HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-01-26, Page 2WINGHA.: TIMES, JANUARY 6, 1000. y're to had tam 1y, The ,;,toe , inaglrot and the sat tit* sue Y tris.. fri`o z'd *ink t% lcere virtue ; if yeti howl tits daag t;er lY :hv iiiA,uio. POMP'S ' iii Are pre`oared £rota Nam tures mild , laxatives, and while gentle are reliable and efficient. They tft $tireird Cure Sick Headache, Bit. zouszless, SourStomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, . 2$c. per box, #'renlradbyex.Aoo4&Co,,I.owell,Il e, PALE PEOPLE have their blood enriched,. their heart strengthened and their cheeks rosy by using ?aubt 's beget and 1,1erve Pills, fusuffieient quantity or poor quality of the blood is:`oue of the evil results that usually follow any derangeratint of•'"the Heart. If tit' Heart b1, +,, svreaketied in any way •••,.fi nblond tothe lungs' as • J. tp.• ,.c ,+triizad:ax£d;im--, 1'ieL_••. c°a.,.,t. tit ,a.u- ;Stir o'K'Pgen, As 'a result the' blood deteriorates, It loses its nourish- ing, vitn,lizng, , health -giving qual- itties. The face be. .£A 'Y d• (iAiaCS.. "paler, .tltkn. and waxen, the lips. b1a: e •t adl ss li hands \ a �,nd i r and feet cold. hers,i ',� is weak. ness, tiredness, shortness of breath and palpitation. 'When those en:Tering from thin or watery. blood start taking Milburn's Heart and. Nerve Pills they are assured of a euro. ,Every dose' Ants on the heart itself; causing it 'to beat strong, steady and regular, '. Every dose, too, introduces into.the blood those vital elements necessary to ;Hake it rich and red.• Soon the dale cheek takes on •the rosy hue of"health, there is strength Instead of weakness,. energy .and aotivity take the place of tiredness and Iassitude. • • • Miss. M. :•Skullion, 6 Tu rnerftree t,bttava )nt' saYe':.was • greatly troubled with Alyheart, together With extreme nervouness fortany_ years. These complaints brought: about great , weakness au d,. feelingof tiredness., My blood was of pots' r£ilnlity, so much sothatl became pale ?.. ' ; 1i riguid: , ;3lilburn's Heart and Nen-. .ls ",ured-me aite • all • else failed, ' T:i • ''built upto- sys Ovi, _. enriched my 1•, c..,' strengtl>iQTied uiy 'nerves and• restoi:_d me to 1xt altif.'i IE i2 WOODS peat* a,t*'iapuliltt, Our lielatet tarp of nature is repose. m! rules taut day where reason ri' les the urtxicL-r Q11ulK. bur hours in lave have 'wimp, ilz ab• t lliee e:rutelzes.-Cibber. Wheresoever sever the search after truth bci#ina there life b: gluts. �+xolizz Bus. kill. Never regret what you eau help or what you can't l:cip•--tiii: ' Mattes,.1 :e% vely lull. What do we live fa- if, it is uot to ;Halo live less diffieu .t'for each Miser.— Gcorgo 1J1iott. Ile.; aur. clmraoter What 't what. 'till be known, and Nobody. trill Who it upon your word. rt,�iitis ttett,tris t.itsotaiiil, on eller,souls-of the free ohoice Haat \vo Lava made through life at good and. eii1;- t &icie. SrRONG aEaYES vorybady 4s. V tlusittnnt.,i •r *4001)btthawwho; us l)r. plut.`H' 0! rill . � h,itlai�ta ;1;;111. i•yeutigts, i ltz lens the tialnitSs til this clltltctr,sf t cough', n the lttjtliuitl ' ltealsa, the sol ess itmi iuptly +tt1l 4=4 is of eeitghsII'iiS1t Ci M* broach ill, Are Sure IndleatonsD ` croup,1 i in asthma, ' of1 thcii i throat. sof this country. 20 outs abottle. lraxuily Geed Reath and, i size 00 cents. at is NEWS NOTES. B. D, lllac:ltiniire, tho•flanzous novelitit; is dead. ' ' . '.. _ poi. Steele wifl Conunttntl, the ; trx'tt rtiaoua116se,, • "••, 'P41110 01,,igtli ,The; death_ of the Duke of, Teat, is ru- ported at Burry. 1I'eniltou's Patriotic Fund le *bent • ''0 short of ipd0,f00.:.. , M. Alex., hffeNeilli11I. P„ .IUbSdub • scribed $1,008 to,,,tbe 13•aiisiiuil..•Ptiti'iotio •'Ail the •eauery''' in .:the • World.chinnes from the little; island' A£ • ' Palos ' dear ui( . Ile Nerves, Flesh!:Bones And Ono chie=f want in 'lifeiso son>,ehody, ' Wllo shall maketil •ilea what we can. USCIeS This is a service of •a frieud:—Inser- aon: WLosoexer zs Siztiafled with 'khat lie It is bo • n to:, en, ;teles huts reached his:culminating point; t Progress nq Bob-- Ttl,Cb11. 174 Ci aulzpiti, an i Tl Cil t a.. ertsoll, By flight alone we. t" overcome; licitby' patience and;true; humility, re become .strQngor tliau.' OUT •,.enrniie$•.-- Tlioin t k: et:ip16. . There is.iu;nailit. higher .than love of happiness „lie can do without happiness and distend: thereof ,thud- blessedness,—. Thomas Carlyle. ; Our ideal's are. framed, •net according. to the measure of our performances hitt ticcerding • to the. measure • 'of stir,: thoughts - A, J. Balfour. • :When you find yourself. 0v ez Qwe ed , as it 'were, by melancholy., the best Way is to go out Auld -do: something kind to. somebody.—John. Z Ule.. • • Thoughthe.stax.should :tae quenched. in a Moment forever; it is. ,good, thtit;tlie t'i. it • brightest staro 1 shine it.. s a, s n lite t t lila h .1T. g Mast. ; • This is thetiustiuet of the brave and healthy heart that is faithful to .its. truest impulses.; --Phillips, Brooks. ; Children ...Cry for F. i lent' of tt*intei Ibgs Bg usiug•the very best • laying heiis ass breeding 'stoek'froth year to ear;• the' Idyi£ig c ua1?ty of tlie' Bode ciin be'great-• • 1 increased-• and,_in' soitns" instances doubled. ' : As'a rule ' ulie . iire''izzixoh: : b Iter than old? 'liens, #.Lilts'.; it''s, le r_ .re- ' •oa e fol. -hens tis'produc'a `3nor eggs't`lian their dai'tghters. 1 iiseci to • think that SA 4TlM'4GXi. .a - Our 'Ablest•, lislcJ0s 0oflnl�°: 7 • • : mend j�c� nS �'+ p�, ..;�Y,�}.11l • illi f� Sian,,_aged 78 Years, a ton shale 18m. and, un o d C • , Tt• izzzld GG.T.B.years; died Saturday,•, yuod,of the;Diocese attire shy . ,toted down a t11pc941•491•1of itfi sexviaes. Peter 'Temple tesitleiet of Flinn ' employe ot• ti1e,' for a long terul ' The Angelical of Montreal on a otion to gdop the $oriliturws •T 't ex, he tvi t •--� sot yg114',•hQuse:1 flair lob didn't, Infect he•left • • Parke—D,ou'. to' have •n ' ter= Ye Lan ,, it e s s they C.9'171d4i't b bg etgalae'; at; ��taYt'1?rancisc Gell braced !;laud • Stet:idy l' xteryes, strength of body laid a • vigorous consti- tntiou.. are, besttf well , without i f et<il..by':. Pains's•Celery izompowicl . Au• allu}en and 'cvoiiien who ?Are ‘run-dotiV11, 'tVeak, •,'• nervi* iis'and sleepless, While the greht;! nia,iority zif`'mediciues. tend to Iow,or xd 1ity ,and. •ivsalon the• .sem Paili&s C 1 Coln Quit cora.' sy t ..r. „ , eTY, p:. c�, o meiicestotmpart trengfl<,froin; the first- dose. Tlie nerved dnxuselea•are'''foz'tt blood ismade pure and . 'ch d the b � r,xl rich, #li3 ,. 011 and fiestas built .4,p„.• ,These: , improved' conditions 'give r• gu1ar ,action; to.tlie• om h liver and cidne s. ' Sk a0 y , ',' . Sweet sleep; r per4eet • appetite,, sound h1•ieoazr ti%au long:PAIS •. yourr. Ar . after bein2bP,i as Celery Conipouud..As1: •our druggist, IOL "Pail ea1T,'iieve3 ta11 a sAlittltntt3. • : • • . Thomas N.-Fotdye,'; of ' netroit, vho, h e''c' • eiibes' himself as• er, as a ai e r you, k4d Ursa -sok thief' it night,' . IAit1.:a-pretty. ? ::`�.'•rett'er--'•WBU.l; ithinzg(tc'lits desired yoii: find it a great tiling , lion 'lit hos ? e your u • 0 3 y My -neighbors 't. l e l t;doli ,without it, ; ;bridge J gliQl_utliil, uetC'a of afteai Qutbr tll;ofth.ebu1xp ieplaggiie. IIQhert R.: `4V°,uxiperia,:• Kato::s'• :'ti*e11. i• Ottawa tt ic> n an < r h ' fn4 At ttxv iPL d o o tra w� es e der•: