HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-30, Page 5THE 1VINUIIA. i TINES, : ARCIE 30, 1000
Millinet°y Opening!
r •
MISS MAo1-..1 1Ell ON
washes to announce to the Ladies 'of Wi ghl and surrounding vicinity
that her Millinery Openin' take place on
(AFTERNOON and EVENING) and following days.
having secured the services of IVIISS O'13R1141N, a thoroughly cote.
petenit milliner, we will be prepared to show all the latest novelties in
headgear, and will guaraetce to give all satisfaction.
S E' E =N G
® 0 ,, ti ening
Ar �° j��
diff ` tS. `REEN9S
rir Xed 76-.1 • 3
We wish to state that we have a still larger stook than ever of spring
and summer millinery, including all the latest fads, in this line. Wo have
engaged a competent milliner and will not be excelled in Stylish Trimmed
Goods. We extend a cordial invitation to all to call and inspect our stcck
and shall be pleased to show goods.
The Universal Favorite
a kon D c Haar
Tho only Disc Harrow that has adjust-
able pressure springs. This feature
is invaluable onhard or uneven
Nev Sectional CULTIVATOR
(fitted: with grain and grass sowing attach -
month if desired)
with reversible points, also thistle nutters
if ordered.
The lightest draft; best working and
most easily operated cultivator man-
The teeth work directly under the axle
and within the wheel line.
See the New Spring Lift.
NOXON DRILLS, Sp ing•Yre su end
Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are so
well and favorably known that they
speak for themselves. There are
.t' now over 60,000 in use among the
HUGH MP. HOGSIGN farmers of this country.
We invite the closest inspection of our Farm Implements and Machinery which
we are mauufacturii:g for the coming season.
In addition to the above we call special attention to our New Victoria Binder
and No. 14 Oxford Clipper Front -cut Mower, also our patent Spring and
Spike Tooth Harrows and Friction and Ratchet Dump Rakes. It will amply repay
all intending purchasers to see our lines before placing their orders elsewhere.
Send for our New 1900 Catalogue.
THE NOXON 0 O., L'td, Ingersoll, Ont.
rs .c4".C." 41--B4 11
1 w11 4 \--') rno'-. -s,
firon Stone Ghina$
(Secured before the advance),
which we will offer for the next two wtsehs to move
quick at the following prices :
Cups and ,Saucers, 75c doz.
5 in. Desert Plates, 50c doz.
6. in. Tea Plates, 60c doz.
7 in. breakfast Plates, 75c doz.
8 in. Dinner Plates, 85c doz.
Sauce Dishes, 35c doz.
Cream. Jugs, 9c each.
10 in. Platters, 20c. •
12 in. Platters, 25c.
The council met in the oouueil rocw Mutat, and attt.nttrams sad Pasoinoulltay.
on. Mar. 20, 1800, pursuant to adjourn- Those marked + were absent foe one or
meat. Members all preseut. Munk it • snore exmaidatatious:
of last zneetiug read and ooutirnted. V Roy Wheeler b89, Ida Bono 491+,
Tenders far the township printing far .Julia Anderson 189+.
the current year were received from the . IV 13r.---Frod F:eraud.rett 6110+, Jamas
Mvanoe and TIMES offices, Wingbam, , McCallum cm, Willie Melena 487+,
and the .Standard office, Blyth,
Moved by Mr. Currie, so, ouded by Mr.
McCallum, that the tender of the Toms
office, Wing1aan,, for the township print-
ing for this year being the lowest, be ac -
Maud Robertsou 878+, Chas. Johnston
What Wideawa1 a Times;C.orreipondents Oommunacate -- Other?
187+, Walter Scott 186 I Maitland Heaaxy
Items Clipped From Our Exons uacs. IV Jr.- Janie Bono 80, Howard
Wightman 25.
Miss Aggio M. Turnbull, daughter of
Reeve Turubull, has beeu ill for the past
few weeks with a severe attaaek of in-
finnunation of the lungs. We aro glad
to see she is on. the mend, and hope s'ie
may continue iu that 1iu2,
The farmers around Jamestown have
united together to form a, beef riug.
They held a, meeting .at the hotel
which was largely attended, and Alex.
Bryan was almost unanimously eleoted
to be inspector, and Snail Shines is to
bo butcher. An animal a. week is to be
disposed of, twenty weeks being the full
Aline. The inspector and shareholders
will spare no efforts to snake the under-
taking a success.
Arch. Robertson is again visiting
friends ou the 8rd and 4th.
Minoan MacDonald, hired man of D.
Taylor is ill with a severe attack of the
Seven Years In Bed.
"WiM wonders ever cease?" inquire
the friends of Mrs. S. Pease, of Law -
roma, Kan. They know she had been
unable to leave her bed in seven years on
account of kidney and liver trouble,uer-
vous prostration and general debility;
but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
in three months Ifeltlike a new person."
Women suffering from Headache, Back-
ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Mel-
ancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will
find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satis-
faction is guaranteed. Only 600 at Colin
A. Campbell's drug store.
131LG it•.1VT
The firm of Phillips & Lott, butchers,
of this place has been dissolved. Wnt.
rps will continue the business.
The people of Bolgrave will bo sorry
to learn that Robert McCorldndale, who
has been suffering from Bright's disease
and other troubles for some years, is not
expected to recover. Mr. McCorkindsle
lived alone at Beln ave and camp to Dr.
Gnun's hospital about a month ago,
where he migh� et better attendance
and nursingt
though ho has all the
care possible for a sick man to have, he
Is.is gradually growing weaker. -Clinton
News -Record. ,Since_the above was put
ern type we learn that Mr. McCorkindalo
died on Fridap morning of last week.
His age was 78 years. The funeral .took
place Sunday afternoon from the ., resi-
dence of his step -son, Albert T: Cole,
lot 7, con. 7, Morris, to Brandon's ceme-
It Dazzles The World.
No disoo v ery in moclicine has ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that has been caused by Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Its severest
tests have been on hopeless victims of
Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage,
Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of
whom it has restered•to perfect health.
For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay
Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough
it is the quickest,sn est cure in the world.
It is sold by Colin A. Campbell, who
guarantees satisfaction or refund money.
Large bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bbttles
Mr. Robt. Marshall has bought the
Strath farm, consisting of .fifty-nine
acres, He paid a big price for it but it
is a good place.
Miss and 'Mr. J. N. Pickell arrived
home on Saturday from a two weeks'
visit in Toronto, Oshawa and other
places in the east.
Mr.- John McRao's now bull has ar-
rived and he is said to be an Al animal.
He was purchased from Watt, of Salem,
the great short horn breeder, who bred
the bull that was shown and took first
prize and diploma at the Chicago Ex-
position in 1898, as the best bull of any
breed or any age in .America at that
Robins aro nutting •in an appearance
this week. They aro supposed to be
forerunners of spring.
Mr. John McKinnon of the boundary
has been on the sick list during most of
the winter but he is improving.
is contracted as well as in -
hafted. Only strong lungs
lGl rte. .Vl a %4.4%i,G3-'."4,a ter.. •
? : t�®i%� ;_ �e=-o5',-:-A'4,�sy� .A-.•ab`i'°�i
are proof against it,
i Persons predisposedtoweak
Si h isriceless
Get your sight tested. It costs nothing.
Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably.
Try us.
lungs and those recovering
from Pneumonia, Grippe,
Bronchitis, or other exhaust-
ing illness, should take
It enriches the blood,
strengthens the lungs, and
builds up the entire system.
It prevents consumption and
cures it in the early stages,
sae. and$t.aa. all druggists,
dean & 13t)lY:tt, Cttenista, tome&
Removals ---Mr° and Mrs. Robert Ram-
say have removed from Westfield to
Harbor Biiach, Mich. Me, Belfry Hoover
and family aro also removing to Uncle
Sean's domain, They left Sacurday to
visit friends in Staff's from where they
will go to their now home in Michigan.
They all have the best wishes of their
many friends in West: el.t
Wedding Anniversary .Ir, and Mrs.
W J. Wightmai ,olobratecl their Silver
Weeding anuivei sexy on Saturday last.
About thirty of the relatives and friends
attouded. Mr. and Mrs. Wightman
were the recepients of a number of
beautiful presents, long which was a
handsome conch he evening was spent
in music and social chat, after which the
company departed with best wishes for
their future happiness of the host and
Personal -Mrs. J. Anderson returned
Monday front a week's visit with re-
latives in Guelph.
Miss Carrie Humphrey is speeding
this week with her sister Mrs. Ed.
Taylor of Westfield.
Mr. W. H. Wightman of Goderich
Collegiate, spent Saturday and Sunday
with his parents here.
David Ramsay has received a con-
sigumeut of buggies. Those desiring a
new oue this spring should see Dave be-
fore p.m chasing elsewhere.
One who is climbing the ladder rapic-
-The following is a composition written
by a 10 year old boy ou the subject -
"Au Evening at Homo."
It was a lovely moonlight night and it
was very cold. Jack Frost was doing
his work, if he never did it before. We
were all in the house at the time. My
father was sitting beside the fire reading,
while mother was interested m a book,
the rest were playing games. Jim and
Jane were playing checkers; every little
while one would shout, "you cheated."
When the game was done the successful 'Mason, F. Cook, Wm. Nethery, Joshua IR. Warwick, Jno. Casemore, T. Scott,
J. Walsh, Wm. Wightmau, John S. 1 Win. Garniss, I. Ferrand, Wm. Turvey,
Scott, Robt. Wightman, John Coled S. Caldbick, Jas. Robertson and Wm.
Wm. Bone, Duncan Robertson, Adam Moses; 3rd line, Wm. Wray, George
Robertson, Jas. Cunningham, Michael Hanna, Thos, Proctor, John Garniss, F.•
Robertson, Chas. E. Wightman, Peter . Brewer, John Budd, 11, Bone, W. Far -
King, Patrick Gibbons, Henry Deacon, row and Jas. Ireland; 4th line, W. G. •
John Shoebottom-, Matthew Ferguson,. Nicholson, Win. llryaus, Geo. Proctor,
Richard James, Thos. Cassels, Thos. J. Juo. Wheeler, R. McMurray, William
Irwin, Geo. Robertson, John Shiell, I. Shedden, R. Cardiff, John'Shurrie, K.
J. Walker, Jas. Shiell, John Meuzies, MoKenzie and Wm. Bryan; Pith. line.
sr., Thos. Taylor, Wm. Arbucldo, sr., , John Bell, A. Cloakey, A. Easem, M.
Rich. Burrows, Geo. Wynn, Wm. Wil- ' Watson, B. Wilkinson, T. Clark, D.
sou, Geo. Wilson, John Leggatt, Allan Somerville, J. Davis, F. Keys and John .-
Franck, David Clow, John Morrison, Manning; 6thline, J. Grasby,J. Young,
B. O'Connor, Wm. Beecroft,Wm. Mar- E. Laundy, J. Cook, J. Thuell, William
tin, Arch. Martin, Robt, ,G. Haynes, G. Smith, F. MoCntehoon and Thomas
C. Naylor, John Beecroft, Chas. Camp- Walker; 7th line, R. Nesbitt, M. Kelly,
bell, Write James, Joseph Chanutey, J. Wallace, Win. Thuell, R. Pratt, H.
Sam'l Thompson and Fred. Champion. McArter, Wm. McCall, D. McLcan and
rot3rDKEEPERs. H. Beam; 8th lice, J: Laidlaw, H.
Richmond, Win. Laidlaw, P. Kelly, W.
Phelan, John Oolelough, Wm. Skelton]
G. McCtilltum J. Moore and Jno. Law- .
soar; Oth line, C. A. Howe, R. Cocker -
lino, R. Brown, Jas. Jackson, D. Laid-
law, John Shortreed, R. Stubbs, D.
' Jas T Bell, John McDowell, George Farquharson, Geo. Grigg and John
Fothergill, Wesley Pattison, John Men- Lamb.
zies, sr, and Sam'l McBurney. West Boundary -Jas. Golley, Wm.
The treasurer reported cash on hand McCrea, C. McClelland, T. Gosman, and
at date, $504.14. N. Cunning.
A debenture Was issued and signed iu East Boundary-A.Bryaus,A. Forsyth
favor of D. Robb, P. S. L, Brussels, for Thos. Maunders, C. Ritchie and Thos,
While .Jim was doing this I was play- expenses of arbitration re new Union
ing dominoes but was defeated and went School Section No. 11, East Wawauosh Accounts wore ordered to be paid as.
off in a rage and assured Jane 1 could and Mullett, $9.80, and another in favor follows: -John Wynn repairing scraper,.
beat her in another game. Very shortly of Young & Paulin, Wingham, for a $2,76; P. Kelly gravel, 84cts.
Willie and Tommy made their way home, new tin box and leather strap for as- Bylaws No. 2 and 3,.1900, wero duly
we went to bed, the lights • was put out sessor, $1.75. read and passed.
The house was dark. The council then adjournedtill Friday, On motion of Code and Jackson the
GEoiwu JEFFERSON. 26th day of May next, then to meet at council thou adjourned to meet again on.
Tho weather being infavorable last 10 o'clock a. in., as a court of revision [May 28th,next,for Court ofRzvision and
Tuesday night, the lecture on "South encl. appeal, and for other business. i other business. -
Africa" which was to be held in the • P. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. W. Mame, Clerk.
the Methodist church Donnybrook, was Mr. John Black, who recently sold his Louis Eckmiro has been on the sick
postponed till a later date. farm in this township has moved to for the past few days.
A pleasant evening -Mr. and Mrs. A. Blyth.
Stein entertained a party of young folks On Monday of this week R. Percy
last Wednesday evening. Notwith- Andrews, one of Goderich's young best -
standing the drifted roads and defying ness men, took to himself a partner in
cold wined, a sleigh was sent by way of the person of Miss Marion Rachel Mar -
Donnybrook and St. Augustine to col- tin, only- daughter of William Martin,
lent the invited party. About eight of East Wawanosh. Tho happy event
o'clock the sleigh arrived at the pretty', took place at the residence of the bride's
new rasidenoo of Mr. Stein, with a moray uncle, Charles Martin, Whitechurch,
party of twenty-two, all feeling ever- Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, of Goderich,
joyed, having landed safely without a performing the ceremony, which was
tip in the snow, though at times coming witnessed only by immediate relatives of
so noir it that it rendered t13,t,norves un- the bride and groom. The bride was
steady, A Vote of tlrittltcl 'vas then ex- daintily attired iu a cream costume, Mr.
tended to the driver, who, when tho and Mrs. A r wu, who have taken up
problem was solved, turned out to bo a their residence on Regent street, Cod -
lady. The remainder of the evening was erich, havo the good wishes of malty
spent in games and social chat. Mrs. friends for thciehappiness anti prosperity,
Stein tniravelled the mysteii3s of the The bride is already well known in
future, in tolling tiro fortunes, by a Godoricli, being an ex -pupil of t'ie . 'o' -
secret prooess, of a number of ongcr legiato Institute.
ladies and gentlemen. One young mai + School Report --The rollowine is tl:e
Was greatly exeetedt whoa 113 1,3erned mending of thLpnpils of S. S. No. 8 for
`there was "Somebody waiting for hint" the quarter, namely, Jan., vele and
1 who Was to have butt ono tooth, cone eye, lliarele, The attenda3ieo has not heels
and a salary of one cent a year. Hotta very regular daring this term mien i to
ever, all present felt the nselvea delight bla.l roads and unfavorable wenthee, The
fully entertained, and it was net till the a ante, are arranged in order of ane.it
"wee sum' hoot's," the \ is'_t are took tee‘ ivarke.i not only at'rordiaag to ' xaet-
theirilepttrture. ination results bat idea mottling to a 3:i
cepted. Carried, III Sr. -Mary Anderson 35.
Allan I''ralick and Semi. B. Ji'railek III Jr. -Robert Wheeler 811, Percy
jr., made application to have their lots, McLean 30, Austin Criaupbcll 80, Lave
it 16 and sle lot 33, con. 14, placed in ma Pearou 27.
electoral division No. 8, for election pur-II.: Lilly McLean 3,, Ella Jane Tay-
ayposes, being more convenient for then for 30, Alice Skinner 25,. Harold Page 20.
to vote in div. No. 3, than iu Div, No. 4. Pt. II. r-,. John McCallum 335, Lilly
Request granted. Pearen 30, Bella Robertson 80, :Charlie
Communication from H. Grain re Wheeler 25, Elgin ,Anderson 20, Mabel
change of statute labor on northern Grigg 20.
boundary, &o., received and filed. Pt. I. --Findley McCallum 90, Angie
Communication from Robt. Cuxrio, McCallum. 27, Austin Anderson 25, Ruby
sr., giving a lengthy statement and other Robertson 20.
information regarding the disputed Crani A. Bse. , Teacher.
deviation road near Wingham, also* a
further opinion in this case from Mr.
Darrow, conuty solicitor, received.
The reeve having submitted a full re-
port of Mr•. Carrie's statement to Mr,
Gaxr.3w, that gentleman after carefully
looking into the matter r•gain, said he
would abide by his opinion already
given, to the effect that East Wawanosh
was in no way liable for making any ltzORRIS.
outlay towards keeping up this road, The council met pursuant to adjourn -
Petition of John E. Ellis, e of lot 38, ment on March 19th, 1900; members all
con. 4, asking that his lot be taken from present, the reeve iu the chair; minutes
S, S. No, 10 and added to S. S. Na. -8, on of last meeting read and passed.
account of the roads in the winter sea- Acommunieation was received from
sou to S. S. No. 10, being at times al- the reeve of Gray respecting the advis-
most impassable. ability of a nplo3 iug read grad r on the
The clerk was instructed to notify the boundry between Grey and Morris to be
trustees of school sections No's 8 and 10 in connection with the performance of
regarding the proposed change. statute labor.
A Widow's Love mealy.
Receives a setback, if she has offen-
sive breath through Coustipation,Bilious-
ness or Stomaeh Trouble, but Dr. King's
New Life Pills always cure those
troubles; clean the system, sweeten the
breath, banish headache; best iu the
world for liver, kidneys and bowels.
Only 211c at Colin A. Campbell's drug •
The following pathmasters, pound-
keepers and fences -viewers were ap-
pointed for the current year, viz:-
Henry H. Sturdy, John Pfeffer, Al. •
bert H. Jacobs, Jas. B. Tierney, . Alex.
Patterson, Win. King, jr., Henry
Goovier, John Hoare, Thus. Straughau,
Win. Toll, George A. Henderson, Ches.
Stewart, Jas. Ross, Alex. Dingurall,
Francis B. Stalker, Jas. T. Wilson, Jas.
Cocle-Jackson-That Messrs Cardiff
and Shaw bo appointed .a reputation to
meet a deputation from the council of
Grey in order to arrange the matter pro-
posed. -Carried.
Cardiff -Shaw -That the clerk be in-
structed to advertise for tenders for
completion of Garniss drain, tenders to
be opened at council meeting on May
28th. -Carried
X'athmasters were appointed as follows:
Tenney, Menne Vincent, Robt. J. -Viz., North Boundary, C. Henderson,
Hoover, Wm. Mutch, Chas. Armstrong, W. J. Heudersen, P. Fowler, Thomas
Edward McDowell, Mark Mason, Jas. Jowitt, Geo. McDonald, Win. Robert -
McGill, sr., John Armour, Jas. Nethery, sou, R. Messer aucl J. D. Miller; 1st line.
Wm. Hallahau, sr., Thos. H. Edwards, D. W. Campbell, R. McGuire, W.11iam -
John McDowell, Jolm W. Fraser, C. McGuire, W. H. Fraser, W.
Sowler, Win, H. Densmore, John W. III 3. Johnston jr. mid R. Miler; 2.itl line.
oue laughed while the other went away
After this Tommy and Willie Jones
Dame, then Jinn and Willie began to play
checkers which resulted in a success for
Jim. Then Jim and Tommy played and
and Jim was defeated and did not play
checkers any more that evening.
Soon after this the house was full of
noise, 'of which, I made too much, and
was locked outside for my pains. You
must remember that this was a very cold
night and you can imagine how I felt.
The ones inside kept telling me, "It was
very warm inside." Jun told me this
once too often and I lead the pleasure of
having him fora companion. I had
been out some time now and did not feel
as cold as he did. Now I said to him,
°Isn't it warm" but ho answered boldly,
"It is mite" We, both being considered
"cooled td'owu" were again allowed to
enter the rcom. Soon after this Jim be-
came engaged in a game of dominoes
with Tommy. Jim got up out of his
chair to get a dominos which had fallen
and when he went to sit down, Willie
pulled the chair from beneath hint and
he was greatly astonished to find him-
self sitting onethe floor, nevertheless he
played the game through, then he went
to the pantry and ate about all the cookies
to keep himself out of other mischief.
John Hoare, Alex. McGowan, Benj,
H. Taylor, E. Pearen, A. Shiell, David
Clow, Jas. Robinson, Jas. Owens and
John Cochrane.
"No Eye Like the
Master's Eye."
You are master of your
health, and if you do not
attend to duty, the blame is
easily Located. If your blood
is out of order, Hood's Sar-
saparilla will purify it.
It is the specific remedy for troubles
of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver. ,
of"i lied heart trouble
for a myears and differeat melt -
cines failed. to benetit me. 1 tried flood's
Sarsaparilla and three bottles completely
and perfectly cured mc." Mas. t',.1. lrx usx,
Wallace Bridge, 14. S.
A ut had lost ftvo rifle
drousafegwith diphtherardiaAs T gaud my remaining
two children Hood's Sarsaparilla as they
were subject to throat trouble and 'were not
very strong. They are now healthier and
Wronger and have not shtco had a cold."
I1Iry, W,1t.1• LEC1CUIl, Pembroke, Ont.
" apr
Hood's Pale owe lit rr .Is: the ant :rritatlag and
•ta.!: eat:int fid t , t tki+. with lUAi+d f ' :rt'ipdty'jlt .