HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-04-13, Page 4t:... • THE.' WINQIIAM 'lIMES, APRIL 13, 1000. XEyrn t e "^t.:�, !:.4.! :r► -23-,1 MussAs, \VWti in town On Friday last. 14 Dr. Macdonald, M. P., is spending the i1 taster holidays with his family in town. Campbell's Syrup of White Pine and Tar for Coughs and Colds is the best. Try it once and you will use no other. Price 25 t•ts. for large bottle from Campbell, the Druggist. At- Messrs. J. 0. Currie, A. Riutoul grin 11.1)ay have returned home frons, Maui- tob)ti. [rl Cleo. Melvin left Thus lay for Port Huron, where he Inasseem: d• a good 1[11 situation. Cr lr r Ir C� r �' tr TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must bo left at this office not later than Saturday noon. Tho copy for changes unust bo left not later than Tuesday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. DSTABLIFIED 1$7.2. TIES, R. R.ELLIOTT, Pratlsaiia AND PROPRIETOR FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1900. John Smith, G. P, R. agout at Ethel wa calling on old Winghara friends on duestlay Principal Musgrove will attend the 'rovincial Teachers' Convention et Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Adair and two children aro spending the Easter holi- days with Ingersoll friends. T. A. Reid, principal of the Owen. Sound Collegiate Iustitutc, was visiting with Wiugham friends last weer;.. Mrs. Molver and Babe left Thursday morning for Detroit, where they will spend a couple of months. Mrs. Elford and son George left for S -atford on Wednesday, at which place t ey intend residing in the future. Urias Shirk returned home en Satur- day last from Sault Ste. Merle. Ile was called ho on account of the illness of his wife.' Mrs. D. Campbell is this week visiting with her son, Geo. D. Campbell, who was injured at Harrisburg last week and who is still in the Brantford hospital. Mrs. H. Jeffery is visiting under the the parental roof at Seaforth. She was accompanied by her mother, who has been visiting in town for a few weeks. J. S, Jerome waS in. Atwood and Clifford last week. lit3 was looking for aud opening for a dental office, but was unable to secure a suitable building in either of the above places. Miss Annie Anderson, who has been visiting in.this section fora few months, spent a few days this with her cousin, Miss Millie Robertson, prior to leaving for her home in Nebraska. Miss May B. MoClymant, who has been living with Mr. Golley iii Morris for some time left last week forNatchez, Miss., where she intends to reside 'in future. EDITORIAL NOTES. Inn Dominion Customs receipts for Werth are $2,247,350 - the largest scncruthly returns in the history of Can- adian Customs revenue. The sales of the C. P. R. land department for Munch beat all records; 31,183 acres went for 9}7,778. Tono ro Saturday Night thus refers to Col. Sam. Hughes and his letters which have been appearing in the daily ,gess lately:-" Col. Sam Hughes is -writing himself down a variegated, vnl- Rare boastful, vituperative and multi- form. ass." THE "disloyalty" campaign in Canada, like the anti -Dreyfus campaign in Mance, is an oclious one, and, like it, liras injured those who inaugurated it. Sir Wilfrid Laurier's breadth of states- manship has only shown brighter be- cause of the black clouds of selfishness and mis-statement which have been raised about him. -Montreal Witness. 'Inn Court of Appeal was asked on `riday last by Mr. W. D. McPherson, representing the petitioner; .aud Mr. W. Macdonald, representing Hon. J. T. 'Gamow, to fix a date for the hearing of the latter's appeal against the decision zunseating him as member for West Heron. If the five judges necessary for -The hearing of an election appeal can be secured for the May sittings the case 'will go on. Will Work at Night. Countless thousands have found a blessing to the body in Dr. King's New Life Pills, which positively care Cousti- ration, Sick`Headache, Dizziness, Jaun- dice, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and • •tomach troubles. Purely 'vegetable ;s never gripe or weaken. •choly 25 cuts at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. PERSONALS. • 'We shall be glad to have contributions to Os. coltunn /rom any of our readers. If you Sumo visitors or purpose going away yourself, •iroV in and tell us, or send us a note to that tdyeot. i Dr. J. K. M. Gordon, of Ripley, was lin Wingham this week. A. J. Sebastian was in Toronto a few days' this week. Rev. J. W. Goffin spent a few days in Guelph this week. T. Agar, of Bluevale left Wingham cn 'Wednesday for Joillette, Ill. Miss Mary Campbell is visiting with friends in Listowel this week. Public School Inspector Robb, of LADIES' Belt uckles RGEST STOOK 10 I$QHAM ittitlsotne; designs, Good; (Quality, Very Cheap. EY ewelee find. Olyticiati. onaid Block. after Doctors FaiIed1 HOW PERLEY MISNER,OF WELLAND- PORT, RECOVERED HEALTH. $E SUFFERED FROX ffiP JOINT DISEASE AND ABSCESSES -HIS FRIENDS FEARED HE WOULD BE A. PERMANENT INVALID, From The Journal, St. Catharines, Out. A reporter of the St. Catharines Journal visiting Wellandport not long ago, heard of one of those remarkable cures that have made Dr. Williams' Pink Pills famous as life savers the world over. The case is that of Perley Misner, son of Mr. Mathias Misner, who had suffered from hip joint disease and abscesses, and who had been ander the care of four doctors without beneficial results. Mr. Misner gave the particulars of the . case as follows: -"In the spring of 1892 my son, Perley, who was then in his thirteenth year, began to complain of an aching in his hips, and later my attention was directed to a shamble in. his gait. As the trouble gradually grew upon him I took him to a physician in Danville, who eremined him said the trouble arose from a weakness of the nerves in the hip. This doctor treat- ed Perley for weeks, during which time a large abscess formed on his leg, aud he was obliged to get about on crutches. As he continued to decline, I resolved 2 try another doctor, who diagnosed the case as hip joint disease. He treated Perley for six months. The lad slightly improved at first, but later was taken worse again. He would startle in his sleep and was continually in distress as he could neither sit nor recline with ease, and was weak, faint and confused. During this time the abscess had broken and was discharging in three places, but would not heal. A third doctor advised a surgical operation, which he objected to, and a fourth medical man took the case in hand. This doctor confined Perley to the bed, and besides giving medicine, he ordered a mechanical ap- pliance to which wasattachedal5ponnd weight,,to be placed in a position by a puliey'system so as to constantly draw downwards on the limb. This treat- ment was continued six weeks, causing much pain,' but nothing in. the way of benefit was noticed. The abscess was dressed twice and thrice a day for months, and frequently despite the aid of cxntches, it was necessary for me to carry him in my arms to the vehicle when taking him out. In October of 1893, I decided, other treatments having failed, to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I told the doctor of this decision, and he said that Dr. S illiarus' Pink Pills would quite likely be of touch bemfit. After using four boxes I could see some im- provement. After this Perley continu- ed the use of the pills for several months with cons:ant improvement and new 1 vigor, and after taking about 18 boreal the abscess Was nicely healed, the l crutches were dispensed with, and he was able to work and could walk for miles. 1 attribute thegc o lhealthwliich 1 Williams' Pink Pills. This medicine t achieved such. a marvellous sacttess ,iu uiv talc's ease as to set the whole emu- lnuliity tacking about it. I consider no peu expressive enough to do Dr. Wil- liams' Piuk Pills justice, as I believe my sou would still be a hopeless invalid but for this medicine." Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills cure by go- ing to the root of the disease, They re- new and build up the blood, aud streeugth- eu the nerves, thus driving disease from the systeuu. If your dealer does not keep '• them, they will be sent post paid at 300 a box, or six boxes for „2.50, by address- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. CHURCH NOTES.. 'We Invite ministers and church workers of the various churches to contribute clauclt items of interest under this heading. Drop in the office or send us a note. $1000 has been subscribe( in Wiarton for the erection of a new Baptist church in that town. The anniversary services of the'Wing- ham Methodist Sunday Sehodl, on Sun- day, April 1st, were very .successful. Itev. A. 0, Crews preached fine sermons both morning and evening to large con- gregations, and in the afternoon address- ed the school. On the following Thurs- day evening, the annual meeting of the Sunday School was held, when reports were presented by the superintendent, secretary, treasurer and libarian, show- ing a very successful year, The average attendance eaoh Sunday of the entire school has been 214; the total member- ship is 337. The school is divided into 2.4 classes with as many teachers and 8 officers: The income for the year was 174.00, including 125.75 for the Indian Famine Fund, and 00.00 for Missions and outside Sunday School work. The officers for 1900 are Dr. Fowler, super- intendent; H. Park and John Kerr, assistant superintendents; W. Lloyd, secretary; John Kerr, treasurer; J. A. Morton, libariau and leader of orchestra. All the old std of assistant officers and teachers were rc-elected. Major Collier, of Toronto, who will take charge of the services at tho S. A. Barracks on Easter Sunday, will speak from the following subjects: -7 a. in. "Dew and Showers," 3 p. m. "Cistern versus Fountain," and at 8 p. m. "How to build a house." All chistiaus are = especially invited to the 7 a. m. service. Major Collier is a Canadian, being a native of Middlesex county, Ont., and is one of the eldest Canadian officers in the S. A., in this country. He has seen over fifteen years of active work-in the army and has filled various appointments from the Cadet in training to his present position of Asst. General Secretary to Mies Booth. All lovers of an old time S. A. meeting should attend. Monday evening an "Easter Egg" social will be held, the service in connection will be conducted by the Major. Tho proceeds go to the benefit of the local corps. my son enjoys today to the use of Dr. He Fooled the Surgeon's. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of. West Jefferson, O., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a eastly operation was per- formed; but he cured himself with Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world. Surest Pile cure on earth. 25c. a box. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, druggist. April is moving along and we have not yet had much spring weather. \'IN(ULtDM ALUM= mirour.'. Wingham, A. Iri1 12, 190:'. Corrt ctcd b,; fetor Deans,. 1 at•1.t c • Dealer,'Viug;llant. Flour pa r lot) lbs.... 185 to 2 CO Fall Wheat .... Spring Wheat0 18 t.) U (i ..... 0 5ti to 0 00 Oats, new.... 0 1:5 to, 0::0i Birley .... ..... 0 33 to () 1'5' Peas 0 18 to (1 1;8 Turkeys, drawn ...... 0 09 t 1 0 10 Geese, " 0 t 5 to 0( 0 Ducks, per pair ......... U 4') to 0 51) Butter0 14 to 0 1•-1 Eggs per dos . 0 10 to 0 10 Wood per cord .... 1 a G to tc ( o Hay per ton.... 0 00 7 c0 Potatoes per bushel 0 20 :r 0 V Tallow per lb (i ;,-:4 t f. i Dried �1.ppits per lb (1('.; to 0 CC1i Wool 0 00 to U Oil Dressed Hogs5 25 to 5 50 Chiclic)ris 0 35 to 0 40 -West Huron License Culnnissioue.s will meet at Clinton on Thursday it it to consider the applications for 11:enst s for the coining year. The uulnl:er of licenses granted last year was r.i3 holt is find 2 shops. There an 04 appifoati,.r:s for hotels and 2 for shops this yiar. If you have it, you know it. You know all about the heavy feeling !tithe stomach, the formation of gas, the nausea, sick headache, and general weakness of the whole body. You can't have it a week without your blood being impure and your nerves all exhausted. There's just one remedy for you 111 1 here's nothing new 1 f abo.tt it. Your grand- parents took it. 'Twas 4 an old Sarsaparilla before other sarsaparillas were known. It made the word "Sarsaparilla" famous over the whole world. There's no other sarsa- parilla like it.' In age and power to cure it's "The leader of them all." si.00 a battle. MI druggists. Ayer's Pills cure constipation. +I f .7 " After suffering terribly I was induced to try your Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles and aow feel 1ike a new man. I would advise all my fellow creatures to try this medicine for it bas stood the test of mo and Cum it curative power cannot be en- osllad." I. D. Goon, Jan. SO, 1S09. Browntown, Va. Waite the Boetop. It yon have any complaint whatever anti desire tho best medical advice you can possibly receive, write the doctor freely. von will receive a prompt re- pay' without cost. Lowell, Mau. Something Special IN THE FURNITURE PRICES. n cz.. ,a.ucvrgWIN.M pMr,,MV110 v-.w611.MW ,11.10 '+061.6.1,P0A.Ll .+.. aWItippliMP ! W. THE PEOPLE PO t to $i"01 301011 Drill If so, we have something to say to you. We have purchased 22 half chests of Japan Tea (1760 lbs.) at much less than wholesale prices. We propos_ to give you the benefit of our good buying. If you care to exchange $1.0® for $1.73 Worth of Tea you now have the chance to do so. This Tea is as good as most tea dealers offer you at 25c a lb. It will pay you to invest a few dollars. You may never get such an offer again. Just think of it, 7 PO NDS of TEA FOR $1 But you must take at least a dollar's worth at a time, as much more as you like. We cannot afford to put it up in small' parcels. Mail orders filled promptly. Macdonald Block, We have a large stock of Furniture and we want to clear out what we have to make room for more. 1'o do so we have decided to give some special cut prices for cash. Any one who may be wanting something in the following lines will be wise to call and secure a bargain. Note some of what we call special cut prices in PARLOR SUITES : A 5 -piece Parlor Suite, ,1 .6 11 11. b6 11 U 11 ie 11 A 4 -piece 11 11 61 61 11 reg, price, $48.00, '� 43.00, 40.00, 38.00, 32.00, 30.00, 20,00, 11 11 11 61 16 fcr for for for for for for $39.00 32.00 30.00 29.00 23.00 21.50 14.50 Bed -Room Suites, Bureau with 3 drawers, mirror 16x20, bed- stead 4 ft. 2 in. wide, Eric stand, reg. $10.50 for $8 50. Sideboards, large size, 3 drawers and mirror, reg price $io.00, for $7.50. Extention Tables, 7 ft. long, 4 leaves, 6 legs (not 4) $6.00, for $4 50. We have been Isere in Wingham for 19 years and intend to s'ay here for a while yet to do business with the public, and notwithstanding the fact that furniture of all kinds is advancing in price, we will sell at above prices until our stook is reduced. We feel confident we have the largest stock of Furniture and the best values (style and quality considered) to be found in any store in Wingham, and we invite anyone, old or ;young, to call and see what we have heft),e buying in anything you may be wanting from it common kitchen ebair to a pular suite. We have also the best and latest thing eta in Folded Carpet Palm for putting ander carpet. You have only to see it to be convinced. We have a large stock of Picture Moulding and Room Mouldings for banging pictures on, and we snake a speeialty of doing neat picture framing. Mattresses, Spring Beds, Couches, Lounges, Centre Tables, &C., &e. Lots of them at. • Wingham. eeds! eeds! T. A. MILLS has his stock of Field and Garden.. Seeds now complete in all the best known varities consisting of' Red Clover, Mammoth Alsike, Crimson, Lucerne and White Timothy. Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top, Mea- dow Fescue. THE BEST KNOWN SEED FOR PERMANENT PASTURES: Also Chicago Long Grass. AFIELD " OOTS I have ibe Celebrated Da . s e agar Beet, the best of all for milking cow. 'Mammoth White Jute * j • sate Carrot. This Carrot has no equal aa. a Fit#ld Carrot. Mammoth Long Red Mengel has been grown at the Agricultural' Farm, weighing 78 lbs. each. Giant Yellow Intermediate, specially recommended for Cattle and Hogs. This la a fine Cropper, weighing 45 lbs. each. In Turnip Seeds I have the very best kinds known, inelading Steele's, ltennie's and Pierce's Seeds, and a new variety of Hardy Swede called that Kangaroo. This Turnip has surpassed all the varieties the last season. Try a lb. ONIONS The best known 1;tlglish Multiplier, 3 lbs. for 25e. Dutch Sets,3 lbs. for 25e. Potato Onions, 3 lbs. for 10e. 8 packages of the finest Garden Seeds for 25c. Your own selection.. You do not need to take sends that are no use to you in the lot. • "Corn has become a valuable crop in this part, so I have devoted a good. deal of time to select only the best varieties for this part of the country,. comprising Crompton's Early Seltzers, Early North Dakota, Itnproved Learning, White Cap, Dent, Giant, Cuban and White Surprise. Buckwheat in Japanese, Silver (lull. and Giant Blaek. Dwarf Essex Rape the best known variety for stock or for soiling down.. I have taken great care in the seleetionl of seeds this season, and can give you the lowest prices consistent to quality, as I am convinced quality is mach more to be considered than a few eents itt price. When you want seeds of all kinds call and examine my stock as tam headquarters for values in seed. A Full line of House Furnishings, including 30 piece: Brussels, Tapestry, All -wool and Union Carpet for 25c and up.. Oil Cloths and Linoleunis 1 to 2 yards wide. S. EI---cx-- Pt ialslITURlr SPT E1, WI vGfIAM. A. MILL WINGHAM. •S