The Wingham Times, 1900-04-06, Page 3..,..,�,�,. ., ..�.»,. �,.K..,...,
1 11
The Dose rix d%irat +)i raper, Along with
.., MVO' ;::xt>cr x'avta:'e, Diett:ea the d'xet1..
',Nuevo Life tom teammate one.
use • _ M # Too following front the,itrorig *Liberal
• � , t W o <'t ,' ; I'tr w lA- 01 1111 tine ,Sin1Co:i :Reformer. draws ot-
estrinc,� i.tTo,c1Tzcine'
t '1 t' •t i
It IS Thi Oa* Remedy Gladly An
Unlve tet all Iiettt0alleended
by the Ablest Doo tors.
tention to f1 meet champ. which, along
with tho inzkosition ofpostage, legis
heavily up^u the rrewepaper bustuess
Canada, mid to mot which the news-
papers cannot avoid laying it on elicit•
patrons in some frill. The Reformer
,Stone time Since what was kaewn as
the Asper combine 3n Crrlade, got out of
gear; nod there 13as been u2 couseq .onee
keen competition in the selling of 2zows
print ever since, Tito result was that
the price from time to time has been re -
It is welll:zlo'viz Hiatt almost every re-
duced. We have never got news print
eemlition of winter life) has been deter- ! la (tamale aro cheap at they have had it
eneutai t) the health of thous:wets of alae' in the 'baited Stens, although our fa.cil-
atud wouten. ! hits 2cr halting the paper and our Ogee -
tithe blopd has beg' len clogged. and int -
pure; { nese to the source o£ raw materiel amnia
j)llre; the skit is uullealthy gift]. meekly, ! nlnl:3 it poseibee for paper to be produced
showing eruptions and pioaplee; th Fey ee,
ere that and sleeken; the Nerves tiro egozn Canada as cheap as any other oleo in
steady; there is logs in, weight, mut • the world, The other clay, however, ottr
stomach troubles, rlieamatisul and { eattegget2 manufacturers following the
neusalt;ia male life a mistily by day and ! lcacl of all the `other iuclustries of the
Paine's Celery Compound is the only !country, get together anti patched ftp
spring medicine that the best pliyslcians { their. differences, One of the first things
are now reconunending, because no 1 they slid wass to decide to advance the
other remedy can so quickly brim;; new i, •
and vigorous health to the ailing, halt -1 price , o of printing g paper25 per omit,, It is
dead. and broke2idowu, true, of course, that palter stook has ad-
vanaed in price, anal that a raise was to
bo expected and was justifiable, but no
Paiuv's Celery Compound cures dis-
ease by first purifying tho bleol and eu-
riCllin, and stre:sgthcnir" the nerves.
Tt inalces the weak strong; it regulates Bitch considerable increase in price was
xtud invigorates the entire nervous System necessary to protiet the makers. It is a
front the brain to the minutest nerve
filament' clear meso of a contbitle for the parpose
of taking money out of the pockets of
Seeing that the experience of tens Of
thousaels has proven that Paine's Celery., tho newspaper proprietors of Canada.
Compound is the greatest of all spring Tho newspaper business is a peculiar one.
aneclioines — the ono remedy that the ' The price at which nearly all the papers
world multi not lose to -clay at any price in, the country soli is fixed and cannot b3
—it is foolish and suicidal to defer its 1
use. One or two bottles used at . this', raised and lowered as can the retail
season will surely bauisll all symptoms 1 price of sugar, so that any raise made by
of disease and fit yon for the worn and i the producer can be reimbursed to the
duties of sprint; and suutnrcr.
When you are btlyiug Palne'S Celery ' middle plan by a corresponding raise to
Compound see that you get the genniue 1 the consumer. A raise of 25 per cent.
with nPaine's" and tho "Stalk of below" Ion the price of paper does not mean that
on the label; other compounds are frauds
and deceptions. we can raise the price of the Simcoo Re-
former 25 cents a year. The raise of 25
per cent. simply means that we must
The thirty eemed annual report of the pay each year to the makers of paper
inspector of prisms far Ontario for the about $250 more than we have been pay -
artier ended. 30th. September, 1599, shows ing them. That $250 will come out of
that the average cost of daily rations per our -pockets, and proportionate sums
prisoner oil" Elgin county jail was only will comp from the pockets of every
4 cents. ! other newspaper proprietor iu the Do-
Sefatica:—Thatrncstintensely painly
of diseases that defies doctor's treatment,
tan be promptly relieved and thoroughly
leered by Milburu's Rheumatic Pine,
Mr. Peter Ilaggart, has died in, Strat-
ford in his 77th.year. Mrs. Calder is
the only survivor of the deceased. De-
ceased was well known in Western
• Ontario. He Was one of the seven Hag-
gart Bros. who had a foundry at
Brampton, and one of these, David, is
its only surviving brother. The de -
eased had a foundry in St. lVlarys. •
Agents :—Canadians 'won't be hood-
winked. Opposition books completely
snowed under. Our mammoth Two
Volume work on "I3oer-British War"
and genuine "Life of Moody" sweep-
ing everythingfrom their path. Send
your address and get outfits quick.
Toronto. ,
A ents :—War in South Africa, Two
Volumes. First contains complete
history of country and war up to date;
tells about our contingents, giving
names of officers and men. Second
vohune to be published when war is
over_ Only Cnadim) manufactured
book. Everybody cancels their order
for American -books when seeing ours.
If a hustler, this is your gold mine.
Prospectus free.
minion. We believe that the Dominion
Government, when they revised the
tariff, took power to place, by order -in -
commit, upon 'the free list, any artiele
that was made the subject of a Canadian
combine. Here+surely is a case in point,
and if the news,aper mon in Can_tda
have one-half the political influence they
sometimes prate about, newspaper should
go on the free . list within the next few
days. Let us watch and see whether
the makers' combine or the publishers
have the pull with tho Ottawa Cabinet "
The selection of a druggist wl can at
all times truly and honestly dispeMewhat
has been prescribed by the physician is
an important matter. We can assure
you of devotion to your commands and
We are noted for our full stock of
Toilet Requisites, Perfumes and
up -to -elate goods at
Popular Prices,
Paine's Celery Compound is the best
of spring medicines. It gives wonder-
ful results to rundown and ailing people.
The use of Paine's Celery Compound
ich bl 1 nd increased
A. L. HA.bi1LTON, Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
, pure aoc , a
Brantford. CLINTON.
Agents :—People won't be deceived
with American Histories of the war
published now, as it has only com-
menced. Handle our two -volume Can-
adian manufactured work. First vol -
utile ready • soon, complete to date.
Thus you get commission. Second
volume published when war is over.
Why !waste time with incomplete')
books? Prospectus free.
Ante its :—The Iast year of the century
handle our "Nineteenth Ceritttry"
book. Describes all the great battles,
great leen, great inventions and dist
novories, progress of nations. Full
account of the Dreyfus trial, history
of South Africa to -late, war with
Spain, and every great event of the
century. Big book, well illustrated.
,snap for hustlers.
1311AfLEY-OA1tliETSON• CO., United,
"Canada, for the Canadians."
A monthly magazine full of inter-
esting reading matter and useful in-
formation for
Subseription price One Dollar per
OR yeti Can receiveit with this
paper for one year at the same
Price by sending your orders to
the publisher ot the TIMES at
Send 10 cents for sample copy.
He leaves u, Widow and *unity of three
'ort will like it. Addrass.
'The Smith block was burnt Thursday
morning. The fire originated in Kirby's
bakery, spreading to the next two build-
ings, occupied by Beacom & Sou,
grocers, then on to J. lrmerton's barber
shop. All were distroyed except some
of Mr. Emerton's property. The north-
ern end of the Clarendon Hotel in the
same block was damaged by smoke and
water. The Smith block, estimated
value:f4,000, is a total loss; insurance
52•,600 in the Wellington, Waterloo &
Lancashire. Beacom & Son's steep of
groceries was badly damaged; insurance
$1,000 in the North British and "Union,
J Emerton, partial less; itisared in.
Council met l Xnreh 21st, 1900, la the
Township Hall, Gerrie, pursuant to ad-
journment; numbers all present; the
Item in the chair; illinutee of last
meeting regal and adopted.
A regulation from the Trustees .of
Solzool Section No. 7 was presented, ask-
ing the Cotuzoil to have by-Iaw drawn
up and passed, for the p:trxnCso 02
having debentures issne:l on said Section
for the sum .of $4,500 for the purpose of
bailtling a new school. Moved by
Messrs. 'Spence and Schutter, that the
Reeve attend to having said ley -law
p issetl and the debentures Bald, ---
Moved by Moms, Finley and Emig,
that the Council l)uy a road -grader from
the Good Road lS1 chiaery Co. of Il,l,mil-
toa fur the sum of vele.-0arrie'.
•RATITIASTERS Anronirrei).
0011. 1—Sazuuol D Martin, William. J
Lynn, J Schaefer, J Kroft, S Wonzell.
Cou. 2 and 3--Audreev Doig, Samuel
Hunter, A Edgar, A. Martin, H Hutch;
fete, Wm J Jaques, E Cooper, John,
McKuiglit, M Aldrich, J Topbam.
Con. 4 and 5—J Maguire, H '.Goner,
William Gamble, Jalues. Edgar, John
McFarlane, William Wade, James Gib-
son, Thomas Ducey, sr., S Ilyndnlan,
Robert Barnett.
Con. 6 and 7-3 Young, Thos Foster,
H Z'iminermaa, W Il Gregg, A MoNeil,
William Strong, J Hainstock, Isaac
Wade, William McKee, J Wallace, jr.
Cont 8 and 0 --David Sanderson, Win
Stinson, Atchison Laird, F Pike, James
Hunter, John Scott, Willis,zn Brown,
John T Winter.
Cion, 10. and 11 --Charles Simmons,
Alex Strong, J Huestin, W Simson, E
Galbraith, C Irwin, J T Wiggins, R
Ferguson, John J Gregg, Daviel S Mike,,
Charles Caudle, R Harding, .1 Porter-
field, Henry Binkley.
Con. 12 and 13—B Stafford, ft/Finley,
Levi Galbraith,George Foster, E King,
Robert McLaughlin, John Kruller, John
Darroch, J Ferguson, Henry Meyers, -J
Porterfield, Richard Bowes,
Con. 14 and 15—William Hays, A
Taylor, L Rush, Henry Dettman, Wm
J Clegg, William Rutledge, t Nay, P
Philips, William Krueger,10 Bin1sley, jr,
J Dickett, H Dental -tering, D Zeigler,
Con. 16 and 17—William Crawford,
Thomas Douglas, W. H Lowish, James
Burns, Bomiett Rattan, Fred Kruger,
L Murray, 0 Wolf, John Dettman, D
Campbell, L Demmerling, J Bayliss.
Con. 18-3 Johnston, John Haskins,
Anthony St l\1eries, A Drummond, Win
Con. A—Thomas Richardson, John
Lane, George Iioubledeo, R T Mitchell,
D Rae, William Casenlore, Thomas Gib-
son, Stephen Taylor. -
Con. Ii—John Rolston, Christian
Johann, R Harris, A Miller, William;
Masters, A McMichael, William Cook,
eon. C—J Bell, A MoKerther, B Pleas
lop, H Patrick, George Robertson, Wm
T McKee, John McLeod.
Alex Carson, John Hooey, David S.
Milne, John Ross, John McFarlane, Geo
Brown, 0 Rogers, A Edgar, J L Lemon -
by and Wm Evans.
Alex. Montgomery, sr., C Irwin, John
Hamilton, E Phair, George Rusk, R
Hardiug, Wm Wade, Wm Gibson, John
McDermott, R McLanchiin, John Ma-
' guiro, E Sperling, Wut Weir, Wm R
Gallagher and David Rae.
1 A Sinclair, $7.25, insurance on Town-
; ship hall; Joseph Wray, $4..75 for ex-
; pensenses of taking George Bone to the
' House of Refuge; William Dane, $1.50,
repairing culvert lot 5, con. 8; George
Padfield, 50c, repairing road scraper; R
Russell, 5, care of lock-up; R Ross,
$3.60, uncollected poll tax; Robert Rus-
se11, $5 as charity.
Moved by Messrs. , Sahurter and
Spence that this council do now adjourn
to meet again hi the Albion Hotel, Ford-
wicli, on the third Weclnesday in April,
Carried. a L. W Luau, Clerk.
A. Hair Uaxttui , Recon'.
Dr. Fowler's E,traet of Wild Straw-
berry has now been in ease for 50 years
and there is nothing to equal it asuxrapid
and effective cure for Bowel Complaints
of young er old.
�•.3AI (D�lV23i.
Mr. T. Q. Kemp, wlro for over 20
years has been manager of the Ogilvie
Mills in this town, flied at his residence
hero Thursday forenoon. He had been
ill for neatly twro years, and for the past
0 months has been confined to bed most
of the tomo. As a shrewd and careful
business man he lead few superiors, and
as neitieen he was enterprising and took
a deep and active interest ori everything
pertaining to the welfare of his adopted
1} town. His death is in every Way a great
lass to the community. He was a native
1 of Beanlsville, and his ronlaius Were
taken there for interment on Monday.
Canadian Homo Journal co.,
G.inette) roaesro, "bN•r
To PATENT Rood Ideas
may et see'ttrsd tit+
ens aid, Address,
Salamatt, Nn, t it R >1 1A fi �w
soles and one daughter, the latte2 befog,
nosy iii Germany per :tting her illusion/
stn lies.
Children �`"° for
Skilful, accurate and properly grtali-
fretl druggists are guardians of human
life. • To such, you may with confidence
intrust the filling of every prescription.
Our conveniences, advantages and im-
mense stock of pure drugs, enable us to
fill prescriptions to time satisfaction o£
doctor and patient.
Paine's Celery Compound has a won-
derful sale with us, and is giving grand
results to the sick. Our supply of this
noted medicine is always fresh and, the
genuine. If you would regain lost
strength, brace up the nervous system,
and banish disease, use Pause's Celery
Coln A. Cam -anent, Dritggist,
Winf haul, Omit.
I{eoj5ta �t'ei1 tater k'nib.
It used to bo an old-fashioned eiectrrn:
in the eottniry to put o110 et two front
in a, well to insure the water being 1 ere
and wholesome. If they did notkeop it
so it was supposed that they `would give
warning of its impurity by dying there: -
selves. We are reminded of *hie by
ing in en English, paper that Prof. Sob,e-
ro, of Tttrin, has lately advised the nee
of eels in tint hots() cistern for the
sterno purpose He says two ot throe
roll would devour anything in the, watt t
in the shape of anitnaleules, infusoria,
bird dropping from the roof or veg' table
matter of any kind. Wo think the
-amnia tris° take any animal matter line
toasts or tato that might fall in and
is as necessary as'a broom for the house. For hi the blood accumulate
the germs of disease which, if not swept away, become manifest in boils,
• blotches, sores, ulcers, eruptions, eczema, tetter, and like diseases, that
flay the flesh and scar the skin.
of all diseases that begin in the blood. What other medicines drive in,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla drives out. Where other medicines make. a surface
show of health by cleansing the skin, Ayer's Sarsaparilla lays the foun-
• dation of health by cleansing the blood. It is conceded that.
the larger portion have their origin in impure blood. Cleanse the blood
and you cleanse the skin. Foul blood cannot make a fair. body. The
shortest way to a sound body, a clear complexion, and a vigorous Fife, is
to purify the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
,.I can truly say that Ayer's Sarsaparilla saved my life after doctoring for years for
blood poisoning. Not one bit of help in any way, shape, or manner did I receive before,
by advice of a friend, I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It made me a new man, and completely
cured me." HARRY L. BROWN, at Hanover St., Lanchester, N. 11.
"Last year I was badly troubled with boils which I could not get rid of, until i procured
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Two bottles relieved me of my tormentors, and they have never
made their appearance since." B. 11. BRADLEY, Danburgh, Ga.
"Five years ago my little boy became blind from the effects of scrofula. Our doctor
failed to help him. We began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla and two bottles cured him."
C. C. GOPETT, Canes, Ky.
"After six years' suffering front blood poisoning, I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
and although I have used only three bottles of this great medicine, the sores have nearly
all disappeared." A. A, MANNINO, Houston, Tex.
"I was afflicted with catarrh for a number of years, none of the doctors being able to
help me. When almost hopeless of cure, a friend advised me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
and after using only three bottles, the cure was effected, and to -day I ant perfectly healthy."
JOSEPH MURPHY, 173 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J.
t rtanoss.
List of Pathmasters appainted for the
Township of Culross for the year 1900:
Concession 1—Henry McGlynn, Rod
McLean, Jas. Smith, John Anderson,
Dan McCorwick, Joseph Moir.
Cons. 2• and 3—Jas. Ballagh, Rich.
Cronuiu, David Barbour, Robt. Breen,
Walter Marshall, Wtn. Caslick, John
Cons. 4 and 5—Robt. Weeks, John
Keir, jr., John Boyd, Robt. 'McAllister,
Lachlan . McKay, John McKenzie, jr.,
Noah Strome.
Cons. G and 7 -•--Jaynes McKee, John
Hill, Walter Howe, Alex. McKee, Jas.
McLauchlan, And. Adamson, David
Melntosh. -
Cons. 8 and 9—Geo. Armstrong, Henry
Arkel1, Wesley Mcavers, Alex, Mc-
Donald, Robt. Struthers, Thos, Verson.
Cons 10 turd 11—Miebaol Tischer, An-
thony 'V'aisin, Wm, Rome, Sas. Donald-
son, Robt. Grant, Jolnt Becking, Prod,
1Crootch, Geo. Bell.
Cons. 12 and 13 --fleury Benninger,
John Silliek, Sol. Hardy,. Wm. Baptist,
Jas. Thompson, Chris. Hetherington.
Cons. 14 and le --John D. Kuntz, And
Fribttrgor, Jolut Elliott, limey .amtray,
Rent, 13e11, Wm. Bamenerruttrt, Thomas
Brown, And. Caslcezznott.
Con. A—Jas. Kirby, Jas. Peter2:Ian,
Wm. Cronin, Joseph Ellis, James
Eneophfer, Alex. liergott, Anthony
raltrer, George Wiurter.yy
We, the ruder: igmaetl, do he:eby agree
to refund the money 011 a t'.nnty-five.
,eat bottle of Dr. 1Vill:;' 1emg i,li l.'ills,
if, after using three fourths cit eontenta
of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa-
tion and Headache. Wo also wtnraut
that four bottles will per:m a :only ante
the most obstinate cases of Constipation.
tlntisfaction or no pay -when Wills' Eng-
lish I-';lla aro tined,
A. A. tt.orrJw, 'Chemist and 13rug,.ist,
W nr hate, Ont.
cl. A. Caanpbell,.0"]tarn...;t and I)rt:t i, f,
1Vittt;ltanl, Ont.
• ..,• L. Hamilton, (`h. nal. t tent. D: ;.-
Ott, Wft;gllartm, (tut. •
Asthma. The Si nate Roont.
Mrs. Geo. Budden, Putuamville, Ont.,
says: "I feel it my fluty to recommend
Dr: Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine, as I had the Asthma very bad;
could not get anything to do me any
good. A friend of mine persuaded me
to try this remedy, as he had tried it,
and it proved successful. I tried it and
it cured mo. I am thankful today to
say I am a well woman through the use
of- this remedy. 25 eents a bottle.
Family size 60 'cents.
War's cost,
The present war is a great financial
object leeson to other Countries. The
cost of such a campaign is enormous,
and few nations could have successfully
carried it out. Some of the big guns
sent to Son th Africa would waste at a
single-eharge the value of an Ontario
100 acre carni, and then, perhaps,
accomplish nothing. And if it takes
such a large snug to conduct a war
against apractioallyundiscipliuedpeople, —
what would be the result if two first
class powers engaged in a conflict? It
wonld simply clean bankruptcy to one
oe both, so that when friction occurs in
future inuclt brag, bluster and threat
allay take pierce before war is seriously
in sight. Under the new military con-
ditions the defence is such that success-
ful attack Furans an enormous expendi-
ture o2 blooii anti trcitsttre, and unless
tale life. of to nation zs threatcnocl war
will not be resorted to.
Don't, make it a habit, when a guest
leave;, to have it redressed immediately
in clean :beets, ready fcr tiro next
visitor, wllo may not coille al -)::o; for a.
month. A grows elu11 and damp
and musty if left alone in the folds, so to
speak. T.hc old-fashioned plan of airing
' fresh sheets and putting thein on the
day a guest arrives is the 1 roper rule,
for then tho bed is somewhere near the
temperature of the body. D>u't forget
to keep, even in. summer, an extra pair
of blankets in the closets of this room,
and always have one p'liow hard stuffed
and one quite soft, for you clever know
what may be the llttic notions a:t,3 vag-
Icries of a friend.
All season through keep year spare
room windows es open to the sun and
air as your own room, 'fcr nothing is
more destructive to sleep then the dead
*atmosphere behind blinds always closed:
A terrible Cough.
II bail a terrible cough tinct t old, and
not ;tett-nnanything to help Yue, I tried
1)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, aacl am
l;lt•1 to eat* it coxed lee at once,
Mies Cerra Bowman, Pcepaabun 1?
r•, 0.,
Ml :Charles ltiorue, the well knower
member of the tient of Morse & Rogers,
live rtt)eh salesan ea of Liverpool, and
I.tiatcl�:i, e oa on t uuclay morning at
lhnihm, oat., ngea 40 year
' „m (tee: late then never." it, is best
h, mt: at a r, to tem never late about taking
:l's ; :l1 ':1 ri:l:t to party your blood.
iWee it 110 e.
• In these days of imitations it is well for
everyone to be careful what he buys.
Esoodally is this necessary when a matter
of health is involved..
There are so many imitaticm,is of 1)oan's
Kidney Pinson the market --some of them
absolutely worthless—that n o ask you to
be particular to sec that the fell name and
time trade mark of the Maple Leat' are on
every hox you buy. Without this yeo are
not getting the original Kidney I'itl, which
has cued -So many severe eases of t ::3ney
complaint in tho united States, A'.,trali:x
and England, as weft. * Meer.: in t meadL
'1'lm Doan Kidueey Pill too.• Toret•te,