HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-30, Page 1VOL, XXVI11,----NO, 1458, WI�1ti�-IA1VI `TIiVi 4„.t.„.„..8.7,14,.. , Take a Look at our Printed and Gilt • Extraordinary3 s nllOullcefflent $ FOR $650 E'CS INNER BTS - 97 Pieces, SAY, LOOK HERE ! We are just wondering if people believe what we say when we toll them that we aro bound to .get rid of our Dry Goods and Groceries. Well! they have got to go and don't you forget it, We offered to sell them at cost and a great niauy people took ad- vantage of that offer and got some cheap goods. Now, we aro going to go oue better aid offer the rest of our Dry Goods at 50e and 75c on the dollar, acid if that does not clear then out, why we .shall be forced to give them away. Any- how we must got them out of this store before long. We would like you to help us, and in helping us you are Helping yonrse'ilf, for at the prices we are selling .at it means that you get the goods at half the regale'. price. We don't want to make a long sermon out of this, so will close by again quoting our text, viz: We must get rid of our Dry Goods at any price. +.Novy we will say a few words about the lines wo are not going out of, viz: Tailoring, 'Gents' Furnishings :Hats and Caps, :Boots and Shoes. In Tailoring and Gents' Furnishings 'we take the lead. We olaiin to carry the largest stock of cloths and turn out -the best fitting, most stylish and up-to- -date clothing made in the county. Leave ns your order for a spring suit or over- coat and be satisfied. Our spring stock of Hard and Soft Felt Hats is now complete and we offer them in all colors and by the best English and American makers. It is our intention to make a specialty •of Boots and Shoes, and with that object t in view, have bought a very large stock :j .of all the latest novelties in Ladies' and Gentlemen's Footwear. In. fact we have Boots and Shoes in all leather from the finest kid down to the cheapest cowhide, and in all shapes and colors, and in all adzes from au infant up to a man's No. 12. Come and let us boot you. Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs, ..and other produce. Hoffluth & Sons Marriage Licenses Issued by Fitexs PATEnsox, No. 28 Victoria -street, wingliam, Ont. No witnesses required. situations await our graduates. 1rt C ontral Business College, Stratford, Ont. tre A few of our students who have recently taken good situations: R. Pow, stenographer, The Glen -Ain- el strong Co., Chicago; R. N. Epplett, teacher, Bridgetown, N. Y., Busi- C� ness College; George Millers, Heft - men's Hardware Store, Exeter; I. -4j Weber, bookkeeper, Berlin Rubber ..t Mfg. Co., Berlin; W. E. Brown, Y'' teacher, Metropolitan Business Col--ill lege, Ottawa; E. Schmicitt, office ii clerk, Ontario Mutual Life Assur- ance Co„ Waterloo; C. Yeo, ledger [r keeper, Union Batik, Moosomin. El Several of our young ladies have �r also taken good situations. Stud- tie ents admitted. at any time. Write 1 to -day for our handsome catalogue. Cir W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal, jj, r �'_5C1.•.�I�•7��"Ij"�4�`rL.�S7' G�'l. `t�...r"'I��,�..'`j -1 1900 CHEAP CLUCBii4G • RATES Before renewing your paper's enquire for our .elubbing rates. By clubbing a City Daily ar Weekly with the "'Xmas you got all the news. The local paper mines you the hone news and the city paper the general lfelteAl latest War Reports eau thus be ob- -*ainecl in MIL The following are sono of the Clubbing .states. r.aeli paper for a year. „ 'Times and Bun, - - . - - CIlo Advertiser. user, - t1 o it " Witness - 100 " Mail -Ent ,ire - 1 70 " Family Herald - 175 " Dail ows • 17x, ,i ' Daily -News 200 (lot i'l •- - • 4 20 " " Mail•l:nipire • 4 25 ...Any other City papers at equally low rates. sryou do not ser the combination you want walk for it. (:lobbing rates also with AgricuI- • rnl papers and the Illustrated Magazines. t�k do not club with other local papers. These rates are all cash in nclvance. Renew 1)tifrmQ your present subscription ecpires. Hub- -seri/Mons natty begin at any time.. Present •subscribers to thee Etas who are liedinati- •vanee, may obtain any of they other palters by mending the extra price. I tub.;erlption4 for any paper received at this °flier. Remit by P. O. Order, Postal Mote, Express +Order or Registered Letter. Addressor call at TIMES 010110M, Wingham, Oat. They are good. value P at $1.50 more -than we ask for them. . N. A. FARQUHARS®D Q ibotibme,Akfq1.46,10.1k, 41,11 NOTICE (The China House) Opp. Bartle of Hamilton WINGRAaf. Hereafter no reading notice advertising any entertainment or mutter by which money is to be made by any church or society will be inserted in the Thins without charge, except when the printing for the same is done at the TIMns ollIce,when a noticewillbe given gratis of a size in proportion to the importance of the event. In future the prices for locals of this kind will invariably be 5 cents per line. tro notice will be inserted for loss than 25 cents. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's advertisement. Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the first Friday of each month from 11.30 a. in. till o'clock p. in., for consultation in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Bur WANTED. j A. gond smart boy wanted at once to learn. the printing business. Must have fair education. Apply at Tines offico. SALE or STOOL— he auction sale of cattle held by T. . Walker, of East ,. Wavy anosh. on Tne day hist was large- ly - ly attended and ver good prices were realized. J. Currie was the auotioneer. C. O. P. Mnnriw e—The regular met- ing of Court Maitia id, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held this (Fr' day) evening, March 30t1 Several c, 'dates will be initiated. am : a large . endante of the members is d sired. LADIas--For an u. -to -.ate hat for this season you shot call on Mrs. Green. GEORGE MOKn,B N DEAD. Shortlay. before going to• pre. t •a telegram was received from Toro] to, announcing the death of George M Ribbon, a former well-known resident of Wingham. Mr. McKibben was at or time one of Wiu ham's most euterpr sing citizens. ` ' e have not yet learn a the cause of his death. Eoorrisll CONCE . _ Our readers should not forget the cottish concert to bo given in the lec ire room of the Presbyterian church his (Friday) even- ing. A letter ret ived from M. G. Cameron, at Goderic t, states that Mr. Spence and. Miss ing were greeted with a large audi rice at Goderich, and that all a re well pleased with the entertai ent. The lecture room of the church hould be ore d to -night. For a Nobby Spring Suit or go to Geo. Carr. We stock of woollens in toe most up-to-date tail moderate. vercoat av , the finest and do the 'ing. Prices tf GET YOUR NAME N Tun ROLL.—The assessors in the T n and Townships aro now on their ands and electors, especially young ni ui, under the man- hood suffreage, sl ould hand in their names and see that hey are put en the roll. All residents 1 years of age and over are entitled t be upon the list, upon handing th names into the Assessors With a sta ment of their resi- dence. It is easier o get on the list this way than if the ma ter is neglected and has has to be atten ed to later. What about yot r spring f .. twear. Largest and most coinnlete : tock in town to selectfrom, at W. J `eRn>;R's. Moroi 11dusns N ins».' ' ingham is badly in need of • some new dtvelliug houses. At the p esent timo we do not kndw'of ail empt house in the town. Assessor Youhill 'anis ns that in his mantle he has no soon an empty hot find has daily Iia enquires for house Th3 Truths know* of a number of people who would move to Winghant at once if they were able * secure houses, No doubt a largo nttrtbor of good 4wollings will be erected tl'ring the coming sum.- met.- Winghar a certainly having its growing time, as .here is no better sign of this than when hotisee are so seance. WINGIxAM, ONTARIO Ring, MARCII 30, 1900, For Quality, Value id cctio:: in Boots and Shoes, go to .' J. (itu i:lt'ti. OWNER F'ouND. he watch advcrtired as found in the COl ins of the TIMES Inst week has been r stored to its ow.,er. The owner lived i ' Turiiberr lid saw the notice in thesairs. T s is another instance where it laid t dvertise. All now goods axwc•1l's: E;ce cur $12, ;14 and $16 5 i s. Taman or Pam .—Miss llouglitou is propel ing for the ving of the Temple of Fame in the to n hall about April With. There are bout 75 characters take part in this el ertaiduneut. Many will remember tha tlio same' cutcrtii:i- meat was given he o in 1890,'w ben large crowds were turn away, and it lied to be given a BC nd *venin . Full particulars latera A convenient house w' stable on let to rent in Lower ' glum. Terns liberal. Appy to . I. GoRDON, DIFFERENT CL antras. ---.•The TIMES roan this week roc :ivod a letter frotu his sister in. Nelson; : B. C., dated March 20th, in which sle says the peop'-ii of that town are now making their gu: den.' , flower beds, etc. •_Chis is a great differ- ence to tho clin ate we have in this section. We are • 'till having very good sleighing and any-imount of snow, 'but the last week wt have had delightful weather. THE NEW Bala YARD i li Elliott, of the Wiugham 'rick yard is having the machinery pla ed on the fair. he recently purchase from Mrs, Robert- son, on the Bluev a road, where intends to manufao aro red brick. r. Elliott says he has ready roceivod large orders for both red. d White brick 'and expects a large bus' ess this season. Ho will run both yard to their full capacity during this season. Mr. Elliott makes all kinds of brie and -drain tile and parties who will b in nee:1 of anything in his line cannot o better than give him a call before acing .i eir orders. ' HOUSE AND LOT r iR SALE.—Lot nullifier Three on t e st side of Shuter street, Governme i uclditional survey, Wingham, for sale on reasonable terms of payment. Apply to R. VANSTONE, Wingham. 41 A HORRIBLE D4TH. he fallowieg . from the Niagara hills •Daily-Rdcorcl be . March 19111,. refers to the death of a well-known fernier Wiughamite. He was a brother-in-law of Miss Little, of this town:—"A ter_ -blefatality occurred early yesterday m ning that was the sensation of the da around town. At 8 o'clock the first ca on the Niagara Falls Park and River R ' way loft Chippewa and when the m in charge reached Table Rock they ere surprised to see a Ivan lying on the roadside just beyong the tracks. Goin to the spot a horrible 'sight met their vi w; that of an upturn- ed face smashed a so com oly as to be almost featereless. he sufferer, who wad still bre .,thing, vas recognized as J. W. Bollman, manager of the 3urning Spring, was earned into the Table Rock baz, ar, where Mr. and Mrs. Zybach summ necl medical assistance and where ev thing, that could be done, was done Life lingered about an hour, but of co so with such on awful wound, uncoils iousness had immediate- ly followed of r the accident. There were all sorts conjectures as to the cause of death, but it was presumed that a kick from a. horse was what caused the sad event. AS Air as can be ascertained, the cireumstanaes are as follows: Mr. Bowman wash the habit of sleeping at the Spriugs, btu . took his meals at Mrs. Leggett's, on Cstaract avenue. In go- ing back and fo 'th he drove a horse that is known to bevel extremely wild animal. Indeed he htd been warned several times by his fiends to dispose of the horse and pure] ase one of quieter dis- position. He came clown yesterday as usual and had.] _ s breakfast at Mrs. Leg- get's, leaving t ere to go basic shortly after 8 o'clock. The last person who saw him befor the accident was Mr. Zybach who no cod hien pass the Table Rock in the cut From the tracks in the snow it is p 'esumecl that he drove the horse to th watoting trough just south of the ba r and that after start- ing on again li noticed that the loft hind shoe was 1R•oken. This might have been done in Bossing the N. F. P. & R. R. tracks. re then evidently got out of the sleigh to pull the protruding portion off who -;the horse kicked hien full in tho face. The brute then turned and ran back to, ards town, coming to a stop in front et D. Dennis' place on River Reed wh Ire it was seen by T. Medford' and taken to Mr. Dennis' barn. It was la in the day before the so 1 rso was locate, but whom the broken cwasfound +tn the foot,intich of the s�e mystery sturot ling his death was cleared up. Tile deceased has resided hero for many years. There are left to mourn his lose, three chttighters, Mrs. Perrot, of London , England; MissMaud Bowman, of Har tilttin, and Miss Peell Tlowllzaif, of towia.. Mrs. Bowman has 1 boon dead for som ; time." Carr's, We havet',h6latest styles, R M R v teal Apply Get your new Ilat f spring at Geo. General servant it to Mrs. M. Robin • Victoria street. Tan Srnir a Fitz, re r.—The frosty 75 CxNTs.—That :stun will secure the nights and moderat y cold air during Tarns till the end of 1900. Tell your the day with strong 112 have caused the neighbors. The TIME`: gives the local snow to melt and r ti away gradually. .news. It is therefore not meted. that much damage will be 121 this section when spring thoroughly ecus up. .A couple of days warm. rain, nay, however, give ns quite a freshet, a there is still a largo quantity of snow to ;o away. KINDNE:a-1 APPRE - TBD. --On Manley of this week, the firm. of Button & Fossant and their ployees presentee. John Clubb with a s Mr. Cldbb had the the end of one of 1 while at work in tJ and the firm and el get him in his no desires us to heart,, employees for the'j Now is the time to overcoat;s you eau or $14 at R. Maxwo BUY AT T-IoazE.—T] from the departmeu being scattered thro gbout . the Domin- ion. We would sa to all who reaeive these catalogues th they can secure as good bargains iron the local merchants as they can fro the departmental stores, and on the thole it will cost you more money to de . out of town than it will with local i orchante, Patronize the local dealers, vho will give you as good goods and al as low price, if not lower, than you an get from the de- partnienta.l store' Patronize the people who pay their sh a of taxes to help keep our town in the proud positio,F1 *Moll it is in to -day. KING for the largest collet on of New gs, Natty MilaINIuwOrgNI *s.—The Wiugliam milliners will hold -their usual spring openings on Tnesdas--ane fallowing days of next week. w milliners have been engaged for each of the three millinery stores andhe ladies of town and district -till no toubt see a very fine display of headgear=nextweek, Mrs. Green and 1Vlis;a MacPherson have ug sum of money. _ announcements in another column. of 'sfortuue to have this issue. a fingers taken off GIRLS WANTED to learn. dove making, factory last week constant employment given.— . J. ployees did not for- ortuue. Mr. Clubb y thank th rm and kiudnes-' o him. et our new spring • s dan•iy for $12 s. spring catalogues a1 stores aro now and Catchy Dress .ui Spring Jackets just i -' a sell Clover, , the Hegelian riv Timothy and all i rods of see the way to his. tf G. E. KINa, Wingh C1IAPMAN. AN OLD RESIDEN last, elle of the el section died at his street, in the perso his 74th year, number, of years DEAD On Sunday or residents of this residence on Leopold of William Sanson, in r. Sanson had for a en a highly respected resident of the T Jwnsbip of Turnberry and a few years go oved to Wing - ham to reside, e bereaved widow and family will ave the sympathy of the community ' t their loss of husband and father. The :funeral took place to the Wingham co netery on Wednesday afternoon. Call. and see our new can't be beaten for th yon have the satisf you will get your suit Robert Maxwell's A San BEREAVE sen, Marnoch; re week from Hoguia the sad hews of th in-law, J. H. Vo was a bridge -ten Midge and DEATH OF MRS FADES. After several mouths of su ering, Susan M., very sad' s wife of Thos. Eades, led at the home of son as it only he had word her brother, A. W. nesday of this week been suffering fr several months. of Wingham for a was respectedby pleasure of her acqu ebster, on Wed- brother ia the s Mrs, Eagles has was buried at consumption for and relatives ai had been a resident sympathy of t umber of years and sad. bereaveme all who had the. PAsTTmnus iutaii • she a vas a man, aged 81 y the home of he Victoria. street, Mrs. Chapman consistent member/ of • the Wingham Prespyteriau churol and also a member of Fern Lodge, Lad . True Bluos. The bereaved will have the sympathy cf their friends in .his their hour of where her hus'b bereavement Th funeral will take Deceased had r place this (Friday) ternoon at 2.80 for house herself rn the Wingham ceme cry and will be at- and since that t tended, in a body, e,ily the members of her son, H. P. ?barman at Ripley,iid ktfdugs; they uey and then raEion of knowing just as ordered at T.—Adam Robert- iv'ed a letter this Wash., conveying death of his brother- oth. Mr. Veeroth r and while crossing r on March 16111, on ork he fell off the as drowned. This ws for Mr. Robert - few inonths ago that f the drowning of his mo river. the deceased asoma. The. widow d. friends will have the 's community iu their una Chap- sk:' ha - R �Jo s and 26 days, died at son, W. J. Chapman, n Wednesday morning. tis a native of England, d died many years ago. 'ded in Ripley and kept it about two years ago o has been living wig Fern Lodge, Lady arae Blnes. NOTICE OF REai,•'t'AL.—Gan implement agent h:.i moved t warerooms on Josellii,ie s A. E. Smith's bank wher a fall line of faring machine implements. fbtt, the his new 1, opposite he will keep and 11 DEATH or MRS. AGLESON the fol- lowing from the roxetor correspon- dence of the Fords ich Record, refers to the death of a lad 'well-known in Wing - ham. Deceased v as a sister-iu-lav- of Mrs. Jas. Angus, f town cousin of Mrs ▪ Ales • Kelly of Tury• since last fall h s been living with her son in town. recessed was a member of the Baptist nurch. Not many are spared to see .is many years as the deceased has s .n. The two sons of the deceased will e sympathized with in the loss the have inet with. The funeral took p ce yesterday afternocn at 3.50 o'elo ik to the Wingham cemetery. MINOR LOCALS. representing Wingl Campbell's Headache Wafe: s guaran- I Two gentlemen $1 A YEAR IN A)YANC1 TRY /oV A • IIEATHFIELD'S AL8A The Magic Remedy i For Coughs and V, Colds. , _ V Vi V ✓ MORROW'S DRUG STORE VI V 170 ✓ V =- _ D. M. GORDON. ._ WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK, D. M. GORDON, The Direct Importer: —Turnberry to tnship ' cotnicil Witf_ meet at Bluevale o i Monday. —The Winghai Tanning Co., re- ceived several ca loads of bark this week. —Ak new daily p per for Hamilton is being promoted b2 J. A. Livingston, of Grimsby —The regular inathly meeting of the: town council will b e held. next Mondale evening. —The article "Tleere is a Surplus" to be found in another column should he credited to the Toro — General Joubert mender of the Boer had been suffering f plaint for some time, —The Grand Co Order of Chosen F Toronto this week. beef!. to cure headache. is our sad duty tl is week to `Chronicle —�rrii 1st—Nex Sunday. the death of Mrs. V. H. Eagleson, which took place at her home on the Fourth—Eousec'.eaniug. time is now with Concession of Ti rnberry, on Monday. us. The deceased wait„utterer from cancer —The last days c March are not re- in the throat. e was a consistent grettecl. member of the esbyterian church and —Term for 75 cents till January 1, bore her suffe •ings with Christian 1901. Sub€tribe now. patience and fort tudo. By her gentle —Camp Calelonil, tions ref Scotland and amiable dis ,osition she had won many friends. ale funeral, which was conducted by Re- Mr. Anderson, took place to the Wroeter cemetery on Wed- nesday. The ;ori owiug family and friends have the - ympathy of the whole community." DAVIS' CHERRY CpE8 COLDS, i1oARSEME. r. 8, COUGI:U SORE THROAT, BnONCHITIS, PAIN IN CHEST. Relieves Dry Coughs and mum Restful Sleep. J. 1E, DAVIS, DRUGGIST GISWAyDD,yaNby(PPT]'ICIAN, 1F1YINGt'iAM, will hold its next evening next. —Minutes of council aid items ed out of this issue —Many a man w aeeting 'on Motday, F +i Howicicl township ,f interest aro crowd- to sat down suddenly on the icy sidewall ; last week expressed the telex hone call .ackveards. Apprentices wanted ab once. Two I young ladies to learn tailoring. tf WEBSTER & Co. —Parties intendi g to do anything in the building line t1 s season, should read Wni. Nicholson'* advt. in another cclumn. —A meeting of the Junior, football club will be held it the Dinsley House this (rriday) evet.i :g; all interested in the game aro is ;uc -ted to be present. Fresh Baltintc,re oysters served in any style at Jas. MeI e1vio's Star Restaur- ant. —The farm below ing to the estate of the late John W. alker, being lot 18, concession 6, Tall erry, has been intr. chased by Geo. right, of the same township. 1 in ti m Nearl y � ,C 0 c sto s was col - looted by H. Da $, the local eolleetor, for the week en lig March 21st. This was ono of the est weeks in custom collections for no time. N o'rio>;.—Any Ono wishing to help' their notes, orapart of then., can do so at the Bank of Hamilton. As I consider all my customers good tion) 1100(1 pay f'antil my return abo:tt the first ut April, 1900. I4on'ir. Mct inoo. tf to Star. organizer and coma rmy is dead. He on" stomach corn - oil of the Canadian: nds is in session at J. B. Ferguson is: ran Council. boarders calx find: accomodatien by applying at No. lir, Patrick street, corner of Edward street. !Pleasant rooms. 41 —Additional di Wet . news will bet found on one of th inside pages of this: issue. We try to oke -every page of the Tnrrs intcresVeig to our readers. — A. K. McAllis,Sr spent a few days with his family in own., He returns to the Soo this week yid will take with hint a car load of pot toes from Wiughanx and a car load of ,ats from Ethel. —Wm. Nicks}lsenhas purchashedM'rs. Elforcl's house an , lot on Frances street.. Mr. Nicholson ineoncis patting the house in good shape ar 3. may build a larger addition to it at some future time. Dr. .Macdonald is now permanently at home and can be consulted by nis patrons. —The TIMES is sorry to report the serious illness of ur townsman Peter Deans. He has eon confined to tho house for sever days. His many friends will wish int a speedy recovery'„ 'Word from orrie ish effect t0 the e t that the wife C. O. F. Organizer: Strong is very 1 w, and her recoverrr is very doubt 11. Mr, Strong has not been able to leave his home four several weeks u account of his wife's; ilhtess. Fon SALE. --.A quantity of seconcte- hand two and three inch piping for sale► on reasonable terms. Tam also prepar- ed to pay the highest price for all thud* of wood. Apply at salt block oftice. G Stkurnm. FLAX WAD The Wingliam li'arnu•rs' Flax tib., tutted, will pay tear dollars tum 14.1 for e ss Yiaac. ttoliverc+l tit their mill at Wingl4e a Ing tkar cathing neuron. Perinea) de'eicling to Prow :tax fet the sill malignly will Is sup Ited with ffi . send art) Peter Obtus' Flour ant Fred Store. For further infatuation i..' c etora of th'" (uutpany, via. e tk. J. Rending, W.'aT.