The Wingham Times, 1900-01-19, Page 4-
'•e put in stock
1 line of
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday evening;.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Thursday of each week.
a. B. BT,T,TOTT, Purr saEu AND PF.o>?RIETOR,
Tiara bye -election for the Legislative
ekesembly iii East Middlesex .will be
held ort Weduesday, January 31st.
Mn. James McMullen, M. P., has been
asuominated by the Liberals of North
Wellington, a riding which he has re-
presented for eighteen years.
Llovnc H. Clary has been chosen as
the Conservative . candidate for the
Commons in North Wellington. M.
Clark ran against Mr. McMullen at the
Int general election.
Tiin two Elgins have not yet had
enough of election protests. A protest
has been entered against Chas. • A
Brower as member for, East Elgin and
against Findlay G. • Macdiarmid for
West Elgin.
&NCB 1874 the number of liquor
licenses in the Province has decreased
.from 6,185 to 8,040—a reduction of over
one-half. The revenue from this source
continues to fall steadily, showing a
drop lash year.of $15,472. The Province
can better spare this loss intHs line than
any other.
THE chief of • the United States
13ureau. of Statistics reports that under
the preferential tariff British exports to
Canada increased 8 per cent. last year.
and American exports 4 per cent. The
preference prefers, and Canadinns prefer
-that it should.
On Saturday January 6th the hand of
death deprived Mr. James Spence of
Newt ridge of a loving wife, and his two
;young sons a mother's tender care. Mrs.
Spence had not been strong for some
time, and while they were mstldng pre-
parations to take up their abode in
their new home in Listowel, she was
stopping at a hotel in that town, when
she soddenly took a turn for the worse"
tend succumbed on the above day. The
Iaodywastaken to the home of her father,
Nr. John Evans of Gorrie, from: whence
the funeral took place to the Gorrirr
cemetery. The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to the bereaved rela-
tives and friends,
The annual ' meeting of the $owick
°. District Orange Lodge was 'held in the'
Orange Ball, Newbridge, on Tuesday
afternoon. There was a goodly number
Spec 3c_as
We carry a very fine stock.
We testthe eyes free,
We guarantee best possible
'We sell at a fair price.
We never advertise to mis-
it will pay you to try us
'fie' your sight requires as -
of t9aiee&ans peewit front the weans
PLry lerlgee throlegl eat tete teem --
ship. An levitation was receirecl Vera
that Listowel Urauge Lodge to celebrate
the oonaiug 18th of July in that town,
but it eves left over till the eelui-snnual
meeting, which twill he ha Id in Porde-WI
in Juste. Tho following o1`lioers were
elettted fox the ensuing year: W. M.,
Matthew Daunt; D. M., Richard Bride;
C'hap., J. J. Clegg; Ree See., Riahagd
C,.;rson, FM. See,, Joseph Harper;
Treas., Jaxners Finis; D. of . 0., John
Mulvey. Lecturgrs, Fred hush and
Frank Dickson.
Council met xtcoording to statute on.
January 8th. The newly elected anein-
ber took their seats at the Council
Board, John Webster and Jos John-
stone were appointed auaitors. The :old
o0ieels are being appointed for 1900.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap-
Treasurer's statement showed balance
$47—Filed. -
47— Filed.. -
J. M. Robertson was appointed arbi-
trator re the formation of a. new school
section effecting U. S. S. No. 5.
Ward and Thompson were to get a
Mole for the Treasurer,
The following checks wore issued:--
Colbourn, balance on S. B., $16.27
W nt, Milligan, gravel, $3,00; Court
Room, $20; Jos. Gibson, financial state-
ment, $2; St •Helens Public 'Library,
$20; Dungannon Public Library, $10;
Manchester Public Library, $10. Reg-
istration births, ?marriages and deaths,
' $19; Municipal World, supplies, 88,35;
Municipal Law, $6.
Council adjourned to meet again on
February 14th at 10 o'clock.
V. S. McCaosraa, Tp. Clerk.
is matte with �.,•: W , tar ..Omaha
1> aokq - racoma laid .lkfe u-
tlkd be appointed a member of the Beard
of Heath in plate of the late Mr. Grant
for the terns of two years, and that
leobert Grant be appointed' for the full
term of three yttaas; and that Dr. Gallas
be me ioral health. officer for the year
1900, and that a by-law be prepared ac-
oorclingly,confirinimg their appolutihent,
Xeltague•-•-Scott--That aa oompleiet
has boon made is culvert on boundary
between Culross amd Tnrutberry at lot
10, that the clerk notify Turnberry coun-
cil to appoint a commissioner and state
a time to examine culvert; that Wee
Jarvis be: appointed by this council.—
Scott — McKaggue--That this council
appoint John McRae and Robt. Watson
as auditors to audit the treasurer's books
end accounts for the year 1899, and that
a by-law be prepared for that purpose. --
McKaguo—Moyer--That by-law No.
20 for the appointment of auditors be
now read, passed, signed end sealed.—
Mackay.—rScott--That Messrs. 'Jarvis
and McSague see the editor of the Tees -
water News and ascertain what lie will
Wnetetaaet seat Wier IIIMFOlft7,
W°in�h,n , Jeaivax 18th, 1890.
Ocereaetect by Peter Deana, .Produce+
Deaner, Weighaw.
Flcaxar ger 100 lbs, , .. 1 85 to >d 00
Fault .tai ... 058 to 0 tY0
Spry Wheat 0Oeto000
Oats, new" 024to021
Barley 033to0lie
Turkeye, drasvli,,,,., 0 08 to 0 09
Gee, `' 0 05 'to 0 00
Dunks, per pair .... 0 40 to 0 50
Butter .,.':��:. 0 1l1 to 0 le
'Eggs per doe . • 0 16 to 0 10
Wood per cord 1 26 to 2 00
Hay per ton , , , . 6 00 to 7 00
Potatoes per bushel 0 20 to 0 20
0 04 to 0 05
0 05 to 0 Ouse
000 to. 000
500 to 525
0 25 to 0.35
Tallow leer lb.
Dried Apples per �.'b
Dressed Hogs
Ohickeus . - ....... .
Cook's; Cotton'Boot Compound;
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies, Safe, ef►eotual. Ladles ask
your druggist for Cool[ a Cotton Root l:em-
Poued`Take no ether, as all Mixtures, pilin and
imitations pre dangerous. Price, No. 1, el per
bps; No. A, 10 degrees stronger, b5 per box. No.
r or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two a•eent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
�-Nos.1 and a sold ant recommended by all
responsible Druggists 1n Canada.
No, 1 And No, 2 for sola by Colin A. oaaaobell
do the conueil's printing for the year.
To include one notice in paper of con- General Insurance and Loan Agent.
'' tracts to be let, and get a written tender
for. said work. Carried. Money market is becoming firmer
MoKagae — Scott — That the olerb every day. Secure your farm loans now
The council elect for the year 1900,
met in the town hall, . Teeswater,.
8th, pursuant to the statute: The mem-
bers were all present, The necessary
declaration of qualificatiou and of office
were duly made and subscribed to by
the members, Henry Markey, as reeve;
Wm. Jarvis, {Martin Meyer, John Mc -
leave and Graham Scott, as coiuicillors.
The council being duly organized the
reeve took the chair
, Tile minutes of last meeting of 1899
were read and confirmed.
The reeve then presented an address
to the council as follaws: '
To the Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Culross; • • •
Gentleinen,Whereasthere was much
dissatisfaction expressed by ratepayers
at the nomination regarding the method
adopted last year of letting jobs and not
altogether without reason. I. want to
1st. That all jobs amounting 'to •ten
dollars or over be let by a councillor. .
2nd. That all such jobs be first auth-
orized by the council.
8rd: That five printed notices be put
up for letting contracts near theneigh-
borhood. and a quarter" of a mile apart,
and one insertion in Teeswater News at
least four days before contract is let, if
an agreement can be lnade wth.pto-
4th. That a copy of all contracts let
be given to clerk at first sitting there-
after. •
6th. That all timber for culverts or.
bridges be inspected before erection, and
all jobs completed according to contract
before certified to, unless where from
some cause outside of contractor it may
be impossible to complete contract.
6. As we only have a small sum to
run the business for the year, and our
roads in fair condition, I would recom-
mend. that no grants be made for roads
before September sitting, except for road
machine, gravel or per engineer's award.
I would also recommend that the fol-
lowing be printed on pa thmasters''lists;
1st. All pathmasters are expected td
keep the road in their beat in good pass-
able condition 'during their term of
office. To see that there are no holes in
road or dumps at ends of bridges or cul-
verts. Or the placing of anything on
roads likely to make counoil liable -for
2nd. To see that only good gravel is
put on road, not sand. •
3rd: When. a road machine is wanted
the pathmaster is expected to prepare
the ground by plowing early, so that the
machine can go from one beat to the
nearest requiring a machine, thereby
saving time. Each beat to take machine
to next beat when wanted. The machine
driver to give notice to the pathntaster
at least 24 hours before he goes. And to
have a uniform grade and width as
reeoinmendecl by council.
Tarvis-•-Meyer That the Widnes of
lienry lkisekay as read before this coun-
cil be entered in the minutes and pub-
lished in Tceswater News, ---Carried,
Xackay—Scott--'Chat leas nice has
been given, this council than there ill
timber on the 80th sidoad, cons. 10 to
14. That John McKague be and is he•
by fnstraoted to inspect eai-deroad and es-
timate the valas of wild timber, amid put
up live notices stating that sealed ten -
dens will be received by clerk up to limit
kitting of eouncit, end net hlghost teen -
der will be iteceptetl if otherwise
*weary, chord that bast aleck Memel a
byllxw fiallen:et alethig of .Waled hi firm•
cicsaiseeet ,; i + ..,,laseettes 7tef steads
,Cee MAAR* *nee
write the Provincial Treasurer of On- at lowest•
tarlo Askin for our land sun rovement Insure your life in the Ontario Mutual,
g p The old rates for one More week.
fund, as other townships have been get- Fire insurance 10 per cent. below
ting it. Carried. tariff company's rates.
Scott• --Mackay. That by-law for ap- In office corner of Minnie and Patrick
pointing the board of health be read Streets every Friday afternoon and Sat -
passed, signed and sealed. Carried, ' urday,
Mackay—ScotteeTltat the salaries of ;
the different paid officers for year 1900 13071t1v.
B > n -•Iu Winghnm, on Jan 14th, the
or until their successors be appointed, be a of Mr. Albert Bell;. a son.
soN—InWingham, on .Tanuamiltith, the
e of Mr. Ashton Mason; a son.
STArrEToN—In East Wawanosh, on Janu
, the wife of Mr. Iiobt, Stapleton; a son
ours In East Wawanosh, on Janr.
the. i..'e of Mr. Wni, Sobye, of a son.
as follows: Treasurer • at the rate of
ninety dollars per annum for all the
duties required by statute or council de
positing or withdrawing money and
without any extras whatever, and
give sufficient security.
DAY—In Cud
70 years.
ss --In Culross on January 4th, Wm. Bei,
Clerk, at the rate of minty dollars per tram, jf Wm. Fisk, aged 4 months, and 10
annum for all the duties required by flaanor
—At willow Range, Manitoba, on De
statute or council; all except registration comber 2sth,1500, Jeffre Quinn, aged 29 years,
1'month and t; days. ffeeeased 'was a son o2
fees, delivery of ballot boxes, or for ser- Mr. GeorgeQuinn, of East Wawanosh.
vices under the' ditches and waterworks Bo1i]n—In Id(orris, on January lath, Myrtle
Erin met -g er of Jas. Robb, aged 4 years, e
act as per by-law of council. monti,a and 20 days.
HOLLAND—At leis home, 1120 State street,
Collector, fifty dollars for collectingBrooklyn, N. Y., on January 14th, Wm. T. Iol-
land aged 50 years, Deceased was the eldest
all the taxes for the year 1900,' and pay- r i° o°riy iivc�'i eoona C enzie, of town, and
ung over same to treasurer and certified
NEWS NOTES.the performance of his •.
A tree fell. an Goa Millslls of Spenser-
sixty dollars for making a villa, );fitting pini. .
essment of .all township W. W.• Ogilvie, the well-known miller
OA January 4th, Qeo. Day,
to by the auditors, and to give ample
security for
complete ass
property required by statute .equalizing gf;Montreal, is dead.
}union school sections, attending Court
of Revision, or for the performance, of + ... — h i i d 9`F,.91 a'y 7o �"
any other duties required by statute or
council without extras. And that all \ i'"} ST
paid officers be held liable for any loss The by-law granting a loan of $50,000
sustained by council through -their care- to the McLaughlin Carriage Co. was
lessness .or incapacity, and notices be died at Oshawa. • Only ten votes
printed and distributed by .Graham were polled against it.
Scottasking for applications: -at next 'Porteous furniture at Stratford was
sitting of council for treasurer, clerk, completely destroyed by fire on Monday.
assessor and collector. Carried..
The loss will amount to $30;000 and 20
Mackay—Scott-That as the council men, are thrown out of employment.
of Culross desire to engage the town -
hall for the year 1900 on the same terms
and conditions as last year. That the )
Teeswater council be asked, for the use -
of it through their clerk. Carried.
Mackay—Jzltvis--That Messrs. Seott
and Mc>~;a road commissioners ��� ®�
keep the gravel
road dpen ' during the .
'-wig a r, •
winter, and that Martin Meyer be a .
road commissioner' to keep the'stage
Idsroad open during the winter but in all
oases only when actually necessary. �
When the children pet their
er=That the clerk lattve feet wet and take cold give them
y.a hot foot bath a bowl of hot
the necessary by-laws ready for next - drink, a dose of Ayer's Cherry
sitting of council for flxieg clerk's and ? Pectoral, and put them to bed.
and engineer's foes re tete ditches and • !. The chances are they will be
.. all right in the morning. Cone
watercourse act. Carried. tinue the Cherry' Pectoral a few
Mackay-Scott—That the T•eeswater, days, °. until all cough has dis-
News proprietor's statement for printing appeareld coughs are also cured;
d, ,
for the year 1900 for sixty dollars, and. O
60c fpr each insertion of comt'ract in : we mean the Coughs of bolle
otitis, tweak throats and irritable,
News be accepted. Carried. lungs. Sven the hard coughs
MoKague Meyer— That clerk send a 0?
adeeoeasy and frequentlalways
for one copy of Municipal World for the
use of himself and council. Carried. by the continued use of
Scott—Jarvis — That the by-law for
appointing road commissioners be now y
read, passed, signed and sealed. Carried.
Finance Report --Jas. Marshall, en-
'gineer tees awards re D. & W., $37.00; .
Wm, Smith, fixing hole inroad, con. 15,
$1; Dougald Campbell, statute labor,
re Cargill, $1.60; Municipal World, El- b
ection papers, &e., $8.40; Township of
Carrick, Culross share of account, $2.99;
Gillies & Martin, repairing scraper,
$1.50; Treasurer Turnberry, Culross
share of work on boundary, $8.74; clerk's l Every doctor knows that wild
account for postage, post cardsaaud ex- i cherry bark is the best remedy
press chafrges.. ,«1. 1 known to medical science for
1llagaguo- oott-� Thsrt the iuttrice re- seething and healing inflamed
throats and lungs.
port as read bre. ad;,pted and cheques
issued in payment. Caird. ono of
Soott—1VicKague --That this council
do now adjourie to meet again on Memo
day, Feb. 12th.
Owes. Brews, ,Clerk, S .
A l `itf lb r 1f.c r 8 l� op is •t S.
a very ado/14A thrre at " Arlanbank," tiiira �M�lilll' halips
We 1lritlay ironing. Thee it$"ei� al'
.,.kms,,,,:. --• _ _. _�_..
Dr. Ayer's
" Merry Pector
D aS ers
Retest 1
the hone of Mr. t lSfeleague on
tler'- I
fsaAT. l$At1N411°! AND EPfYN$Si ictspliV
sot*, tb E�7il.moat vol-
e we Ra aliftravorres ittk.this
's a d r ampert.
A rate da-
- emu@ ar,pre i,,:lY. n¢ tit
t� moot, ntt litOrr 1.114411111VAIX1
mar rune.
toss, air... C. Av
Lowe a{u.
Overc =ats
We have nlore Overcoats and. U1steis than we
want just now, and we have put the Knife into
prices in order to move them out quick.
Until further notice of 20, per cent.
will be given off all Men's and Boy& Overcoats and
bys• Butter, Eggs, and Hard Wood taken
cos Cash.
Macdonald Block.
We also -have Moore's Bermuda, Florida,
Buck's Stoves, etc.
We carry a good line of Heating Stotiesat lowest prices:
All kinds of Tinware reduced in price for this month.
We sell CoalOil, HouseilFurnishings, Lamp Goods.
We take Wood in: exchange for Stoves.
Remember the old staid on the corner when you want,
anything in our line.
Bugg &Son,
Hats aria Caps
T. A. 'Mills haspurchased a°complete
range of travellers' samples con-
sisting of heavy Wither Caps, Fedoras,
and Christies, which he will clear out
during the next 15 days at less than
wholesale prices.
Also a line of Ladies' Tams, usual 65c
goods for 40c.
Also all Fur Goods will be cleared at
greatly reduced prices.
...... t .. a., •... ,.