HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-30, Page 4t'+ 1 M Campbell's; Syrup of White Pine and Tar for Coughs and Colds is the best. Try it once and you will use no other. Pried 25 cts. for large bottle from Campbell, the Druggist.. her .sth year. Dcczasetl ]Ful been ill JO:. several months past, and. had been itl 1 r.ak>idly sinking for the past few weeks. 1p Some time ago she took a severe cold, which developed into that dread disease, • consumption. Part of last summer was s)elit with friends in, different parts of Manitoba, in elopes that the ehaugo may be of benefit, and all that couldbo done iu the way of. medical assistance and kilul attention and caro was done. The deceased young lady was wry popular with a largo circle of friends, and was held in high esteem by her many ac- quaintances,. Mr. Henderson and fam- ily wall have the sympathy of their many friends in this their very trying time of bereavement. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to the Wingl:aiu cemetery and was very large- ly attended, being one of tho largest rfmierals ever seen pass through the streets of Winghann. • TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Th-ursday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872. THE WINIIIAll Tis. 1. Ii. j',,S,T TOTT. PUBLISHER AND PB0'[ RIETOR FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1400. WHAT OTHERS SAY. Sir Charles Tupper has been served -with a writ for slander by a Brandon rear. If all the interests that Sir Clarks Inas slandered in the past ten years rose rap in judgment against him, in the law courts, he world be a busy man for the remainder of his natural life.—Brantford Expositor. This is fully warranted:—The sum- s= of Kruger's rum -rum story about those dum-dum bullets used by the British is that the Boers are beginning to. feel sick in the tum -tum at the ' thought of Bobs being about to knm- Icum and make things hem -hum. Mcan- while Bobs keeps mum mem.—Stratford emerald. Toronto Globe: There is another dis- tinction between the Liberal and the Conservative policy which ought to ap- peal strongly to sound Liberal feeling. if imperialism is to continue to grow, every Liberal will be glad to feel that it is not to degenerate into jingoism. Dr. Montague has said that Canada would be willing to shed its blood for the Em- pire, but that sentiment must be elimin- ated from trade. It is well that Can- adians should be willing to shed their blood in a just cause. It is not well that the relations between Canada and Great Britain should have a purely Military basis. It is not well that an impression should be created that the 'war is necessary to whip up the imperial spirit.* Canada. On the contrary, it Ought to be the aim of statesmanship to smoke the imperial relation a guarantee of peace. The Liberal Government, 'while it has done its duty in an emer- gency arising out of war, has stood for the imperialism that builds and unites, for the imperialism that is felt in the quiet daily life of the people, not for an imperialism that lies . dormant until the itames of war are kindled. SVHITECHUBCH. Messrs Crowe and McKay have again received the contract of drawing the cream for the Butter factory. These gentlemen have done this work for a number of years and thoroughly under- stand it. Hector McKay has rented W. J. Deyelis farm on the boundary and will reside on it for the smnmer. The death occurred on Saturday last at the home of H. D. Henderson, of hiA daughter, Miss Sarah L. Henderson, in S�ec,aces We carry a very fine stock, St. Vitus Cured. THE STORY OF A BRIGHT YOUNG GIRL'S RECOVERY. SUE WAS FIRST ATTACKED WITH LA GRIPPE AFTER EFFECTS RESULTING IN Sr. VITUS DANCE—FRIENDS DESPAIRED OF HER RECOVERY. From the Acadian, Wolfville, N. S. The mails from Wolfville to Gas- pereau are carried every day by an official who is noted for his willingness to accommodate and the punctuality with which he discharges his duties. His name is Mr. Merriner Cleveland and his home is in Gaspaerau, where he re- sides with his wife and granddaughter, Miss Lizzie May Cleveland, a bright girl of fifteen years. .A. few months ago the health of her granddaughter was a source of very great onwiety to Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, and the neighbors who learn- ed of the physical condition of the Litt e girl gravely shook their heads and . id to themselves that the fears of t fond grand -parents were by no me . = ground- less. When the news reach d the ears of au Acadien man a sho time ago, that the health of Miss evelancl had been restored, he hasten d to interview Mr. Cleveland a to t facts of the case. When he explain d. errand. both Mr. and Mrs Clevels . appeared only too eager to give him the information sought and it is in accordance with their wishes that we give to the public the feats of this remarkable cure. Early in December, 1898, Mian Cleveland was taken ill with. a severe attack of la grippe and kens of her recovery were entertained. Careful nursing, however, brought her through this malady, but it left her system in a completely run- down condition. This showed itself principally in the weakness of nerves. In January symptoms of St. Vitus dance began to show themselves. 1 At first these were not very prominent. but it was not long be- fore she was rendered altogether help- less by this terrible malady. .In a short time she lost all control over the move- ments of her hands and feet. For weeks she had to be carried from room to room and was unable to feed herself. Her grand -parents naturally became very much alarmed and having tried other remedies without effect, determin- ed to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a - fair trial. Developments showed that their confidence was not misplaced. When three boxes had been used the condition of the patient had improved considerably. Then Mr. Cleveland bought six boxes more and continued their use as before. The sufferer rapid- ly began to recover. When she had consumed the fifth box Mrs. Cleveland reduced the dose to one pill a day and by the time the sixth box was gone a complete cure waseffected. MissCleve- land is now as vigorous as could be de- sired. Her grand -parents are persuaded that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are alone responsible for her cure and are dovout- ly thankful for the results which, ander Providence, they have produced. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Do not be per- suaded to try something else said to be "gust as good." WROXnTEXt. We test the eyes free. Patriotic Concert — The patriotic people of this village succeeded in giving •r' Thursday evening, as geed a patriotic e guarantee best possible concert as could be gotten up by home talent in a place the size of Wroxeter. yreslzi. Rev. C. V. Lake acted his part as chairman in a manner that pleased every- body. body. An opening chorus entitled "The We sell at a fair price., men of the North" was rendered by several of the young men of the village, t3fvcr advertise to ells • mets. T. H3vlpinill presided at tiro piano. cad.:Rev. it. 5, G. Anderson delivered a stir - It 'will ' pay you to try us why, ,your sight requires as- ae., - tanc .'; . • , r thy BEYPARK ring lecture. on "Our Soldiers in Battle." He plainly showed everyone present that "Young Atkins is not such a low sort of character as many think hint to bo, but, that he is rather the opposite," and by giving several illustrations from the present war, he convinced everyone present of the tender heart and tender feelings of the British soldier. Ire bears • t tno ennnity against these whom it Is his ewes r and Optician. duty to light against in battle. Several recitations and roles were rendered. ,, Macdonald Block. miss Bray recited "The Abeont Miladed' TJIE WINQIIAM MARCH 30, 1900, Beggar." Miss Jean Davidson, "Our Bobs." Mr. Thos. Gibson suug several solos in his usual good stye.;. The crowning feature of the evening was n comet performance by thirteen little girls and one lonely boy entitled "Sleek. ing Quakers," The programme was brought to a close by the singing of "God Save the Qumen." The proceeds of the evening amounted to *43.00, which WAS considered very good. Jottings--lliiss Bide Hazelwood visit- ed in Tcoswater this week. Mr. Sanderson and daughter Miss Maggie, of Fordwieb, spent Saturday at Mr. D. Fisher's. While Mrs. Geo Barnard was coming out of her son's gate last Saturday she had the misfortune to fall on tho ice and, dislocate her hip. J. J. Messer, of Hamilton called on Wroxeter friends last Friday. Mfr. Robert Ireland's house had a narrow escape from being burned to the ground Sunday evening, but With the help of the neighbors they managed to save it after the roof had been complete- ly burned off. ILLULVAL2., Patriotic Concert.—At our patriotic concert on Wednesday oveniug of last week, fifty-five dollars was made from 'tire sale of tickets, which was not bad for our little village. Many regret that a collection was not taken up after the reciting of "The Absent Minded Beg- gar." One thing that was nice to note at our entertainment was the large per- centage of children in the audience.. Nearly every child in the village was there and that was right. Those who came from the country showed a true patriotic spirit, as the coming was any- thing but pleasant on such a cold night and with the roads so drifted. A very long and good programme was given, Rev. D. Rogers made a halrnonious chairman. Mrs. D. Rogers played the accompaniments for the solos; Mrs. Geo, McDonald for the choruses, and Miss Aggie Herbert for the drills, etc. Mr. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, gave an ad- dress on the British Flag, and Miss Greta Carson, of Wingham, recited "Bobs" 'as few children could do it. Mr. Herb. Wightman, also of Wingham, kindly lent himself for the evening to perform some clever balancing feats on slack wire, which highly delighted the boys. The average • boy is deeply in love with a,' slack wire. Mrs.' W. J. West recited "Edinboro' af ter Flodden," and "The Soldier's Home" very nicely, especially the latter piece. Mr. Will Stewart sang "Take the Lion's Muzzle Off," and "He Isn't Sleeping Now,'. with good voice and expression, and was heartily encored. • Hartley Patterson was also encored for the comic song, "I„ Want to be a Soldier." In an original humorous sketch entitled "The Masquer- ade Ball," Hartley Patterson did some good comic acting as the Irish coachman. His make-up was perfect, of the kind. The drill by twelve little girls was very pretty and very popular. "Au' the men's drill was worth a quarter. When they were encored the little girls re- turned and sang Canada's anthem, "The Maple Leaf Forever." Mr. A. McEwen was drill /nester. The order was about the worst ever known at an entertain- ment in Blnevale. To bo patriotic we need not be unmannerly.' Notes.—Mrs. John King is suffering with an injured knee which will keen her from walking for some weeks. Dfr. D. M. Jermyn, of .Marton, brother of Mr. Jabez Jermyn, of the second line of Morris, and also of Mr. Whitfield .Jermyn, of Turnberry, was re-elected Grand Master at the recent meeting of the Orange Grand Lodge. Mrs. John Gardiner visited her daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred. McCracken, of Brussels, last week. Mr. Will Bailey is in Toronto this week attending the grand council of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, as the representative of the local council.. Fred. Wausman is now engaged in Mr,, -John Kerr's store, Wingham. Earnest-. Patterson, of Clinton, was visiting friends here last week. On his return home last Friday he was accom- panied by Mr. Walter Burgess, who seen veral days visiting in that town. niter is hanging on well. bile going out of Duff & Stewarts' rill yard on Monday last, Thorn Johnston, son of Mr. George Johnston, of Morris, drove the team onto a low lumber pile that was hidden with snow and one the horses cut its leg 'Very badly. t was taken to a stable near by and a veterinary surgeon sent for who hopes to bring the animal around all right again. ;Mr. andMrs. Thomas Coultes attended the funeral of Miss Sadie Henderson, daughter of Mr. H. D. Henderson, of Whitechtuch, on Tuesday. (From an occasional correspofidenti. There is no more loyal community than that of 131aevels and vicinity as was evidenced by th'cxowded house which listened to the excellent concert given in the Bluevale Forest. rs' hall on Wednes- day, March list inst. The programme consisted of patriotic songs, recitations; music and addresses,with balancing feat by Mr. Wightrnain, of Winghann. Miss Greta Carson, of Wnnngllam, recited "Bobs" to the delight of everyone, and Kerr, err, of Brussels, gave an interest- inng talk on the Union Sack. Two in- teresting features -of the pro5ralnmo were ttvo drilla, one by eleven gentle- men of the village, and the other by` twelve little girls. Other; who took W11'eu451 mmoc tT 1ltEPOfaTS, Wiughanl, Narch 29, 190e. Ccnrected by Peter Deans, ;-roduce . Dealer, Wingluon. Fleurper; 00 lbs.,,, . 1 85 to 2 CO Fall Whetit .... 0 58 to 0 63 F, thprinig Wheat ittl, llew.. , . ... 0 58 to'0 600 '.:U t:) 0 26 Bailey .,,, 0 33 to 0 35 meas ... 0 60 to 0 61 Turkeys, drawn 0 09 to 0 10 Geese, 4' 0 05 to 0 06 Ducks, purr pair .. .. 0 20 to 0 50 Butter .. . .... ,,...... 0 17 to 0 17 Eggs per dcz . 0 12 to 0 12 Wood per cord ,,.,. 1 25 to 2 CO Ilay per ton.... 0 00 to. 7 00 Potatoes per bushel 0 20 to 0 20 Tallow per lb ... 0 04 to 0 05 Dried Apples per lb 0 05 to 0 05} Wool .. 0 00 urn two Dressed Hogs 5 25 to 5 50Chickens... 0 25 to 0. Od Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- ipound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and mitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per box, No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two scent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. Nos. 1 and 2 sold aria recommended by all responsible Druggists (n Canada. No, 1 and No, 2 for sale by Colin A. Campbell Druaeist part were; Mr. Will. Stewart, Mrs. (Rev.) West, Mrs, Johnston, Mrs, Mc- DJuald, Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers, Mr. Clay- ton Duff, Mr. Hartley Patterson, Master Fred Pugh, Miss Duff and Miss Her- bert. Two excellent choruses were given by the young people, The committee who bad the concert in hand was Com- posed of M. Alex. McEwen, Rev. W. J. West, Mr. Win, Stewart and Mr. Win. Bailey. Proceeds were over $55.00. IThIt ARN. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nicholson moved into the village last week. Mr. McGee intends moving into the Elkins house soon. Mr. Loungblutintends leaving Auburn in the near future. Mr. Peter Patterson leaves for his home in Dakota this week. Miss Florence Patterson lef t for Detroit March 21st. Rev. Mr. Anderson, returned mission- ary from South Africa gave a splendid sermon on missionary work and success two. weeks ago in the Methodist church. A number of our young people attend- ed a concert at Smith's Hills last week. On March 29th a debate is to take place on a topic concerning the South African War at Smith's Hill. Mr. Welsh Erratt returned to Manitoba last week after spending a few months under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. T. Clark of Dungannon were visiting friends last week in our Village. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mutch of Gorrie were visiting at their graudparents'Mr. and Mrs: Match's. Mr. James Howett lost his three month's old boy last week. Mr. Wm. Patterson was married to Miss Govier on March 21st. Our roads are begerining to show signs of spring, but a great many heavy loads are still drawn over them. Mr. William Dobie is improving in health. . Our village is free of the measols yet, although a great many -have severe colds. • • s 1 aled ' Look at your tongue. Is it coated ? Then you have a bad taste in your mouth every morning. Your appetite is poor, and food dis- tresses you. You have frequent headaches and are often dizzy. Your stomach is weak and your bowels are always constipated. There's an old and re- liable cure : ;s 1i '=r iY it eta ® i Don't take a cathartic dose and then stop. Bet- ter take a laxative dose each night, just enough to causeonegood free move. ment the day following. ' `. You feel better the ; very next day. Your appetite returns, your dyspepsia is cured, your ,. headaches pass away, ' your tongue clears up,, your liver acts well, anc your bowels no longer give you trouble. Peke, 25 renis. Ail druggists. "t leave talon Arig rinse toi' sit years, and X consider them the best 1-r made. One pill do'o Inc choreood th'MMM half a hose of any other kind X have ever tried." Mre N i$.TALItoT, /Arch 80,1&'0 Arrington, Yeas. **It br, • • • • e • THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE When we CUT PRICES we give you some- thing to talk about. This week our Carving Knife cuts a big slice off the pricr-;s of some lines of' goods that must be moved out at once. Kerr's Pure Soap, regular 5e, llow 7 for 2,,c. Wonderful Soap " 5e, " 8 for 2Go. Morse's Best Soap, " 5e, " 7 Par 250. Our Own Electric Soap, reg. ie, " 14 for 25c. Eagle Gloss Starch, reg: 7o, - " Se pkgo. Carman's Vinegar Pickles, reg. 15e, lOe bottle. Carman's Mustard Pickles, reg. 15c, " 10c " Frost Proof Lik, reg. 50, - Moody's Black Lead, reg. 5e, - Enamelled Tin Lunch. Boxes, reg, 25c, - Flaked Peas, per pkge, reg. 150, - Flaked Beans, per pkge, reg. 150, Conversation Lozenges, reg. 15c, - Tea Biscuits, reg. 10o, - Molasses Snaps, reg. 7o, - - Handsome 10 piece Toilet'Sets Tinted and Gold Trippled, Stone China, $7.00, now $5.00. " 3c ,. " 4o bar " 150, " 10e. " 10e. " 10c. " 4 lbs for 25c " G lbs for 25o Lake Herring in 5o lb. and 100 lb. Kegs. Pos- itively the last of the season. Our Baking Powder at roc Ib is as good as some others charge you 25C for. Don't pick your teeth with a match. You can get good Tooth Picks here at 5c package. Remember—Satisfaction in all goods sold or money refunded. Terms—Spot Cash or Trade. J Macdonald Block, Wingham. GOOD CHEER Gook Stove IS OUR LEASER We also have Moore's Bermuda, Florida, Buck's Stoves, etc. We carry a good line of Heating Stovesat lowest prices All kinds of Tinware reduced in, price for this month, - We sell Coal Oil, House Furnishings, Lamp Goods. We take Wood in exchange for Stoves. Remember the old_stand on the corner when you want anything in our line. John Bugg & Son. Goods to Clear AT Socia Cllt Prices! In order to make room for new Spring Goods which are daily arriving, we will offer at special reduced pricesour entire stock of Mantles, Fur Goods, Overcoats, &c. This range of Mantles is of the best Beaver Goods, as. sorted colors, sizes ranging from 34 to 42, suitable for spring wear, prices to commence at $2.5o.and up. In Fur Goods we have a few Ladies' Fur Jackets and Fur Capes, also Cloth Capes which we will clear at cost and below All Fur Goods warr'lnted to wear. 'ar. Overcoats in Beaver, Freize . and Tweed, up-to-date makes, perfect fits to clear at $3.5o and up. See our New Spring Dress Goods, new designs and new colors, at prices ranging from 25c and up. T. g. 1VE22,LS •