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The Wingham Times, 1900-04-13, Page 2
Witt' ? t4 its• is seta athy like blind MON btu:. - it-' 'tt . its :1 f lk.w feeling for a' fNll'.ic tut rt'tl.... --Why is tl kiss like a paoa ale divided. wanton?• ---Because it reQ,uiree an Int r o:lw tick, two heads take '* i' ;t,tl Sri.... Wity is Bieskiagllan Pala cheapest place in England?-- B^c .. ,.. . i. S,.te, 1'0 ,;- t for a to e.vn kept li,; it s vcr,'r.,n..., Why le te vain young i.ta, l l.e a confirmed drunkard? Beet-nse neither of thein is satisfied with a rncraeratc use of the glass..,. What is the clifforeueebetween an auction and sea sickle- es? --One is the sale, of ef- eets til.' c tl«}'r the effects. of a Fail.... Why i; ;1 pretty girl like;t locomotive? Weaves sire sends off the sparks, trans- ports the mail, and generally Ime a train follotting her„ .,'t ha.t is the meet danger tie kind of an ns assist? --•...::iiia who t !c; a life cheerful, ...Whet is the long, . ? wora in the language?.--,ta.nil. s. beat.: : • a:ere is a mile betweee. the fir; t anti Lea later .... Wiry is a kiss like it rumor .--.T3ecanse it goes from mouth to Pr.j91 Lela Gera . Inc arta E . Little Liver P l s Faust Bear Signature of Sea Fac -Simile Wrapper Below. Very email end as easy t© take es sayer, y� q f'a�i314iAiiXC11E �p� 8 � FOR OlIZINESS. TTL Fen BILILl1SIIESS. ovER FOR TORPID LIYEfi. P111116. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXIO N Vat naE.�7Asiwaa MUST NAVE 6 MATI,ee. 26 GaAs I P11::C17 Yea,et tae., CURE SICK HEADACHE. D. ROBINSON DUNDAS, ONT., THE WJNUIIAM TiGS, Anal 13, 1900 t S ircaclrar or altitiror may not be a sucee se HUN I I11,4 MEd\ SHE LDON S NEWSPAPER 1 Cri : e� lig : Honest Opinion a9 Trliibua'j'l's Heart and Nerve Pills. T 1 v t .1 rt' £XPSRIEN +r , • . , r r , "' Asan advertisement scheme it was a in conducting a noel sparer. tt"hr.,lry Enterprise.)great Matteis,aucl has led the etlitc r of the Bloomington Star to experiment SOC ME. HIGHLY INTERESTINGi`e . Charles M. Slrcllots, a Congrir;a- on the opposite extreme by tarring tion& let minister, of Topeka, the capital over ileo omce and railer for cue week FACTS S AND FIGURES IN {{ of Fittrsas, came into public notice as to the devil. No. alrl3xolu notices, read- ing matter Itlte^ntFroroi' "Ili Ms Stops" ar'"What'ingmatter or advertisements of «a re - W WITH. would Jesus tic'?„ This beak which le ligious Irature will appear irr the Star Malady(' to sleety howJostts would con- while the devil is having full swiuir. . dl;et business if Ile were on earth, hada We have riot talo slightest doubt tilt t ;t controls Kr* Indo:;teles. marvellous sale. Fie has else written the devil's edition for ono week will Las` Waauestlay's Galt R• porter con- e'e vertu other books in mach the saute be as a great afivaucial success as Sbel- taineil the fallowiu; interesting article, strain as the one referred to. den's. We would like to got hold of a - nterestiu;, especially to Witte :ram in that Bev. Mr. Si:ellen eanceived the idea few copies, because Old Nick is fret the Mr. J. D. Robinson, a resident of Dun- das, Ont., hats found these pills to do all that is claimed for them and made the following statement of his case : " Some time ago I obtained a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and I can now without hesitation say that they have bean beneficial in relieving me of an obstinate and 'Yong standing complaint affecting my heat and nerves. "I was troubled with sleeplessness, dizzi- ness, p.tlpitation and neuralgia for such a long titno that I had really given up hope of a cure. Now, that others may learn of the virtues of this remedy, I give my unsolicited testimony. "My honest. opinion is that there is no pure so good for heart and nerve troubles as Milburu's Iiearll and Nerve Pills." Mitburn's He rt and Nerve Pills are 50o. ,a box or 8 for 01425, at all druggists. . Two seve cases that were c pletely cured by •<:e Great Blood .er" Purifier and Healer, itir.T'itos: hill, and -Mr. Win. Button aro two of the directors of the new fnr- uituro svl,ldicate : The Repartee is tibio to day to lay be- fore its reader:, the nkat s o, the farnit rue mamiatetusime coli cues whoa: p1iu eta of lausiurss have Leou u l seriitti le the British Ause is n. Y t uiture Oonirany. Limited. the meet) eleell the company which will control taenteetwo mouth. smaller inch:dries which have: her• eto- fore turuetl out fuini urti tender seaarate nruagenlents and also the list of the men who have eaus: lted to act as direct- ors of the new conipauy. This is the Art time this information leas been made public by any newspaper. The prospectus of the British Ameri- aucihl stauclppiint, the -Capital was a ettu Fnru:.ture Company, Limited, cn- wonderful success. Iu order to meet name es that it has a share capital of the general cleivaad for this pa=per. unclor $3,000,000, divided into 80,000, shares of Rev. Mr. Sheldou's managementlargo $100 each, ilf fclla\vs: Seven per teat., editions were printed both at Chicago preference accumulative stock, 20,000 and Now York. No price was put on shares $2,000,Q00; common stock, 10,000 the L'hicago "edition, and single copies shares, $1,000,000. The head office of wero sola for" prices ranging from ato the company will be situated in Toronto. 25 coats, But as his publisher has given Their bankers will be the Merchauts' his word that share of the profits be Bank and their solictors, Messrs. Blake, used for somol benevolent work, ihero. Lash & Cassels. • eau not be much fault found The following are the names of the with hila . ori that score, though companies whose plants have been taken the cynical might iusiuuato that Jesus over by the British American Furniture would not grove charged 25c for a Company, Limit: d: • paper worth tw'.i"o cents. The rush for American Rattan Company, Limited, that be could oonduot a daily liows- paper en the principles laid down, it his l:oolks, lend en. Teesday, March 13th as- sumed .entire charge of the Topeka Capital which tela proprietors placed for one week. under his control. H'ewas as- si:a'ed 'ay art editorial staff of 13. Through the eo.xtesy of Mr. Jos, Me- 'Neel,'iill ego ole:;:, who was for several years a resitlnut of lean-as,wo have been furnished wile the entire Sheldon edi. tiou, and our 'curiosity iu regard to the supposed model secular paper, has been satisfied. Did Shelcio.f succeed? As far ae in- ereasiug the circulation of the paper for, one week is eou.ceruod, and from a 1n - copies of the Sheldon edition was I As the harror is the refuge of the la guy by curosity, and the d'h Walkerton. prompted first to presume that he could run a newspaper better than the -editor. Commenting on Sheldon's effort Tao Westminster, a Presbyterian religious magazinot says: "front every point of view, except of .;vulgar sporting nom, corrupt Aeries and nucleon advertise- ments, bis;experitneut was unfortunate. The Sheldc311 paper lacked good literary style, general interest, ante mechanical art.." ' Tri„ggltts of 1!! riontussal. ' The friend, `' of the present day are of the nature of iuetous; we must tri* fifty before wo ns t with a good one.—Claude Menet. 1 The eiteusl,onaurpperfection of friend- ship will ooa"titute a great part of the future happ uess of the blest.—R. Wll.ateiy. Friendship improvea happiness and abates Misery by the doubling of our joy and th3 dividing of our grief,—Oiio- ere. He that doth a base thing in zeal for • his friends, butes the golden thread that d ties their hearts together.—Jeremy Taylor. • Friends should be weighted, not rid; : who boasts tothave won a multitude of friends has neeer • had ons.—Coleridge. r , ship from the otnpest, so is en s ip The Authes Mfg. Co. Berlin, fact that the ;jaaper was a success for the refuge of Lau in adversity.—Deme- i Tho :Bell & Son, Limited, Wiu ham, ono week, c 'es not prove that it i philus. t Broadfoot. &- Box Furniture Company, would have ben asuccess for ono year , Life is to bo fortified by many friend Seaforth s • ; or longer, in fact we are inclined to ships; to love and to be loved is the Burr Bias,, Guelph. I think it would not have. been. • The ' greatest happiness of existence.—S. Button Fessant, Wingham. i publisher had arranged for many Smith. The Chesley Chair Company, Limited, mouths before he took control of the True friends visit us in prosperty Chesley. ., Capital for spacial correspondence from may when invited, but in adversity Tho Furniture Manufacturers' Ex- every quartan of U. S., and we also they come 'without invitation.—Theo- notice Company of Ontario, Limited, notice one article from the pen of the phrastus. . Berlin, Out., and Liverpool, Eng. able editor of the Montreal Witness, Mr. While yolk are prosperous,. you can • The Hobbs Manufacturing Gompauy, John Dougall This special correspon- ,number many friends; but when the Loudon, Ont. deuce would .work all right for one Storm comes yon are left alone.=Ovid. Lewis Ha1rn, New Hamburg, Ont. week's spurt, i.but no publisher could • Friendship is too pure a pleasure for a The Frill •,Cltair Company, Limited, I keepaitch an able staff of correspon- mind cankered with ambition, or the Wiarton, Ont'. ;louts year after year, In this respect lust of power and grandeur.—Junius. Krug Bros.&, Co., .Chesley. • the Sheldon edition shone with a Nothing is more dangerous than a The Knee 1 tel Fhunitiiuo Company; 'brilliancy that t incl not be maintained. friend without discretion; even a pru- Suffered For over eleven years 1 11 1(O2 '8. suffered with Dyspepsia and tried everything I could think elf, but was un Me to get relief until I took Bur- dock B'ood Bitters. 1 had only taken one bottle when I commenced to feel better, and after taking five or silt bottles was entirely well, and have remained 80 ever since, sm.', feel as the+u li 13 r.13 had saved my life.-•- drs. T. G. Joyce, ' qua P.Q. Covered My little boy, aged to With sores, years, was a complete: mass of sores, caused, the doctor said, by bad blood. His head and body were entirely covered with sores, and we could find no cure. Finally I got a bottle of Burdock 'Blood Hitters, and before one half t;ia bottle was gone lie began to improve and by the time it was finished there w..s not a. sore on him. I used tat B.B.B. As n wash as well as Interna: y, and it seemed to give great relief us soon as it was put on.—Mrs. Philip Mitchell, St, Mary's, Ont. Limited, Han Joseph Orr,, Shaefer, Snyder, Ross, & Co., Wiarton. Siemon & Bros. Mfg. Co., Wiarton. The Simpson Co., Limited, Berlin. The Union Furniture Co., Limited ver. As might lie texpectecl, the Sheldon dent enemy y:. is preferable.—La Fon- edition. was largely of a religious char- „e. TC; er & aterloo. atter. It could ? not be called either a Co.,'As" one Wiugham. ratson &,, Jaleolm, Kinard • William Y¢uug, Wiartou. Zoelluer &C Mount Forest. The combrued comp about seventeu hundred hands. The reveren &sCo., 1 semi or a religious paper. American writer says: ''It was a sort of a cross betw+n a poorly -edited re- j ligious, and at poorly -edited secular paper." In the market reports nothing Past Present and Future. ' And peace dwell with u'i ghi ley; Chicago Times -Herald. So lift those.,droopinglips and ares, Ere we arrived the . old world jogged Good comrade; n a'.e p:ofeseien -a, a„ imM Mr iMt,ninatrtnu, m un:at..ntt..munn - 1 .‹ fiVetetablePreparationfor As- strnilating titeYood andRegttla- ring the Stontachs andl3owels of Promotes Digeston,Ceerful- r nessand Rest.Contllinsneither NOD ium,Morpiline nor Mineral, ow 'NAN. 0TIC .. l a era& .DrS4MU QP.O •R Pimp& Segel* .,91..Sc, rnz Retfiefle $04 487r, Seed Jlppetmint Mae Seed - Clea ul Sugar } Aperlect Remedy for Coes tipe- aloe a fi i , Sour macllDa tion, o , Worms EacSS FindLoss OF SL1EEa Tat:Simile Signature of T AT THE 3P.1NATUR OMA. .W...0... IS ON THE W t' APPER. is 0F' EVERY 130TTL'1; OF lti A 'l d EXACT copy 0r WRAPPEFt. si;nAo Sc on , slgaaturo 1^' "GC4 every of • wrappo 11. Casteria fa pat up in ono-riso bottles only. It. e not sold in bulk, Don't talo, anyone co soli. you anything else oa the like or promise that it is "just as goal" and "will answer every par. poso,t' $cc that you get 0 -A -13 -T -0 -R -I -A. Tha (ao- Soime Other Day. Some other day take time to fret; Today much work is waiting, And it will tax your v its to get Relent); so cease berating The evil chance that makes you strive, With never cause for c awing, Or else your worry will deprive Your toil of any she -Mag. rg. Some other clay take thrill to grieve, For joy is waiting near you; But if you moan. 'twill surely leave And harpies come t r j ear you. Put off the tear s ; on With smiles! Give mirthlts jolly inning, And trust ant in life's rich defiles You'll sometvher,3 make a winning. Some other day, if not to -day, The cares that vex ns sadly Will in the distance fade away along • Of healthy faith—be wee, be wise! song; ° Keep up with the procession! Dtn't Chide the. Children. Don't scold the little • ; ,4 ones if the bed is wet in • i fes tho morning. It isn't th �7 child's fault. It is suffe • ing from a weakness of the kidneys an bladder, and weak kidneys need strength- r ening that's all. You can't afford to risk delay. Neglect may entail a lifetime cd suffering and misery. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. strengthen the kidneys and bladder, than. all trout.le is at an end. Mrs. E. Rainer, a Loudon, Ont.,'mother. living at 499 Grey St., says: �.� "•My little. daughter, six years old, hrla had weak kidneys since birth, Last Feb- rn ry 1 g'tt a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at t• trong's drug store. Since taking them she has had no more kidney trouble of any Ella. I gladly make this statement be. cense of the benefit my child has received from tails medicine." With one undreasinry fretful little ulna I but actual trade transactions were al- �� lowed to appear. There�yerg no reports umnry —Chicago Reco.d. of gambling deals in futures and unreal values. As would naturally be espectoct a . einp.oy �` 11111'6 rt hose who have read his books, the s11� Dun ilaiies w from t d edittbr and publisher denounces amount of tblbir sales in 1897 was $1,029,- 179.85; in 18 8, it was $1,320,774.05, and the liquor traffic with all the ability he for the first 'ne and a `half months of possesses. Tie position he takes in re - : 1899, $1,139,447.14, showing a constantly increasing business. They maunfaeture a cartoon repr� senting a hand f th household furniture in the Dominion. for Phase eels. A despatch from the garcl to trusts?'and combines is shown by ballot in the about 65 per Gent. of the total sales of au o e laboring man as a remedy The compauyt will commence business Philippine Islands aunouneiug the death without any ' ; onded orfloating indebted of certain mbmbers of the Americancess, and with: but $80,000 of mortgage army, ,afford "Sheldou's cartoonist the d.bt , a P ortiof,. of which is non-interest opportunity o picturing the worst side 1 of war. Moth=ors, fathers, brothers and bearing, being bonus loans by muni- cipalities. he management of the sisters are represented as weeping over companyAildhe superintendence of tete their loved odes while militarism and l couunsrcialisl>i look on as complacently various fact cries `vr 1 be the gentle of experieneed n"ranoacSuers, who f t h have been identified'lwrth the furniture trade in the past and Aave made a success of the business. The names of he men who have con- sented to act as irectors are as follows: W. R. Hobbs, London; Saniel Knechtel, Hanover; Simon Daniel Knechtel, Han- over; Simon. Merrier, Berlin; Andrew Malcolm, M. L. A.. Kincardine; Henry Cargill, M. P., Cargill; R. E. Truax, M. L. A., Walkerton; Thomas Bell, Wiugham ; J. S. Authes, Berlin.; John H. Broatifeote Seaforth; Myron '.W. Burr, Guelph; Lewis Hahn, New Ilam- bsrg; Christian Hill, Wiarton; William King, Chesley; J. S. Knechtel, Hanover ; Joseph Orr, tratford; Henry Schaeffer, 1 Waterloo; . 0. Siemon, Wiarton; F. E. Coombe, 'l;}verpool, Eng.; E. F. R. Zoelinor, MeantForest; Win. Button, Wingham; John Krug, Chesley; T. S. Hobbs, Toronto, and J. R. Shaw, Toronto. One million dollars of seven per cont. preference "cumulative" stock at par has been placed on the market. eadache • Te often a warning that the liver is toubdlesoirnayotw. IMra preoronrts, Meted cure 01 Headache and all liver troubles, take if 0lid 'e Pi/0S While they tante the liver, restore full, regular action of the bowele they do net gripe or pain. do not Irritate or inflame the Internal organs, but have a positive tonlc cheer. 25e. at all drug tats or by mall of C. I. Mood & Co., Lowell, Masa at the oppos' forces shooting and bay- oneting each her. Itis quite evident Rev. M. Shel Men stood dr sat arohind and mt • ed that The world hadgone, or else was . wrong. going, Since we are here they grumble as be- fore; They tell us thin the good old times are o'er; The blessings that men once enjoyed are gone, And wo, alas, stall wain their back no more? e When you and ri my friend, have passed away ai The one who follows us will sadly say The world woild ld be sublime if they collld'bawl The blessings that we had in our day. on did not get his ideas a list 13 or Nantes Mean of war frofir. the Old Testament, Elaudslaagte r 3 the lair of an elancl, an because theesword was looked ou as the b 'st and sorest way , of getting rid of the unregenerate Philis- tines and other heathenish tribes. Zn t regard to advertising, all patent medi- cine advertisements were thrown oat, and every adv. that the editor considered was not what it eras represented to be, met with the saute fate as the quacks. We notice that an. advertisement of.an aquatic separator', whatever that may be, is more than we ' know, appeared in the Sheldon edition, and as it was not up to the scriptural mark, the water separator came in for a special notiee which would be of more advantage to the manufacturer than the advt. Of course the 'Sunday edition of the Capital slid not make its usual appear- ance, and to make up for that there were two papers issued ou Saturday, the morning and evening editions. The evening edition was somewhat like'our denominational papers, though not nearly so interesting. The first page was devoted largely to The Sermon on the Mount. This paper was supposed to be read on Sunday. All God-fearing people believe that there is no substitute for the bible, which, while it should be read every day, should receive special study every Sabbath. However, wo must Clot attempt in one editorial to give even a synopsis of Sheldon's ideal paper which seems to us to be very uninteresting. As a model. paper it can not compare in any respect With the Montreal Witness. Sheldon's newspaper style islamentably weal:, and his effort goes to prove that a successful animal of the dOr family. Dorp is a hamlet, a settlement with- out a church, or (otherwise it would be a Karkdorp. Burgersdorp 4 citizens' hamlet. De Aar mines are the Eagle mines. Aar is old German for eagle, so called to this day in the fityrian Alps. Moi Rover istPleasaut River. • Crakesenbur•is Dragon Hill or moun- tain. Storrberg-$toren Hill or Mountain. Sterkstrom,tiStrong Stream. - Paardebnrfe-Horse Hill or Mountain. Bloerahof— 'Lowery Homestead. Valscb Rived --Deceiving River. Kop is head. Kopje means a lite head. Steenberg--4Stony Hill. Aasvogel Kbp—Buzzard's head. Spion Kop—Spy head. 8prtit—Sprig, Vrylioid---Freedom. Hongor Poort---Iduclger's Gate. Onderbrook—Lower bridge. Jacobsdal—J'acob's Valley. Rondevaal river --Roundabout river'. Dudloft, •--Wegon trail. Zoutpari.--Southpaw. 1'3osch-Kop t iderbrush head. Bloemfontein, Blooming or flowery fountain. 1 xonstad---Crown City. Watorval— Waterfall. Slim ?iot•Ca.nning Pet( r. Ohl! f Cry for e'ASTOR IA We g(vo this splendid IIlgd1l1w�1,01 Rifle forseilItgonlytwo dozen packages ofSweot Pen Seeds at 1e cents melt. Each largo package contains 88 most fragrant vedettes. All colors. This Rifle isorthohest mukoimdlatest model well finished nickel plated, carefully sighted end tested before leaving the factory. It is just the thing for target practice or for shoo ing cats, rats. sparrows, etc. Return this advertisement with your address and wo sena seeds. Sell them, ret trn money and we forwent vour Utile all charges pall. The Beeson for nulling seeds to shortso order at once. Our Sweet Sea packages sell. themselves. Premium Supply Co., 1:us W I '!getout% P'` -g•'.' :ig rr"=s�•"Te:t 5i4AR 'tilt, ae , t ,brag tuna rlaaniSiiiiikliiiiithiilll Willl IidiIi1.1,i — 1 yr .1ti A'• ERVOUSDISEASED ME Thonsn ;cl f }sung and Middle Aged Dien are annually swept to a promatnro grave p' throufih .ate} indiser (ioi and later excesses. Self abuse and (�onetitulaonnl Blood )ia asts It .vo ruined add wrecked the,life of many a promising young man. HaveSon 1; nay or the f.' owinu Symp oma:. Nervease and Despondent; Tired in Morning• Ifo Amb(- :.tion 'elan n 'oor; Easily L',ttiguod; Excitable and Irritable• Eyes 131ur• Pimples on . tho 'Vane; 1).;e rite and Drains at Night; Restless; IIaggard Looking; 13iotalics; Sore i nto l 1.1.'t t Loono; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes• Lifetime; Distrai t£n1 and Lack of Baer y t id lir• ngtlt. Our 1w-ltot�nd Treatment will build you up mentally, physically i,•an.l sex•t,tlly.i' DAISYAIR RIFLE • .:1 ''hat unp . . rod 1:1 bu IIY'LL:n 1)r. 41oul tote t"m•o.t.r Capt. 'fawn •end. • S. KENNEDY 86 KHAN Have Dann. Al 14 years of age I learned a bad habit 'which almost rained me. I became nervous and weak. ' fly back troubled mo. I could stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elec- tric Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised me totry Drs. Kennedy & Korgan. They sent me ono month's treatment and it cured ino. I could feel myself gaining every clay. Their llow .)beeped i'rea:meal curs viten ail else Pits," They have cared many o: my friends." CIMS 0119991TM 111183. "SoHo 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood dteoaao. I went to Ilot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes rod, loss of hair, glands enla'god, etc. Amedical friend advised Drs. Kennedy r& Kergan's Now AIetho:l TrLoatmcnt. It cut o:i m?, and I have lead no st,mm ptos for five years. ant married and happy. .'s a doctor, I heartily racefnend it to all who have this tcn'riblu disea o— o:,nlallis." It will eradicate the poison front the bioLd," 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150;000 CURED. "1 am 88 years el age, and mirrioi. Whin yon•itt I lel a gay life. Early indiscretions and later moieties made trouble for ane. I. became weak and nervotta. My k tlnnys bo.nune affected and I feared 13right's disease. 11ttrrl • 1 Ill' w :e mantis - factory and rny homo unhappy. I triad every ping -ail failed lilt `., I took treatment from lire. Kennedy and lit\r.,•an. Their N• w Method built me tip mentally, physically tt..t 1 s exaally. I feel and actlikc a ntan in every respect, 'fry them." Or No Marries Used Without Writte t Consent of Patient. cu. ,. ill thud. Our New Method Ti4eattnent ne�1r fail& in t ire, s D;retso:o, iter+. 1, etronrthona rho bo'y, steps alt <10,1nq and losses, nitrides the blood clears the brain, buiEle ulr t'oe nervosa and sexual systems and restores lost vitality mete body. c tlnrdrttete to Cure e*vottte 1)r pilitgf, >F'aiilf n , tylia:.atact•1, 14Whitittti'trr.1cocete,'4triCtarOloatett, Cftacy ,tiff+ ei ..ratios Weak, fart$ And All =icdleuy and thud t1ur reit •tc, is Dna. Iiennrdy di 1Cs^gin are tell toatiiu,. sn�^inIiRL3 0: RMEM ER America, 'i'heygitoro t{yatreornopi;. Pt.0 r'ta. rtion and fiftnan 1'onri of blini tt'e r., at.::.a. Yo:ir m for tea t iIto th, n esu n ai n',m1,. • -rn. w .,i 1. \t l) r1ltbt 'e, non t a i 1. I� mar save yon years of regret and suffering, t Berms nivel& t ala. Write for a f iacst1oh 14s. L mild gook r lig . ec. C!i;.tla,111.,4ticsi i I "trq.e. DRS,KtNNEDIf&KERGfiti i48 " "haw 4'4. Lm AI ..Y' II IIi