HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-02, Page 8MM:
The daily war leAlletius at the t(
gstrh offices ore Lely ..and e
sranned thew daps ;
feltoee to the Queseee t t Greer's.
The County .0eand Blaek Chapter
of Huron mid Pales met at Blyth
we, Alan 1* gua to haw, eontributionq to
Udsvolmau Irma /My of our readers. IC „volt
hove ytiltora or parlance golw away yoara"Virt
1111)/III; 2124 tfAt US, or send as a auto to that
GeO. Carr was in Toronto a, few days
seeereeeseeseessesseeeeeseseseeess. Tuesday ot this we k.this evec it on business.
tr. i. !Ue rEast Wawanosin . Mrs.W Patters= war visiting with
To clear the balance of our wm u50 Lead ,f cane by etstete • friends in Llama this week.
Winter eux,k we will give auction vu Thursarir of next week,
• A. H. Carr is away this week on a
you a —Clamp cale40, s. 0.s. wavier .erospecting tour to Fault Ste Italie.
uneting on Mende: evening xt. Messrs. X. A. McLean and J. A. Cline
good attendance is cesently rev.
Bargain Day
on Saturda
A good geuvrel Servant gi
Apply to Mrs. MeKolv d the Btux Wiughani, has taken a situation in To-
eee were. in Hensell this week on hls-toss.
wanted. Thos. Eades, of Brussels, female- of
—Alex Your13'-is Aoute
a week. raawr uoed Rev. R. Hobla and wife visited for
U1) as a, result of a fall front a ladeler„ tew clays this week with, Stratford
The accident may t 113, have Leen more hit34,/s,
04. S. Jerome
—Lucknow, (Sur t', and other neighs .reeseuesteer ft,
bowing placea cola sited 4.11 Thursday se tees%
last m holier et th surptseil r
School Shoes.—The
'that you will all remember, for the least nieuey at .
25 Dress End.; and Remnants,all
good shades, winter weight, regular
price Wet 00:1 and 750, eholve .tor
-20e. These prieei are good tor Sat
urday onl v.
10 Ladies' Far hi:miles, good
quality, reg. price, 825.00. These
clear fer $18 00 t.t on Saturday.
15 Men's Ulster Overcoats, extra
heavy, all sizes, reg. $8 UoaIs, Satiar.
day $4.75. It will pay you to buy
this overcoat for next winter.
10 Ladies' Winter Mantles, very
fine quality, to. clear at $5.00, reg.
8,00 and $10.00. These goods are
raueh under wholesale price and
should sell eerly on Saturday. First
choice alwaye the hest.
We have passed into stock this
'week new Dress uoods, Silks, Laces, -
EmbroWeries, Prints, Mttslins, Lin.
ens and Napkins, Table Covers and
Carpets and Lace -Curtains.
We have opened a beautiful stock
of Gents' Fine Suitings and Word
steds, Plain and Fancy and Fine '
Scotch Tweeds,
We'll be very pleased to sow you
our tine Stock ot Spring Suitings.
Suits made to order or Ready.
Also our new stook of Spring Hats
has just arrived.
Special price on Ready-made
Clothing on Saturday at
M. N. 914000'8
Caraphell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to eine headache.
—21.el of March. Siring will soon be
with us.
—Wednesday of ti is week. as Ash
Go to W. J. Greer's trunks and
—Mauer news items ere crowded out
of this issue.
—Wingham merch nts are getting in
their spring goods.
• —North Perth Or gemen will cele-
brate the 12th of j -al at Listowel.
Line up and get a guaranteed through
rawhide whip for 25c. at 0. Knechters
harness shop.
—Vacs. Gregory shipped another car
of onions to London al Thursday of this
raouthlse meeting of the
Town Council on Vier/day evening
—Remember T. E.
sale of dairy cattle o
—Largest stock o
Wingham at the Tn
—Read T. H. Res
issue. It will b
—Brussels hocke team, were defeated
at Kincardine on F 'day last by a score
of 1 to 1.
—The railways
--Minitoba every
and April.
Lad'ea see the latest
footwear at W. 3. Gre
—A year ago the
the fifermiest day
dar last year.
—East Huron Li
met at Brussels on
for organization.
—Messrs. Burch
ped rt ear load of
Market on Monde
ferule?. ly editor of
nigh Chief Ran
Order of Forester
ten Thursday of t
The TLMVS- .4 sorry to hear of the
critical conditior of Thomas MeGaws of
atteardine. r. McGaw worked in
Beih factory lie 'e for several months
lest summer, re has been confined to
henunothage of the
Walker's auction
Thursday of next
visiting cards in
s office. Plain or
new advt. in this
of interest to our
I run ex=
esday dux
ions to
signs in 1000
ming Sunday was
had on. the calm -
ewe Conataission.ers
uesday.Of this week
11 & Robertson ship.
ttle to the Toronto
to Ingersoll Chronicle,
he Tures, was elected
or of the Canadian
at Sherbrooke, Que.,
is week.
the house with
—The High trt of the Canadian
Order ct. retest 'ff was in !session in
Sherbfaca* Qa4bee thio week. H. DI-
Sestadfseron, of itechurch, a member
C Executive for many
nimbi to attend, owilag to
*elms ofil* daughter.
Nirtni in NUMMh and
few days this week on
Ms Crotty, a
guest of Mrs.
, tool Shoes days this week,
Wili Dawson left here on Tnesday
—The Dixectors the Turnberty Ag-
leultural Society morning for Toronto, Where ho has se.
st 11 i
bwarts' hotel, on S
at 2 o'clock p.
—A. McD. Al'as
Montreal inspeetin
fruit, previous o
Mr. mid Mrs. W. 3, Chapman wore in
for the great•Exptshipment to Paris
Bfuneral a the atter's sister,
Brantford last week, attending the
—The contraol; of llowick township
printing for Ili0O /as been awarded Inspector Watson, of the Bank. of
Hamilton, is en his usual ofiloial visit to
Ingersoll was the
. Walker a few
- 0 cured a good sithatiou.
turday, March. 8:d,
Mrs. W. Vanatter, of Goderieh,
was a visitor with friends in Winghain
of (3°d°14°bs is ill aid vicinity this week,
the Advance otL- for e48.CO. This
price is the same s that obtained Test
Single Harness, my own rnanufeeture,
from. $12 to e/40 at Kuechters harness
—Assessor Yoshi i is now busy reek-
ing his rounds. Ir. Youhill has filled
this position for many years and
thoroughly underst .ucls the duties of his
—Geo. Hardy, f Culross, whose
skull was shattere( by a limb of a tree
last week, is deo(' A report of the
accident appeared n those columns last
—W. Doherty c3 Co., of Clinton, Ont.,
placed a Doherty Agan on board the S.
S. Potheranian, alifax, for the use
of Canada's sons oing to battle for the
Fresh Baltimore oysters served in any
style at Jas. McKelvie's Star Restaur-
—The Tures la t week received the
largest quantity o printing paper ever
delivered at any o e time in Winglunia.
We were wise an ought before the ad-
vance in price.
—The Thos. Lll & Son Mfg. Co.
-sinnped two cars ef furniture to Liver-
pool this week. • The products of the
Wingham furniture factories go to all
parts of the worlib.
—The stormy -eeather of the past few
.days has made it very bad for getting
about, and as a result business in gener-
al has been very quiet. Allethe trains
were latenn Tleersclay.
—A lady's black fur ruff was picked.
up in the town tall after the concert on
Tuesday evenieg. Owner eau have
same by calline at R. G. Gordon's store
and paying for his advt.
Apprentices wanted at once. Two
young ladies to learn tailoring.
tf WEBSTER & Co.
—The press may have to answer for
many sins but it hat to its credit a long
account of good de ds done and it is a
force for progress, civilization and the
purification of the lody politic.
—Robt. S. Reid, ef Elora, has moved
to Winghara and -.s opening a grocery
store in the shop ecently occupied by
Halsey Park in therShaw block. lVf.r.Reid
formerly resided L. East Waevauosh.
—A specialmeet ng of Court Maitland,
Canadian Order r's Forrester's, will be
held on. Monday ening of next week.
A number of cant candfiates are to be initiat-
ed. A large att idance of members is
Dr. Macdonald Is now permanentiy
at- home and ean be consulted by
hiS patrons. .
• —On Monday ening, March 5th, a
literary' and eausi al social is to be held
at the home of R bt. Currie, sr., East
Wasvanosh. .Ai4 excellent programme
is being prepare
your friends.
—In the Wef Wawanosh Council
minutes last wee we made it appear
that the Connell had done away With
the Collector. No municipelity oould
very well do wit out this useful official.
uld have r ad Solicitor.
• M. Beckwi a, of the market bakery,
has sold his buihaesa to John Sohnstott,
of Auburn, ant the new proprietor has
taken. possessio a. Mr. Johnston is a
practical num but will retain Mr.
Beckwith's sereices, and patrons of the
market bakery may look for as goo
eerviee in the f !bare as in the past
the local blanch of the bank.
Chauncey Jerome left hero on Wed-
nesday morning for Sault Ste Marie.
He intends residing in that place.
J. J. Elliott, V, S., wife feud children,
of Clifford, spent a few days with friends
in Wingham and vicinity this week.
Herb Wightman is spending this week
at Sault Ste Marie. He may locate at
at the Soo if he finds a suitable opening.
Miss Millie Robertson, of Wingliain,
was visiting at her uncle's, R. Main -
prize, Electric Light Works, Brussels.--.
Brussels Post.
Come and bring
rittviotx CONSVMMION.
Hard to =re; easy to prevent. Scott's
Emulsion nourishes the body, keeps all
the Orgau.s.and tissues healthy, and the
consumption germs can not get a foot-
m bent direct to thotellscased
,,, parte by the improved blower,
_AA\ Heals the ulcers, clears the tilt
p**. awegcs, stops droppings In the
Catarrh tad Flay Fever, Slowee
Orme end permaremily Mira
,„.„ trek Ail &.1.r, er Dr. A. W. Oast
Meath* Co., Terome gad Waldo.
Mr, Harvey, of Arthur, of the firm. of
Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank, of the
Wingham flouring mills, was in town a
few clays this week on business.
David Wells, who has been visiting
under the parental roof here for 'a few
weeks, left on Tuesday morning for
Jaeksonville, Florida. He intends re-
siding in that place.
W. 3. Kennedy, of tho north. end
grocery, left on Friday morning last for
Sault Ste Marc, where ho will reside. in
future. W. Hill intends joining M.
Kennedy at the Soo in a few weeks.
Rev-. Richard Hobbs and Mrs. Hobbs,
of Wingham, are in- the city. Mrs.
Hobbs will remain for a few ,days tak-
ing the Windermere Hospital treatment
for rhenniatism.—Stratford
Win. Robertson is in Toronto this
week en. a delegation which is arranging
matters in connection with the annual
Agricultural Societies' excursion to the
Model Farm, whioh will be held next
June. • •
Valuable Farm tuacl Farm Stook
and Im lements.
Tho undersigned utors of the last will
of John W. Walker, lilte of theT wnahip of
Turnberry, in the Co ty of Huron, fariner,
.`r SZTI.g15:,ffrntot, 3,0A bgnPlig u auction,naet
in the Oth Concession )f the' said Tonwunship or
Turnberry, on
Tuesday the eth D-..-.- of March P., 1900
at ono o'clock in the lternoon, e 'following
'valutible farm stock • and inipl ents, that is
to say:—
lbomare in fo4. to An Lamic,1 aged
mare, 1 heavy colt ring th e years old, 1 cow
with calf at foot, 5 .mws posed to be with
calf,8 steers rising 1,o.y rs old, 1 heifer rising
two years old, 2 s e re -Wing one year old, 1
heifer rising ono y b.-• d, 113 ewes supposed to
be with lamb, 7 p" wo months old, 1 brood
1 naw Massey -Hari is mower, 1 binder, 1 Wis-
ner seed drill, 1 hay 'i-ake, 1 clise Jarrow;,,,2 single
gtliutresi 118ggir°111.41 X :Pouwle'ailallingti,,N1 tes;n1,
1 hay rack, i glYitting _box, 1 grain entailer and
power, 1 hay fork \ h rope. and pulleys corn -
Elaert;ONIIscitseIrdiciiiir tit.:Infeasennt ItNniiil nil
• 1 I
nesa.1 set plow' hal .ss, " saciale„ 1 sap kettle, 1
turnip paper, 1 sou, er, a quantity of hay and
straw, -2 dozen hebe, forks, rakes, hoes and
numerous other art -des.
Also a quantity o household furniture and
zanies 02 0 .r.2 Or OtrA.Vemns.
The hay and stray. and all stuns of $5.00 and
under will be cash • NI sums over $5.00 (except
for hay and straw) '6-11 onthscre.ditwill be given
onpurchaserefurnbieg approved joint notes and
icrotittof c.eit.per Tm wi be
- At the soon time and place there will be
offered. for sato Lot number Eighteen in the
Sixth Conceesion of o said Township of Turn -
berry, containing si ' nine acres of land,inore
or less, /Aiwa to a eservo bid, and to terms
tend conditions whfe will he made isnownet
the time of sale or et be had on application to
the Vendors or their elicitor.
This is ri well iror 'ed farm, in a good state
of cultivation., well enced and well watered,
find situate within t ree miles Of Wirighttin.
Tile are grtkiiitP ''embles it brick house with
front kitc,h ed, n geed batik barn with
stone stabling and wide neath and other outbuild-
ings • also a good 01 hard.
Dated this 24th d of February A. D. HO&
endors o e
ROSETTA. wArm Executors
The (mitt Write Lot 24 Von. 6, kst Wawan-
vontairthet WU rte. e • ttere:1 of
good hush. Easy 1.4.11101, Nal -vett .
• Apply to R. VANS7 Minato:3u,
or to P. A. MATROW ON, Intel:now.
Notice is hereby alvm, pureuent to R. S. O.,
1697, chap. lit), eta., n, that ett reveres lessee;
claims against the cerate of ,Tohn W. Welker,
lata of the Townshin of Turnberry, in the
County ot Huron, tamer, who diecl on or abont
the i'th, clay of Veit., .A. D. in, aro. rcscrirecl to
tame by post pronaid ordeliver to 11. vonstone,
Winglunn, solicitor ter th executers, en or be-
fore the 2etlt day of Jamb, A. 1). 1C00: their
llamas, Wares:tett ttnii (leseriptions, and a fall
etatienent of particulars ol their elaims and the
natnre of the reentily Of any) held by them
duly certified, and that after the said day the
executois will proceed to distribute:the assent
a the decocted among' the parties entitled
theieto, lowing regard only to the claims of
'which they shalt then have notice.
Dated this 22nd deg ol!Eterautry. 1). Rik.
VANSTONE, SoPeit or fit •
George Walker and Rosetta Walker, Excaeitore.
• —•
Physician, Surgeon, etc,
Pince—Stone Bloch, over Deane' Flour and
reVa. StOrtl. Night calls answered at the °thee,
The under nod Tiustees of ool Section
No, 11. &nit wen osh, will meive tenders
up to the 1st of h. it 00r thelmilding of
o steno foundation i. school building;
also for veneering the with brick. iilieei-
fleittions can be 'e by g to any one
of the undersi
•3.01.11t S'FITYflat
Cul 1 "store.
Rtorr.urn ritwrie
, T. ()union, Fits•o,-Treas., Witigham P.O.
The undersigned has for Hale a number of
large Innn oveO Berkshire zap, both sax, bred
from imported stock. Will be sad on leason-
able terms, .Apply to
P. GIBBONS, 1ttaine.)11 P, O.
Nigbt Oulle at Button Block, or Fiftb
door south of Sibiu)] Elease. Shop op.
peekte Macdonald ()look.
.111. E. ZURBIUGG'S.
Family and other Groups from
small sunbeams up to 10 x
-actual size of photographs.
Pictures copied sand enlarged or
Down floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church.
Ilefbre. After. W *mg'
0 Oft' Phosphodine,
The fined English Berney.
• Sold and reeommended by all
druggists in Periods. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. 8tx
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, ell effeets of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of pries, ono package $1, six, $5. one will:please,
Dixie= cure. Pamphlets tree to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Sold in 117inglutna by Colin 1. Campbell
General Insurance and Loan Agent.
/di LI FE—T he Oniaiio M at eta I.
cD 1111RE—Tlie Nen.tariti Cona-
ACCIDENT— The London
C uttran tee and Accident.
Money at Lowest Rates.
In office corner of Minnie and Patrick
Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat-
style, cutting, making, the desire to
please and to give the utmost value, puts
tho question:. of satisfaction of our eas-
terners beyond the shadow of a doubt.
High Classed Tailoring
is not necessatilyhigh-priced.
find proof of this by callingeon us, ex -
mining our goods, getting prices and
leaving your order for a suit.
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor, Winghatn.
Sight is Priceless!
Get your sight tested. It costs nothing.
Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably.
Try us.
R. .3YrUNSW.
ovTiotior AND anvaLint.
e! - ssaisisteestet,.tiaSsief slace.4........ssa;esishes...e4s.4,424.e.lsase.s.,.., ' - s •
o Not
Not much use experimenting at your 'own ex- 1,1,
Lai pease. Let the other fell:ow- do that,. It is:no ex.-
:ros periment to buy a
▪ They are the BEST and away. give satisfaction --
fitted for Coal or Wood. There have been hund-
reds of Grand jewels sold in this vicinity within the
last six years, and; the sale for the Grand is on the' 1
COAL—Our Coal is of the very best this,
year. Orders prortiptiy attended to.
in the store
(next C. N. Griffin's Grocery,
• Store)
and is prepared to make your
Fall Suits -or Overcoats in the
most approued and up-to-date
Special attention given also
to Ladies' Jackets with New
York latest styles.
Oct. 27, 1899.
is pure and cold and
The Canada Business College
Canada's greatest school of Shorthand and
Business training, still holds a very fitirro lea ‘,
over its contemporaries.
No better evidence of this claim need h
offered than the following, which shovvs bv.
widely this justly popular school is patronied. •
14i Cities Towns and Villages in ()anode.
United States and Newfoundland represented
in the attendance during- the year to date.
130 Counties in Ontario, six of the 'United.
States, together with five from Manitoba and,
Alberta, have sent their roprosentative.4. They -
come from the Atlantic on the East to Ilia
Pacific on the West: Distance proves no hind -
ranee to those who are determined to attend,
the best. The present is l an excellent -time of
year to make a stay b. PapilA are admitted at,
any time.
Chatham, Ont.
To draw away the ca?loads of goods
ordex.ed-for spring.
Buggies and_Carriages.
Nearly three car loads of Buggies and Carriages have
been ordered from the best makers in the country. We will
have buggies to suit the purses and tastes of everybody. High
grade, medium grade and a grade neither hi h nor medium..
Prices to correspond.
Farm. Imple
We will have in farm Impleme nothing but the best. We
don't need to say anything abo the Massey -Harris goods,
suffice to say that the f rme are goingwild over the new
Binder and Mower, and th...e placing their orders with any
other firm before seeing ese new machines will undoubtedly.
feel disappointed. Buy from a thoroughly CANADIAN
firm that can give you the best on earth, and a firm that s
ikeeps thousands of dollars worth of repairs at your door. No
necessity of sending your money over to Uncle Sam for in-
ferior machines. 'Uncle Sam knows what he is doing, and you
can't expect to get $r.00 in gold from him for i5e. Patronize
home industry.
We have the slickest plows and gang plows yob ever saw.
The National and Imperial Gangs are something new, anet!...
had an extraordinary sale last fall. In fact we could not meet 1:
the demand made on us for these goods. Ask your neighbor
about the gang plow he got here last fall.
Repairs! Repairs!
We are loaded up with all kinds of repairs We can fit
any plow ever made with hard and tough tempered in oil cast-
ings. Having bought our repairs last fall, before the raise in
prices, we will be able to sell plow repairs at L899 prices until
further notice.
Music and Sewing Machine Dept.
In this department you will find choke selected Pianos
and Organs from Gerhard-Heintzman, of Toronto ; 13e11, of
Guelph ; Doherty, of Clinton ; Dominion, of Bowinanville„
and Sewing Machine front Ra.yntond. of Guelph.
• Small Instruments, Music Books, Sheet Musk of all
kinds in abundance, all of which are sold at a small margin.
• Come in everybody and see through our stores, office and
Opposite Presbyterian Church.