HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-09, Page 3k
kilr.,* . , • ,
Author of " Lena Rivers," "Edna Browning,"
"Tempest and Sunshine," Etc,, Etc,
Ihne .c rl: un een preseti(•e, "t own nev
e1• lenre tae, will you? and types. I die
you'd take ire up to heaven?"
I•Tere was 41 faith, a trust, to which
Tem Ctuletou was a stranger,nncl wieh-
dna himself -more like that sick boy he
bent over the eat, and said eheeelly: •
"Innate art you asleep?"
In the tone of his voice there was
something ea hind and syrnpart•11ot c that
Inane e3tarte(1 up, and winching itis fee-
ble arms around 'Tom's neck, sobbed
"1''ol'give me, (iaptaita. Carleton; I'In
glad yon are going home, but I wasn't
at first; the bad, hatrd.ltuups kept rising
in toy throat is I thonitht of staying
Ire alone without yon. but they're
gene now. I prayed them WI away,
and I an glad you acre goi'tng. I shall
ntees you dreadfully, hut God will net
,forsake me. And, CLtptain Carleton, if
you ever do,--see,—my. illy----"
Isaac's voice was choked with tears,
and he could not at first articulate that
dear word, but, soon recovering, he
went on --"see my mother, you'll tell
/lei about me. 'Deli her everything ,.s•
cept how I've suffered. Thnt would do
nn' good—*twould • only )Nike her try,
and when she Beale, as she nitybe will,
that 1 tun dead, tell her I wasn't afraid,
for the Saviour was with me• I'd ra-
- they you shouldn't say good-bye at the
Met, • It would mike me feel so bad,
only sometime before you go I won't to
tell you how mu ell I love you fur your
gocaltLetrss, and to ask you to be a--"
Ile (lid not finish the sentence, for
Tom knew what he would say, and wip-
ing both sweat and tears from oft` the
worn face, Looking so lovingly at hien,
he answered, "I will try. to. be a better
man. I never felt the need of it so
much till I came here, and Thane.; I on
going to stay till you, too, are exchang-
ed. hill you ever think I would desert
the boy who, but for me, would not
have been a prisoner?"
Toaoe diol not reels; only the snit,
blue eyes Lighted up well sudden, eagei
joy; the Hier trembled ns if they would
speak, 'there was It perceptible shedder,
and then Tom held in his arms a taint-
ing, unconscious forst. The revulsion
of feeling was too great, and for many
minutes Tsnaic gave no sign of lire,, but
when nt last be was restored again, he
'tried to •dissuadc.:ltom trust niu1 ing sc.
treat a sacrifice, but all. in ruin- Tome
silenced entry objeetirl, and when 'the
. Bed of 711111101•y:.eemc, and prisoners
. were released, another than Tom Cur-
leto.» ar livered to his manse, and march-
-xed fromRichmond in itis stead.
Tom had once spent several months
in ltiellmend, and iii the higher cir(•lce
he numbered many personal friends,
who, until quite recently,, were ignorant
of- the fact that 1u: rtes 0 prisoner in
their midst. Of these the more loyal
to, the 11Cw confedoraey ignored him en-
'tiroly. Others, remembering his genial
humor, and quiet, geatlemenly manner
which ,bald won :'heir admiration for the
elegant I een:Mite and his gentle wife,
threw, their prejudice te:ide, anal ren i eot-
ing him because he had stood firmly by
his own state, visited hien in his prison.
while others sent playful mce•'sttges that
though .alley (leltiflleCtl 11i111 as an 'In-
.txmlrr upon their rights, they owned
'thin es 0 friend, and would gladly ame-
liorate his condition. To these ac-
•quiti ntanves It was soon , known how
:great a e:aerifcce Tom bad made for the
.sake of a young boy, and tae result wets
a gretlnal alautement of the surveil-
lance held over Tom, ,while many pri-
-vileges hitherto denied -by the sheet jail
discipline, were accorded to him, tense,
•.too, was benefited through hien, and
more than .elle fair Indy visited the ni-
nth], .growing strangely interested in
the gentle "Yankee boy," and bringing
many a delicacy with which to tempt
capricious appetite, lint no anl0.rnt
of ki stlness could win hist back to
Itettrth so Long as he breathed the at-
mosphere of prison wallet. '1`0 go 11ou1P
was all he desired, and day nater dny
the flesh shrivelled from his bones, nun
the blue veins stood out round and full
upon his waited 1lnnds, until there came
a night when the physician told the
jailer, whom he art upon the stairs,
that "the Yankee boy W415 dying,''."
There were not aniny now in prieoit,
and ere long the slid news was known
/throughout the building, sassing 1110
Actors .oases to hush their noisy revels,
7. And teen(' softly acrossthe unenttt
porn , lest they ehottld disturb the suf-
fer'er below. The jailer, too, retnember-
Ing his own son, afar in Smith Tenneco
dee, wiped a icor from his rough pee,
and drew nearce to the humble` cot
hr •? 1.01 t oat watching. panting
n i( i tt c fllr. rat 1
i, 1 n
end seemingly tieing boy. There were
moments of Pct cab di delirium, when rh(i
prises, with its suerottu(ling horror~,
faded array, and Inane was alt horst,
bathing. his burning brow with the
snort+ covering the Northern hills, or
Ids talking h,s Itlatllrr (>' all n bed
to ) that b n
d t
'transpired nl1irclsince the April a0ta
When,followed by, her pray cis and to at %
he left her for the battle. Then, rte-
iton came back agai), as clear au ever,
end with Toth Carleton'.s 111ud preese
'between ht own ! • n' u
t ,s t It d ct tr.1 whet n
t c tt11.t 1 t
ehattld any to the another, when Ite
Went back to her atone end left her
Troy behind.
"I shall meter go home tray more,"
be said, "rind I've built such bright (11s -
tits about it, too, foney!ng thaw Wee it
would seem. to lie on mrt]rer•'s :xu:'t,
Wm, bed, and wadi the scan ts1:. n'nu
'through the wf ulows, or the grass
epringing front the (lour. The teem
will melt front the pollen 4)(40,1*' Inees.
Sitel •the flower~ 2 need to tend tufne
tap again, but I Mullet be there to ser
*110111. 1 Alia bp tying here leo Brite
send ea still that l: 811511 not ewe 11001'
the eantro$1'S sear, Cr 1A10 lend hnxfaths
eruct \vttr is ended, 011, it all tate dean
0110.s could loam, it would be *olnetlaiug
worth fighting for, but When the trooit(i
are marching home, and the bells ring
nut a welcome, there'll be teeny a one -
mlesing in the souks, and •tlniost every
graveyard, both North end South. will
hold a soldier's grave, but you will not
forgot us, will you?" nn1T the, sunken
ewes turned pleadingly on Tom. "When
the bonfires are kindled at the North,.
and the g1n.d rejoicings are ina(te, you
will think of the poor boys who fought
and died that you might enjoy jest such
0 holiday?"
Tom eouid only answer by pressing
the thin hands 11e held, and Istele con-
"Tell mother not to fret too much for
me, I guess she did lova me best, be.
cause I WAS the youngest, but 1(1di and
John will comfort her old age. Tele
thein, too, bow much I love them, and
how proud I was of thein that day at
Pull Run. They used to plague me
sometimes, and caul me a girl baby, but
I've forgotten that, for I know/ thee
slid not mean it. I hope they'll both be
stared. It will kill' mother • tot lose us
nil. Tell iter how I bless her for the
leseolis of my childhood, the prayer's
said at her knee before I knew their
meaning, the Sunday school she sent
me to, end the Bible stories told in the
winter twilight. Tell her I was Lot
efinid to die, only I wanted her so
much, but everybody's been good, There
are kind folks here in Richmond, and
(nod will bless thein for it Oh, Cap-
tain Carleton, I 11m a poor, ignorant
toy, and you a proud, rich moan, but you
will heed ate, won't yon. and when inn
gene you'll take my little Testernent •
and read it every day. Bead it first
for Isaac's sake, but it won't be long
before you'll read it for its precions
truths, end you will come to heaven
where we can meet again --• promise,
won't you?"
There was a moment's silence, daring
which Tom choked down the tones he
could scarcely suppress, so strongly this
scone reminded hiin of another, when
he sat by Mn1•y's side, and heard her
dying voice urging him to meet her.
I•'our yotre the. Southern snu had
shone upon her grave, and he had made
no preparation. yet, but now he' tvuuld
tart it off no longer, and, bending over
Ieatnc, Ile replied:
"I promise; end if 300 see my dar-
ling in the better land, tell her, God
helping me, I'll find my sway - to where
she has gone."
The whites lips feebly murmured their
thanks, 7 nncl then setddettly asked:
"Do you think mother's got the letter
you sent, and knows how sick I nut?
If so, she's praying for the note, and
.maybe her prayers will save. I'm not
afraid to die, but if I could go hone 10
Ito•ekjt.url first, it would not teem to
bad. Pray, mother, -pray pray, pray
l'iard," and too mitc,h exhvuste l to talk
longer,- the half -delirious boy turned up -
en the p110W furnished by some kind
lady, And fell lute a heavy sleep, froin
which the physi(:ian said he would nev-
er. waken. •
Midnight in Richmond, and Tont,
counting off the stloltes, bent lower to
watch for the expected Change. There
was no_ color in the parted lips, end
about the nose there wain n pinched,
cuntrncted look, which Tone neweiber-
ed to have seen in 'Mary's face, when
by her bedside he had sat, just aH he
sat by Dawes, but whcte Mary's heads
were cold and dry Itetae's were most
and Warn, While ,the rapid pulses were
net as wiry and irregular ns•Hems had
been. There was hope, and,. failing on
his knees, Tom Carleton asked that the
life almost gone out aright be restored,
and promised that if it were he would
not forget this lesson as he had forgot -
telt the one learned by . Mary's death -1
bed. He would be a better man, ho
wild, and Gotas he sonyetihnes does.
took hint at his word. Gradually the
sharp eapreesion "as.aed awaay, the hair
grew damp with a more 'hcnithtttl mois-
ture, ' the, pulses were slower, the
breathing mom regular, and when at
last iho heavy slumber was broken, Find
Isaac looked tip again,- Toni knew that
he would lime•
'Frere was a murmured prayer of
thanksgiving, n renewal of his pledge,
and then he 'bent every energy to ons-
thin the .life , corning so slowly back.
Softly the morning broke over thea ri-
;son walls, and they who haul expected
to look On Isaac dcnd, rejoiced to hear
that he ryas better.
"It may be I shall see mother yet,"
he whispered, faintly, when 'Tom told
him that the dreaded.crisis was pain;
"1111(1 if 1 do I'll tell her o£ your kind -
"Would you liar. very *much to go
home to yoatr mother?" Tom asked, milt
with a quivering lip and chin. Isattc
"Yes ohs f . •esi I onl could! I at as
y y
willingbut T
to ells, gums we all cline,
to life nt the Inst, don't yota?'
Toni slid not reply to this, but spoke
Instead of it rumor that all were loan
to be diveharged and sett back to
'iF nsltiargto n.
"We'll go together, then," he cited.
"you and I, for T shall visit Itockl real
Iiret end visit lay sleet- Dose."
'l'lto prospect of 1•eleese was meat nett
(rink for Isnatc, tvlio railietd se lest
that When the joyful news of an ex-
change slid ('cane, be was able, with
'1'ones help, to wan( nototd' the floor of
what brat been his 11051(1 lett long.
haggard, worsted, wetly ousel worn
Were those prisoners as they tiled down
the stairs anti out into the slrt•r,is, bet.
With enc:h motnant that be:night them
(tearer Monte their espirltg rose, and
when at last they rood again an Ve,1-
tral sot tt w tit* Milne
. THE W N(UtAbf TIMF,S, MARCII 9, 1900,
(u•arvn'tsg strew the huzzehs tvlll(•h rent dsy he' knew he did -emre much marc
the stir as one after another gave vont than was: nt all ccndtlelve to kis r+cauc'o
to his great joy nt hurling bicvolf free or, tai id. 'Where this caring might end
i p tfbver stopped to eonaider, Ile Only
Mt now that Ite respected tate Quaker -
like Annie more than he ewer respect -
c 0 to woman before, and eon etetl her
gnat opinion more earnestly than he
ever 'renseniberp, 4 to have coveted RAY -
thing In his lino, unless, Indeed, It ware
frcedoul whe)u a prisoner in 13i11
Ilal(er`s power.
In Ws haste of affairs It required toil
tn(-t ta. 805111in anything like to-
eih]lity 'between her brother and Ale
n e, and the little lady was perfectly de•
lighted when the joyful tidings. was re-
ceived ,that `Cont was coming Morse. An.
lee would like Tout, for everybody did;
besides, Tom 'had written as if he were
almost a good 'man himself, anti Antle
tt'IO sure to be pleased with that; they,
at least, would be fast friends; and se -
CHAPTER' XIX. cure on this point, Bose, with Iter usu-
nl tulpulsiventes, plunged into, the pre•
p::ratious for Tones reception. Even
Annie did not think any rcanonablo holi-
er too great for him, particularly after
Isaac wrote ±rola,-lt'axshingtom to his mo-
ther, telling her of ',Gem's generous sae..
Ake, and hotvebe might halve beeu
home long before if be had not chosen
to stay aril care for a poor, siek boy.
ITow the widows heart warmed to.
weed the Carletons•, tatting the whole
family Into its hitherto rattler limited
dimeneian5. Even Jimmie was not ex-
eintlefl,the widow admitting to. Mrs, Ba-
iter, between wham and her self there
had been many a hot discussion tomb -
rag the so -Dulled rebel, that when he
laughed, be was uncommon handsome
for a Soeessionver'," end she presumed
that 'Set the bottom he was as good as
they would average."
But if the widow were thus affected
be Ton's kind act, how much niore
were the mother and sister pleased to
know how noble and good he was,
while Annie, amid the tears Fre could
not repress, said to Itose:
• "You should be proud of such a buo-
tlteri '.Chore are few lace tun, l: lata
pon" y...Jinume envied Tom, as ho
betted on all sides„ pfia]seE for his no-
ble unselfiehnre , nail the resolution to
welcome himiend Malec with nlilita^.•y
ot•re 111010. Ivan e, llotvever, 0(117141 nei-
ther ishan nor hired, nor ts111etk, and
only the largo eyes, brimming tvith
tears, told of joy unutterable, bat when,
arrived 11t Washington,. his two. tvtnl-
wett brnther4 Vol( 111111 In their arms,
hogging and crying over 111111 as over
one coin latek to theta from tine grave,
his c nlmnes:s ail gave way, and laying
his tired head ot1 >::lt's bosom,whlle john •
held and eairestied itis wasted hands, he
tabbed out the happiness ton grht to
be expressed in wends. To him 0 full
discharge from service was readily ac-
corded, while to Tom a furicn h et sev-
eral weeks 11155 given, cult after a few
(lays at Washington both started north-
ward to join the friends' waiting so im••
patiently for their arrival.
The pc(iple of Rockland had become
somewhat accustomed to the "repel
liens" as they shad playfully enile,l
Arsenio Carleton, and the latter could
now go quietly through the streets with-
out ettractime attratdons which at first
had been Vastly disngreeable to tate se1n
s;tive young man.• Gradually, urs ' tic
mingled niore ' with the people, they
lend ]earned to like itim, and were fast
forgetting that he had ever joined the
ranks of the foe and struck at itis mo-
ther c0un.tty. With the .rabble tttha het
meet lira at the depot ou hie first orrivll
at Rockland he was vastly popular, tar,
forting down hie pride, he had been
very conciliatory toward then), and
they still adhered to their olden promise
of -snaking him their next police justice,
provided he would consent to run. •
With his mini impudence, Bill Baker
continued to annoy the proud Bostonian,
with his good-humored familiarities,
some of which Jimmie permitted,
while ,others he quietly repulsed, for
Bill's constant allusion/ to the nest
were exceedingly disagreeable, tine 1.s
far as possible he avoided his quondam
associate, who, without the least sus-
picion that his manner wilts disgusting
in -the extreme, .would hail hint 4le103s
the street, ncldreasing him always ns
"scorp'rnl," and if strangers 10010 in
bearing, inviting him to "call 'rowel
and see ,r feller once In while for old
acquaintance sake,"
At the Mather mansion matters.- re-
mained about the same as when. Jim-
mie first mule home. Mrs. Onrietou
was still there, uniting for her other
son, 1tu(1 Idose, as usual, was ever on
the alert, seeking ways anti means ly
which the soldiers might be benefited,
compelling Jimmie to be interested in
all her plans, dragging him from plate
to piece, sending him on 0(111nds; Wird
'once, when in a greet :hurry to get n
box In Pendine s for the hospitals at
Washington, actually coaxing him into -
helping t:e a couiforttbie,whieh was put
up in her back parlor, and whieh she
must send immediately, "for some poor
fellow was sure to need It." "Jimmie
could lean_ to tie as well' as herself,"
she said, when 11e pleaded his iguor-
n11ee ae. an excuse for refusing his ser -
.vices. "She didn't know how once, but
Widow ,Si.iiitns and Annie had taught
her a heap, end Annie would teeth kiln,
•too. All he h.d to do was to put the
big darning -needle through to -Rico -tie a
weaver's knot, cut it off, and the tiling
was done; besides that, 'arae a real
pretty quilt, made from. Annie's calico
dress, which site Toed to wear la•iat eann-
met• and look so sweetly he Annie was
tying on <te side nlid O'ilum&e m111st tie
on the other; he needn't be so limy HO
ought to do something for the war."
By the time Idose had reached the
last points in her argument, Jimmie had
closed the book he was rending, and
coiie1utlttd that there might be duties re
quired of hint a great deal worse t11n11
telly (1 NV1t11er'>, Ceitlt°rt(tere tf•irah :ae
nie to oversee! It - was strange
mueheteneling: he needed, and Ilow •uf-
ten Annie Wats Tailed to the rescue. The
needle Would_ stick so in the cotton, end
he, could not remember just how to tie
that knot. So Annie, never drowning
ghat he knew hole t'o tie the knot as
well as she, would cense WWI end, iter
hands sometimes touching his, and ]lit
binek curls cicensionellye brushing her
pale brown braids os .he bent over her
to see show she did •it, 50 as to know
nest tittle! 'Pere •awas a' world of mis-
chk'f 111 tllllmle'N sen y twee ne 11e de -
merely apologized to Mrs. Graham for
the trouble die was giving lies•. but An-
rig never once looked up, neither diol
the ruler in the least deepen in the
k•nst upon Sher cheek, end when ,Iinl-
ni;e, on purpose to draw her out, sag
geetee that "lie `MIS more bother than
help,"' she answered that he "had bet•
tet•• return to hes rending, es she coatld
get on quite es well alone."
After this, 7immat thoughtt proper eri
lctttrit a little faster, and 11e soon out
stripped his tecteiter, who rewarded hint
with no word of approval sate n cool
"Tlntnk you" when the comfortable
was done end taken from the awkw ire
frames. Atul this tt05 a fair specimen
of the nature of the intercourse exist-
ing between Jimmie and Annie. Ste
cute how in the belief that she should
never be recognized aH the "Pequet of
New London," A.n1tl0 1•e(:ateled Jimmie
as any,pt'(tinisry stronger, in whose she
1:21 no ,i i(f. l 1 t. • , 1t
Lod 1 l i n rlrst v ill.
p •t save
which her kind heart broanptetl her lo
- feel for ell tnnnkiitd. She weld not dis-
like hint, and the alwey5 defended him
from the aspclrsions of the widow, who
rottld 1iot quite 001151ter Iter repugnance
to1t rebel, and frequently (
r •]1 e t ni gave
d tv o f to
r y
(1 g
vent to her 111 -will toward
Whom 8lte thouglht to p101311.
"Steck-up critter!" She said, "etrattht'
rotund ns if he tens good' as 131lyb0tiy,
et1(1 fe01111' above this betters. Of coulee
he felt above her, and Susan end An.
We, c ''
( eche knew It . did; St d lir
tv r , end f etre s A
nie ere vunlmccl' !f she'd stay there, encs.
he looked at as aim looked at hod."
Although Making due. .slllesea rico- fol"
the wi(ioW's. prejthttleui.:these :jren'thrkfe
'Were not; teith4llt:'theit 'atfL'de* attest Mis-
sile,' wllo, iinpereeptil>Iy to bers0I4, bei(
gen 'to. feel until ln'ti11abi'y 71M 01d re,
ltznr('T hies is Mersey a Vibe dependent
fin Ilio groes botitty, hti stet titteett1:
seioesly Assumed Wetted him tt eoslt r'e'..
aert'sed matlner, lvhicyt led hint to tenter
that' she entertained far, Min it (leep-
rcotati p1' ttsilce.t>•ii, sego itttlt 0£ itis poet
erten. Tweht Metes et (flay he era a to
honors. (Mee more in his element, Bill
Baker indistrionsly drilled hes clique,
who were to answer no earthly purpose
save to swell the throng and prolong the
deafening cheers. Bill began to feel re -
lilted to the Carietous, and reguLtrly
each day he called at the Mather mon-
Edon to keep Meso posted with regard to
the progress of affairs. They were to
bring ort the new guns he said, anti els
it was minus a naaue, the villagers had
concludedto cull it the "Thomas C.tale-
tt•11," - raking "how she thought the
Weediest s Orelat Army.
111D I
Raring his period of Berate aBritish An '
s il'lier is entitled to throe -quarters of a
poundoffresh meat one pound
Woad daily; and -when on as 'tive service,
the meat is increased to one po.lud, and
a free ration of groceries and vegatables dives His boniest Opitaivia oil
is also issued. Miibllt'n's Heart and
Tim average bullock, when slaughtered
and out up by the army butchers, will
y;e1d 700 pounds of meat; aud 1,343
bullocks must die to provide the troop;
with one day's a.-ationri, £apposing that
the operations in the field aconpy six
months, and the soldiers get fresh meat
twice a week, thou in round xluznbeni,
10,000 bullocks must be butchered,
This fresh meat Blunt be eked Mit With
no less thou 10,400,000 pounds of salted
or preserved victuals, and we get a
grand total Of 14,500,000 lbs., or 0,600
tons of bullock.
The briny eats sup 80,000 pounds of
bread daily, and breath contains a quar-
ter of its weight in flour. In 26weer
it will require 8,640,C0O lbs. of flour, or,
65,000 bushels.
Supposing the beef averages 5d a
pound all round—rattler than over the
mark—we have an outlay of 4:023,000.
Add to that arl3,000 for the British
army's daily bread (at is per stone of 14
pounds), and a futhor $212,000 for vege-
tables and groceries, calculated at the
rate of 3 d day per neon, and a single
army corps will eat up £1150,000 in tris
Rev. 11Sr. Sheldon's od'itou•ial oxperi-
meat is being worked for all it is worth
111 the paper, the Topeka Capital, ovon
to asking Washington for more postal
'Square would like it, 11111 auw many
limos it ought to be fired. The band
would serenade Tom in the evening,"
he said, `end. we snail have bonfires
kindled in the streets," tallcine as if 'n -
steed 0± Leine merely (halon-teucltr, he
were Bead Manager -of the whole, and
that all the Yeeponsill'ility were meting
on himself. Idcoe uticicistcu,l hint per-
fectly, and with the utmost goodeenture
tietentel to hes suggestions, 1110 140411(10.•1
Jimmie for calling him her Kline min-
ister and coi:ticlni t.
From the entrain of the etuther man-
5iou the Stars and Strlp0•e were to be
hung out, and. on the morning of To>u'e
expected arrival. Jimmie and Anllie
climbed the winding suit's and f:lstell-
ecl the stale securely to its place.
There were tarts in Amen.; cyte ee the
graceful folds shook themselves to the.
breeze, for she remembered the coaling
at another soldier when tons seam' blln-
nt+r Ovals wrapped around et (1011111.
Arcs the valley and beyond the con-
fines of the village ate could sec where
that coffin with its lured inmate •tv s
buried, and its the bast cause referees
over her she soddenly eerie sway, and,
sitting down beneath the ting, wept bit-
terly, while denude, With :a vague •idea
as to what might have oatseal her tears,
stood looking at her, wishing. he could
comfort her. But what :should he tiny?
As yet they had scarcely p:>assed the
bounds of the most serupulo•tta polite-
ness to each other, end for him to at-
tempt • to comfort her seemed prepos-
terous, while- to lcltvo her without 11
word seemed equally tinkled. 1'et•hnps
it was the beautiful gloms Pectis of
hair which brought him at last to 1t
decinion, causing hila to lay hi., ]rand in-
volntit1trily upon the bowed head while
he said:
"I am sorry' for you, Mrs. Gi ii11th,
for I know how meth the contrast be-
tween my brothcr'a tetrad rind that of
your he -shoed rnttst affect you, end
gladly would I spate you the spent, if I
could. I nen not certain but the good
people of Rockland, in their intended
kindness to Tom, are doing you au ht.
jury, and surely Lieutenant Gtltlmm,
lilivies been a nosident of this phtee,
should receive their Gest thought, with
oil pertaining to hila."
There WAS no mistaking the gennine
sympathy which thrilled 1e every tore
• of Jimluie'e voice, and for a moment -
Annie, wept mom passionately .thee; tie -
fore. It was the first time he had ever I
spoken to het u£ her husband, and lis
Wards Welted responsive 0l11n' i et
" Was
the h
It a hot.ohot.1 t so much,"
Me an-
swered, nt last. "I num glad they are
honoring yon' brother .taus; he richly
deserves It for his noble edheztntse to
his country in her hour of peril, and for
1 !s generott5 treatment of floor Testae
Situate, I would do hatch myeelt' to
all George',
6110 him 111 respect; blit
tt a.s ,
it 1(1 hind"
•G r I to so desolate tv 1 'its t !
eogh n @
and eover!•itg her face with her hands
Att lie' swept ttgtle, mote piteoesly' thanebefor(4.• •
dere was a point which Jimmie
le 1 a 1-
1 o t ch and n •tltw t ct
redid n
r .vis .
trite eitsrtercl, brolteti 'at `lost 'by-' Amite,
tittle, resrtt ting her Itstntl 0411111 'demeans
one Nen* •offered Publanle bot hands.
dhr?ir1g:' '
,thank yon, A:tr+ 0arletoti,, for 3`0t1it -
syiyipatliy. It lino ntmde Inc beliet'e you
anon lily Mend,' 11110 es huh' I 'eared silt
Hier'Militias'? Fort." ' •
'Your friend! Did You evtsr'0e0n1 •ftse.
ether ,than Matt!. £imams+ replied hi
some ertrtoriee, Ineceetttrile presslttg,
the lt'ttle heed wheels only for on 'WS
stan4t rested in Theo, mid then WaSt slet-
�yy ly laltit(atvteve, joist las hose from the
hdmeelf I r �IVi• ttbt tett• what the toot tet ttlo gait* called mitt to karate►
it eat 4% s eee er eT IIan air
"weer Mk" weir Ilthrq• ftp tit, so
Nerve Pills,
Aar: 3. A. Robinson, a resident of Dress
dao, Ont., has found these pills to do all
that is claimed for them and made t
following Statement of his case:
'(Sou*e. time ago T obtained s box 17
i'diiburn s Heart and ATervo fills, and 1
eau now without hesitation nay that thee,
bane been beuoficiat in relieving me of aa;
ob•rtinato and long staudtng complaint
affecting my heart and nerves,
(' I was troubled with sleeplessness, dizzj:.,
seas, palpitation and neuralgla for such as
long time that I had really given up hopes
of n cure. Now, that °there May learn ot
the virtues of thin remedy, X give 1117
unsolicited testimony.
"My honest opinion is that there in nae
aura so good for heart and nerve troubles ant
Mifeurn's heart and Nerve Pine."
efi'barn's Head and Nerve Pills are 50e.
e box or 3 for t 1.25, .at all druggists.
Always tale sn'ffieient tune tie ce121'
Sidor; then .decide quickly,
It's unwise -to judge a pian by the
umbrella, he carries until you find out
who owns 1t.
Yon have doubtless observed theta
when a boy reaches the age of indisere.1
tion he tackles cigarettes.
The Masonic Temple at Loudon wan
totally distroyed by fire on Friday morn-
ing last. Many thousands of dollar&
will be lost. The building will be Tee
built 'at once,
In Office Stationer;/
THE TIMES is Up -to -Date.
A superior stock ot
We employ skilled workmen, have the
latest designs in type,, execute first-class work
and charge reasonable prices. Give us a trial
for your next stationery.
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Doctors find
A Good
or mankind
sten for live cons, at tenggiste Grocers, Iteetautnnts,
Saloons, News -Stands, Genet' Stores end Mashers
Strops. They lelnish stein, Induce sleep, end erelong lite.
One given raid 4 No mktter what'e the neater, one will
do yyolt good. Ten eampies and one thousand tette.
menialssentbY hoed to tier wettest. oilteethe ofmkt,
by the Rivals Chainlcal C&, toSptnce St„New York City.