HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-02, Page 2K
At a repent stamp sale in London a
Oaneldoe 1.2. -penny i-•iack, unused, sate. for
T. Milburn & Co. :—Y sur Rheumatic
Pelle dill nie nzoro good than any other
remedy and 1 consider theta a perfect
cure for Rh •unxatism.
Mrs. Sot;eph Pearce, Celliugwooel, Ont.,.
The Evax Late Tobacco Company
have over 1,000.1 t0 pound of tobacco
now iu the m w tee tory ready for treat-
ment for sliipu eu-.
Positively eured by these
Little Pills%
They also relieve. Distress from Dyspepsia,,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per.
feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Smell Ptile Small Dose.
Srntiii Price*
the fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's, .
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Paclerowski,s Manager Describes tate
Transvaal Dutch.
Buffalo, N. Y.—Hugo Gorlitz, of Lon-
don, England, joint manager for M. Pa-
derewslu, the pianist, and who has but
recently returned from the Transvaal
after a lengthy stay in that republic,
was interviewed by a representative of
the Commercial as to the matters in
President Kruger's land. Mr. Gorlitz
spoke indignantly of the manner in
. which the Uitlancleis were treated by
the Boers in Johannesburg, saying that
zarrs (the policemen) were armed and
shot down the Uitlanders upon the
slightest provocation, sometimes, ap-
parently withc;ut provocation. The
British residents, he said, was subjected
to constant result from the policemen
and other municipal employees, insults
from which they have no redress.
Practically they were under subjee-
A peculiarity of the country, said Mr.
Gorlitz, is that the Ei:glish build beauti-
ful houses iu the cities and the muni-
cipal authorities take no care of the
streets, so that they aro in a filthy, in-
sanitary condition. "The appearance
of the streets are frightful," said he
"because the money put aside for n un-
icip.1 purpose's, mostly supplied by the
Uitlanders, is put into the pockets of the
officials. There is' ro cleaning of the
streets, no improvements of the road-
"One of the greatest crimes laid at
Boers' door," continued the sleaker, "is
that they put the vilest of liquor into
the nay of the natives. One prominent
firm there, manufacturing quantities of
the firery stuff, is annually putting
large sums of money, not into the
l;oeltets of the government, but into the
handle of the officials. I do not except
President Kruger front complicity in the
matter. He also gets his share.
"As far as the Boers being a God-
: foxing people is concerned, they show
it only by building a lot of churches, but
not iu their actions. One of the first
priuciples of Christianity is have for
I one's neighbors, a sl.irit in which the
IBoors are extremely lacking, They' do
not tolerate any ether rate= than
their kindof nrfi b't1t fslM. 1\0
own a zn U t.
luau who professes r, creed ether tizau
theirs is allowed to hold. oi'iict•. The,
' Beers are also slave -Chivers. If the
Boers vin ru this. trupgie, wit:cit seems
iniros,iele, tine;, will ins+rut., re-zstab-
1 Dela slavery iii Soath Africa.
i"f don't btleve anyone heir visited.
, the Tram -veal ret t utly," tout i .ue'l Mr.
i Groi
oil, t-, hie reteiveee, who 'oee not
share my opinion in regard iti the con-
clitiou cf affairs there and the cu'palility
of the Boers, unit's he is directly or in-
directly in tho pay of the Tzansvaltl
Government. ,
"The British lure met with r, `verses,
it is tate, but , ono term entrenched
can keep ten ellen at tan and the
, British have been terrine- handicapped.
The Eritish did :ict ire ere for war, in
my opith n c , p et et 1.r. e. lie y were
forced into i-.
"I do not bete-. o the ser will bo cf
loag drratioit. ::t is ei itable that the
Boers in the end n-11 be utterly vanish-
ed by the British: When that comes,
the natural question is, What will be
the future of the Transvaal? Not that
country alone, but all of South Africa,
offers endless opportunities in ruining
and agricultural industries. It is one of
the finest countries in the world, and is
capable of high cultivation. .Its re--
e-sources, outside of the great gold mines,
are tremendous. It can bo developed
and civilized into a magnificent country,
one of most valuable of British colonies,
not equaling Australia, possibly, but
proeing a priceless possession. But the
country is principally valuable to make
- connection between Natal and Rhodesia.
The natives are loyal to England, feel-
- ing that Great Britain is their friend. -
They have been oppressed by the Boers
so long that they will hail British rule
' with delight.
"The extermination of the Boers as a
nation is inevitable," said Mr. Gorlitz,
in conelussiou, "but it may be that the
'Beers who are left will settle down and
become goo:d, colonists and really God-
fearing people."
Titin, tVa!ery lBlool.
When the blood is thin and watery,
the nerves are actually starved and nerv-
cus exhaustion and prostration soon
follow. 3!'ced the nerves with Dr. A.
W. Chase's Nerve Food and you will
• impart to them the new life and vigor of
perfect health. Face cut and fad -simile
• signature of Dr.,A. W. Chase on every
box of the genuine. •
One day last week we visited the home
of Mr. Johh S. Armstrong, on the 10th
con., and had a book through his barn
and stables. Mr. Armstrong has one of
the largest barns in this section of the
country, the main part being 54x60 ft.
with 24ft. posts and the addition 54x80
ft., though it is not so high as the main
part. The granary is florredwith maple
and the bins are all lined. with metal
sheeting so that it is impossible for mice
r to get into them except from the top.
i Underneath the barn is a fine stone
j stable nine feet in height with a' .good
1 root -house and a good well of water 1
I sufficient to supply his stock, In the
stables at the time were twenty-two
cattle which Mr. Armstrong for export •-,
ready for the
which are almos�b
market. They will, in all probability, least one instance this precaution pre•
average nearly 1000 pounds when ready
for sale. A straw cutter, grain crusher
and a turnip pulper are used to prepare
the fodder for the stock and the power
null. Needless to say, we found every- and all other stouach c omplaiuts. Dr.
thing around the place in perfect order, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are Matures
The implements required on the taut pazmacea for the stomach's ills --they're
aro well taken cora of and We were iii. CO a purely vegetals s pep:un compoutrd---
forzuod that Mr. Armstrong dict not even enough to alloem in weverybo eve
rybody zi oy good
leave his binder in the field over night { health. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
during liarvest time but put it uncle? •
cover every evening. Mr. Arinstr:n g i
What roper Si Made lot.
pointed out to us the spot where 1:•a i::- � C)ver CO kinds of bark are now used to
tortds erecting a house in the future and eeetufaoturo raper, besides banana
when that has beeu done there will be E skins, .beau stelks,, pea vines, cocoanut
few finer farms or farm Luildings in the ; fibre, clover Vaud timothy hay, straw,
c u tty .—Teeswatcr News. 1 fresh water witeds, sea weed, and over
wool, asbestos, hop plants, weeds, husks
f. d , 51A1 AND sA RkkT ' and stoms of Indian corn, all Binds of
ry i tiles, sawdtot, shavings, thistles,
IA E thistle -clown and tobacco shrike.—Phi.la-
vented its wearer front being shot
through the heart.
35 Cents for a err' Stomach
to work these is derived from a tread.----Tluis is practically wh.tlt zt Means to
the sufferer for 1) •spepsia, Indigestion
• 160 kinds of grasses Also hair, fur,
•l; , p j d.lphia Presse
J: vir s U33 i,i'ie i «Tito Batter Part.
Diamond. flye3. of valor is desereation," and the better
part of the treatment of disease is pre -
Tendon. Disease originates in izupzuities
• in the blood. II lod's Stirs zinr.11a puri -
They Give taq Richest, Most Bril-
liant and Most Lasting Colors.
Ninety-five or cent. of the rags and
etec r materia used in the manufacture
of home mad mats, rugs and carpets.
cirri colored b the Diamond Dyes.
Why? Because the Diamondd Dyes
always {ci.ve to cotton, wool and union
materials the fullest, brightest, richest
and most lasting colors; sun, soap or
washing cannot fade Diamond Dyo
t olers.
Mrs. D. Danielson, Covey Hill, P. Q ,
writes thus:
"I have ,been using your Diamond
Dyes far many years, and they have
always given entire satisfaction. To -day
we emptied two packets of .your dyes
sand 1 am obliged to buy more, as we are
making sixty yards of rag carpet, I
have used your cotton colors and I think
they are beautiful. The stripes in my
carpet—black, green, red and yellow—
are rich. I cannot sufficiently praise
Diamond Dyes ;• all my neighbors speak
well of them. •
Tonality's Little Book. .
An important part of the field equip-
ment of every British soldier when ho
goes on active service is a sort of little
pocket ledger which he is. instructed to
always carry about his person to assist
in indentificatidn in case of accident.
On the outride of this little book
stands the soldier's name his official
number and hie 'regiment. The first
pages contain an abstract of what may
be termed his war account. This is to
say; his pay in dully entered therein,
and when paid, together with auy extra
allowances to which he may be en-
Another page. shows- distinctly his
record of foreign service, if any.;; his.
distinction in the way of good conduct
badge, stripe and medal, and a detailed
statement of any wound or wounds that
he may have received in action.
Farther on comae mere family partic-
ulars, such as whether he is married or
single, the address of the nearest rela-
tive in case h should be killed or
wounded, etc. # Copies of all these
minute particulars are kept at head-
There is also a black form of will, so
that if Tommy Ithould see fit, can de-
vise and bequet z his earthly belongings
in due legal fashion, and ban rest assured
that his wishes will be fulfilled. If the
soldier is killed his book is at once for-
warded through the, War Office to his
next of -kin in Britain.
Mr. Atkins 1oeks upon his little book
as a sort of adjunct to his Bible, and
sets the greatest store upon' its safe
keeping. Sometimes ho has it sewn in-
to the breast of ., his tunic, and in at
t ft as the bl 101. „P t )pla wh i trete it at
tett:; season say they are healthy the year
retied. It is because this mesicire ex -
pole impurities and makes the bl )od rich •
and health -giving.
All liver ills afie cured by Hood's Pills.
Me. Varices, Who went to. Dawson
from Paris last( year, will go to Van-
couver in the spring and return to Daw-
son by balloon. e
�• +, A Tor t
'Or if
George Young, undergoiug imprison-
ment for life foe the murder of Frederick
Glovernear Soithwold Station in Feb., .
1897, died at the Kingston penitentiary.
Sarnia's subscription to the patriotic
fund already amounts to $1,000, and
that of Stratford totals $2,100.
The Massey-ITarris Company has con-
tributed $5,000 to the National Patriotic
In a neighboring town a Salvation
Army advertiser wrote our a billboard,
" What shall 'I do to be saved?" A
patent medicine man came along the
next day and wrote underneath, " Take
Carter's Little Liver Pills." Shortly
afterwards the Salvation Army man
noticed the sacrilegious work of the
modioino man and priutecl below, "And
prepare to meet. thy Goe."
You cant be healthy if your
bowels are constipated and
your system clogged with
poisonous material. There
should be a natural move-
ment every day, and the best
way to secure it is to take
Laxa-Liver Pills. The most
obstinate;cases yield to their
action. They neither gripe,
sicken nor weaken, are easy
to take and prompt to act.
Dr. tc®�!� Heals and
soothes the
Beetway PIMO Lungs and
cures Coughs
and Colds of
kind after other remedies
the worst5
fail. Pleasant to take. Price 25c.
''ir`•J'•=.:.'�"'i.:pf xti ixt'.i'cTz,'"q„'`-�}5�....-''' 5tc—ta'ts,,.... ,,.,-w�.w „rms- ..,.•�<._:.�•.....�..,=..,. m
3sy.' •tit' s ; .i''3✓ 'eeeeee 's ;nes `44l the e.
it in — the days of suffering from this relentless disease in all its phases
need not be prolonged.
THIS POWERFUL SP]JCIFC wins daily encomiums for
is splendid work in dispelling pain. It gives perfect relief in
six hours,
It drives out the causes---
eleames the system ---pavers the way
and helps to perftet het;Ith.
Only those who halve been its Eric -1
time # whether for nthortc'r or a bug-
er pzriotl---in its milder ;'o::il:; or in ital
more 'acute forams, tan ready have t
elle correct toll;" p;iou of the exe•rac- l
iatillg ageiry that deciles to the suffer.
er froae Rheumatism.
Only those who have b^eri its vie -
tiros and halve been cured by that ;
most powerful and never -failing re-
medy, South Amoricftn Rheutnatic
Cue, can really appreciate the bless-
ing it has proved to mankind in re-
lieving pain, dissolving and eradicat-
ing from the system all the foreign
matters, the irritating acids, the un-
natural substances which through
cold and exposure collect in the joints
and .muscles, rause swelling, stiffen•
Inge, rffiltui_it
and incapacitate those who have
been po unfortunate as to be eauglzt
in. its meshes.
South Am rkenu Rheuivatie Cure
lX iw1 Clundluu a Ill ilk aliliiielMANCOMMOMSS91
is a s ecific for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia in all its forms. It is not
au experiment. It is compounded on
the most scientific principles known 1
in modern medical science. It is the `
consentrated 'essence of the most!
potent ingredients recognized as be-
ing the most searching turd healing. t
The formula is the outcome of years
of study on Rheumatism in all its
forms; its causes and medicines that .
aro calculated to give the quickest e
relief and are most promising of a ;-
vermanent cure. That the highest 1
results have !leen attained by South
American Rheumatic Cure that have
Wen attained by any remedy of mod-
ern times is attested by the splendid
testimony, the thankful words the
encouragement and faith shown in it
by the hlni:dreds and Hundreds who
have over their own signatures told
how it has healed rhes r who have
been bf,d-ridden for -years—those who
have through its u.e "thrown away
Crutches" -.- those whose stiffened
joints that we're affected by 'every
f whiiu of the weather --- those who
j have mitered the deadly pants and
ele !ere
paugs that are incident to the inflam-
matory and Neuralgic forms of
Words cannot too strongly express
its great merit, and sufferers need
only to put to the test what others
say of it to prove the claims of the
great South American Rheumatic
Cure. Years of pain may be dispelled
in an hour, but it's only a matter of
days at most till the most stubborn
cases will vanish, and til. the place of
pain and suffering there'll beta joyous
and lasting freedom.
J. D. McLeod of Leith. Ont., sap:
"I have been a victimof Rheumatism
for seven years confined to my' bed
for months at a time; unable to tern
myself; have been treated by my
physicians without any benefit. I had
no faith in . Rheumatio cures I saw
advertised, but my wife induced me
to get tl, bottle of Souter American
Rheumatic Cure from Mr. Taylor,
drtzggist in Owen Sound. At that
time I was in agony with pain. In-
side of 12 hours after I tools the first
dose, the pain had allleft ino. I eon -
tinned until I hail used. three bottles
and. to -day I am completely owed."
South American Nervine is a power
in restoring wasted nerve force ;cures
nervous prostration, stomach trouble
andeneral debility. It cleanses iS y
cs ter o
system and builds' no the waste places.
South American Kidney Cure is a li-
quid Kidney specific • Cards Bright's
Disease., Drabetes, Bladder troubles
and kidney disorders. helps in four to
six hours and heals permanently.
ww ♦{b.t.Y .r:Y'wl:Y.?,'wr..;-: e:f 184" t -46. FM"
.. incanielosalsou lei' ulna Or lerla lallasce
JiVegetablePrcpat tionforAs.
it ilatinntheTootlatldRegtiti-
iing theStomar1ls rn,dl3owelsbf
3V . i 'IA'x'UR t
Promotes Digestion,Cheeerful-`
aess and Rest,Contains neither
Opauln,Morphine nor Mineral.
r N0'lt'NAITtCOTIC. >
�i'crpe realrlllr•.v1T.'f. E•SP.r
Tiervkin srsrd = t
.laic slid
ifyJy.2-print -
Tlf.rm Sced
tlarfi:d Sum- .
1iti;tr. •rncntiaroc
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
• lion, Sour Stomach,Dtarrhoea,
Wenn; ,Convulsions,Feverish,
tacss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tee Simile Signature cf
sace�srrs-lazy , -^•" :nna d
Castoria is pat u;r in ono -sire bottles only. It
fa not sold is br.'.1', ren't a:lov any:rae to sell
you anything else en 0.o (,lea or promise that it
is "just as good" ani "will answer every fur,
peso.' ns- Sce that you get 044
Tia ha- , _ _
.u.' otrtilo� „e_,..,_,.;1„i4 an
-. negaitaro ,r CL..i, t:•U- - • p wrapper.
"MO;':a*..3�5.` :y,nyy�a.g.rrrO.:It +.a�.,PrAiil •'+•:r..•, �.no'.7,17:M14. 'v.yc.w
.:,iSL'iLi nid.5 :r-,.-'""••-��.•. ��'�tA' .Y��G '�"^ -w.d
Diseases of wool.
Wool has its diseases as the sheep has;
says The Sheep Breeder. But the
diseases of the fleece does not hurt the
sheep as to its general health. Hair and
wool are precisely the same in coni.(; si-
tion and general character except that
hair is smooth and wool is rough to the
touch. One of the clisoases of wool
causes the fibers to split and tangle to-
gether, formingmatted patches all over
the body. Another causes the wool to
felt, forming patches of short hairy -like
balls, which loosen from the skhu and
leave bare spots which are red and in-
flamed. All those are infectious, and the
disease will spread from one sheep to
another until, jf neglected, the skin is
bare over half the body of the sheep
sometimes. It lookout should be kept
for thesediseases, and immediate treat-
ment should be applied. The easiest
remedy is to apply tincture of iodine to
the skin, soaWg the wool where it is
still retained. The disease is really in
the wool and not in the skin, but yet the
skin may be infected by the disease:.
wool. It is 'due to a minute fungus
Which. grows it the fibers of the fleece,
destroying the pubstance of the wool ani
reducing it to Oiorbpiecee or even cinst.
the diseases are virulently infectious,
and when tlzey appear instant aetiou
should be taken.o.
It has been claimed that apples bar-
re'e1 up tight in the oroha:d as son as
taken from tho tree keep much better
than those exposed to the air for some
In these days of imitations it is well for
everyone to be careful what. he buys.
Especially is this necessary when a matter
of health is involved.
There are so many imitations of Doan's
Kidney PilIssen the market—some of them
absolutely worthless—that we ask you to
be particular to see that the full name and
the trade mark of the Maple Leaf are on.
every box you buy. Without this rou aro
isot getting the original Kidney Pill, which
• has cured so many severe cases of kidney
'oo'rrlplaint in the United States, Australia
and England, as well as here in Canada.
The Doan Kidney Pill Co Toront
'f houEa tan of Young and Middle deed Nen are annually ..., . to a momat:mo� rcays
.;h rarly ind scriliou and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitut omni Blood
1~)'ruined aaesus h• v i r fined nod
wrecked the idea of ninny a promising young man lIav,• you
u;:y of the to lowiur; Symptoms: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; T o Ambi-
tion; M'nt_:ry Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable: Eyes 131nr• Pimples on
the Frace; •1) •e•to,s and Drains at Night; Restless; haggard Looking; Blotches; Sore
•1 hm it; ]Tari: 110119M Paine in Body; Sunken Byes; Lifetree; 1)istrustfal and Lack of .
vs t.nor y and :itr. ugth. Our hermit•; nd Treatment will build you up mentally, phy.icaily
• tad':32[11'i1:y.
(".3 ni. h: DDS, KENNEDY S KERD I �,.
" At 14 years of ago I learned a bad habit which almost ruined
me. I became nervous and weak. D1y back troubled me. I could
stmid no exertion. head and oyes became dull. Dreamer and
drains at night weakened mo. I triedsoven Medical Firms, Elec-
t trio Belts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me
no help. A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Horgan They
sent mo ono month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel
myself gaining every day. Ther Neu;,ltelho:t 7'reainzent curet tarn
O r,,U in cart 1., :.,u a( etre faits." They have cured many o' my friends."
Lr. Maul to.:.
tan Hagan M. mualtram.
"Soino 8 years ego I contracteda serious constitutional blood
IJ diecaro. I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mere: try almost
It� killed mo. After a while the syniptoms again appeared. Throat
became sore, pains in limbs, pimples ox taco, blot !:os, ,.jos rets,
lose of hair, glands enb:lied, etc. A tee:Veal frien.f advised Drs.
Kennedy & Korgan's Now Method'Treatnont. It cared nl., :tad 1 have
w • t
Cupt. T' lnsend. had no avmptoms for live years. I am Married and haul •. As 'a
doctor, f heartily recamend it to all who have this tnrrib:o disease-•
Cure girl
syphilis." It will oradiicato the poison froiu the bleat."
"I nm 8s yaarsof age, awed mtrrica. When yonag I let a
gay life. Early indiscretions and later oxen:won made trouble
for me. I became Volk and nnrvou4. Dry kidayyc bn alno
hireefed and I feared Bright's disease. M trig .1 lit w:e ;mantis.
factory and**, home unhappy. I trioti every .ting --all fnil••d iii
I took treatment front Drs. Kennedy and Kaman. 'i'itotr N w
Method built mo up mentally, physical. nsanely.1: foot
and act like a man in every respect 'Cry thsanely.em. "
Dom"' NO Names Used Without 'viae(?
Consent of Patient,
,.ti,i e.1 VI (1:1.01, —�
OUP {New Method Treatment never fnfinln cnri•rg Dfxe'rtatb?r &.
1 i, builds ds up ::o ry u unt In alt
dr due mad restores
los vltn blood, Clears the braia, builds up the nervous nu,t.ertwl
systotns and restores lost vitality to the body.
We Guarantee tri Cure Nervoa9 'rwrbllity. llrntfltt$t 11Ynttl'rbt;-1,
rte 111 f v r
l e u Iba •e" t •
» , cote, iti' itevct,ldellaiirn•r ttrre.e►.ttHs;,.,rt'ucr,y
Weak .carts arittt.r:lt I(ilclzrey and UisxdC3a:r ttie:rsr ti
h@� R R Dre. lteanad n &Ito gait aro tier leadin'; arra-t tltat°r of
m �+ I;I E R America. They goal .taco t,rt o tre or ter pa, 't'natr rnan.
ran no rick, Write thorn for an honest rinin n Snirn t ,r w i', trnt ,1 V5"( 9±t uaa
[eve z oa roars of regret and sulfate/.t Chat ;os r.ul u,t'tl t. Write (or a
4tteattoul List aiut iibok Coa.i.tttrattcrtt Prot.