HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-09, Page 14
'VOL. XXVIII.—NO. 1455,
1st ce
There is an cud to all good things, and
we purpose making an end of our cheap
sale of our Dry Goods after the next
thirty days: • Duieing that time we shall
offer the halftime of our stock at prices
o redioulously low that they will com-
pel the attention of intending buyers,
Don't let this last chance go by. If we
have anything you want yon eau have
itat practically your own price. A word
to the wise is enough.
Our spring stock of boots and shoes is
rapidly coining to hand, and we show as
• complete a range of all the latest and
• most desirable novelties in Ladies and
Gentlemen's Footwear to be found in
the county, and our prices are right.
We give the greatest possible value for
money expended.
Do you want to see the Newest, Nob -
blest and best wearing line of
Did you see that
Job Lot of
in our window, They
are pretty designs and
decorations, nice fine
goods and going at, JOB
We have a few of
those Jardenieres left,
and still selling them at
20 •per cent. less than
marked price. -
Opp. Bank of Hamilton
Hereafter no reading notice advertising any
entertainment or matter ,by which money
it b d
inserted in the Timms without charge, except
when the printing for the same is clone at the
Timms office,when a notice will be given gratis of
a size in proportion to the importance of the
event. In futive the prices for locals of this
kincl will Invariably be 5 cents per line. No
notice will be inserted for less than 25 cents. •
See Halsey Park's advertisement. . 1
Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the I
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the fust
Friday of each month from 11.30 a.
till 3 o'clock p. m., for oonsi tation
Game WANTED to learn glove maids:
constant employ:mut given.—W.
IOE OENes.—That sum will secure th
Tansee till the cue of 1900. Tell ea
VOR H. Carr is offering his
J. det4irable_property on Minnie street for
sale. Yoe terms and other particulars
apely to the own. tf.
ur Houses vonM&-3TOVA.—OuTrie &
Illieig811.bers. Tho Teem elves the lace
Mom, FARM EX .ITI9ION.--Bleiuh:
of the committee from - is district wee
in Toronto last week ec=tfering with -11
G. T. R. authorities r the annual ex
cursion from this distreet to. the Moe
Farm at Guelph. 1:er e data avenge
for was TIntreday, Jun 28th
Hout..-E Bne.e.—The reason - for horse
bills will soon bo at hen 1 aud the Tina;
is preeetzed to do this elt}s o2 printirg nt
reasonable prices. Viee have nlarge
number ef good outs a 1 cur stock of
materiel is the best. J Those wantiug
hose bills printed Ft Mild leave their
orders at the Tates o ce. -
Foe, Su.—A. quantity of second-
hand two and three inch piping for Salo
on reasonable terms, • I am also prepar
ed to pay the highest price for all kinds
of wood. Apply at salt bloole office.
NEWS. Film 064FonILt ,-:Dr: Tow
ler last week roceiv d a letter from. hi
sister, Mrs. R. IVIce doo, who is at pres
ent in Fresno, Ca i 'ornia, • Mrs. MoTh.
• deo says they aro now having lova
weather in that S te, with the then
iuuti shipped aro 'her oar of horses to
letultobe, on Tuosda last, per C. P. it.
Mr. Rintaul went in largo of this load.
Go.ley also too1 . car of flue homes
e • on the same clay for Sanitoba.,
eieeeenoie SAUL —
• sahi of farm. stock a
a 2, concession 6, Ter
day, March 14th.
=served aneteou
d implements t lot
•berry, on Weclues-
o Rale is without
rnierve as proprieto has sold his farm.
A grade heifer Wit, omitted from the
bill. George WW1 son, proprietor. G
Barton, auctioneer
sympathy is felt &j' Mr. end Mrs. Jelin
eleGaw in the los of their eldest son
Thomas who died est week of Lerner
rage of the lungs. "Tom' was a. young
man of many goo() social qualities and
quite popular witil- all who knew him.
Ile was buried p Sunday under the
auspicee of the tldfellows and large
crowds of symplet izing friends were in
funeral cortege. Kincardine Review,
s The young man r•ferred to above work-
' ed. factory here for a few
; frloeuntd1Tialatsoew4surewmhaerw. inHsejulomereld 13trett:ey.
gret to hear of hi early death.
intimater at 90 in hc shade. We we
also pleased to hoer from the Dr. tha
Mrs. McIndoe • vas enjoyiug hette
health. •
t NarecE.—As I have left town,4T no -
°aunts owing me must be p to lily
r wife at my residence on lsrb ore the 133t
.of April, 1900, If not so • they will be
placed in. court for coil ." .
2t •. Goeenvi V. S.
Tete Bemires, 'TI -e storms of last we*
and part of this week were the wore
we have hail this welter, and anneal-
ized traffic, general] r. The trains were
delayed for hours ea Thursday of last
week. On that das- the afternoon C. P.
R. train, did not areeve hero until 2.30 on
Friday morning, Wingham was with-
out a Toronto pave) on Thursday las
The trains on the t4... T. R. were not so
belly tried won. the t day. The traeks
ha& just been clear el and trains were
going very well, mad on Monday of this
week we were agait :sleeted by another
bad etorni, The in0 snow of Monday
fifled rn the roads v ry bad and the rain
and frost of Luos314y made it very hard
for traffic of any d. The C, P. R.
train atriveci shortl before 6 o'clock.
Orethe G, T. Ili th morning train on
he L. IL & B. was cancelled and the
afternoon. train. fro Palmerston did not
GasE Our WEer. as. Golley, V. S.
vho has reside! in Wingham for
number of years, left here on Tuesday
or Manitoba, w iere he intends locating,
probably at Tee] urne. Mr. Golley has
been ono ?Vingham's progressive
citizens, e ha -s been a member of the
own council foleaveral years' and was
ast New Year'aelected as councilman.
Ie has a host te friends in this section,
who will wilesh in every success where -
ever ho may tato, Mrs. Golley will
main in Win iam for tefew weeks.
SKATING RAO the Princess rink,
London, on M • day night, A. J. W.
Galbraith, foe= ely of Wingham, And
3. Heffermati, ormerly of Walkerton
kated for the ci championshees. Tha
race was three mile heats, best two
ut of three. albraith won the first
heat; time 4.28. effermau the second
Le 3.57, and Galbi ith the third in 8:52.
The London New. says that Galbraith
vill have to defers 1 the honors he has
won against all co ners for the balance
f the seeson rnie Westcotte of th
ockey team, nia have something t
ay about -the ch ei.onshi
, .
- ever brought to Wingham. We have
got them and amongst them will be
and all the latest effects in English
nd French Worsteds. Scotoh and Irisk
Weeds and English, Scotch. and Irish
,`Serges. Call and soe them and you aro
euro to leave us your order for a wing
We have just received an advance
shipment of the latest things in
in diseases of the eye, ear
AUCTION SALE.—Sucti i sale of farni
stock and impleme ts lot 21, con. 1,
' d ard and Soft Felt Hats Kinloss, on Wedne ay, Mazch..21st, at
1 o'clock. John Purvis, otioneer. 's
° They are right up to date and in Black Malcolm Ross, proprietor
. and colors. e • 0
WANTED.—Butter o, trade, .4.1c,
We have just cleaned a case of nob- °bash : $2 00 Stock D G ods,&o to
1st . eeseleet from. .-: G. E. Rm.
. the .address of every subscriber indicates
- we have ever shown. Come and get
the date to which .his subscription has 0
fleet choice. .They are .stire to catch on been paid. A change of the number is a h
and can't last long. receipt for money received. Watch the s
figures and see that you aro paid in ad -
H 0 t h Xr S011S vaelleLcOer;EY FOUND—Olener may have same at
by proving property _Ind paying advertis- a
ing. Apply at Tram . office.
Marriage Licenses 1
ECANITURE FACTOR BURNED.--Strae. +lie,' - 7-3••(' ac;,...„--„... Nal
ford had a very bad fire on Thureday -17e, etbe eswey
evening last, when cLasau's furniture T r.%
factory was burned f the ground. All AI
kinds of fancy f =titre was menu- A
factured in this lactery and about A
TR'ir A
seventy-five hand aro thrown out of '"
employment. Mr McLagan has been et '•
• A A
communicated wiles. by seine of Wing.
citizous wall a view of having
hira rebuild actor-, in this town.
Wingliain is a geed shipping point, is
now a good leareitere contre and the
bringing of this factory to our town
would in no wa- iuterfere with the
factories lready established here.
Seventy-five more workmen in Wing -
ham would be a geed Wag for the town
aud Mv. MoLagan aionld be given every
oucouragmeicut to locate his factory
here, Wingham It now the town of
Western. Ontario a d WO are anxious to
see new industries ietablished here.
NEW REMDENT — The Cranbrook
correspondent of- the Brussels Herald
thus refers to a family who have t en
up their residence in Wingham: •J. J.
Mitchell and famiLy moved to Wingham
this week where Olney intend residing in
future. They vill bo missed in the
village and especi .11y in the Methodist
church where the 'wore active workers.
Wingham will fi d in Mr. Mitchell a
good business ine and a good c•
and they want to use him as such. n
Saturday eveuine a number of friends
waited on Miss Clara Mitchell and pre-
sented her with. purse containing a ten
dollar coin as a s' ;ght token of their ap-
preciation of lie services as organist
- during the past t tree years. The . ad -
t dress was read be Miss Nellie Switzer
and the pees= ation made by Miss
Lizzie Cameron Miss Mitchell made
an appropriate reely. A pleasant even-
ieg was spent an, . after sincere farewells
the party returned home in the early
in Use" ••
see Glues tn. . Tole—A concluding
game elf a curlin • match. between the
ToriesndGrits -ef town was played in,
the riuk on Mond ty night. The first
named leeks plaeeed theie game some
time ago. The mune on Monday even-
ing was very inteeesting, Tho Tories
had secured .see In shots before the
Grits had one audIehey weratied several
times during the game. The Grits,
however, were thae wieners, notwith-
etanding the helglPthe Tories received
from those present n the way of cheer-
ing. The players a id soores:—
arrive Until nearly s o'clock. Business
was demoralized it
storm. This was c
for March and s
eaten during the
ealuly lion weather
hope the worst
4, weather of the lno1Jtb is 0 ver.
0A.NALIAN FORE At' the High
✓ Court meeting of e °amities; oree,e ef
Forestere in Sherb coke last week, the
following officers /ere olected:—H. C.
IL, R. Elliott, Ing :rsoli; H. V. C. R., F.
he:alum—Any one wishing to pay
heir notes, or a part of them, oan do so
the Bank of Hamilton. As I °onside
11 my customers good none need. pay
intileny return about the first of April
900. ROBT. MAMBO°. f
'Issued by FRAME PArmusoN, No. 23 Victoria Moen MAR011 THER.—Rev. lel
-street, Wingham, Ont. No witalessesrequired. Hicks, the St. Lord weather prophet,
situations await our 'graduates.
_N. Central Business College,
Stratford, Ont.
1 A few of our students who have p.
recently taken good sittiations:—R. ij-
PI Pow, stenographer, The Glen -Arm- el
ei strong Co., Chicago; R. N. Epplett, Cr
• teacher, Bridgetown, N. Ye Buse. rE,
Bess College; George Miners, Hea- pi :
imen's Hardware Stem, Exeter; I. -ij ,
fl jo
Weber, bookkeeper, Berlin Rubber
Mfg. 00.; Berlin; W. E. Brown, , ,
teacher, Metropolitan Business Col- i
Lii lege, Ottawa; E. Schmidtt, office kg
gi clerk; Ontario Mutual Life Amer- le, •
mice Co., Waterloo; 0. Yee, ledger eel :
keeper, Union Bank, Moosomin. pi:
Several of our young ladies have
also taken good situations. Stud-
ents admitted at any time. Write
to -day for our handsome catalogue. 71
W. J. ELLIOTT, PI'ineipal, ril
f• , TO . . 4N g. . .Z IF a....ri MT I. Ai a s - it rg. . . s P. -r. i "r4 . . . . ,9 -1
1 900
efore renewing your papers enquire for our ,
dabbing rates.
By clubbing 4 Olby Daily or Viteelcly with the
gives you the home news and the eityPepgrbie
general netvil.
All tile latest War Reports tun tips be Mi-
ta' cd ''n full
Tho following aro mune of the 'Clubbing
Antes. Ditch paper for u year.
" Advertise; - • - 51 115
'Times and Sun,
1 40
$ ''l'e :: Wrg:. 1 _ . . -
" Mall-Huipire • I 70
" Family_Hereld - 1 15
" Daily News • 1 75
Advertiser • 2 00
World • • 250
" " Webs 4 25
" " Mall-lilmpire - 4 25
Any Olin r City papers at equally low rotttA.
if you do not Hee the combination •ott want
ttisk foe it. Clubbing reteA also with Agricul-
tural plper.i and the Illustrated Magazitles.
V. do not club 'with Miler lorml papers.
I . ratci n IIcash ind .. Itenew
before your present' subscription, expires. Stib• '
trieriptiCom tnay begin et any films. Previa
gubscrinors to the TOOL; win, lire paid in ial-
vatiee, m ty °Rani any of the other papers by
lieuclirrt the estra peloe. Suitcerlptions for any
paper eii...eived at lid 1 aille,t1,
Rilttlit by P. O. 0 sler, MIAMI Note, Nvprems
Order cr..
ft'g iiir..t1 1., ati‘r. AtillrvAN tw yell at
Wingham. Ont.
gives this further' •forecast for the
month: - 8 to 11, rail. and snow, 14, 15
and 16, a blizzard.. _7 to 19, cold. 1Q
to 22, stormy. '25 a , warm r, wi
rain and rapid ohm sof temperature.
29, violent sleet an snow storm, the
most destructive s m of the winter.
Frosts are to be feat d in May.
FARM Nor Sorn.—The auction sale of
farm stock and imeasinents on Tuesday
last, belonging to tee estate of the late
John W. Walker was well attended,
notwithstanding ti o very disagreeable
weather. All the waattels sold at very
good pekes. The f rin was not sold, the
reserve bid not be t g reached. $3,060
was the highest bid • n. the, farm.
MONEY TO LOAN.—The undersigned,
has a limited amount of money to loan
at a low rate of interest for first-class
Security. Wee Roemersoet 42
Bowe AT THE SOO: There appears to
be quite a bOont at the Canadian Soo
this spring.. A f Winghtunites are
malting a move for hat place. Messrs.
liull & Kennedy, of the north end
grocery, have sold sir business to C.
Constable and have gone north, A. X.
McAllister is at pr sent on a prospecting
trip to that. place. ' A, H. Carr has jest
returned from a fait) tip through that,
has done her share
tions te the diff •
Chofl t
Gilchrist, the well -;nown and popula eke
uperiutendent at Union factory was
stricken with paralasis at his home on
Monday night. \Mr. Gilchrist wa
at work on Moriay, and appear
d to be as well as usual, exeept for a
sort of numbness ir-his hands. , Shortly
of retiring he ha I one stroke, and had
only nicely tecove ed from its effects,
when he had anothfrstroke. His right
arm and leg and le
been affected, and
effected. Ho has,
ly regained the u
has been re g
evening. e d
hopes for . his ret
has a host -of friers
t side of his face has
his tongue partially
however, •alitiOst
02 his tongue and
nicely sine Monday
tors hold out good
ery. Mr. GilohriSt
s in this section who
of his sickness and
complete and speedy
J. Jamieson, Pettefuoro; High Secretary,
Thos. White, Brm.tford; High. Trees.,
John Neelands, B• antford; High Regis-
rar, D. R./tour say, Montreal; High
, ap ain, Wm. jBsillie, Dungannon
"%airman Medic .1 Board, D. eieeM.
tauley, Brantfoi 1; Associate Medical
oard, Dr. R. 0 Young, Ridgetown;
Egli Auditors, Thos. W. Gibson,
Toronto and Jel a Burgess, Bluevale.
menthe) Committee*, H. Gununer,
Guelph; G. Fa Writer, Ottawa; Dr.
Smyth, Montreal C. Laporte, Mont-
real and. a Britton, Gananoque.
Tho High Court v
between the Red
• funds. A spe •
Maitland was hel
, when five candi
The regular meet'
• held this (Friday)
expected that see
initiated. W.
. organizer has ar
. Court meeting
work in, town for
ted $600 to bo divived
Cross and Patriotic
meeting of Court
on Monday evening,
ates were initiated,.
will be sorry to he g a the court will be
all will wish him evening, when it is
recovery. ral. candidates will be
Sutherland, hrake-
B. freight train at
n on. Monday. last.
o a start for the
'MENT. — A. serious
Wogs, 0 spec
accident befel W 'ved back from High
man on the L. H. Ltd will continue his
couple of weeks.
The train had ra
the G. T. R. stati
junotion and got jaok on the grade.'
Mr. Sutherland got down from the top ,
of. theear to loosen 6.0 brake chain and.
in doing so missed h s footing and slipped
and came Contaottwith the car wheel.
The train in the nikantitne had com-
menced backing sown and ho was
A.TION. Wingham d
in the way of donee w
ent patriotic funds. t
the collecting of $86 o
from the citizens, which was forwarded
to David Lough() The Town. Coun-
cil placed $1,000 ` menace on the life of
David Lougheed t a cost of nearly $75.
Thon 0.13310 the p triode concert, the net
receipts of whi amounted to $120,
which has been ierwarded to the proper
parties. Thou comes the proceeds of
the Red Cross cesecert, which amounted
to over $190. 3esides the above some
of the societies et town have contributed ie
to the fund. A
ragged, for about a- mile, with the car
heel rubbing agaiest his body. 'When
he train had steppe N. he managed to get
out front between the cars and walk to
the van. He was very badly cut and
bruised, and had it not been for his
presence of mind an pluck he wee!.
no doubt have boon :Med. He was at
one •J, removed to the Diusley house and
medical aid summon, d,when the wounds
were dressea. Mr. '...eadlterlandes mother
came up tem Londe on Monday (Well-
ing and accornpaui al her eon to his
home in London ot Tuesday. The
leered man has pee. prospects of re-
ogether Wingliain has
°oval if nothing se s in to hinder tin
contributee. ove $500 to' the var. h
ious fends d has certainly
done her thy the way of
contributions to t is laudable objettetud
it gee.; to show that the town is truly
healing of the woun Is. Mr. Sather -
lane lied only been I work for a few
edits, having been id off for several
weeks with a Mon . One of his hands.
Miy have a epe. recovery Neill be
the wish of his .; , Wineliant Mende.
Tories. Grits.
W. Taylor
(leo. Sadler
C. N. Griffin,
I —Skip 18.
W. H. Hele
A. H. Musgrove
E. L. Dickinson
T. Gregory,
G. McKenzie
0. Knechtel
A. Alderson
—Skip 17
G. A. Newton
Alex. Ross
R. Vaustone
F. Patterson,
p 17. —Skip 19.
We shall be glad ti have conbributiOns to
this column from any our readers. If you
e visitors or purpo e going away yourself,
rop 02 ancl tell us, or cend us a note to that
2. Ss Lizzie Nok s has returned Lome
Mrs. S. Gracey lited with friends in
Blyth this week. 9eir
Thos. Gregory was in London this
week on. basins .
Henry Wratscee left here on Tuesday
laSt for Manitobfi
R. 4, McKe e was in Toronto on
bveess this eve k.
li. Davis spen 1abuiday with his
brother in Mit
Mjes Agee IMoLean returned to
L don on Mon ay.
IV Geo. Mason sjont Sun y bib with
his mother at Leacion.e
miss m. Weikel is visiting under the
parental roof in lagersoll.
. was visiting in 1) troit this week.
Clem Skeates 11 visiting with friends
Amos Tipling, if the 131nevale road
The Magic Remedy
„ •
Mk,4For Coughs and
V Colds.
Our Spring Stocks aro coming in
rapidly 9,nd for beauty of design,
elegance of style, and charming effects
in patterns and shades, we have far sur-
passed any former 4:Worts, particularly
is this true of our Silk and Dress Goode
Departments. Trimmings to match all
goods. Fashion sheets free. Very latest
and best fitting patterns for 100.
Bemire you come to Gordon's for
everything in Dresses; Blouses anall
kinds of beautiful Wiiiteware. We
make a careful and intelligent study of
tho -growing needs of these Departments.
So that everything hero is the very latest
and best.
AU lines of Winter Goods =positive-
ly being cleared out at OOST, they are
brand New Goods, many of them not
two months in stock, but they will go to
the first buyer.
Great values in. Teas, You can get
your Teas 25 per cent. cheaper from us
than from the peddler fir we import our
Teas direct.
The Direct Importer.
J. D. McEwen eft on 'Wednesday
afternoon for Lon on. Ho is anxious to
enlist Nvitla the sol tees and is in London
for that purpose.
Wm. D. Angus, :nanager of the Blum
Cheese and Butter factory at Atwood,
along with his br le, were visitors in
Wingham last weeLt.
Mies Hart, who s been visiting in.
Wingham for a fe days, left for Ux-
bridge on Wednes ay, whore she will.
taket. harge of o Salvation. Army
co s.
C. M. Walkerlefe lune on Saturday -
morning on one of his regular trips.
through Manitoba and the West, in tha
% m
interests of ' Winghafurniture
factories. ,e'''
Rev. Mr. 33urton and wife, who have
visiting with friends in Winf
and vicinity for a few weeks past,kt
. .
for their home in Vancouver, B. C., eete
Thursday morning.
Robt. Collier left here on Tuesday
last for Medicine Hat, N. W. T. He
has secured a situation on the News of
that place, the inanager of which ie F.
G. Foster, an 014 school chum.of the
editor of tho TimEti
Mr. John M. ind, who s been
spending the last couple of mouths very
pleasantly among friends and relatives,
left Wednesday morning for New
Den.ver, B. C., W re he has been re-
siding for the p t three years. Rig
sister, Miss Maggje, accompanied hini.
as far as Atwood whore he joins his
friend, Mr. MoIut .0, who goes to the
same place.
We invite minister.
the various march
items of interest Mid
the office or send 08
--in Woodstock entIngersoll this week. Sub'
Miss ?eerie, fro n near 13russels, was
a guest at the Mae se driving the week.,
Mr. Gilchrist, o TiVertme is visiting
with his brother, . Oliver Gilolnist, itt
Miss Saddler, of Wingentra, WOO tho
guest of Mrs. W. 1 Vaustone.-13russels
• Post.
0-D-214-4 S. E. Xeut, of So itheaupton, was call-
ing on old Wingliu friends a few days
this week.
Miss Duncan, of tIoronto, is visiting
with her sister, Mrs, . Gilchrist, for a
few days.
Geo. W. Walker a d wife, of Goreie,
were visitors with Jo. Golley and -wife
over Sunday,
Miss McXellar, of Ningham, is the
guest of Mrs. D. Gerles this weir.—
Lucknow Sentinel. _.
M1S.4 Sills, Mies Bop- and Mrs. Green
were attending the itillinery openings
E, DAVIS, tn; Toronto this week.
DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN a six months' Mourn 9. England, has
returaed. Its came 13. le. learielan,
WINGHAM. Allan line.
Relieves Dry Coughs
and allows Restful sleep
Mr. Andrewiongloy of Itowlek, after
and church workers of
• to contribute church
r this heading. Drop ni
eects in the fJongregationai church
next°Sunday will ' ,e IVIernings,"Para-
,etitinse eLosLost'; EV. tning—elestradise Re-
gContributions f 'r the Canadian Petri-
o-tio Feud from. -the .churches in the
diocese or Merest now amounts to
Wo vloormh 0$elip.i., 1000 .
of Maitland and the
Mission Society of
the Presbytery he d. meetings in. Wing -
118111 on Tuesday ' f this wok, A re-
pave of the meets n1t2etils will -appear in our
Ag to n ,ncement made by the.
War Office a few Lays ago, the 13ritistt
troops- in South A ;ice are thus &nom-
inationally tabula -ed:—Anglicans, 147,-
030; Roineu Oath lies, 30,860; Presby-
tetiansa 15,713; M thodists, 11,784, and
other Protestant tenlies, 2,263.
retteresese..-.0.--e_e_seesteseete___•:.......e........ . eestereseete
Tho Wingluun Farmers' 1"I Co,, Litni:ed,
•wiii pay ten chillers per tib' 0, ilrict-cliim deg
delivered. at Lieu, mud Ot Ingham during the
vItitiiViridii t
, mit 'II I ttrow tax for Meseta
III''Nt'ioT Nit:ratT:rniltitililttilloitt"'re?'1';telial3x.itilgtillil';11.6.
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