HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-04-27, Page 1•
VOL XXVIII.—NO. 14(32,
We D
iWhen cleaning and fitting up
your bed room you may find
that yon require a nice new
ianteiletellenvesewaliaitsielee, Weer a Patrol'
0 the latest out.
claim, to know everything, but thee° t
aro three branches of trades, viz: TEdlor-
Mg, Boots and -Shoes and Gentlemen's
Furnishings, that we think we know You can select one from the
enough about to give the average dealer
pointers upon, and also, ensure our cus-
toraers the best of goods at the lowest of
prices. Our
is now turning out a 'great many choice
garments. We have a, stock of woollens
that is complete in every respect iu
5 piece White Set, - $1.25
0 " Colored Sot,
10 " .. 44 .. 2.25
10 " " and Gilt, 3.50
12 .. " II 0.50
and many other linos and prices
• (The China, House)Opp.
Opp, Bank of Hamilton
Suitings, Spring Overeoatings an
Trouseriugs; and we claim to turn out ..ieeteeeeeefteteeetmewa:„14,,
the most stylish cut, best made and best .. .
trimmed elotbing in tin county.
Our stock of NO 10E
g notice advertising may or $14 at 1,..Meetw
. • The "Khaki"
G. E. Kneo.
$ WHO'LL GIST Got ace's SIXoe4.?---Mr.
et Jos. Golley some ti es since resigned. his
W conuoillorship. N 'nation a to fill th'
valency will be ho in, the town hall at
12 o'clock to -mo ow. Skoeld mom
than one nominata be made the elec-
tion. will be held •I May 5th.
General servant girl wanted. pely
•to Mrs. R. Vanstone, Studer s .t.
SucoessruL WIN HAMM. ho three
stacleiets from thi 1oca1ity, Frank M.
Cacear, B. F. And san and Walker I.
Arde, who has been attending the
Pennsylvania Don 1 College, Philaclel-
phie, have passed very creditable ex-
amination and evil receive the degr of
Dr. of Deutal Sur ery on Wed. .day,
May 2ad,
Fresh. Baltimore oysters se eel in. any
style at Jas. McKelvie's Star Restaur.
New Mne IN TIne.-Willialli Kam,
of Loudon, has t leen a position with
Dore and Swarts • as a carriage builder.
J. Wilson, V. Se_ las been fortunate in
isecuring the sorvi ;es of Ashley Lyster, •
V. S., of Richmoi d, Que. Mr. Lyster
-e• graduated with 1 cst-class honors from
the Ontario Voter nary College in March
last. J. P. Chant ler, of Elora, late of
Parkhill, is engem(' by John. Murray,
Now is the time togeteteur new spring
overcoat -s you cantet net:lathy for $12
eipl„ ..
N.- t Brampton,
' '
7 2 • ,f
well worth inspecting. We have
gathered together the choicest goods of
the best makers in Canada, and. though
the prices ou the market have advanced
:at least 10 per dent., we are enabled
through lucky buying to give our pat-
rons Boots and Shoes' at the same price
las last year. Wo would particularly
'draw attention to our line of men's fine
shoes. We have them in all leathers
and in the latest shapes.
a largo consignment of Gentlemen's
Furnishings in all lines. New Shirts,
new Hose, uew Uuderrenr, .new Ties,
4ft new Collars tnect•'bitleitFiiitiair-Eite% itri•
eif the latest and taobbiest; etyles. I Yea
Wish to be up-to-date in your attire you
must come to us.
We have still a few Dry Goods left,
which we are still selling below cost.
Groceries at cost.
lionth & Sons
Marriage Licenses
Issued by linsAirs. PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wiugham. Ont. No witnesses required, Exeter tO make ar4veiiitunuu.
Hereafter no result
entertainment or
is to bo made by an
inserted in the TIM
when the printing
a size iii proportioi
event. In future
atter by which nToni
church or society will be DIED A.T BRAMPT
without charge„exczt
r the same is done at e nt., on Saturday
ale° will be given gratis a
to the importance of the there passed away
ie prices for locals of this men men of that
ne of the pioneer busi-
Icind. will inveyHtbbe 5 cents par line. No lase, in the person of
notice will be 1 . e d for less than 25 cents. Mr. P. L. Woods, vho was born 77 years
age in Chatauqua Jo. N. Y. Coming to
Brampton in the ONSly 40's, until about 4
GENERAL LOCAL JEWS.. years ago he curio 'd on the business Sf
• watchmaker and _eweler, when he See Halsey Park's advertisement.
tired. Deceased 1 t a widow, one sou,
Is, of Brampton, and
Morton, of this town.
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the Mr. W. W. Wo
neen's Hotel, Wmgliam, on the first
one daughter; Mrs.
JT1CLAY 01 enon ni0118U ilOni. LLOUa.
in. till 8 o'clock p. in., for consultation We have not had the 1000 horses we
in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and are advertising for as yet, but have
throat, • .
had quite a n.umber. If yon want a
70 CENTs.--Tha sum will secure the buggy this summer ' come ' in and pick
Trues till the end
neighbors. The
the north-west cm
Diagonal streets,
the Braesevick by
day. Wm. Arinonr
Co., and Beattie
Beattie Bros. , footle
The only mower is the eeriug; the
ouly rake is the Dee n
the beet terms, best tnient,egibesr you
and best satisfaction. Er.LrOTT BaoS.,
FAL= ALUM.- Sf arn escaped through
a defective flue in the boiler room of
Tho T. 13611 & Son, Mfg. Co. on Tues-
day afternoon. Mietakine, it for smoke
someone rang the fi o bell, the firemen
were called out and arrived promptly on
the spot.
For a Nobby Spr ix Sait or Overcoat
go to Geo. Carr. We have the finest
stook of woollens in town, and do the
most up-to-dato tailoring. Prices
moderate. tf
• WELL Or TIM ATE Geonce Mos
KIBBON.-Gteorgo M • ibbozi, of Toronto,
well-lcuown as a me leant in Wingham
some years ago, die( last month having
made his will five da s previously. The
estate is valued at $8 ,963. The miaow
gets all the householi effects except the
piano, given to the d righters Edith and
Louise, also the pro erties on Spaclina,
and Major streets, T r011t0, in lieu of
dower. Subject to her niother's life i
estate, Edith will get he properties just
uamed The repaid g ten parcels of
property are to be gi eu in seperate lots
to Herbert, Eznily . Quigley, Louis,
Rupere, Harold, 140 isa and Gertrude,
children of deceased Out of the rest of
the estate Louis is t have $5000, Harold
$2000, Gertrude 2 00, a sister of the
testaton, • Mary A n Musgrove $3000,
another, Emma M • ibbon, $200, and a
brother Wesley $3 0; all the rest of the
estate to be divide equally among the
Children, except erbort, who is to have
no portion of that.
I am not out of the music business.
Everything here. Strings and parts for
all known instruments cheap, as well as
• everything in the musical instrument
• line from a 2c Jews Harp to a $1,000
Piano. • T. H;Ross. • tf.
• WHERE WE A.E.E AT. -Assessor You -
has complets d his report for the
far. Twenty-tsteam boilers are in
- operation inside he corporation. We
have 121 canines. .Births 43, an increase
of 1 since last par; deaths 15; a de-
crease of G. Totes assessment $555,940
BOY WANTED. -A good smart boy
wanted at once to learn the printing
business. Must have fair education.
Apply. at TIMES office.
WA.TC1I Yowl
very sorry shoti
a •cow -town lik
ell. It is against
be found at lar e. Notwithstanding
this feet some pe ple have grown care-
less this spring a al have allowed their
milk -producer tc choose her own pastur-
age. The Chieltis after such and their
owners may one fine morning find them
in the pound, word io the wise &e.
.0W. -We should be
1 anyone think this f.'t
Gaderich or Mitch- •A
ttr laws for bovines to
Before buyin
and see our
Monarch, etc,
cash, is a beaut
• pest week a ler
people have b
enlarging. M
f 1900. Tell your Ve°;Ltlie.eeteeene•t.t. T. H. R•0ss as compared with 1558,470 last year, a
Thies gives the local •- • ° 81 1• decrease of $2539. This decrease is se-
•Loerens.--Win ham people must counted for by Ca facts that a great
acknowledge wit
of a number of 1
found any night
ouna er docent
gregated on the
encouragement is
present an attrac
f 11 hid hall
one coming close
One night last
"Roily" Gordon's
knocked out of it.
isxesponsible but
couldn't find out
r oice is ere ye
3oticnre-The lot on
iter of Victoria, and
s sold by anceinn
hn anrent ou Tees -
the Union Furni-
es., were after it.
d it at $590.
Prow PoiNaa.---P ow points at the old
price, 35 cents cash. You had better
stook up as prices are bound to advance.
tf T. H. Ross.
• BURGLARY A. E: xten.-The safe in
the G.T.R. statin it Exeter was blown
to pieces by bure?hers during Sunday
night, but as far Ey pan be learned noth-
ing of Vayaft Was obtained. Detective
Cockburn, Of the G-T.R., passedthrough
',.GtielplelVfonday ming ou his way to
is not too good for yon. Gorit,o
Central Business Ctillige
.g Stratford, Ont.
Young men and women should ir
exercise great care in choosing a school. le•
Mone is not easy to get, therefore it
shddld not be spent foolishly. Before you
decide to spend a dollar let us correspond
with you. Our catalogue tells you about
our superior advantages. CO1111110110E1
your course now. Om. attendance. is in-
creasing year by year. A large number
of recent students have accepted good sit-
uation% Students in attendance this
year from °anode, United States and
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal,
r-"="0. P.-- 1 5 171 • Wa Razi
-Ntr. and Mrs. S.
lieseeliitt; of E Ci-itawanosh, have
eneVed to -town
Klivaiel'st'reeta gowlett is engaged.
the Paoli. Witl ,Mr. George Haney,
1•004.,treketer, of ;Ben svale. We regret to
repetttliinet Iowlett has been in
vp0pOor health. d firing the winter, but
wittruit that the fate days may bring ay
inteirovement, •,"
- The Deering plant occupies acres,
• and employs over 9000 hanft. Their
machines are used in eve rain grow.-
ing country in te wr1d. ELLIOTT
HYMENEAL.-.. -eretty little home
wedding took place at the residence of
Mr. D. Rush, on Nednesday morning
at 11 e'cloek, in th, presence of a num-
ber of town frier is when Miss Etta
Rusk was united it marries, o Mr. F.
W. Mertens, of To onto. 0 bride -tires
dressed in blue.gree wit trinimingstof
pearl and overla e. Mr. and Mie.
Mertens left th4 same afternoon for
their home in oronto. Wingham,
people and the lDflilS extend so them
• *CHEAP CLUBBING RATES their best wishes.
BROS.) Agents.
your 1930 mount, call
neck of Massey -Harris,
Oar Scotsman at $35,
for the money. An=
.-During this and the
e number of Wingham
an solicited for pictare
ny orders were given.
This is not ts i should be. Wo have in
town excellent ihoto galleries and furni-
ture establisim mats. Let them do your
work. We are...confident that Walker &
Button and Mr Gracey can supply ycnr
frames as cheaity as the agents, but if
not, we know hey will sell them. for
what they aro v-orth, if you want them
for less yon are I robber. Deal with the
people who lea -se helped to make our
town what is, i• ith those who have a
reputation of ste ling integrity to keep,
and you are bou4d to get satisfaction in
price, article, a&4 treatment.
If you buy any but a De g Binder,
you make a huge is Have been
using ball bearin years. We lead,
others attempt to follow. Eraeara
Boos., Agents.
BASEBALL TAr4c& meeting was held =
in the Rattenb y House, Clinton, on „r
Tuesday for the purpose of forming a
baseballleague. The following delegates
were present: IDr. Agnew, Dr. Shaw:.
W. 3. Harland, Clinton; A. J. Alder- -
sou, Frank 4ngus, Wingham; E.
B. Tilt, Godereth. Dr. Agnew was
elected ChNiTTuw and A. J. Alderson,
Sec., pro tem. P es. Frank Angus; Vice -
Pres, B. i p.it; Sec-Treas., W. P. 1
Sperling. e elected officers to have
power to trauma the business of the
league. Nationa rules and Mine ,m-
'66 L$ lir
• •-
•• The Magic Remedy
r,QrCoughs and :zy;
This week we diiect your attention to
our magnificent display of very new -
and scarce -but chartrang •effects in
stylish Dress Fabrics. Wo show soma
very handsome patterns and shades he
tains and Ourtasileriale, Carpets,
very becoming for Shirt Waists at papa -
lar prices.
In Fancy Giughams and Prints our
stock is very attractive and. should be
seen by all who -desire to get the newest
and best. Lae Cartaius Chenille Cur-
liattnigs, Rags, &e„ form a very strong
feature of our busiuess.
We lead the trade in charming affects
in Spring Blouses and pretty White
No departinent of onrbusiness is over-
looked. Come and see us,
D. M. GonnoN,
• The Direct Importer,.
PunenTune-Willser & Batton...are
still going alteueleg We have increased.
our stock this et ring. We •think- we
eau show you the best assorted stock in
town in bedroom suites, parlor • enites,
touches, lounges, tables, beby carriages,
&c., &c.
afers who are to bo assessment redueed owing to age, pins to be used.. Rhles regarding pro- Mi.% WIGGLNb
gins lecture(' iu t
regret the possession number of small °Wings have had their
tests and residenc i of players were also
etween dark and ah. deeper and delatidation, and that the passed.
- gmes to ea.oh team - Nv;"'"' `
The fob eying schedule giv°
ing ue,.... jisax5r.,,c'tX3,ingT1t
eoplees bed tinie coiX2.6rdvia blia Wahl. -' -year purehased, intwo 1102110 aticfliole;a
New Patriotism,7
meet cornets. 'What the case of the w was drawn up:
which will be giv
it for a merchant to to the value of June 8th.-Wiegham vs Clinton, at
- Hattie reid renderec
vee window if these Considering thist.
f it and prevent any- been niade. Clinton' solo, "Bird With. a
-v. 'Aljune 15th.-CLnton vs Goderich, at
companiecl by Miss
view the other lietr.es.
leys% a d.ece Goderich.
a lete lege 'In l•piano. Mrs. J. W.
Leorrinee.-Miss Wig -
o town hall on Wede
an audience of' up-
eubject was, -" The
n exteuded report a
1. next week. Miss
in beautiful style -Et
roken Pini011," ne-
Reynolds on the
offun president of
County Pres., W..
canvas was made
t several honor -
joined. A vote
Rev. W. Freed.
R. Hobbs. The
a close by Rev.
sting marks the
•. Tho enerseetin
Goffiu, will en -
well -known F.
0• address. Mrs '•
, Prov. Pres. W. C.
corresponded with,
• for a May meeting,
Mug address will be
sail next Stinday• by.
RUN% R. Hobbs. • lie Methodist choir
will furnish the Lane All are invited,
and it is to be hop d that the enthusiasm.
of all temperer :e workers will be
Call end see our new suitings; they
can't be beaten. for the money- and then
you have the satisfaction of knowing
you will get your suit just as ordered, at
lieleert Maxwell's
erpriviledge, property
something over $4000.
very fair increase WAS.
arable income have
of $1303, for which
and doctors can ac-
lation t3 -day is 2183,
eekp g I :01 utpseur Ian
window had an eye.: Ccitent. Our pop
One of the btemenerseekhiah is -21 le.setha,u last, year. The
e exciseman isinftlifi,e4itisaier this isnet hard to find. Suit-
hich one. Sorneti&litilearfteii:Setteren •t -to be had, and until
else must pay the ,freight. Boys, move4 emegettf,rie tenu atm of such are built
our The Londe, Free Press' in spee,teeeittietexpeCfrn. eoneiclerahle increase
ing 01I the sante subject says: I ne ••ne,houses•stre &hulled.
habit of loafing in doorways anele* • „pee nee .'years have Wingham
the street corners s beconung quite -pre- pe014 such a three -in -a -
valent emong be s and !young men of bed &ewe
the city. Not inly do these fellows eeeleAlee
gather on the co ers and use offensive bedag
language amont thtmeselves, but they occupied q..4e
also make ins ing remarks to people congratulate
as they pass. T epolico should make and exact prep
them move on or ]mow the reason the town on havi
Cali at W. Gannett's for all kinds Of
Before renewing your papers enquire for our implements.. Also all kinds of plow
--elubbinghrates. '
TIMES you get all the news. The local paper
, Isive:rfxr.414,3i.honto news andthe city paper the FIVE MILITAlt
ta.gctibeilgis.t War IlepOrts can tints be ob- 011100rS Of the 33r
'Acting arrangem
The following aro somo of the Clubbing
• -,
1 ,•Pates. Each papor for a year. a concert in each
• Timelfind Stu, -
1...10 early in May
' Advertiser, - •
1, Globe - .
17.1421;ite - .
', l'ArligisTE.‘ erald . -
" " Ar=tiser ' -
" " (410b0 r r
a " MaihEmpire • - 4 '21 don or elsewhei.e. Por instance, they
Any ether City evert; at Mlit1113r IONV rates. Propose previa') g 5. marquee se that the
tisk for it. Oltibbinf rates also with Agricul-
14 •
We do not elub with other land papers.
By chi bing Oity Daily or Weekly with the shears; the best made ate35 cents, cash.
Battalion are emi-
ts for the holding of
the following places
.t-Seaforth, Clinton,
1 115 Goderich, Wing and Brussels. Tho
1 co
m intention is to t the funds thus Ob -
75 tabled provic ing comforts for their
2 0° Melt while unde • conwas, bo it at Lon-
PAPER HANGING. -A. Dinsley is pre-
pared to do all kinds of paper -hanging
on the.shortest notice and in the most
approved manner. Orders left at J.
McKelvie's Star restaurant will receive
prompt attention. •
many good resi-
cted duriug the last
Yet each has been
completed. Wo
onliVittisthe •careful
tionofW returns and
gin its employ so trust-
woethy an officia
FARMER. -Good morning, Mr. Pedl
-ain't seen you since last sum
What's wrong?
PEDLAR. -Did you not get y card?
" WAS ILL TWO Di"s.-Wingham will -
0U see we've jai ed the ommercial
be painfully Alvin' . cl to learn: of the Travelers' Asseeia on. :will send you
. e y week, quoting
oYa Bd., so that
sudden, • death of Valter Cousins on Yprices ofutt anEggs
Monday last in Torc do. He went out when you. go to town you will be posted.
on his run, London 1 3 Toronto, on Fri- But to answer you.squarelet, the price
day lest and it was while returning to ofButtersince last fall was pet a little
err for usand there's mcer goods
LondoWn ,(ening
ening that he was e ,
taken so ill with aeute internal cern- your merchant have the lot. •Eggs 12c.
to handl.than fowl. So we just let
pliant that he coif i not attend. to his • • G. E. KING.
ditties on thcetrain On reaching Loudon -- -
was removed t his home and sank .
steadily until his -death. Mr. Cousins DAVIS'
`was a native of Laaclon, 43 years of- age, .
Cousins, neve of estiminster, but for
and the oldest son f Mr. and Mrs. Job .yRup oF wiLD
it long period r shields of Loudon. - ,
Prior to entering the railway mail ,
service in 1881, be -vas two years in the
London pest ofilce,having been appoint-
• ed in July, 1879' Eo was a second- - .
class clerk, A 1 .-w years ago while
-- alighting from a 1 loving train -at the.
East London. station , he slipped and fell; COLDS,
one foot going un- er the wheels, and rOARSENESS,
being so badly erns ed. that it had to , be
gott do not see t e combination you want ram may cline together instead of in a
-turd papers and t Mustrated Magatines. roughing it"p...yle as at present. Tho
These rates fire all cash in advance. rtenew bill of faro will also include MOTO dishes
before year present submeription expire% Sub- than the patern il Government sees fit to
- rat•Iptiens may begin Id any that'. Ptesent
subscribers to tee trona who are patent previa°. The Wingham concert will
vanee, Inv Otaiti any of the offier liarrs by b h 11 th town hall on Monda
raBer reeetved hi.; offlee. evening, May 7 h. .
*ending the extra relce. Subscriptions or any 8, 0 ( C • .
emit bv P. O. Order roital NWT, nsPreas
4:irder or negietered Leiter. Addressor Call at We have tho latest tongs, sheet
TIMES mimic, music books, etc, to be found in
Wins m,oa .
t first-class music home. T. H. Boss,
amputated. Mr. Cousins lost
first wife about t yeurs ago. •A few
Months sieve be arried Miss Brown, •BRONCHITIS,
daughter of Mr, Mt Brown, engineer •PAIN IN CHEST.
on the L. K. & 4y who survives him.
Relieves Dry Coughs
The funeral w held on Wednesday q
All Ilk Men sell fresh fish. Every- And 4114)" Rest Sleep
body say they sell the best on earth; but
do vu- now that everiPt person that has J. Er DAVIS,
pleasure of loo ing through our .
stock of buggies and carriages, say they
are pmehes. Nearly 3 ear lea& now in DRUGGIST AND OPTICIANN
stock. Preight paid. All shapes, sizes,•
colors and shades. T. IL Ross, WI• N GRAM.
June 22nd.- derich vs Wingham at
Winghara. •
Jane 29th.- odericle vs Clinton, at
Clinton. \-
July 6.-Cli ton vs Wingham, at
July 18th.-Wingham vs Goderich, at
July 20th•-talinton vs Goderich, at
July 27th.- Vingham vs Clinton, at
Aug. - (Rae. week) Goderich at
• Wingham.
Aug. 10.-Gee1eiich at Clinton.
Aug. 17th.- Vingliain at Goderich.
Aug. 24th.--linton at Wingham.
Walker & Batton sold fifteen parlor
suites within t last few weeks, They
must handle tie goods the people want.
Deal with Walter & Button for best
T. Been & EsaN MeN'too Co. -The in-
stitution of all ethers of which. Winghani
may be justly world is the T. Bell & Son
Manufacturini Co. No other manufac-
turing comer within our limits has
so extended a putetion, or so steadily
adheres to so 1 igh a standard of excel-
lence. When xcellence is the first con-
sideration, an is coupled with the en-
terprise, cng tidy and mechanical
capability to ufacture a product 02
the finest qual ty, the article produced
must nocessari be eminently stiperior. •
If there is anyt ting new in the furniture
world you may be sure that Bell & Son
have it. Just -,ow they are turning eat
a beautiful sperislity in a chiffonier del
gentleman's weedrobe combined. Theis-.
articles are of inerican designeand are
d h room
space isa consiearation. Bell & Son. are
the onlyananuf, 'dupers of such in Can-
ada. Their wee rooms show something
very dainty in :bedroom. suites. The
lines in -curly bir .11 and golden oak aro
beauties, while ic 5 -piece mahoganies
aro ideal not one finish and mann-
facture, but in th designs and oddities
that seem to give a personality' to the
products of this factory. One of the
• t ff t is- own xis crotch ma -
i .
hogany. The mu awes are from the'
mahogany tree cro elms, the grain run-
ning.v-shaped to noet in the surface
centre, them. pros sting a novel and
berattifal appearain 3. A largo order for
roll-top desks is boi g filled for a Liter,
pool firm. Tho fini 1 to bo given these
desks i4 0113 poen iv to the English
the Local Union an
C. T. U., presided.
at the hall and es a re
any and ether member
of thanks was moved b
and. seconded by Rev.
meeting was bought t
3. W. Goffin. This
beginning of a seri
president, Mrs. 3.
deavor to engage tel
• Spence for a futt
Thornley, of Londel
T. U., is also being
and may be secure
The first Sunday ev
given in the town
Wingham's Popular Shoe Store.
for the retty weather which is ahnost
bore. We have anticipated its arrival.
Secured a hue of
whiele are the handsomest to be seen any.
whore and which excel in comfort and,
durability anything offered elsewhere int,
• the town.
. Many differont styles, enough to fit
any foot or taste. Some styles calf be
matched elsewhere at double our prides.
Some not at all.
Sons• for Trunks and 'Vaii.sca.