HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-30, Page 34 THE WINGHAM TIMES, MARCH 30, 1900 I M PO TFA N T NEWS FROM OUR N1GHBOR Thai People Should Kno;ir Jut sI( What kind fr Unn do For Them in Spring Time, pretty wedding tear plttce at the he rue EVENTS S QF l TE EST TQ ALL OUR FaEADER$. What Wideawake Tirnee Correzpondente Cosxzzntunteato Otter Items Clipped From gun Fisrohnn; ee. EAKT WAWANOSII. latUSSI;LS. 0.1 Wednesday, March 14th, a very John Wright has tendered lzis resigna- tion as j uiito: of the Methodist alntrch and caretaker of Brussels cemetery, the save to take effect three rnonths from. April lat. Win. Wiltou is completing Mr. Wright's term. On Friday, March 10tH, Manager French of the iInroa House of Rettig° telephoned W. H. Kerr that Grimily Williams, formerly. of Brussels,' who has been an an inmate of that institution since tars cpeuing, had passed away at 11.80. As she was most anxious to be buried at Brussels arrangements were made for the funeral ou Saturday. Mr. French kindly accompanied the remains to town, coming by train via. Wiugham. Rev. M. Abey, of whose church deceased was a member, took ohargo of the service. Tho cause of Mrs. Williams' decease was old age and for months she had been couflned to bed. She was about 80 years old. In her earlier years she was a hard worker who battled for her living with commendable indepen- deuce, even if she did not.always get her rights. Her lzusbaucl, who was also an inmate of tiro. House' of Refuge for a time, going from Wingham, died over a year ago at tho home of his daughter, near Minden, Haliburton District, Ont. They had 10 children but the daughter referred to is the only one living. of airs. Vaucantp, 0th lizze, wben Ilex. daughter El;za was tutted in the hely ,,,,,ilii Begins it goxi Work bonds of evectlocit to Gouge Irwin,, of 'At. the Root of Trouble the loth con. of East Wass -mash. As the welding march sues lestag p'.a.yccl by and. Disease Mise Clara Coultea.,t;,e bride and groom oamo forward, the bride being band, sanely dressier in cream' cashmere trim - it Food' And Onus T:le tier es Anti Diiva5 • mad evith silk, ribbon and fringe. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Ili2;lilrities tr0i11 Th; 31e)1. Oaten, of 13elgrave, in the presence of Witih the usheriug beef anew seasonal s important that people should know jest what Paiue's Celery Compound can do for tired, half-sick,ucrvous, sleepless, irritable and despondent people of alt ages. Spring is tiro tie when t1oneziuc1s have the "blues," and go about in misery and wretchedness. The nerves of such victims require nourishing and their blood must bo puri- fied. As soon as this all-important work is begun by nature's blood purifier and system builder, Prune's Celery Com- pound, the seeds of lurking disease are expelled from. the body, and health and true vitality are manifested in the face and in every movement of the limbs. To -win back refreshing sleep, good ap- petite, natural digestion and dontiuued good health, the best remedy in the world is not too much for anyone to in- sist ou getting. If you have the slightest doubt about the power and efficacy of Pain's Celery. Compound, have at least' as much faith as some of your Wends and neighbors who have tried a bottle and aro now praising its virtues and, life- givingpowers. Paine's Celery Compound cures when all other medicines fait. It is announced that Mr. R. H. Verity general manager of the Varity plow -vorks, of Brantford, has been appointed general superintendent of the Massee - Harris Company's works at Toronto. Mr. Thos. Gordon, town clerk of Owen Sound, has boon 43 years iu that office and missed only five meetings and that a; owing to a period of sickness. During Lis first 40 years lie never missed a meet- ing. Owen Sound's act of incorpora- tion waspassed iu 1857, the first meeting of the town council was held when Mr. Gorden began- his duties as town clerk. His record is most unusual. .Agents :—Canadians won't be hood- winked. Opposition books completely _ t' Vowed under. olu a work on"Boerur n -British War" ' and genuine "Life of Moody" sweep- ing everything from their path. Send your address and get outfits quick. THE LINSCOTT.PUBLISHING Company. Toronto. .& ents :—War in South Africa. Two Volumes. First contains complete history of country and was up to date; tells about our contingents, giving names of officers and men. Seccaad volume to bo published when war as over. Only Canadian manufactured book. Everybody cancels their order for American books when seeing ours. If a hustler; this is your gold mine. Prospectus free. BRADLEY-GARRETSON 0O , Limited, Brantford. Agents: People won't be deceived with American Histories of the war published now, as it bas only come: menced. Handle our two -volume Can- adian manufactured work. First vol- ume ready soon, complete to date. Thus you get commission. Second volume published when war is over. Why waste time with incomplete books? Prospectus free, THE LINdOOTT PUBLISHING Company, ' Toronto. Agents :—The last year of the century handle our "Nineteenth Century" book. Describes all the •great battles, great men, great inventions and dis- coveries, progress of cations. Full. account of the Dreyfus trial, history of South Africa to date, war with Spain, and every. great event of the century. Big book, well illustrated. .Snap for hustlers. • =BRADLEY-GARRETSOPr 00., Limited, • Brantford. "Safe bind, safe find." Fortify your- ' self by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla now P and be sure of good health for months to come. "Canadafor the Canadians." READ THE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL • A monthly magazine full of inter- , estieg reading matter and useful in- formation for CANADIAN' "WOMEN ANI) ;. CANADIAN DOMES St-shoat/Aim price One Dollar per Annum. Ott yeti can receive it with this paper for one year at the sumo price by sending your orders to - t her publisher of the TIMES at _ Wingh ant. Send 10 mite for sample copy. You will like it. Address. Canadian Home Jouriltii Co.. tuM,7tc) Tom,N10, d 1 PATENT good Ideas May be mimed by our aid. Address, THE PAtENT RECORD, netimore M4. about thirty invited guests. After the caromcuy the company sat down to a sumptuous repast, and the evening was spent ie. mimic and games, after which all returned to their homes wishing the bride and groom a happy voyage. The bride received a largo number of useful and beautiful presents. Liver own Witt I have used Laxa-Liver Pills for a serious attack of Liver Complaint, they did me a world of good. and made mo smart and healthy. Mrs. Geo. Hurdis, Carleton] Place. Out. • CLINTON. Messrs. Thos. - Jenkins and Alex. Armstrong have been elected trustees of the Rattenbury street Methodist church, vice "'Williat>a Taylor, deceased, and Jacob Taylor, resigned. Mr. C. Wallis ran over his payments the other day, for hogs daring 1899 and found the total amount bo over 01,030, or an average of $7 per porker. ' A quiet wedding was celebrated at the Baptist personage, on Thursday last, 15th inst., by Rev. T. J. Murdock. The interested parties were Alexander Mc- Gregor; of Goderiuh, and Mrs. Elizabeth Kinsman, of town. The newly wed will reside iu Clinton. The Clarendon hotel bias been thoroughly renovated and repapered. The Clarendon is one of the best hotels in the west.. Mrs. Biddlecombe has purchased Mrs. Carline's house and lot on Rattenbur street., Mrs. Carlin intends to leave shortly for Toronto, whore she will go to a hospital for general treatment. Owing to illness of Geo. Armour, the firm which has beeu conducting a har- ness busines,uuder the name of Johnston & Armour, for years, has been °lis volved by mutual consent, and J. John- son will carry on the business as hereto- fore. “Opportunity is the Cream of Time.' Now is your opportunity. There is no time when the system is so much in need of a good medicine, like Hood's Sarsaparilla, and no time when it is so susceptible to the benefits to bo derived from such a mediciue. By purifying, enriching and vitalizing the blood and toning up the system Hood's Sarsaparilla starts you right for a whole year of health. Constipation is cooed by Hood's Pills. BEL1VIOnE. It is with feelings of deep regret that we learn of the death of Private John Adams of A Co. Manitoba and a mem- ber of the First Canadian Contingent to South Africa. Ho died of dysentery on Mar. and, at Jacobsclal, after several weeks' illness. The last letter received from him by his father was written on Feb. 2nd, at Belmont, where he was then in tho trenches. Ho said he was not feeling well and attributed his ill health to the impure water there. A 'few years ago this young man worked. with several farmers in the vicinity of Teeswater and while there ho spent one or two seasons training with NO. 8 Co. of Bruce. For the past two years he has been iu tho West and there he also had some military training he having join- - ed -the Manitoba Dragons. Ile was am- bitteus young man, of good ability, cheerful disposition, andafavorite with his acquaintances. His life has boon cut off in the very flower of his youth yet it must certainly leave behind it pleasant remembrauces of hint. He went for- ward manfully into the field of nation to do his country's work mid though Ito did - not die in conflict yet he was one of that gallant band, among evliom were or are no cowards, who clash sect bravery have won so much honor for themselves and this Canada of ours. • Vet what yen Liffe.. ---This may seem a startling speech to make to the poor despondent dyspepticwho for years hits been, oh, so careful net • to eat. Give the digestive ozgans sr me work to do. These functions reed exercise as any part c f the .human anatoniy, but if they're delioate, givo thein the aid that Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets afford 'toll you salt eat anything that's whole- some and palatable -40 in a box, 85 ots. Sold by A. L, Hamilton, John Tucker, aged 70, a retired titer - client, of Oven Sound, died on 1! riday morning of cancer. It anyone offers yon a cheap imitation of or substitute, for Dr. It'clwler's 7:utract of Wild Strawberry,• refits° it. Many of these cheaply prepared Lierrhoelt vtnio- dies are highly dralg:,roua and should be 'avoided. lalieuihatisni Is completely driven from the system by Milbtrn's Rheumatic Pills. They give relief from the pain, limber up the Stiff Joints and cure when other methods of treatment fail. IiOWICH. On Wednesday evening, March 14th, a large party of friends and relatives as- sembled at the residence of John W. Jacques, near Lakelot, to witness the marriage of hie daughter Ida May, to Mr, Robt. Ashton, of the 8th con. The spacious parlor presented a tasteful ap- pearance in its holiday trimmings and the costumes of the ladies were it keep- ing with the gay festivities. The °ere- : molly was performed by the Rev. ; A. B. Farney, of Gerrie. The bride was prettily attired in a weddii'g costume of cream silk trimmed with satin and lace and carried a boquet of roses while her sister, Miss Maggio .Jacques, was gowned in cream cashmere with satin trimmings and also wore 1. roses, Mr; Hilton Ashton, brother of the groom, was best man. When the cere- mony was ended a tempting wedding surper was partaken of and the [evening spout in dancing and other amusements. The Harriston orchestra was present and furnished the music. • Tho hand 'of death has again been stretched forth and laid low one of Hov4ick's prosperous and most respected farmers, in the person of Elias Spinks, whose spirit took its flight from a world of sorrow did care to a place of peace and rest on Tuesday night, the 13th inst. About a month ago he was stricken with a, cold and pneumonia set it, but he gradually improved and was so far re- covered that he was able to 'go around again, when a. relapse set in, from which he never rallied. The deceased was in the primo of life, being' in his' forty- first year. Ho came to this township from Cartwright about ten years ago and purchased the farm on which he resided till the time of his demise. Just fourteen years ago the day of his death, he was- united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Goggia, whom with three little girls he loaves to mourn the loss of a loving husband and a ldnd father. As a man of the world he was a straight- forward and honest and as a neighbor kind and obliging. Ile was ru, .consistent and active member of the Church of Englatid, a Conservative in politics and a member of the United Workmen and Orange. Societies of rordwich. The funeral tie the Fordwich cemetery was largely attended and was conducted by the Orange brethren. Home-made Mats and Rugs. A rascinating Work for the Home. DIAMOND DYES Always take the Lead. Every woman and girl in Canada should have the now illustrated "Dia- mond Dyo Rag Book." This useful little book shows rich -colored patterns of Door Mats and Floor Rugs that can be made from rags of any kind. The book will tell you how to got any of the lovely designs. h'BS tat,• Sent post 1>aid to any address. Write c'aiae l o'Wells & Iticllnr�clsol Co., ,200 Mountain g Street, Montreal. TEICSIVA,TE D. A very pretty wedding took place at the hone of Mr Jas. Martel, ou Tues- day evening, March 14th, w1.eu his clttu;;htor was melted in wedlock to Mr. Archibald IfeDovald of the 8th con. of Culross. The ceremony eves performed 1)y lieV. axis. Malcolm in the preeence Of about ninety guests. The bride was at- tended by her cousin, Miss. Cassie Martin, of Galt, while the geoom was supported by Mr. McLennan of Brant township. The bride, w2io was dressed in white organdie and carried a shower bouquet of white roses looked ebanning as she mitered to the sweet strains of the wedding march.. Miss: Cassie Martin was also dressed in white organdie and carried a shower bouquet of kink carna- tions, At about 8,30 °'°lock, after the marine ceremony was over, the guests sat clown to the eumptioue weddiug sup- per which had been prepared for the occasion. The eight past rapidly away as the gay and happy guests amuse, themselves with games, &C. The young couple left on the early train for Galt, Hamilton and other points. Au immense crowd went to the train to see them oft and Mr, and Mrs. McDonald entered their car amidst showers of rice and the good wishes of the assembled company, Mr. McDonald is an euteiprisiug and prosperot:s young farmer who lives on the 8th cop, of Oulross, while Mrs, Mc- Donald is one of Teeswater's most popular young ladies. Until about a mouth ago she occupied the position of organist .of Kuox churolz.The presents,of which there were a largo number, were magnificent, many of them being not only handsome and costly but also of a very useful nature and they attested the very high esteem iu which the contracting parties aro held in the community. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is pleasant to take, always effectual, and as it car- ries its (.w/1 Cathartic, there is no need of giving. Castor 011 or any purgative afterwards. (:1LIOSS. On Tuesday morning March 20111, the spirit of Lina J. Jeffery, wife of Fleming Ballagh, cf the and con., passed over the river to its long home. Until about six weeks ago Mrs. Ballagh had been iu good health but since that time she has been confined to her room and for some time before her death all hopes of her recovery had passed away. Sho leaves behind her a sorrowing husband and one daughter eight years of age. Hor mother, two sistersland one brother live in Bel - more while three other brothers live in Montana. Mr. Ballagh has the. deep sympathy cf the community in his sad bereavement. The home of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scott on the 4th con. was the scone of a very, pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, March, 7th, when their daugh- ter, Miss Maggie,was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Shaw, of Carberry, Man. brother of Dr. Shaw of that place. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Malcolm, of Teeswater, in the presence of between eighty and ninety guests. The bride looked charming wearing a very becoming costume of navy blue ladies' cloth prettily trimmed with pale blue flowered silk lace and a boquet of white forget-me-nots. The groom was well supported by Mr. Robert McAllister of this township, while Miss Ettie Scott, sister of the bride, attended the bride. She also worn a dress of navy blue cloth nicely trimmed with pale blue satin, .Dream lace and jet. Tho bride, leaning on the arm of Mr. It. McAllister, took her place beside tho groom, while Mrs. John Clark played the wedding march. After many hearty congratulations the wedding party sat down to a well loaded table of good things. The bride was the recepient of many handsome and useful presents showing the esteem iu which she was held l:.y her many friends. The evening was spent in music and social games. The crowd dispersed at au early hour for their homes apparently well pleased with their evening's enter- tainment. Mr, and Mrs. Shaw are visit- ing friends in Galt and Hespler before leaving for their future home near Carberry, Mau. • Cures Croup. Every mother knows how dangerous Croup is. On the first sign of the Croupy Cough use Hagyard'sYellow Oil. Itwil1 cure this clangorous disease whennothiug else will. Price 25c. Four Little Household Hints. All cake tins should ba lined with evenly buttered paper before baldng. All good cakes should have a sheet of paper placed on the top. To remove varnish stains from the hands is quite easy if, before washing, you stub tlleni with a flannel dipped in methylated spirits. To prevent metal froin rest rub over the surface a mixture formed by melt- ing together equal parts c.f ozokerit, paraffin and beeswax. Stains of paint which have become - dry on any garment are difficult to re- move, but with persistent use of beazino or spirits of ttirpentina it can generally bo =tinged. ;leap, Vor 'r1a1it:, mi. Chi :_mn. IIIeAewt :]i+-1tt10�, 3i� gt 'rIIE SPRINGASSIZES. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, BE- FORE CHIEF JUSTICE ARMOUR. No Cr1,uiusl Iltisiness, Bat 111 Civil (humss, Mem (*oderich t 1nr.I The spring session of the High Court Justice for the county of heron opened ou Monday before Chief Justice Armour. The followiug gentlemen ---E. Acheson, (aoclerich tovazlahip; '3 'zn. Blash:ill, Brussels.; Wzn. Brains, Morris; Thos. Campbell, Stanley; M. Farris, Ashfield;: J. '2. Goldthrol.e, Saltford; Wzn. Jack- son, Mullett; L. A. Mason, l;iowick; D. McCowan, Stanley; Robert McLaughlin, Turnberry; John Padfield, Turzzberry; J'a'zzes Turnbull, Grey; 11. Wright, Grey—having answered their names and elected J. T. Gold thrope formata were address by Ilis Lordship, who cougratu- latecl theist on the fact that there were no. eriuliiwl eases ou the record, mid then dismissed them to their duties. Although there were no crhanal causes there was a full list of civil ones, six being on the record for trial by jury, and nine for settlement by his Lordship. At the °poising of the court Sheriff Reynolds presented the Chief Justice with. a pair of white gloves, as a tokeu of the county's freedom from crime. The jury list of causes was made up of (1) Asquith vs. G. T. R. Co., an. ace tion for alleged iujuzy to plaintiff from a telegraph wire attached to plaintiff's barn!. (2) Sanderson vs. MoNaughton, an action for slander and assault; (8) Small vs. Bradford, an action to recover for injury to plaintiff while riding a bicycle; (4) Burns vs. Clark, an action to recover damages for malicious prosecu- tion; (5) Cameron vs. McLennan, an action for slander; (0) Cameron vs. Cameron, au action for slander. Non - jury causes—(7) Lee vs. Mitchell, et al, an action to sot aside a conveyance; (8) Reid vs. Reid et al, an action to recover a piano; (9)Anderson vs. Babb, an action for ejectment; (10) Fretwell vs. Morn- ingstar, au action, of account and to compel a specific perform -aims of cou- teact; (11) Daueldson vs. Cautin, au action of account; (12) Harvey vs. Cass, an aotiou to stop au alleged nuisance; (13) Caledonia Society, of Lucknow, vs. Boyd, an action to compel the convey- ance of property and the recovery of a trophy; (14) Hayter et al vs. Peck, on action to compel au executor to render an account; (15) Holmes vs. Town of Goderich, an action for au account aris- ing out of a contract to supply the town with a gnautity of coal. The first cause on the list, Asquith vs. the G. T. R., was postponed. Garrow & Garrow for plaintiff; John Bell and E. G..Graham for defendants. Sanderson vs. McNaughton was set- tled out of court. Garrow & 'Garrow for plaintiff; E. Campion for defendant. Small vs. Bradford was dismissed without trial. Garrow & Garrow for plaintiff ; L. E. Dancey for defendant. Burns vs. Clark was tried by jury, and before the evidence was all in His - Lordship took the case from the jury, holding that the plaintiff had some grounds for his course in laying the in- formation. P. Holt, Q. C., for plaintiff, J. M. Best for defendant. Cameron vs. Cameron was a jury case and lasted some time, a large number of witnesses being examined. At half past five Mr. Garrow commenced his address to the jury, and was followed by Hugh Morrison for the plaintiff. The judge summed up his charge, being slightly in favor of the defendant, after which the jury retired and spent nearly two hours considering the evidence, and just before - nine returned into court with a written verdict for plaintiff and $500 damages: Hugh Morrison for plaintiff, Garrow & Garrow for defendant. During the absence of jury in the Cameron vs. Cameron case, No. 0, An- derson vs. Babb, was heard and post- poned, L. E. Dancey for defendant. Donoldsou vs. Cautin was settled in accordance with terms of settlement made by the parties to the snit. Proud - foot & Hays for plaintiff;; Philip Holt, Q. C,, for defendant. amore . The court opened at 9 a. rn., and a jury was sworn to try Cameron vs. Mc - Lenten, a Casa by the plaintiff who ob- tained the.vprdiet in Cameron vs. Cam- eron on Monday. This occupied the court till noon, when the jury retired, and after a not very long absence re- turned with a verdict of X200 for plain- tiff. These cases creates considerable intact 1, as the slander was °barging the plaintiff, who is single woman living with a widowed mother, with having givou bit ih to a child. The couusal - engaged in tate ease were II. Morrison, Laoknow, for plaintiff, and J. T. Garrow, Q. 0., for defendant. Lee vs. Mitobell, et al, commenced just before noon, end the first witness, cbell, was in the box for four hours, the direct examination taking three - fourth of that time. During the ex• amination the witness fainted Lind de- layed the court for a short time, but to few witnesses that followed passod through the barrister's hand clot 1lv. , About 6 m. Mee. Garrow aske 1 p Lordship %o adjourn, but nit wit's are• , fusel. Shortly after 7 e heather i f t r' !first witness, while being o:auninod 1•y ( Mr, P'rotuclfoot, fainted, and the :•:else then rcljourned the Comb till 0 a. M. on Wefinenlay. This caro w.rs one of w:cls interest, consequently t:ti court 'lva.i °roweled all the Alf•tara •. ferrel tits in Who ease umreoll apple buyari, as tlaa "exit W114; i saa�.l afar try and break a deaa outdo by nieslaatt two Months before he to ci.;Lc Ohne. Lee, v,ho is (uttered tes plaintiff, is noting for the eraditors, toeing ar:sigsas of the (:tate. Duriu the driy the jurors were diets charged, the »mining °.1113: K Ort the list being non -jury ones. =D:.1 -DAY. Court opened at 9 a. nr...and the ex- amination of the w:tn'-s•s Mitchell was cautioned. The taking of evidence Instal tilt lioen and the couust'1 iu the ease a ddrzssed the court, after which His a,c rdship de. livered judgment in fay..r of Asr;guee Lee ou every claim, equal to a v.:r.liot of of three taousaud two hundred. dollars. During the delivery tl:o judge raid he had ztever heard more flagrant perjury, and shortly after the ell se of the trial constables T. and W. Mondry and Cameron apprehended Alex., John and James Mitchell on ebtu -,les of defraudiug their credit ,rs. Win. Proucifoot and' L. B. Dancey arpoared f"r 1.e'. and J. T. Garrow, Q. 0., for the defendant.. Reich vs. Reid et £0, .uz set:o11 to re - °ever from a mothe., a'ul the o+scaators of a will, a pia:zo, or th3 value thereof, commenced on the reassanblia r of the court after lunch recess, and lasted until some thirteen witnesses had been ex- amined. The case closed shcrtely before six, but His I.ordship nseerved judgment till a future date. E. Campion, Q. 0., for plaintiff, Prcudfoot & Hays for defendants. Fretwell vs. Morniugstarfollov ed,and the evidence was nut nectirly all in when the court adjourned at 7 p. m. till -9 a, tis. Thursday. THORSDAY. 001111 opened at 9 a. m. au:l Fretwell vs. l\i orningstar was resumed, and lasted nearly two hours, when his Lordship re- served judgment. R. Vanstone, Wing - ham for pltdutiff; Garrow & Garrow for de£en ]ant. Harvey vs. Casa, Was adjourned till next court. R. S. Hays for plaiutiff; F. Holmostead foder fendant. Caledonian Society, of Lucknow, vs. Boyd, cccupie l the . court for less than two hours. The action was entered to force dofondant to deed over the lots on which the society holds the annual games, and the silver trophy thatshculd be presented annually to the winners of the tug-of-war at the annual games. - Tho property was held by Boyd as trus- tee, and when the Sec:ety became des funet some years ago he continued in possession. His lordship gave judgment for plaintiff, with costs egaint defendant. Hugh Morrison„ Lucknow, for plaintiff ; Philip Belt, Q. C., for defendant., Hayter of al, es Pock, a suit to de- termine a will, was raferred to the local master of the Chancery Court. Garrow and Garrow for plaintiff; James Scott for defendant. The Court at 1 p. m. adjourne=d for one hour . and on resuming at 2 p. Holmes vs. Town of Goberich was com- menced. Architect Fowler ,presented plans of the wharf and coal shed. Dr, W. J. R. Holmes was examined at some length regarding the contract, and the reading of the evidence given. by P. B. Holmes in the interim examination concluded plaintiff's case. For the- defence En- gineer Kelly, Chairman of committee Cantelon, Town Clerk Mitchell, Col- lector Reid, H. Stowe, Wm, McCaughan and Captain Wylie. At the conclusion of the evidence the counsel addressed the court at some length, and it was finally settlea that taey should each send a record of the decisions bearing on. the case to His Lordship in Toronto, where a decision will be given at some future date. E. L. Dickensou, of Wing- ham, for plaititiff; Garrow and Garrow for the town. The Court closed at 5 p, m. Note. — On Wednesday afternoon Alexander, James and John Mitchell were brought before Police Magistrate Seager, charged with defrauding their creditors, to which charge they severally pleaded not guilty. 14i.r. Garrow, who appeared for defendants, sked for as remand, as he was not prepared to go on then. The P. M. adjourned the case till Thursday-, 291h, and accepted bail, each defendant giving bonds byseif and surety for $2,000. Women's Aliments.. Women are COM. ing to understand that the Backaches, Headaches, Tired Feelings and Weak Snails from which • �+ ..�, �„ they suffer are due to wrong action of the kidneys. DOAN's Kidney Pills are the most reliable temecly for any foray of kidney camplsint. They drive away pains and aches, make women healthy and ar,py-- able to enjoy life to the fullest. Tars. C. Il;. edellespie, 204 13ritain Street, 1st. John. N B,,:tcays: " I had cover° kidney trouble for. uvl icli doctored with a number of the beat plays . cie.ns in St. John, but received little relief. Bearing of D)oan'a Isiclney 1'i11s, i began their use. Before taking tb011 I could not stoop to tie my shoes, end sit thrush suffered such torture that I coxae not turn rear in had Pi111 without aSsiatstnOe, Dean's ,,.wo neared me fro`a this t den, ant1•,n1Uved Cvc z•y pain aed