HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-01-26, Page 3,, w,. @a, • • - School Te .,, er Ands Democracy.. Leads -children, Helping Them to See Reasops ,fo> Behavior And, Make Own :11'ecisions The teacher in a seheel deni¢a:. racy, is a guide, not a boss, says the, Christian -Science 1Vlonitet. She leads the'obildten,• supplying trent with the facts • which;'t'hey' 'need to make their decisions; • helping . them' • to see , the argu- 'nirents for or against"ceitaintypes •ef behavior, 'and;:gradually influ= encin' their. ',o in oris Through giving them', au opportuftity ' to: make ,minor' decisions far' them- selves .and, to enjoy' or' to 'suffer from tl a results a then `decisions, she, teaches 604'1 ways; to'approach •,,more eoinplex'prGblems ;and to bet • come, •every month` more, self re -m, li,ant and more •etf.eetave .eitizens • in the school :•democracy. • Sometimes..a"teaches' thinkls she .. • is coiiducf ing herroom dehioerati tally because she, alI9ws the. chil- clien to. vote uponvarlo•us mat- tens when, as a. matter of fact, . the 'children are voting merely for • the sake of doing - What the teacher, wants•.them,•to do. if you ask;chil- den to vote oma 'matter and you find theY .:are . watching, you. to^get their'. eue as to which way. to., vote, them..theki is • no true democratic feeling; :no :hgnest j.ucdgment pass - ::ed after 'deliberati'an ` and: , teal thinking. But:if you,, find children.' anxious t6 -discuss of all 'sorts and•to abide by -the vete of 'the group, then Yott can 7,: .6. (ire that your s ho'ol• is •a • true .d.emo.- ` e acv • 4 • tl 42 • Shines At Ottawa Hon. Jean Rowe,, daughter 'of •-Ho'n. Earl and Mrs. Rowe, Newton Robinsea, . Ontario, , Who. curtsied to Lord.and...Lady Tweedslituir;,at • the drawing'room which climaxed- . • a •week of social' activity of. the . present parliamentary session. ' • Hitler's' Moustache, Turns Whimsical He' Has Changed The Cut Of It 'Froin Year To Year, Pho- • ; • tographs Show • Adolf Hitler hasf changed the cut' of his famous moustache, • ac- cording, to a photograph in the .London (Eng.) Daily' Mail. • _:Along »iiV"' a..photogi ap11 - 'ft er taken.,art-•a AF...' iS M- �., -.. t .at`:..rfunfch, the Daily 41 l i1 published four close -tips of Hitler moustaches, as follows:' 1915,—Conibed .. out toward sales,, hairs :parallel ..With 4r' ith • uPp . •• • R, 19"'2 --The style which Charlie Chaplin made famous, clipped at the sides of the nostrils and 'then brushed straight down. '• ' 1934—Still cliipcd at the sides 'of the nostrils, but rounded at the ends. •1938-39=The butterfly — two small ..blobs of• hair,''one beneatlf : each nostril, with a ',third, even sinaller:•blob, between M . .Fair -Coated,. Fi513 ,1,k• t• The Colorado t Fish ';and. Game Con'rnifssion announced that in the . interest of science it would, spon- • .sot an effort tri catch a fur -bearing, trout. The c'ommissio'ns kill grant permission to Wilbur • H. Poshayi secretary of the Salida Chamber of Coinmei•ce, toeast out of sea- . son in the now icy waters of the' Arkansas River.. • Salida citizens claim trout growlur in the winter. to protect. thein from the :ofd. ,T'red Orsitiger, directorof the' 'United 'States B•urea i of loisher°ies Aquarium,• explains the Colorado "flir-hearing"fish mystery. 'Or - singer' stilt! r-sing•er'stiit! .he'd, seen huT dreds of , to -,called fur -bearing fish. At this tial of year most•streani flsh•are. f -ale got Rav lie said d `' tis gots. rathed" to enn1v.. I`ve aeeli ••sorne fish that the av- ' i' erage" layman would sweat . were • ' wearily; a mink-.. Icoat,"`• OrsinMerk claimed. , :]LESSON ••V" • PETER DECLARES .HIS • LOVE • •John 21:• 11-19 • Golden 7'vct If . ye love: me,. ye • • :will :keep my coljnmandxneata. : 4Jo4hn 14i ;15.• 11-1E' LESSON JN. ITS SETTING Tin1e Ir; :the: inonth ti£ April', . • • Place ,t: the.. S a of, ;Galilee;. probably :near' Caperaauixr. 'Simeon Peter .therefore went ; i:.p; Intl drew the net to'land,,fi}Il of great,'fishes, a ,,•hund.;ed and .fifty and three; and for' all there;. wg .e 'so:' mann, the, net. iwas not . react; • Peter ever- -takes 'the init%a.. :•bide (John :21.'3). ' ` ' • "'It Is• The-. Vard'.' Ne more. , beautiful portrait . in :all thee exquisite:. Gospel :' narta•tives., Was ever drawn than ' ' this -early, morning scene, where ' the •disciples; moire or less bewil-. •dered by 'the Lord'a:preshirce',.,sat • 'down tog'etiler fora simple break fast... f .. Christ 'Knows; ; Our. Needs • ', John 21: 12-14. 1.2: Jesus saith • unto therm: ;Come 'and 'creak your. fast., And _`none . of , the disciples • .durst inquire of : him, Who art , thou? ••kno°viring that at was. the Lord. 13. •J'esus..cometb, and t'ak= • eth 'the bread, and gi.veth ` them, •' and' the ...:r likewise.'"The•, meal p-pee'ed•ed in silence. Jesus -him- • sell passed from: one to another, bringing to each, the .bread' and fish. NO one :dared ask `Who the ' was; for all,by"this timeknew him to be• the Laird:. • ' • 14':' This is now the 'third time: thatJesus \yea ,manifested to the" ' disciples, •after that he was, risen from the dead:.' The two- previous • appearances' which arc here refer- r•ed 'to, were; no :doubt, those re ' corded by John'in'the preceding, c apt.e.r • thefirst,' verses 11:-23; the . second,'• verses 26=29. , "Lovest,,' Thou Me?„ i' When John. '21: 15-17: 15; 'So when .. hey 'had'' bi ken . their fast, Jesus . saith to Sitrao•n Peter; Simon, ,son of John. Lo'vestAbell 'me mere' than '.these Some •days:' before this 'Peter had 'insi'nuated that 'he was more' faithful and, more de-" • pe.ndable -then. any of . the, other disciples• (Mark, 14: ,29=31. Now. our. Lord faces him with this pease-' • t'rating. que tion'whether he really 'loved the. 111aster more' than. any ' of the other' disei,ples:. "Lovest ' thou me?" Jesus"Christ'sues each ,of .us,'not for' obedience p:rhnarily, not for• repentance; not for vows, 'not for, condu'et, but .for a heart; and,'that being given, alh.the rest - will folloWv 'That''•i.S'the distin- . guishing,' characteristic ofChris`• m • tiara orality,, that Jesus . seeks first for the surrender of the fections,' a»d -be]ieves,',and is .,vyar- ranted in the :belief, that if these are surrendered; all else'wwil1 fol- low; 'and, love °being given; .loy- alty and,;, service an& repentance and hatred of self-will and •of self- • seeking; will follow in''her • train. • He 'saith unto .him, Yea; Lord; thou •lcnowest that I love.thee. No ,man can speak this way, to: the • Lord,, whether face •to. face as Pet- er was here; or,_ as,.' we, speak to Christ, In prayer, unless -he abso- lutely believes in his own heart that he does love the Lord, and, "becap-ce he is' convinced, he does •love Itinm, lie is also convinced• that the Lord knows he loves:hini.. He saith• unto him,. Feed•,my.,1ambs.• - As long as they had Christ's sheep •to'care for, Christ wouldnot•seem i c�-be x ui on o bat` of tT> vor --K4 AO-NT—aroste 'to iter rise sheep;'? 71y gid'ing. t11cm flee .ef fair Of God.' • • 'Feed. My Sheep"• • - - lfi, • Ile saith to .hint again a second time; :Siliion, son' of John, lovest •thou me? , He with • unto hila,. Yea, Lord; thou knowest .that 1 love thee. ' ]-1e saith unto hini, Tend nay sheep. The. 've'rb here -translated "tond'" means "to shep- herd," : ' lie saith unto him the third time, Sinton, son' of John, lovesti thou me? Peter was grieved be= cause he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? Anil ire• said' 'tMto hint, „Lord, :t h o u •knowest all things; thou knowest that' I lone thee. Jesus; saith unto him, reed my sheep. ' • , ' ' 18; Verily, verily, I 'say ,unto thee',•When thou wast young, thou girdedst• • . thyself, and walk rdst whipher thou, vkauldest: but when .tthou shalt -lxe old, ' thou . shalt stretch forth thy hands, and an other shall' gird thee, and carry thee",whither thou •wotilest Nnbt., 19a oav this he spake„sigaifytng • by, what •manner of • death' .he should glgrify God'. Jesus foretells at least that' this disciple shall be stared. to old' age, ant 'that then he shrill meet with, a violent death. • We have now' no' Certain: know/• eoge of the time or 'place or Mode .a Of.Petet's death. With the excep- tion of a passing. and general' al- lusion to his death in Clement. ,pf Ponce there ls. nit fpr ,a centur et itInntist ai�ve a'c }iraae any iiastOrliral Mention of him: From the end of the • second century,' 1iowecei', there flows a steady stream• 'of tradition; testifying to. • A Uni reirsxty, Preserves atxve Canadz;an Crafts" . A course to stimulate interest in"the' home and community arts .of Canada is being planned at the University `of•. Toronto.• In the photo above are seen sortie fine samples of wood carving!isiteeuted by Canadian., • •handieiaft students. Expert craftsmanship :is revealed 'by the ,potte y figures • and tire. exciuisite• pieces.. of .hand -decorated tile pottery.. • .•• the .fact that. Peter :visited: Rome and' suffered the ' martyr's ."d'ea li-- there:u.nd.er "Nero, probably abent '64.A.D. . "FollotG 'Me"' ' 196 A.nd iYhe �ap.-_uad stxpJ,�n he saith unto..him, Follgw me: '.During; the Lo'rd's ....earthly: • • 'life following him ,'i.mplied ° the abandonment• of .`ptevi.otts occupa tions ,(Hiatt; 9: 9)' arid duties• • ,(Matt 8:.• 2'2), iattendance .upon • •perhaps•:'in disgrace. and dati- Ager (iVTat`t.:10:• 38), Now tp'"fol ..•16W Ohrist" ,regti'ired coming .,to•• • •hini as;a sinful'creatufe,•and find- ing one's whole salvation ,and hope• in, humble r•leliaffice 'on the. merit • of hi's• death. Then we may fallow''.'; film iri obedience and imitation and —glad• coinrrmn'ion. High Heels Tire Feet and Body Welch Otiit :J or the Peril . of "High -Heel. Hobble", Brti• ish' Physician Warns. . • . . From a study of waiti•esses,a prominent London; England, clOctor 'has deduced that vanity: and ton high heels ere ruining the feet and grace of British women. In a'letter.to the British Medical Journal Dr:.1lwin IH. T: NasiiA$e clares that, so easilb=.de, such lioeis wear down •at 'one side there is a, constant abnormal. strain on, the feet and" body. • • Abnormal Strain ' "The ' psychological • damage, too," is.often considerable," 4e says, ','as the vietini•.seenis to think that' ev- •eryprte behind her.is •looking ether %heels.,,. "She.eannot'get away from the • fact that to keep her feet, decent; ' . she has to biuy, many more pairs." Nagay;o . Motonri, a c'oil�oser 'at Japan, urges a boycott of foreign'. musip.' Rabbit 'Waits He .Gere Shotgun '•They had `rabbit , pie' at' the Victor household in Oshawa last ielk, afH tl>eie iv irt4z gs the.: tyle df n tsittirriieido 'b jt"t'tt, Chari s'Victor, a: motorman of the Oihaw•a Street Railway on an early, run 'to Oshawa-on- thc-Laiie,'noticed. a large jack- rabbit. ackrabbit. sleeping on the • side of the read ,netir • the •, Oshawa Creel. _ bridal. ,:Telejihbiling• Baine, Mr. Victor made arrange-', menta to have his shotgun avail- able at''the . completion of his run. As soon as he was .9ff duty he .returned to the lake to see, the jack rabbit ,still 'slcep- ing - 1 nwilijng to take advant%rq ?of the .rabbit's trust in safety, the' "hunter” •roused :him, • and'. as he bounded ?or safety took • airii'.aid i'red. ' POP''- •-: • Thirty-one 'permits ravel ing• 1)txilciip dper'a.trgns �t'o'' the value of ..$:19,130': were. issued i•n; Banff... 'townsite,• in. -Qe.tober. , anadian . Hens Aim To Produce 14.4 Eggs Yea,dir • Head of Poultry Departmeht, at ` -'Macdoald Cigllege Says erage Production •lit Now Jess Than 100 Annually; Per . Bird. ' •l'i'ens In Germany must do' the&r best, for the Nazi regime:' Regi: men•ted• .birds are."expected to In, • crease their annual 'production of 'eggs;;fram '80 •to. 90 apiece to 14.0 ' apiece •a -y par. That's:an Order, ac- cording d to Canadian poultry et-, per e., While ,it may, be -guise- an' order, unregfalented Canadian 'Cens- er; extlec.tetl to db their .full duty,_ While ,the 'average annual produe=' tion per bard fn Canadcfal•l;s. under '1110 `:.a'. year,'Canada . is.'aiming at , 144 a year. 'So says Dr; - W. A. Maw, head of •the' poultry depart - merit of Macdonald College.: • • Can Do 177 In Contests, ' • 0x1rie ayerage' production at :the •C4nadiaf eggfaying contests is 1'77• eggs. Macdonald-.C.ollege does even better with Its selected birds -185: It was -last :year. • >lut. it 'took .a . University of Saskatchewan hen to teach the 'high ,spot with 35.9 eggs id. one year.... Eat More, Lay' Mere The •Nazis say the .increase. •iri eggs••ainong:.German• hens' .must be brought about without•increasing -the-feed": Dr.; Maw ,says.'the ,more bens lay. the m.ore:.they:'•eat..But it is not: the,'el.ting that "is important ®u Listeriing?' By FREDDtE TEE. i • .....GEORGE MURPHY, m -c - , George' Murphy, the' ,young actor. Whip rose: to his present :.eminence 'in the films after sessionat'Yale,' TJniversity,' a Ford factory,.. a•'• coal -mine, 'a ,Treal estate :.office, .and a ' night club, `ftirther••`demonstrates his versatility as master cof cele- monies' for the 'new "Screen ,Guild Shows",. to be :'heai'c1 roe et the Col-. i cable network every 'Sunday „night- (VC'ABC=GEIS. 7.30 to•8,0O•p iu. EST.) . Murphy has been seen as actor. and • dancer, iw.`theliroadwa.y' hits "Good News",' '`Of Thee I 'Sing", ':Shoot the • 'V'Vorks'', '`Ite'Id•• blvei•}•thing"• a d " Roberta "... Among reef many ,pictures in • which` he has had major roles':• have c^ii be'' "„lealousy:," "Lyxoad•ay M11 ody Of i5Th', • , Italians Love Sewing . b, Italians' 'want more American . •s.wing nausio', •says• Max' #oird'an, : NBC •eont.inental 'European repre- sentative,' now in this country. They, 'Rbve swing and enjoy'.danciug to it, • he said,. and•:to• meet 'this deinand the NBC. and the. Italian Radio Co. have arranged. for ,Pie re•broadeast of two• sw;iing progt•aut•s'a month througltotit••Italy- • i' That's . Thetruth Iea'ank ,Morgan ' can no • longer. ,deny that 'he's:a,'preVaiicatbrl .He -.has just received a membership 'card 'from the, fanious,.'Burlington, Wisconsin 'Liars' ' Club.'; reading,, 'Officers of. the Burlington Liars' Ciu'i .after'dit.e :consideration of eqv.i- deilee submitted, 'do .declare .that. Frank Morgan 'is . a' full:fledged LIAR. ,eutjtled to.' every••court'esy from Lirtrs everywhere and an Hon- . •nr;iry ).renibi'1- of our Cltib for Life.,'. .• : end "Hold That •;Mast Popular 'Radio, The 'colivenieti:ce of the .famous. The. Screen 1'yyuikl ' . I7eForest• Crosh,y Sloping fining, shows each week Panel which provides "No -Stoop; present a 11Unliler •' No'^Sduiet',_ Tuning,. • mils e' re-; George Murphy • o f •Ikolly'wood's sporisible, for the popularity' of the leadiiig players who are'rontribut- new '1939 DeForest.• Cro-sley radio. ing. proc<eeds for tie' building of a • models—as it has beem.rated; in'a" home ffor, the aced, and,: nc edy>' in magazine survey,: the nest. popular -the ,filth eolorl'y. Canadian made.'radio. - l.. Canadian. Rohan Catholic Prelates Sail Foir Rome: • { • -11E laying, more 'eggs—it's the .select- tive breech , Thatis olkow, the ' Canadian Goverutnent hopes, to .itt 3. crease.. the egg. production in all flocks throtighout Canada. Gold .pro:duction: iri, Canada dur- ' ing the first ten months 'pf° 1,938 totalled • 3,871;956 ounces corn- - pared with 3,380,735 ounces in the epirespond i{g -period of 1937. Good Stars-' • Mr. George Cawley, treei•.fetler, Ole tsey; 'Englandf. fell'seventy' feet•from a tree and was' unharm- ed. Twice "a truck in which he was driving' overturned and he escap-y ed.- Blaesting.poWder exploded' pre. ..xnaturely,;aad only his hands were burned. His house caught fire and - he and his fancily escaped through; • a w;ndow, • . • a Billi Tule UR/OUTS WO!LD FyerWgusonm ' -HEWN); " FOLrLDS tJ P' Hl"S NECK E3ET,WgEN AND,.:W'IS, l3EA1 CQF0R. 1938.6Y NEP !ERV'CE; INC.', GR,F_Acre. 'r. POSSIBLE :hs .,' NEENANN. 71/VO PAI NTS : QN • TNE' EA:FR,'iHS'". ' SURFACE, •1N STRAIGHT LINE, • 15 Ai?PRQXIMATELY M/LFs' £r4RS' cAbsE. v • 1/VALTZING?. MICE "ro WAL7Z/ THE earth's greatest diameter. is' 7926.7 miles, ,which °gives, it a circumference of approximately g5,b00. Miles., Therefore; iri order to reach a point at the Opposite end of the earth, we would peed to • . travel only 12,500' miles. • _.. • NEXT: ,1s it true that all babies are born with blue eyes? National Iosigriia HORIZONTAL :1 Coati of'arms of --= pictured here. 's6 General ,•• ,Laiaro • is this country's • president, 12 Sea eagle: 1,3 Gleamed, .115. Moisture. 16Schemes.' 18 Social insect. 19 Tricks. 4 21 Barks, 23 Decree: 25'Transposed. 27:Eggs of fishes. 29 Unit.. 30 i orindin' dye, 31 Rodent. 33 3'upplying heat. 3,0 Era, 37, To;leave out. 30 Hair ' ornamei t. 40. Cuckoopirrt. 41 Purple flowered shrub • • 2• • 'Answer to Previous HOR D A V I N- t`* LEGAL A -, M M E i r A :AVE.NG DUE::°I L OOP ,iGL•O TAT EA EA P T L' T T D S Puzzle : • 16linportant MYTH `, industry,;is S: E A 5. E thiscounhy. SUTRA Opposed -to :' fast. 19. Finger - G otnan'tent; THQP. 20 Serious: ft 22^Irish�fuet.: 24 Lady. . ' A. 26 Branches., A 'S T'E N `. 28 A' flowing' . . #Orth, 30 Largest,,toad, m 32 Sesaes: 34 inlet. P i_ 0 E N Tie M T P. OM R D R' Y ElIIES RR OR '=:BE,AN IGNORE- `; C H'ALIGQ THviu E R,•Y,O®AR i14161 43 Data. ' 44 Devil. 45 Bed lath. , 47 Point. 48 Plural • "'pronoun, 5.0 Anh ial; or hurrtan being. 53 Encountered; 53. Cutting tooth, 56 Lunar orb. 57 Pedal digit. 58,59 The ----- --- River forms one of ' its .boundaries. 35• God of war VERTICAII, 36 Work of skill. 38' Powder '4' 2 Shaky fish. ' ingredient. , 40 Lava. '. 42 Feeling concern:, 44Cubid meter. 46 Five and'five, :7 Poker stake. 47 Golf 8 Musical xiote. professiofiaL 9 To evolve. R 49 Half. 10 Birds' home. ' 51 Deeds, 11 Reverence, 52 Conssutned 14 Possesses: 54. Also. " •3 Roentgen ray. 4,Interior. ' 5.Bgne, • 6 To peruse. 12 14 • • Thee three Canadian clidal.' •tries of' the, Roman 'Catholic cluir 1 are pictured as` Ilse'• sailed' frolr. Now. York 'for ome: Italc ^ LEFT to • RIGHT '.they are Bishop A1•. is Forget',.nf St. 11' (lnth'e. Ottebee.:' Aui.iIia'ry 13ishop Aluhonse E. Deschanmp, • of Montreal; and it i< rscel- lency 'Rodririue Cardinal Villen'cttrie., ARS YOU . tlEADY r'OFt YOUR BATH, - SIR 9 -Nor L HAVEN'T GOT • ' MY/l�0`t H.ES OtJ YET! ! By J. MILLAR WXI7 AWFUL. - HAWING 'TO $AYE-, SOMETF-iING :SILLY • EVE...PtY MoRNtNej ' • .•r a • , A