HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-30, Page 6Ii�d:AanAtitil l'eq att3
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$. B. F.r TIOTT.1'r11:.teaen AND PiiwPal :Ton
FRIDAY, . itc a ;ill, 1900.
From our owe Correttrozleat.
arrang.'lneut, tuna that a. continuance of
the attempt \101114 Pimply have meant a
antiuuence of dist failure. Great
Britain. realizes the difference between
rumor's lane end Lilurier's 401011, and
g.. ere is no delusion (existing in the ruindy
of the Canadian electorate as to. which
p:•licy has best steed the test of practical
COL (•i(?cx:t with the spotlit: nunouuce-
meat by the Opposition of undying an-
ta;;onism to that Uncle- policy which was
tllE first practical c
genuine loyalty to be offered by the
1)t;minian to the Empire, is the pnl.lica-
tion .f the trade returns for the nlontlt
of F el sruary and for the first eight mouths
of the current fiscia1 year. Tho total
trade for February wae$22,5`.0,0O0 while
••�,:• hest year it was forF bras. fat, ,
e y� �
000, or an increase of over $13,509,000,
while the figures of the eight months
are 4230,231,000 for 1899-1000 as against
i2.15,070,000 for 1898-90.. An iuerease of
.1CO3C00,CC0 and more, in the four years
of the present administration will come
• pare very favorably with the 485,000,-
000 increase in to eighteen years of Con-
: er vative i ule.
The country aye, the empire, is still
ringing with unstinted and unqualified
approval of Sir Wilfrid Laulier's mag-
nificent speech in the House the other
Ottawa, March 24th. night, when with very evident emotion
The Reuse occupit (i. several hours and amid frequent at plause from all
in debate this week before the parts of the Chamber he declared the
Opposition would permit it to give undying devotion of the Domiuion to
its approval to the self-evident p;•o- the cause of the empire. Not only did
position advanced by Dr. Russell, of the Conservative papers of Canada unite
Halifax in his preferential tariff resolu- with their political opponents in terms of
tion. The resolution declares "That almost extravagent approval but the
this House regards the principles of great English dailies commented upon it
British preference in the Canadian in terms unusually flattering. "The
customs tariff as one which in its appli- speech," said the Loudon Times, "would
cation has already resulted, and will in rank high in any assembly in the 'world
an increasing measure. continue to re- as a model of noble eloquence; the
suit in material benefit to the mother spirit which glows through it, the
country and to Canada, and which has thoughts which underlie it are pregnant
already aided in welding, and must still with great issues for England and man -
more fiem1y weld together the ti.svhich kind." The Spectator declared, "These
now bird them; and desires to express are noble words," and other papers 'om-
its emphatic approval of such British pared his eloquence to that of Pitt and
,preference having been granted by the °arming. There is abundant and cou-
Parliameut of Canada." stant evidence of an appreciation of the
THE ponce? o. TEE PT;DDLN(i. services of the greatFrench-Canadian in
The trade returns, almost from the theworkofEmpirebuildiugaswidespread
time that the preferential came into as is the empire itself, and the verdict
operation, show more eloquently than of history will. assuredly be an emphetic
any amount of abstract argument can endorsation thereof.
possibly clo, the real practical advantage ANOTHER GREAT CANADIAN.
which has occured both to Canada and Nor is Sir Wilfrid Laurier the only --I
the old country therefrom. The goods great Canadian Liberal who is attract -
.imported under the preferential tariff in
1898-99 were valued at 8?6,600,000 and
the duty paid ou them was $5,900,600 or
22 per cent. The general duty ou goods
of that value would hive been nearly
$8,000,000. There is therefore a clear
saving of $2,000,000 as a direct result of
the preferential tariff. Sir Charles
Tupper and • his political ad-
herents had long sought to make rs be-
lieve that the whole policy is a delusion of the great ability of this great Can -
and a'snare, and that the British public adieu, who, for years, has sat, sphinx -
has simply been fooled, but inasmuch as I like, waiting for the contentions within
the preference has been in operation for his own party to end. He adds that if
two years and a half, and the British Mr. Blake does not occupy a larger place
exporter is doing mere business with us 1n the House in future than he has
call the time, it is not easy for us to be- sought to fill in the past, it will be his
lieve that he would continuo so long own fault.
under the influence of a delusion so ap- NEARLY PLAYED OUT.
parent that the keen -witted Canadian
Oppositionist tumble to it at the start.
x""16 OARD.
We, the. nUtit'.eig1(tl, .c'o Lelel y agree
to refund the ut(a f y ('11 a twenty -fire
cent le tilt (.f i)r, I'. i'lE1' };11g1i.11 Fills,
near neivg three f(t rtl s of contents
of nettle, they do et r( live Conetipa-
ti(:;u and Headache, 1;"e oho waxraut
that 'fear h ttles wi:l permanently caner
the most el Oblate case. of Crnstipation.
:=this ectit n cr no pay when Wills' l:ng-
lisll Villa ore used.
A. A.1lIr,1row, Chemist and Druggist,
Winelmin, Ont.
C. A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist,
Wii'Munn, Ont.
A. L. Hamilton, Clieuelet and Drug-
gist, Wit.ghaln, Oat,.
I 1 i
lie• s. .t 'ir
i i�
La the seclusion of the house cloak
rooms a story is being told on a western
emu. There are 337 men ite the house.
Throe hundred awl fifty -sit are hereby
released front any counoctioa with the
story. The other man -and the other
loan's wife -will recognize the truth of
what is hero recorded.
The western member went home at a
very early hour in the morning. He had
made a eight of it with some friends.
He k'eew that iris conduct would be con-
sidered reprehensible by his better half,
and so, as he asceudgd the steps of his
modest home, he reeked his brain for
some plan to avert his lady's wrath, As
he entered the hall he saw an umbrella.
Instantly it occured to him that the
umbrella might be his salvation..
He carried the umbrella upstairs.
Seating him ielf in a chair in tho corner
of the bedroom, he raised the rain guard
over his head, and then he coughed loud-
ly. His wife awoke and saw in the dim
gaslight her leig3 lord sitting solemnly
under the raised umbrella..
"What aro you doing?" she asked in
natural surprise.
It's 3 o'clock, my dear," said he, and
I'm waiting for the storm."
The congressman's ready wit saved
him from. a Caudle lecture. He is
'worrying uow, however, to final an
equally effective act for the next time he
stays late.
Skilful, accurate and properly quali-
fied druggists are guardians of human
life. To such, you may with confidence
intrust the filling of every prescription.
Our conveniences, advantages and im-
mense stock of pure drugs, enable us to
fill prescriptions to the satisfaction of
doctor and patient.
Paine's Celery Compound has a won-
derful sale with us, and is giving grand
esults to the sick. Our supply of this
toted medicine is always fresh and the
genuine. If you " would regain lost
strength, brace up the nervous system,
and banish disease, use Paine's Celery
Coate A. CAMPBELL, Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
ing attention in the old country just now.
The parliamentary correspondent of the
Loudon daily Mail, referring to a speech
made by Mr. Blake on the motion to re-
open the inquiry into the Jameson raid,
remarks that the speech was far and
away the best of the debate, and that
for forty minutes the house sat silent
under the spell of a true orator, apparent-
ly astonished to be thus at last reminded
The improvement has not been one-
sided either, for the value of Canadian
jroctucts consumed to the old country is
steadily increasing all the time. During
the first two months of this year for in-
stance, the exports of wheat from Can -
In view of the position which the
Premier has taken in the ranks of the
statesmen of the empire, the protgst
which was entered a few days ago in the
House against the wilful and persistent
maligning to which he has been subject-
ed by the ultra Conservative journals
was particularly well-timed. Apart
from the moral side of the question
ads to Great Britain were $560,000 in which unfortunately troubles politicans
excess of a similar period last year, fish but little, it is the poorest kind of policy
:increased, $260,C00; bacon, $240,000; to be constantly crying down ones own.
cattle $190,000, rind so on; making a As the old provery has it, it is a dirty
total increase of over a million and three bird that foals its own nest, and by the
'quarters for the two months, or$10,000,- same token it is the meanest kind of
500O for the year, even if the 'rates cf in- treason to be perpetually yelping at the
crease does not continue to growwhich it heels of the man who for the past four
anost likely will. These are "material years has stood forward in the eyes of
Ilenefits" of a very tangible kind, anditis the empire and of the world as the re -
astonishing that the Opposition should presentative Canadian of them all. The
persist in their contention that Canada old lawyer who said to his son who was
.should never have offered a preference to about to enter the legal profession,
the old country until she secured a re- "When you have no case, abuse your
aiprocal preference in return, when it is opponent's attorney," must have had his
an acknowledged fact that they when in eye on her Majesty's Loyal (?) Opposi-
answer signally failed to make any such tion of to -day. The fun of it all is that
his opponents are making friends and
supporters rapidly for the right hon.
i ' ne in. Seven Dies
gentleman in the ranks of those who
were indifferent or even hostile before.
... of Consumption The Britisher whatever his origin or
creed, hates a mean fighter, and this
And, Consumption negius with a Cold that business of trying to lie a man out of a
Could Be Cured by tr. Chase's syrup good reputation is pretty nearly played
of Linseed and Turpentine. out in Canada.
That one in everysevenpersons dies of
nn old Theory Exploded.
on'sil3nption is proven by government
srtttisties, and when it is remembered that The old-fashioned theory of tearing
it is .usually the young man and young down disease was entirely changed by
•womatr tvho succumb to the effects of this the advent of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve
tterribiy'f'atai disease, the ravages of con.. Mood, which cures by creating new rich
zutitptiotl� are more fully realized, blood and nerve tissue. Through the
iConautikition always begins with a neg. medium of the circulation and the nerv-
edted cold, and how dreadful must be the ons eystem they strengthen and invigor•
ifnliiery of'e-vary mother whose dear ones fall oto every organ III the human *body.
ink to this inonster as a result of mother's
► et to curt the cold. You»gPltysiclaxl -When you have a
JS rarer, that consumption is ever
ca,; bat it dart always be prevented by a case which baffles you, whom do yoti
airaein.usee of Dr..Chase's Syrup of Linseed can in? Okl Doctor (gruffly). --Thee un-
told Ttirpentiae, 'idle most popular and fee- dertaker,
taintd)t'el lody for throat and lung diseases,
Dr. Cl re's Syft of Linefeed and Tar. Child ref Oil tor
pantinIt4S corsposeci„ of the bast ingredients
i< tas'l
eseee , Set do and eotds. It iss. 8
pleasant take,. prompt in its action, andtt, , railsToR
soc '4
*poet t ; for crump, bronchitis, wheels -
„r_ . e throat, he 8en, s, asthma The Quebec Government resolution to
luta d• colds of every description aboXislt the I alati •'
le et all dealers, or - DttM 4- ne 'Council wan d.,.
Torom featecl in the ooc men by at volts of 15 to 17.
Ned -I wonder if it amazes a girl
when a fellow catches her under the
mistletoe. Ted -It must; she always
seems to be rooted to the spot.
The Beginning of
sass Heart Failure
Thin, watery blood, and weak, exhausted
nerves the real cause -Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food the preventative.
Persons subject to thin blood and nervous
exhaustion may well tremble at the mention
of heart failure, as they have in their system the
beginnings which lead to weakness of the heart.
The vitality of the heart is amazing considering
the immense amount of work it does, and so long
as it is supplied with plenty of rich, red blood it
plods on untiringly, rebuilding its waste as the
blood passes through.
Once the blood gets thin anti the nerves starved
and exhausted the waste gradually becomes more
rapid than the restoring process and finally some
nervous shock or over-exertion causes the beating
to cease and life departs.
Headaches, pains in the back and limbs, sleep-
lessness,weaknesses and irregularities of the
feminine organs, palpitation of the heart and
nervous disorders are sure indications of thin,
weak blood.
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food forms new red cor-
puscles in the blood, puts vital energy into the
nerves, and stops the wasting process that would
ultimately end in heart failure, nervous prostra-
tion or paralysis.
It is the world's greatest restorative for men,
women and children. In pill form, so cts, a sox.
at all dealers, or EDMANSON, BATES & CO.,
Toronto. Book free. 6
"A:1 bunl;p Tires 3.t tow"
On Inacaclam roacls-
Otl country rom..ft--on good
roads and bad roach --
Dunlop Detachable Tiro
are safest and easiest to
if you meet with :t
a e.^, ftot.stt
- puncture.. Len
"I home hem
aro the onlytoo:syou treed."
"'i" to only tools..'
'I1,e nnfa,p Mire co., tI,nitc,,
:doutteat, 1F:,,mlfi;:. f , Jubn.
waw . �...:....,..,.,....«..� .«...� .w
BAPTIST ("Hl?I: 'II -••^•i a1'batlx t',,orvices at
11 a m and 7 p tn. i'unday Scheel at
20:0 p nl. (honorer prayer 1lieetiug
('ll Wednceday evenings. Rev. W.
paster. W. J. Chapman, S. S.
M:;'r:I(1DIST CIIUR('uI-f abbatlt s,'rviet's
at 11 a nt and 7 p iu: Sunday Scht'ol at
:3;130 p m, Epworth I ea!:l1e every Mon-
day evening. Gemmed prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard
Robbs, pastor. 1)r. Towler, S. S. Sup-
PRESBYTERIAN CItuuc z --Sabbath Ser.
vices at, 11 a ea and. 7 p rat, Sunday
School at 2;30 p ln, (lettere' prayer
hooting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Per.ie, pastor. 1), M, Gordon, S. S.
T , `
ST. PAUI. s Cannon, Iarxrr. (1r.AL-Sab-
bath services at 11 a ni and 7 p an. Sun-
day School at Minn. General prayer
z Elt11 a
Wan. Lowe, iueurlb:nt, F. Shore, S. S.
St'_perint +lxclextt.
C(.Nc4F.x (i,�'rlo1,AL Cum:cia.-Sabbath
14U1V1ciS tit 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday
Scharr at 11:30 p m. General l•rnyer
meeting (111 Wednesday evelnil'g`x. Rev.
J. W. G:'fthl, pastor. Gavin Wilson, S.
S. Superintendent.
ROJI.IN CATuOLIO Cnnuaou - Every
fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:30 it Iii, ser-
mon and benediction at 7 p 1n. Rev. D.
P. McMenamin, P. P.
SenveTION' ARn er-St.r'S•i' e at 7 and 11
a m and 3 and 8 p nl on Sunday, and
every evening duringthe week at 8
o'clock at tits barracks.
Mission Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday
at 3 and 7;30 p m. T. A. Calhoun, in
Po' 'r OFFICE -ID. Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a 1n to 6:30 p In.
Peter Fis=her, postmaster.
MeoiIANICB' INserroTE-Library and
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
Tows COBNCIL-Wm. Clegg, Mayor;
Wm, Holmes, H. 0, Bell. J. H. Chis-
holm, Bollaud Beattie,
Geo. McKenzie, Conneillors; J. B. Fer-
gusonClerk and Treasurer; Samuel
Yonhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
SonooL BOARD. -C. N. Griffin, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Leo, J. J.
Homuth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, Tilos.
Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday ovennlg in
each mouth.
PunLI0 ScnOOL TEA omits -A. H.
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Fargnharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss Vanstono, Miss Matheson
and Miss Reid.
BOARD or HEALTH -Mayor Clegg,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos. Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. Towler, Medical Health
Before placing your order
for Spring Clothing call and
see our
for 1899. We can afford to
sell New Goods cheaper than
old stock that cost one -halt
more than new and better
goods of the latest styles will
cost, to -day.
We make clothes that fit.
Queen's Block.
Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent
business conducted for MODERATE FEES. My
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wit.'.
description and statement as to advantages claimed.
ear charge ?Jo anode for an opinion as to
patcntabilf,,b and my fee for prosecuting the
application :via not be carted for unfit the
paten( t allowed. "Ievevrone Germ" con.
taining Intl information sent free. Ali llentmunl•
callous considered as Strictly 4oulidontlal.
• FF,t% Ni'C"•.1N H. HOUGH
az,: i s, rest„ W.4.3IZ1?Jv';'a`id. A. 41.
WA14Tatt -1415VItlint PERSONS FOR
Llstriet Offlec+ Meiners in thin provinrc
eo moment mein their own and Hnrr(mnding
tnlnti(.e, 'S'S011ingxto pay yearly $silo,lsetymee
Weekly. Ilenirnbie employment With nnrenuti
reroort tiiw. Rede ,enee erehan•Ree1.
r�1 tense ia. actdr *import cnirehme, S. A.
Claxton Ming, Meese,
r rig, - 5a Vannes.
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
fnvAntlo f (lot probably patentable. ('osnoi an
est h e ioai'for Handbook
ig patenin
Pateqnts taken through Munn l�gcoo. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific Jln�er�ran.
A handsomely Ilhu+trated weekly. Tmrgest sir.
colation of any Rotentlen y,urnnt. Torras, $3 a
"r: frnlr months, $1. Held hynil pn�owadealers,
CNN et Co.3GitlM:tdtvsry,New York
neonrh unico. 513 L' pt„ Was',tli ,;inn. L. C.
I S'1'11.13LEh"Ptin11 1878.
Tiffti} v4uW TIES.
IS Pi'1'LIt'II1if)
ite Times (Mice, Beaver Block
1VIN(=11AM, ONT a11I0.
TEEMS Or 'OItiPTloN-$1.00 per ern= in
•idvttnee, ala if not ro paid. No paper tlisetan-
tint d till till art errs 're paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
AnV):nTIHi:.a BATES, - I.c.fnll Vt it ole •
ettr�ual ndvertir'ela( 77tH to perNannnriel lint for
first insertion, Oe per lino for owl; snbwe(luont
In IUn.
Advertiseme eats n in local cohumis are charged
10 ., ,. ,
. r
1 lac fel 1
11 Ht •11Fe f 1
1 i rk. )x and luc'n H
per line for elt•,i subsequent insertion.
Advcrtisementi of Lost, Found, Strayed,
Farms for pale or to Ilent, and similar, $1.00 for
first month and ill cent:) for each enrbsegrent
CONTRACR RATII.S•-Tllefollowin hail()
our rat')( for the insertion of advertisemi'nt.
for specified periods t-
t)r.wi;. 1 vat, 0 mo. 8 so, i leo.
Oar, Column $(1).00 ;85.00 $15.00 $0.011
Half Colemn.. .. 81.00 38.00 10.00 4.0(1
Quarter (lohann 18.00 10.00 0.11) 2.00
Advertieemente without eneotf k di •
will be inserted till forbad and ehalgeclltecord-
ingl •. Transient advertisements mu.'it be paid.
for its rdvatnee.
Tal: Join DEPAxtx1(t1:NT is stocked with on
extensive nrwortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording fecilitirs not equalled in the
county for turning out first chats work. Largo
typo and appropriate cute for all styles of Post'ed . Band Eill)•, etc., and the latent styles of
choice fancy tyle, for the finer classes of whit-
ing. •
Proprietor and Publisher.
Capital, $1,49.4,520. Rost, $1,000,000
President-JoaN Srmurr.
Vice -President -A. G. Rama Y.
John Proctor, Geo. Roach-, Wm. Gibson, M,P.,
A. T. Wood, M.P., A. B. Leo (Toronto).
Cashier -J. TURNBULL.
Savings Bank -Hours 10 to il; 3attu•dasr, 10
to I. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and
interest allowed.
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United
States Bought and sold.
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
General Banlcing Business transacted.
Money advanced to farmers and business men
on endorsed notes and collateral.
Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed
Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of
Canada and the United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable
T P. KENNEDY M. D.. M. 0. P. S. O.
tl . iMember of the British Medical Associa-
tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child-
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m. ; 7 to 9 p. m.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office -Stone Blook, over Deans' Flour and
Feed Store. Night calls answered at the office.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commissioncharged. Mort-
gages, town and farm pproperty bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block, Windham.
Wingham, Ont.
Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton, MOnoy to loan
Office -Meyer Block, Wingham.
13 Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Windham.
Windham, Ont.
for the County of Huron. Sales attended in
any part of the County. Charges moderate.
Shies of Farm Stock and Fenn Implements A
All orders left at THE Truss office promptly
attended to. Terms reasonable.
Camp Callite onia, No. 40, meets
O. o. O■ �ho first nndtllird Monday in
.every month, ht the Oddfcllows Hall. Visiting
brethren welcome. D. Sfiaw uitt, Chief; H. 13.
Elliott, Rec.- Sec.
including Books, Pntnphlt'ts, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style of the nrt, at moderato prices, and on
short notice.
BOOXI1INDtN6.--We Are plena('(i to nlutottnce
that tiny Booita 00 Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention.
Priers for Binding in any style win be given on
nlsplienticll to
Palmerstoit 0.40 a.m.... 8.65 ton,
I,oli(lon (158 mine.. ,. 8,15 pan.
Kincardine -.11 min,8.16 p 1n ..10 43 p,n1,
AttRlvii VhOM
Kincardine ,.,,0.40 a.nt8.65 A m .. 8.15 p.m,
London 11.10 am.... 8.00 pan,
Paltn('ralo.T. II. GORDON, Agent, `grIng p rim,
Toronto endTuast...,,,,. 8.58 a,nl,.,, 3.001):m.
Teeswater 158 term, ..10.48 p.m.
'1'cvwwater... . 5.68 et.m... • • 1 p. nt
'reroute earl neel:7 p,m....1O.•y1) p lel,
J. H. B11111)Mlit•R, Ags at,'ninettern,
Lora and Laughter.
I,augli rtvl the world laughs with you;
Weep, and yen weep alines;.
Tial grand ol+`Iirtll must borrow its
It has tr.lubl"e enough of its ONVO.
Sing and the Wits will answer;
;sigh it is lo:iton the, air;
The eelei•: s boau,l to the joyful round '
But shrink front writing care.
Be glad and your friends are many;
Be s:td, and you lose thorn all;
'There are alone to decline year liectare(•i
wine, •
But prone you must drinklife's gall.
Thereinto halls to room t t It'll s of pleasure
Fora longandlordly train,.
x y 1,
But, one by one we must all ilio ell
Through the narrow isles of pain.
andyour l. .till�-
Feast, laro craw<cotl;
Fast,. and the world goes by;
Succeed and give, 'twill pulp you live; *
But 110 0113 can help you clic.
Rejoice, and men will sock yon;
Grieve, and they turn and go --
They want full measure of joy 'or plea-
But they clo not want your woe.
For Over Fifty Years.
• An Old and Well -Tried Amway -Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over fifty years by millionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the ehilcl,soft-:
ons the guuua, allays all pain, cures wind
colic, and is the best remedy fqr disc.
ncoea. It is pleasant to the taste, Sold
by ch.'uggists in every part of the world.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no.
other kind: •
Ontario's OIdest Resident.
Galt Reporter: -Old Mr. Franklin has
been taken to the Galt hospital suffering•
from disorders of the system consequent
upon his great age. He says he was
bordn on the Irish Manuel, while eross-
iug, hethe year 1794, which makes him
106. years old, and ho can remember
quito clearly events that occurred in the•
early years of this century. Until a few
weeks ago ho was quite active . and al-
most daily on the street. His eyesight
is good and his iuterest in. life and
things in general undimmed by the con-
taet lie has had with them for over a
century, The old gentleman is a 'walk-
ing wonder And all his friends will trust
that his present indisposition is only
The selection of a druggist who can at
all times truly and honestly dispensewhat
has been prescribed by the physician is•
an important matter . Wo can assure
you of devotion to your commands and
Wo are noted for our full stock of
Toilet Requisites, Perfumes and
up-to-date goods at •
. Popular Prices.
Paine's Celery Compound is the b
of spring medicines. It gives wend
ful results to rnndown and ailing people.
The . use of Paine's Celery Compound
means rich, pure blood, and increased
A. L. HAMILTON, Druggist,
. Wingham, Ont.
Core for "That Tired Fueling."
"That tired feeling" niay be combated.
by proper exercise, wholesome food, pure
air, ' pure water, pure thoughts; then
will the temple of the soul be a fit dwel-
ling -place. Learn to economize your
vitality. Snatch ,a few moments here.
and there for rest, either by full relaxa
tion or change of occupation. Theman
in the story who hired out to the farmer
never got tired, never got hungry. But
the first day, long before the noon hour,.
he was seen sitting npou the plow in the•
shade of a tree eating a slice of bread
and butter. He rested before getting.:
tired, ate before he was hungry. While -
I have not followed his example, I can.
not remember when I was tired, ale
though I am never idle and not infre-
quently average seventeen hours' work
a day. -Edward B. Warman in the.-
he:April Ladies' Home Journal
Itching, Bleeding Piles. '
Mr. W, G. Phyall, proprietor Bodega.
hotel, 26 Wellington StreetEast,Toronto,
says: -"While living in Chicago I was
in a terrible shape with itching. and
bleeding piles, I tried several of the best
physicians and was burnt and tortured
in various ways by their„treatmeut to no.
avail, besides spending a mint of money
to no purpose. Since coming to Toronto
1Iearned of Dr. Chase's Ointment, I
used but one box and have not leen
troubled with piles ill any shape or form,
Recent Utterances.
Wo love dollars so much more than
brothers that we aro becoming human
cash registers.• --Markham.
Books aro preserved souls if sweet
and Wholesome, but pickled souls if as
rid and pessimistic. -Rev. Newell D.
Seine people's notion of religion is
that it consists in sitting o11 the safety,)
Valve of suppressed impurity. -Rev. Cf.
If tho artful adversary can persuade
Christ's churches that the old gospel ar•
moor is wearing otit, then there might
well be a, jubilee 11111011 over our Suicidall
folly. -Theo, L. Ouyler, D. D.
Each portion of the chnroh subtends a
different area of thought and life; all
united comprehend a full.orbed rovela•
tion of what God would have men to
believe and do.--iiowarl Duffield, D. D.
Christian Endeavor Herald.
"Ill weeds grow apace." Impuritiett
in youit blr oil Will alio grew unless you
promptly expel thein by taking Media
.a a..
'ti inoin
• bac.
41 '