HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-09, Page 8WINGHAM TIRES, 3tAROIT 9, 1990. EI. ......the wa. 2. to any' Shoos t wilt of their p it proRrty ownere, haft pay for o the Queen's tato at Greer'e. , ptennees. !—We hal the lio part a March for a Councillor Beattie thought the Coon- ff.Aw days this week. M ()IND() eil could net legally' pay for extras. —Tams for 75 ce ts till January 1, Property owners are supposed to pay for 0 1 (4 ubi ..scrbe walks in i:rout of their property. Councillor Golley thought when. M. —Dratuniers hal been, very inuner- Barber luul been promised the money he oils in town duringho past week. should be paid. He would be walla' to --We want to. at 1 one hundred liow contribute $1 towarde ail debt. nAa '10 clear the balance of our long as hp wig tt, property heldee ill subseribers to our et dining the next winter stock we will 0,- x e Winghton he few weeks, would protest against the76 'Its will pay far the cel• ' payment of such accounts out of the TIMES tin the end t 190). you a general funds of the town, • Ladies see the latest designs in 10(10 mewenzie—Bell—That the report of - eo tweaat .w. j c , r. . Treer 8. +114.141+ the Streets and Sidewalks Counnittee be adopted. Motion carried. Councillor - --F, G.' Sparlinil has f or w ar de ii, a • -- - — - (3.0).10y voting nay. berrel of salt to the Toronto branch of FINANCE COMMITTEE. the following aceounts;— - Ladies Red Cross The committ ou ee were thankful to ll r. Sperling for the The Finance Committee reported Bell Telephone C ). , account .... $ 50 ' gift of such a wall article. . Times Printing Co., Peterboa, —IL H. Collins, • he well-known awl po..11coks .... ..... .... .... 4 80 respected lawyer, t'leo. Carr, sneplies, Ed. Sher. 1 Thursday morning. man. • . -. .... .. . — 80 i -..,, i 0..A. Oemplell,, Reunites ,. W. W. 4 5311ehgthY 13311CSS`' ' Thos. Moore, labor, W. W. 1 50 t ou Saturd ty uu1oi1 — G. N. W. Tel. Ca.. account 57 V. Vannarman, Sahry . , ... , 41 00 Howson, Harvey t,S., Drockt(baalt, care of clam 8 33 John Scott, wood for hall.. 11 00 that you will all remember. Jas. Nelson, labor, street . , • • " • 25 Mrs. T. Manuel, wcalilug bed - . room clothes, firemen s room 87 ............ .W.W.W.WWCW=WL Geo. Findlater, drawirg hose to Hoo111 r'&3 Ladder Co., attending .... .. „ .... 1 00 fire call _ _ _ .... 8 00 John Davidson, work with SUOW pries 50e; 80e and 75c, choice ter plow85 .20e. These prices are good for Sat. !Theo. Hall, printing. etc .. _ ..., 22 00 Your canuatt tea r..comanend that the above accounts be J•Md, except John atvidsoa's, not c..1:ttirecl to, and that the Hook and Ladder Co's account 1e re- ferred to the Coun,11. J. H. Cmsnous, Chairman. Chisholm—Bell—That the report of the Finance aramittee be adopted— Carried. Tho accauat of John Davidson having been certified to was on motion of Galley and McKenzie ordered to be paid. An error in the Hook and Ladder Co's account was rectified, and on motiou of Holmes find Beattie, a.ccount orderecl to be paid. By-law, No. 410, 1900, confirming the appointment of officers made at last „regales meeting was read three times and passed. • By-law, No. 411, 1900, to borrow 8400 to meet the current expenses was read three times and passed. Holmes—Beattie—That 8400 be placed to the credit of the Sohool Board—Car- ried. The Mayor said that the Wingham bill, asking Legislature for privilege to aid a table factory and foundry had been placed in the hands of Mr. Eilber, member of South Huron. The Clouncil will therefore have to stand or fall by the action of the Legislature. There are a number of such Bills to come be- fore the House. The Mayor said further that it may be necessary for himself alai tbe Town Solicitor to appear before the Private Bilis Committee to answer some necessary questions. . • Councillors were quite willing that M. N. tvilkDOO'S the rlt ;sl)g-Ltolrontrif were:(1necessary, Balitin Day 011 Saturda 25 Dress Ends and Remnants, all good shades, winter weightNegular qirday only. 10 Ladies' Fur Mantles, good quality, reg. pt•iee, $25.00. These clear for 818 00 cash on SAM day. 15 Men's Ulbter Overcoats, extra heavy, all sizes, reg. 88 Coats, Satur- day 84.75. It will pay you to buy this overcoat for next winter. 10 Ladies' Winter Mantles, very line covility, to clear at 85.00, reg. MOO and 810.00 These goods are much under wholesale price and should sell early on Saturday. First choice always the best. We have passed into stock this week new Dress Goods, Silks, Laces, Embroideries, Prints, Muslins, Lin ens and Napkins, Table Covers and Carpets and Lace Curtains. We have opened a beautiful stock of Gents' Fine Suitings and Wor- steds,. Plain and Fancy and Fine •Scotch Tweeds. We'll be very pleased to show you our fine stock ot Spring Snitings. Suits made to order or Ready- made. Also our new stoek of Spring Hats has just arrived. Special price on Ready:made Clothing on Saturday at the interests of the Bill. . . Councillor McKenzie thought the TOWN COUNCIL. Council Should have some system estab- lished whereby the cemetery would b3 The regular monthly meeting of tho beautified. Have it so arranged that Tov n 0 • 1'ail was held ou Monday parties away from town could have their everin nibers all present. Mayor plots kept in good shape. People resid- Clegg aa weir. Minutes of last ing out of town would be willing to pay regular ri dug read and approved. for this work when they knew their COMMUNICATIONS. plots were being kept in good shape. From the City Council of Ottawa, en- The resignation of Jos. Golley as a closing memorial to Ontario Legisla- member of the Council was read and on tare, nt.king for the repeal or amending motion of Chisholm and • Bell was ac of the Comnee Act, aud asking Wing- cepted. ham Council to co-operate in the mat- Council then adjourned. ter. Under the Conmee Act as it now stands no town or city can establish a gas or electric light plant, until it first purchases a plant of this kind that may be located in the town. The present Act is said to be a very unfair one. Mayor Clegg thought the Act a very unfair one and thought the Council should assist in having it repealed or amended. Comiciller McKenzie thought Council should co-operate with Ottawa in this matter. We have no grievance at pres- ent, but should the town ever want to establish a lighting plant of its own, we would, under the Act as it now stands, have to purchase the lighting plant now establishM, in our town. Bell—?.1.1cKenzie—That the Legislative Assembly be recommended to repeal or amend tho Comnee Act, and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the memorial— Carried. A communication was read from W. H. Green in which. he stated that the Council should have the piles under the bridge at the datu removed; have about ten cords of stone at the dam'and. take other precautions for the safety of the dam at the time of the spring fresIrte Flohnes-13eattie— That the matters sugg::sted by Mr. Green be left in the hand!: of the Street and Fire, Water and Light Committees with power to act— Carried. Communication from V. Vannorinan, Chief ef Fire Company-, recommending the Council to make an extension of the lire alarm system. He thonght an alarm should be placed in W. Halliday's resi- dence and ono in firemen's bedroom iu the town hall—Referred to the Fire, Water and. Light Committee. STREET AND SIDEWALKS COMMITTEE. The above committee reported that they were of the opinion that the new sidewalk laid last fall ou the east side of Josephine street, north of the G. T. R.. was 'invoking on the top and that other def ects Would be brought to light when the spring opened. We would recenunend that no further inoney be advanced to the contraotor at present. MINOR LOCALS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. —Rave you renedred your subscrip- tion? Exeter, dial on f last week, after n. he funeral was held 'USX.* auspices. Apprentices wanted. at 'once; Two younenladies to learn tailoring. tt ,WEIMBli & Co. —ThQ TIMES has t 3nt over forty-five. subscriptions to the Montreal Witness this season. The;, Witness is a good paper. Subscript:4ns for any news- paper er magazine are taken at the Timis office. • • Dr, 111aedoon.ld Is now permanently at home and can Le consulted by nis patrons. —The Oxford 01. Boys hello, banquet itt Torauto one eve. jug last week. -The 01 Boys' Assacia lone are ou the in- aeise Torout). • The Old.jloys• of Bruce Comity fora ad an Association on Feiclay evening lase. TV Q tors of fresh roll butter wanted at once. John Ken) Macdonald bleck. —Dau Limpert hid two of his fingers ou his left hand bac 1- Lacerated while at work on a jointer ar Bell's factory ou Saturday morning est. Ho will be laid off work for conga rable time as a re- sult of the acciden —Private Chest r D. McLarau, 7th Batt., B. O., Lond one of the Cana- dians wounded in. South Africa, is a nephew of our to. nsmau, Peter Mc- Laren. A photo f the young maul ap- peared ju last Sabi day's Globe. School Shoes.— ie Bost School Shoos for the least. moue at W. J. Greer's. —The scholars 6 the Wingham Pres- byterian Sunday School enjoyed a sleigh ride on ednesday afternoon. After the sleigh ri e they were given a warm supper in t lecture room. of • the church. The 011 roxie:had, a, very enjoye able outiug. Single Harness, ray own.inaunfacture, from $12 to $40 at linechtel's harness shop. —A neat new des] has been placed in Town Clerk Fergus u's office.' Pigeon holes have been ax .anged to hold the Collector's • and .si.TSessor's Rolls' and Voters' Lists for ecoeh year. The Clerk has a copy of theseelocuments for ;very year slime 1874. Two tons of fresh roll butter 'wanted at ce. John Kerr, Macdonald! bloblr, • I. The regular Loielon train was stuck in a snow bank on .the other- side if Wingham on. Tu.escIsty, and. so Conduct- or Quirk ran a trail up herefrontWing- hant at noon, Those who saw the affable conductor -ay t y never saw neardine Re- hini looking so wel. view. A boon to the afflicted; he is coining again. T. P, Smith, Eye Specialist, will be at Colin A. Campbell's .cirug store ou Wednesday. March 21st, "one . day only. If you have any defect in —McDonald & Lo ittit shipped. a car youreye sight it will pay you to call load of cattle to Tor Alto on Monday. and see him. Examination free. Call —Regular month' meeting of the early. School Board ou To day evening next. —An item appealed' in last Wednes- Go to W. J. Gree 's for trunks and day's Globe to -the 'effect that H. C. R. valises. Elliott, of Ingersol , was unable to .at -- -Burchill & Rob rtson shipped. a car tend the High Col meeting of the 0. load of hogs to Col ingwood on Mon- 0. re owing to th severe illness of his day. daughter. The -eference should have been to H. D. Bamderson, of White- -Read all the aclv Irtisements in every ohurch, who's dal ;dater, we are sorry to issue of.the Trams.. You will profit by doing so.- say, is seriously il . The editor of the —Be one of the DO now subscribers Thum has had s veral enquiries as to s sick sister, ancl we mention to put the t;light. we are acicling to our list. 75 cents till make the above the end of 1900 for tie nuns. matter in the rig Fresh Baltimore oysters served any style at Jas. McKelvie's Star Restaur- ant. —The Napinaa, ..ianitoba, Standard has ceased publicatn. It was edited by 11. T. Butler, fol nerly of Stratford. , Apply to R. 17ANS'rONE, Wintthatn. or to P. A. MALCOMSON, Lucknow. —Chas. Gillespie, lad the misfortune to badly sprain his ankle one day last • week. We trust h wiil1 soon be able to NOTICE TO CREDITORS be around again. Line up and get aguaranteed through rawhide whip for 25c. at C. Knechters harness shop. —Geo. B. Reev gor_ral traffic mat - ager of the G. T. has rendered the service of forty eara. Single Factory Harn3ss from. $7 to $10 per sot at C. Kneeliters harness shop. —The East !ort License Commis- sioners will thcetf in tIrttssels on April 17th, to take int aconet the granting Gne. Men, of hotel licenses in that riding., Thie report brought forth c insider- have! eelebref n on May 24th. We Char incut. —no Wing am Vire Brigade will the Lucknow firemen. elebration on the same FARM FOR SALE The east half of Lot 28, Con. 0, East WaWan- osh, containing 100 acres. About 80 acres of good bush. Easy terms of payment, has resigned. Ile Notice is hereby even, pursuant to R. S. 0., 1897, chap, 139, sec. IN, that all lierSotis having claims against the estate of John W. Walker, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County' of Aaron, farmer, who died on or about the fith, day of Feb., A. D. 1900, are required to send by post prepaid or deliVer to R. '9,aristorie, Wingham solicitor for th executors, on or be- t e Se ofMarch, A. D. 1900, their T. R. a- continuous names, addresses and doseriptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the exe.e.utors will prodeed to distribute the assets of tho deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 22nd day of February, A.D. 1000, R. VANSTONE, Solicitor for George Walker and Rosetta Walker, Exeeutors. at ciiwte.sion. on Chas. Barber's 420.00 ; understand Oat account for .extra ,work in connection , . .. with the walk ill question. ; nitena to hold a Councillor trolley thought the account ', day. . should be paid, as it was for extra work —The 130n, l'iephone cemt-nny has ' bad nothing to do with the eon- compv,,,tad a, a. 'Aiy, metal) lino from Go;incillr McKenzie was of the ! London to 01..."t•nr. The intention is to opecaion that sufficient money was not t, extend it to Xfiscardine via Wingham being .10p1; hack, if it was found that 1 when spring opcfs. std-e..irealt had to be recovered in, the 1, Ir. .. . He held that the grading and i Two tons of trek roll butter wanted wen: 14 ll not ' , completed, anti that ,t at oilt'o, Johlt Xerrl Macdonald block. 'i wadi had no right to pay out the ,t —The Iluron Tnitorni Promotion 1.bc.- y in atieetien, when it was known t aminatiplis will o held on IVIarch 29th t!'°' fthit'wnlk was notin Wed met ts0;1t. Tette tern should send at once •c(easaa ilk r Holmos thought the Conn- It" their ''''•lt'Ilel speeter for the num- allsould sot pay for extras; its timesbur of papers U.' y require. Will be Sold at a Gi'ea orifice; '44 62444p041•44,104.64•4004.14,14 100 Beres of partially war ed land. 7 miles from Wingluum I. !mit. purvIltiFt•r. Apply at (awe to D fA, or MIK N. N. N. MeRIBBON, Buratto a. Winghent, Vtareb. adt, 1100. DR. A GNE W, L'hysielen, Furgeon, etc. Offiee—gtone Week, over INVIlle Flour and Feed Store. Night calls answered 2kt the °Mee. PIGS FOR SALE The undersigned has for sale a number of large Improved Berlediire Ilogs, both sex, bred from in:molted sten:: Will be sold, on reason- ftle term. APply to P. GIBBONS, Marnoch P. 0. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKIRS, wINGHatvi. Night oohs at Button B100IE, or Fifth door Booth of School dioures. Shop op. pesite Macdonald block, °warm: e elavoi °climatal T. P. SMITH, SC1INVF10 EYE SPECIALIST Graduate New Yetis, Philadelphia, and Toronto Opu-ul Colleges. • Call early and avail yourself of he valuable s:ervices, as this is a. rare opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly tested, free of charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty, Diffi- cult cases accurately fitted. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. AZTI never eall3tt private holism He has also tidied n large assortment of arti- ficial eyes to his stock. Will be at Colin A. Campbell's Dug Store Wingham, one day only, Wednesday, March 21st, 1900. TRUE LIVINC PORTRAITS MADE AT • • N. E. ZURBR1GG'S. Family and other Groups from small sunbeams up to 16 x 20, actual size of photographs. Pictures copied and enlarged or remounted. Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. Irre' Aflen Tott's Pliosphodinef The Great English Remedy. Sold .and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects. of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- Moo:Upturn or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt Oprice, one package $1, six, $5. One will plea.se, eix will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood +Company, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell Druggist. • 'ABNER COSENS Gpneral insurance and Loan Agent. 'Crt • LIFE—The Ontario Mutual. ' . F11,3E—The Non -tariff Goin- g '• ''; . panies. A OCIDENT— The London • Guarantee and Accident • -- • PLAT ,GLASS The Do. - 614' minion. E -f.;' • Money at Lowest Rates. Yn office comer of Minnie and Patrick Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat- urday. THE STUDY OF FAE3MOS Atyle, cutting, making, the desire to. please and to give the utmost value, puts the question of satisfaction of our cus- tomers. beyond the shadow of a doubt. High Classed Tailoring is not necessarily high-prieed. Yott will find proof of this by calling:on ns, ex. enduing our goods, getting prices and leaving your order for a suit. Robt. Maxwell High Art Tailors Wingham. i Sight s Priceless! Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. WE IT SPECTACLES Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. Try. us. 1111 Do Not .„.. Experiment. Ii 11 te Not much use experimenting at your own ex- pense. Let the other fellow do that. It is no ex- periment to buy a CflAND JEWEL COOK STOVE They are the BEST and always give satisfaction -- fitted for Coal or Wood, There have been hund- reds.of Grand Jewels sold in this vicinity within the last six years, and the sale for the Grand is on the increase, COAL—Our Coal is of the very best this year. Orders promptly attended to. cos Y0UNG•8z PAULIN • tg ..• ...„IO0. . . , „..s3t_ • . . G. CLARK TAILOR HAS ETHE MILK OF ID DOWN STAIRS • in the store (next C. N. Griffin's Grocery Store) and is prepared to make your Fall Suits or Overcoats in the most approued and up-to-date style. Special attention given also to Ladies' Jackets with New York latest styles E. C. CLARKE. Oat, 27, 1899. 1-1 HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and costs THREE CENTS A QUART IT PAYS TO The Canada Business\ College CHATHAM, ONT., Canada's greatest school of Shorthand and. Business training, still holds a very strong lead, over its contemporaries. No better evidence of this claim need be, offered than the following, which shows how - Widely this justly popular school is patronized.. 147 Cities, Towns and Villages in Canada,. United States and Newfoundland represented. in the attendance during theyear to date. 80 Counti in Ontario, six of the United States, together with five from Manitoba and, Alberta, have sent their representatives. They - come from the Atlantic on the East to iteg Pacific on the West. Distance proves no hind - ranee to those who aro determined to attend. the best. The present is an excellent,' time or year to make a start. Pupils are admitted at any time. D MeL ACHL & CO., Chatham, Ont. • nte tt. • To draw away the car loads of goods ordered for spring. • . . Buggies and Carriages. Nearly three car loads of Buggies and Carriages have been ordered from the best makers in the country. We will have buggies to suit the purses and tastes of everybody. High grade, medium grade and a grade neither high nor medium_ Prices to correspond. • Farm Impiem.ents. We will have in farm Implements nothing but the best, We don't need to say anything about the Massey -Harris goods, suffice to say that the farmers are going wild over the new Binder and Mower, and those placing their orders with any other firm before seeing these new machines will undoubtedly. feel disappointed. Buy from a thoroughly CANADIAN firm that can give you the best on earth, and a firm that, keeps thousands of dollars worth of repairs_at your door. No necessity of sending your money over to Uncle Sam for in- ferior machines. Uncle Sam knows what he is doing, and you can't expect to get $r.00 in gold from him for 75c. Patronize home industry. We have the slickest plows and gang plows you tver saw.. The National and Imperial Gangs are something new, and had an extraordinary sale last fall. In fact we could not meet the demand made on us for these goods. Ask your neighbor about the gang plow he got here last fall. Repairs ! Repairs ! We are loaded up with all kinds of repairs We can fit any plow ever made with hard and tough tempered in oil cast- ings. Having bought our repairs last (all, before the raise itt prices, we will be able to sell plow repairs at 1899 prices until further notice. Music and Sewing Machine Dept. In this department you will find choke selected Pianos. and Organs from Gerhard-Heintzman, of Toronto; Bell, of Guelph ; Doherty, of Clinton ; Dominion, of Bowmanville: and Sewing Machine from Raymond. of Guelph. Small Instrumeits, MIMIC Books, Sheet Music of alt kinds in abundance, all of which are sold at a small margin. Come in everybody and see through our stores, office and warerootns. Opposite Presbyterian Ohtirch, IVIUNSHAW A on T. PTICIA.X4' nmivtattxt. ROSS 4,