The Wingham Times, 1900-01-19, Page 3• \ e • eir
a Mile.
yacht!: with a statietical -
lee; bean teetotaling the
covered by a woman iu
tlat ortlioary ball -Town
• 'ilveitigt) waltz, tile
ekes 02W over three -
411 A equate dance
bide inile; thesaute
1 in a polka, while a
aaitto you te traveree
Say thelei aro twelve
Tair average. Those
Three gallop* -
to thte dietanee ttvelvo
three to five other
-mile. twat, bring up the
tleieteen to fifteen miles,
without reekoning tho pro,
the es.iras, "As 0 means of
says the phyekaan, "it will
eat that dancing eau& at the
the list. Li golf, Air iustanee,
r part of the came's() emeists
ing around the links, following
ball, and yet, °vett in gola, not so
grotual is coverea as in an even-
• e
Positively , by these
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestieet mid Too Hearty Eating. A per.
feet reMeciy •eir Dizziness, Nausea, )3rowst-
Rms., BadTastein the MoutheCoated Tdngue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER, They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable,
Syrian P01.. Small Dose.
Small Price. •
- the fraud of the day.
e you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
nien s
WOtaell are COM -
bog to understand
thee the Backaehes,
Headaches, Tired
Feelings and Weak
Spells from which
they suffer are due
to wrorg EMU= of
' the kidneys.
The poisons that
ought to be carried
off are sent back
into the blood,ctaking with them a mul-
titude of pains and aebes.
DOAN'S Kidney Pais
drive awaypains and aches, nmarawomen
healthy •and happy—able to enjoy life.
airs. 0. H. Gillespie, 204 Britain Street,
St. &that, N.B., says;
" Some time Eigo I had a violwat attaek
of La Grippe. From this, severe kidney
trouble arose, `fOr which I doctored with
a number of the best physicians in St.
John, but received little relief. Hearing
laoati'a Kidney Pills highly spoken of,
began their use and in a short thnelound
them to be a perfect euro. Before taking
these pills 1 sofferea such torture that I
could not turn over in bed without•eteeeet-
ance. Dome's Kidney Pills have raged
ine from this , and h v
removed every pain and ache.
Work while you sleep without a gripe
or pain, euring Dyspepsie, Sick Headache
Constipation mein -elk° you feel better
this menage Priee 25e.
A tin -aortal hang healing remedy that
cures the worst kinas of corighe and °olds
of yanng or old Mare promptly and eve -
/tally than any cater retleene. Price See.
Otey a few poutati riaidhag eaveateseeneatt
tind t`Li116
4 stale oat, r
rielm men in America have
itilicit:ftCstrltY Watui.
el, like ..Tuy-(' uvula., vino vi14r1 a d.i7
Mork tiara qt *IL a week up
to los twentieth rtart MA 43011213WD ,to
MP With WM 141111111. Having i*2d0O034 Wufl
street. lett at Ids death 70 milliona of aolleav:
primmollsogi• who worked as groaery bur at
41.00 per week, and whole prisiout worath IM
suitimated at 100 millions (if dollars is still °per-
ating thy:market, although ilf) years of age, 111:4
$o ate t pus:mils of otionii, who are en$oying
nit tit; luxuries life eau offer, which due to
their suticesii in 111)(4mi:tenant
To the shrewd. speculator the same oppor-
tunitimi are fiPPII to -clay as to others iu the past
.sniallest iotyllieh „PM he- 'bought awl. sold
14101;;CtIrl ITIelft:tign lig$ 1114°P1VIIIrttObi
GEORGE stealer:en
CoxsomnAren Swoon.. Bun -Loma Et2;00.
Registry Ofileo of Brum .
Tao mar' of the Inspeotor of Registry
°Mew for 1.'98, just Ismael by the On- •
tad° government,. gives the following
information in respect • to the business of
the Baum County Reg•istry Office for the
year mentioned. Total number of ha
strameute registered iu 1808 aro MA
fees therefor :1;3,0 48 ; patents registered 1,
fees fox the same $1.40; deeds registered
1211, fees for deeds $1853; mortgages
registered 982; fees for the same $1028.-
851 mortgages discharged 910, fees for
the same $40i3.15; wills re,gistered 119,
fees for the same $39,00; leases register.
ed 8, fees for the same $10.45; abstraots
registered 1308, fees for the eame$800.00;
searches registered 809, fees for the
same $202.95; mechanics' Hoes registered
11, fees for the mune $276; all other
instruments registered 288, fees for the
same $8040; fees from other sources
not °numerated $210.20'; fees earned and
not received $285.12; gross amount of
fees for the year $6,197.7a, Mr, Sinclair
paid. his deputy for services $80, and
the other expenses of bis came to
$1,001.90. Ho paid to the county uuder
the Registry AO of 1893, the sums of
$448.88 aua. $156.60, leaving for himself
over all payments, the snug sum -of $2,-
300.88, which is not bad as times are go.
mg on Official circles generally. ,There
has been a marked falling 'off itttao-es
number of mortgages registiteed aetcr tee
aggregate moment thereof, as follows
: -
1897, No, of mortgages registered 28,989;
amount, $42;608,041.89. la.98, No, eel
mortgages registered a7,281; amount,
$86,521,187.76. Showing a decrease in
the number of mortgages of 1,708 end
m the amount thereof nearly six million
'anal, Ur. Jewett Uetatiseaniesegialee
Cause., Ph. I), era.° 'elitetf ter/ ases-era
retteetarful waiter Joe New Teak, glottal, WiiAT L Ttli DREAD "ATV
at Franklin Univermi;y, where lee wee THAT AWAITS THIS MORTAL,
grecietated ; at Oxford, Itneaseed, we
lie get We degree, and at lividalseeta
Profeeeer Jawett, whoop Life aed area -
tare are importent literary contributione,
Wail ono of the most interesting Portalla
elides to Dr. Campy whoa a studeut
Ozfora. It his collection of Etneedotes
about the Professor he terra of a welkin);
tem winch one of the matriculates took
With the pedagogue.
"It was a great tiling to get au invite -
nen to walk with the Professor," be
side' the other clay, "and the young man
who Was the fortunate guest was so OM-
braTassed that lie was Unable to oars
on sensible conversation. After they
had been oa the road for about thirty
mutes the pupil finally spanked
fceosusie'arT and. remarked., 'Nice day: Pro-
" 'Do you really thiek go?' was the
far away answer of Jewett.
"Mother half hour passed lead the
boy stammered out;
" 'Nice road, Professor.'
"The teacher responded, To yon
really think so?"
"The inarticulate began to. boil in his
bones and to get even more frighteued,
but he ananagal again to blurb out,
ienoucts sewn to be filling ap with rain,
Professor,' to which the answer was;
" 'Do you really alit* so?:
"The two returned to the oollege
mend and the Professor said. Well,
young emu, we have boon waling for
several hours and everything Soot befit
bas been as stupid as it pasibly cold
"His corapanion. replied: 'Do you
really think so?' •
"The Professor looked at the young
man a moment. The; he nailed aud
grasped his, bands 'warmly. From that
time on conversation never flagged dur-
ing thoir walks.
Milbuen's Magmatic Pills are a specific.
Remedy for. Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Neuralgia, Lumbago anti Gout. They
mare when other medicines fail. Price
; . To -Guide the Soma]. Novice.
Informal millers should be most care-
ful to avoid the hears for meals.
rVo deep an unwelcome acquaintauce
one merely omits. sending cards.
Do not apologize too mucb for riot
having called before. Your neglect to
dd so has probably not been observed.
Never 'impose yourself upon your
friends unless you are feeling well and
are reasonably sure of making .yourself
agreeable. -
Do not offer to your hostess the slight
of a Hurried eallenor be abseut-minded,
Ea-te S. consul.
Hon. EdwardYoung,. formerly United
States Consul at Windsor, U. S., says
that he always keeps Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry in the house'
to use when he has eaten anything that
disagrees with aim.
. .
. -
sleeping and Diaiming.
There is no subject more fascinating
to the wideawake man than' sleeping
and dremninga The poets have made
the subject their own. "Sleep and --his
brother Death" are coupled in a beauti-
Airline of Shelley.. Shakespeare takes a
kindlier view and views of "Balmy
Sleep," 4'Nature's soft nurse," "Sleep
that knits up the ravened sleeve of
care." be highest praise of all is
'S.Enicho Pauta's when he bestows his
fervent benediction on the unknown
benefactor -who invented sleep. Pro-
fessor Basobide, however, has approach-
ed the subject from another standpoint,
end has endeavored to 'alewife, sleep and
dreaming by a number of patient ex-
-perimeetts on sleepers and dreamers.
ere are his tabulated results :-•-(1) We
dreEtta throughout the ‘ whole of our
sleg, even in that deepest sleep which
we imagine to be dreamless. (2) There
is an intimate ecomeetion between the
depth of our sleep and the character of
our dreams. The (lege* the sleep the
further back travels the retrospect into
the past experiences of life, and else the
more remote is the contents of dreams
from reality In a 1.ight sleep, on -the
contrary', the: subject of the dream re-
lates to the experiences suet eatoitemente
Of the day, and has the character of pto-
bability. (3) In a comatose sleep the
professor thinks there may, perhaps; be
• no dreaming.. (4) Persons who assort
they do not detain "are the victims of a
physical delusion," s (5) Dreams of a
moderate eharactei remain longest in
the memory; the wilder the dream, the
sooner it. is forgotten. •
Hite Mistakes the Ifiroct for the Cifill30."
That is what the person does -who tries
to euro rheumatism or any °thee disease
by relieving, the symptoms. Hood's
Sarsaparilla attacks the cease of these
diseases, It neturalizes the (told in the
bleed and them permanently cures
rheuteatisin. It tones and strength:MS
the stotnach, restore e its natural digest-
ing fields and rermanently cures dysp-
:MOD'S FILLS cam constivation. Rice
The Ontario Government bad *sac.
oessful sae of timber lands 1et week.
300 square miles were sold at prime
ranging from 00 to $8,500 per mile.
The total amount realized was $704,561
or an average of $1,037 per Mile.
Drown** fin Operation.
Weary of experimentina with salves,
suppositories anti ointmenta and drawl-
ing a surgical °paretic% mores and
hemilrecis have earned to Dr. A. W.
Chase's (Xtament and found in it an
absolves (lure for piles. The ft%
' plieetlatt Ireittes efaief th.1 tar
,t.. ..•. r 1'07) o 1:1'1 et r
4 a ete--1.r. • • • "
rein -•.
• e•-•er • , •
nor constantly consulting your watch.
Rise to take leave 'wbile you 'are the
speaker—not when the conversationhas
languithed, lest you appear to go because
you aretborea.—Mes. Burton Kingsland,
in the janagtry Ladies' Home journal,
Ladies who suffer from Constipation,
Sick Headache, Biliousness or Dyspepsia
find Laxa-Liver Pills a perfect remedy.
They are small in size do not gripe,
sicken Or weaken. PriCe 25o.
Switzerland's expense for the keeping
of each inmate in the inseam asylum is
$48 a year. .
John. McCarthy, of Kunilton, arose
Thursday morning in his usual good
health, but had to retire shortly after,
not feeling well, and, died very suddenly
of heart failure. He was 76 years of
"Rob Peter,to, pay Paul." That is
what they do who take stimulants for
weak nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives
true nerve strength.
Agents:-.-“Eamotts Men and Great
Events of the Nineteenth Century."
All the groat battles are described; the
greatest. mea of the world, in various
walks of life are introduced; every
great event which hest changed the
Maps and shaped the destines of nations
is detailed 111 glowing language; the
progress of nations, theme and fall of
kings; all. the „neatest inventions and
discoveries in the inarvelloue pang:ague
of the country areaere presented. It
is a wonderful review of the most re-
markable one hundred years iu all the
annals of the world. Exceptional in.
ducemeuts for agents.
bRADX,BlaaalentagoN 00., Limited,
Agents:- People are clamoring for au
authetic history of the Boer -British
War. We have a bigs cheap book, by
two of the best historical war writers
of the world, sumptously illustrated
' from: photographic views taken on the
- get The only British Canadian book.
Experience or capital unnecessary.
Tan TarTscorr ptallassibro Company,
Wantedt—Three young men for
special work. Teachers or educated
moo prorated.
TII.01.117$001.'T PIJZLISHING Llenipanyi
Agents: --A rich anti golden harvest
tor you. The war in South Africa is
the bloodiest of the century. Wo have
the only 'Canadian book ;by Castel Hop-
' kins and Murat Halstead; the reoogn.
iced war writers. Our representatives
in South Africa and London supply
direct news and pictures of bane
seenee. It is authentic ant gives in,
formation Canadians want. Every-
body buys. Now is tlic timo to com-
nxent+o work.
SRADLEY.SliltRETSON 00 , /lathed,
;resits t-Ortr book on Smith Africa
and the British -Boor War is **plot
bounnes, for Swats. Big chomp 1lo9k,
"!is on M...11)'.. 0.14t. fres to reer•vri-
r M Ia.ea oe levee-
.. •
Maw Thatudas as to Wm Manitor of Igo
and Itaisth =vet Witt bo the voltam or
tee lava Reno of Mewl:tatty as tt )tow
104'011.0=er s tell its that iht• day must
one when the earth will, like the moon,
wastel through tbis beaveas a (load and
barren ball of mittter—aielees, waterlet 0,
lifelisse. But long, long befoete thet
time man will be extinct will have die -
appeared so utterly that not so much as
the bleacbed skeleton of a humatt being
will be risible on all the niillioas of
severe miles on the surface of tae
• Melees by some huge and mate:lea/
cataclysm. the whole ace is swept at
oube into oteruity itisbttt reasonable to
suppose that man libe any other jaw of
suiumle, will dieappero• slowly, and tbet
eventually there will be but a Riegle
human being left—some old, old man,
gray beaded and beared and left- to
wander alone in a solitude that irety be
imagiuml but not deowibea,
How will he die, this last retia of the
teeming millions that once transformed
the face of the globe and ruled undis-
puted masters of every other living
thing. There aro many Wes that may
befall him, Re may go mad with the
horor of Ionliness and, himself and his
existence. He may be eaten by the vast
reptiles or giant insects which will then
probably invest the solitude.
But his fate may be far 'weirder and
more dreadful. Scientists say that as
we burn the coal and timber we are
still so richly equipped with, we let
loose into the atmosphere Eta ever in-
crea,siug volume of carbonic add gas.
labsoh of this is taken up by pleats but
not all. It must increase and eventaal-
ly poison the breathable air, filling the
valleys and mon-Ming slowly to the bill
teps, • where the laet remits of anima
life ere striving for eels' tenee. The last
man will climb higher and higher but at
last the guff:mating invisiblo will reach
and drown him.
Again, it is said that the earth as it
gets older is cracking like dry mud,
These cracks will increase until at lest
they will let the waters of the oceans
and rivers sink into the Aery centre of
the globe. Then will occur the explo-
sion so terrible as may startle the in-
habitantwof neighboring worlds. The
Healthy, happy girls often b‘siorli'''
languid and. desisondent, from no apporbitit
cati.,e, in the estrly days or their woman,
ho,pd. They drag along, always tt
never hungry, breathless aAd with palp;lat-
ing vearts atter slight e> ercn., Sf 1 taat tO
tilvrely walk up stairs is exilt,usting°,
'ones a short, dry cough lead, to
ihe fear that they art- going into coniump-
tiGn. Doctors tell tiltrn they are tita, rnic
•—which means that thev have, to() little
lood. Are you like that'?
More pale and anaemic people have been made bright. act-
ive and strong by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills than any other
mr(m. N. 3•oticas. Berthier, Quo. , Nvrites:,-"My daughter aged fifkeen has
been restomil to good health through the use of Dr. Williamk Pink Pills. She
was viny feeble, her blood was poor and wateiy, and she Wait troubled with
headaches. poorappetito, dizziness, and always felt tired. After using four
boxes of Dr. WilliamsPink Pills she is enioying tIS good healthpii env girl of
her age, and we are glad to give the credit to your grand medicine, ihers
I:011=W ..eo mistake if they insist upon their young daughters taking Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills.
Do not taloof
Ithekthat (lees not bear theat
ouname "Dr. Willi a es'
Pills for Pale People," It is au experiment and a, hazardous o:s• to use a b11,:oP t ate.
Sold by all dealers or post paid at e0 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by address-
ing tho.Dr, Medicine Co., Brockville.
• . • • ..... •
-.teowieir Township council. Evers refund' the sum 02 20 cents to each
• Gerrie, Jan.. 8th. member to whom, lie obsteged 41.00.
The C. micia elect for tha municipality The yees end nays being called for
of the township of Rowick met to -day Messrs. Joh" letelteeee Wee r -p. J.
at 11 o'cle ek,'a, ra., itt the township hall E. Scott and There ' llis v t ' von and
according to Statute. They took the A. lalcKague, Jas. Donal& teeil
Mieeesary cath of °face and qualification Motion carried,
as follows, viz.: —Samuel W. Ferguson, MoKague—Reid•--That the Allowing
Reeve; Andrew Doig, William Finley, accounts be paid:—
Henry.Selrerter and John Spence, Coun- 91011-041, 1)09.telt1141$ $ 214 508
eillors. The Reeve took tile chair and clixels ftiiton, egg fees - - 4 OD
the minutes of last meeting were read feew:1112,aleb,ireareggg 811
and. adopted. John ISIelCague, director's salary - - 0 75
Alex. MeKtigue, director s salary -20 00
Mowatt by Messrs. Doig and Spence, ans. Dorialdeou, director's -salary - 11 00
Petor'm salary • - 11 85
that the Council go into committee of 4P.e.tatkgeeeeee „ewe .80
the Whole with Councillor Finley- its the Thos. Allison,dheetor's 140151711 40
Tho. Allison, extra services as Prem.
-chair, to regulate salaries and appoint dent - - - - - 8 00
ofil,CraD. McIntosh, mintage and -stationery 17 81
. •
0 D. McIntosh, See'y-Treasurer's salary 100 00
Tho Committee rose and reported pro- Rell•Atevr caaszegarict;rent E)! 14 00
gress as fcalowea—That the officers' eel- Scott—Donaldsou—Thet this Board do
aries bo the scone as last year, excepting now adjouru to meet again at the usual -
the caretaker of thetownship laalawhich eilitce on the 20th of January, immediate -
salary be $20, and that a by-law be ly after the annual meeting or at the call
drawn up in aeoorenuce therewith. The • of the President.—Caried.
appointment of officers are as follows:— D. Mcfferrosa, Smay-Tres.s.
Lizzie Walker, clerk; Isaac Wade, as- o
last man in this case Will probably be sessor; Nelson McLanghlin, Treasurer; Catarrh of the Stomach—
SOMe =tic explorer or Eskimo.° waom the Robert Russell, caretaker of township. Could often be prevented had the patient
ball.Grahamand Irwin, with a stomach Emd digestive organs
vast plains of lee around will save from Adam am W . A .
Suppose these earth cracks develop ber of the Boad.of Health for three
, r NtedlOal Pt.,43.-edibsyposed to weakness been stinalat.
sin out of vehich Dr. Von Stella; Pine-
apple Tablets are prepneed. But tag -
instant death and live to grill ' a few auditors ; A.. M. Spence, M. D.,
moments till the ice contents are swal- some such pu're, wholestatte
Health Officer ; Alex. Graltaxa be mem- eower as contained in the vezitable PaP-
lowed by redhot gasses and steam.
years. she appointment of collectors world is findiug it out—medical science
inore- slowly, they may suck &Way the to be loft ever until September meeting. is Troatt-i-n rapiii stridris.....and the miler_
water without devastating explosions,
Then the last man's fate will be the ACCOUNTS PASSED. ers are net having their pockets "I led"
worst describable. He will die of thirst, Pat ick Keating. $11 for D. R. 0. feesf:or a cure. 60 tablets 35 cents. Sold by
9.. L. Hamilton.
The scene of his death will probably be and paling booth ; William McKercher, ...._ -
the great valley in the bed of the At- $11 for D. R. O. fees and polling booth; A New Cherry Virorna.
lantic 'ocean, off the Brazilian coast, half George Ht nry, $10 for D. R. 0. fees and A now cherrY pest, a true maggot,
way between Rio Janeiro and the cape, polling booth; Robert Deachmau, $10 different from the familiar grub of the
where now six miles of green rater lies I for D. R. 0. fees and polling booth; Jas. curculio, has been reported this season,
between the steamer's keel and the Faster, $10 for D. R. 0. fees and polling and growers of the eastern, central and
a ysma s e beneath. There, hope -
b 1 ilea 09 , orge a mt., , for . , . northern states are warned against it by
lessly digging in the ever drying med. I) °I. G€ W 11
fees and polling. booth, Munieip
$$ D R 0
the Cornell station. One can, usually
readily determine when a cherry is
parch on a waterless planet.
he must perish and leave his bones to Wend, 0.70 for election supplies; R.
Russell. $i for repairs to township hall "Nviinny" from the attacks of the plum.
grTe lie ragn tt h jareckt leer p °al:rd. ice a , ter
busleor tenuustationerfor 189a; Rosanna Smith,
. Lizzie We...enter, $25 for postage and
y ;
cumuli°, but this new pest gets in its
work itt such an inconspicious way that
counted ages. The distance from the 0.10 for charity; Nelson 1VIcLaughliiithe fruit it infests might easily be classed
south pole to the edge of this ice cap is $04.65 for salary, postage and financial among the fairest and best on the tee or
1,400 miles. Tae tee rises steadily from statemeut ; Found Bros., $1.15 for sup- in the dish on our breakfast table until
bo less-eototillthaniv
t wAetethat esia.00 for repairina. culvert lot 10 . 7fe
centrei plies for township ball; Samuel Hicks
, obn. it has been kept a few days, when the in
sted portion rots mid tails in. From,
thielmees—twice as thici as Mount Moved IN Messre Fiuly and Schur, the above statements cherry growers
the gl- ter, thin- this council do now adjourn to menace to their 'business this new pest
can readily understand how serious a.
Everest is high,
osfPwlitsa;er and tee that 1 'vill meet again in the Albion hotel, Ford- might easily become and haw- important
:the ohceeanre aviali, on the tbird Wednesday in Feb- it will be for them to learn all they can.
can0111d ec oTtealePe nil: ofIiltZthearevther, ream Wheh -tenders will be received for
gasp.theii will i 11 ' Lrhzea WALXEn, Clerk. ,
about it.
_ _... .
theghlaslstle Inaanhebtnetwhsloilfssfilloma! ;the thwilsUiP printing—Canied.
great range he will perish miserably of
cold and starvation, looking thrall on a .
Is often a warning that the liver is
huge shallow sea:beneath whose tossing LtP'I't. eueeet AvsHEs_.:alotAsic or
Inactive. More serious
waters will lie the whole of the rikieS of IIF
AEI' DISEA.011 rai. AGNEw'S CURE roe stoma! or
troubles may follovir. For a prompt,
N-,, ,
the Niorld. -- , THE MAIM WILL NOT EET-TM. IN 30 efficient cure of Headache and an
0r1 litiiNt)ts7TP:;1(',. 6iArNtD °PfEUMANENTLY'OUR. • liver troubles, take
all, tilehuman thgfor (l:1ve
ylieielinhere' velaue-a! caaor '' ifeatr3 PillS
other mammals and last until tho sun, While they rouse the liver, restore
as some clay it nttst, grow dull and cold instaetni%s2.ffa; fr.orn mute heart derange.
t. permed retold peat. was un- full, regular action of the. bowels,
and. vegitatiou dies from the chillea itbleto attend to bat daily work, tow bey do not_ gripe- or pain, tki not
tbruTly tittecoerinfla me the internal orgaus,
aarat. The - - -- exereon pausal great fittigate. He was • t a a positive tont° effect. 25e.
miserable remanent of recOnitronded to tn. Dr. Agnew's Cure I
earth's people must then slowly die -outfor the Heartat an dr •••
e. ., aeort e (a., i ...eau, Mass.
ete ints or F. v omit of
after the ages of an existence to which . One bottle did hint ! !
that of the Eskinto of to -day is a yam. groat benefit; four bottles drove eyelet.e, , .... , ,
symytem of the troubM
le ae' tram him. 1 egee s
clise. sold by A. L. Hamilton.
EVER RENEWING. oairoes 'Anatol rtrp. Insurance company.
We- are contimally renewitig mei Eta
sortiag our stock of
• Pc,rfunies, Atomizers, Tooth Vashes
and Powders, Brashes, Combs, Hand
Mirrors, lalaniortre aud Toilet Articles
generally; all upetogiete geode at lowest
possible prices. -
Xo need to say about our ton -
tinned is m our dispensing depart-
meld. We are aeourate in our work,
Which always insurer; asfety t,o our pat.
rons and tho
Our sales of Pain's 'Celery Compound
ere increasing steadier. It is. the 'sopa
lav medicine; WO s':,rottgly recommend it.
Our best dfOrte are always put forth
to make our establishment the ''popular
drug afore." '
COI.IN A. CAMPBELL, Draggittt,
Virifighitm, Ont.
At the present rate of increase the
United, :antes will have lax 1900 about
• etateers Arrow
How suet aettus it is to Itave threat little ones'
eafttekee Wirling. triVes Werra
, a t4 pI•tirt .• -1.r 2T2 t:tittt ANA
...4 thr I7at J bean rou • pee. •
Teeswator, Dere Wall`, I•a09.
The Diteetore of tho Calress Mutant
Vire Insuranc i Co. mot toaley. Mem-
bers all present. Thos. Allieon, Esq.
Peadient, in the 'ohair.
The minutes of pr Aviotte meeting were
read by tit t Settetary, when it was
moved by Alex Ree seconsle;1 by -
John B. 0.-;:) Minutes of last
ineetiug es jus read bo adoptea.—Car-
'arciangtie—rtonaldson. - That the ap-
plications for aieuranett taltenby the dif-
ferent. agents tff that Co. be laid on: the
table foe examination.—Canied.
afttlanate•-itela—That the Secretary.
and President be arttlierizod to issue'
polieies for the ftpplicatioas tstitenby the
different •Eaneite at taey have been foana
satisfactory. —Carrie
MelCag.te—. .cott—That the Chdrose
Mat. Rae :his Co. pay their gents a
c. omission sle rents on every aottlica-
tam Hutt peat e the Board in add:tam to
' et • 71 e-iits o'Nerg•ed Iny them ist dress ref
kits: tit on gel Owlet Mr. Mu-
IS e • eel
%teat laa Mee
asesteataa' Li alelP
When it comes to heathy?, tits old
running sores of 1011g Still:it'll taro
is no remedy eguai to Burdoce.
Bathe the sore 'With the n.:a.a.-e
that relieves the local irritation.
Take the 1.B.B, internally - that
clears the blood of all impurities en
which sores thrive.
Miss I). Melis,a Burke, Grind-
stone, Magdalen Islands, P. Q., says :
“It is with picas:we I speak in favor of
13.E.13. which cured me of a running mere se„„
on my log. I consilted three doctors amt. 4 -
they. gave me salve te put on,lbat it eid ore
good. Finally my lea became a ol¼1 tee.
running 'ore. In fact far wearer a mon*
I could not put my foot to thr tkaur. '
IPOtta aciitiami 10 woe B. ..B.
Ear. Three bottlotit healled ep lay
ttraler ea am% I ha' sever* 1044
i, -4"
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