HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-02, Page 5THE `1 Ja1G11A•`i. MU. MARCH 2, WOO
A adies 1nds
1 Relieved
wear is
b3ing handled by a reliabl ; firm. We
have a full stock and prices are lower than
ever seen in Winghanl.
Call and inspect
A Wheat Wiaeawa!ro Tames Correspondents Communicate — tether
items Clipped Worn Our Exchani;es.
This Tines has beenfortunate iu se-
curing several new c:orrespoudents and
Wo expect a number will yet be added to
-.our 1W, cine expect to snake cousider-
able improvement in thin eoruer of the
' Wo °would Bice to hear from
pee our correspondents es often as posseble.
Y9e ii Ii your locality is t regularly repre-
seutu.l iu the Txuus, we will'bo pleased
to receive items from you at any tilno.
Veget Wo would like to havo a regular corre-
• spondent in every notion. through
• which the paper circulates. We aro at
`` present in need of regular a correspoud-
den` for Wrexetor, Belgrave and White -
to olrureI . Write us for particvinrs.
pJ V Vp,A �,®ped,® �a p,�
The Universal Favoritelima Disc km
The only Disc Harrow that has adjust-
able pressure springs. ' This feature
is invaluable on hard or uneven
(fitted with granaif desired) grass sowing attach-
mentswith reversible points, also thistle cutters
if ordered.
The lightest draft, best working and
most easily operated cultivator man-
ufactured. •
The teeth work directly under the axle
and within the wheel line.
See the New Spring Lift.
Steel Hoosier and
Spring Pressure.
Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills aro so
well and favorably known that they
speak for themselves. There are
E., now over 60,000 in use among the
;,c,un WELL 100.10 DRILL. farmers of this country.
We invite the closest iuspection of our Farm Implements and Machinery which
are are manufacturing for the coming season.
-In addition to the above we call special attention to our New Victoria Binder
mild No. 14 Oxford Clipper Front -out Mower, also our patent Spring and
Spike Tooth Harrows and Friction and Ratchet Dump Rakes. It will amply repay
all intending purchasers to see our lines before placing their orders elsewhere.
Send for our New 1900 Catalogue.
THE NOXON 00.; L'id, Ingersoll, On
DASo �Vtitt'ANOSIi,
A pretty wedding took plane at the
hems of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McQuillan,
West Wawanosh, on Wednesday even
ing, February 21st, when their only
daughtei, Miss Eliza, was united in
marriage to Mr. Edward Haines, of this
township. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. Geo, McQuillan, of
Courtright, who is a brother of the
bride. The wedding march was played
by Miss Lottie Haines, neice of the
groom. The bride looked very pretty iu
cream, wearing smilax, freesia and
whiten primrose. The bride was given
away by her father in the presence of
guests numbering over fifty. After
partaking of a sumptuous repast, the
gifts, which were many, showing the
high ` esteem in which the bride and
groom aro. e1c1 were viewed by the
guests. ' to this was over, the even-
ing was enjoyably spent iu various
games and social conversation. Among
the gifts were a handsome cutter from
tho bride's brothers and dining -room
and drawing -room furniture from the
bride's parents. When the wee sma
hours had arrived the oveniug's enjoy-
ment was brought to a close by singing,
"He's Jolly Goocl Follow" and "God
Savo the Queen" ; all bidding the happy
couple bon voyage, each feeling happy
and pleased with the enjoyable evening
they had spent. There were friends
present from Courtright, Listowel,
Wroxeter and Grimsby.
Alex, Kramer commenced his duties
as assessor on Monday. A new map of
Formosa has been furnished by the
o: s hip es ginner, Jas. Warren. .
irectors of th a Culross Mutual
once Co, met as per motion
anent in Tesswater on Feb.
24th;;; g a -Members all present, Thos.
Allison; 'Esq., president, iu the chair.
Minutes of previous meeting were read
and on moti.iir of J. E. Scott, sec
One crate of Gold Line and Sprig comprising Cups
• P � P g P
and Saucers, Dessert Plates, Tea Plates, Breakfast" Plates,
Dinner Plates, Sauce Dishes, Salad Bowls, Platters, Cov-
ered Dishes, Cream Jugs, Pitchers, Gravey Boats and
P.eacockBlue and f
Tea, in Black and
-'~fieQ-��`�=�4t= �41h�h.�%iVt%�.4%n�V-'�4t�13'ti; oil': s�'�;►i`�►�"e'_�i'.►''i�ii`L—!a'��i�
Also Cups, Saucers and Plates in
Brown. Six of each for 95c.
Try a package of our Fan Brand
Mixed, The finest on the market.
Asit Once Was.
When the human foot was
first introduced to shoes it was
exactly as mature had made it,
strong--sy minetrical–handsome.
It has been revoltitionized
from what it was to the foot of
to -day by sixteen centuries of
distorting tightness and freakish styles.
" Slater Shoes " are made to fit
feet as they are to -day, `Comfort first,
but good appearance never forgotten.
'L veive shapes, six widths, all
►'- sizes leathers and colors.
Goodyear welted, name and price
,' !tamped on the soles,
$3.5o and ,$5.Oo.
Ear Sale Only by HOMUTUU & SON.
by J. W. Ballagh, were adopt
ed by James Donaldson, seconc etl•' by
Wm. MoDonal:l, that all applications for
insurance taken by the different agents
be laid refere the Board for examina-
tion. Carried.
Moved. by J. W. Ballagi, seconded by
Wm. McDonald, that having • carefully
examined the applicatious taken by
agents of this compauy and find them
satisfactory, the president and the secre-
tary are hereby instructed to prepare
and issue policies for the same. Car-
ried. ' •
The following fire claims audaccounta
wore presented for iiayment:—James
Johnston, house destroyed, $400; John
Green, contents . of house, $200; Thos.
Malcolm, inspecting above losses, $1.
On motion of Wm. Reid. aul J. W.
B illagh above were ordered to be paid.
Moved by J. E. Seott, seeeadecl by
Jas. Donaldson, that es the Village
Council are extravagant ,in. their de-
mands for the use of the town. hall for
Insurance Board purposes the secretary
write the Iuspector for the necessary in-
formation for the removal of the Heat'
Office from the premises.
Moved in amendment by Wm. Reid,
secon°o:l by J. W. 13alIegb, that this
Board offs the Village Council $15.00
the food supplies warmth
and strength; without it the
digestion, the muscles, the
nerves and the brain are
weak, and general debility
follows. But fat is hard to di.:
gest and is disliked by many.
supplies the fat in a form
pleasant to take and easy
to digest. It strengthens the
nerves and muscles, invig-
orates hind and body, and
builds up the entire system..
pc. ted ir."C, to dre ate,
*Cdr's Nc DOW le Choral Tai nts.
per year for tlio use of town hall for
Insurance Board purposes viz Insarauce
Board meetings, Annual rueetixigs,
Secrotary,Troasurer collecting Levy.
Secretary and PresMeut meeting to sign
policies. Fire to be provided when re-
quired. Yeas 'and uays being called
for: McDonald, Bellegh and Reid
voted yea; Scott and Donaldson voted
nay. --Motion lost on same division.
Moved by Wm, Reid, seconded by J.
E. Scott, that the Seoty.-Treasurer
withdraw $300 from the Bank of
- Hamilton, Wiugbam, for payment of
losses. Carried.
Moved by J, E. Scott, seconded by
Win. McDonald, that this Board do now
- adjourn to meet again on the last Satur-
day of March at the usual time and
place or at the call of the President.
Thos, Mooney and wife, of Illinois,
U. S., aro renewing old relationships in
Morris, Brussels and Grey. Mr. Mooney
is a brother to John and Heniy Mooney,
well known residents of the 8th lire.
He was here when his father was
buried a few years ago.
Edgar Johnstoeewas visiting .in Luck -
now last week, before leaving for
Dakota, where he will try his fortunes.
The new shed to bo erected at the
Township Hall will be a groat con-
venience to the general, public.
ilk -Presentation. On Monday evening of
last week the congregation of the Blue -
vale Presbyterian church presented Mr.
and Mrs. John Robertson with an easy
chair eauh, and a complimentary address,
which was read by the minister, Rev.
W: J. West. A very pleasant time was
spent by all those present. Mr. Robert-
son sold his farm last fall and bought a
house in Wroxeter, where he and Mrs.
Robertson with their two youugest
daughters, Misses Maggie and Jessie,
will live retired. Mr. and Mrs. Robert-
son have lived ou the farm which they
levee sold for more than thirty years.
We are very sorry 'indeed to lose ,them.
The following is the address:—
Mr. John Robertson and Mrs. Robertson.
FR'n• Nns,—It is with deep re-
gret we learn of your early removal
from our midst aucl we take thiQppor-
tnnity'of expressing our appreciation of
the friendship and social relation which
yon havo done much to promote in our
locality during the many years of your
residence iu Bluevale. Your coining to
this locality has been productive of
iiiu.cli good, when our country was in
process of development you were not
backward in doing your utmost for its.
progress, especially iu a moral and a
spiritual sense, and have always proved
faithfully in the discharge of duties in
connection with our church hero. Wo
cannot look back over the thirty or more
years yon have spent with us in the
Master's work without seeing marks of
.your presence with us. When called
upon to undertake work for Him you
were always ready to do your best.
Anel to you Mr. Robertson, many of us
owe a deep debt of gratitude for the
helpful lessons you taught us while
teaching in the Sabbath school, lessons
which, we trust, havo boon fruitful in
the 'unfolding of the groat mysteries of
Godliness and of leading many of us to
know our Divine Redeemer. As:mentb- -
ers of our church you have during those IS
many years shown yourselves i
to be very exemplary. We havo felt
that to you the church was a centre of
warmest interest, and that the work
was cheerfully performed because you
recognized the fact that it was a labor
of love. Uncousoiously you have ex-
emplified the truth aptly expressed by 1 -
Ruskin. "That whenever the labors of i
life urs fulfilled in the spirit of 'striving
against, misrule, and doing whatever we t
have to do, honorably and perfectly,
they invariably bring happiness as much
as seems possible to the nattuo of man."
We ask you therefore to accept these e
chairs as a slight token of our sincere re-
gard and good will, hoping that you will
be long spared to make use of them, and
that they may recall in the fttture the
kindly relations that have always exist- 1
eel between yourselves and es during thb
thirty years you havo been members itt s
full communion. with its in tho Bluevale
Presbyterian church, We wish you
much pleasure in your now horse and
that you may prove a blessing in the s
village where yon nurposa to rosier in 1
the future'.
Higued on 1x1in1f of the Presby'tcr'au'
1..,v W. J.Weete M. A., Paster. 11
ii .1 obe ri' Maxwell, repeesentiug tho
t teeion.
1411 Jtunes Elliot, Cenienre cry Main- .
talon;; Bond,
Notes. Rev. 1)r. Miami •u, of To-
' ronto, gave a lecture en Mus:d ts, lit fire
elethoclist amide ou Tuesday siday evening
of last week. The reverend gelid -mean
lid to goocl sp'aalor and the lecture ways
enjoyed by all those present. Rev, .J.
r W. West diel not hold his wild Tuesday
eveuieg prayer meeting, so that Lis
eaugregetiou might havo au opportunity
o' hearing Dr. Henderson.
Mr. John Watson, assessor for MoiTis,.
was calling On everyone in the Morris
end of our village last week. Mr. Wat-
son has been assessor for twenty -live
Coffees, Spices. Baking Pair...
tiers and Extracts, call on
For the best grades of Teas,
years, and, as he always makes bis
rounds on foot, if ever a roan had a
chance to know every stiek and stone
and raulliu weed in the township, it
will be Mr. Watson,
Mrs, ktamper and family have =veil
from the farm which they oecul:ied on
the first line of Morris, to Mr. John
Oclilo's cottage at the station.
Mr. Brampton, oe Woodstock, was
visiting at Mr. Pailip Thomas' last
Mrs. Mills, who has been visiting her
daughters, Mrs. Watt and Mrs. Snell.,
returned to liar home in Hallett, near
Clinton, last week.
Mr. Joseph Ssliars, of the first liue .Of
Morris, who has been ill foe quite a long
ti.nie, is reported better.
Mrs.. George Hudson and clailbren
have gone to live iu Atwood.
Rev. James Carlton McCracken, of St.
Paul's church,. Mosley, spout Monday
at his parental home on the Bluevale
road. Mr. McCracken was on his way
to Bervie to give a lecture.
Mr. Gordon, of Whitby, was visiting
his daughter, Mrs. West, at the manse,
last week.
Large quantities of wood and logs were
drawn last week. The roads leading to
our village were very busy looking in-
Misses Maggie and Jessie and Mr. C.
Robertson gave a farewell dance to their
friends, last Friday evening." Everybody
hacl a happy time.
Mr. John Mitchell shipped a car of
maple rollers from Daff & Stewart's
mill, on Friday last.
Mr. George Macdonalcl went to Strat-
ford on business, on Saturday.
Mr. Robert N. Duff is in Sherbrooke,
Quebec, this week, attending the High
Court of the Canadian Order of Forest-
ers, as a representative of Court Douglas,
Mr. John Burgess, high Auditor, went
to Gananoquo, on Friday last,
before proceeding to Sherbrooke.
Tne worst storm of the season broke
over us on Saturday evening and con-
tinued over Sunday. When the weatii-
or had settled the snow drifts took the
horses up to their necks. On Monday
morning, after the fierce weather the
sun came out smiling like an old hypo-
very enjoyable evening was spent at
the home of Mr.anclMrs.D. S. McDonal
on Thursday last, when a number o
neighbors and old acquaintances, as-
sembled to commerate Mr. McDonald's
sixty-ninth birthday. Although be has
nearly reached three score years and
ten, yet we are glad to be able to state,
enjoys the best of health. . The evening
was spent in games and dancing. The
number of beautiful and handsome gifts,
which the worthy gentleman received,
showedthe esteem in which he is held by
his many friends. - umptuous repast
was provided by tlhostess, and after
all had done ample justice to the delicate
viands, Mr. McDonald along with some
of those who were present did consider-
able dancing of the Highland Fling. At
a seasonable hour the many friends
seperated and went to their different
homes, wishing the host that he may
long be spared to see many returns of
his birth -day.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox, are visiting
with their son in Brussels.
The following officers have been elect-
ed by the Wroxeter Literary Society:—
Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, Pres.; Miss C.
Laurie, Vice -Pres.; Thomas Gibson,
ec-Treas.; Miss Rate Robinson, Organ-
N'ew quarters have been secured for
t110 Public Library in the Hemphill
Block. The change will bo made early
in April.
Our citizens have taken hold of the
matter of securing telephone connection
n Wroxeter with the outside world and
t is now almost an assured fact that
Wroxeter will have telephone connec-
ions in the near future. The line will
be extended from Bluevale to Wroxoter
and ' the people of Gerrie are on the
move and expect to have the line extend -
d from here to that village.
LiTC1 NoW.
Mr. Wm. Lyons, of this village, met
with .a very serious accident on Friday
.mt, while bringing in a load of hay to
ho village. I'a passing over a large
now drift et the Grey Ox corner the
sleigh slowed to ore side and he wail
Thrown off the load to the road, falling
upon his h: ad, rue was unconscious for
in:n time after the a'ei'lent, and still
lea very lore at his r; sido:ie.n 1:1 the
.Mr. J. W Ar. i-tro:i: , jeweler, left
a4 we ok foe. Va icouvo•', British Laolu:n-
ea, whore ho ttr'res a position rn
r; in seer of the ttpt rel au art depart -
1a „tt of a large j'wel iy bttsine.ssits that
c' ty. 'gr. Armstrong ie a fit's, -ales
matt foe the lnositioa nal while WOt
c•rels egret hie par.teres frea oar;
vii'ngo WO wish Li n e•: a ;y sit, ..os in h3:,
Button Block, Winghain.
As 1 deal exclusively in
these articles, 1 and in a posi-
tion to secure t1u BEST
GOODS from the most re–
liable sources. We sell for
cash ; you get the benefit, arid
don't have to, pay for others
bad debts.
Try our Teas .anti you will
be our regular customer.
new field of labor. , Mrs. Armstrong
accompanied her husband to Toronto,
where she will speed a few weeks with.
friends in tiro city, but she will not
leave for British Columbia. till the•
spring. Both Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong
will be greatly missed iii Lucknow, and.
more especially among the young:
people. Mr. Armstrong has sold his;
business here to his brother, Mr. Wm.
Armstrong, of Flesherton.
Council met Feb. 21st, in the Albion.
Hotel, Fordwich, pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Members all present. The,
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted. A requisi-
tion from Scheel Section No. 17, asking
the Connell to have By -Law passel and.
have debentures sold on said section for
the sum of x,2000 for the purpose of
building a new seho•. 1.
Finley—S,xeuce—That the Reeve at-
toad to getting said By -Law parse, and
the debentures sod.—Ca•-rivd.
Doig—Finley—That Two Wall, editor
of Win„ heen Advglee, recei; a the con-
traet for the Township printing for the
sum of *4.3 50, his being the lowest
Doig—Schurtor—That the auditors
report be accepted as read, and that the
Clerk have 160 copies printed in pamph-
let form, and one to be attached to each
iathmaster list.—Cariiod.
A000tTNTS PArs ED.
J. T. Wiggins, $3.00, for repairing
bridge lot 15, con. 10; A. A. Graham,
$8.00, for auditing Township books; W.
A. Irwin, $8.00, far auditing Township
books; J. T. Wiggins, $L78 for unool-
lectabie taxes; W. T. Sotheran, $3.60
for brushing road lot 20, can. 4; S.
Smith, $2.70 for Hetrick share of cul-
vert on H and W bridge,;. D. 5 Milne,
$1.00 for repairing; bridge, lot 20, con.
11; Chas. Edgar, $6.0) for oalv.trt lot
11, con. 10 & 11; Jas. B_switherick,
$4.50 for wood for Towuship hall; J. W.
Spence, . $4.75 for material for culvert
of 30, con. 4; Philip Shuibine, .'2.00 for
gravel; Corporation of Tnrnbeiry,
$28.50 for Howick share of expenses on.
H & T bridge; Thoo Hall, $?3.50 for
balance of account for Township print-
ing for 1899.
Finley—Spence—That this Council do
now adjourn to meet again in the Town-
ship hall, Gerrie, on the third Wednes-
day in March, when the patlimasters,
pound -keepers and fence -viewers will be
L. WALKER,. Tp:; - Cleric,
HuaRnu for Otua.da's son.; wire have
done their duty in South Africa.
Ter Ontario Government will ask the
House to vote $10,000 cowards the Patel-
atic Ftnd and $1,000 f :r the sa".axles of
those civil servauts or eniplDyers who,.
have gone to the front.
"7he ThOrn Comes Forth
With Point Forward."
The thorn point of disease
is an ache or pain. But the
blood is the feeder of the
whole body. Purify it with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Itidneys, liver and stomach will at
eine respond ? No thorn in this point.
Severe Palma—" i had severe�nairs In
my stomach, a form of neuralgia lei'
mother urged nae to take llood's Sarsapa-
rilla and it made me well and strong, 1
havo also given it to my baby With sates•
factory results. I am glad to recommend
i1ood's Sarsaparilla to others." Ming.
eon's Le retie, 240 Church St.,Toronto, Ont.
Gomplote lExhaustion--" After treat -
anent in hospital, I was weak hardly able
to walk. My blood was thin. t took hood's
Sarsaparilla until well and gained 20 lb:l.
It also benefited my Wife." Alitnunn MILS,
Dresden, Ont.
rreod,e tilts tea` (rfra ewr e
e0e; the uan•f
oOnlyeati;ai teralti ;Alt s /