HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-04-13, Page 6;_ 'sae V `e<e t Srlilt� 'IN IIAM TIMES, ES, APRIL 131 1900, protest lig€linbt flet disturbance unci 1)a • jury to teanatlian interests which they .trlkicip,+oke will result front the proposed 1 increase on the prefer euee fxcrn 25 per cent to 83 ee per emit. These two post- . dons do not .appear to agree at all well, but, as 1 have already observed that is a r family failiul, with Tory criticism of the Government just now. Eftls.mm.AtSSEo 1)v ILLS rRIENIes. Sir C her;t':: Tupper appears to be hav- ing lots of fan in keeping his motely crew iu liue. It must be decidedly entl3ame:slug to the Opeoaition leader to have a prominent supporter like Hon. G. A. Nontel, a member of the last Conservative (rave ntnent in Quebec, talking like this ou a public platform: --- "Thanks to Mr. Lander, Canada is to - day a colony governed by Do 1)a Street. We are carried away by the NO Mom PRIVATE RILLS,. General 1;rw 'rill Gervera trim at(lttee cal' me:l!tses by Tlttnlctllnittles oil Terms melded Thursday. The following from. Rritike's D.1) )nte) OLi1•e practically menus that Wi h:mu ray 3 •,to 1 will 111 have�, to t k1 .1 1t0), t 1 ti 1 .� as private Bill put through the I#:'gislatu.e as the Wingbam bill will be covered by • the lrevisions of 1►rr. Paltlee's pill. The Madeira Committee Thursday mowing resolved upon the adoption of tl policy in regard to the question of bon - hf ,: nsea to industries by 111uieipalities. ' The platter came up in. color::tion witit • Mr. ?-ardee's bill preparing a return to the bonus law of 1888. The Attorney •tleueral said it woe not necessary to discuss the principle of '..!' .n b. uu. m as it s em. (1to b 1 � c (� r e that ,alt to ' majority of the committee: and of the current of imperialism, anti, not satis- Legislature were in favor of a return to Bed with that, the Liberals have the bonus laws. It was quite clear that ESTABLISHED 197''. abal:donde(l the great pvhi iple of pro- they felt tliat the preeent system of zz`.11LY'. 31). -'-~-' 1 IINll4 TMES. tetion, which bas so powerfully con- bemusng by special 1iltion byillE U. B. F.T.T,IOTT, PPRr.isuER AND PROPRIE'T'OR FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1900. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. From our own Correspondent. Ottawa, April 7th, 19C0 The debate ou " the budget goes merrily ou, but though Several days have been consumed iu the discussion the net result has been simple to em- Thasize at every point the great and -unqualified success of the present Gov- ierumont's financial policy and the miserable picayune and unpatriotic ,character of the criticisms offered there- to by occupants of the Opposition 'benches. The longer the debate lasts the more clearly apparent becomes the hopeless and helpless condition of the Tory party, and in their anxiety to criticize and find fault with anything and everything proposed or carried out by the Government, they recklessly involve themselvcs in a glorious mix-up ,of contradictory statements as ludicrous ars it is bewildering. A FEW SIMPLE CONTRADICTIONS. Take for example their criticism of the general trade policy of the Govern- ment; Sir Charles Tupper declares that It will simply bring ruin fo the Canadian :manufacturer and disaster to the Canadian workingman, while in the amine breath his supporters are saying this is the old national policy in which mo change has been made. So with re- portunate and insatiable. Prom con- mo to preferential trade; Mr. Foster cession to concession a man ends by aeciares that the Government is simply denying successively his oldest beliefs, humbugging Great Britain, for she is his most faithful friendship, in short, giving the old country no preference personality, in order not to fall into disgrace or oblivion." Poor Sir Charles! whatever, while his leader indignantly denounces the Governmlent for giving so THE PROPHECY AND ITS FULFILMENT, geat a preference to Great Britain and I It is both interesting and profitable at getting nothing in return. Again, tom- times to recall the predictions of public wring the attitude of the Opposition en men, and compare them with the event the preferential question with their they are intended to forcast. Take for gtolicy in other imperial matters, it will example Sir Charles Tupper's criticism be remembered that while the Govern- of the Government's trade policy mment has in their opinion been altogether when the revised tariff of 1897 too swift in giving Great Britain a sub- was announced. "The result is" stantial trade preference, under the says Sir Charles, "that this tariff goes only possible, conditions in which it ' 'could ii ere :become effective in the into operation, and the industries of +,.• s. •. this country are already paralyzed in English' market, the complaint has been consequence, while hon. members gloat, equally long and bitter that in render- vinlictively gloat, over the destruction Sag to tyyh��ee Empire of Canadian industries. I say that a THA�B'4rt1ii EPv IMPERIAL SERVICE, deeper wrong was never. inflicted upon -which in its effects will be as far reach- Canada." The fulfilment (?) of this ing and6 fits lasting -the despatching of prediction inay be found in the course slid to Solidi Africa -the Government - of a trade review which has just appear- 1kias been just as reprehensibly tardy., ed, and which will be admitted by all in As the Globe sententiously observes:- a position to know to be a fair state- esit is always difficult to strike a pace went of facts. "One of the most sada- satisfactory to an Opposition." factory features of the trade situation at One " off' the interesting discoveries present," says the writer in question, made h , the Opposition in connection "is the healthy state of the market for with the preferential when it was first home manufacturers. The mills and introduced was that it did not really re- factories of Canada are very busy. Far sane the duty on British imports, for, from any sign of over production yet they aliged, the Government had put taking place, -1)p the+cluty with one baud before they THEY ARE UNABLE TO BEEP UP struck =off the 25 per cent. preferei)ce with the demand for goods. Skilled with the other. The statement, un- labor was never in as active demand in founde,clthough it was, has been reiterat- Canada as it is at present, and a great 'ec7 in thepresent debate by .Mr. Foster many factories and mills are working -who declares that all the reduction overtime, and artisans are earning in- atmonn'Eed'to was a little more than a crease wages. This is a great year for Inalf of one per cent, and yet we find. the Canadian manufacturers. 1 ohm th- Canadian Manufacturers . Association, .standing the inoreasedBritishpseference •wlmiclr has always been highly protea- there is great difficulty in. securing some tiro and. intensely Tory in its sympathies 'lines of goods from the British markets. oonvenpg in hot haste to indignantly This is owing to the fact that the makers over there are very busy. They aro in- dependent, at the moment, of outside business. The results bas given a great impetus to Home manufacturies. The demand for home goods has been further stimulated by the better quality of goods being turned out by our factories and mills. In many lines the quality of Canadian gcods is now so high as to leave little or no room. for preference being given to Britieht or foreign goods by Canadian buyers. This is very satie• factory progress and it is fortunate that tiro enterpriso of Canadian makers has been rewarded by increasing sales of their goods. The result is sure to 1(ad tributed to make Canada a country. of private bills ought to be dew away Under the regime of the Macclonalds, with. It was merely a question, there - the Laugevins. the Chapeaus, and fore, for them to consider what the pro - other distinguished leaders of the Con- visions of the geueral law should be. servative party, we taxed England to Mr, Partlee's bill was practically a re- form a country and establish national viral of the old bonus law of 1888, which industries here. Those statesmen re- has been repealed 1111892. The addition gardecl the interest of Canada before the of various restrictions to the law of that great English manufacturers. To -day time had been suggested, and it was for we furnish soldiers, wo have abolished the committee to consider what these protection, now Imperialism has come shoulcl be. It had been suggested tliat upon us." a percentage, say, one-fifth, of the rate RANK HERESY AND TREASON. payers should have power to prevent a This outspoken declaration however, boons being submitted, and also that a is mild compared to the attack of La vote of one-fifth of the ratepayers should Presse, the leadingFrench-Conservative prevent a by-law from being carried. Mr. Pattullo took practically the same paper ofthe Dominion,which after cal - position as Mr. Gibson. While opposed liug attention to the"crusade of the most aggressive character in favor of on principle to bonusing, and especially imperialism," which it declares the to bonusing by way of private bills, he Opposition leader has been engaged infavored a general law if they were to for the past six months for the benefit of have bouncing at all. the English speaking portion of the com- After considerable discission a roto Inanity, continues: -"To every mar of was taken on the main provision of the settee it is evident that this strenuous bill, which will now provide that a zeal, this sudden metamorphosis has no bonus by-law can be carried by a two-' other object than the pursuit of thirds vote of the qualified ratepayers, popularity among a certain class of our with the important provision that a English fellow citizens. Nothingis three -#fifth vote will carry unless a ono - more easy, nothing more miserable, for fifth of the ratepayers vote against clic a public )pan than to render himself bonus. The other provisions of the bill papular when he wishes to do so are to be revised and submitted at a at any cost. In a democratic country further meeting. like ours it is sufficient always to flatter The Attorney -General made this ini- the masses, esreci(illy when they go es portant statement, that when the -Legis - tray, in order to have public opinion on nature adopted this bill they would ad - tray, here to it in future and allow no more ones side. But this popularity is not worth what it costs. It is im- violations by way of private bills. This statement was applauded by the com- mittee. It is also understood that the committee's definition of a bonus will include loans, land grants and exemp- tions. Col. Mntrie's bill to regulate travel- ling on the public highways by requiring that portable and traction engines trav- elling on the highway shall stop and make no noise when passing vehicles, and shall carry lights at night, was re- ported with the exception of the clause regulating their speed. Mr. Donald Guthrie, Q. C., Guelph, appeared in support of the bill. The principles involved. in Mr. Pat - tulle's bill to amend the assessment act were approved and the bill reported. The first clause provided for the exemp- tion of all property owned by education- al institntions,although it may not beim- mediately contiguous to the college. The second clause provided for the ex- emption of funds held by trustees for charitable purposes, being designed in part to prevent doable assessment. Mr. D. E. Thompson, Q. C.. promoted the bill,. while City Solicitor Caswell opposed it. Mr. Foy's bill to exempt the property of children's immigrant agencies from taxation was passed, with amendments, making the bill applicable to Childron's Aid Societies incorporated in the Pro- viuce, and specifying that the property to be exempted must be actually in use. 'he.:Improved Blower Gisela Free with every box of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Calo, is the most effective ap piiafl c over devised to reach the roots of disease.; a very person who has ever doe - Stared for catarrh knows that the -great trouble is to get the remedy to the desired spot where it cart heal. : the ulcers and eradicate the disease from the system. This difficulty is entirety overcome by means of a simple but most effective blower, which is to be found tint every box oiiX)r, Chase's Catarrh Cure. By this blower the preparation is sent titrect to the diseased parts, and through its Marvellous seething, healing influence alleye ;ae indtatitnationt heais the ulcers and beltivairoores catarrh. Dr. t, Iaee's Catarrh Cure is prompt and bU eti1tit:'hetion. It clears the air pas- w� the makes urreething which,real sed es heeadachee. 1 d fn : , stops the ringing in the ears d • .its in the throat, and counter. Bit ;6tat 441. It thoroughiy and per- gatlya+r seiustescatarth from the system. l prat blewa r fro, fl,t alt dealers, or 1 BATES S Co., Toronto. ti to a steady demand for them by people who formerly gave the preference to British or continental lints» For Over Fifty Years. An Old. and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by miluonsofmothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child;soft- ens tho gams, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar- nccea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a 'bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure yon ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other +kind_ _ _..-. nglislm A .BOON TO HORSEMEN Spavin Liniment removes a hard, soft or ('al. loused Lumps and l'3lemislies front horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, -splints, Ring Ilona, Sweeney. Stifles, Sl,r iins, '.'tore and ;Swollen Throat, Coughs, ( ie. The use of .one bottle may make you $,1(). Warranted the rno;it wonderful Blemish ( lure ever known. .‘A)1,1. by ...f L. I%mtlton. Too 2. a A ttctt �>F reliellt(, 1 Don't b,) eterzlally feeding your horses eeeesiition pawdere," says U. D. Lyon in Land and l iviui,. Heves don't need reedit -hie un1;'. s they tiro Mole, and how Svuuld. you Iiko to bo compelled to swallow tt dos) of rhubarb Or castor oil mixal in your titmice every clay whether you mailed it or rot? Ow of the best veterinary surgeons in the world owe wrote mo that the use of asi:t.3 tillll meant as a condition powder 11a(1 ruined the digestion of more h(.rscs than anything else that beta ever been Al to "ltla3t'S fatthfltl fl'iell'1," There are dozens of "norm cures" for spavin anti linglemo on (110 market. Auy eonipetent Veterinary surgeon will tell you that there i3; no sure cure for either anti that a blister of biuiodielo of 1 lv1 111 1. which '11 • druggist 1)t el t 1 C1 .1 ( bt , 3 tag Will prepare at ME the cost of the "stun erre," nail do as mutat or more good. By the way, have you learned that it is net a good urian to wash a cit or other ►vututtl o11 a Horse any oftener than is abse:lately neeees iry to elean it? Horse- flesh dotes not heal quickly, and frequent washing of a woundhinders uatu o's worn in effecting a cure. Carl:olio acid, one part to 20 parts of water, is the best application for almost alit' wound onion or beast. Dreading an Operation. Weary of experimenting with salves, suppositories and ointments .and dread- ing a surgical operation, scores and hundreds have turned. to Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment and found in. it an absolute cure for piles. The first appli- cation brings relief from the tenable itchiug, and it is vory seldom that more than one box is required to effect a per- manent cure. Sheep on the Farm. Sheep require salt regularly once a week, or, what is better, keep rock salt or a box of salt at all times within their reach. While the ewe is suckling her lambs she requires generous treatment, so that the lamb n'1a3'• not be stunted but kept growing in its youth. In about a week or ten days after the ewes aro shorn the lambs should be dipped in a sheep dip, for about this time, if any sheep ticks are in the flock, they will be upon the lambs. In my opinion more of our farmers should have a breeding flock corresponding in numbers with the size of the farm and other live stock kept. For the capital invested, the feed con- sumed and the time and labor ex- pended none of our domestic animals are so profitable, says an Ontario farmer in Farm. Field and Fireside. Hagyarcl's Yellow Oil relieves pain, reduces swelling,takes out inflammation, Cares Rheumatism, Croup and Kidney Complaint. Can be used externally or taken internally. Price 25c. It's hard to support a seal -skin family on a muskrat salary or income. Yeti can look for any old kind of weather from now uz till Easter morning. Mother's Remedy Are Men Scarce in Canada? It is commonly believed that in the older provinces of our doiniuion there are a great many mote women than men and that the same is true of the country as a whole. Of course in the very new provinces everybody admits that there are more men than women. Now, are these ideas borne out by facts? Taking the last Dominion census tis a guide wo find that there were in Canada then 2,460,741 males and 2,302,708 females. In every province, Quebec ex- cepted, there were more males than fonialea, and in Quebec there was only a difference of 250. t Ontario there were 25,000 more males Than females. For Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat and Asthma is Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. TOWN � t WN I I1 1 �)rl 11r THE .VVIAITV 1.41114150 l 3:1PTI:.T (1iiul(e'II Sabbttthl tterviAel t>,i 11 a m and 7 1) 1)1. i4tuulay k (ht:el at 3:30 p in. General prayer meeting on, Wetireislaty eveuiugs. I'•t•v. . W. Freed, pastor. W. J. ('llttpne tt, S. S. + u eti t 'e,71 1 ntOmr lent. 1► loanorinirOiitnnlXI--:1a13batltt1t'r1ieey at 11 a in and 7 p it. .?un:l:ty Mewl at 2:80 p nm, Epworth, League every Mon- day evening. (general prayer Meeting 011 Wednesday evenings. Iicev. Rfel:artl Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler,S. is,. elttl:- erintencleut. PRESX3YTF'RLAN Cnuncit-Sabb:ttll ser- vices at 11 a in and 7 p rte, Sunday c11oo1 at 2;1'0) i11. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Porde, pastor. D. M, Goulon, S. 5. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a in and 7 p day School at 2•80lm1), General prayer - meeting ou Wednesday oveniug. Roy. . Win, Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. 5. Snpoxintcnclent. CONGREGATIONAL CILURCII.-Sabbath services at 11 a m and. 7 General 1)L. Sunday Selioclat 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. • J. W. Goffiu, pastor. Gavin Wilson, S. S. Suporintendent. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH - Every fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:30 a in, ser- mon and benediction at 7 p m. Rev. D. P. MoMenanun, P. P. SALVATION An2r-SCrviCe at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p `iii- on Sunday, and every evening (luring the week at 8 o'clock. at the barracks. Cer user x Woiutnus-Services iu the Mission Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday at 3 and 7;30 p m. T. A. Calhoune, ill charge. Poem OFFICE In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 0:80 p m, Peter Fisher, postmaster. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will bo open every afternoon from 2 to 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 0:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. . Tower Couxcxr-Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Wm. Holmes, H. O. Bell. J. H. Chis- holm, Rolland Beattie, Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Yonhill, Assessor; WIn. Robertson, Col- lector. Board moots first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. So ioOL BOARD. -C. N. Griffin, (chair- man), Thos.Abrabnm, H. G. Lee, J. J. Homtth, Wm. Moore, H. Derr, Thos. Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Forgnson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS - A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss Vanstono, Miss Metheson and Miss Reid. • BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Clegg, (chairman)), C. J. Reading, Thos. Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. Towler, Medical Health Officer. A right remedy, right at hand, is the right way to prevent serious illness. That Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is the right yemedy for ail diseases of the throat and lungs is attested by the prudent mothers of Canada who have cured their dear ones time and again by using this famous family medicine. Pneumonia and Consumption are always the result of a neglected or uncontrollable cold, and can always be prevented and cured by the timely use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Croup and bronchitis cannot rob the home of its little ones when mother has this her favorite remedy at band. Delightfully healing - and soothing . in action, pleasant to the taste and prompt in affording relief, Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine is the standard remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness, throat Irritation and soreness, tightness in the chest, cold on the lungs, and all kinds of colds in the throat, bronchial tubes or lungs. 25c. a large bottle at all dealers, or EDMANSON, BATEs & CO., Toronto. rc To Starve Is a Fallacy -The dictum to stop eating because you have indigestion has Ing since been exploded. Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets intro- duced a new era in the treatment of stomach troubles. It is proved that one may' eat his fill of anything and every- thing he relishes, luta ono tablet taken after the meal will aid the stomach in doing its work, andpreclutlo the possibil- ity of any distress. Pleasant and safe. fir) in a box, 33 cents. fiord by A. L. Hamilton. "Ail Dunlop Tires in 1900" Your guaranty of good- ness in a Dunlop tire is the guarantee front the makers. "The Dunlop detachable tire is guaranteed against all .refects of workmanship, materials or design, for one 3 oar from dateofpurchase." 11•.7 other tire is guarana toed thus, Dunlop tires on all good wheels 'without extra ••,"w"ww::..,•:e..• .'r,r."uwuw'•.:...,....vw:i......+i•" "^�..�.':, EARLY GLOSI NG Before placing your order for Spring Clothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than .old stock that cost one -halt more than new and better goods'of the latest styles will cost to -day. WANTED - 81vr;1tAL 1'1ifKONt4 Poll Llatelet ()filen Mall5Kers in this province r1, represent rah in t114•ir 14113: nein etlrrountlhtlt Menne:. Willing to lay y`c.'lrly time, payable w,','kl Ilt„iral,ly t rip oyment with unusual • uuiftes. Refer(nett exchanged. En - (raj st•lt e+it'1resSed,,, c« ettvek311e, W. A. Park, ale (*atom" , r go. We make clothes that fit. WEBSTER ER & CO. Queen's Block. ' .c Caveats and Trade.Mark-s obtained. and all patent business conducted for MODERATE NEER. My office is in the immediate vicinity ofthe PatentOf&ce and my facilities forsr,uring patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit. , description and statement as to advantagge. claimed. GTZPo charyo is made for an opinion as to patentab'ife, and ny fee for prosecuting the application will not be vatted for ,tn.tit the patent 'raltowect. "him:Tonle Gums" con- taining full information sent free. All Comma. cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRA Ka,Fp9 H. HOUGH WN X (3, rotate W.ASIIIIMGITo1N. 3!. O. A B0 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a ekoteh and deeeriptlen may quickly flscortatn one opinion free whether an invention01ot1 rbfdbl't(al. patentable. Patents cont free. 0140111 sooner for necuringr patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. recant epeeist notice, tritltout charad, in the Scientific American. A'handsomely 1115"trnted weekly. Taw/zest eta mention of Any neientttIe lent nal. Terms, $3 a ear • four months, fit. Sold ',yell nawedenlers. �.�N� � (,g e331,ar�t.'111.;', 1f�1'1 YorR tirancli Otnco. en F t t.. moth,.„... tl. IT PAY TO AD Y E1ZTISE TN Tim TIMES.,. T.4 rrri.I ilii EVERY FRIDAY MORNING The Times Ohre•(:, Beaver it Leal ir' ht, Bleak • irt.a:'t i L):•• 1.T 1t (•Itti'i'L+3:':••_.+I dEl t,t'r' Lt^!1111111 in advance, 11:.U•t1 'tt:'al+vtt. Lu 1..1x•r (Tirrutt- 1inut'd 1113 .l1 mn'ars tap- tact, ,,, ,,r131 at the option of the publisher. A'nvt•:Idr:taN': ifA;'I;N. --- 1 i tY:1 r1•,1 other casual ad•rl'i ;imnnc'ntn Nr i'.•s'N(nuat:c 3l ii„„ 0i first in:•t•rt.un, M. 11' lbw Sur twit. t t rde tedent insertion. .un. Meer, bleu tette in 1nt':t1 eolrtit» are elylr(ne(1. 10 etc, pet* 111)4+ for 1Ittcl• c13,•e.•tiue, ;tea 5 vents per lino for melt eubsegpeut i:+strike;t. Advertisements 01! L'• t', Arend, f+tra ed poems fo.' Sale or to Rent, and men,I,n' ;1.00 Yoe` first month and 10 Netts tui molt nui)ro(ieent mortal. CowerAc't 1A113'»•T)Lc'foltu '' 3 1,14 tvtablenlente out roto:+ for the i13:'ertfu+t o;' t:dvertI=cnu'nts Soy speelftill pet lids: - 41.11, i dst«••ess. 1 sit. aet3. 8stt). Imo. One Col nal •rt0.itt }•;;,,110 A15,00 30,00 Half (lolnuns 133.09 Rtifie 10.00 4.00 Quarter (3nitnrtlr ... • • lr',tvl l0.11u 13.00 2.00 Advertblements l%'Il etet• 1 ,t eine directions will be inverted till fol bid :reit visaged. rccord- ing;l =. Transient acl, cm rt3.'rentn must 1t. paid for in edemas,. Tull Jou D):e t,:roly' i t tttnc4:cd with an exteneive ascot tauent ul' all t', •iuieitcd for print- ing, afiortling faefliti,', not equalled in the county for turning out tinct elate: work, Large typo and npprnprinte cute for till styles of Post - ors, Hand Bills, (toe al d the latest styles of cltotce fancy typo for• tho finer eleesi s of print- ing. II. B. ELLIOTT, mut Pubtislter,. BANK of HL° N WINGHAM. Capital. 31,40t,520, Rest, ;;1,000,0005 President-JotiN Syr tut'. Vice -President -A. G. It AMS Am-. DIRECT OBig John Proetor, Geo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, M.P,,. A. T. Wood, M.P., A. B.Leo (Toronto). Cashier -J. TURNBULL. Ravings Batik -Hours 10 to 13:Itnturdov, 10 • to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received at current snits of intermit. • Drafts on Great Britnin and the United' States Bought and sold. W. CORBOULD, Agent. B. L. DICK1NSON, Solicitor. • WINCH AM. General Ranking Business transacted. Money advanced to farmers and business men on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed' Moneys remitted by draft to all parts or Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms. TP. KENNEDY M. i .. M. C. P. 8.0. , s (Member of the British Medical Associa. tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m. ; 7 to 9 p. m. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, otc. Office -Stone Block, over Deans' Flour and. Peed Store. Night calls answered at the office. R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, -ETC.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate o1mterest. No commissioncharged. Mort- gages, town and farm pproperty bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham. r A. MORTON, t.) • BARRISTER, &o:, - Winghnm, Out. E . L. DICKENSON, BARRISTER, ETC. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. MOneytoloan. Office -Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J.:IRWIN, D. D. L ;D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. PDEANS, JR, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales attended in any part of the County. Charges moderato. JOHN Menn, WINuatereO:eT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Karin Stock and Perm Implements a specialty All order; left at Tien Trans ofllee promptly • attended to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Camp Caledonia, No. 49, me* Se Us 0. -""the first and third Monday ire every month, in the Ocldfellows Hell. Visiting brethren welcome. D. STitwAttr, Chief ; II. B. Elliott, Rec.- Flee, JOB PRINTING, • including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, )3111 Heads, Ciirettlars, &e., &r., executed in the bosh style. of the art, at moderate priced, and on short notice. BoOIrnrNDTNG.-W0 are pleased to announce that nny Books or Magazines left with ors fox Dimling, will have our prompt attention, Prices for Binding in any style will be given on appltentiart (() THE TIMES orl+'ICE, Winghafn. RAILWAY TINE TABLES. RAND TRUNIC RAILWAY' SYSTEMl7f TRAINS MAYS 'tort Palmerston .1a11.m;