The Wingham Times, 1900-01-19, Page 8•
NII ' 1 fiT(6111 i/VNI Tglt„ ' ))•/,,V4
t i' eettern Star lawagra ifila la% -Ow ILieaciatt t *
too. ), .�(dio,'4�,� i '�' gRS'' AN1 . BRUMES.
I. El, C2 F. is �' 4g;�� ._...d^ ,9,p, ihor lts ela iteea iii south °uteri°
---nail memtaber% of Gestin) .ir oillrued, rice a eteee t ° 41'ittJAo , The other wide tido Tone,
Canadian Order of Fcai^eetetes, intend Cacao•- e', 7 ` s4Ji du' a1 i Whitby, (rut,, jazz. 17. --•The oourt for
holding a labiate social awn° ening in Stowasrt atad Jamoa leaf. lV tl 'eAy, the trial of the peisous reported to the
the Lear future. the flan will lit:114ing aloe been need in speaker of. the Legislative Assembly as
its base, for tizittost evory�bhiug, Iron; hay.aa been foiled. guilt of
Ft x tents{i� in the Bargain g y z
Tables tat W. J. 'd3• .the making of coffins down bo a ,good practices. otices by the judges who tried the
GOODS --Cleo W Cline, atown, has organ- +�•c't dance. 4•11°‘"•('%i•t y lees o, election petition against Ton Jo'hhu
. t: lied a s inging claws'at Be'.grave. hie Duncan Stewai't,raow of Roseiifelt,Mt
au•, Dryden on May 26 feud 2a, 181)0, when
luta Koine sixty members and visits Bel- in col it1701 with t?~e.tate ,Tofu 4Tb(hyutio,. Mr Dryden was unseated, opened tiara
wile e every T c ieley evening. R Quilt it far a sbingza rni11, acid late r Mr.: y terday, wltdt their lordships, Justice
Stewart bcjgau the' menu acture of Osler and Rose, presiding. W Lomat,
—The Listowel lackey team has d#s- oculus and. furniture, mnoe pbetu it
l+ trio a feud defaulted. to Scaforth lit a ?hoc, and J I+ Farewell, (i G, ooltd}icted
atone to be played there ill route ono of Matt been use i f, x to oiclex iiuill, s:>iughter the prosecution; L F IIeyd, Q C, zuud J
the O. IL A, Iatcriuecliate series. house ) 1, WiUg ut1U shin last of all field R A![cGillivary, defended certain of t110
iitill, �4ritat coact! After the furniture dofendattts. •
—Miss Waltham is undoubtedly the bualiless had toad, the mill Sagan a Patrlcic tillzvau�V1n Stewart4�Vm
SO vcu had better hurry fiue�t Scotelu vecaliet heard in Paris in gay rant festive career and with the sign MaCarntick ani• B, ryan Liuton, wore
along i1• you v. ant to' buy be-
fore the. }nest values ark' gone.
gk. sTQcKl,i Ate:MSR
SEH. 1st
That you have confit t'nce in
our Dress Codsgoes without
The big volume of Drt:ss
Goods trade done by us dur-
ing the past year is the best
evidence we want d,f the fact,
For this rewqnn we have ar-
rare.'.£ • . t i. 'resting Dress
Guth.: , : , , commenc-
ing ou SaLutuav', Jan x3th,
1900, and will continue up till
Feb, (, 1900.
January Dress Goods
Sale Prices :
These prices should attract
your attention :
> 0 pieces Plain and Fancy
Suiting, reg. 35c, Jan 20C.
To pieces Plain and Fancy,
very .pretty, reg. 50c, Jan. 35c.
10 pieces Black and Colored,
very choice, 75c, Jan. 45c.
25 pieces New Tweed Suit-
ings, and Crepons, ' reg. $ r.25,
Jan. 75c.
15 Ladi •s ?lstrahan Fur
Coats, re,;.jan. for
xo Men's All -wool Ul;;ters,
very heavy, $8.0o, Jan. $5.90.
• ,come and examine our stock
Saturday morning at
Campbell's Headache 'Wafers.euarau
teed to cure headache.
—The TIMES leads for fin job print-
Trunks, Valises ub Bags at W.
j. Greer's.
—}low does the label on your paper
read? Just look.
—Huron County Council -meets at
Goderich on Tuesday next.
—Green wood has been offered quite
freely n,. 41.4 market this week.
c...: nears has :a�gely increased
the number of tastily papers received in
Wm. Robertson has entered on his
76th year as Secretary of the School
—1VIanv from. Wingham attended the
carnival at the Blyth rink o . '' ednes-
ntauy seasons.—Peris Review. roan f k'to lira rand Fiiruintre" still. b.0 ;it ektoii fined X200 gild Coats or aziQ inoiitli's'
Heil, 'inghant, din January 23rd. f over the trout "dare" began sowing its ,„
unpri,soninent, for a000ptu g money, to
—Drayson City had a x400,000 fire on wild oats with a reckless hark.„ Necktie vote•for Dryden, The men's votes had
Wednesday night of last week. Tile socials,. concerts and ;lances, suother been bought for. each. Win 1s (1
temperature at Deb's son was - O degrees jcl!ifloations heli. their sway. (Alt the been
the or *3 was fined Marr and
below zd+ro, with the kind blowing. socials the : crowds were so large that costs ,or one month. in jail,
—There died in Brooklyn, N. Y., .on they ware in (eager of orusaiiiig the The charge ngaiust . John Sullivan,
Sunday last, William T. Holland., eldest bairns. lux' i aohae1; Who ~sang ab. known as "Captain" Sullivan, was not
brother of :MM. Geo, 1` eKeuzio, of this the concerts, would strut out uiitgint• proceeded with., the prosecutor admit -
town. Deceased forinoxly 1' in Lau The old cock arrows ting there was sio evidence to substanti-
don, Everybody knows ate the charge. ,
Musses Felt Ov ashat Greer's for We'll have eggs lair our bseak'ast in the Ddicision vas xeseoved on the oherge
75 cents a pair. morning, against Siinon Hewitt, of bribing Wm
—The splendid sleighing hes been the Mollis; the Seaford'. comic, . would dais-, Gilmour. .
means of br3atgitag plenty • of wood to
town. The price for good, dry stove
woad docs not get much below $2 per
,Thos. Nimniol, of Ripley; secured a
prize for the fourth best essay on cheese -
making awarded at the aimual conven-
tion of the Weetera Ontario. Cheese and
Butter Association,
—A. W. Campbell, Provincial toad
Instructor, is arranging for a series of
meetings to be held. in Hurdau county
during February. The dates and places
of meeting will be announced later.
—Jas. McKeleie has received a. tele -
grain from Booth, the great oyster man
at Baltimore, anuouucing that oysters
will be sold at the old price. This Will
be good news for all lovers of, oysters.
-James Fax at once caught the pop-
ular favor
opular`favor by inimitaabieconaicalities and
every time he appeared had to respond
to double and triple . encores.—St.
Tho ; s Times„. Town. Hall, Wingham,
o , k nary 23rd.
+-The members of Court Huron, A.
0. F., held an oyster supper at Jas.
McKelvie's restanron Friday even -
ing of last week, very pleasant even-
ing was spent. Jimmy knows hoer to
serve the oysters.
—The last Canada Gazette Contains
the following among the list of military
changes: — Twenty-third (Ituron) In-
fantry --To be second lieutenant,:- pro-
visionally, R. J. Macdonald, vice J. A.
Jackson, promoted.
dlay night.
For ae.E,0 you ca, .y Men's Long
Rubber Boots, flee lined, at W. J.
- The East Enron Conservative con-
erention will be held at Brussels this
W'(r y) afternoon.
. H. Rintoul has rented the cot-
tage recently purchased by Fames
Walker from It. bill. fit`
-'The biggest advertising contract in
many years with a single newspaper is
one just closed between Wanamaker
and the Philadelphia Record, which is
Pe- ' a whole page for a year for $100,000.
Wanamaker knows how he has made
his mon , and follows up his old policy
of civ sing.. can look baolt oii,.itself,.aud'.say, "Truly,
he box social held under the. I have been a.versatile•geiuous :"
The friends-, of: William: Malierson,,
ex -Reeve of Tiirnberry„ gathered. at his.
•residenee on,Monday evening„ faauh, pre-
sented him.Rwath.. a, purse, of money*,,, as
an expression,. of: theirappreciation of
3 his services as Reeve 11l John Bur-
gess, Township.(I1erk,,read the pre9eh-
tation address.. Mr. c hen onk had
been Ree'ra of,- T1znberryr for : eighteen
years. .
There -will berme Blitevals: meet5ag of
the Farmers' Listiitute dura•,y,,ean . We
do not kno* why.. '
It has been almost• imnessible, tte buy
beef in this neighborhood aver:shine the.
cold weather, Ebwever.,, the far-
mers ane beginning this week tta bring
spine out.
The•soft:heap r•of: snow mamma every-
thing look bearriafel.,ona:Tuesda$: All
tie little trees and bushes=looped lovely
and the posts •raid stance. weaac capped
like 48th Highlanders.
play his saucer -sized watch, roll his Aiwa neenties,
eyes, tremble, shake, mutter, ` groan, Paul Kruger is not st• handsome inau,
pound his umbrella, to pieces, in his It is said that he is the ugliest man in
pretended efforts to say something, the Transvaal, but he suet what he cou-
while the audience sat paralyzed with sidered his match one. day. Being out
laughter. Here, the countryside gath- on. the veld shlooting•, lie.foll in with an
eyed to enjoy to the full, what was then, Irish Qutlander•of ferocious appeara ee,
and is yet,. the ohiefest enjoyment of whoan he immediately °levered with, his
the majority -4 dance. The- fiddlers rifle. "01 say!" said the Hibernian,
scraped, and jiggled. out "Money Musk"
or "Old Zip Coon" whjlo the "caller off"
shouted "set her down neat," and tate
women' balanced, and the men whooped
like Indians, and the old carcase of a
building rang and re -rang to all the.
glorious barbarity. When the . "break
down" was over, the young fellows, lots
of thein, went out, without thought of
tracing a.chilt, to "squenoh" their thirst`
at one, or maybe two, of the. four hotels
which the'village then boa,sted.- Those.
who brought bottles didn't • need to ex-
ercise themselves going out of,the hallo
When a brief. interval had )Sassed s "all
joist hands and circle to the left" began •. IEETI TG OF
again probableeto the time of "The Bot- ' .
tom of the. Ronal), Bowl. The dance ' I t j
would break up at daylight, the sleepy. N�. o Y. i 1t
trippers -would • tumble into the sleighs
to ride home 'crith the dance music stilt
singing on the,wind end on • the trees;'
Those "young, fellows"' would be well
sobered by the time they get , home,
would oreop.•noiselessliy to their. bode,
jump up wit gniat •alacrity in: about
five minutes,: when thhce, family was Cali
led, andpretendto•the "old luau" that,
they had been in:bedhours „AI the pre:
sent time with -only one 'sgildud palace(?).
of sin" in our rill gee like those dancers,,
have been knosvnttdl, eontain to nu,* of,
that beverage of whi la Arte is, Ward;
said some people could<hol'd.: a+.churnfal;..
Then, as now, it was hard: ter scan
to be both merry and:wise, that happiest
of combinations,, "ally the; old left!
"phat are 'e going to de,?"
"My people," replied-Oom Patti, "told
ine if ever I came -across, an uglier man
than X was, to shoot him.. And I think
l have found. him." -
"Well," said the Hibernian, after a
good look at Kreger, "shoot' away, for
if I am as ugly as you are, I don't want
to live, "—Piek-Me-Up..
$.'M:.(."a.P. 5.0. .. 111'[eanber• of the Br tish, Medical. Associa-
tion.) Go1d.MeetaUaat in Medicine. Special
i en. Qmceahourre tato 41). m. ; 7 to 9 p. child-
auspices of Wingham- D. O. L., in the
Council Chamber was not as well ate
teaided as it shouldl.hav0 been. Some of
those who had promised to take part in
the programme failed to, put in an. ap-
pearance. The entertairfnt world
not pay expenses.
Foresters -
'week, a (Td;
the better form of governinerct, "a mon-
archy or a republic."' The participants
lined up in this order. Mr. A. McEwau
on the republican side,: was captain as- Ikiessrs Thomas Stewart, Thos.
Jewitt and R. 11.. Duff: ' Mr. Aslan
Cleghorn was captaim:for the monarmhial
faction assisted'; by ]Messrs. John.Butitg
Willmar tSmith and Robert Slaarsrj
brothern,, who were. not, debating de-
cided that the monarchy coon. Mr, A.
McEwen made the best speeek of the
Mr. George McDonald. attended the
convention of the Pres ineialDairymetl's
Association, in Stratford„ thin week.
Mrs. (Rev.) Hall and children, of Bel-
grave, visited at the manse this week.
Miss Murray„ of Toronto, was visiting
et Mr Douglas Fraser's, in. 'Turiibert ,
last week.
Mr. John Idookridge, from ;near Bare
ria, visited his brother, Mr„ Richard
act mwataa s -
t the regular meeting; of
ouglas, Canadian Order- of
n Wednesday -evening of last
to was held on. Which was
—Nearly twenty-five people front
Teeestvater will attend the Scottisb'.con-
cert on Tuesday evening next.
Dr. Macdonald !snow permanently
at homeand can be consulted by
his patrons.
—The annual meeting of the Cana-
dian Press Asaociatian will be held in
Tomato on February 8th and 9th.
The Council'
ivfil meet in>, the
the•to-'wn of •
Do Not
Not much .use experimenting at your
pence. Let the other fellow do that. It is
periment to buy a
They are the BEST and always gives satisfaction—
fitted for Coal or Wood. There have been hund-
reds of Grand Jewels sold in this vicinity within' tlfe,
last six years, and the sale for the Grand is on the
increase. ,,
COAL—Our Coal is a the•. very best
year. Orders promptly attended. to.
ur='sa;'s=_l�= or rrr rr ry ru r e !: Nr�waa 'Y, �o ■rwr �+ 'r ..
o_t-Fftt=til>>ai;., Sgt E�. =tt; sltil�r!;;t!S�rnilEna3:t�alol�u1
Night oaks at Button Block, or Fifth
door south of School Bouse. Shop op-
posite Macdonald block.
`'renders will' ile. received• by the un-
dersigned up tot
,Jan. 26, 1900 •
for 2' cords of 4,- ft. hard wood, and 8
cords of 22 inelit wood (green). To be
delivered on or1ieterethe 20th of March,
at the •
Presbyterian Church, Wingham.
1) c 1 I'• S. C -R•A C Y, See: -Tress..
ounty a Huron
unoil. Chamber, in
at 3 o'clock p.
. 8th,1900.
Com. Faanily and other Groups from
Small sunbeams ttp to. 16 a 20,
actual size of'photographs. . .
Pictures copied; and enlarged or
i Down floor galls;'OOP. 'Presb'. Church.
>0 1V.T
S*an,ps the.
W rer
as a manoLsomae importauee wen the' 4.
dress laright. El-fittingclothing brings
little consideration for te man inside.
Let°usdraprove your appearance and
,at the same tfsneyour importance. Our
*will do both....;
. Everyclittle• detail, anything thatr'
add to the• style or improve the fir'
:,: the garment is carefullyconsidered
nothing neglected.. Our garments
perfecerieetterar respect,
in the store:
((feast C. N. Griffin's Grocery
artd is preparedto make your
Fill Suits ®r Overcoats' in the
•iauost appr(iued andio up-to-date
Spedial, attention given also
W 1e are sorryr; to 1°11 2' flair Mr"E' 54. to I,tiadies" Jackets with NeNy
Coultas, principal of Bp y pubhe ;
school, met with the painfulaccidenteaf ^ x Of K latest styles,
halriiig his sboulder badllyr Niaetiched and! E. C. OLARKE,,
ono of the bones broken whale engaged. 'Oct. l $99,
intapractieirgente otbloelk r the other'
night. We hope hetwilt etyma be arousal
Bard to cure; edgy to revolt. Scott's
Emulsion nourishes the body, keeps all
the organs and tissuesn]realthy, and the
wring the year there we : record- Iloekricige, of the village, this week. Mx. oonsnmQtion germs can not got a foot-
ed with J. B. Ferguson, To ,. Clerk, 47 Hockridge will be remembered by marry hold.
births, 29 deaths, and 36 'ages. . in Turnberry.
liien's Gum Ant a libbers for only • Was Mattel and Arthur Mettwani., of Among every 1000 bachelors there
Se sa rale -t W r , er's, of Wingham, visited friends herb on are se. oriininals, Among married men
, • „y , - 'tee' a of. eeeng Sundaya the ratio is only 18 per thou d.
i-:,i.t t d.,,:aate" the Rev. I). Rogers preached in Fordwich George Swallow, Gtfiistois, has.
pc " last Sabbath, and Rev, Mr. Reeking, of
ca. i • ... r.1':•, n;' i i;,lt. p'ordtvich, took 11]ad; Bogert) threes r11r�1aed of hit{ grocery bissioness, wliiclx
r... u+ t.,.,t.; to r:rdres� over he has oa�rrisa on so simccessf for
leaser c, rl had been taken for charges,. Blttevale, Johnston's tuna ltben- yam, to W. D. Mdalvi nue. Mr. Melville
• es l court h concert on Tueeday even• (eiAeder, load or two of villagers had a good , is a young man and liras lately been in
mot.. time at Mr. Douglas h'rasa,r's,Turnbarry,
bn in Miliweg1"131,
of our t ii,rgaeople nre gaffer- Iasi Friday ev ning. The mintrig firm at A. Moyer Ze Co.,
tnialli ea14"-• The 11777,:,_ milt[ Mr andMrs Geo ?ocook,of'W'awanosk, l7,intbc i gad 1 oliiaetatarn, aro di tslvirrg
It" t'(rca TvrY bit"dire visited liirs-Rutherford, on metal-. parrtvetotip• The xfiutowe>I business
Miss lokdrreaice Jackson has ratted Wig Tuttkatly be taken eter by Mr. J.
Df Scotland Intend imam aft& a laug Iizit with leer slender, W. MO" Ord ith'e Pahstc ltten bad;.
!t d ha. 01, 'Mrs. Br , of l d>lmotiten, North Wczt mxiittl.Vice, L. ram wh s bus . resided
of ova WO: Te:reYtrera?•
in filit ittWA Of AIM, Tbre satitlamatat
OsTi'reZia �8 ay un& ,iS11N q q,iS , a$' �� Vs' u.�tr d a, Wed of,",h fb gotir4mxn,
ii d, $ ' ,i nt ii'nl_.. of bbs , 1 .,1 �0- ,%'1NUC' '1.j u� 11, si >� �, off. ti ' wW o14
I, jttifi. %roii1,- 9lgt, . _.
Send .
to �I
distant friends.
They will
appreciate,, it.
New Subscribers
being added
to our list daily.
Read Clubbing
offers on
°e woven.
is; gas re ' and cold and
Robt. Maxwe
High. Art Tailor, Wingham.
T.1MES.... ; .
Brunswick Motel, Wingham
Thu r. sdaat, 'eb. 1st
This Ti. _ r Visit of 'goo
taut prepare
show a; larger variety of
ONDON, and PARIS styles
red to•the publfe before. I shall.
j WAVY and PLAIN' FRONTS, SW:I:TCIS of all long hair in every
length and shade, etc.
recognized. as the. STAND -
J/ - > A.RD of PERFECTION and.
their use protects the head and
produces a younger expression
�� EN WE/05 � it o: to the: face.
, , . `tnuP S, ' ( GENTLEMEN, Arm •Y•0TJRALD?
...•^�''` , ,✓ I Invite you to my Show
Rooms to demonstrate the -complete success of my AIT COVERINGS in WIGS
and TOVPDES, worn on over 66,000 Heads. They are light in weight. strong and
moat natural inappearance, and n, protection to the head against DRAUGHTS,
MUDS, CATARRH, NEVRALGIA, etc., and give a younger and handsomer ex-
preasit)n to the face.
Please remember day and date, Brunswick house, Winghana, on Thursday,
February let.
is • Priceless!
Get your sight tested. It costs nothing.
Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably.
Try us.
orriAtAS Eta O'.. .%Y 9u,-;{ .s,GL.