HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-01-05, Page 1rer
.•$2.00 A YEART-IN A,DVAiN.9E-40c. EXT,RA T
• YOUNG „PIGS for.:.SYle.r.,JAVIN-0
„ R. LecknOw. •
SALE,Good7 • set:, of,r,beh
sleighs•jAMES .11OWEY, LacknOW.,
, • .
FOR •SALE --;-Twenty vied- York
•pigs, five 'weeks okL itiCHAROA*-
•pi., gat: 1:19Jyrood•
V. -PAlers • RE :;;TORTURE
RtiniaCapstheirTwo-Way.' Act-
lon -attack § the .CauSe, "./11-eKiM'S
I 1
' Tenderfivtrill be reeeiVed by OA Un-
dersigned until January 17th, 1939 for
,cords of green body wood, beech
and maple,' 16 inches, -to: be delivered
at school • in S.& Ne. 15, Ashfield, on
, Or :beforethemiddle of lune, 1939.
•. Neil' J.' McKenzie, Sec.-'Treas.,
3 Lueknow,'
'Phone 65-t-1, Dungannon,
• TENDERS' WANTED—For supply-
ing 15 Cords of Hard Weed; sixteen
inches. long; Beech and Mapl , to. be
. school. Delivered at ;School Sectio
NO. 12, Laniier, on or before the • fi1-
teenith."'dhr` or Igor*
Send tenders to,
Charle Wiley, Sea, Treas., er ,
John Bradley; Chairman of iBoard,
, R.R. 3, Goderich Ontario.
• .. imEsonwa
ARMSTRONG=In loving:memory
of MrJj1Jini • G. -Armstrong, Who
• away January 5th; 136. ,
She sufferedpatiently and long,
Her hdfie, was bright, her faiti:was
strong, • • • '
The peace di Jest's filled her beast,
,• And in His arms she Sank to yest " Janies-.MeIntosn,
• -,'Sadly Missed by the Farniii''' 'Earl liodgins • ..
'• ' Alex McKenzie . . .
Angus McIntosh •
ti st
Lucknow Ont., '1131104day January 5th, 1939 ,
REELECT ,ELLIOTT . ciagmillgoT sTREgT.
REEVE OF ' K1NLOSS . With eXceSsi; ...SnOW and stderne.
• .. : . . • - the-. Village main street. has beeme.
James 11,11neintoth And XaIle 4°4•'• Well banked up With'sniliN:41n spite of
gins Nenicelree'ra To TifanCil Place
;weigh loads that Were drawn away
McIntosir And Alex fden*
- '':X
First :And SecondL7-COuncillors Au- iiever days ego. Vie centre portion
7 has ben kept plowed for meter tro,dh,...
: ReTElected-Big Vote considering and ' On.' Wednesday, '1,he' gehntir plOw,e
Road, Uonditions. .. . 'tli Dick MeQuillin manipiilitting•tne
• .. ,Eniatt was... re
.elact.a , 'Outfit....xes putjytg operation ,to.puqh
4-4-iii7iriow-hack-,te near the street line
reeve of .,KinIPSo Oni:14,inida5r: Witk-s-a.cii;e'd a; gang of IS likely to be put
rriajdritY of 33 Votes „over his. Opal,.
4:FP8'ei:6Moffet-ReRVe.010tViteyePiledithe highest pointtgrS;'hl§1*eni4
. in ..hconeNtiY;-!several.Wintertirat '-stich an early Ift*
years, 'returns. lum• ashead of . : , L ,
loss Boar4. for his fifth. term.- . • '.I• .
Two newcomers to the inunicipal
field and -two -•former eon eillOrs
ejected to COnsiltute: • e 1933 Board 4..t LaelenoVir'S nombeatien meat
They are James, acIntosh, Earle ing,;held reeehtli,.. Howey,
Hodgins, Alex MacKenzie and Angus familiar figure at all such meetings
Mefntoh Jim ,Mel,ntosh headed the 'was absent The reason was the fact.
poll with a Wide -margin Of 352 votes,, that it was 1 :Christmas 'time and
Si more than the riier-up Earle • there Vi,lere •visitors at the Howey
Hodgins who polled 271.. Alex Mc henie. 'fall; as itieneir,Y served him,
'Kenzie ran. e close third with a• vote Mr.' Howey belieVebt it Was Mout the:
of 268, with Angus Metal:rah polhng first nehilination Meeting he had miss
250; only 18 less Wm 1 Irwin,. On liecilyin nekno.w, in:. over half a cent -
the Boardlast xear;l'aii-. a close race •
• ,,,,,,MMIL•04,614•41E.14••••=M***44*.3.4448C.**4***1
Bualip Ititut)AY
Geo-Oge lacice,y,: Huron Township.
.farmer, about pf years age,A
. . '
tim .of last, Tuesday's 'storm,;;Was bur:
•ied in Ripley ceinetery on.. Friday.
His frozenbody was diScomered on
the sideroael Like
xattl. that ragin..., the .previous da
had 04ileci.;;Coronef Dr. Gillies
attributed bxPoiiire.... it :was
almost twenty-four If•li4urs-'-lat4, 4)6-
'4)0' the renealii6.!; were identified .7air
Davison's. funeral parlours. The body
taken -to- ••RiPley, andAnrial was
m4cle. tigheexr1 iliealbadcanYel 'or liv-
ed with Atii, C. :McKay
and his uncle,
Anguii.McKay„, on the
Fourth of Hu ,ou*: the former Char-
les .Stratbdee 'tarn'. It was the cuSton.i
of George. McKay to go frequently
to the home of ah uncle .pn• :the ,sixth7
concession to aSSist with .the
'Mr.. lyicaY left. the tarn' on -the
gth • Concession, about frve:•• o'clock.
'Tuesday evening.. When found the,
• next • •
.Mon., Jan. 9•1: -United. Church, juint
Young People's service.
.Jan; 10—An gl idea Church;
' ' speaker,:Rev. C. IL°McDonald
Wed•., Jan.. 11—Presbyterian Church
:Weaker, Rev. A. A. Maloney
Thurs., Jan; 12—South Kinloss Church
• ' speaker,• Rev. R. C. Todd. .
Chur Speak:,
M. :Young: •••'.
V,Onie to these rirriyer services and
.tenjoy'felldwship.with God. along -with,
Yorir fellow Christians tucign4i4
EYOYdhe ):kiing`a".43rnfi-beok. if poss-
ible.' -
day shertly after dinner• he
•Pellirig 225 • Totes With, John Em-„. I• • .
. was some •teri nules.". from where he
LVW men, Pnly 7 votes ;behind.' •
Aeke drai a isstie with. TO. SPEAK ON" started -and: it ;was 'assumed he plod-
Until he :dropped exhausted
nrati-vely‘ vote., -vires. cast.-..•Atoted,, jack_ : Webster,_ spent; tee Pail* to • return that night to •
ne ny oters on MonlaY an m spate ELDORADO MINE ittontripl.the-stdrurforwev'eral
- of sitovv. filled cciuntry reacteta Corif-'1 • '• "
-t 580 votes were poled' for the two months at the Eldorado Mine, at the
reeVedhip candidates, exceeding last
year's total by 36 votes:
Results hy.seb,diVisiens.fallow; No.
Kinloss; No. 2, Xl\nliough; 8,
Holyrood; No: 4, Second Cork -4 NO. 5,
tAngside; No. pi Whitechurch. „
rm p the • .4th. dad not occasion- any
-rim Of the Arctic, is to address the ,-conce
Young .Men's Class of the ' United main
Chia& on this: Subject, this Sunday due
afternacin Januaty. 8th at .two o' -
chick, -
For Reeve
Richard Elliott' 33 . 54 55 , 117 29
Foster Moffat. ... . : . . .. . . • ,5 - ..4 ' :30 . 72". 52 63
(Majority for Elliott, 'fi8)
. .
or Council (First .Four Elejted) '
• 8 • 36 : 86 95 74 59 35 '
....."18 43 92 „ • 50 • : 49 . 19• 271
. . 12 39, 40 '91 • 51 29 26$
: 23 33 62 80 21 31 • - 250.
• ,
Wni. J.. Irwin , . 11 36 1 7 27. 37
' 7 0 225
.;john Emmerson .... : 18 • 65 63' • 42 .24 6 218
. 34 356
CURLING U1:,UE muirnsio
-' curling club -meeting' is called
for this Thursdaweveningat 8 o'cloCk
.in the Community Hall xoom in the
Arena. There is important business.
he diacissed and all those inter-
ested curling are requested' to he
ilOcKEY MATC11( I -
Next Thursday night, jannary 12th• .
LucknOW end 1,Vingliam meet; in en
Iriterrnediate -lame •in :Luck-
. now, Arena.: Gann called at 845 sharp.
'Aihnission2fi and 16c, A Winghym,
• Lucknciw mile' needs no further irt-
•. troduction.. /
TO The- Electors of Kinloss •,• ,
Ladies and GentleMen: • •
' In • appreciation of your. support dt
the.polls. on Alonday,• ' sincerely
thank you, and extend to all the cern.-
plimarits Of the Season. •• •
• ''•• •=1N,elfAII.WtLIA•611--
• lo T5 'Electors' of Kinloss . •
Ladies and Gentleinen:
Except my sincere thanks for the
, splendid support given *ie in the re-
f • cent election.Wishing stou cine and
a. Very Happy and Prosperous' New
•• 7Year.
To The Electors of Kinloss •
'Ladies and 'Gentlemen.
Allow me to take -this opportunity
• to theek you one and all for the ,loyal
support given Me at the. polls on
Election Day. promise to give the
beit havi„to the affairs a the 'gun"
icipality. • • ,
also wish to thank those who lab-
oured so' faithfully ori my behalf.:
Wishing till n Happy and Prosper• -
ohs '1930..
Ter. The Eleciors EitilosS
Ladled and Gentleritierit, •
Wish to 'sincerely thank, the 'rate.
!payers of Kinloss, for the teitifidetiCe
-they- placed in lilt EleetiOe Day
, 'and Will endeaVOtir to Sertie the inini-
leiptility to the. liest, at io 'ability;
Wishing , you i itapPy and Pros.
Mr & Mrs' J G Montgomery have
puichas'ecl the Petrie General Store at
qaltford, on the .outskirts of Goder-,
ich. •
• .
• •Formerly of. Ripley, (Mr. -and Mrs..
„Atontgornery bought a store at .D.un-• .
gannon whiel was destroyed in a dis-
astrous' fire • in thit village. 'Buying
.store Ate Benmillet, misfortune • in
the form of a blaze again overtoek
them. Mr. yontgorilery considered
-building again 'at.13.enmiller but re -
rend* decided to go to Saitford in-
stead: •
• .
Christmas week sterols did their
best to curtail all activities and enter-
taininerits scheduled for , that Week
Locally the Uhristmas -dance ,kas
-snowed under, and to.acConiodate hol-
iday visitors,, the New Year's dance
,tinier Fife Co. auspices, war_ broqiiiik.
-4",(0ed prevented., the us -
nal crowd, but there was a good tit-
tinda •,nevertbeless and , very
pleasa t evening enjoyed. McCartney',..;
Orchestra supplied the music. • •
Specials in Hose iind'Stockings for
all the family -:the MARICET STORE
The Ontario ',Inverille Hockey. As-
Sociation, organized: only four years
ago, has Made .rapid strides.ind flips
year ineludei upwards to 100 teams
from all Parts' of Ontario; •••
Ltieltriow JiiVeniles are., entered in
this orgateizatioil this yealr_aral group-
ings rinitounced On 'Wednesday, -place
the local lads•in a. very satiSfiletory
54earn group, Ripley, Leek.
no*, Teeswater,' Wingluirri and Bra-
s The eoriVener is P.
o Vitirigharri and • the schedule n�
:doubt will be drafted at. oude.
Kineardine is also eiitered,
drew a bye betange, of inability to
'..acetirriodate a team et present, with
both e heavy intermediate • arid jun-
ior seliedule to he,rtirf oft . •
• Misa Mary Eileen , May, talentect
Young horsewoinan and a riding Meth-
ber of the London Hunt CIO', who hys
WOn ;many trophies; for •hei. horse-
manship,. is to become the hride'. of
Walter IV, Ray, in 'New 1St. James'
.Presbyterian Church, London, :on Jan7
'uary 17th. •
She is a , daughter ' of George R.
May and the late,Mrs. May. The bride
elect's mathter s fOrinerly Mabel
n aS•lt was thought he was re
with , on the 66th,
.o the Blizzard. 'Teleplicine
itations' were dlviipted, we tin'
stand and was not Until a poen-
hoer radio, broadcast On Thursday,
that relatives 'became aware': of the
tragedy. • •
- Clinton' Man Missing •
The ;disappearance of .Henry Frem-'
68 -year --old clinion caretaker lest
Tuesday, has not -yet been solved.
IdentieficatiOn of the llyrofi Township'
victim retrieved any . possibility that
.reight baVe been the missing. Chn
ton' man; of *hem no -trice had yej;--
been'found. this week
. ,
.Once again death has entered OUT
cdnariumitY. Miss Mabel JOhnson died
at the borne of her parents Mr: and
MrS. John jOhnson on Friday. morn,
last. She received her. edueltien
at Wingham,1-Egh School and attend-
ed Normal at Stratford. She 'taught
school at Trenten„Alma, Teeswatef.
and East Wawanosh. her choseri
Wilson, a dough er of Joe wilson; profession she wat.„,very 'successful
formerly of West Wawanosh. • • in never hiving had a 'pupil .fail an
entrance'or first or second year eNam
of High School work which goes to
show: that she gave unstintingly of
her time 'and ,eneigy to her, work.. In
chorch wort too. she:gave of her time
'whenever permitted. She belonged ,to
the United Church, Whitechurch. It
was due to a' nerotts Condition she
was forced a few years ago to retire
'as a teacher . and to try and regain
healthwhiell'she was never able to
attain. She leevss to Mourn her loss
.Chanitin'g"1?,141Viviviiinigh end
onebrother. Getsliam Johnson, East
Waivanosh..T•,o sisters;. Nora (Mrs.
"rderl trod Anreal predePeesed her,
The foneral service ,was he'd from
• n•.t o• I Wh teeh roll, on
',fondly efterii•.4n JO Wirerliam Ceni -
stery 1ev. fl.. M. Wright her pastor
,•onclurted the seryices. The floral
Ive're Many showing the es -
:n this young life -was
.1.1'Inv who knew her. .
,._ •
'The Langsicle Mira' Cleb met Mon-
day evening and the entertainment
was, dancing. A -very•fair-sized crowd
was present considering the emidition
Of the ;'oacls.
Miss Jean Orr of Toronto spent
Christmas with ...her parents, Mr. and
Mis. Win. Orr. ea
Miss •Gerti6 Caskinette of Kitch-
ener spent the holiday with. her par-'
ents, Mr:, and Mrs.ii. Caskinette.
MiSs Joan MeKtimon of Torento
spent the past week with her pa -rents,
Mr. and Mrs. Arehie MaXintion.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Tem' Haekley arid
Pearl tif Kiri-tat-dinespent the Past
weekwith Mr. and Mrs. ,RusSel.Moore.
Mr, and Mrs—Tames. MoTroies and
family spent, Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Richardson.,
•ttodfir--.14,1 Vtrit6t40Yrifdr
axe assittting Mr. •Wendel:Ttyloi.in.
•skiddineTega., •
' •
SEPOYS'r Dli00
Palmerston Opened Schedule
• Tuesday. NigIt And Eked. •Out
4 To 2 Win. . .
Lucknow' Sepoys made their 0.11.A.
debat here' on Tuesday night before'
iiropped the dedsitarlitim,14.tit,
Palmerstonsext4te by a 'Score
4 to 2.
• While it Wasn't a brilliant "exhib-P,
ition of the game, it Was a ejoSely
fought fixture; ;with some •crowd -
pleasing hockey dished 'up for the
iiitia1e,ffort et the serson. •
" Roth _goalies toned in gOod games
with HaroleRitchie in the tucknow
nets, and Gipp; ap young Chinese lad.
guarding the Pahnersten .
After a scoreless first 'period,
iriclitiovo opened the scoring in the
second When' Xen Cameron beat GiPP
alto a solo dash..,?almerston netted
a pairbefore the period' ended and
ran the count the third before
Ellis and Greet., cljcked with "Tobby"
'flipping the rubber in:
'There was plenty of ru&geebody
eheeking,- high stipking. and, slashing
with !"Sailor" Herherts• of Kincardine
,patsing out a inininminof panalitie$0
each' team getting a pair, creer and
Fisher beteg the local offenddts
tualtnow, Goal. Harold Eitchiei
.Defens, X. ottrteroo, MoLedelt"
Centre, .1...Fisher; Wings.,7A. EMS 11.
Greer; Alternates, E. Solo/non, X.
McLay; Bob MeEenzie, Tharepson,
and B, Meteatt.•
Palmeraton---- Goal,: Freddie Gipp;
De1orisej.'Hunt4 Bridgeford; 1Itswards,
-ritrathrIpaatioul,-64ttiet-; ter
bites; Schmehli Bcrimgeoui,* Morgan,
• WEIEISTER,=-.At Varua dA'rritlay.
, •
Low Oft men's and. boy's
und.erwear--,THE ACABEET O.
t t net be:'41d o *Al; Decent -Otht, 1938*. to Mr, and Mt's.
f'hs home to*fi.--ekeept *.theit Mehl VVe tr the gift of a sou,
R�be J9hn• . ' - :
. .
. '
The Lueknow Bible Institute will
re -open this. Friday' evening, January
6, with an additional class. At .7,30
P.M. .a .Seripture-Memorizatioin
of fifteen Minutes will be #eid tor
young and 'old: We. trust that- many
CMitians •Yezi;l14 embrace; thiseasy.
method , of memorizing portions of
•God's Went
.• At 7.45 P.M.-4tpgular praise' and
Fra,yer Service; $.00 P.M.—Bible Doc -
tripe, taught. by Rev: E. M. LOney,
Th, 11'.;
Truths. Special Subject, ". The .Great
Prophesyrof All Things Made NeW"..
Teaolier,-,-Rev-. X. MeGilltvillgr,,M;A::,
`Classes' for 'High School studentS at
8.60 and 8.40 pm. and Junior Bible
Classes for.the public Scheel child-
ren OVOTy Friday at 4.15 P.M: • -
Shall we not at the beginnting'ef the
New Year purpose in our 'hearts.to
give ourse VPs to the study of the
Bible in,a new way in order that We
may' be, able "to 'stand firmi• against
the eriereles . of Christianity in the
days to come: Conte, bring your Bible
and a friend. •
. .
Harriston Intermediate •Bronclios
have asked to be admitted ,to the
O.H.A. group, including: Dieknow,
-W-ingharn, LiotoWel, Palmerton . and
Artimr. A1I crabs -oriderstancl have'
favoured' adding this .sixth team, anc.1'
their inclesion in the group has been
approved by the 0,11.A:
Harristen did not ,enter a ,teale as
it apPeared earlier in the season that
their rink would not operate this year.
Probably the only; player 'on th,efi••
team known locally. is Art 'YGregor
formerly with 'Kincardine. -
The. Harriston Review last week
in reviewing the prospect,, names no
less than (tweritY-four players ,"eincl
several others", in 'summarizing mat,
oriel available for the 1939 edition
of the Bronches.
• Th•e Clinisinen ,are working out de-
tails for a box soeial, dance anad pro-
gram to be held ..iri-the 'NW]: 'Hall
ozi Friday, January .13th. •
The Club Members. are Preparing
to preSerit an • hour's 1 program, coin-
mencing. at 8.30 o'clock as the open-
program presentecrentirely by Clans,.
men inernbers; will be a highly huni
drous skit. ,
Dancing will commen6e after the
program anactlattthe lunch hour, the
boxes Will he auctioned, off. There Will
lie a *limit set on the priee .of boxes
to prevent boxes'being "run up". „,
Music will be supplied by McKen-
zie's Orchestra. Admission is 21c for
gentlemen, and- the ladies admission
requires that each bring a lunch box.
• It should he an evening etfictrt-
icular interest as the old -fashioned
box social is rekved for anight,,, with
other entertaining features.
• A.Pretty young woman was dliving
her car When ,something Went wrong
itrith the engine. The traffic light
•changed from rd td green &-back•a-
gain to green & stilPshe'cotild not e!et
the Car to bliclgei The traffic polioe
men strolled . •• . •
"What's the /Atter, Miss V,. he In:
(mired gently, "Ain't. 'we got colorp
you like?" •
The death of Mrs. Moses • Tliteme-
It'86inilissin •Ii116e*I'10.7113r1Pd:.'‘)Yne"T;htfill;c1,74edi.t.".
betne W8(4'
The funeral • serViee, was held. on
Setiirday at the hurtle of her
laW, ,Toseph Conley, Concession 160
Poo many dendbeatu tviil put a bus- Krnloss. Jntemntent vves .in Greenhill
ineas. in triourmn • • 'Oeinetery.
• -This' will be of interestp.eniefly to
older readers, dy'd straage. names will
appear. The time io.1867-8,Ault after
fedetion The oldjhook' is the
. ,
'account book .of Williain. Elliott, who
at thiltitiq.kept the general store
in the eld;beilding4iii the North. East
eerner ,Where .'Archibeld torhian, sue-.
•ceSsfirlly 'Carried on fdrYeatis 'bOtore,
be!, ietired..in.bis days the 'place Was
el,t4:. Called :Cechrin's 'OcirtierS,
•There Ayes, rio.-Pesteeffice at :the edi'
ner in, 1861. Holyrded office had been
closed, kinlough post-etrice was to, the
'north,' kept by Minim.' 'Corrigan; and.
Ripley post -office was about two miles
to the west;kept by Thomas liar-,
ris,;• J. P. grandfather Of, the present'
Thomas Harras,, until it was moved
West, into Buren Tewnship in 1868....
(See :note. on Holyrood-pest-Otlice
at 'the -end of this slietch). •• *
Mr. and Mrs. Cochran Were bot'.
living at this tiine. They owned th
store. • corner and. also the, N. w. cdr'
rier, wittithe hotel; which..was 'occuP
,ied,.'first by McConnell, anti 'then
Wmn WadsWorth. On the S.-W.eOrnei
was the new:hotel blinding just erect,
ret by Roger Cain, The .Caikhoniestead
-was on the o :Or corner. .
• The old book has iiiany;'nairies• an-
.. ,
knOwn to the present :generatien.:,
tike sehool teach-
. •
er, had succeeded John Anderson an
the old leg school, at tbe.begioning oi
1868. James McD•Onaghbad the saw-
min.:His. 'brother Robert wag, assde-
iated .With him : Another brother Alex,:
;ander .was just west Of the village
oppdsitrthe' old ;McMullen farm,- and
a' brother -in. -14w, :Robert 3ctlins,..ton,
had the farm new owned by Jab*'
Baker.: .Other old names are, Gideon
Fitzell, Duncan McCrea, John Boise,
jaeoh Smyth, Thomas Batten, Allan.
Brace; George Morgan; John -.Graham.
Solomon Dempsey, Jamison DemP;
sey, Rebert. Elder, Hector Relines,
Sr., Hector Helmes; Jr.; Robert' Me-
Auley, ,Stephen Bradley, John Angus.
WM..Hunt, Steele Murdoch, Archibald
*Gordon; peter, Vance, g.
Hous, Sin-
elair Meiklejohn..(blkeksraitb at Ittn.
10E:4: Win: Ross, Aielne McDonald,
TheinaS Bailey,Richard Carter,' Thos.
Harbourn,•Thoinasjrwin,' Jacob Nich-
olls, and • many others that are' re..
preSented'' in the 'emrimunity at the
• . •
present' time. .; •
What. did • they buy, according to
the old book? About the 'same , as
Atipie buy today, Initscime purchase.
are :now out of date; such as hair
oil, • paPer collars, and hoop' skiits,
and hair ,nets. :The childr6Y's • shoes '
had ,coppe; toes and ,the hOys iked
to have colored bine Or red tops on •
their long beets.. •
The men asked for cut, nails or
ircinght nails; ,and clay,.pipes and
the women Vaught mohair Cebourgi
Orle4ns,..deleine and factory totton,
Loth . using narhes for - eoinitodities
that would not he recognized by the
clerks of today. Not all the eustomeri
were recorded. -iir• the book. •the
sA inter •Iit 1867-8 a' camp •bf Indiana
located north.- (7,4 the village and to'
add their baskets of . goods, • and 'a
fair' she); of general business was
reVltni.1,Yit-drZtoottoott51.9 by the ..baterteenett;,
401tretal 'Records:.
This office ivas iniened on the first
of August, 1856, with Mr. M .McKen_
zie as postniester. On the 6th of May,
1857 the office was transferred to Mr
John' Anderson, .-and in June 1864 it
During last Tuesday's blizzard' 13
pass.engers wort marooned for. 14
• hours in a Gray. Coach bus, in' a ditch
' some fifteen miles north of Guelph.
Firsi food, to re,arch them since won-
t* ori ,Tuesday was :hot coffee' and
sandwiches that arrived about:1'3,a in
Wednesday morning when'a motor-
car finally broke through the snow
irlugged read. The, bus .iz)c,eupalits ,Atikre
;rescued alitmt three hours later and -
taken to.Fergns. Pas in the bus Wes'
runninelow as the engine lied
kept icliiut•' to keep warmth in the
Miss • Isobel Macintoih. a Hamilton
ntirse and foitiferly Of Lucknow, wbte
.one of the rinSsimgeri and is Credited
with saving It man's life during the:
8i6;111114 ' tdt of .C. Pufah.1 of Sharon
went. into••the • ditch. in that' dfstvilet:
Re set out teseeklkid fur ,his Jou,
ettri-lime-with cold
and almost, exhausted, •Pufahl later
steggereel up to the bus and cellesped
shortly, after. For an hOnr:'and .a half
Miss Macintosh Wdrked ever Pufahl,
Whip in hs' oWn words liter" Stated,
thenok Xi"a a goner". ;
NEW -i -EAR ustigityp
i0 litegramS-.'• ' ';
ically deserted • and. there , was • eves
:Lucknow's business section was:,pract.
the midnight hour on Saturday night
fireside the!„accomRanimezit of rad.:
the new did it chiefly ,by their own
d (t)lii de wa de va et h :),afl.itdhheeaNver7yeaadsrrteheat;
-- i
.marked. absence of any hell 'ringing
was ushered in locally with an ab- •
sence of any public hilarity.Befor
out 'the old year and 'weledmed,
as e„NeW...Year was born. Those On
A Awedding or interest' in Lbecn97.,
was solemnized in Bedford Pr; at. Unt
Churoh; Toronto, on Thars-'ay, tir•
einher 27th; when Mary He14,1 tayl-
daughter of the late Mr. !..ed
Thomas Taylor of •IToiOntd,
the bride of 'Cecil Edwin 1 iltchl.
of Sault -St Marie son pi Vrs 11
chison And the. tate George Eutchl':
of Cheltenhani. Relic Geori e We.
Mr. Hutchison; was `',*.ritember'i
he LucknoW High gchocil*stag 1-i•'•*-
• .
t'A•o years. Be is now a Member of
gegiate-Stall' a-t-Sault-tt„-HMari
whe-re Mr, and /Ara.: Hutchi-ion*dt,
reside.: • • • The bride- as a gradOit‘ of house.
had seience Of the iblifersit7.: Of Tor:-
-Onto:, and the greem an arts &edu• '.
ate of McMaster. 4 •`•
A pirnouth coupe, parked and lock -f.
0 for about tree days on Main street,
gave riiie to all .sorts of -.theories
that it might be a. stolen., citr
so forth. With continued to-Wfall the -..
ear became almost Completely
xnerged -appeared to be abangleY-.
ed.. However the' ettetif-the• wee the
:owner Uri/led no, he being a member
of a Silo* 0E1;W-create- who had. been:,
busily engaged in -trying to keep anew '
filled' reads open. , And 'se a *YAM
as cleared up, but not before it
Was considert,i4:01/044.&tCar•
the --;Annual Re -Union dinner' and
dance of the Bruce County At*oeiatign
of Manitoba, will be held'.11anuafy
24th, 1939, in the Fort GarrY Hotel.
This Banquet of 1939 On January
24th will be an outstanding event for
years to come; as many of our sons' "
and .daughters who have risen Et, em-
inence in 'clarions positions of life,
will revive in minute _speeches, some
actual event that in& place in Bruce
County. Some will :be humorous and
some may be sad, but the wonderful ,
feeling of unity•vf. Bryce people: can- ,
net be surpassed,. The.programme pre-
sented is always varied . to. suit all
aga, and a cordial inyitatiOn is ex-
tended td out of town ;visitors.,•
This Asiociation onerateS withal r"'"
any written constitiition, and is coin;
posed of a large company. Of home .
thinking people, who want' to
dly and keep alive in the west the
4Vif4e-•••Will IhOVItid-te"heaftra'4, 'ace
County Associations in other pirts of •
Canada, and any messages' r
will be announced atthe Ranee at. .
For further inforniation wr.te the
Secretary,' Mrs. W. *Marshall. Suite •
1-254 Edmonton Street, Winnipeg.
was closed. it was re -opened in 1868
Under the charge Of Mr. Wm. Elliott.
FollOwing the' death of Mr, 'Elliott,
Andrew T. Campbell, was appointed
1st December, 1868, Mrs. Agnes :
.C'empbell.,1st November, •18.$8. John ,
Purvis lst December, 1897 and Miss
Susan 'Purvis the first mistress, *lime
30th,, 1917. ?.
Dan Macrioriald; Bruce Count3, War -
deb in 1934, was returned' to the
Reeveship of Lindsey Tewnatin. by
Stelannation last week, for
year,. There wasa contest fOr, eontiOn
hut not for the 'reeveship:
Other truce. County veterans are
Duncan Albin of.ttipley. who *ail
turied as reeve tor his fourteentb
term by lacclamation, as was his &Ain. -
Gordon. Scott, Gordon Stanley:• —
George MoLean and jehti Bet `,•
• David carrutheraIefirsd s1.,e,e0
aftef titat#i
ye'arA „gt.lk9 head: of tbe.bOtird.., .r.
"1- ITibrOn Township gnaw tgae%re,tut*
.ed *Omit oppositiOnlitelading Ben -
Logan as reeve, with Walter itrOW-44 .
Herb Parret, Wesley Thoninsnit and
ij -A, MacDonald .4s 00040-
* •