HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-01-12, Page 1• ' •.• 4.4 • 42 00 A Yg4R-„:411- ii'Ais.icE-50C EXTRA TO 'U.. 'FOR RENT -100• -acre farm with .bu11d1Bg,,near Tiriefltnew': APply at ' Sentinel ,?OiRce. ; WORK,. WANTEP —Experienced youngjacly -wishes housekeeper'S nes, • Well. Apply at Lorne Farrish's, ' Dungannon 62-15. FOR "SALE-84uhe eleetric con- sole, adiQf working condition. 'op 'snap for quick sale. Coleman double, biirner''giii lantern._ Apply at: 'tlie• Sentinel Office , . . • , .TWO-tWAY 'ACTION on the Kid- neys, ' antiseptic and invigorating. *Rinnacies attack -the caufie,.`of atislif; Sciatiett, Lumbago.: MAIM'S PRTIG sTonv. • NOTICE , ANNUAL -MEETING. ‘1, The annual meeting of the Lnelt- • now. Agricultural Society will be held in 'the Town Fiat Lucknow, Friday January' 20th at two o'clock. All mere - hers are bereby netified to attend. !Tr? I.. '``.4•446. 4. 1939 Liuchnaw Out!, Thuoday January' Vthi, J AC I(.W EB ST ER WEAK AY or 'PRER SERVICES BE4NG: WELL. ATTENDED • D ESC RI BES---KiRTH,, - • • ---'—' ' . • ' Thisweek the annual Week. '!of Addressed Large, Audience: On Sunday Prayer Services, 8rrangec113y, the local •-•i9:esCrIbill'a trIP And - Life Neat ministerial association are being Jield :Arctic Cirele--Plans TO Return In in local ani.rnhes with large .eongre .. . . . , . , ' Spring 7° P° Pk.P.'::Pli'l•; Near ,gations in attendance: . , Yellowknife ' ., The week of •devotions cdrainenced Monday night, With a' joint Young People's Service in the United Chureh, atrwhich.R4y. Reynolds Esler :of .4w fieta.and Ripley was the gueit speak- ,.. Joseph. A.gnew,Sec. • • • . Rig;"li *Vial Jack *Webster, iwIth 'a checkered i eitreer, as Soldier?, sailor, niiflei and proe'peetor,. during the tWenty4Welyear5 •Since:he, fi,rsti'igrt LiielcnoW,*?s,a young frian,,,addresied a rgathering of some fiftY men at :the Sunday ,afternoon. Meetirck �f 41e. Yontig '11/Leca'S,: bless of,. the 'United Chtireb,,,: • • . 7 Jack's talk dealt With his• first air flight froMEilmonon to Port Radium' .TENDERS . Tenders willbe ree`eiVed•by the Un- • dersigned, until January 20th, .for 18 Cords of 20 -inch green. !body Wood, beeehand maple, to 'be piled; in school - „house woodshed at S.&• No. 9; Ash field. gry-• ch-1-5thy-19-29 ,Einegt Y'Blake;. Sec.-Treas.; R. 'I; Lucknow. „. TENDERS Ten.deis' via be received by-tlie un- dersigned until Januaryqith, 1,939 29 •cordsof green body wood, beech and Maple, 1,6 inehes,, to be -delivered at shoo l in S.S. "No. 16, ,As"hiield; on -er3before the middle 9f June,•,1939, Neil,' J. likeKenzie, Sec.-'freas., • , ' • R. g Lucknovic, "'Phone 65-r-,1, Tangennorf. . • Taking the service 7ore,'tlig% •presidente, Of thel. various Youig. People's pecietiO, , John 1). Ross ,Sonth Kinlesa;;•'Stellal Steward Of, the Preel?.yterian Dorothy Cook 4AOPOINT14ESTS AT. OPENING L SESSION Si, Peter,'s .A,Y,P,A., 'and 'Harold 'Who and his . experiences there,. during ten l'prhe°sIrdpeide.n,:of the United X.P.S.., month's_ that • he worked 'within a During, the devotional, exercises stone's threvir":of the Aretie qirefe,•'in sentence -prayers vierelgtveri by mem. the Elder -Ade -Mine,: the only raelittin„.ber's.br each Society. A duet was sung, mine in the -world at present eperat- by Marjorie • Cifirrian and Margaret e ingl*Tbere is, another radium mine iaLouisreer presided, at the , Rae, the Belgian Congo, •which is not oper- piano atipg at pies'ent, , • • • On Tuesday evening the •Anglican Eldorado Mine• is on the edge of Church was' well filled for the: second Bear Lake, withiri„ .sorne thirty-milel of the :series.. of services,presidfd .0,f ' t6 Artie .CirCie:, Work., 'under-, over bY•,:Itev,1:A.:A.,taloney, the roc- . ground in. the 'mine, is carried On •With ,tor..f- The • speaker of the evening wag the miners facing such 'hardship; as lev.. C. H. MacDonald. ,Miss •Peggy 'cold. and dampness, in di (mt the MacDonald was at the Organ. ' tens of Pitcliblend from Which a few, ' Wednesday night's meeting Waa , re nred. held' in the • Presbyterian Church,, ad - The ore is•redliced to,ahih1y Concenr, dressed •by •-keY'. 'Maloney, Rev: 4, .0 trated form and elii ed to Port,Hepe, Todd is to Speak in "Seuth- Xinloss- Ontario for refining, before it ,i's uvaik Chareh Thursday eYening. :and 46.,,,., able for medical treatment .ef -Cancer G. * Young•adresSes the conetuding. and other diseagea.. l'„ , 'Meeting iii -the 'United Church on .Fri - .Ccuncil Re -Appoints Village Qffiiab• " TENDERS TtNPEits'mrAwrEp--For sUppTY ing 15 cords ofHard Wood; , sixteen inches leng; Beech ,:and, Maple, to. be split fine ,and Piled and Measured at School. "Delivered 'at' School Section ' 'No.. 12, Laurier,. on or before the fif- . teenth day: of March. 4, • Send tenders to. , CharleS,WileY,: See:- Treas., or John Bradley; Chairman of Beard, ' R.R. 3, Goderich,.•Ontario. , • •• ---AppOints Bert ...Ward, To. Collect --111npnid 'Dog .Tax—TQ Seek Inform- ation On' Bell '1'elenhoneis, peii moval flan. Lncknow Village, Connell meeting. for its inaugural , Session on Monday Light, dealt chiefly with the appoinV. Ment of 'village officiali. and the strik_ ine• t` opinTnitigas. ; 7DetallS ' of „ the , Prepesed ,pole re; the Bell Telephcthe Co„ :Ipstriieted to Wiite the are to he ledlied.'-infe .and the clerk the 13e11 Ce., in thiS•regard.,• . 4 1 „ s: The Clerk.Was ilistriacted to write Charles Sears; ceneerning• when he ..could audit' the niunicipatitis books: and at, what salary. ' Coutztli requested -Reeve Busbell tc ekpresS the ,appreciation of this. Colin cil for the efficient manner in •whici.• roads in the County,,leading"to Luck - now. haeheen kept Plowed. , 1938- dog tax •dollected was",sliown al5Peinted• te cediect, the outstanding' LineknOw'a :thaeer show, in Particn- lar, showed marked imprevement this i tax tWentY-dogs, past year; and with the • co --operation' 'Coniniittee• APPointments-. of all- members; and"with early 'plans ,Coromittees were struek as follows the first named” being the'chairm4n• and preparations. iinstio,: there seen':; „eitch committee;• • , 'nei reason why the SiodietY'S 1383 Fait.;. Hydro—Bushell, ,!.'"a-b1;rsiVIcNalp; uox ..s(101A, AND • • DANCE THIS 'FRIDAY. • 41.1 ; ,Clansmen members have been "re- hearsing" this week for a brief far- ccial skit,,, that will be put on clitring, their bok'secial and dance this Friday evening. , • -' • , • Dancing comMenees ,at nine sharp to music by 1VIc.ICenzie's orchestra. the Skit."Juit Imagine" will be presented before the sale of boxesat thelinich hour, after _which dancing -siva' be re, sinned The adthission is .24 for gente„ arici the •eple admissionCfr ladies_ is:.th'e requireinebt that , each •lady brings bo X Of lithch, The Clansinen are an ticipating a big 'Crirwkand'will spar•,, •no effort to. royally entertain thee attending. So make yOur slogan,' meet me at the box social., • . • .CRILD WELFARE WOitK IN :BRUCE Commencing with this' issue there will appear n series of, articles t. ill form the publie of. the:work being. 'One for needy .children of the County of Bruce; to interest citizens the• protection of children,.to bring tc their attention the conditions whieh. exist, and to create interest in Child W" eiTlif.agYeq.ue.St.ion may be asked, "What is a children's Welfare SoCiety?" The Children's 41,Vgliate 'Society la' an: or; , . . • _ riiiization operating • under a yindial Charter. Thua, .aubjeCt, to, inspeetien supervision ..by• the gr?.yirkor. antherities,, in Toronto., It has the resPonsibility;;in this cage, to pravide protection for all 'children in• the Connty- of truce. • It has certain powers giVen to under the Chtld,-. .ren!S Protection Act and aeanines7leg. aPeustoily•of thildren'whp. are Placed in its care through the provisions of the Act. The Children's Welfare. Soc- iety. adininisters the Children of 'lin married Parents Act and the Adopt- hin, Act, all eases cerning. undel 'these Acts .are the direct resp.orisifiji ity Of such Sodiety. „; • , Mr. Webster saidbe, knew of ,no dl day. i-ffPets 'suffered by any of, the. miners, ' FAMILlf GATHERING from ;Oiling, the -radium ore. due to' its nreValence in such Minute (plant- , ities.'' ,••, 'Jack described bls, aie trip jute' thel North, the vastness and solitude of which no one knows. hut those who have 'ex-perieneed • CarihOu herds , MARKS $ IRTHDAY , A. family gathering ,Wa, held at• the •beine ofRiChard Johnston. Cori. 9 Ashfield; on' Saturday after-, and lakes .teeming.• with fish, makenoon. in honor of her matter ? Mrs• ,its\ a hunter's and iisherinaeg paradise. Wm ; Blake. It Was, the oceasion bf je He spoke of the :Various :Indian :eiglity-!thirti'birthday: „ tribes they had been in ontact with, ' Mr, JoSeph.. Mallough was, toaSt and of the different; dialec,t ,of the mit;ter for the evening. He,paid-trih .Northein Indian. They, little con - .1 -COMING:EVENTS-1 GUEST SPEAKpR Guest Speaker at 'the Young :Men'S 'class of the 'United 'Church this San, day at two o'clock, will. :13e Stanley Hall,,B.Ar, principal of Wingharn High School, who has. take n as his; subject "Canaill4n. Unity." - CLUB- MEETING ilke January, Meeting of Luck- .,,oJoint Club will be held, on Wed- '•nesday, January .14,6th in the Orange Hall at 9 pp. ' Charlie Andeiinh Sec.-Treas. • BURN'S, BALL ;The annual Burn's Ball, under Luck•- , now Fire Company auspices,1 wth be in the Tovvn Hell, Wednesday January 25th. MacKenzie's' orchearn ith,special . entertainment by. the' McKendrick quartette of LOchalsh..A tert--with . Eskimos. Tho miners,• a easrimpolitan ,lot, • were the finest' bunch he eve r knew, Jack said, stat- ing,that it was there under such con- ditions that the finest brollierhood of-natioris eXisted. • '• • • , ' 'Their food, while 'ample and .nut7 ritions, cbnsisted chiefly of fish, car- ibou, hydrated -vegetables' andl pieS`: frorn dried „fruits. ,Alt supplies of course, can ,reach Port RCdium only by. boat and ; The long:Winter nights of almost 5 HocHEY In an intermediate °M.A.. fixture the 'highly rated Arthuiii, tearri will' 4meet the , Sepoys . in . the Luelcnnw . • ' Arena, on Wednesday, January 18th. ". Luoknow held A.ithpr ,t6 a 1-0 .seore- •,on their home ice last week. Tonight (Thursday) Wingham_playi in taiek- ' BADMINTON MEETING • A renrganization nadeting Of the Ludicnowil3adn11nton dub Will be held , in the Town Hall on. Wednesday,,Jan. • • nary 18th at ',7,30 o'cleek. All inittr- - ested are requested to be present. V'' . • . • '1••• ute to the sterling character and a so to the 'many itetivittei in the church and convirunity to which the esteemed lady -gives of her :hest. ' • .11VIPORTANT MEETING' .The ,Annual meeting of tlfe.Lucknov; •AgricultUral Society has been ..seyor Friday, January .20th. at.' two, . o'clock.: arid the .efficera- have .stressed • the, :iirportanee :Of all ,members ,b,eing in testa' -$70:00'• and Bert Ward -Was.- „attendance . at this. meeting. • •.., 7 NETERN RAILROADER . NATIVE OF WAIVANOSH • Friends , were Present .from jhuow,rar--i ':Durvganii,ori,, Belfast, ,Watfaid, and •WrOieter. ' 'DIED.• AT 'EDMONTON, Seines Henry Alton, 82, erimlpycie of; the ,Edinontori city engineer's, de-,„. partment y4ars RAO to his' 24-hour darkneas, and bitter cold - Friday..Bdun near tuelcnord, Ont., Mr. t'rement fiN"c8 -years ago,. died 'on • r mance— Reads: and ,• 13rld g c Qu n BaShell; Treileaven. Preperty,' and Supplies -4 -Paterson, McNab Treleaven.. ' . petitions and 'By-Laws,LTrele.averi Paterson,: McQuillin. • *Water; •Firell and Light—bpnca a`i.i whole. The followin* village officials were appointed: Joseph :Agnew, elerk and treasurer; ' R. T. Denglas, assessor: J. Agnew„, Sec.-treas. TAN:, dept.. R. 3`... •Moore -3-rnopths'. ap-: • , nointment; Ferre Spin& ler, Wm.', Robb. A., Le -kart: leayes :the. miners little .eliance of. Alton went to.Eclinonton in 1900. 9utdbor recreation,: but, in the long. . • •. • • Summer days,' they have spelt events: He told'of playinglaseball.bn the ie en Bear Lake in May; E,a1A of ;spend.% 'it* an afternoon with Premier, M.' 17. Hepburn, -When he visited th1 Min- ing field last year. . Life there is ,spoken of much as:one would of prison: long have yon :.beeri in?" *.arid, "When do You get: otlt?" the cerrimori 'queries of one to ancither. But at that, its', in the blood andi Jack 'plans to • go bacJ to• ,What*.ibe ,,believe s destined to :1)0 one of the greatest mineral count- ilanAnittly tojn?tire• inalia.ger: a'triti 10''"tlier'""yefiriery at Pot Hei.). 'Jackintenclir.te visit with: miner pals, at ,Itirldand Lake before,..striking back North in .the spring. This tirne.he vil1 gO to yel: Ipknife, where he ,plans ito : do some prespecting for "that leta lest geld' : INSTAL ,CHAPTER: • OFFIt Eat TUESDAY • PLAN FOR lEiTJRN'S NioHT • At the January meeting of thet. LiicknoW •Fire 'CoMpany; plans-cbre • laid for 'the annual Burn a„Ball to be. held im Wednesday, January g§tb,. McKenzie's • Orchestra has been en- gaged and Special entertainment being arranged', for.: ,Lunch will be served-, and the Conipany' are sparing no effort to make this Burp's Ball one of the best for many years,. Adi Mission' has been set at 75c for gen- tlemen and 25c for ladies, inspector, J. M. Ra ynard ith W. ',I lVIeNall. ass.ist 'James 3nsto4.,ydro• caretaker Alex HzOieria;• Waterworks' Caretaker Alex Ha,Yens; inspeeter, t Rae;Mr.W.'V Jcilinston was rp_; appointed to the library. beard • fo r: • The new 1939 slate of officers of e IAteknoW Chapter, ROyal :Arch. Mitt, ons, was installed td,office orr Tueaday night, by R, Ex, Conip., J. W. Joynt,k • Past ,Grand ..Simerintenclent of linren :Distriet No. 6. . ' • . .Offiders for :the term• are,• Dr, Connell; "Z., Garfield' Macs Doldir Caineron MacDonald; J., • Pr. L. Treleaven; Scribe E., Wm•, ' Porteous; Scribe'g., D. j..,McCharles; - • Treas., W. Mr, P.; S.; Robert Rae; . S., T., J. Salkeld; J. S., NI. ,S.. C.OpNC1LASSUMSOFFICE. The statutory meeting. of the '4.'111- age Conned was held MendaY Morri- ing at eleven -o'clock, hen -year-end bbisiness, Chiefly. the payment Of ao' epunts was 'dealt:with at 'a brief sit ting. ; The 'doniinittee reperted on 'the findifies big -A: ..P. Steikart .wheerecently inspeeted the Town Hall and found no •evidence of 'Weakness. Council •decidecl to: ask for .12 Written repert,, , • . .• , Councillor...Thompson, LS 'site= elided t•he Board by:Har.old Trele.av- MOVed. the ad3ourninent, of the tret M. of "ist V., ,ltev. C. H. Mac- • 4 1918 Alex Anderson, eon of -the. 14ie Hugh .Ariclei.,,sori :of West Wawanosh. near Helen's, is a proud railway pebsioner, and rightly so for Alex 4p.- !:lerson drove :the ••last spike in the Canadian Pacific Railway at jack- : fish, Ont., May, iqth, 1886, joining the steel' being olaid tbrM ',east to west. On a:recent visit to Winnipeg he displayed the spike ,presented in 1385. ' „ ••'• Mr. Anderson, a resident of "Port -Y, gArtlitir, is OW 81 Years.,ot age, Ile tfit St.7),Helens as quite" ,a-Yating Kenneth ,*Canierene West W474- nosl.applergrower, • ' , The general. opinion of the public wleocrtk;siohriislyiewTr.91;1*. ,J.,UCKNOW' BIBLE ,INSTITUTE, that teliaeseS;c6ifetnye,n, so. ,Reccirds show, in the 'past .year. acgonnt of the weak .of prayer 'lasses of thoLucknow Bible Institute 11-rnit 'meet untii--a-weak-...-from,Vitil JantiarY DOUBLE' FEATURE SHOW , 'cOltING NEXT IVEHH _ Under apices, of Lucknove a 'donble ..feature' talking picture show will be presentedin the next Thursday, January • 19th.. "Uncle Tom's Cabin", Harriett Beecher Stow - es' famous •classic of the Schith will. he P,resented as well 'as Boll Custer in "Mark of The Spin.", a western. picture.. There Will be free &nee after. , should •rfet .far excel those ,of recent, officials has Supervised 'approxinciatel:, two -Thred-rhildeelir-isi:- their ,-.+OW homes sh' helping -to• improve coii- r. • years ditiOns in the bome and to keep' th( PR BLAKE FAMI LY, ESENTATION . three-wPar term; W.V, -the necessity of your leaving- usWe horee .ititsiet, 'rather than remove the • children or: relleVe the ' parents' of • • their, reSponsibility, except in ex Blake Congregation Made Recent.. trerne:'eises. A great nember of thee( Presentation To Mr. 40 Mrs. John ,ases ste.verY disturhing. Histories or thes families Show that aleige per. 'Clienndiearr conodfhldr icotisoefn:1:raprehiuvitcireiivieolhepainn. ph -sial 'neglect. The girls of,heri; while still in childhoed, leave their homes to work, Niritti. the lack of pro- per training; and :become the unniay- Tied Mothers oflittle•urievantethabieS . • . The purpose pf these articles is t - encourage yoti to take more ,intereit T..Blake And Bernice In Recognit- ion OS Their Services In Community •Arid -,Ag.' A. Token Of ,APp.reelation ;.And Best Wishes—Are Now Resid- ing In ,Dungantion. • • , , • • . . Mr. and .Mrs. John T.: Blake were very. Pleasantly surprised reCantly, when a representation frern the con- gregation'of i3lake's Chureh called on . . them , at. Dungannon- and presented. ;In, the . needy child, both morally. an( thein with 'a handsoixie :elettric table ,phyncdlly, «In your . Own 'elfin -Unity, lamp and their daughter, Bernice, WItI as, the fainilY work is the reSpbrisib- a beautiful cake plate and knife, are- fifty' of the different. ,comMunitiei. companied with the following addreea..financially , Dear Mr. and Mrs:. Blake and Bernice:. In -the • following • • issues,' typical 'We. year: friends. of Blake's regret protection eases be; presented Johnston;. Member:of 13oard .,ef Health, -A. E. MtKini;,Bert Ward wet, 're-appeintecl village , handynian on a monthly basis. J. C. McNab and Hai_ old Treleaven lwere afinoii-ited as re-, presentativPs • dt the Council on- thc Cennitimity /Tall COmmittee.,' • ,WIAILINQ TAT 0,4,44eTHo , „ The, Sentinel mailing list was :corrected up to 'Saturda,y, after-. , hoOn, Jand Subscribers who have .; made' subscriptioil. payments in recdrit weekS, up to ' that date, slr:ohld 'note the date on their ,label this. 'week. to determine if: ,.4 proper credit has been given, • . At thli tivae ofyear, the ,major-, iv of -subscriptions fall due, :and we reqUest our. readers to: Please e , this matter their attention,: •• 'at the, earliest possible•date. • ..vii,s11.• to express. 'oar „regard and ap- . prediation of yoiir active:int'eregt and• helPfidness What ..,-Wasd'sC6'st. ..irri-. . , Pertarit j.j -our homes' and the neigh: berhocid. ' . , • We wcaild -net estimate these.mari;,- sei'vices during .the yeaTs, but ask Yeu te !apept these gifts as token of; these. ap0-eciations - and .alo our hope that you Will oeupy your oold• place, as eftey,i as,, pOssible, and :pat each by prayer .and loving reine,M-' briance .preserVe What has ;been built up through the years in •joY and sorrow! and Willing setyice, • -• We Would asure yell of a .welicpme. alWaig Waiting and may Cod •ble you And keep you till we Meet' again• ' Signed on 'behalf Of 'your Many: friends, • : • 7 • • , , Mr. and Mrs, I. J Cranston. - Mr, and Mrs... Wm.:„If.livin . Rev.- Jas. Wilkins, Pastor, without inentioning names,- to dips - trate this. important and very nee. essary -part of the work, and tohelp the commiinity Worker to use the Soc- iety's experiende'When giving'a help-. the, hand to 4 neighboring family: The sUperintendent of the Child- ren's Welfare Society in Bruce COnn tY is Donald W. Cameron Of' Walker- ton. 'clange;,Place Of Meeting The Rairshes , hold next Meeting tin the, '6th Ctinees- ' • -ion.achool house on 'Thursday, '1,,Tatt; • ' uary 19th: INSURIANCE, RATES At a:meetilig ,of the directors of the :iWest Wawanoth Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company to conip1et.0 the year's 'Meiness, it was decided to reduce the , ,ates from OA .per thousand to..$2.60 : oer thousand. The. new rate beeanie • n. Rolle . . • JANUARY ; Golden wedding anniversaries were marked by Mr... and Mrs -Thomas Aitchiann and Mr. and MrsSamuel ,Cook. Two thousand dollar check received from province,, as grant towards Coal- pletiob Of Lueicriew Community' Hall. N. E. Bushell electedreeve. Cdun- tillers elected were J. C. MeNab, Capipbell Thompson; Herb McQuillin and F, M: Paterson. . Richard Elliott' re-elected rOve of Xinless. dounbillors elected, Arther Graham, ,Angus ' 1V1eIntesh, W.: J., fr- ;win and Alex McKenzie. 4914t A. McNabb, eon of the late Rev. John McNab fiitt minister at South Kitiloge, died in Brockville. Contract for the neW Post-9ffiee in Ltickntiw smrarded td W. y. Rintet11,, at l$12,834. • Reif. E: 0: Gallagher, fernier rect. O r ' hdre, tratigferred frefiv, ,OVen meeting sine die, wished his 'col- , Smind to Wingham parisb. • 1, leagues of the past year!and the iti W. J. Little concluded seventy years th the Shoe " business, and %probably, set reeord , as. 'longest practising shoe 'Merchant. • ' • r Wim Shile'lls; Amberley eentenarian passed itWaY.„ Helped build Point •glorlt-tiihtlitO'nsk•-•!- 7 8, a Robertson elected president , of • Donald; ND of -2roi .; 4th V. •G',, S.' McIntyre; • G.; Dr, James E, Little; ,1)..,Of Cr; Ws 3. Dav- . • , A pit". ,•••-••••••,„.••,,,,,..:-..„--. Ashfield. Mise. Tena Smith • Suffered .• fract 'tired. hip ,in fall -o.n. 'main. street', . Rey. '8: T, Tucker annetinee,ct 111.!-.A retirement from the, ininistrY:'after' forty years of active ,ministry.,. , Deaths-,-Mra..• Alex' G. ,MOKeniie; .Mrs. D. Geddes; John Morrison; 11Irs.. Wm. Geddes; Hamilton; Mrs.. J. B. Rutherford 'and Mrs, .Clia.r.les Dur- nin, St. lieleji& Roderick 13ain„ .Kin-' Kin - 10511; Murdech JfIlilcKnY of Goderich; bnneen McDonald, $t.. Helens; E. Caswell,. 'Toronte; Kenneth Gollau,' eorning member, a sitccessful and harmonious year, and retired. Coun- cillor Treleaven took :his sdat on the Board and all riierhers were duly SWorn i&\and tigne0 the declaration 1 . MARRIED AT G9PERICII • • , • Carrick -Smith . On Deeember. 30; 1938, at the Ban- tiet paesonage, goderich, Mrs. M. P. Smith aid Mr. T. H.'barrick, of 'God- erich, wee united in, marriage by Rev.S. R. McClung. They Were attend- . . ed by Mr. al-kit:Mrs.:, Carrick, of . • Windsor: The cOnPleare making their home iti Coderieh. ,The bride looked hiVely, na--' 'blue and Winie. • , • eitective January 1st.' itINCARMNIE. COTJNCIL , VOTE THEMSELVES SALARY ' a', statutory session ..Whie alse was the inaugurallneeting, members of Kincardine eciuncil , voted %stir; selves salaries of $46 per annum; " with a dedUction of $9. for each met in'g frorn which a member is: absent.. ThiS. was one of the first ads of the couneil with all memberspres-, Olt. • • BODY FOUND he body -Of Ilenrit Fremlin; 587year. , old Clinten caretaker; was found lying beside a high board fenee lin the right,ofrway seval sniiles east of Clinton, on Tuesday, ftwo weeks ater -he had disappeared during a , raging, blizzard.: ; , Ashfield to fill theOvacaney cense& by the ,death o Richard J,,ohnston, Fred Andersen bectne pew e9,nne4101-• by .aeclaniation. Rae Watsen, who lost - :a foot ;th highway' accident near Brucefield, wa .aYiarded $6,000.00 claniages. ' -• Rev. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan 'of, Forinosa6were npharmed as Chinese air scitiadron loombeeTaiholce. • J., G. Armstrong; Necv Teronto druggist, acquitted :on' manslaughter Charge,. in .death arising from errin' conmspinding medical prescription. FEBRUARY Richard , Johnston, reeve of A:Sh- ire-Id, ,died StiddenlY.• • • February .thaw flooded cellars and: ruined, sleighing. • Gertrude LaVonne;.daughter. of Mr. and Mrs, Barr Y liacett(stied enrciute T.endon licisifital, her first, ,birthday.• • 8ePoYs.concluded a.s,uecessful•hoelc. ey season', althetigh nosed out of ' playoff. birth 'by Godorich: whts, woe' a ,to deeision • on Wingharn lice in twenty minutes.. of:overtime,. Mr. and Mr. C. Taylor observed. •theit...4-6,th, wedding anniversary., , • • Mrs. Rey 'and ren ,escane in night •attire;from their ,T9ronto: fienne, ° . • Deatts—Wm. • Woods, St. Helens; 'MTS.. John Murchison,, Toronto; Isaac'AndreWi'Zipn ; .Henry,•Haldenby?' West-. ford; Mrs.: Cate. TreleaVen; Montreal. • .. • • . • ASIF BYMAGIC Springlike. • weather. has 'prevailed during the, PaSt. week, arid snow that. Pilecli deep, during the:holiday season'sternig; has . disappeared Cs- 'if by Magic, , Main roads have ,been .bare now 'for a. few .days-, and Most. hack dreads. and ..Concessions, tbat , were stioW-hlecked • for motor traffic, . „ate again' ....open.- Tho',January.. tint has. been ',especially, welcomed • bY, num-, erous fariners, whp have been faced with a y -Ater „Sheitage.'Thig waa „re- plenished further • by a heaVy rain, . • • Monday. night. • Turn that unwanted \article into cash With a Classified•Ad\ • ENGAGEMENTS 1. Mr. George Aitchison, BeetOn, Orit- -4171hisrl7.41117a)411teeslIlerSehgvetlIgeni4siriat-L,.. son of ,Mr. and Mrs. MAU . Meade, .Toronte. The Wedding to take place • .in TorontO the first part ofFebruary Miss: AitcbisOn is 4 granddaughter • of .Mr. and Mrs. F. Malcolm of town. RuShell, and Councillors, Mcgab • of AgrieuTtural Society. • Clansnien -------.ret of 1'209 PeciPle. , .The Board in " eludes, Reeve N, E. ald elected re"efe'ig. .!\ Quillin, Pntersori Trelaven. • • Pin nose shot 60 Pound; welt • • in Alex lie on ' I ' , . 4. • .• 6 • iSOP. Ire, -,44.• 4 MARCH , LticknoW Juveniles won greel'i 'lon- ers . and defeated Kincardine foi Bruce COLTO,ty, Championship. . E. V. Hoffinan Opened men's 'furti`• ing a great hindrance to traffic and I ishing business in Lueypow. • . ' WAS rOOSt in,corivettiehin t cairying oti Mr. and -Mrs. Hector MdKay of business, This Wag PleWed, back Or . 6 , The Mild weather has' stopped ,all activities at the aieiia, and if it gen- tinues, wiil seridusly Upset. hockey , sehedules. Local teams had no games the first of the ''Week. The jiiveniles are scheduled to Play here on nesday, followed s the ,next •night (Thursday) by an intermediate genie eith'Whighani the visitors: Snow thatjad 'piled' in) on main street during the storits, was prov- The thing that beats` proRreSs in a town is not so .much the dompetition ther places, as the failure, of its 1. ow peOpie• to realize the possibilities within their Teeth. v . • I N.STAL MASON IC 6r1:ICER. SLATE. •Whitechurch observed 'their 61.st Wed- ding anniversary. , . Mr.. and -Is. George Sykan, form- . „. -Oar wedding :anniversary. , (Continued On 'Page Four)'' " • Officers Of : Old ',-Light Ledge for were installed to soib by Pait Ma ter :George Stuart; ,lit the regular erngn 133 Thursdayniogiffilwehoet. hiene.oi new slates F. M. Paterson; W.M., Neil MacLen- nan; SW., Orah• Ciiiwterd;'; Chap.; Rev. C. IL' MacDonald; Treitg•:,',W. W. Secy., T. J. Salkeld; Rob- ert Rae; S.D., W. Di Anderson; George .Kennedy; gba,,; Wm: :Porpoim: S.S., ,Fred -Newman; IS., David .Me,. . Lay.; Tyler, Cameron; b,of W. DaViskin;•Triistees, W. J. bait., the' sidewalks and a gang Of men and teams 'put..to wgyk Thfirsday and Pr.'. 'son, J. W.''JoYnt, MO.Nab. The Past Master's Jewel Wag piles. day to terneye' tlie snow. .iTho work, the cost is 'erne • bY thrr lefolura /./.4.1:1eLf C: H. MadDonald to ast year •• vorihrtintlit, of Highways. „