HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-01-26, Page 1'VOL. XXVIIL—NO. 1449., r:k: WE SEL.. CHEAP, NEW STOCK OF STAPLES • In order to facilitate the quick sale of the rest of our large stook of Dress Goods and Fine Dry Goods, we have bought a very large stock of stapes in all lines, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Shirting, Towelling, AproxLiuen, Tick- ing, Cottonades, &a, These will be sold .at lower prices than you can possibly buy them elsewhere. The public knows .as well as we can tell them that the prices of all these goods have greatly ad- vatnced. We bought before the rise, and .as we sell them at cost, q>ux crtstoxriers .get thele at a price less that ithoy can be bought wholesale to -day. And don't forget that we must get rid -of the rest of our Dry Goods before .spring. Hitherto: we have been selling them at cost; from; now till they are all gonl.e,we shall sell BELOW COST. We quote a few prices to show we :mean.what we say: 25 pieces of Dress Goods Regalia,price was $1,00; now 000. 25 pieces of Dress Goods,regular price price was 85c, now 55c. 15 Pieces of Dress Goods, re r price e '75c, .now: 48c 8 pieces of Dress Goods, regular price was 65c, now 87e • 10 pieces of Dress Goods, regular price 'Oe, now 32e. . „ 5 pieces of Dress Goods, regular pica 'Vas 85e now 210• 5 pieces Dress Goods, regular price was` 50o, now 27c 10 pieces Dress Goods,. regular price 80 a 18e was o, now The balance of our stock of Ready- . made Overcoats, Ulsters and Suits will. be sold for the balance of the season at cost," This is positively a fact; we mean Specially low prices- will be quoted this mouth. in our Boot and Shoe Depart- ent as we want to make room for c. , 3n Goods. g ntl has'� ids Dept ov ' r` eY • Tailoring Otu g P .caught the attention of the puUHc, al- though late in: the season we are still ,crowded with orders, We claim, and •our customers will bear us out that we give the best value and turn out the best fitting, most stylish and altogether the most satisfactory Clothing made in the -County. 'Don't forget to leave us your. order for the next suit or overcoat you -want: :tth Sons. Marriage Licenses Issued by 3FnANIt PAtCF:taSON, ]'To. 20 Victoria •street, Wingham, Ont. No witnessosrettaired. NOTHING LESS THAN THE l should satisfy you. You will in all probability, attend a business t col- lege once in your life time, e why not spend your time in school where there are noty doubts about getting a first-class re• training? The Central Business College, Stratford, Ont., has the i• reputation of being one of; the very ebest schools in the Dominion. It • has a large staff of expert instruet- jN ap ors and enioys a large attenclatice, Write for our handsome catalogtt 1 New term now open. Enter as ' soon as possible. W . J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Central Business'College, Stratford, Ont. ig- - Smash among the JARDINIERES Having bought extra large quantities of above lines we •want to clear, and for next 15 days will give 20 per cent. off the already bargain prices, 3 1! Ar:<si,s, A� PAHA?QN The China House - Winghatn. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's advertisement, Dr. Butler, of London, will' be at the Queen's Hotel, .Wingham, on the first Friday of each mouth from 11.80 a. m. till 8 o'olock p. in., for consultation in diseases of the eye,, ear; nose and Dego A.T KINCARD former resi- dent ofW giu ham d at Kincardine on Friday last, in th person of Andrew Allen, in his 79th ya sr. Deceased moved to Kincardine a nu nber of years ago. Ile was father of R •bt. Allen o town. The remains ware i iterred in the Whig. ham cemetery on l uday afternoon.. em Fon Sarr•-A, E. Oarr is offering hie desirable property on. Minnie street for rms' other aarti ulars sale.. For to aucl c apply to the OWNER, If... Fame Sozn,-Ales, Ross, of town, bas his 150 -acre hon: the Bluovale 5 WJNGIIA.M,, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY ?'ii, 1900, To Suescallealle. The figures aft,ar the address of everyeubsoriber indicates the date to which his subscription hoe been paid. .A change of the number is a receipt for money received. Watch the figures and sea that you, aro paid in ad- vance.. AUCTION SAM—ling/1 Prior of Lot 12,, Con. B, cn l3 Line of Turnberry, will sell leis farm stock and implements by public auction ou Thursday, February 8th. The proprietor is giving up furm- ilig and everything will be sold.. . Seo large bilis for partioulare. T. Currie,. auctioneer, APPRENTICE WA? nn --A good s;nar t boy,wauted at once learn the printing 'business. Apply at Dues ofll.se. CATAxaraua:s Ai.. HANGERS. -•- The Tines job dopartin t has this week issued a number of taloguos and hang- ers for Messrs. Swtir and Doro, Wing- haui's eutorprising c riege firm.- This firm are turniug out me five huudred vehicles for the coni, g season's trade.: This shop has now a ut twelve work - mon and are =akin . things hum in their line. This is law ooe of Witige ham's flourishiug • ustries acid the Times wishes the firm Goa TO CALIFoN: and family left Win morning last for Sa every success. =a,-3ohn Felton ham on. Monday ,Tose, California: Mr, Pelton has be (ju a resident •ot Wingham and vicini y for a uumber of years and has made • number ouo citi zen, and the. town Neu ill afford. to Xose.. such men as: him. Sihould the climate in California agree with Mrs. Pelton they will probably mike, that their per- manent home, and should it not they may return, to Win ham in a year, `The -- u friends o thew -family will join the may en f thtrfa y J Thins in wishing t m , a, pleasant trip and prosperity in t it new home. . ltarmu.�Any one wishing to pay their notes, or iti part of them, can do so at the Ba 1r of Hamilton. As 1 consider 11 my customers good none need pay until my return about the first of April, 1900. Rosi. MoIsinoo, tf $1 A. Y. VOICES OF `f' Xaa PEOPLE. THE SCOTT' H CONCERT. iiVig A The Ndttor doss not 1to't himself responsible .' c tor the (minionsxc7p-:41s(xi by oorreapand• rats, Nor does az always Loki #L(• arsine, view Xe4 s as cal (41 Ire c orrosimnabeuta. solda fas road to Wm, Maxv e311, whose farm is chase 1 nextthe to elle cess -1 l ui t. We yP 60. i�ndexstand the pri a� paid was $6,000. n sold 50 acres Mr. MaXtvell has re a try off the back part of 'he farm to Mr. Geo. Walker. Mr. • Max veil will now have one of the 'best far_, as ; on the Bhievale road, MAnntrAGEa IN Oaseesio.—Tri . 1898 the total number of ana.l:tagessolein iced in Ontario was 15,298,an increase of 318 over 1897. In Toro ';e there were 1096 marriages, an increa 3 of 105 over 1897. More Methodists mus rigid than any other denomination:. T)1eii ewere 10,382 Methodist,niarriiaget 6400 Presbyterian, 4902 Anglican, 467 Roman Catholics and 1908 Baptists. . A ..TANUAftY Wannr n Wednes- day morning Miss IV -eery Kennedy, sis- ter of the Messrs. 'Kennedy, butchers, Seaforth, and. Mr. Robert King, of Winghain, joineclhateds in matrimony, Rev. Father McCab( performed the cer- emony. Miss Lizz - Kennedy assisted the bride, while them was •support- ed by his brothel.,: The young couple left on the afternoon train on a trip to Toronto and other joints in the east. The above from the teaforth. Expositor, refers to the marria90 of a young couple well known to our r aders. The Times joins their many riends in wishing them maeli happine dini ig their wed - deed life. Fon SAnru.—A quantity of second- hand two and three inch piping for sale on reasonable 'terms. I am also prepar- ed to pay the highest price for all kinds of wood. Apply at salt block ofiloe. F G Sr t1cnxNG, ARE Yotr BALD It Thursday, Fob oedemata see utiftil Wigs, T d Plain /Narita and shade wheat pre eta, ornament t ' .ratify the expr otnise piently tone Prof. Derenweenel ;any ne•av and pr added a number arca Faris pat kerfte >alyd 1mt forget clay 3'ts ra let. atteleitig • Will be at Wingham cry 1st. Ladies and Prof. Doreineenci's pees, Bangs, Wavy Switches ill every tc. His Hail' Goods ly adjusted protect head, soften and en of the face and p aged appearance, has far this Metal Designs, Ile has /,Tow Yorl�, London Be sure Cct see them anal date, Th day', rot CSV�e85. Tare AP To the miter Timer. Dean SIu,—I no sated in pno of tha town papers last week an articlo on. cigarette sanoleiug. I do not wish to in any way condaua or ,neourage this per- uicious habit w?aicl is certainly the most injurious form. of :using tobacco, and the more partici larly so from the fact that it is the forr a commonly used. by boys and young veli before having attained their tall ph :steal development. But I Gannet allow t pass unchallenged uncle a statomeut as t: ds: "The physician opened the boy's ar.e. and foimd. that - the maiu artery did: at contain a drop of blood. It had all ;fried up.” This is rich and would, t}o _loubt, make great Pleat for goody, goe-ly gossips to feed upon. It reneinds ne of the story of a physiolau, who, in .a tempting to bleed a patieet failed to get ,rood to come and Made the excuse to tae patient that the blood had dried up, eta that he would have to give the pat ant same medicine to get it goiug again Of course any novice should know that the doctor bad failed to strike the €ht spot, or else he would soon have go any amount of the vital fluid., The act of the matter is this: • - • ' in .we always contain impossible if they eath they are always this latter fact that naive. The word lora the Greek •ser, terse; meaning to C. O. F. WienBo M—Court Maitland, Canadian, Order of Foresters, will or . The omiut a ore faweekso bo h sus members intend hol ling a basket social for themselves and eientls about the 0th of February. W. L Strong, one of tha. Orer sor a niz rss vill spend a eouple of weeks lis Wingha. .in the, hopes,:of adding many new Labors to the local i R ut al - Court 1 t t 22 WA>\ o e o B ei c a '�'Foresters 's i2 A--cli z C t. The Cana_ien a r o�so Raw Furs, No. 1 Prime Fo - f,50; the foremost ranks ef fraternal societies and ;lust a few words as to `= e Peddler doing business inti nada and a • olood;.Iifo would' did not, anal after empty. It is fro1 they derive their artery is. derived cleaning air, ar watch over. Ar 'es re so amedb n a ries we n tc y the ancients beta se in the deed bodies they examined th arteries were always. found empty of load . and they con- ue 1 took h e err. non seq. nt y p the v ry o s notion that Arte s were: designed for the circulation .2 air through the system. Thus he name of the stat�e- ment that the bio sd had all dried up ie' too silly for any tat a blatant fool to be- lieve, and I don't think that any good call be aocomplisi cd for the welfare or morality of a corauunity by circulating falsehoods_ = urs truly, VBRros. uy per- vs: your General Meechan Tour Mer son desirous of join ng at; good fraternal: chant handles for • cu setter, eggs,. society should scud u erose ire M f Pe' b' tliers,Deet e 1 P the Bei rot ncl. the opportunity of joining wall r In tee spring out . [ les the Egg: Ped- Strong is in our wn.. The regular dlar and Tea Peddler, He knows you meeting of Cotirt aitlaud will be Held not during the rest of the year. He would not dirty his hands with your this (Friday) even g, and all members Butter; Tallow, Pork, etc. Now,. I ap- 0 melee she 3d b., resent 3 ,,e the.xlecessar u P y peal to you farmers as a falx and im- Phallic= OoNc RT --.A: patriotic con- any cenuris ration'?" Did you over see a cert will be held i the opera house, ou Tea Peddlar who offered to sell Sou enough sugar to last out the tea? Much 1e aid pre,- �;tt.' '` s ,.n d 0 Tuesday evening _ A p h p less take your trade for Itis trade• arra>ugements for fix. Strong's coming. partial jury, "Does Mr. peddler merit The Annual idnterl nument of Caienioa1s Cuas, was a armee seeeseea .-siet a sea Talent unto a -arge Attendance. gramme of solos, -1 ruses, recitations, G. E. KING. dancing, juggling orchestral Music, etc., . ' CrriznNs' 1VIEenjro A large number: will be given by 1 'cal artists. Tho pro- of the citizens o town met in the seeds ef the cone'1_t will be used rix aid Council Chamber • a Monday evening to of the National Patriotic •Fund. The discuss the prop.aed new furniture hall should be ercvdecl so as to show factory- for Winghan, of which notice that Wingham is a traly loyal town. was given in our last issue. Mayor Clegg was voted t the ehtair. Messrs - T. Bell, 0. M. Wa er and others laid the plan upon w h the proposed fac- tory would be st ted and' also what they would expect one the town. Mr. Grundy,. of Ilincsadine, was also present and stated that ha -would like to trove ,his stave foundry to Wingham if the town would give; proper induootients. He stated that . ne would erect new buildings and w( teld employ about 30 Tor—The Clinton New skilled mechanic , whose wages would o the return of Dr. Ag- range from $1.50 deoided to locate in feral of the rater' . T. Agnew paid his first : connection with n since his return from : and all were aril lay and Saturday last, lished in our to i by many of his friends finally left ov t stay. Early in the evening, when his practice in Loncles- Town Council oath sib to roc ti • sutl Hcotch sass In the braid 5e atisa tompo, The Hangs my fat r lovsxl too hear, The saw's my x • ber sunk a opera House on Tu week. The people are ie. the habit o this occasion as 0a of the season and year than over as gone to great expo talent obtainable. tended was, th large and more t capacity of the h 1 provided with ex casiou. Many w had coins a distance and also many of ur townspeople were disappointed in no being ' able to get seats. The ore% 4 was managed with- out the slighest 0 !nfu.sion, the ushers doing their duty =ry efficiently. On the whole the col ert was conceded by all to have been t. te: best that has been held in Winghalr for many a day, The singers gave .sa isfaction to all, the Scottish and Irisl dancing was splendid and the sublime Dinsio of the bagpipes was heard to per ection, D. Stewart, Chef of the Camp, pre- sided, and after ,banking the, audience for their attend') ice; opened the pro- gramn'ie. Scottish Miss Mary 'ifialslilun, the voceliet, made hre first appearance be- fore a Wingham audience, and proved to be a strong favorite, each selection pleasing the hear -rs better then -the one preceeding. All er numbers were well received and we will not attempt to single them. a duet by Miss Wal- 1 and Jas. Fair was well rendered. n Missa1 ss o1n elle to respond W dx n w c d xe o P P to several eucoreet nd also sang a solo by special request at the conclusion of the programme. • She inade a very fav orable impression on her hearers and will always be wel►sc aned by a Wiugham once . sail J'em{, �r,.Fax, huni nous vocalist, of To- route, is, no stra er to a Wiu;ham audience,. and'we ever saw him ii1. bet- ter shape than he as on Tuesday' even- ing. Elis best se eerier). of the evening was "Re Isn't Sleeping Now." • This was a patriotic solie and was well re- ceived by the attdi nee. He pleased his hearers with. every number and was re- called again and again. Messrs. D. MeD •Wald: and 1).. Gilchrist r' i pe music tohe de- lighttushed the 'ba n. pe sic t e light of the many bcotehtuen who were See that we hatate a bumper house on this occasion.. S. similar concert was evening of in ExeterMondaygin held coca g this week, • the proceeds of which 'amounted to nen ly $150. Wingham citizens can sure`e turn out and make the proceeds of i_le concert on Tuesday evening amount o this sum. The ad- mission is 25c. al cl 35c., with plan of hall and reserve( seats on sale at Mor- row's drug story.: Oon Nuw Dc Era thus refers new, who has Wing1iatn -D visit to our to Europe on 'F and was greet during his sh year he gave t _ bore to pursue further study in Ger- proauoters of many, Landon: and Edinburgh. It was have written his privilege _wring his attendanee at Council. Tru these seats of lear�nilig� to have as in- much pleased &tractors somcof the foremost igen of established iu o the world in tl e profession, and to wit- furniture facto cess and assis i ill some of the most hands and a sto unique surgic operations. We are thirty workme r would. require new pleased to len that the doctor feels houses, etc., au Winghaln would be amply repaid or his year's work, Le better known t ever as the best town his practice tending over a period of. in Western On rio. Wingham can four years h met with unqualified sue- stand. all the in ustries we can induce ess, and no v, after his special 'course, to conn hero an we aro sure the rate - we can with etaiiidenco bespeak for Wm payers will be vp.t1iug to give any new a most sueeessful course whcrever he industry as In toh encouragement as may locate. In making comparison he they have done a the industries already says, that while 'Germany excels ill established here The Council will no special case. , it is not superior to Lon- doubt deal Wiser with the propositions. don or Ed nburgh ill general work. 011 Monday eve (rg next. 'There is a ng feeling of a wider 4 — --- patriotism in rent Britain, and special TO r;aasvt, rT ar[atistlnxr�rxo., ]tenor id she to ceesse inns, and our Hard to ems; an sy to prevent. Scott's attitu:le in t preseut n,iti•itisal Mete Its lilmul.'dota ,ttoariarhos Ibo bocl,,y, keeprs all greeted with a far greater enthusiasm � the organs a 'tkesuen heaa1tby, and the than thorn \vlr �t+atl friss, IIt12to>et PrnsBYrn Y.—The Presbytery ef Huron met in Carmel church, llen- h hest. Mr. S. A. Catittiriere,of Grand end, was appointed moderator for the nsuing half ' year. The records of lasso for' the past, year were examined and a tested. The remit from the general ass bly reconanend- log that the po' rers o Synods should be extended and that th y should be made fatal courts of app in certain cases, was approved. It w agreed to hold a, conference on Clhur Life and Work at the next regular to sting in March and that the ree0niine done of Assembly's Committee on t1r subject should be discussed in connection with this con- ference. Messrs. LVdosgrove, Savers and Henderson were )pointed tel make fur- ther attempts to : -arrange certain por- tions of the field. ; An Order of Service that ehu chi within tne bounds' eat/ id as 'follows;—Doxol- est tea, Praise, heading, Reading, Praise, Inti- , Prayer, Sermon, sem, tenedietian. sa11, on Tuesday, 26'. inr�r. in ogy, 1 i� Pray. -4, xuati. nl , 1Praale l i,.r : oysters see -recite any Oka at Baas, a;i aa,;klvle a Bata nettaaar- amt. A qq• Caledouia Camp, /�•1 ons of Seotlaud, cel- 1R\ brated the miniver- f' cry of Burris' birth- a,y by bolding their natal concert in the •ualay' evening of this tt.}} :f tonal and country fti' looking forward to I; of the chief events , 4l The Magic Remedy aerhaps utors so�this : �1 For Coughs and the committee had • se ingettiug the best rp� NAlcts. The crowd that at- i/ TRY KEAT!FIEL.Q'S B4Y''.LSA ,* 1 • r foie, exceedingly _ � STORE n taxed the seating tiCii which had been • a chairs for the ea- . to $2.50 per day. Sev- ayers present spoke in :he two new industries iotts to see both estab• In attendance. Miss Murphy, ef Mtf Forest, has ap- peared before a Tiringham audience on several occasions-, and on this occaeion she was better eh .11 ever in her dancing of the "Sailor'sorupipe," eto. Mabel Moab. ondd, of town, was much admirecl by all n her Scotch dancing, and received heI"tyeneores. Mabel is a very young gir , but she can dance a great deal bett ar than many who ere Wee that we hi ve seen on previous oc- casions. c casio s n. Miss Carrie Tisher was accompanist, anti as ustial $lied this difficult role with entire satisfacti oi. The Sons of Scotland may well con- gratulate then selves on the success of their exitertaitr lent, and the committee deserve much praise for the way in which they cal led out all the arrange- menu. This s- ill ill future be au annual aflair of the So is of Scotland. The pro cceds of the ev Mug amounted to $175'. The Ties las been requested on be- n. The matter was 1111111 nest Monday ®(�� Toole' meeting of the ill be held, tvhon the to two industries win ropcsitions before the SYRUP OF WILD Teems would be very RICH GOLD MINE. 'Whether gold is found in the frozen Yukon or in Wingham GOLD IS STILL GOLD, Well, we will ,{,rive you gold or its equivelent right here, and in paying quantities too, without having to dig rex it. Here are some of the ,nays by which you can get it. Men's For :coats Good, strong, well liaxed,: trimmed:. and made, were sold in tae regular eyay;at X 16, our price is $12.75. Still. better coats were $20 and $22, our price. is $18.45. Goat Sleigh Robes, wets $i0,. our price is *4.50. These are full size, well made and well Hued, Everything in Overcoats will have the price practically cut in two. Take one good. 1` x 37 ami t.illustrate. - C bre s p e 0. A r, cal � , to 42, well made, well lined, good colarr 2or *3.50. Ladies' ur Coats, Capes, Caperines, Ruffs, &c., will all be treated. in the same way. Blankets, Large Wool Blankets, 7 lbs for $2.45; big stook Everything r in winter to select from. l.ve ythiugw 4,5 goods goes the same.way at D. M. Gonan0N's, The Direet Importer; tn. . of a to time* the: if am C edoi,ta hta , ole f in la' _ai fr e o m xAiz people Wingl d y their liberal patri ege OA Tuesday even- ing, and they premise to give anoth:;_' treat one year he,ce. PRESFYTER OF MAITLAN i3'•x: ThePresb 'te of Maitland met at y Wingham on aawary 16t11, 11)00. Mr. lsA;ller, ,Moderat •r. Mr. MacLennan, Clerk, pro tem. . ' ,-. Auditor re c�.ed Treasurer's l oa Auditors P � s. Carefully and coaectly kept Estimates for the year passel. The basis .of as-. sessinent for Prosaytcry Fluid teiuug sbt family nper 1 cents y The following orethren beinie present sat as correspo iding members. Rev. Sohn Buehannan( late of the Presbytery, of Barrie; Rev. safe. McKibben, Ottawa,: and Rev. Mr. Burton, Wostminstcr Presbytery. Messrs. Mao14'bb and. MacLennan: were appointed t draft obitnnry of the - late Rev, Dunoai Davidson. Mr. Stewart, ler. Maxwell and other representative el iers were appointed a cone nittee to et usider circular in re Aged and Inflr Ministers' b`tu:d and report at not in Rev. Sohn Bac annan and Rev. S. P. Macinnis hiving' presented Presbyteey certificates had ' heir names placer on a endi roll of •esbytory. The call to Mr, Burnett from White- church and Lanide having been de- clined Mr. Han vets authorised to mod - crate in a "call i_ these tong ega.ioils 'when they are resdy. Duff's Chureli, Walton, was rerouted having been deck red vacant. Oongrcgntious are urged to contribute liberally to heti Missions. The committee ppoiuted to consider Mantua Aids tc Social Worship r'e- ported:-• . 1. Tina the a ipal of the manual Aids to Social rship be approved. 2. That the in ration of the :1,iiglicau forms be 1lisapp ved. 8. That tics.:, anuai be revised to make Presbyters n in fort. and spirit (a) by omitting tetliate and reepouni're teading& to see the industries town. With another employing some forty e foundry with some do not wi pies -tt agi ' csnsutuOrlinot Deet a foot- . OM • C CHERRY LDS, noArisvi ss, CIOUGES, 4. By introduc ug a Bible rer.diatg far SORE af'HfOAT, each Sabbath d r dealing wittt ties 1 101,10E ITIS, ferelanacntaal tlocxines and truths of taut pAZN N on its +. word of God, tlu SeVerel partes it ix noted and the seelpture pace gee is teat appended. ii. That psatltn. and for the NOVO/lel se e the Mental. The report Next rags brie on Relieves Dry Coughs anew s Restful sheep, J. Ep DAVIS, DRUt",lGIS1 AND OPTIMAA panes ora