HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-09, Page 5nee
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As ZIIr, tiny o I .lave riot dated any news to your paper during myr
• era' months abaeriee to Eingleuc?, aucl not
having returned sufficiently lone' to 1
EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. tl'ansactRay local intelligence, Ithonghti
I would send you a few remarks respect- i
iota my prolonged vis't to the Old i
That Hanna's 'have the largest and best
selected Spring Stock in. Town,
Every SATURDAY we will sell a
certain line at cost, It will pay you to
watch these bargains as they will bo gen-
uine. 30 pairs Men's Boston Calf.Sals, all
sizes, McKay sewn and soled, regular
$1.75. Saturday $1.25.
Winter goods at cost and below.
01 -IN HANNA. ‘1,
The Universal Favorite
llogn Diss
The only Diso Harrow that has adjust-
able pressure springs. This feature
is invaluable on Lard or uneven
(Strad with grain. and grass sowing attach-
ments if desired)
with reversible points, also thistle nutters
if ordered.
The lightest draft, best working and
most easily operated cultivator man-
ufactured. •
The teeth work directly under the wile
and within the wheel line.
See the New Spring Lift.
NNOXON,aL■y �j Steel xioosler nisei
t,lfiOt1 DRILLS spring Pr¢98RT0.
Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are, so
well aucl favorably known that they
speak for themselves. There are
now over 60,000 in use among the
e en oacI, HOO LII oa.u. -�'- farmers of this country - .• .- .. • .
Te_invite the closest inspection of>our -Farm Implements and Machinery which
we are manufacturing for the coming seaso)i.
In addition to the above we call special attention to our New Victoria Binder
and No. 14 Oxford, Clipper Front-eut Mower, also our patent Spring and
Spike Tooth Harrows and Friction and Ratchet Dump Rakes: It will amply repay
all intending purchasers to see our lines before placing their orders elsewhere.
Send for 'our New 1900 Catalogue.
THE NOXON C O L'td, Ingersoll, Ont.
t ,
t F 1 Sris � S gramrno was re -called over and over
d4 again and finished up with. .a sort of
green corn dance around the boo -fire.
- / - % When it grew late the tallest boydu the
crowd mounted an end of unburned tog,.
What Wictoawake Times Oorretpenden;e Corntnunieato -•- Other I expected after city 18 years absence I
should perceive many changes, and the For tiles best grades of Tc.s,
event fully nnewercd xny anticipation. .Co ffves, spices,. Baking. Pow.
Sa aaiy of my friends and early he-
quainterices had quit this earthly scene Clers rise. Extracts, call on
and had died, that with some measure. of
truth I could say with Job's utessagee ofJABB N1001.
old, "I only stns escaped alive." But if '•
many had disappeared from earthly
Cztinadiaus as by any other Canadians, vision, a fresh generation, in vastly 1an::1-
Perhaps it will be same comfort to. us bars lend taken their places, for which
during our next storm to know that our the home: accommodation had proved
storms are not to be compared with utterly fusuftioiont, and ono of the most
those they have in Qaeboe. Kipling sterling features I noticed when traval-
knew what he was saying when he ing and visiting in various cottntias, was
otn Our Ti.,+'xc1dui ,es,
dream WAWAN'OSU.
A. pleasant social event took place at the
} famicy re. ideuce of 4r, and Mrs. Merge4znyth, 6th concession of West 'Wawa.
nosh, on Wednesday, the 21st of
February. It was the occasion of the
marriage of their eldest dangtor, Annie,
to Robot t Wesley Agar, youngest sou of
Mr. Agar, of Belfast. The interesting
ceremony was performed by Rev: S. M.
Whaley, B. A., d f St. Relate, in the
presence of a largo cumber of iavitecl
guests, immediate relatives and friends
of the contracting parties. Tiro parlor
was tastefully clea:rated and at 0;30
p. m., the bridal party entered to the
delightful strains of Wedding Bells
March, play eel by Miss Lizzy Richard-
son, of Woodstock, cousin of tho bride.
Tho bride was beautifully attired in drab
silk poplin, trimmed. with silk lane
adorned with pearls. After hearty con-
gratulations and good wishes, the happy
youug couple led the way to the dining
hall to partake of the excellent rich re-
eti st provided. Tho popularity of the
bride and groom was well attested by
• tho handsome display of wedding
Presents. Amongst number was a
beautiful Goderich orgau, the gift of the
bride's father. Mr. and Mrs. Agar will
take up their residence at Belfast, to
which place they aro followed by the
peibestitywishes. of a large circle of friends for
their continuecl happiness and pros -
Patriotic Concert. - Oar Patriotic
concert will be held on Friday evening,
March 16th. A programme is being
prepared by local talent, assisted by an
address front Mr. W. H. Kerr, of Brus-
sels. A great deal of money, is required
for the helping of the widows and
orphans of soldiers, and Bluevale will
not forget to add her mite to the
Patriotic Fund. We need say no more
about it, for every loyal soul will come,
and there are mem of the other kind
around here. ni
Notes. -The big folks-more:shae to
them -went to Win;htim to' celebrate
the relief of Ladysmith and left the re-
sponsibility of the Bluevale celebration.
1;o, fall. on, the shoulders of t1ie,','lulnps pf•
Boys" who were . nobly encouraged by
the "slips of girls." They .drew _logs
and wood. and made a boar -fire in the
middle of the street. They cheered for
the Canadians; they cheered for .the
Britons; they blew. tin horns; they,
shouted themselves hoarse and caressed
sweet melody from tin. pans. But,
while all this was considered goodie. its
place, it was nut esteemed as loyal es
shooting off a gun. As a consequence a
chime to "let her off" was eagerly
sought after and the three gnus were
never idle. Everything on the pre -
e season or .Lent
Fresh Salmon ¶rout
• Salt Salncon Trout
Lake Huron Herrings
Finnin Haddies
Digby Chicks
Shredded Codfish
Boneless Codfish
Quintal Codfish
Also 'another shipment oil Prunes 4 pounds for 25c.
Maple Syrup, the fist of the season.
1,- at _ . :.IFF S
V .cdowis tdm ;81-ai 4.41- .ce%3at! -a.. ` .-e)'�-.-A'..-P`'--eve ' 5vwrir!
r111111011 btst♦11a1smi•i4laISTo LIMPII.+t,+o0100,1sa+14015:31uw,161011W
As some are To=day.
Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes ; melte
t temper i t )
yott Nervous, irritable ; spoil your en 1 , lose
your concentration.
'You can't expect to go the even tenor of yottr
Ivey in. a shoe that cripples.
"Slater Shoes" aro made to fit feet -to cover
every tender joint comfortably -make you forget
you have a painny foot.
They fit the first time they're wore, and ever
after, beeruse the stretch and shrink has been for
ever taken out of theui while six days on the lasts.
Twelve shapes, all sites, six widths, all colors,
t,tyles and loathe; 9.
C'oct:lycar welted, stamped on tho soles with
tame curl pike, ji3.so and $5.0o.
.m-,ss...,,r441 �Nac.+Yttyn•iv1`•rirke t9NMi!i1O.:l1.41 1.4.11•4irY •46•1Yriba0M0.•W00,0.Yill►.
Frig ale Only by W. J. tRkER.
pointed his gun to the heavens and fired
a parting salute. Another cheer for the
Canadians and for the British': and' the
little company disbanded. •
According to the Huron Old Boys'
menu we see there was a dish at their
banquet named after Morris •township:
"Pones de Morris." So, as we can't
sneak out of it honorably, we.talee back
;vlrat we said in our ignorance. We
still stand by our Bingyale cheese
principles, however. Now as the "in-
telligent electorate" all know what
:'Points de Morris" means, we. 'will •noli
$pend our precious time, or •rise up this
paper's valuable space, explaining it. If
ci o thought for one moment, though,
that the dear readers thought we didn't
know, wo would hasten toenlighten
them at once.
Messrs. John Burgess and Robert N.
Buff have returned from tho High
Court, Canard= Order of Foresters, at
Sherbrooke. Tho Foresters were very,
hospitably treated here. Tho Mayor
with a nursing baby has two
lives to support. Her flesh,
strength and vitality
taxed to the utmost, and
must be maintained or both
will surely fail.
will keep up the mother's
strength and vitality. It also
enricher the baby's .Ilourish-
nlent,. and supplies the el&.
merits necessary for proper
growth and 'development of
bones, teeth and tissue.
x' c. soul $s• • lit drn gist.
Writ r' & lit iW N P, a. I,.,,,i.ts, Torentn
met them at the station and Lave theist
the freedom of tho city and they were
also tendered a banquet in the drill
hall, The relief of Ladysmith was as
joyfully celebrated. by the French-
wrote:- the vast iucreaso of buildings orate? iu
"There was a small boy in. Quebec, the various cities and towns teem
Wats buried in sucw to the neck;
Wlien asked. was he tris,
IIe answered 'I is,' _
But we don't call this cold in Quebec."
Mr. and Mrs: Robert 0. King, of
Goderich, were visiting relatives hero
this week,
Mr. John Dim3nt, senior, has beeu
quite ill of late, but is novr doing
There have been and will be a largo
number of "ftittings" in this neighbor-
hood, this spring. Last week Mr. Alex-
ander Messer and family moved into the
house until recently bocupied by Mrs.
Hudson, and Mr. Andrew Holmes
moved his family into the house vacated
by Mr. Messer. Mr. John Robertsou
moved to his new home in Wroxeter,
and Mr. George McDonald has moved
onto the Robertson farm. And there
are more to follow.
Mr. J. J. Elliott, of Clifford, was in
the village one day last week buying
horses. He took the sixth car load, for
this season, to Manitoba, starting ou
Mr. Williarn Sellars, of Clinton,
formerly of Bluevale, was here last week.
It is rumored that he intends returning
to occupy his house in tho village.
Rev. Mr. Burton, of Langley, British
Columbia, preached in the Presbyterian
church last Sabbath morning.
. DOUGLAS' commas,
Rise ye men of Douglas' Corners,
Gather to your country's call;
Ringler, Douglas, Parks, McEwen,
Edgar, Hamilton and Ball.
Mobilize•trom all directions',
Flock from north, south, east and west ;
Gz j th„.Hupfer, Scott, McCutoheou,
Come -ye onward with the rest.
Hark l I hear the Douglas' 'answer,
Braye as in the days of Bruce:
' 'Dip ye see Frank Wright acomin?'
Ao will give theta Boers the duce.
Parks arrive, armed with pitchfork,
Hupfer, with a cross -cut saw;
Ringlet, he turns out a traitor, '
Suffers the penalty of law.
McNaughton comes along with hatchet,
Griffith with potato hoe; . • •
Scott with a long -handled shovel, -
Would you like to be the foe? •
Now Behold! here is McCutcheon,,,
Waving blackthorn in his hand;
Last comes Hislop with the claymore,
That the brought from Scotia's land.
Off they are sent to Durban,
Those:I've mentioned in the lines;
But the latest news about them,
Yeti will find it in the Trains.
A. General Move -Mr. Hayden and
family, who has lived iu thisvicinity for
'19 years, .novel last week to Fergus..
Mr. Frank Wright moved into Mr. Hay -
den's old residence and Mr. Willis moved
into the place formerly occupied by Mr.
Mr. Win. Hayden, of Fergus, and
fo eaerly of Wroxeter, paid a flying visit
to Harriston, Gorrie and Wroxeter.
Tho laundry work mast agree with
Master Will as he looks bettor than be -
.fore. '
A number of the young people from
hero attended the party at &1;r. Thomas',
Bluevale, this week and report an en-
joyable time,
Mr. William Hayden has lately puroh-
ased a line driver, Henceforth William
will not require a livery to go to neo his
young frioncts'at Bluevale.
Mr. Stephen Taylor is tit present haul-
ing lumber for the erection of an acts
ditional part to his .louse.
School Report -The following is the
result of au examination in Arithmetic,
Ord and 4th classes, in S. S. No. 1, Turn -
berry. -4th class,total 100.--William
Wright 71, Nettie McNaughton 46; Pete
Mc ai84, Mark1aa112oL
svalTlt Maggio
Mulligan 26, John Huila 29, Ka io
- Scott 19, John McCatclteon 17, Ilorbort
Edgar and Pauline, NVrigllt absent.
London, which, I was told, increased its
population . 80,000 every year to the cash ; you get the 1)".riefir, and
smallest village, was the enlargement don't have to pay for others
perceptible, and had beef stimulated by
the growing prosperity of the country.
Tho architecture had. also undergone a Try our Teas an•.1 you will
°Lange. Timber, had been introduced) be our regular customer,
amongst the masonry as in olden times,
and the larger windows intersected by J AS* B. N I g .
heavy wooden ledges tilled with glass of L..
various sizes, presenting a pleesiug and I _' _ - ,-"
picturesque appearancs.Yariouschurches ,years receives ai0 a yea.' and single £26
had sprung up in different localities,
which I never saw 18 years ago, nor was
their erection then oven contemplated.
The Chrrch of England always admit- might be imagined the all absorbing
tiug or rendering some little variety iu topic was the war hi which England is
ritual, seemed to have stretched its engaged. in South Afr:ca and in which
elasticity to its utmost limit, and iu she so highly appreciates and values the
some few of the churches one could spontaneous 1 atriotic and loyal as -
hardly distinguish whether it was a sie;tauoe given. by Canadians and other
Protestant or Roman Catholic worship. colonists, and I herr there is to be erect-
Perhaps your readers might like to ed in London a handsome monument to
know some particulars about the sale in !the nionlory of the colonists who died in
England of Canadian products. Respect- this war, and humors showed in the liv-
ing the sale of horses I did not make I ing, but I must have already exhausted
particular inquiries about, and others
may give better information, although I
believe there will always be a ready sale
for good Cauadien horses adapted to the
various requirements of the country.
Owing probably to the very dry summer
of 1899 in England and the English fat
c0ttle caning to the market in poor con -
clition,' I was informed by a butcher
soon after my arrival that Canadian
beef sold higher than English, and I was
told a little later on that there would be
in the future a good opening for an in-
crease of fat cattle to the English mar-
ket. Witle.regard to bacon, cheese and Sunday, Feb. 25th, but owiug to the-
hebutter, I have the Febrnary price list severe snow storm )lo services were
for 1900 before me. held. The pastor, Rev. J. Kennedy will. .
The Canadian bacon, choicest pea fed, preach the iluniversary sermon. on the
sides are quoted 54s per cwt; middle 55s, iltlr inst.
4s less green, whilst English dried? is figs Presentation -Mrs. Miunoty Baer, of
and Danish 60s. These quotations are
field, has resigned her position. as
organist of Auburn Presbyterian
church. On Friday last the pastor, Rev.
Mr. Henderson with a. largo number of
the congregation met at her home and
after .a time spent in social chat and
music, presented Mrs. Baer with a set
of dishes, a °mitre table and a Bible in.
recognition of the services she has re-
ndered iu the capacity of organist.
Personal -Mr. W. H. Wightmau, of
Goderich High School spent last Sun-
day with his parents in Westfield.
Miss Howard, of Exeter is visiting this
week with Miss Beetle Carr.
Mr. J. Killough paid a visit to Brus-
sels last Thursday.
Miss Josie McDowell, who has been
stopping with Mr, Henry Johnson, of
Morris, has returned home. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Campbell enter-
tained a number of their young friends
at their Lome Thursday evening last. -
All report a very enjoyable time.
Owing to the prevalence of measles in
this section, the attenclanee at S. S. No.
6, East Wawauosh has been very low
the past month.
Button Block, W tnghaln.
As I deal excl'asive'y in
these article, 1 ai.i in a
tion to s :tire tl; BEST
GOODS from the most re.
liable sources. ' We sell for
bad debts.
per year, that the itulnkor of applica-
tions aiuouut to 1,000 to 1,530 per year,,
but only about 120 can be relieved. As
the patience of your readers and would
now only add my grateful acknowledge-
ments of the great hospitality, kindness
and attention I received from my num-
erous friends during any stay in England,
and thank a kind prof 1(1a eo who so
manifestly favored my journey and
brought me safely bank to Howick.
\Ji ST.e.r.e. D.
Church News -Rev. Jasper Wilson, of
Goderich was to have preached Mission-
ary sermons at Westfield church ou
about the same as this time last year.
With regard to cheese I found Cana-
dian was the universal cheese for Eng-
land, and sold iu every grocery shop. It
is 21s per owt higher in February, 1900,
than in February, 1899, although I was
told during the last two or three years it
had somewhat deteriorated in qnality.
The'choicest September cheese is quoted
64s, very choicest cheddar 80s to 86s per
cwt. In butter we sent a very small
proportiouate quantity compared with
other countries last year, a little over
4,000 toes, btit the quality I Was told,
had improved the last few years. Finest
Canadian creamery is quoted. 102s par
cwt; last year 96s. Australian market
very firm, 104s to 105s. Denmark with
a population of only 2,200,000 sends to
England 45 per cent. of all the butter
imported there, and the forest dairies
are quoted 112s is 114s per cwt.
It would appear to me to be to the in-
terosts'of Canadian farmers to farm still
more largely for the English market
the various commod.ties we at present
suppy, and for which there will always
be I believe a continuous increasing and
a little more profitable demand.
With regard to the present state of
agriculture in England I think the great
depression uncler which it labored has
been somewhat,- relieved and this has
been more narked where the farmers
have practised now methods, maturing
their cattle and sheep at an earlier age,
increasing thole dairies and forwarding
their milk to town, some finding it more
profitable than converting itinto cheese,
the more extensive cultivation of fruits
and vegetables, a slightly lower rate
charged by railways for carrying their
Produce. Land can be obtained at a
much lower rent, and hi some few
fustauces of very largo farms at no rent
at all, and the landlord paying the
teethe. The depression, however, has
been very sai•ero, and many farmers
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian,
church will hold a Birthday Party enter-
tainment on Tuesday evening of next
week. All are invited.
The Methodists tiro getting material
on the groand. for improvements to their
A. Brooks has been given charge of
the G.T.R. section at Centralia.
"Great Haste is. Not
Atways Good Speed."
Many people trust to luck
to pull them through, and are
often disappointed. .Do not
dilly-dally in matters ' of
hearth. With it you can
have been ruined as regards their earthly accomplish miracles. With -
prospects, out it you are " no good.r r
A vested fetal for the relief of din -1 Keep the liver, kidneys, bowels and
tressed agriculturists has been now in i blood healthy by the use of hood's Sar -
operation for several year',. stilled "The >taparilla, the faultless blood purifier.
Feriners' Ileneeolout Inst_tutiaa," tend ` P2hethtriattstii-1'' 1 Led acute rheu.na.
tTsnn en my lin.b nail foot. i t:omnnenced
• .bel elites, total 100. --' Stewart Mc -1 which with animal subscriptions and treatment with Itclott's Sarsaparilla and
i 1 as
Neu; hton 100, (seer„o Mc `'wan L'0, i donations amounted bit 1599 to 121,1$0,_ l cine 11Vitxtetirnt5 a l antime
�r ,int.
Clhrietnplier W'righ't 130, Lclutt l' dgar GO, l C +, .:chi. n extrttet irntti the saints. re- ; $orofulo•-" 1 was troubledrvitb ecrOful
.nary lin lfer CO, fear. Wright elt 0, Lee ' Post of this A:;soci,,.tion reads: "Tho 1 and impure blood. A tut on my atilt.
1 Council have cit lie then' best to metal ! would flet heal. .rood's S all: llla as
141ctltttrlleou 0, Jemiic Slicll absent. ,recommended and atter 1 had taken thr+�
J. Il. IT;I:N I: 'r, Toiciier. : the existivg distre s and provide for the bottles 1 was wen." 1)�:vli;t,ltotnitsos,62.s
' i .t'rea'dle ll,ttnber of applications fo, '..Barney Street, Toronto,. Ont.
- ----- - ' t Mi. 1, but they feel `ate . i! unib pro i t on nn .
5 �!'ra�+^� � .a�r�'iS :f,err�riilli!
• ;:.'n"::i, sivl•:tI AL lilltoiiv A'. t7 liONt: •1 i' : girl tU liilTlt tilt. G`l't'tbOli tYi' 11, tV Dtn-
�t E' lit to tePtIN :t M. nr U.ia .salt it, thh
ii•Id •t •: a i,y rv.nntlrn. ii clary ?:Jin;) :i }.•.tr mid e�• • ::i.:ii:1'y riiile�:.r tlir?ir ap1 C`.il for fiirll:l'ri +
t.:..,. '; • N, bt bint•tlr a ns' mote.. I.C. tear AwittV '• '�"'"" -
t i .1 -.1 anent. Aim: irrercnt•oe, any Ttt,1 is 'i0 r:i ?3 p.`�11111.1t dl t.> ::a•+1'l) .,:.1 - +.. �I
11 is mainly e•tfl.•e.tre:e riwht•t•d a st•, .;:,!lir." t ',t1".'i' i` ..l dm tY teTnndaMliseer, Est it tl,nnnn :Iiihb MA
„1.. r: .n••r. ro •: r :..•1.•add4P•rod •.•ue.i••it �t.13 r,ttfitirtic 1,r Ink.. 1.1:4 i6>na' +tr
, . w t+otic,t .N i•a5tr "Is nen t.Xt MO ,40. , VI: i an rl^_ . e 1 r ' nrl :ui4 ... M et t, _