HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-30, Page 8'1 Iv H. 1\40 N DOO SATURDAY BARGAIN ILION.V.1.1.1•1•41 This time it will be Ready-ifiade Clothing TUE. WING-11AM TIMES, MARCII 30, 1900, PERSONAL$. now laxxx vog•T 1.001it ChM% MOM Fla Sunday iu /Myth. I Do you, like to hear it? If uot, talo M. DI10:7 .9pent a few days this i Nt1141i31/411181°11" 'Twill fill out your week. vi ith Erie in Tor....ute. i suchen (*yes, hollow cheeks„ awl alit). 1 not have n plump figure? C. A, Um, Dominion Bank Inspector, ,1141111 .1.o.. W.useftee tud 1)•7 I Suudayed at M. II. MeIndoo's. .1,./ou'L sa march on yon. Preeman Cm* WOO ill Woodstock for a • A BOON TO HORS il '"glisli .1. lipavin, • few days during the week on business, Linitneut rein.' oVes a li (1, soft or cal - S. E. Kut, of Southhampton, was. lowed 17-iuniPs Mu - Ble110S from horses. Blood , 'p . u, Curbs, -Splints, calling on old friends in town this 1 week. •Sore and Swoll Throat, Coughs, etc. Rang 130ne SN toy, -Stiflee, Spre,i11S, 1 Mrs. P. Carr wat . visiting with Mrs. J. The use of oue bottle may make you $30. Pmith at 1.1.).el for a few dm this Warranted the meet woulerful Blemish ! week. Ourouteovne.r known, Sold by A. L. : Miss Meltibbon was called to Toronto - Thursday, owing to the illness of her father. We will cut things loose on Saturday in Ready•made Clothing, and offer some of the Best Bargains we have put in for some tirne. New spring styles in Men's, Boys' and Youths' Suits and O vercoats. Our advice is shop early on Saturday. For instance we will sell : 15 Men's Fine Dark Suits, reg. $1o, Saturday $6.5o. 25 Men's New Spring Pat- terns,. reg_ $8.5o, Saturday Winglunn. 2.5th, the of Me...Tos. Gray' of 4 r Mr. and Mrs. jos, 4.(lanis spent a gvpri,T,K,-1111:1"gd,,,erry,en couple of days last week With friOlidS Atte&ii.T.ocri. Zile! 11.7v,Ifi 71,1,-44 Fit, m Ilowick. • March 20th, the wife c.f Mr. Davkl MPeCullm, of a F.011. Howard McKm:y2e, of tLe Listowel Blyth, on Mareh Zled, the wife of Banner sten' snent ch. 'Way ,-'t1 W' li"na, of datediter. 1 . 1 Mr. a I 41.11tRI)1111 ; 1E1111 AN-LMAAV i--312.1:MIN..:-.011 March 26th, lip, at Miss Mattie Cauiplull was visiting te0O4L(T:41.114:03Ttl,411,0Alniiktygnelk%. Rest vt.tivn.1- ,. with her brother in Fein !sten" for a Dercv Androws, Auctre,,13°,..11Ani,deggt1).1(t) Marion 'Melte', only daughter of William few days this week. Pet Mrs. (Rev..) W. Lowe -Mai iu London • „v,m131)" this week attending. meeting of the- Vdeudg73 yutitt'ariilainlTiliatb25 W. A. AI. A. society. HENDEUSON.-11.n Whiteehureh, on Ma tob. - 4th Saruh L,, daughter of Mr. H. D. }lender-, Rev. Riehard Hobbs was iu Palmer- S St011 Oil Monday and delivered a lecture at a church entertainment. Miss Edith Mitchell rettirmel to her home iu Stratford this week after a , aged 24 yeani and. 11 ino,a 8. A.T.T.allII.—IM Ouiross, on March 20th, Lbw, 4. • ffarY, be..oved; wife of_ Bffening Balla gh, d 02 years and 4 month.V . C/IA.VMAI.I.-111 Wingliem, on. Nevelt f8th- .Toluinna Chapman, mother of W,.,T. Chap , aged. bly%irs and 26 days. . ..ktous.--In WiughaM, 0 era. 2Si11, EUH3P. U. Eadui, aged. 80 years. SliOrt; viSit WW1 Wingliani friend.S. The funeral will leave ho residtruiti of her Dr. J. B. Brown, trother of S. G. brotheit•,2415r....tiViir, en.rlitlis (Friday )- af ter - Brown, fOraterly of the TDIES haS re- • 11°It 1!.1W;A:11.T.?-71.11).!-IittltI:, om einiZiafil 18th, W Xountein, aged 18I years and 4 tnated to Stratforl, after spending two ..,,14:1)114,cr,;, - - years in Dawson city. . McOontaanArin.-At the Clinton botipital, on March 28rd, Robert .A.. BleCoiltinditle, of Mr. find Mrs. Frank WilS011, of New- Beigrave, aged 78- years. . . . . . . . • • . . market, spent a couple of days of their. .--- - • . . honeymoon in. Wingbam,• the guests of WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Mr. and -Mrs. F. Shore. Mr. and Mrs. J ernes Clubb, of Thtunes- . UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. ford, called on their brother, John Chibb, . Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth on Wednesday, on their way to Wrox- door south of School Reese. Shop op - $5. eter. They will return on Monday. Tir.H. Green Ives in Listowel this week, 15 Boys' very fine Suits I - reg. $7, Saturday $4.75, electric light plant in. that place. The 20 Boys' fine Tweed, very plant was blown to pieces on Thursday choice, reg.$4, Saturday $2.75. evening of last week. postte Macdonald block. superintending the fitting up of the 1711 They ill be ready Satur- Miss Addio Campbell, of Chicago was w visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Dore day morning at 8 o'clock. • for a few days during the week. On Some more Dress Goods Wednesday a telegram was received We are still in the Ming bitsineAs and nre announcing the death of a sister of the prepared to take contracts for tho erection of Bargains. above named ladies and Miss Campbell all kinds of buildings. This time it will be Black left by the early train on Tuesday for • Chicago. notice. Workmanship guaranteed and at rea- and Colored Dress Goods at Plan.s and specifications furnished on short sonable rates. CHURCH 5oc. a yard. Most of them NOTES. WM. NICHOLSON. 75c , • The Wingham Baptist church has . and $t.00. All perfect goods forwarded$5.00 in aid of the Doukhobor °Residence Diagnol street, oppq.te Francisstreet. Gavin Spence sang a solo at the Pres - and this season's importations. fun& ' See these goods on Satur- byteriau church on Sunday evening, SHORTHORN _BULB FOR ME ' Which was much appreciated by the large congregation. The undersigned has a number of thOIOugh- R3V. MOTgali Wood, D. D. pastor of glirfd Shorthorn Bulls (ready for servical for Pedigree will be the Bond. Street Congregational church, tauentrtegvartr Let ittnegiesi. . NICHOLSON BUILDER anr CONTRA° OR Having opened out a Grocery in the SHAW BLOOK purpose keeping on hand a first-cla,ss stock of Groceries, Al, Flour, Sze. Our Teas and, Coffees cannot be beat. All kinds of Canned Goods on hand. Everything fresh. A call solicited. Terms spot cash or trade. day. Remember first choice. Pii. t ricii1030% MINOR LOCALS. - largo attendance and service was one of —A number of the merchants of town 1 the best ever held by the school. A have had their awnings put p. special collection, which had been u John Wiseman, has been 1 asked for on the previous Sunday was of Clinton taken up in aid cf the Indian. Famine appointed a sub -collector of customs. Fund. The amount realized was $26.76, —Robertson & Burchill shipped a car which is a large amount for a Sunday of hogs on Monday and. a car of cattle School collection. A 'fleeting of the Presbyterian Home On Thursday. Mission Committee was held recently. —A lengthy report of the Huron The requests of presbyteries for the Spring Assizes will be found onin- year beginningApril 1st were passed as an side page of this issue. • follows: British Columbia, $23,600; Klondike, $6,000; Manitoba and North- -A reader 01 the Traces informs us west, $.20,500; Ontario and Quebec, $29, - that we had splendid. sleighing on the BOO; making a total of $70,300. To 10th of April last year. this is added travelling expenses of mis- -Hear Gavin Spence and. Miss Laing sionaries, salaries of superintendents, in the Presbyterian churand expenses of administration. The sumthis (Friday) sum required for next year will be close evening. They come highly recom- on $100,000. . • ' mended. The anniversary service of the Wing- -The Huron Blacksmiths' Union, is a ham Methodist Sunday School will be held on Sunday next. Rev. A. 0. thing of the past. It has melted, vanish- Crews, General Seeretary for the Sun - ed and is no more, and prices are at the day Schools and Epworth Leagues will old thing. conduct the services. Mr. Crews has —The Listowel Orangemen are already been Secretary or the Sunday School department of the church for a nuniber making a.rrangements for the celebration of years and a short time ago was also of the 12th of July, Whieh is to be held appoint/ad Secretary of. the Epworth in that town. Leagnes. Re will also deliver an —The regular meeting of the W. C. address to the Epworth Leaguers on T. U. will be held on Tuesday afternoon Monday evening. next at 3 o'clock, in the I. 0. F. hall, LISTOWZL. Chisholm block. On Thursday night last the gas works in this place blew up with tremendous —S. Bennett's old planing mill is be- explosion, the whole town boiug shaken. ing torn down this week. Mr. Ben- Nearly everyone momentarily expected nett will use part of the material for the that their own dwelling was about to erection of a drylitiln. tumble down on them. The crash was —Sohn McMainnis shipped two car immediately followed by the gas going load of ashes to the State of Nfassachus- out, which at once located the scene of -efts this week. John Huffman also disaster, Masses of the ruins were shipped one car load to the same State. thrown a long distance, and in some —The Seaforth. Turf Associatioi will places they lie piled in heaps nearly as have their first meeting on their new high as the smokestack. Nearly all the park July lith and 18th. They offer windows near the place are broken, and the vtry liberal sum of $1150 in purses. many large lights of plate glass on the —The railways willissue cheap tickets main street were smashed. In one ease for the Baster holidays good going any a large plate glass was blownentirely clay from the 12th to the iGth, and re. into fragments. The operator, Mr. Wei. turn on the 17th. . Single fare for round -Mao'', aged 40 years, was in the engine trip. house at the time, and was hurled with —Word came from London on Wed- great violence against the wall. A search f . uesday to the effect that Win., Suther- party) consisting Bamford, oMessrs Herminston and Lee, at once set to work land, the breakman who met with the to •cliscover the unfortnnate Mall. He accident here a short time ago was not was found all covered with bricks. The improving very rapidly. fire had not yet reaehed him, but he was —T. B. Virallter, of East Wawanosh a terrible sight. At first he was able to left on Thursday morning for Ottervillo speak, but soon lapsed into unconscious - and other points, for the purpose of 'less. Ile was removed to wood's liveey purchasing another car lead of cattle, officer and ine.lical aid proettred, when it Ile mill have !mother stile shortly after wes found that one of his legs was his Teti.= Lome. • i broken, mat the ether had a terrible gash 1 in the ;hit. h alis hands, face and body i wore bruised, cut and blackened. He lived. until Rhea 11 o'clock Friday , morning. Deceased WAS respected by al Powder, everybody, being a man of exempla -,y' character and an ardent Worker in the The price of Dr. if, ely m Catarrhal -Baptist church. Ms sad death is deeply Powder has been ream. d by the mann- deplorA. iter from sixty cefits to fifty tens .. . . _ —. To Savo Her Child. recommen le ea no other one in Proin frightful disilgurmient Mrs. existence, by hers of Parliennent. Nannies Gallego, of La Grange, Ga.), ministers and neational men, eau now applied Bucklen's AtIllek Salva to groat be had of an7 druggist at AO (mite is eat on her head and face, and Write bottle. It relieves in ten Irnilinti581, heNi- lilt quick cure ekaibilect all her 'hopes. It ache and all pain caused by cads tv works wanders hi Bares, Braises, Skl' catarrh. It is delightful to use. It Brriptims, *am, Burns, Scads, and Toronto, has accepted a call to Cleave - land, Ohio. Mr. Wood has lectured in Wingliarn on two occasions. Last Sunday afternoon a special review service was held, by the Winghantlieth- odist Sabbath School. There was a fiEDUOTION IN P Dr. Agneves Catarr bottle. This medy, which In s GEO. COWLER. Marnoch P. 0:+ Will be So at a eat.Sactifice 100 acres of rtially im from Wingh . Ter Apply at one to H. DA bleHIBBON xeentors. Wingham, rch 6th, ri • eici IT WILL PAY YOU TO PUPILS OF The Canada Business College CHATHAM, ONT., are ever in demand by business houses. Among those who have recently secured good positions are the following: Geo. Carroll, steno. and bookkeeper, with Double Truss.Bralce Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Uenry White, bookkeeper „with W. B. Hotuton 8u Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Alice Couzens, as steno., Richmond & Backus, Detroit. Rath Adams, as steno., Windsor Paint and Varnish Co., Windsor. Fred Carter, steno., M. R'y Office, Bt. Thomas, Ont. These with 180 others of our pupils have taken good 'positions since July last. Does it not pay to attend the best? The present is one of the best seasons for making .a start. No Easter vocation. Pupils may begin at any tune. For Catalogue, address D. 1110LACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. TRUE MING PORTRA1T8 MADE AT 'ti E. ZURBRIGG'S. roved land, 7 miles i • to suit purchaser. Family and other Groups from •S, or MRS. E. 11. N. small sunbeams up to 16 x 20, 00. - actual size of photographs. Pictures copied and enlarged. or FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his 100 acre farm, being lot 83, concession 8, Xmloss, situate 2% miles from Whiteehurch. The farm is in good state of cultivation with 25 acres of bush, has fair buildings and is well watered. Pos- session can be given at once. For terms and other particulars apply to WM. VARSON, Langside P. 0. FARMERS ancl anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our largo circulation tells and it will bestrange indeed if •yon do not get a customer. We e,an't efearantee that you will sell because you mayllfiik more for the article or stook Cum it is worth: Send your advertisement to the Trnnis and try this plan of disposing of your stock and other article.s. /*re. After. 'Wood's Phosphodine, The Great ,English Remedy. •Sold and recommended by all druggista in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six • packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use offer bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $l, six, $5. One WU:Please, viz win cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Wingliam. by Colin A. Camp- bell, Druggist. ABNER OMENS General Insurance and Loan Agent. cif LIFE—The Ontario Mutual. L•CP•I - pante:). FIRE—The Non -tariff Com - ACCIDENT— The London Guarantee and At eident, PLATE GLASS—The Do - 111 tninion. Money at Lowest Rates. In ales corner of Minnie and Patrick Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat- urday. remottutod. -" Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. THE STUDY OF FABRICS . . . . - • . . . .- . .... . . . . . .. . ' . , .. . . ... . . . . . . . ., .. - . ..-M.ISOW1,,,e, . . !flMIia,414,4,64ii " 44004644i606;440414$006.6144i4i00441444,401 ' IPI , Tfl • v [ sbestos t faster d Iv style, cutting, Making, the desire to please and to give the utmost value, puts the question of satisfaction of our cus- tomers beyond the shadow of a doubt. High Classed Tailoring This will be of interest to parties building. By using Asbestos Plaster you can have a positively fire proof wall. IT DOES NOT crack and when fin- ished on the wall forms a clear and white enameled surface, Asbestos costs no more than ordinary plas- ter. Use the best. 214 ft. x 6 ft. x 6 ins, tinned iron Sap Pans. Spiles and Sap Pails always in stock. • icycles' 'We are in the bicycle trade this season with a iiirE full line of Ladies' and Gents' Wheels.. They are e•11;;"i; purchased outside of the combine. We are not in ki WNW the combine. •FEE Further announcements later. trit YOUNG & PAULI Irmorrnmma E. CLARKE H ills TAILOR • eel 110; rse HAS MOVE DOWN STAIRS • in the store (next C., N. Griffin's Grocery Store) and is prepared io make your Fall Suits or Overcoats in the most approued and up-to-date style. Special attention given also _to Ladies' Jackets with New •York latest styles. E. C. CLARKE. Oet, 27, 1899, is not necessarily high-priced. You will find proof of this by calling:on us, ex- amining our goods, getting prices and leaving your order for a suit. Robt. Maxwell nigh Art Tailor, Wingham. Destiny Changed. The "Slater Shoe" is closely watched &it - ing the process of inatirifacture. Every shoe undergoes a careful examination after leav- ing the hands of each operator. The slightest flaw in the leather or work- inatiship-a stitch missed -a slip of the knife, only discernible to an expert condemns the shot that started toward the Stater"goal to the ordinary, namelestt, unwarranted army of footwear soli to whoever will buy them. The fRatc-r Shoe' is made in twelve , shapes, all lechers, e6lors, widths, sizes .. end stylen. Every pair Goodyear 'Welt- . 0,1, name and price stainticti on the soles. 43.80 !.MI s completely. Sad by A. L. Piles. Sae. (3areduarsoteed by Colin ;.11 A = • ' A. Oattepbell, dra at. for Sale Only by W. J. GREER. 39 ,•' • ••• 1 As the seaso-1 is Low approaching when these bills will be needed by horsemen, we would spy to 01 such that the TIMES office is well equipped for turning out 'this class of work. A splendid line of suitable cuts. Reasonable rat. THE iy1ILK OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and costs...... THREE CENTS A QUART orses rated To draw away the car loads of goods • ordered for spring. Buggies and Carriages. Nearly three ear loads of Buggies and Carriages have been ordered from the best makers in the country. We will have buggies to suit the purses and tastes of everybody. High grade, medium grade and a grade neither high nor medium. Prices to correspond. • Farm Implements. We will have in farm Implements nothing but the best. We don't need to say anything about the Massey -Harris goods, suffice to say that the farmers are going wild over the new Binder and Mower, and those placing their orders with any other firm before seeing these new machines will undoubtedly feel disappointed. Buy from a thoroughly CANADIAN firm that can give you the best on earth, and a firm that keeps thousands of dollars worth of repairs at yotar door. We. have the slickest plows and gang plows you ever saw - The National and Imperial Gangs are something new, ,ancl had an extraordinary sale last fall. In fact we could not nteet the demand made on us for these goods. Ask your neighbor abotit the gang plow he got here last fall. Repairs! Repairs! We are loaded up with all kinds of repairs We can fit any plow ever made with hard and tough tempered in oil cast- ings. Having bought our repairs last fall, before the raise in prices, we will be able to sell plow repairs at /899 prices until further notice. Music and Sewing Machine Dept. In this department you will find choice selected Pianos and Organs front Gerhard-Heintzman, of. Toronto; Bell, of Guelph ; Doherty, of Clinton; Dominion, of Bowmanville, and Sewing Machine from Raymond, of Guelph. Small Instruments, Music Books, Sheet Music of all kinds in abundance, all of which are sold at small margin. Come in everybody and see through our stores, office and warerooms. Opposite Presbyterian Church. T. H 11; • • 4.41117,),, ;