The Wingham Times, 1900-01-26, Page 7e• Lorylim.n•eLraort.. eeet tee - A STORY OF LOVE AND WAR, H* -0:04,414-0. It.kfrig ovi Author of "Lena Rivers." "Edna. Browning,: , "T41111:40 4=3 ; •,j 0* -j, A 4" • ' _ ditiVAIrety1)4INVT1110/Tiyi • ri- I IT (V .• :),ge • 41 e exitio flitutthirato tilt( Wearila; atcrig by elip, leet T 1/141 A:preheat/If It:* • •-leteek, and lde Articles, in:flute tifiet tb,e . .1‘ee• Cilittstiecarltionee el •Isaac, -Seinen' Urge:Baker n . V eliseineetr. le heath the, piece, in hLue Of robel soblIeN• , • . Now, Abut Ant ;,lenew the worfie, eepe. .er illovie sat 'Rite •ti i retrained by a, .ewsotety WAw,ntterAng .eee soneld. ae teuie reed • 11111's. ateenutti ettletlIrlog ptleouer. teehere wee a gesture or (ussut, alo Ivna not 'mere, ivnere was up. ince, -then the , ateanger became, quiet ;maitre*. . ,.)$` $ ' • elf... lurked Aida 40,1 len A ante finished leading.. I don't . twit- s. e Reef:, o e p yIng 5 . • - i 1, visihr to read the ,note, prompted hint ter to ., !while:thee ebouts deed etWae ire the (Ins -e. ,I..,*„ „ ,e, e . .._..... e„. ........ pose At's eight, but I 'do' fed Sorry , for I-fere:woe 4 ease she could' not leach, fell like. rain upon the ptilow, as he ,," • .. tk.a.,0 Alla ,.wtirv. not :heard, again tient - mot 4 1144nn" "enParin'•"41- 4'11'4' • 0 ,, him, What if it had • been• #14uunie? --Money would. pot cure that aching .fririeled.ette meetiug beim tes hs, i(meet • • "I'll load it, mother. Let nra yee, tia.s there: to fOO.,• t .taght, 'rite reorteng brolte at last, and 1 et estiug -the . trap* 'from Perhaps b.e has a eieter somewhere . h‘art, or quiet that guilty •econseleuee• young wife and her poor, crepplee bus, ,, throrriji . his tarp' i! just a•ki It watt growingi light. muellilli. Tugt/Il.- 001r -'1r.: ..-- • • . Weoping for bhn Pet. as .1, cried for ' "Mrs, (Irithaor. would, knew exactly - band. Te eettage ou the MA, 60 ear. . de, reegb. we weeete, h ' tis end' •eading. With treeddir g ,. . ., - e ... — ;armed by the tair,ng ,l'iit .from the f•.,.er__,• r-tn.1, ' • 1 ..... ... ,, , , . 4, • 'loll. . Ilear •-rolu; IT•111 »*ritcs lie IS what to say," Bine thought, 'Melling neatly ' eoveted, • would rtever be tb 4.rs '•• olbow Nate, tend then tee' ....slumber!, lute -Warich.l.liftd. 'itillifiY Olt ent .: 'I° net i ' . ' . . • . . ' ' . ' prioonc•r with Isaac.. Simata. • Ma ead more and moreethet, sate, too, poesesSed uow. , Ile could not .earn it fie weld tto a mero ,eeteeene,. Too. - '1i1 anb . fe Ty ••ic Via' Ir tt . .. tri . ey are together. • rout • siii 1 tfil.5e dare the wisdr,r,za wIlich would have told. her -not earn ranch, any way,, witlashie left az eafteIIe . ' lind aut :it qu'ity ' of 'gdidh . %Wat t iwas' Poor Um ; 'Bakeneed r de. min, and he . groaned Aland, as he asnaN8: Ilpinjte-6t11,3.4vigug,: -34 ., .ly fallen, itei:Oke Ids , plisorieri and' led eet*n . leading Lieut., Grahem. trent) the .. - % •, hint .eafely throirgh the Plekets fee:f the. Wile' • , ::* •• • '' ' e e - ' ' ' ; ,- ,'„ ‘tied ground hifi. waist" and These's *left . Sitting down beside her,' Row milted to thought et the peer unfortunate seen beee„tri th( Roci no m 0, .enemy without' encountering a human Gh "what a, piteonetiellneloWeneet p to hand 'smoothed caressingly the widow's.. hew or Bill, xihe her husband said, wee so often in 'the Rochester lenet de "--- - - `"""' - - '``' -- -: • ibeing, They were a. strauge-took.ing heaven then, for Widow Siannuie When . „ o - 1 •••-• * Pe Amaitt,kome, it• yet, lie mid. ! hut ig a a r. . highly •-complimented , tor frav.ng vap- dlerg ;1st, y papers, IS uld Ire ever come "thee, wow. Ler, Ere ehe reached this point,' int,e-eover, eho had another 'ritailitor, Tinge gdeller,. elvito had -mine *Ith a*. aecohd •lintfor from her lknoll, =1 *ha, : pariah the weeeiug. woman in, the doe.: etruee and etood by Annie, and listened .wit1e. sig' interest to the Rime- of thee cep! . parting so willingly with every. - fhb* were the *titre.' "Poor young men!" sire sighed, when she thanked the Ishaelebiserted thee oentinneal, ',''''Weltet the eeeittote 40..1 reach, nor tio tri:romrio', that lia's. though that had twee. neseee.e.ent him to teeetle', nevem went ineeete ijGe bedbare bepeleed, though I aid eries to leapsaiiWow 1 lay me.= but he,. that's my arani, laughed roo eat of it. Ile said that, there wean't eV God, that we all centre by chimes, our 1 knew better;•had e ntother, end iikengle forgot whet ebee learnt me, it . *pears to porno -Ineelt to .me now, . Oh, ,/iatre,"1 wish I done different, 1 do, )47. '144tilt tjtV! in.61,0%7 1066 Vi ' 60 1)00114. W Wald ANag terort,:/tI tI ane G43$ ;14 armr11. tntts4 v J. ...etheiteee • fellY, email' 'novel' 15.044•444-ile4,4trAat, fever iencirele be in its. eettsitete0..', 'Would the seeeited atom be• ege dear - to , hop tin tam well -moulded limb hod j`Geotge, " = - •er,#) . 47 rr,,,,•swoh',,•1415-i'AAV,.1)0,41. delqi1,1011: ' _ , iff.14(?tfiakinr •• , -,:t y , pi,b();;111.,-11,,7--,7:7vVr, f*'\ elzett‘r511.41fieateee..`,IIVe - • dileeet, Nee ate* 1'.*1/4 • ellt..tf gee le..)01,; le:et, et* 'f... -.1r.)4•-• ,"' AP,,:rtfikiii., (Tor L.44,(011',W1 I ";' " 1111 f.5(1 1CrL.M.‘CfIIk: 01: .1611 Pr; 11 0111I L O., ,410 tif..?(,) • de." sled the repeutant womep burled been? lie did eat know, and the tears, me her fate,' again- in the limner pillosta, • ary• which all ;thee/Ugh the weary dive - tilettely eancotdlla ins sickneee' bed been keot beak, mew how. boerileisi • Pree - rere;•.) f oc.- Sitkori I: (a..12li'arD , • elettlea f. ;couple, and when, on tho following day, ,sete received the news, was ;sitting iri - The widew hadi elfal "Allet'LliefOr6'• '01:. tilred a. rebel. Will hed not eeen the , to that? Lie, e be. but a. few menthe ned.so themetersortreewithheid :.they• termite(' • NVateleingtone. *iletY lettreet- ee'enide'e* floor, eird annte was lineeling at the touch of these flaigera' the -flood- prisoner, ,be said, or heili•d )1i.i nr..iiiel cgo, had sitch 1;r!glit hones for the fu• ; :•er desired, for he sltignik• nett chisli centse,t tend if Wounded,"dead, cite,. why •freen the ourieus gaze lixed upon, him, bud be not thought et ' 1303 Orb.: :this? . refusing to anewer .v.11 „questions es ;ter, Locked In ,Frtde e,thelele Wens, tile:ter!), !these; girrivernene etteb.'":4,1i.olee *eel xtot tako thy pluit aw e.e.f line es she wee pew, by...e.empreon „bend.. of. AXMPetbye eensoltitioteto Xrs. Baker...lett it dhl (e'io'rn'yo.ix1( of Ilft'• Set be couleelied to andeikr.lcd the redfulis jeuruipy? torrente..-"Iliei• were . betifid fogielier _ ryes , greatly prnised. • •This '1 'S eetne lied Tumult to 18 Id so • carefully from hived elle ate.? It wee a elnie time*. witteked. for the favorable e while day after day ,George. 1 wideb 6hatilsi,nathe it Mite p4 3 :ea far Inel;e attention tImnethe,:oejeope .111", Ire. rfMe. .Geerge was wounded, of gates opened wide, eindelierAmele fell ih ..lre •only •linew tire facte aira ',that gill 'turel Would -the &Witte Anuie. he !!: ...his name' or leirthpleceeeendertimearierge stek•ken 'eel:vele weft hitteriY, hot inelineil to coonveme, . IleSe S0011' 'OH; picture the e"geited soldier drew of was the trave•llinglaag thel mni• etithete:,•eltild 'difire a .tlind,thefeWiert in elk; with tbe hope of ,golug to -morrow, '''' .164'.WIliell at Ilistehe Wilt feedefed fritin,,1 tiler sobigage anlid beg etenb, ":41:"'ilio5', er.ec, one for her wounded. husband, Ori& • bade her' gorid•bYe, arid left her. there: Itliat tn4.. future • Might tiring. aud the Asi oDteti did the doctoree stern. ere ;we., .,Beiets surveillance and led to hist prison my boy," while .A.iinle moaned! Oa: dly, . ,ehilil deceased, one for a captured :alone in lier deep eorrowe ••••• : e . - : feinting 'spirit had alnecrit, cried alit, '411 sic aling aciosii Ids inind the memory f there eame: Lid him wait a little longer. e,,F At.tist the terribly nervous senealleene --. lome.,•• *, !"' • ' '''..'"..'-.- ''',..,,,.: ::01fie"Georgei;:my•hushandA.,-. , ' ! wOuld rather .diel"• when blether, the other ter rt. 'sine. . - • Tim. following Sunday,' ettet. : ea* the i., . . e. s ,• -,••. . -• • -.....:,reeemee.'...te*ev... . ..: . .-.e.e..e,.• ieWellewet: rt • torl•both.ehliat : ere 'that . .Now,-•its.ever, Awile:'irds the first to "-,;peeeed ;away, ticking withitt All tint*tiatrielei, . - ggis-PTER X...•._„ ...--.... ..,. fliIeleeheterepleeMe 'th.(7.,. 11.114 ...teamed to Metric. of hope, end.. her „el -snide weee . notefe ef. the. ,orgen were.dying awAY in the opening service, a benti: pill:inking, AtInt°'3-1 Otteln$ worels; . . ' - ' and •Ieriving no 'toeling. save one of in-' •••••• 're, ••• '-•-*•.*-- - - ' " "*"*--".. e • ' -.. **fellow thr, -even" When- their leather's f •• .• • . • h • . ... t • „ Total lieut. p„C. the Federal:abet e'S 'hear I ' 4411 loye o ' nit . . . .. . „ , „. ... Great Battle a 'filauessas! Z thb b . 3,000' killed and sui many more taken bend which. guided would never lead ni°her. Slur cottld oat conifo4 - door, aria Re's° Mather. rpOogrdzed "rh,'T tt u corritot:t- to al save I-Ia:r- figure stole noiselessly. in at the op-IenyTt ae has In, it r4oTsTe/is,'•wor.e-Ip -the .scri, lonoiving 'auglit'"T " her, for from reckless, misguided Hare need* the thin bleck. veil' the haggard the setae," ..., Fire eXpiutves all fOette to •lefeeitel . rally. r es grave -there ceme no- Tay of eon, fnee of Widow Baker; Who,erxeept on • ' Yee,. She' would,- leive -him just . the /enteral oecasione, had never before been Mine; fox, as,:it was notqier fair, sweet ' Only'Alire.e or four SSeane'alirel! " i "It xnAg.ht amt after ell, be so bad,"i. , , eeen within':the wale of the ,cteurelt • foe° nlollo 7hieh made tor .so. dear 1,0 N.. X. 13t13 "ciimpletery riddled!. ' she said. "George and Isaac were pri-.. . , , him,. so it . Was pit lils splendid form $lieritilpes-Oattely riiid hosts' Of guns '6oners, pertains, but even, that was pre--.".. Amite saw here tee, *tetq while , 'Rolfe, in the Inindr4 oz . the:rebels! .•,. feFa,ble ;Teo qeath, ,A eyouldestwely save as .well as there at home, and Mine Prigiittil paide :of IirteslitogtOo I, itlea '-krom ` danger in future battles. . could tell what good Mighteepring tram -*tele sop.gbeop.erg woop.„igst .;,gte4 tfiltit•:!F4Ming great ey.ft, For a leng. 41eif>166tIttlitillks. Therd+eie hhia Iwo- tinith {hey 'talkiiil itoildt4er, 44 the :of- iittLe„Sonthas...well, see Worth." 'tern:don. was halt spent ,when ' kit las • • .•••.:e • them wroug• Annie was the first, to • . . . ••''Prj,sorrO41,. selatieniebut to Aft ethers she eneke of Oit.44 eehj) loulde not destixt, the .,4eater :4`leitheee bOlt nor bar fedeld elint gine"eont,,,jperellewestilei . . „ touched' ieitie.;the•hunable littempt She that made idol dear to her- Armes love . The., dapltq in Ihnininent dangerl '',Gelt *Seett '• in eieneuleiens, the Pr dint Otter, :and Seifert •ttireatened weth sottOing . of ethe lexidire e • . Ilitre Annie eensone , And. t e we eNv they sephrated, Rose going back to leer Women and childrezi,i freeing for their: '•,..t.001.e.0erf ' 407, I kti;9A100.17, 40..hoPe luxurioue houteeevheis she wrote,to her iiiesi. '. 1 ' i , ' ' ' ,' ' .. t ;;Whispereil .eifen .brightet day toemorrew, mother the itta.•..4ews coui3erliing, Tom, .. t . Beadie6g4ra marching son with ()();,-.. , , To. 4.113310 , It iyas. bri$11tpl:f.:.“,ft: 'T blurring with. greot tears the line; "in COO zrienl • . . .. .: \ y. .; ' '. :biliujOV..ber., hewlS,' Of .I'.4 eergee• Woan(led...::voi. ti, ••• Tk . ,. -14i,-ox,;.T. elee leeeedering The Baltireereans in; ecgasiee, .and in his rtelit arm, ekinnititgegf the hos'e",. Whitcliii;fifat4irviicl fleetif.g, /.." '.; . , the PhitadelPhians in*despair! ' . - s' ''Pitat,'„Vrtd.e.ift lerees*,..*:geWtoewritei,e...A.4;::41soi4.fisofactalsrvoiix,;......16m. ,Bfk..... Such were some of the exaggerated. Tleise-iWe's? 9.11, •lent..it 7eb.olicirtdd :the Ite-r returned to her day's wmit so' lOng., ter.orto",whicIt.rani.Iike..lightpirIgit)irough" -.young: Wife.' '1Ef4 lvatf-iibt',.'dad,'; ;Ile neglected, but the suds she left so bi. , die'etreeti4 oe,' It4:k iong iokle:ettiO ;first; arl, ,,:: reigh4,... epme,..heitte...na04 1 0,44 4e.trie'e twpedepitee, skTreeelefideNefetifti cold, C riVel 'of ite neeviii theowing 'the people, heflet overflowed, With, geteto.01'...thenhs" fire'iforned t , iin11":Yitli 7that wearee• , into agreater panic than Wag; *Lid to ''giring"that-lillileSte.entili,Were"...hereftv" diseouraged feeling which poverty Mime ' exist in Witaiiii*one. ".."HIntkeog some ed e of• 1 thefoie& enei?ridie:+ inekbeen can prompt, ,she wes setting, herself to terribIee:'cliseste," the -,eiii.`et nature • of meeeitilllY • '43[1171(1 1'1I Anti'. the taskNaiiiirtaliglitiattere up again, . which could not be know n until the ere ''..hilAlkit, 116-% it.: sooltdomto, .1'rA131' hie. .,e, -hen peity,ehirgloyqr, thuelittd.4Vith; the ..ef.. rival ofk, the eveni»g! pepetsee trade early' , Mather, more millute..P' t•-•''''1111.1.-tiall'it".$11idlie of "tb,d wilife, '141401014W kii&t; In' the; ,3irter1163ii.• 'tourul' •tlreit, Welk ',1'rciii1 ' "tHirk iiiii' ithielf 'liti'd„ pir4C'ed1.d .k.f.:•.: .1-i'' kindly bade( her? *fare the work until ,• • the telegraphfoestiettatChrea''the' iiillage, had obtaiged. peeemiketon. tie; Stay NI/1th enoeher day; and seek the Milei Arce.: Le, ... crenthig ',.thd:• niost' ifitense vtement. .(4eirliti ,kirdnicireti'litn te a. peivi,,tte so much needed: Poor old 'women! Vow. . -g'- Alter iceit their pladeR'orbiigiiierii tie talk" boatdinehoese, far more condsrtiLsea •tlesolitvrtt Witsteintietbeelt!tieltliseiteal- . theeentatter ever,!..teelntegroupe of .WO -.Men, aisei-ribled ar. the Street corners, discussing the probabilities '.0t0i; sease?i's ;-....:•.- (tIcl , quell hoping ..that'• her e child, het ;• '.1 .t,',- itireberill, her -brother:1,-; had. ' beed",Spare:1- ;.., :, ; .Promment. among. these .wasi • NIlidow . . . . . had" niode to put on •• something bite etet'abate,. even though went „mourning tie& tier thenpeit how bock :to her . the• veriest eeipple tliat :she :would...give hereon -entire ;mar uit: ever • crawl,q1the attTh1t lioiv flf- of illack, Annie thought how ehe would •forent hes-going hozno:eiAuld be from that th.e*bloiy & lead fail. what ite had.' feriellY h�ped* 'No paper; tiara the crowded ,hosp4al, apd,at Ins, Lgeson.e44..e,ormythLtg?!.,crela. to tbc.,, request, he wrote to Armee that '.het: tvolsitek, " difce tifirre (I at het ..h.linhand,••,.though, badly : .evetendeeli 0.11,4 head; utein3hde4 muele troth the terrible. otccite• would 6reke back no more. Shell:lid pot recut a the battle, 1N:ee not thought think of his unkindness now. '4*.ehet was ine •I'diefigetettie an:d had' ettong hopelll es of ere --e <>rotten eee triluirdi-e.• she re- 4eidd edy le • timeS .--he'n he was $111141*,.. blaming it '-to ,Stmatios..aatidr -;deeg leeerting heel desebarge,eand' return- - occasionally 'whiepteieg %Weed of comfort to the poor child, whose eyce were .red wide...Weeping Overii thp.iible tatc::or 11113 R431,� Mose Xii.tbAits:( parrisige drOfe dnt down, and froni its win - dew Roee-hexpelt looked anxieusly out, ; h6' fateindicative bribe "•itrixiety ;she ‘* felt toehear the worst, if west thore . weir., She knew her' husband could , not have been, ln bettle for•heewee Still in .Wesiiingtot4..but elie Was; cor401oee ofS. •feeling some dive eatlenrity were inmentlig over her, tied mewing the eleer49..o.e1pettedeAn Itho. etreet there wets Jebe* iinpatiently foe the coming ot the evening train than ' she, She had. talc, Av.n*.de Gmham to• ride with hei?, Wade the.eko presented ,luir, home • ev here : shee coeid • enerso hit* iood. ittird !treated, deer' like:, et)meteeliig . . . .,, . back to lifee.• . • ':: . :: ' • *-3'e e'" , ' . half wily hilai4neee Ileefetili) /tore 1.,03',"' This was A.nniees message, rend : by h -first beim, fend ehe lay with her,. her etigerly, while the Widow Simmo,. tearlstitinTkitenbu4iiil in the scAtirtY for?getting all forniality in.; her enxiety" ellidWg , of her htirnble be de recalling :41. to hear if ethere...wes aught.' eencerning Miod the •tine WitentfirlsetliAidned the her btillqiiip11.40. kvdr hog r.Slie@tele, ller siivet word mother, and twined Jur ,eye dai Ang Irani' Hite t'CP1111V.iinfil ehe ,. baby -arms- ebout- her -neck,- • , - • - ; estight his.x1nnle,i f,-0eXe:.:1`1aptetliing He was a lorig-ht pretty child, eeily of' him, and'i,' ginpileiti;•:Aiin10,e orrery she ,tiedielheeidloillefescl 'kit".e-iii, rilf-**Itcrettler whiepered:-..'' e '-'•* `''' ''' ' 1- '' ' ; i'.' 4otlfileeshuildell'd '.'t pfilii Al, (beeping jeit "Read what . it. line's of . Isatie.'•' : ? :%er ''." trete..., ehe 3, con i I,, li'de l'elltel-e lute , . And Annie , teed „how .. brave , 'lleiii 'helped to melee him what he grew to ibe;. 941,1et011aelutd ereteetetteely,gfiren .p1aCe to lettering atehis•-fiece temper, and . rito . the poor wounded George,. end stayel tieneeefireroleingelihneeetepetnim just! t� :beilinil::•witli• Isakte, hOping,'.Aii. 'bloke 1116 see 'hini biimp his little round haed.head. lefty to NireshingtelieW Slifefe'.. TbeY "iightill'P#,.the neilten *ftbin,.*i.t.t).12:011,,,,ps had imi'lieeir lienrdlient afireq;" and the% -gtewohlor it Wits fun to Ireat %bee itni- en:*s0' keealt. hi ever heraidillt artiral; tlense• -crowd ,lasting good teeetire IrOW. itrieheir •• ma, ' oat rieeet. hint e nO fife`Ateillink 4 ju- bilee; no drum beating a Vfilebnie; n•O • Seereely lese, keeu, but of a. far differ,. hell rieging.its merry. peal; no.earriagee Ont.- rtaturtee Was the grief of 'Widow proceseion; nothing but the entiou's Simms(' 'There wu no:black upon her gaee Of the •feiV Who Might out Awg.'11.1?11.1 leelmet, Shee wont& ,.reet trete- ta .5elf• haw ; George • Graham. looked ere.V.P , Aq4 bee4 , without -Re -333'p3, and whieper, softly .to • evey:expegesion of :her...sterntfoce tohl ether, "Bee f*e,Ileetve .h.ew pitY hoWeeenistalitly'bee .0.ut him!" 1-14 didn't ;rani bet; teheelitogefeo,y; •; • her. elebeeree would almost rather die; eina'ihee inert Isitne „lategulshing 'prison; ect,tieitemtlietoci„el, Je.itrirtele,),Iditgver:t;411.1'iletwh000t,i:lee elek, perheps,stre pilling for his mother. 113 Howl folt,.,,toward Beatire-, apd hackn tt•itff .ierictlying • at, ti.rneel White,4y, ace to .ilhani thiles' 3e or 'ItichinOn(1; liatlicf,' Vending sii" ond and beard (len. '• • Whisperodf ''• •thent•mliati,..Was what," Telt them, they may meteittroffetibute She ealdei!.4She'd; lot them knew whet an not 'UP you'..re we4tepeeetetAintee (11(1' injered neetlege.,ecreld lie.: She'd turn: a have signed .my nettle.. Xere;know.,how eeeelid Charlotte Obi:he:try, nieces.. she has begged Ifeil.tfeiirditiorte eue. tay, itird-treh. la.ird tibia seth vile Tell ehein'to ;not 11:Misters," and fille netuidly sharpOretr, •my .bitieryiptirmith 011, het ,elreare a :Weapon. :of 'dfteium, In case the pilgrimage*was made. • ; • tjle. Widve, elqi4ed,,, lint the WidOW Sinfligi, when ealm•was '6..''Y.ary,i'differeirt • Winnan, praying theiel ;'::::411-eterWeet nothiblita tttidtkelehlex- 're -II& bey, ain't even asking forgtmat •.riesuiYek the stirrers up of the rebellieli ,t At Armies eequeete ehe had • a.t LiS .e.o.pae.4.0„pyp !Iiicti;seper et,.the eettag. In th*e".7:1 it,evas well for- beth Ilea. be iegether, foe the trembling fingers grasped it eagerly, .PVTiPy.(7/1k.$41.01:i1.$ r.(9)1c1IfttirclikOit'.1Z9 became calm aiteihrialefinehgetestelinne- self alone with Mk...Mather,' Who evrettt 'the .i/Cteitombletriteeetreeetintel.%0- //Ilea Y.:94°41lx51,1,14.9i14;:!NilhinuOpetk,pgeeezz a4e149-1?•:-..1.P"`,4 ,..),?:zlefir.F0 b.bittd. iaw4ye„, 4,•,• .11i1JfikF6-;11,1tiV414.- 'f14.4(011;•°!'fiRiss 'when . the letter. eteeest %Mika .agf Ibe sidow's stronger eti•ill 'A/gide-the .we,,xe_ 'but quittly-lererfalr as -the purple, tee- m. Aunie., •Arlie, -hillier turn inuerueed tering fipple eabeve ,- the.: elbow throbbed .A. ,ttelt other eleyee,eirieetilig,. childish.faitli and quiyered •Witir 'the pain the sudden eGecetly Annie rotell:011. .e.e..phe . „ , effort cansed. "Once , more; Vu do it to the less trneelegeesidow. clailit 'iitneithl.cnisetlfInSeviltilft-ellIghli;walinics1Pmer6a4lienervaird' Went* en:iiiiecatei;e, fro line' 'bathe. to her tnill:".i Geotlge ..elfliiisefe ( nothing in hie : .;..t1;e 2111,wroitt: hAii: 114.timuethiel4rclgfithideli:,,%ig7c1bvis,ii, 1,1,:oluot, -Wee handwilitiiirg,..••.ydoil he knew how e; bless you, darling. Annier '"It's. dime, •.letb.404..es;.:ITyfle:tte;iiiio!„(1,1!.!,npViemtre,;Iblviu, jyt Tjsusatehis feil ...and she tern toile linen- i.lte"1-tgonY lit etlee"Mr.... 1 athey.ep, nr,te Ins It alLS 1.0T cost me' he Naepaireill ak• his -lainclaged 3 a most striking contrast, for whore Vidow's" heart- Was -Sick ' t a •Il a3.t maid; itete,,throittlie- higefether :,i•ik-cip;•-.11ii'ktififie4xlifiiii "Xmlit' pi.ifilii-S- Cruestion once; he ,..:.e•teen feltrileavile' at hie P.1eie? while with . Rose \vase.. eeme; eienpati ute,, nee !ex- be with the dread emedetainte. AV: : untiVeghedeleteklesetTantiiil.d)le haleit:eleeli. ilea., *.'fiiii'e hetii•iliel'i es as gathering liite tithee,htmyl.he wiped a:way 'elle nes:, 4:flexed t ehat et cnilfe: ..0S.fer,',thatIN anklo'Ne"-idetoloil to eee the sweat .W.TifelY"dieeil' SOetliteldi 331)033 11331 cited, An thongleit.0411 n ne .elid;,411/..niflefeNia .pexpeereble •toethie eseanienee',. 1.•..peing•:'ho ike ". less eon • tideereWase, (inleti su istliee end in a, state of mind bordering 1.1113333 ' i: th*ttk nor Alitilittihniflit emda ,:lre,ba, i It heightened color 3133 (3108435 cheek andee firezet-.49irbieArtnieS,'Bible," he mid, voile,* - liii: -hank. and again ateillk? .,,inga:liWortent•thriritilitalbtlfloa.ishreoll•tvet41:,berib, tine lay. it on my pillow, It will matte en:Lotion Until the -Shrill' WhiStre` ' \CAS the. Mili,Pknt!kAa 41694*Pel.e.---i.41.0s0 elid het ' e. .11114...reeignedeeezhilatting..enne...aututaed,...,,,„...40...etalleed..theeeloor, neee.,.*.An thgthiAsei. riONV-e as fer4reet,, >bring her William's me bear it better. 011,. AMIlee Annie, , e.e.hsitecietterossetheerielairteew .ere . Sqlk - i g 42 Yam to, starteeteengo Vie ..-„of &Ayer, .0efelieeleeneteeefiefilm kg.riAll•li 'lle:tierii; aitd:'16it "to he every word .he e lif leint ecohle'beeliefe tb piny for me!' le."...ilifffh stIle auto oil chge ,,,..tope ng herO) she 11-1"1".. not '''mhit'heir, '03;. tetwey,sofferinetteettesfighte...iejAel&ritnee self e, (-31e0.44.".tSiiiiiiily told her how can't•ito. aiiii tlie eini eyes turned im- ,-iliteet*merpleeasethe &ton 'e d eet in rek 'Prevideib'eskee maid her-thilth ,i when thea•ohilt; ditsell lase without the' 'ehelL'3i'4'Gei4gH"YniFe'.1i‘t1'''..11111e.sg' thliii 'r*194.1141Y-erW5034* 'z'll'• :44t11."/- 1341f.) front 'of the office, where the throne In the midst of, her excitement the - deer wae. nlifeeed 011 Ito; fifigi-iitEeti,,oz.6,1_ how Win' readefoeleinf:evety day frem 'iihdoletyi.iteeel helitatingiY. ,. - e,•..- wii4 ketitilitg,tidieVetcmiencitished 'iz. „:t, . sevong ope Ain ritifee"-Balier ruSitee.'6i.t.hey?Aeeido:443.1 1171%# , ;,itkit .4,auie.g.,,pible ,,clia01.5141,allyns the ells- hide ef'the'iveld tie he lied beetle. he . ... . kat tittiNVtjlirptf*4 • a. • • e elbows, an e e".e. .4 et , murdered Tothlg, Just us site waterloo:14e 0-ges t•haf)-einaeltesbeb..ne the rest tease. had. reetee learted to*.pray; but , he Slairairtint near`thel)fer ey.heT theY ore , hee beene ."41.1ihied".h#0:::frOul ing 110W•eaVrx.,119r,rnine,d hoe. neer -o'e. ;did pee11. lAnide never dreamed could,- Met er6sist, that teaching appeal* ,*(410!,-eakeeeelan.ihnel rye There Wag sonie eel:use for ellete• the- rens ' or ' of hee effort t cost the and bending down Ile anewerode • eite it. - . lett her e . . , uld crttch the firsi 'it th'ef rie‘ e- end • 'ere. eartY' training, but for her who rea 4.•el e William saidetsbeentliet urttil the everit• 'talkative iittle•Itese:tielieep back what :aai.4.:eittifaa" to the !etiintion•is gbing en I'll ticibiltth'b.1•N'Iliteislet'' atter it among the 4,:?:g.ielltei4A, &21: The n'atere og bi; Pers cone at ion.. she TOCAv%l41bte1 10311411 eets were almost tefn esundli bi the Ailitai0i0e1;etliqhYS- hint -none. Sire inieht ha • t le were tumuli. . : 4 rigi'vgad tense; unetioineis andilitiguen •• ouce strong man Wove In . to eleake off, trying diry Atter dal. Oth up, if only for e moment, aud of•ten telling baele upen hits' pillows from sheer •exhaustion. Ile - was only tired' he lia4.1 'petrel:been rested since the bate tie, he said, and if he could -once go; home to Anilie, andlie upon tile lounge. where he last .eaw, her kneeling, he should get well °so fest- Ofteii fo his troubled sleep he '-4ealited of her, beg- ging 'leer not to epttr:n hel.• peter, (TIP - )led huelelud, but ba- lore hine;iett the same. ' er;22q1eviet'eeNaltlt,.f,or yen OS I used tu do,?l .vslouill'sity,'"never eau buer -Pate lAtt 9951 r°11't let us -starve, Mel "'shall lofe you so 1,11.,\Iece r9Y n9et shrink au;ay • from Poor, matnatete ebige.lie, en.:; ft was a sati Tent not ueproftrible les- of To cited mulith‘WrEill injoA Ie's to ifii,f'se..61,14. iz...a. d .-,,,, i " him"- bette-i•:. She ini'gjiiii havel es' e'iirlirni ' Thus the Angttet iterye glided by, one , `Me one, -me, ese," 11.n ose ea- ' .e.,:"kel4el't'elear". rfot to the Sunday school iterees the Nvi y,. .1/7/ elle...until. the grtmtnee light tadtid kett.-biandi rift • • , . . 's hand fevae. tett estrilione Ahe..,,ertierse II 4 6(31 :R.,.,. i ',. . 1, NI lit t e Sunday after Sunday she had troto the' Beekhind hills, and September - ilaterieee* and h lt,Ig• w idle tint to eett et lime& deleillidtle' 0 heard the hymns the ehndren. -1,,eyeg threw 'efVelr'''theta. '11'6' rich a.titurrinal • eome one farther 3331 .43135-133.333, ehat dismally. The .. 'PlIt#tiO**her ham hito swelling on tbe Sebboth ,air, Iniitee she hadePPAdlebeejecilifmn. lieii. ,'„'. tri.boseen, She tliese?!.I.o.eth. the iieck iot sometime% JO 111133 in 1341 531t in ' the' stid thrustimfett•••almost Into the cottage eoer, ndinsetng the ait leitle heerel froff.'itiv.tei atrinin#,.,tlhet.,.. nip. 'hereitts`dtbeeeteete a.tt7Ar• lir vinisprio arre:altair. all them is lett id Harry. playing feeeeheeeteiddi /6iii, A. Hie. wet 'et'''etede'ffe..*efirr ;If ye et: ely "1:',8 ace, eried out, " ook, u'llich to tempt the timmepeeting re weekily Meat, .se 1111#111TA,49114ftlet-le.ThatceiVehat , I git for APIA! . a• boy: two disge' ce0e, • tee eel ' *to e;allete enebee thane Ikee. wine goad in me whispered, k oe„ ther,lAth?" eust 1,1,114-AllaWAII.Shuiettse front, and word& og been dhot ineteed Btrt h "leoee. s ese '11,t#116 ' unit . 18 ,sr lthefet . „washint• ;ruir 2th? 1$s1 IITIIItikirelIO:111114.014fIkt • 'lir 'as, "Met hletherelLIVVN'eleAtet°(lib ens - I tion,In„..51 ireetLitesfi elliOnted eloutte. tette-3'41We been 1 'joked as r: Not e‘exiate., ever ii.tekek:.ee:,foote...004, be. e., lett tet Re'eut, *. • e • , • e • Ilow It hiti;Petied'Irobelde, IttloW14:: 1'1'AI; "011, Geerge," imar Annie cried, end fitite like a tigee, °U•lieri'alf•Oe"ri nuflthin .entittetriltiktrentonneetertelseetheld the faint-- t 1 fotind '`ite•iii-ritintirt; *goek., Of beg forni 'upon he lap, sheep; and what is the imeekeeit (if ell .....•.`attiveeltorneeeetce.hfatte. Grethamee le tiler While" we' ledie Iiikiii'";to *Ur heels iette wee* the rebels :wee* goin' It rotber,. end,- fea• what , .)co,Ow, we lona of bee0 runnin" 'from cited'. other leg. Jet i6142si:ta • 'lei- ettern`;;Itt Gent VI there were of erg who did,'•'• 'tarry, only he was shorter. Bead 4::,,Grithatutle Med' toseing the ' letter ,inth 'the wrephed, wetuan sairkpipon the eleerstep, heel, covering her, Ydee withehee wet Oren,' *reeked ,lettpkeetiud'Veithi teed:410nd' • lie , • Mean," she said to Jake, who with tie difficulty de his leery tlieot 4, ra,* .erneet•Vceesitorye ewe] lead keelel,a61€ted•• those who had more eoolle read the ti now if 11 ek'hailiei.rtind out the gameetnel so turmoil upon. us. I eat. Shall I call -them noW19.* . Gleorg,e,, nodded,e.andeWijilaan. tadrel.t7,, Act 4the tWp Whcf. were.. grow- iiig ,iceneteliat iinpetieitt nt • the delay. They were not .natumlly thloorn, lure thetilene tide . there tame a • ;Melee het. years: et, practreeehad brouelet fee.for. Aernie, welted'. QS .of fold by tb;een toe tole „On. ampetations trone a hlather, 1mb:signed. by George entere business point Of view. • Still,there hitogelt, Poor Annie, how elite • cried was semething about this • case* 'that over and ltissed the eigneture, to whi le. , teuelied •A• che.rel of sympathy,eand they 331101 31 fearful responsibility had been George lind'eldfled, '"Ged 'bless you, e epeke kindle to -the sttlfeterg.:tellifig hire, licrs. She had not fulfilled .et, atie • It Anilie."' 'Every -letter'. was tre at: - lvettl'd Mori be over, and was not Itale rolled beck upon her nowilatingitig ,ott ttetrally distorted, and few could have a, so bad es losing re leg eviiuld be. George' Only remorse can eting, and milking hey dithered the \verde; brit ,to the eye tivI:itdde"tee:reldef •excelit to, .eltudelere nery." wleir amid hele.peaie, that. the- once lo'Nt'the31! were. Vein' 1100brde.r, eil.d.....011s1k. Os he. sale the col(1,. polished steel eo catilfilippatiiredi,ffin.titt+pr been ; A onleea kisset drapeed kipon them * so. soon to cut.into hisetiesit„ • , Aiven her, or else had died in les era. atom blurted than, Nellim„ re." noed e treid, alaj",#_ die bed, nnel rear ragereeleleeyerelre 1,11011e•theYiearee to her. . • leyeadetke thought we love each othe trtoee: be - tile •hattletted ift-'4141itfrne'fee?•°c2bitlt1 find efee It wag Very' hard for 'Rope to keep *When be' tad leaked In at tranee. l'renti 'telling lite dreadful stor0. of whet.: .0111)*. !Where. A.tinit, with • others, fent. !',.nneet.t,:i..1_V70 else to, divide our $o altserbedeeerteeeeteeieneteter grief eis lief 'followed th6 limietingeof those 'brief working for just such n emetic esedrii, 1"• 8. Piltt mortal rush neo - not to heltr th'eAddid.eiVelelieets ee,einebeereeed biteeeevoie • &tieing „verde," "tt's }tete," 1%irttber .answered, Cr leivegritk erl'atnre:•better than /Aare, aelathgll ttg- ieurne mg by thee bedside.. Ae home in Itot air- foil:3a, he taa always ravaateqriciverge Grabatn but he had led -rife& tol 110AVI,Vttit.ia :brother's joie, aryl gladly vetted' elitteae rayed hit'forrthe etweet. Wife! In Ahem own de2ellet ,ose- was sd deeply interested, and who e. let- texs were silentlf eveltingkgieollefi hire . as *well as George- GreaVy hee person- friendgentrevelled denttlai sexmlii eter poi, elosely humored within, that„ sick.; •fif6rni4iteneiree might') itictir ilit'lifallifilrfhP3Le‘111-1Ap-tiYt1W9t1)/ (Alt, and matey. Wive -fire geteni-Pteeelt mede toldrigeliffil4Raf'ZiAfilifhleretilthe stood them all, awl clung the ettleir to letafit8J.1, npcm hit tl tti„ et4 en cc ot, t ebila. Ilour after hour he sat -101 •'41'-'1'irriii'711•111‘1,=.111-01,--s well-worn 11:.1)10, and when at last the heeryZeleadt`eneli, lifteile.Und the path& w iry thzonertire pg WAS a-, vested' dt*Wteef,iieelle.'he.- weetlie,r-hrst to whom the s'elt.1 'mart 'imparted ithei joe- ineWe•ethet eseliether heed or ALea all was well„ -all wea .Peatee eri"-telelh; • In eilepee :led, in. feera hlr. 'Zither lieterted: - store of we:lie-was so strange to hiuf, eand*.es 1111e 'iletter ,eentetholefeeee,hecteld, leer. e'.; ,eet. 1103' Ire- 'eolvieS hfrileteried 'Within WM, -trace= them bark VitliVe IheetitoIleiveteeleveeeAttenie eileteleen, knewn, sapeeteeette tote muse evieeeeleng A1. tOr, lilyerything w▪ hich he eolith do for George he,, and Annie liersblf seafteVtlial.-e beeelitelleeelgtfIltPV..Pg George, -ell,eboeyefeatpfnl„ he, wee, te?.,hieenobie frtend,oftm tot' the kindieachiretdieee .e# • "'GOA *111 eurely • let you 'go 'natural- cf]," re'tl• one, dey* when 1.1e. hietbee, •had ..been mark . tistrally, a ttende "I' 'Wiry' th'Ireaven every bottle that' yen rotteentirferekneW the dreary heteet-pang it costs utteet6 ',Me -away frOril;••ilicAlle,, a114 hala doir, 0]; r..,11,#e,grepa uP the deltielpitethat bettel:," uever be better uotil I 'wake In •1i aven, 113112Ireg%elelleic see toy pidelmene again. .It is eyklirlde 'elle, Mr. -INIather, 'but you can e .leeers to guess how dear it is to me, 'beettise It ' is etheepperewiteret4 brough.-Althie atteeesiee, \peep:tine. , now, weilieT, re - Member that first night of Iteneeekeep- lug; 'how proud I telt, knowing *et " lialr:tatilottiltil*.tclic sating nfr :PoSitIlerrt)ilit, her own: darling hatidgettrel made the tee, and cut the btet.41. she pessed rile, and thot I lied earned,eteou The •poork hieveernairy joys- to whith The Xlch:nrcartrdiigers, eted The sonittiettes plug nenr the gate,nor the tripping ftroteeXint Neellentelelierel elle must not, M. 81145 Ste ps tilynt :theetieleperele,314 h ir, wet- made no sign, onleeher fettle • dung °en • ‘e .* '1 r.'• blood ihnn sirsvak$ tot Illare ,4olleateLY ,.., leis at llOme iiiiel'a4lelling fb scanelling eloser around 41,11110`8 neek, end leer lipte...Withent•knewhile why Ire did so, hlr„. r•enre4' Pn- '1•16.14.7 It Iv"s 'kh 313143 4111411 to do, had relne. dieted the inieeraliteitt lift -Sera -11 leVer nritne the ' itinliet *ft:lee- Zilether took it up arid begen meebeini. °Intel', ''A g' titti iti* n1,600 iielffit "- cent poe't on nighty edeenteel eked: let- WOMI111 11 12004fluithrolifidtialAte trier heed ease the tietie4eneill-itight.eiltind.eveirt. callY, to 1.10011 it 11,ittlf411g maidenly 4t6 corefortlese'fionienuitiV 31ee111 that mime alga with. the tweet ehelikett ,ekittrie* there of' tt iienell feet his view.' 'There. cnnTrA`hea' 100; sl'e Ny'r's 13 hell(' 'I'll *there.eesolte. favorite twee where, while I WEIS only fuer night, she hail coneuere ‘ti her ret Ore. rust.ettletb.know there - ...! . ' eierte* .esdirething Written, ,10,11 ,0.0i tikileii.c44e kiivtivoitt trorsvmic, lg. : -,„, */ ,.. ' i .,.‘ , .' ttleir4eWhiele: melee him 'Meet 118 he teed, Gm'rge Ilrahnth'n th"hni'le 1313(1 ('313- 11034811)1(3, ent" ".1mile floweret. re . illzsibitc,01N11.10 11;toirr(14:: ellert.hg...1101ftreeot. Ilit)t.:;:.1:1"7:"14:::,e' !t1"11k. 1.4,tat'' l'' ',..ii. .. . ' George, trry to tined: rni there. Ilea- the told me of n ehilelieh funey when She kept nething item me, entl ' Ft ,I• our A unit*, $11"1'. making -het laterlIce Pere man ,:o tom*. : .„.r#,..iligie..6.a.fsifetkeit*i4,6,1iiii ,fh, • %irk April, 1S1.11.''- * oho woe it nlore girl .0f fourteen, belt ft '" half• ble •11 ' • b n loved my Annie. She was.oft geeitler slte tree lent It regret atter fluetlielud-e * eel, ao unnatural; but there was solal0-' klityume•dte. sparkled. Mid 11"'„P"'' s"' " AT"'''''11 sale billtrelkkeyeti boy, -the abject. of tb felts not peter:Millie toi that may have heal, ed the *tfret fist wRit -het pro Wee Olean flung 60 new, so real he thee edibles* P4 _fleshed; and how the stelt Mete...thud- - •," • .,,' • ' Lt 'a 4 n fe'ne sael intelligence. , i . :mot weet- orlitli is to come. IIrtl le that figure erollehilfic4P4146.1n-11* lehe,„,,,4t. •dered sb Ire Abutted toMatd tlic. veld° wo'-eit Allfrie't Prayere bad been breath. stn. t The news 'Nike 'NMI etdittitil, 11,1nt tith' • e -, 1. i riertel,-/toot riga. taronge, the forehead, levee for rt moment wee mice -Met nuAv . where theyelay, reeking, :with., enieerlege f'd• Sboilid 502110 • at 'last, 40 him Thr t litteue ele. ... i _ .. ..., ...,... .,.. _ ,. lip, if there were ue ether altemative 00111 sa " IT" Illrendear mr• =Piller I wet% ye RoekIand company was not mentioned, , „and the laall, that etruck him down tok to act. It was no feigned; torrow et : and its friends had ate tIteltatit6. TO** ,nlif Ike 'Simile's eap, PO if Ike bell been which she 1rtfte 0:' Withes'A u`tvori Ana au" save the dUe their. proettee stiggeeted: l'"ih'"(/'.4.1k(' 'nit*, tiner imil't"1. 'it rld ' sant, on brine some tidings of the eterml. Rope to -wait until the telegraph evires•estrotid . .,„„ etr te been .hung most likely." , only n little taller, lint would' of 11r- yawing at text toward the tonthly 1 she laid her hand upon the tilsortle:1 ,, ,. inci'INuforlonteetberithsv.vrtodeleabiwthrs'orNi'unegtit,h70-' ,t3k)thtil!clilut :;":41:41:‘,e's ti'"114.te'revill'717.4\11.1.1j, 011,113f'1 11W•vtilteirdraritifuTlthd urps Rrie vofts the' lir* '15e -he l'erne'llibm'e'L V"a "Oh, I Wlith he had, I vett& he hail!" unetemlied .1.411`, end whiepered roothilpte • ‘..c, oh ,...?1, • 1 ery tof. Joe es leeepreOtrel et -to his. lips, 1. 14144 ow / es too. nen attmetemear to Putt elle 1 ' did Mx ditty faithfully. pee hire. Bilker moaned, still waving le, "I am to Perry for eon. Mee. Bneente ets thie itmareelate the feelings t Annie.* / know 'r°11 ate here* 1: e heck and forth anti kiseing the loek ker, end do all. I -eon . tee, help r 1. eereteAeieeleie ;eolleeetiltementel" ty. Dar , '31413 mit ,yhar 1)3'(3153(. arta it will hl ep 1%13 lalikt "A. terrible bettle," his meeeege ran. "Soldiers ere art -feint everfeill) , Viet „ 5t. whcie tho widow hy.roht Tem hits * ales ter rt. • her Ilea rather II A tele lier' 6 * Ad *lett shoes g. emit* for isr b4 Ina sely betel Gil 'eeti Tete NI* tin Noliftlnal DWI VAMP* Off • 's 4 , • 'tei,A4''... ; le r • t the Tty" itk- ill glee yen axonal tam relief you Vele pletteMetete • end etteeritehro, welet t4at tee, fifttoWl.' n wee , gaily Ives *Km. talc* geld inwto fra,falt, !tete* t pine •tvaturtet $ etrutat Wale, efe :revolve:he Are. . n'll 'Nes% Mit end* lee Theme" • *Von*. pct vat* slitval,''e4401412,0 'i•We Neville *lowly to letenecRe heaven peeref like Weeas el to ' There retest 4131 Iltill 1.24 pilefeere e sin I thee at 'boot w . 011.2 '40'04 0 A _4 gte 1-.1:„'",k1 eee' 1 Ite`e . . ' 1 "e• 1