HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-09, Page 4THE MOHAN TINES, '9, 1900.
• ' . linffl/MR$10ftesiet.'1.1.-7..ff, ' ' . It is roported that a cerner is behass tend that he could do tie:thing moth for wels'Ounait maim= ettleosms. - • '
formed to control olive oil. What the - me. I did not eespair, however. pot. INingwoo, march b. 130s •
sseeeeesea. ay Vote): 1) U1.3, Proi.u.er
If. a‘-c).'age Mall bey WOuld, like to see hied other medieim s, hut still witliZeit pea:Ia.:wino:num
ril eetalaislied is a &item to corner castor adief, and then I begun. to feu that Flour per 100 lbs . , , 1 83 to 2 00
Ft oil and keep it cornet -ed. -London Ad- death may would release me from my rail wheat ... 0 58 to 0 Da
Efil . vertiser. sufferiug. At this time a. frientlebrought Sprinig Wheat .. a ..
0 58 to 0 00
11 : Hat -e you noticed that Hugh joint has me a uewm wh
spaper ich was the story
... ..... .... „ „ 0 33 to 0 35
of the cure of a girl waose symptoms Peas . , 0 GO to 0 01 1
membled setae, through the use of Dr. Turkeys, drawn ...... 0 09 to 0 10
Williams.' Pink Pills, and urged mo to a'rs'', "
' 0 C5 to 0 00 .
Syrup of 'White Piue and Tar
for °oughts and (Adds
is the best.
Try it once and yon will
U se no other.
Price 25 ets. for large bottle
Campbell, the Druggist.
1,4 stopped his barnyard fence crowing over
dismissing Liberal offieiels, aud that the
t;- promised "many others" have not been
ii! I dismissed? Did somebody whisper lute . try diem. I sent for a box, but they did B-r.ft'''Z' P''' 14-11 " '' .. " .
Tl his fathe' son's ears, not to be a fool?- net Peela to help me, and I Was :afraid tee'sg4sice. . it - - ' ' ' ' - ' ' 10lfs ' °
to 0 18
1-3 . Hamilton Times. , they would prove like other medicinee, Wootl per coal 1 25 to 2 00
• r ,. .. . 0 00 to 7 00
One cannot bike up the official debates ilot suited to my 0.88.Q. My parents ea. lia7 Per ten. - •
Po.atoca per busVel .' * * 0 20 to 0 20
sisted that I should. continue their use
„. of Parliament without Seeing ho W ter.. - 1' Tallow per lb ... , _ea . , .. , 0 04 to 0 05 '•
and my father got two boxes more. Be- Dried Apples per lb ...... 0 05 to 0 O5'
;kJ ationsly POMO TO14','S eling tO the Tiew
fore these were all used I had no longer Wool
Fr? tbat the. Manitoba, echeol question has
... , 0 00 to 0 bo
any doubt that they were helping rile, DreeskseedHogs
not been settled. Them may also be 5 25 to 5 50
and I procured another half dozen boahius
xes; 0 25 to 0 35
511 some people ia the world who fancy the
Cook'Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
ley e y res o mybattle of Waterloo is still in progress - - and I am able to go about ana do work
St. John Telegraph.
with an ease I have not enjoyed for
The officialreports show that the swine
at the Humber piggery are good health.
The Mail and Empire chronicles the iu-
teresting fact in melanholy trues.
Naturally. The times are not good for
Whitneyites. This, is not their "grow-
ing time." -Ottawa Free Prese.
'I 1
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy- for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Thursday of each week.
E.ET,LIOTT,PuBrasurat AND Pnornatimon
FRIDAY, .MARCH 9, 1900,
. • - ,
THE first decision in the OntatiaLegis-
lature took place ou Tuesday. The
Government had. a majority of seven.
Sir Wilfrid Leerier has set standard
which must be lived up to, and has in-
augurated a policy of friendliness and
reconciliation between the two races
which. in the interest of the Dominion
will have to be followed in the future
whether Conservatives or Liberals may
be in power. -St. John Telegraph.
Mr. Marter, who wants to make a
criminal offence for a•Miuister to promise
the expenditure of money in a constit-
uency, was never known to raise his
voice against the unfair distribution of
money Or public works when his friends
were in power at Ottawa. -St
THE Ontario Legislature grants to The Kingston News has the following:
ztgricultural societies of the province "To take the side of the Boers in the
about 17,70,000 annually, most of which present war luny be perthitted in the
goes to aid the small township fairs. case of a private citizen; but an officer
A DEPrrAnox from Wellington of the crown to which he has sworn
County waited. on Premier Ross last allegiance should not hold his office and
'week, mid askedthat Mr. A. S. Allen, ex- at the same time side agleinet the very
X.P.P., of Clifford, be appointed Sheriff power from which he accepts his office.
. 'Wellington, in succession to the late What guarantee have we that men such
Sheriff McKim. as Laurier and Tarte will be loyal in a
THE Stratlacona Horse will leave Ot- case in which the safety of Canada or
theca on Monday, 12th inst., in three the Empire is at stake? We can only
trains starting at 8, 9 and 10 o'clock for judge them by their past conduct, nd
Montreal, where there will be a parade that has not been such as to make us
du the afternoon, but the stay in Mon -
sure of their loyhlty."
treal mullet be a long one, as the Mon- This is most unfair and unjust. Sir
terey will be ready to sail from Halifax 'Wilfrid Lauder did not take the side of
on Thursday, 15th. the Boers, on the contrary he has
A DeareaTIOX representing the various throughout taken the side of Britain, and
districts of the Ontario Poultry Associa-
tion waited ou Hon. Mr. Stratton, last
-week, to ask that each district, of which
there are eight or ten, be given a grant
ext $300 for the purpose of fostering
poultry shows in various parts of the
Opinions of the Press.
We can see your finish, 00)31 Paul !--
Guelph Herald.
John Bull, junior, is a chip off the old
'block, aud no mistake. - BellevilleOntario.io.
If the patriotic orators ea both sides of
the House will kindly cease their patri-
stic talk and get down to patriotic busi-
mess a patriotic people will feel patriotie-
gratified.-Stratford Herald.
It is announced that Sir Charles Tup-
vex will not in advance promise a port-
folio in his Government to anyone.
'That's right. Get the Government first.
It's easy eniugthevacent °hail:I.-King-
ston Whig-.
The local Opposition seem to have less
lodgement than its caanterport at
Ottawa. The latter had the good sense
to stop talking on the address. The jaw
=ill at Taranto continues to grind.-
Ottawa Free Press.
The failure of the 33rd Psalm as an
delement in military operations to meet
3Pregdent Er1 ogees expectations must
slot be placed against the said. Psalm.
'The peca, is of cotuse, all right, but
taken it in no uncertain way. To hint
at anything else is to hint at what is
false. This kind of thing is mean and
does not help the party it is intended, to
help, nor does it help the country to
make the charge that its premier is dis-
loyal. Sir Wilfrid. Laurier is loyal, and
only a partisan would think of accusing
him, of being anything else. -Events,
A Girl Who
Was Saved.
years before. I think Dr. Williams' our dru gist for Cook's Cotton Root Com -
d TY k no is her. as all Mixtures, pills and
Pink Pills are a great blessiug to the
..„t.tious'are dangerous. Fri a, No. -1, SI lOor
Siek, and I always urge my friends - box • No. 5, io degrees stronger7p per box. no.
'e 10 are not well to take them, and I Var 2. mailAdur Cr:ail:1°1P railielPientcrsillenitt
agile. land 2 acid aua recommendedty ali
will be glad if this statement is the responsible Druggists in Canada.
means of briuging new courage and
No, land :sr.), il for solo by Colin A. enemboll
health to some other suffer." Drueulft
. . . . .. . . , .. . . ,
mouRxs, NEWS -NOTES,
Miss Belle Michie, of Harley, Halton David Cathcart, St, Marys' oldest re -
Co., is visiting friends on the &I lino, sident, is dead. Ho was born at Portua-
This is Miss Miehie's first visit to Morris. Bleigh, Fermanagh, Ireland, on Nov. 5,
Mr, and Mrs. Watson, of Paisley, are 1805,
visiting relatives and friends in Morris The late Mr. Walter Drake, of Mon -
and Bluevale.
treat, left over $60,000to churches, bone -
Mrs. Dobson left on Tuesday of this she volcut associations and educational 4-
week for Hamiota, Manitoba, where stitutions.
purposes making her home, for a time at
least. She and the Mooney family went Mr. Bernard Kelp, of the 10th con.;
on the same train. Eirtloss, sold his farm to Mr. John
Mrs. John Scanlan, of Walkerton. Gentles, of 'Kincardine, recently, for
daughter of J. J. and Mrs. Lynn, of $7,000 or thereabouts.
Morris, died sucldeuly on.Feb. 1411.1., from Thomas McLeod, an cld settler of the
heart failure. She was 09 years of age Hensall district, died recently at the age
and leaves a husband and six small child- of 89. Mr. McLeod was born before the
ren to mourn. her loss. lluch sYnapathy war of 1812, and, was familiar with most
is expressed for the bereaved ones. of the great events of the Victorian
John Jackson aud family moved last age.
week from McKillop township to the Messes. Jas. McLeod,- of Holyrood;
Petch farm, 6th line. Mr. Petch and Andrew Wachter, of Brant, and Mr.
family have removed across the road to Daniel Sullivan, of Elmwood, have been
one of A. Walker's houses where they re -appointed License Commissioners for
will live until taking their departure for South Bruce.
the West. The best way to fill your cup of joy is
Mrs. John Ames and sine who were 'by making others happy.
visiting at M. M. Cardiff's for the past 2" Gold dust has ruined the eyesight of
or 3 mouths, left on Friday for their
many a good man. •
home in Winnipeg. Miss Jennie Ames,
5111 line accompanied Mrs. Ames. To PREVENT cOISSUDIPTION.
Wm. Ames and family, 5th line, in- Hard to euro; easy to prevent. Scott's
tend removing from Morris, we are sorry Emulsion nourishes the body, keeps all
to hear, Winnipeg being their magnetic the oeeems and tissues healthy, and the
point for the present. consumption germs can not get a foot-
hold. -
A very pleasant evening Was spent at • - • • -
Rontsson-1n East Wawanosh, on March 'll
the home of Mr. John Taylcitien. Mon- :%eall'e or. lar• 'rhos. Robinson, a daughtm.
day last, when about fbrty eritMUeople-:•;,- "'" MAUR-113ot -
assembled to celebrate the birthday of _i Hoa-attberesieeneeofthebricle's
Mr. Taylor's dsou of Ripley, The B. A: . ,r lg.. RV. lar. lalth 'l biT'ogil 7.0 i°H.hprlRoss,
in games analIdam,xtio Miw.je et lighter til Juo„ mason,
spentco Morris,
- AXous-OrtABAm-At the residence of the
thiedgvPilre. 'xiks.1' Atwood, °it the 2Ith ult., by
Miss Lyle Lennox, of Glanfarrow, .bl' McLeod, B. D., W, D. Angus to
visited our teacher' Miss Higgins last, 3fillsemeettrallana
Monday. • .
Miss Lizzie Rolston, of Gorrie, is a • 00, ,r1nveins,lgelittea, on- March 1st, Richard
present the guest of her sister, Mrs. B. LEISTrbr A.DT —In years.
Wawanosh, on March
Taylor. •GM John j: Le an, aged.18years, 10 menths
• and 4 days,
McGAir- Kincardine, on Idarcb. 2nd, ThoS:
EAST WAWANOSH. *A. McGaw, sell of Mr. Jchn McGaw, aged. 25
Mr. Richard °homily, jr., of St., rears ands months.
Lords, Missouri, is visiting his father at• -- • •
Mr. John and Wins Maggie Lind of- .•
Wingham, visited friends en tie 10bh, • S 111111S
last week. Mr. Lind started for Denver, •
British Columbia on Tuesday last. - _ - •
NESS MADE lbi LIFE MISERLBLE- moving onto one of Mr. Tom Taylor's • -
' Mr. David Tayler, of the 9th, inbends yOUR
11ER DOOTO OLD HER SHE COULD fan= on the 4th con. in April. Mr.
NOT ItECOVE Taylor's many neighbors will be sorry
Doctors have given the Greek mum to hear that he is moving, even so short ire
anaemia, meaning "bloodlessness," to a a distance away.
disease which is much more prevalent Mr. James Smith, of Marnoch, is •
among young women than is generally seriously ill.
believed. In its early stages the disease Miss Catherine McTavish, of Wing -
is not marked by any decided symptoms, hem, visited at Mr. James McGee's last
and often makes considerable advance week,
before its presence is noticed. A feeling • Lana Robertson who hes been iii
of fatigue after slight exercise, breath- tl1ast number of weeks is improving.
There gently passed into his everlast-
ing home on Tuesday lintel the Oth, '
prompt and effective treatment the John Leishman second son o Mr. R.
: disease then inakes rapid progress, and Leeeienea ee eceased
1 the victim Presents every appeorame of had been sir ir a couple of months .
going into a decline or consumption. with Diabetes but was not thoughtto be
The only successful method of treat- in so serious a conditionmitit shortly be- ;
ing anaemia is to build up the blood, fore he died. The sad, members of the
. and the best medicine in the world for family will have the heart -felt sympathy
'4 this purpose is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills of the entire neighborhood. is this there
for Pale People. 1 sore affliction. The funeral proceeded
We carry a very th-e stock. Miss Adeline Dumas is one of the to the Belgrave cemetery on Thursday. 1
thousands of young ladies who can I
..,. testify to the efficaey of Dr. Williams* Janet Gare Details.
iPhalc Pills in easel cf anaertha' Nit" A Scotch clergymanat strict eateehist,
11 Damns resides with her prireng on a. in. examining one of his Bock a short time,
iWfarm near Liniere, Beauce Co., Qne. ine,?, thus adites.v.Ther, e guarantee best possible V'
t -0 a reporter who called tapon her for %alanet, cali you telt me how Adam 1
Ithe purpose of gating the particriats of feit.,1
her ilineas and tune, Mimi:hates &-eids-11 Janet fell a-kingliing, and answered,
%Since I was about sixtzot narsofage I . 4'011, ray tonnio dear doetor, you're tut
4 . Wc sell at a fair plice. hare be oilini.,, nor or less, but for al t4,riousr.
, tong tam , except ixperiaml" head- 1 ..very serims, inde".1,.. said &el
4,W41 aehes, tree troulle did. not seem. miens. ; tkiz tor. e llever advertise to ails- swans two were wee nee e,, ea 1*-1,,,,im en
lead. - --- - ---- -- -=-1' -------- -- 1 Janet (whose husband's name haw:ft-
afaillIlle CM alarming nature. The hcad-
ell ta be Adam; thensaid: 4,WeeI, wed,
came with gr'''att 2 f'N Itfluvl,, '•sInit ral..,:i ea -will met, Coct.:...r„ you S:"El Adalll
tyou til , mad 1kr, slighteA .., Win p_y o try us 'Im'en*-'21' v'Y
iron itt.,nt .1 1, w.,,,,, tize 11_, aznick.,:. 1 474 sil o'er the tit night Lo Lw
11.-leieseis for half it uratchkin to' whiakey •
Irlitel ret1r sight requires as- in ,ls&I.,...-r).1. laiKI-IM 9. 1at Llli. !mil cf 4 .1, tux art cat. lying on tiw tem t .jok i is :
fintlin,11:_wa: 1 w..114 star:lily growing
zailstance. foet. and Mitm fell-anil that's the halo
Oona P'anrs interpretationitt lessness and pallor of the face are the
I)eterboro Examiner first noticeable signs. Unless there is
We test the eyes free.
er, .2 at Last I eats tneae:e to ; truth th,„ =awe.
51,-.115*(.11:11.1 r(lk, en :lad 1.**,It in a
HIALSEY PARK ch-'-'""z--Ex--L".-rc43,'. "utir-cv • -_
.1,tomiv•—.3.z vv. null: trirtars.
ninl,iIny heart wila4 i.alpits r.2* 7PA1i4t ttf io.o.m their ,n,etn.riavt:12i'nemplint;
je ....tier and t)ptici,-.ntop. t ha.1 'wither 4elgir,.. dm. I, f P4011311 Stalk rotrabld-
I • r se, • ley etrepl!,,ynyeett -Arlo sint..gat
Macld Bloca•
trod. ova the. doctor who as t.,.4 4 m.
donahag" as;t1 tbo trnobie grim!
"Every morning I hare a
bad -taste in my mouth; my
tongue is coated; my head
aches and I often feel dizzy. ,
I have no appetite for breakfast
and what food I eat distresses
me. I have a heavy feeling in
- my stomach. I am getting so
weak that sometimes I tremble
and my nerves are all unstrung.
- 1 am gettingpale and thin.I
aas tired in the morning as
at night."
= What does your doctor say?
"You are suffering from im-
pure blood."
What is his remedy?
You must not have Consti-
pated bowels if you expect the
Sarsaparilla to do its best work."
But Ayer's Pills cure constipa-
'We have book on Paleness
*"d Weakness which you may
12:we for the asking.
We& to *too boaroor,
rots -pt. rink 'Nona like 1. 000001211.
,51.t physletem 1111.0mt your eesi31.
Atm,. RI:ens freely al I t partlealars
y ""!.: • W.. IlittiVettrMilert
*QM.. DN.
Loyola mess.
.4...,, , , ,„ v, 1.1441441,.; • • • ' 711:•Pf.T. 3151
. .
Our prices are right hi. all lines of goods.
We pay the highest market .price for Butter,
Eggs, Dried Apples, &c.
We prove that it pays to bring your produce to -
this store.
We prove that you can save money by buying
from us,
Writing Pads, small, good paper, 2 for 5c.
Writing Pads, 75 to 100 sheets, goad paper, from 5 to 8e,
Writing Pads, large, best paper, from 10 to 200,
Note Paper good quality, only 5e qr.
Snvelopes, good quality, any shape, 5c pkge.
Envelopes, good business, 2 pkges for 5c.
Mourning Paper and Envelopes.
School Supplies at lowest prices.
Scribblers, Exercise Books, Writing Pads, Pens, Pene,ils,
Renders, Sce
Tooth Picks, 5e pkge or 6 for 25c.
Currant Biscul!,s, per lb., 10e.
Maple Leaf Bird Seed pec pkge, 6e.
Eagle Gloss Starch, 1 ib. pkge for 7c
Prices of Dinnerware has advanced as you know, yet we
are offering 97 piece Dinner Sets, very pretty, new shapes at
Try our high grade Teas, satisfaction or money refunded.
Japan, Ceylon an Young Hyson at 40e, 50e, 60e, and 70e
per lb. '
New Biscuits, Water lee Wafers per lb, 40e,
New Oranges, California Niteels, per doz., 30 to 40e.
' New Lemons, Messinas, per doz., 20e.
We always lead, others follow. Our .spring goods are
being put into stock as fast as possible.
New Prints, Canadian, good colors. 7 to 10e.
New Prints, English, wide, fast colors, 12e.
New Duck, Stripes, Spots, Cheques, 10e.
Heavy Apron Goods, bcrder, fast colors, 12?fe.
New Ginghams, very pretty, from 7 to 15e. •
Window Shades, Linen, roller complete, from 40e to 50e
Window Paper, two colors, per yd, 5e,
Macdonald Block, Winghani.
Cook Stove
We also have Moore's Bermuda, Florida,
Buck's Stoves, etc.
We carry a gocd line of Heating Stovesat lowest prices
All kinds of Tinware reduced in price for this month:
We sell Coal Oil, House Furnishings, Lamp Golis.
We take Wood in exchange for Stoves.
Remember the old stand on the corner when you want
anything in our line.
John Bugg & Sou.
T. A. Mills has purchased a complete
range of travellers' samples con-.
sisting of heavy Winter Caps, Fedoras,
and Christies, which he will clear out
during the next 15 days at less than
wholesale prices.
Also a line of Ladies' Tams, usual 6sc
cods for 4oc,
Abo all Fur Goods will cleared at
greatly reduced price:.