HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-04-13, Page 5TIIE TIMES, 11tI'IIIL 13, 1900, s sea s etas Lasesear, . eta ';Zcer...a'4`,\G'!':!h'iaF.'z;:rhl`:#h1:'.ileGat:'cth'k':►.Wi ':8*, News 6 easash! ColllpouIld clothes, DISH GLOM SOAP. 59 Bar for the: least money. J LSO1Tthin Absolutely no rubbing required. ttiave your Time. -Save your hand.:. Save your wrapped with a Towel, the Big 1 at G !i\ f .�'�:L�f .W��:\�f`.lV'�'n1V fi'. Vri"]:4. •i' J••`i� '-kli -IPiU'I L: 4)12111 i.."'�el: .. V: fit' WHITE STAR, an excellent soap for house cleaning. Low price. GOO a ,� CHEER k t ve IS OUR LEDER • We also have Moore's Bermuda, Florida, Buck's Stove,s, etc. We carry a good line of Heating Stetef-at lc. .st hriccs All kinds of Tinware reduced in price for this month. 40111 We sell Coal Oil, House Furnishings,- Lamp Goods. We take Wood in exchange for Stoves. Remember the old stat.d on the corner when you want anything in our line..- • John 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L • 444CIIIIM1101111111=1.44t4111aliMINIMMI.a4o.11•11M.OB111111!44r As some are To=day. Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes ; make you nervous, irritable ; spoil your temper ; lose your concentration. You can't expect to go the even tenor of your way in a shoe that cripples. "Slater Shoes" are made to fit feet -to cover every tender joint comfortably -make you forget you have a painy foot. They fit the first time they're worn, and ever after, because the stretch and shrink has been for ever taken out of them while six days on the lasts. Twelve shapes, all sizes, six widths, all colors, styles and leathers. -. Goodyear welted, stamped on the soles with narne and price, $3.5o and $5.00. Qualm ca.ar.a44 ®.e:t!fignsaaa43:=e=is®a4���4f For Sala Only by W. J. GREER. 1 1 444_—J Sight is Priceless! Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. WE FIT SPECTACLES Scientifically, Correctly Re.1sc nably. Try us. R. MUNSHA OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. S FROIVI OUR NEIGHBORS' iTO OF I T E 'EST TO ALL OUR READERS. what J4rrcieawake Tunes Correspondents Con;nxunic'ato -- Otbor Items Clipped Y ern. Our Eseohnpt,os, DELAORE. There d+'c+c1 at L' elmoro ail ::.te:day night, lt'i:L'c:'1 :114t, Alex 113:un'inl.;, at th age of G3 yt•tars and G months, after .a 1 ur;. and 1•aiuful. flluass. Deceased was lu: gra re i lout of the vieiu:ty, , hav- ing corm from Wellesley Tp., a n:tlt:b^a of years ago, and Weis higl 1y red wetted by all who. knew hires. Ho leavcs tenon, Jaur:"s, of Iaoauloil, Oat., audouo cls=:r&ht- er, who has tenderly and faithfully nure- ec1 her father eluting his long illness. De ;p sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones, particularly his faithful Paughtor, Maggio. THEIRE ;S ALWAYS ROPE. BRIGHT'S DISEASE AND KINDRED K.DNEY TROUBLES HAVE LOST THAIR T It11011:I -SOUTH A�..^:.RICAN KIDN' CURE WAGES A SUCRiSFUL WAR A yoaug man studyin' for the min- istry, .nid the son of a w.111known west- ern merchant, dro ped'oto a drug store and in a very disc urged mood said to the proprietor, "I . quitting my s'.udies and am going Ito • : to I itnow not what. My physician sa s I have B�tight's Dis- ease and cannot pursue my studios." That druggist knew from experience the almost miraculous curd iu his own Case' made by Seuth Americau Sidney Caro. He recomonded it to the young luau -and u in less than a month ho was back t'.) his studies again a )p�erfectly cured )n(an. South American Kidney Cure is a liquid kidney s,t)ecific. Sold by A. L. Haatil- ton. WESTFIELD.. School Report -Following is a 1i et of the pip:ls of S. S. No. 0, East Waw:m- esh who were successful in the recent promotion and review examination. Sr. III to Jr. IV. -Grace Wightmau, Willie Buchanan. • Jr. III to Sr. III. -Nellie Fow1.•r. Sr. II to Jr. III. -Myrtle Armour, Belva Campbell, Beatrice Auld, Robert Armstrong. Jr: II to Sr. II. - Ada McClinton, Grace I_oover, Hilda Boyle, Clara Bam- ford. Chinch News. -On Sunday last Rev. Mr. Kenuecly preached a very stirring sermon from the text "It is more blessed to give Chau to receive," in behalf of the Indian Famine Fund. Collections were taken iu aid of the fund - Rev. Mr. Ponhail of Blyth will preach ou Sunday,Apri122ud, in behalf of the Educatioual Fund. The meeting of the Epworth League last Sunday was postponed owiug to the bad state of the.roads. Personal-Charlos Redmond is very sick et present with au attack of inflam- mation of the bowels. W. J. Wightmau has sold bis farm to W. J. Parks. He has not decid' d -yet where ho will locate. Mr: Geo. Henry was at Waterford last week attending the funeral of his broth- er. . EAST WAWANOSH, " Slowly but surely the snow is disap- pearing and not at all too soon. The nights are still frosty and the days are not very warm. Sap time has come and is passing with very little result in our neighborhood. Perhaps the best is to come yet. Tho roads are very bad but we ex- pect soon to see them much improved. Mr. J. Bone has engaged two men for the summer season and they have already taken their place of duty. They are un- doubtedly good workmen as their form- er employers were well satisfied with them. Mrs. M. Robertson, of Marnoch, who has been spending the past week in c Brussels has not yet returned. Mrs. Relcl is again about well and hal ' of late, taken several walks up to the near village. Wo hope soon to sea her es ,as well as ever. The services a5 Calvin last Sabbath were not as fully attended as usual, owing to t'io condition of the roads. Most of those present came "a foot." Mr. ir. Wesley Quina is visiting friends iu MoOillvary this week. . Messrs Geo. Ilertderson and Ales Parker each lost a valuable cow list week. Mr. Frocl Toil has returned from Mau. ltoba where he went with a car load of horses and reports having clone very well financially. Sugar -malting has co:nmc•need in this neig )orhood and promises to be a go:)cl and sap is of good quality, Mr. Richard ()hammy, who has been visiting at his home on the 9t1 or the past number of sloe Tetuan' o St. Louis last Friday, l - Miss Mary Purterfiela and Miss 14Mary Bell Geddes are visiting the former's sister, Mrs, J. Fergnson,of Bayfield. Mr, David Taylor and family of the 9th. line moved to their new home on the 4th this week. Mr. Geo. McGregor and Mr. and Mrs. Ales Bruce visited ftieucls in Owen Sound last week. . A small boy bad a few trees tapped on the side of the road and was one eveuin .filling his bucket with the luscious fluid when a party of milieus drove along and demanded a drink to quench their fiery thirst; on being refused by the youth ono of the company quickly alighted from his seat and made a grab for the small man, who, to retialate emptied out the contents of his pail and badly fractured it around the oppressors shins. Short- ly ssistance arrived or perhaps the boy " ould" have got the worst of it. lWhile watering Mr. John McLean's horses last Mnnclay Mr. John Crooks had the misfortune to have one of his legs broken by a kick from one of the animals. Medical aid was immediately summoned ®a� cl the limb sat to the best aclvantago. ' Miss Beau, was off school duties last week for a few day with the cold. The following is the position in class of the pupils of S. S. No. 8, East Wawa- nosh based ou the results of the recent ex - narration of March 29 and 30. Class V. -Roy Wheeler, Ida Bone, Julia Anderson, Josie Campbell. Sr. IV.-Frod Scanclret,t James Mc- Callum, Willie McLean, Maud Robert- son, Maitland Henry. Jr. IV. -Janie Bono, Howard Wight - man. •Sr. III. - Mary Anderson, Robert Wheeler, Lavinia Peareu, Austin Camp- bell, Percy McLean. Jr. III.=Lilly McLean: Sr. IL -Alice Slann, Ella J. Taylor. - Jr. 11. --John McCallum,Lilly Pearon, Harold, Page, Bela Robertson. Pt, H. -Charlie Wheeler, Elgin Ald- erson, Mable Grigg, Henry Skinn. Pb. I. -Finlay McCallum, Aggie Mc- Callum, Austin Anderson, Ruby Robert- son, Ronald Homy, Mary Gibbons, Jos. Gibbons. CLARA A. BEAN Teacher. g - The following is the elassifl eatious of f Pistils in S. S. No. 7. Turuhcrry- Ihe - n:t1llt's are arranged Iv eorili:r.7, t(0, 0,110 minter of marls obtained cat tits roma promotion examination. • Sr. IV. -Ezra Uontutlt, Pearl Wyatt George Orvis, Hattie McDauald, Je sic Wilson, George Tees. Jr. IV. -Win Tervit, (leo B.ernnc Wm Burke, Alvin Orvis, Alec* Coulter 8m• Coulton. Sr. III. ---•Mable Coulter, Mamie Burke, Ruby Grain, James Coulter, 1+loreuce Currie, Forrest Wilson, Wax Burchill, . John Bea -chill. Jr. III. --John Jacques, Edith Peddle, Millie Peddle, Lena Pedals. Sr, II. -Loretta Thom. Sr. Part IX.-Iierbort :Burchill, Geo Jacques,. Roy McD,)nald, Bertha Thorn, Norman McDonald, Wm. Reid. Jr. Part 1L -Earl Reid. ] 11NNII 13'. IIIUWN:•t, Teacher. PERIENCE t has taught us how to make the • best Emulsion in the world;. Experience has ,proved that r, - tills Emulsion is worthy of entire confidence.. There "are many imitations of S -can. and all kinds of substitutes for ;, but none equal it. If your - doctor recommends you to take Cod -Liver Oil, or you know yourself that you need it, get SCOTT'S EMULSION; it is the best Cod -Liver Oil in the best form. • • If we badyour address wewould send you a sample and a pamphlet telling more about it. SCOTT 500. andhoo' all drugglcta. • T9rOnto. given the teachers to raise a collection. for the pureltaso of a flag; also that per- rni a:ion he given for the taking of a collec- tion for the Sick Childred's Ho: pital.- Ca.ni;cl.- (;'•ao. E. Robb, boiler iaspoetor, re- p" rtt'd that l.o had inspneted the boiler .at the school building ou Murch 27th, with steam on at low pressure.. He found the boiler sound and tight'Itncl all . t'io"fttings in good order, but tiro brick work of the furnace needs repairs. Res port was - filed and the caretaker 'ins str'ueted to have the brick worn repaired during the Easter holidays. • Aocouuts were read as follows, - duly certified: John Ritchie, insur- ance premitun, 42,000 iusurance, $16.00; Mrs. Sitmuou:r, bundle of promotion paper's, $1.60; G. E. Sprang, two maps, $1.90; Mis.; Hattie Reynolds, teaching three days, $.3.00; R. C. Ruuciman, re - pans, roc. Homuth-Button-That the accounts as read be paid, and orders issued on the treasurer- for the respective anionuts.. Carried. Button -Loo -That orders bo issued - on the treasurer for the teachers' :and officers' salaries for the month of March. Carried. Board thea adjourned. Seventeen Years of Torture. "I had a • bad cough for sevea:teen years" writes Mrs. Sam'l Hamilton, of l`+awnvilie, Tenn, "No doctor or medi- cine could cure it lentil cue year ago I began to use Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption, which :;lid nee more good than all other medicines I ever used. It is trulya grand cure for stubborn Coughs, olds - and Throat and Lung troubles." Positively cures Consump- tion, Pneumonia, Grip, Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever and Croup. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles freo at Colin A. Campbell's ding store. I5LUI:1'ALE. Itstead of Easter " Sunday," as it was in last week's news, it should have read Easter " Zanily," the way it is pro- nounced in the Devonshire dialect. Mr. Peter King had a wed bee on Wednesday afternoon of last weak and gave a dance to his friends at night. Mr. J. N. Kendall, Growl Trunk agent here, bas an incubator already "incubating," so he is likely to have early chickens. Ile puts the chickens into a brooder for a few weeks after hey are hatched, as, until May, it is too cold for them to thrive without some such protection. . Mrs. Rogers was visiting her mother, Mrs. Lowry, of Wroxeter, last week. Mrs. Lowry has been i11 with la grippe. Miss Clara Graham, who has visited her sister, Mrs. Toole, for some time, re- turned to her home in Toronto last week. Mr. George McDonald is having th interior of his house decorated by paper and paint. Mr. James Collins, of Wing - ham, is the decorator. Sunday, April 22nd, will be the third anniversary of the inductrou of Rev. J. W. West, M. A., to the pastorate of Bluevale and Eadie's Presbyterian churches. Special sermons will be DEATH'S CLOSE NEIGHBOR. FOTt TWENTY YEARS MRS. ROADHOUSE WAS A SUBJECT OF DREAD HEA . DIS- EASE — DR. AGNEW'S CURE OR THE HEART GAVE TIER RELIEF I LESS THAN HALF AN HOUR. Mrs. Roadhous• of s' illiscroft, Ont., is 54 years old. ' or , . re than 20 years she had been a gr at :nfforer from heart disease. The p ' and palpitation at times lasting for . early five hours, and so acute that often she wished for death thatt she might find relief from her sufferings, but she was attracted to Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart through reading of the wonderful aures wrought by it. She commenced using ,it and in one of hor most distressing heart spasms found complete relief in thirty minutes. She swears by it to -day as the only heart are. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. • DOUGLAS' CORNERS. Mr. Lawrence Lovell loft Tuesday oruing for his home on the Indian Re- serva.far away -on the boundless prairie of the North West. We all join in wish- ing him the very best of success. A light snow storm visited our burg this week. Mr. William Stewart took a load of pigs to your town this week. • The dust is now flying on the gravel road. Quite a Lumber from hero attended the concert in Wroxeter Tuesday night. P.iBLL- NOTIC Shorey's Clothing is sold '! eliable Dealers only others cannot buy it, consequently you can be sure it is as represented. Shorey' i. Shorey Sc. Co., Montreal. All Wool Business Suits Retailed at X8.00 Carnot be beaten. ' TIT:; DOCTOR'S CONSULTATION. TOLD MR. HILL HE WAS A DY BUT SOUTH AMERICA' NER'4;kf WHEN HOPE WAS ABAND Mr. W. J. Hill, awo? Bracebridge, Ont. from liver trouble votts weakness. l says he tiled nen; V ovary remedy in the market with h claimed to meet his case Ivithant sue - cess. Flo was told by n physician that he was a dying man. Ile began taking Feat', American Nervine, and found almost immediate b'nefit from its use. Ho continued' using it, and to -day says he would stake his life on this great re- medy as a cure for all like sufferers to himself. Sold by A. L. I-lamiltou. reit S tt.e.-A gtmntity of 'second- hand two and throe inch piping for sale o t reasonable terms. I tarn also prepay - ed to pay the highest price for all kinds of woot1. Apply at salt block office. ED. a MAN, 0 CURED }�ltnown man in tiered for years spapsia and nor - 17' 'G Sri.1nixso. preached on that day, by the pastor, and the collections will be added to the India Famine Fund, which all will recognize as a worthy cause. Mr. Denman, senior, father of Mr. J. J. Denman, is in very poor health. Mr. W. J. Duff shipped a carload of potatoes on Tuesday. Will Patterson has been engaged for the summer to assist: in worldng ou the farm by Mr. James Maxwell: Irving Craig with Mr. Thomas Henderson and Robert Aitcheson with Mr. William Maxwell, all of the Bluevale Road. Jack Stewart will work with Mr. Wm. Robertson, of the eastern boundary; Albert Craig, with Mr. Henry Perdue, of the second line of Morris; Joe Green- way, with -Mr. G. H. Rattan, of the first line of Morris,- and Willie Craig with Mr. Albert Hughes, also of the first line. Here is a bit of Canadian folk lore: If, with your first glimpse of the first robin of the season, you see him with his head toward you, good luck will fol- low you till the robins nest again; but if with its tail to you, good luck may follow you, but there's one thing sartin' it will never ketch up to you. Sorry this wasn't a couple of weeks earlier, so . that you might know just how you'll stand this year; but perhaps as it is such a little time back, some of you can re- member whether it was heads or tails. SCHOOL BOARD. .Regular. April meeting , of the Board was held on Tuesdayevening., Members all present except Messrs. Wm. -Moore and Thos. Abraham. "For more Minutes of March meeting were read been trouble and approved. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT. The principal's report for the month of March was read as follows: DEPT. BOYS. GIRLS. TOTAL, AVGE. 1 10 22 38 32 2 27 28 55 50 8 -- BELGEATE Tete postal department, under the able administration -of Hou. I'Ir, Mulock, has ever shown its willingness to accommo- date the public as far as possible, and the people of thinity, who have up to the present, only enjoyed one mail a day each, way, will be glad to learn. that Mr. Mulock has promised Mr. Holmes, M. P., trat as soon as t necessary ar- rangements can be in e, the evening traiu going north wi deliver a mail at Belgnaavo station. This will be a con- venience to ail classes of the community. • SPRING BACKACHE. Thousands of People Complain Of Persistent Backache In the Spring Months. Sometimes it's pain, Often extending to the Shoulders, Accompanied by headache and con- stipation. Sometimes it's just a dull ache or weak feeling. You can't sit easy, cannot rest, Back all the time calling for support. These are some of nature's kidney danger signals that the track of health is not clear. These symptoms are the forerunners. of serious kidney trouble, and you need the " Great Kidney Medi- cine," Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablet -because it deals directly with and removes the. gauss, faulty ki. :y action, and its results. Wingham evidence is the- nd you can believe because so ea to prove,. and among the many wh.:peak of Dr. Pitcher's isacxnche Kidr - Tablet merit is Wm. N. Wa r, ti. olaterer, Joseph- ine St., who s •s: a ive or six years I had nth a persistent kidney trouble, with a severe pain across the small of my back and iu between the shoulders. It did not respond to any- thing. I was told of Dr. Pitcher's Back- ache Kicluuy Tablets. and got a bottle at Colin A Campbell's drug store, and I can eonssientiously recommend them to others. They certainly acted finely. 21 29 60 41 Tits rain and discomfort ceased, and. 4 24 28 5 34 21 0 11 26 7 31 23 8 31 21 G2 47 the kidney secretions became natural 55 51 ayarn, nail with it a general itnprove- 40 35 rn alt,; in health. This is why I feel l: 6i: 40 can sng3.est their nae to others. Lifting b2 32 pianos acid heavy structures in my busi- ness, I think, caused tee tr,,nblo." If yea have the slsghtesttsytnptom of Kidney or Blad.l `r Trouble, you can. test, ,.•..•at medicate fro ). Atrangettl.onts ha'o 1.00, u 111ad10 whined y every reader tit this p tper ea..detain :a trial package .p: . r. Pit :hen's Beck will 1•, Miley Tab - tits tits -Allot ly frost by cn'loci.ag two r, .. ;tamp 1 ,r post.tgc to the Pitcher Tat'. 1 t Co., 'i'oronto, On t. When giving .0,t t, a, wr, insult lut.. ora wpm.. I: J• r:. ere t0, tv.ircu a IRO ..er'S Tablets. 0 0 eh :'• yet wee y.nt can purchaee r;rtdtu i .e for id) ct.uta; per bottles 'If net obtainable at.t.nggist-t, matindfrea of p et 0,_e an wet rpt 0,.t price. A It .: g ;i notoe ' trio klub:futures of ti'O t+.et �e•.?Z. 1 ng 0,'e r'a:i nae Coin.- p:ani+te the c xtet,t of . 3) 0430 use:, ear. il•.ct.a iat:'o/e:. 108 393 taxi 231 The school Was cpon 21 da1s and all the teachers '(veru patient except Miss Res bolds, who was absent t:l:eo days owing to Limes. Non-residents, ,3 ; rots, $1.75. '1 h, pupils ask to take tie a eclle3tiou for the purpoee of pa,- ehasing a flag for the s heol. Permis- sion is also desired for co:atributing to the fonds of Iles, ital for Sick (hileiro 1 at 'Toronto. Respectfully snbtttitte?, A. IL 1MCsGnovu, Principal. I:ell- Lee -That the Principal's ro- i; rt as react be'ttlopted.---(`arried. lie l--Ilt).ntttli -- That per:nissiui b'