HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-09, Page 6'TILE WINUJIAM MIESt 19011, Tontine's -Thalia eau." MARCH AND THS, LION. iclms or aItoneet. rictura Mewing. The cello xt : i;; dest'i•]bel ;:s beater Hn)4tctlth)g Better than rifle out stew,• Some people keep the+ix religion me 13y hanging pictures logy you Tali in - Tommy :l Mlle' 1('. . to the ":s<lasent- they d) their iunbr�4lltte, fox stormy crease the app.,rent Height of tho A?iu lte t Beggar." The saylug about tlaro lion anti that } Weather, end hope to have it within cosy room. taint, iu. ATtlrelx often a prow �a fte w but i reach if i, dangerous siekuees overtakes • Colored, pictures should not be hue "Wlteix ;revere pas�iag all your hats roma there is another mal a better (�xto witted), � 4, , 1'g is literally true. When March conies in. them.—L. Cuyler, D. I?, its hallways or on staircases un1(ss ,este y(.0 re singing its our ilr.tiee, awl herdic ,you taking hoot}'s l .tesaparila ! r. , you We roust katow outselve,,. If that there is plenty of light fur them, In And pat; re arta/plug g in the ehillings by to purify, eneieh awl vitalize yt urWoo.1,. j , , reit! neyou may e spec+t, when goes out, that j may not servo us iu the discovery of such places strong pliotnr;x alalic, engrave _ Will you Ithufis wait twirl listot just to It will ieavo you free team tit tired i tenth, it at Last setvcs us to regulate iugs and dralviuge iii black and waito, feeling Axid with none of diet Mae pimp- ; our lives than width nothing is more go best. What a soldier says 1es and eeulptialxs which. manifest them- meet and proper,---i'osc.tl. A Diet= slt(lttlil iu)t Po hung tenni Of a 0:entle)nau v:ho knows about the selves because (f impure blood in the The word of Goa will stand a thous one frail;. the tliantoad litres formed by and reaciit!gs, and h: 'trite has gone over the cord have a very discordant effect. it most frequently is that surest to Elul- • TWO nails and two vet ural cords, or, nig nese- venders tlr,rte—Henxiitou, wlia,t is far more safe, pieces of wire She taken into the soul is like liquor cordage, shohld 1;o used instead of the poured into a vessel—ta much of it as gingen med. fills it also : e„sons. The touch and the Picture cords should be tis. near tete tincture) go t:lgether.—Soutla color of the wall upon which they aro The mat dreadful thing to a battle put as possible, se that they may be but wet.? serage, If you have not alretacly begun .k.e's a 1.indly-lir::t- l Uegger, and be ta'sing Hood's; Pe'rsapari:la for your ' awe l.i level best tatting ntedieixie, wa advise you to begin t )-clay, We ;.: se -e you it will make To ant on puler all the thoughts that - you feel better all through the coining strike him. i summer. :fust* tell lxini what to aria) about, and — ' lee will do the rest, The z'itrinrr did Mautlrcteturer. And there aiu't a living luau who doesn't The craze for porlapackiug factorit s like hien. appears to have se:2'1 i the farmers of Ontario. It ie both (amalgams and ! lest is a battle wou.--•Wellington. little seen. When ono picture is hung Great zeta,,! s`tate's rattan! Man in 0. infeetious; end els it (kala hat c; lee uudler ! Silcuet ;lever shows itself to so great beneath another, the bottom ono should . • t'ltmeand men, the supervisam et the health oeacer may an advent:Igo as when it is made the bo hung from the ono above, and not Loved and Honored by every blessed i)e eapecte.l to slsran:l over t?io entero reply to c:,lttnnxy and defalaiatiou, pro- from the top; thus Wo avoid multiplyini, soldier in the racks; province, fuxuihi.'i; stuother (luso of e_:- vidod that Wo give no just occasion for the cards, which is always 01 j:eat/l - s Working for leis country's sake, with at the ueu:tl pricai, The farmer tlxolti. - Addlsoxi. paper, pencil and pen; 1 lists a fixed idea, that he is the hardest Tears aro the ever ewlnring proof of So ,pass the word for all ours sakes: i worked elan on earth, au.l thea trades- humanity.—Schillei:. • Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Good sense and good nature are never He's an open - hearted Briton, and the champion of our cause, .And his poeuls have the British ring throughout; And everybody listens when our Mr. Kipling jaws-- He's the poet of the nation. without a jaws— promises of cheap eeai oil, rope, etc., doubt; and in due season the;; were not. Now And -when -we're knocking Paul about, our good farmers ani buy ii g stock in it's very nice to hear pork -packing factories and &earning of mornings. iu bed That the kindly -hearted beggar's busy and nights of ease. writing What will be the result? Time and the 'pr the misses and the 1.fcldies, 'cos ' bniliff alone eau tell, But we know their daddy isn't near; that farmers who bought stock iu pork- xid,it sort of makes us cheerful in our paclaiug factories in the Weston u United fighting States under a similiar excitement would now be willing to sell it for kindling; Great man! State's man! Man in a we know that of the numerous farmers' 'thousand men, elevators started in 0 similar way in the Loved and honored by every blessed Northwest many have caused the in - soldier in the ranks; vector to curse his investment; we -Working for his countv-y's know, too, that the old rule holds good, tlaper, pencil and pen; that the num who embarks in something So pass- the word for all he knows nothing about borrows trouble - Thanks! Thanks! and buys experience. We are also aware of several farmers who are satisfied to give their undivided attention to their farms, and who having done so, are among the most contented and prosper- ous people of our acquaintance.— Monetary Times. ineu toil not, neither do they spiu, but revel in luxury on the fruits of his in- dustry. At various tunes the 'farmers have sought to participate in this revel- ling, They stated the Ca•.auge; and it stooped of itself, They inaugu rased Patron stores, with their wealth of sake, with our sakes: Thanks! it is a Mistake To suppose that the kidneys alone are responsible for all the weak, lameeach- ing -backs. Backache as well as pain under the left shoulder blade frequently comes from the liver or complications of the liver and ]adueys which can only be cured by using the great double treat- remit—Dr. - Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. One pill a dose, £8 cents a box. Dual Pnrpor,3 Cogs. The all around .animal for the farm is the •dual purpose cow, says Professor Shame; a cow that will produce a largo amatant of dairy p:odnce while she lives :and Meat when she is dead; ae cow that •will peoduce steers that can bo grown ink vier t et a hau'son1e-profit and that it wiihai rugged and vigorous because of the evenness and balance in her develop- ment: She isnot a poor milker. This is Where many dairymen `are - estray in their couception of this cow. .They havebeen all along mistaking the poor milker, the "scrub cow, for this' dual purpose cb'ct-. Men have tried td ,write heft oat of eaistenct3'•in the' press and to talk her out of •existence ou the platform; and yet shallhas gone gedetly Oahe'. way, and bei the excellenee•of'het prbduotion she is fast rebuking' them 'into- silence; Theyhave said she is Et Myth; a:delusion Weak Lungs. Mr. Frank Jennings, Coldwater, Ont., says: "I was troubled for some time • with sore throat and Weak Lungs, but Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cured me when other remedies failed. Price 25 cents. separated, though the i;;uorant world has thought otherwit•e. Good nature, by which I rteau beueflceuico axed can- dor, is the product cif right reason,-- Dryden. He is a fool who cannot be angry-, but he is a wise pian who will not,—Seueea. Those with whom we cauapparautly be- come well acquainted in a few moments are generally the most diSieult to right - knew and understand.—Hawthorue. It is the cause, not the death, that makes the martyr. Napoleon, He who rightly understands the reas- onableness and excellence of charity will know that it can never be exousable to waste any of our money in pride and folly.—William Law. Between levity and cheerfulness there is a wide distinction, and the mind which is most open to levity is frequently a stranger to cheerfulness.—Blair., Babies .Have Croup. No disease comes so suddenly and treacherously upon its victim as Croup. Happy is the mother who has at hand Dr. Chase's Syrup of Turpentine when the dear one wakes in the night cough- ing and struggling' for breath. This: famous remedy is the standby in the homes of this continent as a prompt and certain cure for cxoup,bronchitis,coughs,, colds, asthma and throat irritation. 25; cents a bottle. Family size 60 cents, • Everyday Helps. Veils will last longer if carefully pull- ed into shape and rolled after being removed. ropulaidouin Municipalities. An ordinary headache Can Often be oul'ed by applying water as hot as can In part five of the annual report of be borne to the feet and the back of the the Bureau of Industries •for Ontario neck. just.issaed there are some interesting A new floor -cloth is easier to keep figures as to municipal growth and prosperity. A table of population cover- ing thirteen years, shows that the tend- ency to abandon the farm for the large towns and cities is not falling off. The population of the cities has increased nearly 10,000 during the year, while that of the townships has slightly de- creased. , The population of the townships in 1886 was 1,148,856; in 1898 it was 1,110,- *awhile that of the cities increased in the same period from 819,634 to 440,889; andthat, of the towns and villages from 360005 to 419,567. ' The ''volume of debenture debts of It is not necessary to have the `walls of and a snare, mid the ilillyx: veri r•.tthose urban ,onicipalities was about double i a, room disfigured by a banging door. lien meekness • she has: given. • to those slanders is the answer, of • good per: > id ihe'rarxod 1$86, '97 tile• debt returns Take an old cotton spool, put a bit of forma -nee, and so well has she givtin•thi§ for .18'9$ not being complete The total f wadding around it and cover with a dark answer that she ° is to -day: the• aee4e: assessment for alI'Ynunicipalities has in ; material as near the color of the carpet popular cow in all theUnited .States,s .creased -fibro: $694,380,659 to $809,187,- as possible. Pass a long brass -headed Like:the soul of• old' foltn B bwu, slid 833',•aisdiTiti average •1tx rate per head j nail through the reel, and drive it into still Eves marching opt . half 7riSeii from.• +4 93 fib' 46.10. I the floor a few inches from the Svall. ocean and moredurable if treated to a thio coating of colorless varnish as soon as put down. Shoes that are not in use need to be aired and cleaned once he a fortnight at least, or they willnotwear as long as if they had been worn each day. Stained saucepans of enamel can be cleaned by filing them with cold' water and chloride of lime, a tablespoonful of Pune to each gallon of water, and boiling until all traces of stain have been re- moved. Rinse very carefallv after- wards. ably.. The centre of the picture, as a rule, should not be much above the level of the eye. A good hue for walls where) prints or photographs are to be hung is a rich yollow brown or ,.leather Dolor. Lustre to the blank of the print or the tone of the photographs is thus impaired. Fro{n,s Dry Exchange. The girl that most freely contributes to the pleasure and entertainment of her fellow -man takes most pleasure in en- tertaiuing. If you'd. always be persona grata in this big world, lend yourself to its di- version. Be one of the people in society that can do things,and not one of the kind that things are done for. Cultivate your own recourses, however • anocdest they may be intrinsically, and wherever it is possible effect some little specialty that thecoinpany may feel safe in calling upon at a pinch. Unless you are superlatively beautiful Or superlatively somethiug else, so your mere presence is stianulous enough, learn to nuke yourself worth while in the giddy world that would not be weary. If you are where there arena demands upon. your owl, ingenuity, readily en- courage the amiable schemes of others. Banish. the "pride that apes human- ity,” and take a hand.. in anything that conies along, wliethere you shine there- in or not. If a chorus i suggested, join in with a right good; will, even if music is your pet deficiency, nor decline to do any- thing else ivecause you are not an expert. Enter heartily into the prevailing spirit of the occasion, stimulating your neigh- bor by example and reassuriug your en- tertainer. Don't be'a burden. Be easily diverted—there's no guest so satisfactory as the one who is easily diverted—and, when occasion comes, be qualified to divert in whatsoever small a way. Cultivate every little kxtaok you have for the beguilement of the moment, and give your friends the benefit: Socialism is too good-humored ani eager to bo amused to be hypercritical. Lord Strathcona still hopes to visit Canada shortly. His doctor forbids him doing so now, though. he is keeping fair- ly well. • ;4 •; i'1 1. Doctors,..i ah ts, aiid n, wYe,_'• Politicians e,.47t OH. A. W. CHASE'S CATAimil CURE ... i, scat direct to tele -diseased ,arts by the Improved bluwer, Deals she ulcers, clears the air pass,_rs,stot's druppiIlgs ii the threat and rnuuarinntly cures Catarrh and flay Fever, blower tree, All d"alere. t,r Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Cn,. Toronto and Buffalo. 1aces Say. ).W.stor.4s, Education — farces as one men, no indignity on. the "bench," no- .1..dPubt r;est-Seal,+ ' e 1� .,. , • thing:ualliameutaryonthe part of the A to a 's Catarrhal rt`al �.. 'of ��w:: • to say the geed honest things that marry POVirder F3 Greatest of Al 1. levant/lee!, and aid discredit on the pulpit, ers: ' L r ply/multi EXpEiiTVNCE .T,HEArinivcraa elistiase, the high, the low, the EVIDENCE: AND A MAW'S 1ST. OWZii SIGNATDU SEALS HIS i'AIrH. UONlE1i8- CIr CAiiA15A"S.*OST 05f'EIOUS SONS mot ITS tART1EST ENDORSEES. L 110 Ailment to fvhielt fish is .lei iota Matt. down to a more eolnli1o11 *t1 chtavriit and catarrhal Atte- 'When tee- When it its rated that ninety in airs subject in a lesser or lgree to the ravages of this 1 I;, t41-. rich, the poor,anust naturally comes With- •' ia1 i?s grasp. And it is not to be weeder,: ti at that such t1 galaxy of Can- ada's best men as have done to are wit- ling, having themselves been sulforers, to "lot their lightshine" that -others may be Wartieti of the malady, and herald to the wowed the'cidoaey, the quick relief, awl absolute cure they have proven to bo in so splendid a compound as Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Thus it la considered no 'broach of etiquette On the part of the. protein/Mal .4. - of theso mexi in high Places have attest- ed to over .their own signatures. Rem are a few ilantes, of prominent Canadians wird have used and are be- liever/3 in Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der:.-'fha I1•ight Reverend Dr. , Sweat- xnan, Lord Bieilop of Toronto; Rev. Dr. Lantry, of the Aligiiettit Church; Rev. 1)r: Withrow, 'editor of the Canadian Methodist Magazine; Rev. A. R. Chem- , bets, Toronto; Rev. Wan. Galbraith, Toronto; lion. George Taylor; George > I.1tieDotxnell, M.1'., Dr: Gotlbout, M. P., Robert leitli, M. 1'., Iron. David Mills,: M. POI. Cargill, M. P., dames tr. Metcalf, Irl, P,, and a hundred more tts prominent public-spirited men, - Too many fa'ople have dallied ') ith FOR SAM AT A. L. HAMILTON'S DRUG r STORM OM - i t 3 Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. it contains neither Opium, Morphine =nor other Narcotics substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria. cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieve3 Teething Troubles,. .cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assixnilstes the Food, regulates the StoxnaeIb and Bowels ofInfants and.Clxildren, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend., Castoria. Castoria. "Castoria- is an. excellent Medicine for '4Castoriu Is, so yell adapted to children children, ltiothers' have repeatedly told 111c that 1 reeouunentl it as superior to any pre- of ro-of its good effectupon' their children."' scriptiou ]mown; 40.11X4." An, G,C. 08coo0,, Lowell, Mass. E. A,,:Jiacroza, M. A. Brooklyn, N, Y THE. FAC—SIMILE SMNATURE OF ,maIm_„_r armrt� APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER �,4 TII CCNTAUU,9 MM COMPANY, T, MUMMY' NEW YORK CITY tiiYitfaErsa: llg,,W,4QL37.N;77154 ..0 4, .,t r!9`,• tr,74.17"IfIi'.6 �.J?C="', Y!' J j ..i'�•ce _ `te t 0 Tho Will of the']atts•Mr., Geo:.E: Tuek- ett of Hamilton disposes• of' alae estate of $600,000- - At Chesley, Halliday*. Cbe's generals store was danmagedi to the extent of $14,000 by fire.. The store of: the• MbFarlaue-Wilson Co. and the Geo:,lilhttheyeaCo. at Peter - bore' were badly: damage T by fire. Mr. W. F. Walken;, Qt. C,, of Hamill ton, was killed= at the Charles street crossing in that eiterbkt•&C.P.R. engine: Children Cry for IA. Daniel Goldtine,, of Ottawa, was sufto- rated by smoke fame a small fire in Msdwelling. United States. post -officials have been perfecting•a plan to sell postage stamps in book forme It is proposed to offer for sale two -cent stamps in boosts. of twelve stamps ata cost of 25c each. The books will be of a size convenient to slip into the° vest pooket, with wax paper be- tween. the stamps, and with the division of mail! matter into classes, the rates of postage and other kindred information printed on the outside. The one cent charged for the binding and wax paper will net the government a profit of $6 for each 1,000 books sold. this dreaded disease, experimenting with worthless, untried and irritating so -cal- led cures, only to find disappointment and a deep seating of the malady which means years of misery if not checked. Why not trust the man's testimony whom yon trine: worthy to represent in the Manse of Parliament --the man you would trust as your spiritual adviser— the man you would trust the education of your son to—to be your adviser in the matter of your health. Take warn- ing, and if there is a hint of the catarrh, taint apply Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Posy - der without delay. It will save you stuttering, heal yott surely, absolutely and permanently, whether you have been a slave one month or fifty years. It relieves cold it the head in ton min- utes. DR. AG TEW'S CURE 1+O1 TIME f31a= gives relief inside of 80 uiixx- ntes, and no Heart trouble so hopeless it will not care. ` DR. AGNEW'S .i1TTIVI tNT heals "pinap'ly" faces and other akin infections. Cares Piles in from 3 to !rr nights. .. AC1'$t1)W'S LIVER DILLS, smallest and cheapest pill made 20 cts. far 40 doses. Welliugtont county threshers have !agreed on the following prices for the, ensuing year:: $1..00! per hour for steam- power tbreshers;- i0c per hour for horse.- ' power; $5.00 per set for steam and $4.00 per set for horse power. EITTE COLD LET RUN. it I"xttler tickling in the throat—now and. Oren a dry, hacking cough—"not bad ' enough to bother about you say." But every hack makes a breach in the system, strains the lungs and prepares the way for more aeriona trouble. 'Twanid be raise for you to lake Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup now, before thio Runge become permanently affected. It as the most certain and satisfactoryir remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis., Croup, Hoarseness, Sore Throat and Whooping Cough. Mrs. Geo. F. Foster, Lansdowne, N.B, has this to say: "I was taken soddenly with a °old whinh settled on my lunge. I lead a terrible cough and it gave me great alarm All the remedies I tried seemed of no: usual. I then started taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which cured me so promptly i that it was a pleasant i surprise. I shall 1 ' always keep it in the houseduringthewinter e season. 9nNe; Rev. Y..a p c• tom` x9000 CU , REIN 20 YE QE' . 1rOUREs GUARANTEED O? IVO PAYI �. moo ni° i -o!. A CASs~ WE __._. Ct,,,N;;: C:'Etl Ci :t 's., rY • 4I: A` 1JG:vv .LYS.. V011 CURING THEC:ti Dig EI.S.ES Jti-':hnn'a; 4 t : 76n., ,,,rd middle axed mon ern annually swept to p, immature ro throw:Ix LA ti.v "1 .t1i5.:R1.1'1)N•i, irgelli..-E:%, 0% •.(1 [il-thtt) a i5Fil.41'f:L4- It i sett havn rosy of lite fol :ming b$tnptotns C iusutt vs nnt0re it is too is. E.• At0 eolt ner- : ; "(Ma and \mat..', doelludrt 0tltt ted !;none. seneee berate tee -eyes wii b.; 4:k cit•: :adt r M , .y them, heals lt,•1clt, kidneys irxitnbin, palpitation.. OE tie 1; owl-. 11'ttlhtet, dr nine -and... losocs. G.'dlmelti:i.11rlun, pi topics ('1 th.1 f.4:'(, e.yn,t F4114141, Iv. Mow t:h0.4110, t ..ntworn �^•� orer'aaltnl. leer 1 lntuney, !!:tines, 0l atrllatiu1, in :lt elt'•r,ty and Nt rongth. time 109:14. 9 inen, rectIns4 t,1:'h:,t. rh•+n.7ealdn htnn,la, 0 0't maaliuod, r,tuitted Or;;an.s and lerl:.nin• t`i t'ir:t decay, bon, Irate,, hair loose. tie v throat Mo. YOU 11diVx;; SEMINAL WEatiKA1C S (II It, i:ew' rr1(.1) ! UF'A'TMEtir clone can euro you, and ni'.1tis it. n.4 an tt yeti. tindcrlts mein t"'" -e-cert•,-• e- t ene0 the brain I c'onu+a active, the l,: ,.td purified ;:-•..; 4'.'"'";;':• ... so that 4411 pimples, mid Moore dh:appnar ,1"" the nerves become str"lig n'1 steel, be that uervntts• la r nosx, bashfulness end tles!'nndent'y disappear; the oyes become bright, tee to -o butt and t'l.'ar, energy returns to 1140 body, and the moral. 1.11yt leas and sexual systems era invigorated: act °ruins cease -.no morn vital waste from tho system. The various organs become natural and mblg. Yon ! 4r.1)-ourselt a men Witt know marring° oral not be s tnlbire, Wt. Invite all tilts afflicted to enusutt us 1, em,:iianttelly and Ire°otvi,n ce. 1'nn'tPtrinekn and fakirs rob iron of your haat tarried dollars. 4 i 1fro fv.l! card y�.0 of topay. :: V3CIt DLOOD n::t.Y I'llst!1SL1)3 1' 1 lits:11 la Cie 1'oat rrev,tinntautlmost bnrtous i,..4.n..) til.rna It time. the wry lite blend of 111, .1w:,ttt::1wet nnio 9etlrlr:`irerntltcntedit'nintheeirs- '.'In gill o' +,'t the 0'TI '1'itttv,, atowaro et Ateroury nrntrArx,fonnDTM9tiiT,. ' i.. tatty ctrl, ,rnn.en teen s9:um ones -our NSW Mf7 p 11160n9ltivnly euros it for ever: j Yt)t1N0OR MIUi)1.11-Atit:13 MAN You've les a gay life, or indulged in the foliie!s , a, youth, C('1Gnbuse or 1ot'r evcossee have broken dawn your system, Vett fedi the .'1 °yinpt4lntn ( .".sling over you. Mentally, physically and texu!tlly you acro not the man nn 4it ed to lei or should ba. Lustful practilOs reap rich harvests, \Vial you laced the 1 ,lar ger aiggn_;ua. READER ! Aro7450ne ettmp ITav°youlnsthopo? Ar( yont•nntomfpittlnittnnrrtngell f:iF+11 tiff Iant)nuritlnod114(0OL9t"land? pawn you mywnaknees! slur 140 'Alethod Treatment will Whitt i,iLrioetnieetiiir.Saaerio 1in9l'ate y u,, write onn it torjnnioyou.reoi t'h ;rgc9 r('asouabtn. book! free—.The Boldon Monitor"' (lllustr, tndi. on I)I-o*iuwi of Men. In(inbo 1toltnitn, 2 o'nts. Sealed. Beek on "I1iseap"tt (t Ironton'. Pr'ee. it!'eNO NAMES- user! WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No mulleine sent 0.0,0. NO 1101614 oa be 8 ar onvet0pos, l voryth:ng onnfidentltti. Question t!st and Cod of treat. MOM, FREE, 1 ELF-ABU1St,VrRtC0- CELE, CONCQALti DRAINS, .S Z JC URE OLSET, SYPHILIS, STUNTED PARTS, LOST risr3NNOOrs, ifc'111OTEN,- CY, NERVOUS DEBILITY,UNNAT- URAL DISCHARGES, S, EI`C. The Hew Method Treatment is the Greatest Discovery of tha Age 1. r� r' ORS, KENNEDY I LD V URBAN, N TROINitir 1. •