coinneittee eotarn rabave.,the 'County:: Engineer's office: in the COunte eBuildinggeeThis cooni•hea-nove been fitted up and Prce: ipeCly equipped for: 'the. work Of the :Society and a•euil time'Stenogiaphei• leas been engaged: as .the Mattel:- 01 , . keeping pepper reeerdsarid' answer*, eorresportelenee inVelyee a great deal, eeif•I:ehdor. • !During the: 'yeer 'the 'Society eup- yi• 131...different children' directly undeieitS caret At. present there are Under, • se.rpervieipri • 81." children, ot whome'45 are wards of • ether ,coun': ties and 11 are.. noe-warde. Each "third..r`eceivei ,:medieal eeiniinateop end Is'gieeremedicel and dental treat ment when . rieceseaty, The work of the Satiety.' includes protecting child - men• in• • their...homes. Duripg ,the ;year .16 adoptions :Were completed. At present there are8 ehildten, residing ir the, Welfare Home' in Walkerton.°:. According t� the ...fieranciel 'state :Tient the total. receipts for :the Yeal were • $6;672.94- and expenditeeeS $060.07 'leaving ciedit balanee. 3.122.87. The Socigt-Yowns investinente totalling $10,500:00. During the year 1938 the County contribute in grant, . . $4;500. " The Ekeentive _Committee for du yearis, as follows: ,Illesere.. Archie Weir, Dan 'Gregg ane Jemes Cove end' 'Mesdames gc.rtnuip., Eidt end 'Ile:wand, who with the three,repees- entatiVes ,ap,painted by. the, County eeripeif; Reeves Lieeemer Of Mildrnay: Teirele of .Saugeen and Ewart of Ches: ley, . form the governing board. of. fe reeibbera is piovidedby..the 'Charter. Mr. Weir: was ,elected President, Mrs.. RoWand , Honotary, Secretary, and Chairman of the bny- .eetele] ee. • s..a•k7nistenf; The number Of inmates 'a't eresep in the:Hou.se.of Refuge is -51, of whom 31 are •men and 20 are women. The total •net cost of operating the'en- stitueion fat, 1938 was $6,150.20 and inelueing the ,Keeper's family, and: hired 'help the a.yerage per capita cost Per week was about $2.00 which ,•a• considerable reduction. feoni the rate .for 1937 Which was $2.71 per week; • • • During- the, year the farm •pro- duced erode:de • valued •at e2,090,25 of weich- produce .to, . the 'velee of $64.0.1e was, sold, the remainder be- reteleed ,for the useeof the in- Matese.Twe major perinanene im- provenients were mede during the yea: the installhtion of a new 'Coal Stok- er. ane the erection of a straw ehe'd. t.h2e;;7e2.5 oetierfire . these provemente bein $ e • , ' ' county, rtopetty • In .193.8 the ehif • ekpendituees or. the -Countet Beildinge were incurned lit the redeteratinf rind eefurnish- ing the Coupcil Chamber .and the Jeidge'§ private roam in: the, Court Ho-uee,' theee iniprcivernents, Alone -hay. int cosi alyeet $2,000.00. At the ens -- sloe lest Week a representative from the/Department ,at Tonto appeared before the Council end outlined cer• tame improVeniertfe that should be Made in i1.1.0 County GOel wlth aview to -making it •moite sanitary.410 ,fire Penef and he asked the Cfiuticil to cO-opetste With his DeParterneet reeking the proposed char:gee. These einsnrovereletite, *eke Will be, started 1 WRITE -NOW Bea4ridgi; and ratter moasure. Inento or ' akea to bp ' roofed. Patched or re, paired. •SouneS Stan& ard• " Tite-Lal!' reetal roofing la a satuat, par- gicaaneat inveatment Absolutely weather,. ,•• Greatb% redocea fire hazard. , . • • • 'SOLD ON 25 YEAR; • 'DO4RANTEE • - Prices ' now are lower because ae,'S'elee Tax eaerapSoo. Save money by. today..• .Manufactiirere aloe Of •faniona !Preston Steel Truss: E.taing. and, JamelawaY Poalt,r3r4IdaliiP* • .• ; • • .riment.'AdOess ; 108 Guelph St..;Pieataa; Opt.. ' • , . E4sterp tee 441 ti4fi PREf.T0ii ON t'ftecee,,eeieer...a.e.: this year, will be extended overe sev. eral years,' so that the cost will not. bear :too heevily on; the layipseers: It is proposed' else. to make cer, tain additions 'to the • Goal apart- ereente'tee-provide: accomodationethere: for :the turnkey and his family,. and' •when these are complete the present residence . ocennied by te--ee turnkey, ,verich was ' pierchased .by the County , fiend Mr 4 , Thee, H. Tanner An .1.631* at a cost 4 $2900.06, will ,offered f or -Side. , The 'Committee Was alea given' au- thoritreentncleceiate ,the ,Siteriff'se, 'ce and provide :a new fling cabinet for his vault, and alto to purchase 'a, , filing •cabinet for ,Ithe Registty Oft: . ite, end :to paint Court 'thee' Buildings, as the heat . distributing e era in. the Houee-of Refuge is net •!uectioning. satisfeeterily the House: ye Refuge Ceininittee was epehorized :•,o secure estiinates tee coet ...it In - tailing a new eyetem end: to report m Same tee Council at. the June ss - 310T1. Resolutions Tee LegislatieeCeromittee, fei which 's referred on petitions, for, ameed. nente the Statutes, and resoint ions from other County Couribils or, • nueicipal • bodies, on matters of pub- lic interest, had to deal with a , num- yer of interesting questiens, and theit eeconunendatione were unanimously edopted by. Corincil. The ,following resoltitiOns were ap- proved: ' (1): That „the Provincial GoVerninent • 'direct the Conuniesiener Farm' Loans, to .pay Penalties ton tax ar-. • rears in eases .where tee Mortgagoi lefaults, • the same as other tax pay- - ars ,are obligee to do. At present the Ontario Farm Loan Board claims ex-, emption .froin interest. and,. penaltie• added: to arrears of taxes On properte an which the Board holds nioitgages: • • (2), That the Industrial Standee& Act be amendedso as to exempt fron: , t • • ite operation all residents of rutte municipelities. - (3) That the Administration of 't Justice Act he amended po as to pro- eide that ' Where a change of '.venue or place of trial is allowed the costs ; ;hail be borne by the County in weicli • the crinie was cornmitted. (4) .That the Provincial GOVern- ment put into force the amerideeta'- te Coutity Courts Act and Div ision Courts Act •*rasing • the -jneiedietien-eof_-4eeee_courte, whick_ ,p st,zepaeseCine.1037 eveth . ebeeepenvieroetleateeliey •elieuld eke.: cortege- • .nto forte entil proclaimed be fir -,feirtenant Goyernor-in-COuneil: The ,followitig resolutions failed tr iteet with approyal: •e (1) A resolution from the_Counte if Grey thee the Ontario Hydro Co - mission supply all materials for te in.tallation of -Hydro power to lure' consumers at cost. (2) A resolption from the ("mine' of Middlesex that the Dog Tee and leive Stock Protection Act be•amendee to include ite previsioes eoree- b.ogs and poultry. •(3) Al.:resolution from the 'county of .York thee real estate be relieved 'tarn texation ter relief, hospitalizee- ion, secondary educate:in and othe, lerviee§ which do net contribute dire :eetly to the protection Of .real eetrite. JUNE SESSION CoanciI conclu•ded its labors ihotele • k,cfore noon on :Saturday, the seision having lasted five days, duriAg which time: a great deal f business wee • eceemplished, the Council and the „var- loue Committeet worleitig overtime in leder to keep up :yeleh the Woek,.' Three towns contended. for the•hoe- ' or "of entertaining the County Count til at the June eession---Port WalkeAon atid Weirton. It was evi- - -dent -that a large tnajerity of the, Iteevei faveterl the Ceateveee,, tee Owe,. 4 Ilrn Pe.nitespl elteeeneeteeeteolleerm'' 41.0 that the' fired adjetreefeetie, lebe ' nide to • meet in the Tewn 'Ma W rton, Moutiay, June 12th1 at 8 p.m; tdia