HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-03-02, Page 1^
VOL. XXV111,----NO, 1453.
TI -i E
There is an enol to allgood things, and
we purpose hedleing an end of our cheap
sale of our Dry Goods after the nest
thirty days. During that time we shall
offer the balance of our stock at prices
so rediculously low that they will cora.
`pet the attention of intending buyers.
Don't let this last chance go by. If we
have anything you want you can have
it at practioally your own price. A word
:to the wise is enough.
Did you see that
in our window, They
are pretty designs and
decorations, nice fine
goods and going at JOB
We have a few of
those Jardinieres left,
and still selling them at
20 per cent. less than
marked price.
Our spring stock of boats and shoes is
rapidly coming to hand, and we show as
complete a range of all the latest and
. most desirable novelties in Ladies and
Gentlemen's Footwear to be found in
the county, and our prices are right.
We give the greatest possible value Ivor
money expended.
Do you want to see the Newest, Nob-
: blest and best wearing line of • .
• ever brought to Wingham. We have
got them and amongst them will be
found . all the latest effects in English
• and French Worsteds. Scotch and Irish•
Tweeds and English, ,Scotch and Irish
Serges. Call and see them and you aro
sure to leave ns your order for a spring
' We have just received au advance
shipment of the latest things is
' Herd and Soft Felt Hats
They are right up to date and in Black
•• and colors. - -
.1 We have just opened a, case of nob -
we have ever shown. Come and got
first choice. They are sure to catch on
--and can't last long.
•r• +
IVtat13agc Licenses
Issued by FRANK P.1msn3oa-3 No. 28 victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnessesrequired.
situations await our graduates.
Central Business College,
Stratford, Ont.
A few of 'our students Who have
recently taken good situations: -R.
stenographer,Tho Glop -Arm-
strong Co., Chicago R, N. Epplett,
teacher, Bridgetown, N. Y., Busi-
ness College; o George eIiu rsIie
men's Hardware Store, Exeter;
e er, bookkeeper, Berlin Rubber
E. Co.(70. Bo slue • W. 1;.
eacher, Metropolitan Business Col;
, Ottawa; E. Schmidtt, office '
c erk, Ontario Mutual Life Assur-
ance Co., Waterloo; C. Yeo, ledger
keeper, Union Bank, M�)osonnin. r
Several of our young ladies have L
aL o taken good situations. Stud-
ents admitted at any time. Write
to -day for our handsolne catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinelpal,
�1- SKATING 0HAL • , GE. -The following
✓ appeared in Mon •y's Free Press:- 'I
jhereby challenge ny skater in London
' to race from ono . three miles for the
[a; city championship said race to come off
Ir at any rink putting up a suitable trophy.
rL -A. J. W. GALrn en." Mr. Galbraith
is no straw er SI1 n h
n g g, am He for-
Ilneriy worked on th : Advance. • He is a
%1 very good skater, tit nnay meet his
ane match. in London.
Opp. Bank eV -Hamilton
hereafter no reading no ice advertising any
ontertainmont or matter by which money
is to bo made by any church or society will be
inserted in the Tlliss Withoiit charge, except
when the printing for• the same is done at the
Tens oflice,when a noticewill be given gratis of
a size in proportion to the importance or the
event. In future the prices for. locals of this
kind will invariablY be 5 cents per line. No
notice will be inserted for leas than 20 cents.
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Dr. Butter, of London, will bo at the
Queen's Hotel, Winghnm, on the first
Friday of each month from 11.30 a.
in. til13 o'clock p m., for consultation
in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
salo of valuable far
implements, at to
Turnberry, ori Mar
sharp. Soe aclvt.
full particulars.
preserved auotiou
, farm stock anct
18, concession 6.,.
11 6t3 , at 1 o'clock
another column for
Currie. auctioneer.
—T'he' ' e sifter
the address of ever; subscriber indicates
the date to which lis subscription has
been paid. A chin re of the number is
receipt for money rceived. Wats
figures and 203 that. ,*ou are paid
Moeun FoUND-
by proving propart
ing. Apply at TL
posted in erre:
thousands yearly.
postiug a letter th
often. forgotten, so
address is omitted
ways the letters a
box, simply to be
letter office. Adc
vnbr In
have same
g a(.lvertis-
LtOPERLY. - Letters
amount to many
In ••the hurry of
necessary stamp is
ietimes part. of the
or in many other
dropped into the
taken to the dead
•ess and stamp yours
fir- ••510-1,91...0gena if i.-Vit4-7~j
Before renewing your papers enquire for Derr
,clubbing rates.
By clubbing a City Daily or Weekly with the
`Tunis you got all the news. Tile local paper
;given yon the tomo news and the city paper the
/general Wows.
All the latest War Reports can thus be ob-
tained: in full.
The following are some of the Clubbing
1Itates, Davit paper for n year. •
Times and Hun, - fir5
" • Advertiser, •
" C+lobe • -
1 10
I 75
1 76
" Wilms
" Mail•1runire •
" Vamiiv Herold -
"1).,ilyNews -
" " Advertiser - 2 00
•" World
" " Globe • 2 508
it" Mail•Einpiro - 4 25
_Any other (pity p^.lmrs at ecpnally low rates.
Ifou iso Tot . ,+e the coiiibfnation you want
Hale for it. otteibeee rates also with Agricul•
turdvapr,•v and the Iilu�,-rated Magazines.
"Ore dc, :tot eiu.r v ith oilier local papers.
These 1.ti(,i are all vac& in advance. Ilc•new
before ;our p.vsetrt subscription expires. time
soriptto i:i 2(y h:•:(:u at any time. I (seat
.anent b:•r•i i" tiv WI MIN who are paid i n
i ad -
'Vallee. t,. ii, sir 1 11 tety of the other papers by
thin.; the t 1.1 • ,,I e. Gub,:eripti(,yr1 for any
llori•a• ito-i.1f:th,trii••.•.
bent'r b 1'. O.(l i T'on'al ?\:ute.Ivxpress
4Cirde. c,' Its;, •:, r,•.i i. •1ti•r. Addre,:s o: (all at
wen,11enr, oat.
Gown OUT WE ;T.-Robt.• Sterling,
wife and family, of .Belgrave, lett,
Wingllam on Wei aesday morning for
their now home in lfelita, Man. Mr.
Sterling has been: resident of Belgrave
and vicinity for a number of years, and
he and his family Hill be greatly missed
in that section. Fr. Sterling spent last
stunner in the prairie province and took
up land, brected a house and barn and
had everything i' readiness for the
moving of his fans y. May success at-
eheir new home will
tend this family iti
bo the wish of th
this section.
LO T. -
Monday, February
vale road between
Wingham or on t
haul. Finder will
by leaving the
jewelery store.
Ilintoet Ow Th
TIMES has to thalila
of the Hurons Ohl
Toronto for a cop
it many frieln ir.
silver w It lost on
19t1 o, -the Blue -
Pow or' crossing and
o s ets of Wing-
)() suitably rewarded
tinge at Pattorson's
s' BANQUET.. -The
E. needy, secretary
oys' Association of
of the menu find
toast list programhie. Our Bluevalo
correspondent la t week stated that
Morris township :'as t feeinly township
not mentioned ill 110 inenu.Mrx`loody,no
doubt read our e. irrosponclent's article
and in the copy se it us marks "Pommes
de Morris" which. \
v c1 appeared
under ed 11
ppe der rho
heading of "fish" on the card. The
"Old Boys" did w 11 in prorating their
Bet, and thct"editot of the TOMS regrets
not being Ale to attend the first ban-
constant orploym
sale of farm stocic
east half lots 18 a
Turabrrry, Bluova
March end. Salo
prictor is giving up
thing will be sold.
prietcr. Jas. Hend
sale of CO head of
good dairy cows, s
12, bast Wav
day, Harsh
are all in good c.
corvmonlce at 1 o'c
prol•eicter. J, 0i
lc u glove making,
t given. ---W. .7.
lnresorvecl auction
and implements at
d 10, concession 1,
road, on Fric1.^y,
t 1 o'clock. Prc-
arnning and evcry-
John Pa:iliold, plo-
rson, au(di nicer.
Unreserved auction
attle, inclr-diug 10
• lot 86, concession
anosh, cit Tlltirs••
'1. The cattle
iditio:n. Salo will
ock, T. E. Wither,
rie, auctioneer.
•Piticn or Par .7 10 paper lnst'tu-
facturers cf the Lmlinion havo formed
auawsociation for Ice eontroling of prices.
The first step talc in was to. Methane the
price 26 p: r cent. on a:1 lines of paeer.
The publisher Vi 11 now have to pay
more for his stool . and will have to look
for an increase of price for all job print-
ing, etc., in order thlat he may make a
living profit.
Bea=n His LEca hos. Parker, G. T.
R. conductor, of ondou, formerly of
Wingllam, is now aid up with the small
bone in one of hilegs broken. Mr.
Parker had the m, at'ortune to have his
leg badly twisted u ono of the car seats
while mins ru - tc:' f London ono day
last•wcek. e . Parker's many Wing -
ham friends will . ro pleased to hear of
his early recovery
Fon LE: A quantity of second-
hand two and three inch piping for sale
on reasonable terms. I am also prepar-
ed to pay the highest price for all kinds
of wood. Apply at salt block office.
• COLD AND STOR3 Y. was a de-
cided difference in theweether of Satur-
day morning an I. that of Saturday
evening and Sunasy and Monday last,
Early Saturday r',ternoon tho change
was noticeable, a id before night only
those remained or isj'{iff'who wore com-
pelled to do so. toAll day Sunday and
Monday the sever + colcl and storm con-
tinued, and we stri'ered the most severe
storm and cold spell of the winter.
Many report tht the thermometer
registered as low • s 20 degrees below
zero. As a ro tilt of the storm, the
churches worn ver poorly attended on
NoTIOE.-Any one wislung to pay
their notes, o1• a part of them, eau. do so
at the Bank of Hamilton. As I consider
all, my customers • good none coed pay
until my return about the first of April,
1900. ROBT. Molxtoo. tf
BASEBALL MATT .as. -At a.ineetitig of
baseball outllusias s in the Queen's hotel
ca Friday evenin • of last week, it was
decided to re-org ize. the baseball team
for the coining s son. The following
officers were elec ed: -President, A. H.
Musgrove; Vice resident, Dr. A. J. Ir-
win; Sec'y-Trea :, Alex Alderson; Cap-
tain, Chas. Ske tes; Managing Com-
mittee, J. H. Oh holm, chairman, Chas.
Skeates, Chas. glis and P. Angus.
The following c munioation from the
manager of the eterboro' baseball club
ryas read: -
Secretary or Manag Wingham B. B. club, .
DEAR SDs, --W . are again going to
try and orgamze e Canadian Associa-
tion f Amateur at ur .• 1
e aseball Clubs for the
purpose of foste g and 'purifying the
amateurg am
o In. Canada and would
Lice your assistamen and co-operation in
the platter. Tei idea is to have three
sham ioushi �eul Intermediate
championships, ( r o, Intermed a e
and Junior,) and t , lot Juniors as well
as Seniors, have a eoico in the working
of the Association. Wo would like you
to take hold of the natter in your dis-
trict, and, if report are encouraging, a
meeting wiles be call d in Toronto in the
early spring,.for t-hc purpose of organi-
Hoping to hear fr om you in the near
future, We are,
Respectfglly yours,
D. McCann. f G. GRAHAM,
M'g't 3 Peterboro' B. B. C.
After the reading if the above Commun-
tcationn'a diseussiol as to whether the
formation of a league in this district
could bo accompi4hed or not was in-
dalged in. It was finally decided to put
forth an effort to farm a league to con-
sist of Wingham, Clinton, Godericll and
ICiucitecline, each teem. to be composed
of purely local players. Wo see no I
reason why the fnation of such a
longue should not n atorialize, as there
aro good railway r =cottons between
Wingham, Eincardi o and Clinton, and
es €,oderich is not v Ty far from any of
these places, it w led be a pleasant
drive for the aggre *aim and its sup-
porters. Baseball is a good, clean,
se:entific game, a wo hope the
"f•ports" of Wingh will do all tbcy
can to sustain a the team. The pro.
position that the tet_ns bo composed of
purely local player: is a good 0110, aS
being "loaded up 'Hilt ringers" 12 110
el'cdit to any aggr elation in defeating with enthusiasm all d
event Was worthy of all the enthtisiasn.
WANTED.-- Choice ell tter 22e.
All kinds of produce h uc ( . Few as
Doge and varied stocks select from.
if G. E. KING, Wingham.
IN TIxam Nlsw H til:. -Tele editor of
the TIMES this w ole received a letter
front his ostcemed i 'end, Mr. John Pei -
ton, at San Jose, C iforuia. Mr. Dolton
Informs- us that bo gel his fetidly had a
very pleasant trip to their new home.
They left Wingha n on Monday morn-
ing, January 22w. and arrived safely at
their destination an Saturday of the
same week, all be zg in good. Health, ex-
cept Mr. Pelton, ' - ho took a bad cell ou
the trip and was c tamed to the house -
for a couple of w ieks. They relied
having had a nic_t enjoyable trip and
• cited many point t of interest in Chi-
cago and ether pia .as where they bad to
stop over. Tho any friends of this
estimable family sill b3 pleased to
learn that they arr -ed safely in their
now home. We ould b3 pleased to
have further lectors rom Mr. Pelton.
Moxny To LOAN. -The uudersigned
has a limited amount of money to loan
at a low rate of interest for first-class
security. War. ROBEILTsoN. 4t
Onneanaows' DXREE Team.- The
Ochli'ellows' Degree ream, of Brussels,
visited Maitland Ldge, No, 119, I. 0.
0. F„ of this place -.an Thursday even-
ing of last' week, and conferred the
three degrees on se en candidates in the
lodge. Tho Brussels team performed
the work hi. an e client manner and
were highly comps' nented by , the large
number of brethre at the meeting.After
conferring the de ees and other bus:
mess of the lodge ace been completed,
the brethren, som: eighty in number,
repaired to Jas. 1. oKelvie's restaurant,
where oysters wee : served in Mr. Mo-
,Kelvie's best. styli The evening was a
very enjoyable o e and the Brussels
brethren will alw ys receive a hearty
welcom6 from the brethren in Wing-
ham. Oddfollows 'p in Wingham is on
the boom now an new members are
being; initiated at most every m eet-
AUCTION SALE- r. Peter Deans has
rooeivecl instructi ns to soil by Public
Auction (positivel without reserve) on
the Market Squar, , Wiugham,on Satur.
day, the 8rd day .f March, 1900, at 3
o'clock in the aft moon,. the following
household goods, 'z;-1 parlor suite of
5 pieces, 1:parlor .rpet, 1 dining table,
-1 sideboard with ' T,lr, 1 weed stove,
1 diniugrcom ca pet, C dieing roou:
chairs, bedrooms tee with bcdding and
mattresses, a qua.city of pictures, crock-
ery and glasswaw, and other articles.
Terms -$5.00 and nuder, cash, ..for sums
over that amonut approved joint notes
at 6 months will/4 accepted
A Fenn -tem WEr eneo. happy
event took place I the home. of Mr.
Dan Fryfogal, at -centore, on •-Wodnes-
day of last week, hon his daughter,
Miss Kate, was u ted in tho holy bends
of wedlock to IyIr. -James Hamilton, of
this town. The c emony was perform-
ed by the Rev. Mr Stewart, of Belmore,
at live o'clock in he presence of some
seventy-five goes . Tho bridesmaid
was Miss Minnie ryfogal, sister of the
bride, and the gro m was assisted by his
brother, Mr. Hug Hamilton. After
the ceremony ha • been performed, tho
happy party sat d wn to a sumptuous
repast. The brie and groom are well-
known in Winghr •n and will have the
hearty good wish :s of the' fends for
a happy wedded life a presents
rC owingthe high
vgere many and c.st1 ,
s e a youngcouple were
held. The preseu� included a china tea.
set to the bride fsmm the bachelors of
Edmore. Amoi t
g he guests were
friends from Toroeto, Hamilton, Tiver-
ton and other rots. The newly
married couple h ve taken hp house
keeping in their tt o on the corner of
Shuter and John reets. , The Thins
extends heath y co gratulations.
Single Factory Harness from $7 to $10
per set at C. linechtol.'s harness shop.
Fon SAL•B. A. H. Carr is offering his
desirable property on Minnie street for
sale. For terms Ruse other particulars
apply to the OWNER. tf.
following extract is
received by D. M. C
day from a Canadia�
ly of Wiugl: ain, Os ., now a resident of
the United States: --"The war in South
Africa is the all ale erbitt:, question Here
now. Tho taunts -f the 'South of Ire-
laud,' Irick -Ames` us and Boer sym-
pathizers were vol hard to hear during.
the first part of 11 : ivar, but now sieve
It(•ral Fresch, nuder;
making it warm for
Canadians do again
hat it was our good
uudor the Union
s:.TS: - In another
no will be found the
The Noxell Co., of
Company is noted for
Arm implements turn -
works, and this spring
with many improve-
Ferent machines. The
ng a Handsome exhibit
kinds of inacllinery
them to the great fair
s. The - Thames man
f viewing this exhibit
o never saw anything
armers in need of
o well to read the
send for particulars,
g their orders.
MINAT/ONS.-The fol -
of the usual weekly
ons held in the first
public school during
ary. . The subjects
nunar, composition,
ebra-maximum 400.
'absence from one or
tken front a letter
trdon on Wedres-
z Forester,. former -
Our Boys and
Lord Roberts are
tltenn, we exiled
glory in the fact
fertmie to be b
N'oxoN leer
column of this i
advertisement o
Ingersoll. Thi •
the good class of
ed out from thei'
they are to hent
iuentsin their (li
Company is son.
of the differen'
manufactured b
to be Held in. Par
had the privilege
and can say that
to equal it.
machinery will
Company's advt.,
eco., before piaci'
PeouoTloN Ex.
lowing is the rest
written examine
department of th
the month of Fe •
were arithmetio,
history and
The star denotes
more exs.minetio
Ethel Musgrove 1
Della Gracey 3 6
Jennie Leo • 17
Lizzy Barber 3
Sheridan Dever 3'.
Roy Gordon • 33-
L. Gilchrist 33 )
Wes. Ansley 32 i
Tom ring 81 '
Ernest Button 30
*Ada Howson 26
`:eEame Button 18
*Mabel Walsh 162
**Morris Rees. 1; 3
an. CLASS.
Allan. Hobbs 353
May Field 341
Em. Gregory 316
Jennie Murray 293
Georgie Moore 1'92
Leo Kerr 281
M, Robertson 279
M. Hammond E70
Chas. Bell 269
D. Stewart 259
Florence Park 25S
':ala Sheik • 218
0. _Anderson 218
A. Mitchell 204
Etta, Cary 107
E. Henderson .. 178
*May Gordon 131
, *Lizzie Little 134
*Rollie IIcngh 180
-el: inions Kerr 125
•*Laura Martie 120
.*Mabel Roes ` ^
WINGrr x' Lo .TY.- Probably .at
no time in years pa t Inas Wingham been
the scene of sue. enthusiasm as was
manifested on Mo day night when the
news was rec ' rd h tl aft 0
env 1
eery er
o'clock that Lad ;smith hacl been re.
!eyed. In view Meths news contained is
the morning desya.tches to the effect
that General BuNer was. within two
miles of the belea- urcd gariisou, its re-
lief had since sen mounmitariiy ex-
pected, and no guestiou was har.?Iy
raised as to the g uiueness of the newt•.
The first intilnati n the general public
had of th 'o fnl iewe r
e l tv , v: as the ringing
of the town bell e• softly after; 10 o c.o„1..
and no further a uouueem let was re -
quzred. Owin
weatlncr but few
streets at that hon
one could sayJarl
er .Ivo :•it11
ing, giant fire -era
were ringing, wh
light processions_ w
possible manifet
to theextremely
t c:k
w e n t
people eroo to
•, but almost before
Robertson the streets
plc; flags were way -
kers exploded, balls
1 1
des blowing, torch
ere formed and every
tion c•f joy and grati-
fication wore nein god in. When the
news of General Cronji's capture rcaeh-
ed the town on Gates:lay morning, the
enthusiasm of the :itizens was as groat
as that of the prey tons evening. The
school children were given a holiday
and made things lively on Josephine
street for several h ,urs. The news of
the gallant part ta.an by the Canacliaus
in the engagement was the occasion pf
much enthusiasm. This has been a
great week for entLasiasne wherever the
British flag floats. When the news
reached Wingham ,n1 Thmaday morn-
ing that Ladysmith had been relieved,
the rejoieing was r ewecl. Wingham
citizens Dann do the'share of rejoicing
over British viotorie . Hurrah for Bul-
ler, Reports com from nearly every
pinto reporting t11e..lebrations in honor
of General Crolljo's surrender and the
relief of Ladysmith.
LATER. --On Tim day at moon . all
places of bttsilless ,' ire closed, factories
ceased, school childr+ n given a holiday
and a general celobr . ion in honor of the
relief of Ladysmith as in order:. The
school children Porn 1d in lino at the
ar:,lied two and
iple streets of the
ng on nearly all
blio buildings and
A _ procession was
(led by the town
the Town Connell
school grounds and
BRONCHITIS, two through the min
town. Flags sero fl
PA1bT IN' CHEST. the business places, p
private residences.,
Relieves DryCoughs formed at 3 o'clecic,1
and alloys Haifa) Sleep,
band, the members o
ant a loo oar( 1
men on 11eriteN, Men
Brigade and citizen.
Josephine street.
flags, etc. 33top1li
afternoon. Tho
with people for seven
its opponents. 4 W I N G H A M
os, young
iters of the Eire
on foot paraded
any were carrying
e street was black
hours (luring the
• wn was wild
Thursday. The
The Magic Remedy
1,1 For Coughs and
Our Spring, Stocks are caning, in
rapidly and for be sty of design,
elegance of style, and charming effects.
En patterns and shades, we shave far sur •
parsed any former efforts, particularly
is this true of our Silk and Dress Gaels
Dep irtmeuts. Trilnmin e to match all
goods. Fashion sheets free. Vtlry latest
and hest fitting patterns for 10e.
Bssare you come to Gordon's for
everything 111 Dresses, I31ousas an:1 all
kinesis of bea:ntiful Wbitmvare. We-
make a careful and int:alltgout study of •
the growing needs of these Departments.
So that everytlliarg here is the very latest
and best. G • -
All lines of Winter Goads aro positive-
ly beim,: cleared out at cosT, they are
brand New Goods, many of theta not
two months iu stock, but they will go tb.
the first buyer.
Great values in Teas. Yon eau get
your Teas 25 per Dent.. cheaper 'from us
than from tho peddler fcr wo import our
Teas direct.
D. M. GoRno1;•: .
The Direct Importer.
PATu1OTIC CJIWE.:T No 2 -The .patri-
otic concert given b, • the young ladies of
Wingham in the opara house, =Tues-
day evening, in al& of the Red Cross
Fund was a decided :access frer ova/7
standpoint. The ladies were ivi..so.illi
(lacerating the opera house. The flags,
bunting, etc., looker` beautiful. On the
stage curtain was a .treamer on wbieh. .
was painted, "Old E aglranirl exeect3 eek' •,
maul to do h's d t .1
i u•y
have not been me.nt
the Queen and Princ�
the stage, also tho p,
dog, on the British fin
we hold." The sons-
onspainted by seviral cf
were very pretty and
' tSheuld. Lltniaaij
)nod.) Pictures of
of Wales adorned
eture of the hall -
g, "What we have
nier programmes„
the young ladies
many of them will
bo put away as mom bites of the occas-
ion. The supply Iva .I:ot nearly canal
to the demand and t ie ladies are now
busy preparing a f ee(i supply. Parties
wishing to secure a . copy should leave
their order early wi;Lany member of the
committee. The par,'rannne was the
beet 11(e hay, ever Heard in the Wing -
ham opera luous.i r.»n puree;; focal
talent, and it show.; That the ladies can.
b r '
do in the way �
ti of tt�• up an E•1,(,.t L.
9g .�a
n_13utt. Th n can c was a per;,,- la:uiabl;t
one and l thela ladies c>serva very much.
credit, as mach hard Bork would be re-
q -aired in getting over thing in readiness,. -
Tate C•:cie..k Statue uo os •I andtableau.
p ay
several of the ladies 's, in our opinion,
the leading feature of the evening's en-
tertainment, each lace tatting Irer part
to perfection. The G u driM anld chorus
by sixteen laclies, land
R. Vaustono was thor
a11. The work Was •c
the- (lireetiOn of
tghiy cin joyed by
11 (lone and the
ladies and Mr. Vansto ro deserve much
praise for the lnrnln4 in which they • w' —,-'
performed, as less tha two weeks were
taken in training, T e flag and scarf
drills by the giris •ere well done.
Each performer taking her part exceed-
ingly well. The drill y twelve young
girls from Bluevale as nicely done.
Mr. MoEtvan must 11 e went to cone
siderable trouble in . aning the girls. •
it girls of town
of the evening
The Sweet family, ei
was a pleasitln feat=
and causes matey a good laugh. It
weuld be hard to say which one of the
Mulles took her par best. Messes
Earnscliffe Musgrove ncl Greta °ersatz.
done well in their roes tions, the form-
er reciting "Tho Abse Minded Beggar'w
and the latter, "Bo ." Tho various - --
vocal and instrumento solos and (hefts;
wore all well render. 1. It would be
impossible for us to iia to any performer
as having done her par': better than aft -
other. All done well . id the entertain-
ment allowed that Wiz ;halo has plenty.
of female talent the 11eet1 not take
second place With any : thertown. The
ladies can well emigre urate thtselves
on the Success of their itt'rtainil \ int and
the public should feel: pleased th the
. tvllidt
hi h ela.s elftF• 111 rtatwove
provided. Winghan . is a tally loy>at
town, as was shown b the Lev .tttend-
a11ee. The proeeE'€(2 will Ginnlet 8a
nearly $A00 and will forward tt) head.
quarters in Aid of the Red Cro:u Tomah