HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-01-26, Page 8• f. • 4 ,a4.• ' • , 4*"''• . , • • •••• 1.1 ' • 71» ' • in • i ..., r . • l*WWS:belea 7-7'7 „ . ..ediratai,y new siikeeritestei welie to the TTILitiii hitt SW* weeks The 11)=0 hee now got a very loge e,teenlatien. MWIT07,14,7air7r;"7.7•77" •• ••-• 044714•• 45an. new Os a wawa& tibmitten AB *mobs Ur Llb Wilwifif6eLle drug ftrm . 11.041 • T30 1.43,436 Gane4a1 Inear VAS and Lent Agent. 1 I'D4D00 . Dr. Bonita, taittt., was seeoted eulegokie are eu seeming mole en • Werden Haren °tunny at the county exeelleat rtositthne. esti un-Tiva Ontarto Mutual. FIRE -The Non-taritf 0001- • • oonneil meeting in Goderkit on Toes- Olees/ A. Barber, who hes. Nom e . PflflJAL day : member otthe .tstakf kL.4 ed-vapoe for ow AOQIDENT The Louth 4:Am JANUARY riRtaS GOOD BALE EENZE SI OCK-TAKIWO FEB, Ist S you had Letter hurry if you want to h'iy be- fore best values arp gone. That y'n have, confidence in our r )ret.s Goods goes- without saying. The hg volume of Dr ss Goods tradti dnne hi us dur- ing the past ) ear is the best evidence we want of the fact. For this reason wet have ar- ranged '"itiag Dress Goody te rg , commenc- ing on Saturday, Jan. 13th, two, and will continue up till Feb. r900. January Dress. Goods Sale Prices r ft; These prices should attract Yutin• attention {xeces Plain and Fancy Suiting,seg. 35c, Jan. 20c. to pieces Plain and Fancy, very pretty, reg. 5bc, Jan, 35c. to pieces Black and Colored, very choice, 75c, Jan. 45c. 25 pieces New Tweed Suit- ings, and Crepons, reg. $1.25, Jan. 75c. es Ladi..s A.,-Itrahan Fur Coats, ii48.00, Jan for $24.00. to Men's All -wool Uisters, 'very' hea.vy, Jan. $5.9o. Come and examine our stock 'Saturday morning at M. H.. fcINDUO'S - Town Clerk Perlman lees teen cm- three pave, left on Saturday morning 1:4 ua rantee Aecident, fined toile home by illness this week. • far LOUdon, where he has wonted •„1 PLATE GLASS--z•Tha Da per menu el dub:ions young num and, should one- e get Money at Lowest Bates, le,11 • Buy now! )3e one a the many who eee41 wherever he eleY lece*". el. In office ()enter of Minrie and Patrielt tieetKivt. is spending a couple of months with her urtlaY. -The TiMET %AVM IS thti best plat e mother, Mrs Alex Ilitehell, and sister, -- We hope he may seen be able to be _good sittiaticau ()bailie is a quiet, m- Minten, Do Not ximen are gettiug thuipe Shoes tr4 Greer'a. Mrs. jas. Oastord, aoAk Lake, Man., Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat - the seeion to tio-Aire your wed:Ling in- I -Mrs. A. J. Nioliells. Casford quire anything in this line. - lilt% that country very well. She is at leo sews within 1 in f Winaluen, well temp°. ate in good seat cultivation; about VA Star came t hand last week,' Hum. terwir 'home, Glenallen, in the county _Awls to IleTnliesT_Oert,Whenune PIGS 'FOR LE vit ttions. Gm.: us a cell when you re- -*peaks in high terms of Manitoba, and FARM FOR .41410i 2, of de Wreeeter Preseut $1)endit'R a Avi 4478 1•181.- Seem; of tali wheat. 1.1 v terms of payment. "'"' conut7-a1.remly overdone be the news, a Perth. paper lin have another paper. - uotiee teen the Toro.,;;) Ge.he of 'ettesdtly teat IiIaitland Lodge, 1 U, u. P., ei this piece has eentribated $5.00 ant. eras the rettioual patrione -Thos. •Cturuth.ers received a tele- gram on Tuesday announcing tee demit o: one of Lis sou 'Frank's children at ThOS, Clarruthers, jr., attended the funeral, -Tiure ha's not been frost e...oug12 yet to form any teeth ef ide, and conse- quently Joint Grey, the bites and oteeri who in a stook every Season, have not yet commenced to out. Dr. Macdonald isnow permanently a; name and een ea eonseelted ley patro es. -A two toile skating contest was held in the Winginun rink on Wednesday. evening, Halley Davidson, a Toronto, won first money, and .1"o1in Campbell, of Perry'Sound, WW1 second money, --From the Blyth Standard we learn that A. Tipling, D. D. G. M, of the Bluevale road, virus ii Blyth on Wed- nesday and succeeded ia organizing a, lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. -The friends of Edward Sherman will be sorry to hear that it eras been found necessary to remove him to the London hospital. May he _return with his health fully restored. Is the wish oe the TINES. -The Kinloss Branch. Agricultural Soelety, of Lucknow, bee balance of $40.25 after paying all liabilities in con - need= 1t1i the fall. show and sonie $525 to the purehase of the new. grounds. -The Huron Old Boy e Association; of Toronto, will hold their ilrst annual banquet at Webbs Dining 1&1 on Fri.; day evening, .Febraary 15th. The editor of the Tines has received a -coin- plimentiwy ticket. „ -The many friends of -Mt. X. T. Harding will learn with regret of his death which took place at bis home in Ilfracombe, Eng., =January 2ted. Mr. Herding was a brother -in -lair of Mr. Wm. Snell of town, . MINOR LOCALS. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to euro headache. -The snow on Thursday has helped our sleighing, -Hume. County Council is in session at Goderich this week. ' -Plan of hall for the patriAie concert at Morrow's drug store, 'Why pay high prices for Footwear, Clearing Sale at Greer's. -A Itrent ennileir of Scotehince. wero in town el.. vv,,Ltwv. -Teeswater -will hold its fall fair this year on September 27th and 28tb.. -Robert Maine sheriff of the coun- ty of Welliugton, died on Friday last. -Attend. the paniotie tonoert in the opera house on Tuesday evening next. Watch Grees advt. in this paper for Prices Boots and. Shoes, -Eighth Division Court will be held in Winghara, on Thursday', February h „ Tim Social Club held a hop in the eCpuncil. Chamber on Friday evening last. PERSONALS. Clittliten NOTES. The Animal congregational meeting of the Winghant Presbyterian chure1i vii tie hold on Monday evening next. Re• porte from. the various organizatious will be received, eere ciPpointncl, etc. A large congregation, was present .at the Methodist aural on Sunday eveu- ing to beer Rev. R. Hobbs' Sermon pu. "Tbes Relation ,Of the Christian to the Liquor Trailie." The reverend gentle- man denounced the liquor traffic, in very strong terms, 1‘,Text Sunday evening he will preach on ' The Evele of the SoMal Dance." Epworth Leagues in the Winghane district will please ncte that the London Conference Epworth League Convention will be heicl in the Central Methodist 'church, Stratford,. on Feb. 1$ and 14, Programmes will be fcrwareled shortly. A. Befchirt DistePres. • Rev, R. Hobbs, of town, was assisting Milyard at special services now beiag held. in Main siteet Methodist eanroh, Exter, on Monday end. Tues- day evenings of this week. Paater's and Ammons' Conferanee*pf ti Mralhortoii Association, The next regular ineethee of the abs Conference will be held. (D71r.) with the nd clear& in Walkerton -e'en; Monday, a Triesday, Jan. 29 and 30th. The folloW- is the programme as arranged, PROGRAM:mt. &thee menenan has returned to GoC- erich. Geo, Thompson, of Goderioh, was in town on. Saturtla,y last. Mrs. B. Flynn has gone, on a visit to -Meths in St. Louis, Mo. joe. Golley, V. S., and G. B. Roe, were in London. on Thursday. G30. D. McLean, of Georgetown, has situation on the Trees, Mrs. A. W. 'Webster, isspending a few days in. Toronto this week. Miss Mand Flenty was visitieg Blyth for a few days this, -week. Mrs. Mark Gray is visiting with her son and friends in Elniira, X. Y. Sohn Smith, G. T. R. agent at Ethel, was calling on Wingham friends on Friday. Miss Wood, of Toronto, was a guest at the home of a. A. Morton a few days this week, .W. McDonald, Miss Duffield and Miss Griffin were visiting in Chesley this week.- • The nnclersigned has man Improved nereshi 01• . ale a numbei• .4)gs, both 14eX, bred. from imported. stook, 11 be sold on reaFongt - able toms. Apply M 114 P. GIRPONS, Marnoch O. lkonday Evening„ Ian, 29th. 7.30 -8.00 --Song Service, led. by 4'ie Walkerton Choir, ' 8.00--Evangelistio Service. Ser., intni, Pastor Shaw. Tuesday Morning, jail.. 30th. 9.3040,00 --Devotional led by Bro. H. • Arkeil. 10.30-11,00.--Pasteral Vlsitation, Past.z. TW MILE OF THE 11.00 -11 -80 --Why have we so few Con- veraetions in 'our Asseciee tion PastorD. lifeLenuelt. Diger:mime led. by Bro. IVIills. 11.30 -Sermon Plan on the Sermon. . the Mount, Pastor D. • ilroven. • Afternoon. . 2.09 -2.0 -Devotional, Pastor James cANADIAN p r R,1 2.80-3.06Hanailton. -The Lord'sSupper its Mem- • Place andObligation, • Pastor Ft. Lennie. Discus- IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE. Not much use experimenting at your own ex - pease. Let the other fellow do that, It is no ex- periment to buy a GRAND JEWEL 000K STOVE They are the BEST and always give satisfaction - fitted for Coal or Wood. There have been hund- reds of Grand Jewels sold in this vicinity within the last six years. and the sale for the Grand is on the increase. COAL -Our Coal is of the very best this tit year. Orders promptly attended to. HOLSTEIN DAIRY ." is pure and cold and costs . THREE CENTS ,A. QUART. E 0 • sOLAqi TAILOR HAS OV DOWN STAIR YOUNG 8z P A LT LIN .14 tie tl,"6 mt-313:2rdizsui-, 4 ill:444W *lige* ; Wil *.P4.141 - grgIrnfilillgrilliiiirgioglayguiiigni110100”101111 44 It 4 M11.111.4.1 wg trIgIME11•••rrea•MS!...211PIPILV.r:PrInh5trfri-' IT PASYS TO • ." • • /f you. have not semi the Catelogu.e of The Canada Business Co CHA.TRA,M, ONT., you are not familiar 'withthe a ea by Canada's greatest soh and Business lemming. Wested. We have no te , thereforet begin a excellent time to The following ntages offet, of Shorthand e for it if inter- -visions, Pupils can, me. The present is an a few ot the pupils who leave recently secured positions: ,-, Fred Ansle formerly of Wingham as Com• niereial Teacl!er, West Side Enained College • Chicago. • Xaggie )1err, es Stenographer with the Suth- erland:hum Co., Chatham, d G vi St • her viith McC ,oll Bros., Paints ana. Toi`.?on o, ' . James Redford., Rook -keeper, litirlunn Par, ijtnsn Co., in the. store (next C. N. Griffin's Grocery Store) and is prepared to make your Fall Suits or Overcoats in the most approued and up-to-date style. Special attention given also to Ladies' Jackets with New York latest styles. E. fa CLARKE:, Oct. 27, 1899. sioreled by Pastor D. Brown. • , 840 -8.80 -How to Increase the At- sr.1U ,`4-13 , It.RADwEsi,. tem -lance at "" our Prayer- DOWN. ul. A. 11. P. If. meetings, Pastor Roberts.' Lt. 'kJ. Teeswate , .2.00 11.10 • Discussion, , led by Pastor )1,00 6.53 Winghass: 1,82 10.48 Bunt. 4,00 7.45 Harriston 12.85 9.48 3.80 -4.00 -Sabbath Observance, Pas- 1.,22 s.2 Mount Forest 12.10 sz hur ' 11 55 . . tor Gratztter. Discussion, 'i:g 8:55 ceeiiVveney, 11.10 8,26 led by Pastor tiatailton. 8,80 11,35 Toronto 8.25 5.40 4.00 -4 -80 -Plan of Doctrinal Sermon, Via T. G. & B. Pastor Freed. • 4 -30 -Our Forward Movement in Educational Work, Pastor XeQuarrie. Dismission, led ' by Bre. Movgaii. Evening. 7.80 -8,00 -Song Service, led by, the 8.00 -Evangelistic Service. Ser - Mon, Pastor Telford. Let there be ranch prayer .for these . ineetings.!IMay we enjoy a refreshing time, and be rejoiced in seeing precious • Through Coaci to and from Toronto On all trains via Orangeville and T. G. & B. A. IL NOTM.AN, Ass't Gen'l Passenger .Agent, 1 Eing St, East, Toronto. -A new stock of the latest visiting souls saved. • cards, blank or printed at the Tines Mrs, Thomas Stewart, of attrrititOti, PASTOR XA.S. 1-T,AN.110014, Pres. enface. visited. friends in Lower Witighata PASTOR W. T. MINT, $0015r. -Making other folks miserable is the SsudaY ' taie enjoyment of the ehronie dys- Chas. W. Graves, distriot freight and 1:1ePtie. passouger agent of the Great Northern -Metsrs, Robertson & Burchill ship- Railway, 'was in. town. on TIntroday. Peti a oar of hogs to Toronto on Wed- Urs. j. Manuel and baby, of =adv. "%Ingham, were visiting Mrs. McElroy A special meeting of the Town for a few days this Weelt.--Dlyth Watt- Cousail wilt be held on. Monday even- dad* lag next. Mr. Gray, of Dthith, who has been -The people of Braisels will hold visiting his father, Wesley Gray, and reeeeotet emcee eie medal evening oe friends in town, retained to his home out week. this week. le" " • '•'. • "" • •••• , Iteevenickshank, of Trienbert7, ; v ,itt Godeek/...i this week attending to some . • township business which is before the • -- ' • v., - e un- cotuaty tountile 4.m;•••en-ea-elAt eloatolcat e Mr. and Mrs. B. Harris were in Caps°, ' tit ovttera.L. week, attending the funeral ; 1`12fIts thanks car townsman,R. of the formex's Sietaos chihi. The &Ad , for a oopy of the Loe Angeles, was burned to death. lir'4111it 111" n 'Mos,fr. .leoldoa, of %urbriges photograph oced We on Tuesday ueede gallery, has gone to Geotgetown tiS take *ea ejtek tenet" had not (sharp of his brotherfo, gellery. The *#3. At\ letter being on the stele list Vire lir teem lettered an Ma. T. r. Thompson, of Saginaw, ereak, Ths retvcrtord hems On Mendel mate te,flhe ; tag s In graistnrik yiett *ill Ur gnu viteete,W TOtalliTh Am* %mote ttili tie, wee 14 The new Toronto direetoryshows that the city during the past year has in- creased in population by 16.1500, and there are now 261,087 people in the city. There are this year 149 less vacant stores and offices and 482 houses than end. In 1899 the number of unoocupied stores and offices VMS 465 and the num- ber of houses 1,087" Horace roster, of Clinton, hits dispos- ed of his phetograpleing busbies to Mr. Burgess, late of Winnipeg. Vor 19 yeats he has been engaged in his Ives- ent business, aria has applied, himself so elciere til that he finds it necessary to engorge in sours other li3so whiell, is not so conning. la has taken an We tieraZtIn tife, WinistaS Shoe Co., of Brampton, and heves therefor as seen as he can wind top his affairs in Ottaton„ feet 101t Goderieb last week Mr Aneetione, Stela of Georg* to *enter the katraVAMS webs* With litte lerolueteinelave, to. SWIM MI& Vathetne tg gelitMh, 1M1 deipy 01At, krele #00 7400 olt& no,L )0,110;1 mc elf Nwlftr• Send THE TIMES to distant friends. They will, appreciate it, New Subscribers being added to our list daily. Read Clubbing oilers on page Sven. • Varua Out Arch. IdeVicar, changed from Taggart .4v IT..nappen, Grand Rapids, to Fairbanks Morse 8011.4°4tClisii:egoin. demand with the leading business oases. 151413 rtiS a' a lin all it t16' 6:11r. • ? 9 MeMA.CHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. ALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WIN.GHAM. Night calls at Button Block. or Fifth door smith of School House, Shop op- posite Macdomdcl block, TRUE LIVING Stamps the Wearer, X, as a man, of some importance when the dress is right. Ill-fitting clothing brings little consideration for the man. inside. Let us improve your appearance and ati the same time your importance.' Cox CLOTHING TO ORDER I)1 . Eyi7M.e detanything that will add to the style or improve the finish of the garraent is carefully considered and nothing neglected. Our garments ar perfect in every respect. , 11) obt. axweri High Art Tailor, Wingham. • PORTRAITS IT PAYS MAIDS AT .E., ZURBRIGG'S. Family and other Groups from small sunbeams up to 16 z 20, actual size of photographs. Pictures copied and erilni'ged or remounted. DOWu floor gallery, opp. Presb. Church. TO ADVERTISE TN TB.E TIMES 40 • PROF. DOREN ND. OF WHOM°, IS COMIXM HE *LIZ BE unswick Ho Wingham • Thu d Feb. 1st This f i er Visit of 'goo I ani pre • ed -to ow a larger variety. of NSW LO iN, and PARIS styles th ver offered to th Olio before, I have LADIES' and CaN EMEN'S UPEES, BANGS, WAVY and ?LAM PR TS, SWITCHES of all ng hair in every length and shade, ete. • N WE int? EE kS. LOXES,. my CODS are recognized as th. STAND- ARD of PERFE ON and thole Ube protects the ad and produces a younger e ssion to the face. e Genetnentn, ARE You Da I Invite you to my Sh Room. to demonstrate the complete stweess of my ART COVERIN 'n WIGS' and UPEES„, worn on over e5,000, Heads. They ate light in weight, trong and mo natural itt Inmearauce, and a protection to the head against DRAUGHTS, DS, CATARRH, NEURALGIA, etc., and give a younger and handsomer ex. p ession to the face. Please remember day and date, Brunswick House, Wingham, on Thursday, February let. Sight is Priceless! Get your sight tested. It costs nothing, WE FIT • SPEOTACLES Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. Try us. jt• ••, • -