HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-01-12, Page 8NP,
OUR J. . ►• LT
RALE(�:•'•,� /e.��/.,�(( j.j1!] 1�.fa [/%:
FEB 1st
Sc you had Letter hurry
along if you wait to buy be-
fore the be ,t value's are gone.
That you have confidence in
our Dress Gcods goes without
The big volume of Dress
Goods trade done by- us dur-
ing . the past year is the. best
evidence we want of the fact,
Far CI'., rl ason we have ar-
ran=;t:. : !: s .,-resting Dress•
Gori;::. *; ::.: , commenc-
ing on' Saturday, Jan, 13th,
1900, and will continue up till
Feb, i,. 1900.
January Dress Goods
Sale: Prices :
These prices, should attract
your attention : .
to pieces Plain and :Fancy
Suiting, reg. 35c, Jan. 20C.
IQ pieces Plain and Fancy,
very pretty, reg. 5oc, Jean. 35c.
10 pieces Black and Colored,
very choice, 75c, Jan. 45c.
25 pieces New Tweed Suit-
ings, and Crepons, reg. $ i t 25„
Jan. 75c.
15 Lad' Astrahan Fur
Coats, re:. .;,2S,00, Jan for
$24..00. .
io Men':; All -wool Ulsters,
very heavy, $8,00, Jan. $55.90..
....".:"a -erre `
and 45ec alit + •Te
. A. Gla lease seld his 1 N.. , are
an in the texwhip of 1•Iorr ,. ro Mr.
Wyatt, of Hallett township..
—Thee foot ridge aver the river at
the telt bleak has; been raised wawa
feast, This `will make the bridge rxtuoh
eater in the time of a freshet,
—Many of the beet seats have be, n
} taken for the Soottisla concert on jaw --
1 say 23rd, Secure your seats early at N
A 'arquharson's grocery store,
- �Auy parties who have neglected to
register any births, deaths .or marriages
for the year 11x99 should do so at once
and save the Sane of $10 for that ne -
Ouxy a few rain of Ladies' and Mises
Overshoes lett, going at cost at W..1'.
Career's. f
---Miss Mazy Waldruun, a beide front
Toronto, sang sweetly and simply and
quite captured , the crowd,---D,trait
Tow GoA x1L 14, tainittate Panora
TO n anum43.12,414 its immoral +* 't a ,r Clam Oonnoillore
raaatitg 4.f the rear in the Claimed Galley, Holmes sued Old:sho1m.
CihaaaaJ2er 0,11 Monday a at '1.1 The 11faiyer named, R Vendetta as his
o'cieek for orgaensatien, The members amass ter 1001.
p'esaatt were Mayor Clegg and plaza,Qin moon of *esaxrs Holmes and
lora Jos. Galley, Redland. Beattie, Gohhey, A. E Smith was appointed the
Been end, Jas. I. Chisholm. ; '. other auditor.
The minutes of the last aneeting of the By-law No 811, the appoint -
1800 corral were react stud adopted, laent of the above wined auditors, was
Gelley Chis :olna.—That trete Mayor read three times aur, passed and the
said Councmllora Bell and Bettie be the Council tlxext adjotu'nerl.
members of the striking committee.—
Golley-.-Beattie---`Plast this geancil do
now .tud'jauru to meet at 8o'clock flats,
Tie Colwell (met ou alouday °veiling
as per adjouariament. Mentbt'ra ail pres-
Mayer Clegg stated that all the mem-
bers a the Oatmeal had taken, dce1aration
t1ut1 that the c::uucil 'waw non: properly
organized sled ready for bueinees, The
Journal. Town hall, Wingheen, Jauu- bus°tress of the past y'ear'n Catincil has
say 28rd. baeii well cleared Ile, and ate did not
—The Open season; fur aabats, para know of anythiu * of great inamportauce at
ridge and other small game cicsacl on
the pres�amt thee to coma before the
Deo. 155th. You can shoot foxes, musk • Couna
rats, skunks, racoous :and other fur A communication. was read from the
bearing animals.. Lady* Maccabees,, asking for a rebate elle
—The rain on Sunday earl: Tuesday 4.5.00 o1. hall resat.
evenings of tbis'weelt has lessened our Bell--Chisholm.--That the Lady Mae-
supply °of' snow considerable. The roads oabees be granted a. rebate of $5.00 on
are now not in the bestof condition. .A lien rent,—Carried.
few inches of snow would make splendid
—Stratford has more than 160 rate-
payers whose tax bills aggregate' $100
and oyer. • The Grand Trin k Railway
heads the list with $8,604.79, and the
nest highest is Wm Gordon -with taxes
amounting to k2,212.00.
Fresh Baltimore oysters served in any
style at. Jas. McKelvie's Star Restaur-
ant was referred to the EaectttiveCommittee. During the past few weeks W Cud
—John Felton has sold his pump The Striking Committee reported, re--' 'more, of Kippen, has shipped from the
factory and business to C J Reading. Mr commending that the standing commit- different stations in this neighborhood
Reading has been a resident of town` for tees for the year be as follows:— over.4q cars of hay, all destined for the
a number of years; he • is well posted in Executive—Mayor Clegg; Councillors 01c1,* Country..
this line of business and: we wish him McKenzie and Chisholm. interesting wedding took
place at the residence of James'' Coulter,
It i1 estimated that • 900,000,1)00 feet of
timber willl'o takes out of the woods of
North Ontario during the present sea-
son. e'
>r1..•abt Kitchen, of Deseronnto, brake -
luau, fall between n the cars at" Brighton:
and, was lined.
Mte W H Sinclair, of Owen Sound, is
'taking steps to upset the election, of the
Town Cocillors on the 'ground that as
the ward system has been. abolished
ratepayers were illegally allowed to
vote in more than 0110 ward,
, Broom. umenfaotnrers of the United
States and Canada have agreed to a l -
vane° prices 25 cents a clozeza,.
Rev Hugh Pedley, of Winnipeg, has
announced that he will •accept the call
to Emmanuel Church, Afeaatraal.
Rev Mr McDenald, late of Vanua
Presuyterian church; has moved to St
A oommuiiior tion from J. Ross Bob. ,1'asepi 's Island, where he had accepted
ortson, asking for aid for the Sick Cizil- a eau,
drou'e Hospital, Miss McLeod, of Seaforth, has. been
Velums—Beattie-That this Council engaged as teacher in S S No, 9, Mc -
grant $5.00 to the Sick. Children's°Hos- , Killop, for the next year, at-a:salary of
pital at Toronto.—Carried. . $250:
Wan. Robertson, Collector, reported Miss Hattie Phillips, of Seaforth, left
that Mrs, Leary had informed him that on. Tuesday morning for Arthur, where
she was' tunable to pay her taxes, which she has secured a position as teacher hi
amounted to some $11.00, The matter the public school there.
have just received the largest impo
order of
10600 Feet.
that has collie to this town for years,
°consisting of
Th= undersigned hereby notifies the .ablio
that s •'• has assumed control 0 the ho busi-
ness fo , erly carried on by the la . o John
Dinsley, own as the Dinsley House and that
the lioeats• will be transferred fort) 'th.
Prec -' tor . anted.
A. leader of the"sahnody n the Presbyterian
Church, Blyth, wi or heat a choir. Appli-
cants to sing one . o trial, foul to engage
• and pay their organa • . Apply, stating saiarry
Applications received • to Januar 20th, 18000.
Address a i
ie. Heim; t, - ecretary Blyth.
g 12, East Wa-
wanosli, O. • my of Huron, Contra ing 100 acres,
more or 'ss. There are on the .'arm a first-
class or..ard good buildings, two r ver -failing
wells. his farm is one of the elea • t farms
in Ea Wawanosh, and= a high stat • of eniti-
va ' • For further particulars ap� . . to R.
V, - stone, Winghpui, or to
345. F. YO • G
Neap fiw ,
' +' Bein nort . haif of let lie, co
every success in his• tuskless. Finance—Councillors ' Chisholm 'Bell ' A pretty and
x Fax is a -whole show in himself. and. Beattie.
In his numbers there was an entire ab- Fire and Water—Councillors Holmes, Morris, On Wednesday evening, when
his third daughter, 7�izzie E:,was united
sense of vulgarity—a thing sa rare with Colley. and Beattie. rat marriage to W Fitzsimmons of West
comic singers as to deserve notice. He Public Works—Councillors Mo> mile, iisitt maul:.'
carries with him a wardrobe of elegant Golley and Bell.
costumes and his character impersona- It is expected that each. committee A Cleveland man who has just been
tions were immense.—Acton Free press. will meet and appoint illeir :own .chafe- divorced from, his fifth wife has. decided
Town hall, Winghant, January 28rd. men. The first named oneach commit- that this shall be his last venture in
tee to be the convenor for the first meet- matrimony. There are, after all, some
PERSONALS. ing. sensible New Year's resolutions,
Respectfullg submitted, ' During .• the year 1899 there .were ^
Lawrence Fyfe has been spending a ' Wei, Cetee, registered wi6h. the town, c1'erk of . FAR
couple of weeks with friends at Exeter.
Chairman Goderich,'' 6i births, 04 deaths and 18
Miss Jennie Quinn, of Gagetown, The report of the Striking Committee marriages. Of the deaths eleven were
Mich., was the guest of Mrs. H. B, was adopted by the (Jounoil. at or under the age of sixteen months,, -
Elliott on Thursday of last week. An account of $20 from. dhas Barber,far the dsabiesiono
at>,d sixteen ranged from seventy-one to. lcindredsubiegts'a
for ertra.work en sidewalks, which Was : piety -six years. Tho average age of
eetings of Eastiiuro
Come and examine our stock Robt. Arbuckle, of Chicago, is visita.iig
under the parental roof in East Waway,
Saturday morning at nosh.
M. Miss Maggie McER•en said Mrs. D. 'A.
Campbell, of Stratford, are the guests
of their cousin, Bars. H. B. Elliott.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran'-
teed to cure headache.
—Wm Dore has moved into his new
dwelling ozf Shuter.street.
—The '=January thaw" waswith us a
' few days during the week.
Ladies' Overstockings, Overgaiters,
and full hues in felt footware at W. J.
—Huron County Council will meet at
Goderich on January 28rd.
—Mary of the anerel ants of Wing-
tram arcs . , presaut taking stick.
Woodwantsa at the Presbyterian
Church. See advt in another colamn.
..-Skating on the rlvarhas been quite a
past time forthe young people this week.
—It is rather a queer coincidence that
the year 1900 begins on Monday and
ends on Monday.
Day, of town, has sold. his livery
and bus business in 'it5,icard ire to Geo.
Morrison, of that town.
Apprentices wanted at once: Two
young ladies tp learn tailoring.
tf Wanssait A'c Co.
--Chief Vannorman has sold his
thoroughbred stallion, Zeno, to = Nat
Eallauby, of Teeswater;
—The Wingham Public School Board
Will meet for organization purposes on
Wednesday evening of next week.
—Janata O'Leary has movea to tiros-
eds. He has rented a stable in that
Irlaoe and will keep hie horses ° there for
the winter. n
--John Pelton sale of hoansehold ffurr-
1te e, etc., on Saturd ay lest was well
Dr. Macdonald, M. P., is in Grand
V:111^y to -day, • a11d will speak at a meet-
ing isle rho interests of. Jas..McMullen,M.
P., for North Wellington.
Richard Va.naistint, wife and family,
of Hantiota,: Man.; are visiting at the
hoarse of V. Vannorman,
Muss Bell, of Ohapman'sglove factory,
returned home on Monday- after a two.
weeks' visit with frieudsin Galt.
John Nicholson, of Galt, visitedd with
his cousin, Wm. Nicholson, in, town
this week.
Robt McLean, of Gade:ioh, was in
town on Wedn:sday.
Mr Elliott Fulton, of Wingham,spent
the New Year with his father, Mr John
Fulton.•—Harriston Review.
Miss Martha Dever, of Winghaan.,
spent the holiday week with friends in
this vicinity.—Teeswater News.
Miss Mabel Mitchell returned Home
from Listowel on Tuesday evening,
Misses Pearl and May Lamont, who
have been visiting at Ripley for the past
six months, returned home this week.
Rev W M Burton, E A, of Langley, B
0, is visiting at the homely of Mrs John
Dickson. Mr Burton was a resident of
Wingham some 15 years ago.
Miss Lena. 1Ii11, of Walkerton, �� is the
guest of her friend, Miss Neli1ie Boss,
Mrs. J. T. Linklater, of Buffalo, is vis-
iting with Wingham friends, . ized and directed to complete said put -
Miss Drew is visiting with Miss Ida phase by transfering $1960.02 from saki
Irwin at Ripley. Sinking 1±`und to the general account of
Hocusv. •-A meeting of those inter- the 0oeporation.--Carried.
ested in the formation of a hockey club'.: - The Mayor sttroduced the matter of
in town will. be Held at the Dinsley either' placing on insurance or malting a
House this (Friday) evening, All those grant to David Lo'ugheed, a .young man,
;attended. Everything sold at • very interested should attend. who went from: here to serve in South
• goad Pritea•Africa with the second Canadian. con.
...1111aatientlad Is now PV.P1 ,ailetitly TO PREVENT CONSUMPTION. ' thagent. All the Councillors thought
one and can be eorlsultcd by faxed to cure; easy to prevent. Scott's the Couneail should do something in this,
pteart na• Era -alai= nourishes the body, keeps all r eget r.
n'•a,,,,,, of ^-•;••:f act the organs and tissttes healthy, and ;the Bell—0hisl oln—That this Ootwod.
oottetra ption germs eau not get a toot- d@ennr it . expedient that an in'suranoe
,. c . ,erre t e ...tri kdr bald. sko ld be placed on the life of- David
ata .. Mrs Geo C4rafton, °I Toronto, Loaugiaeed,, who is goatee to South Attica •
with the: saved Canadian oentingent,
loa 3146 ulna's (lerinlay) piiezter of alae woollen mill in 1 . a t pined, ,yrs
mspc�l�r, ln3s Ufa, shall peaky to are favor of his
left over from lastreeting was coxsider- tiie fifty-four whose deaths are recorded
ed. Itwas referred to the Public Works yeas'over forty-one years,
Committee to report at next meeting. -.
The Clerk submitted the following T; 'rjY m. u, itii, O. p. sae O.
statement, showingthe assessed value: of,tD .. (Member of KENNEDY,
Medical Assobia-
farm • lands which come under the • act . atteriti n paidt diseases of Warhol and Child -
for euemptions, also the amount of"taxes - ren. :Olilee hours -1 to 4 p. in.; 7 to 9: P. m•
to be refunded;—
Assessment, Taxes.
D. Stewart,.......` $ 8220 $ 8 00 TENDERS
R: Hogg - erre. 270 68
Mrs. Dawson 4 800. 75
Thos. Gregory ....600 1 50 Tenders will be receive
R.: Beattie . , . • 870 03 dersigned up to
Geo. McKenzie.. 850 2:`18 ,
Jas. Azigus .erre1240 8 10 Jan.'
Peter Deans .:erre 400 1 00'for:20 cords of 4 t." hard wood, and 8
Chas, Elliott " 400 1 ee . ccrds of 22 inch wood (green). To be
Holmes—Beattie—That cheques be delivered on or before the 20th of March,
at the
issued for exemptions on farm. lands in
tivingham.arried. Presbyterian Church, Wingham
The Mayor reported that he' had sue- - S. GRACEY, Sec.-Treas.
ceeded in selling the old waterworks de-
bentures, amounting to $8,000 that were MEETING OP
bearing 6 per Cent, due last October, to d
Edwin Pope, Quebec: The new de- Ii(IFOfl .Couybentures of $5,000 will bear 4 per cent. J I I r
This was the best investment they could •�
make in the present unsettled condition
of the: money market. The Oouticil of t
By-law No. 409, 1900, to roe'Are will meet in the
money to meet the current epapenses the town'af
until such time as the taxes can be •col- GOL ..�. a.. a,
looted was read three:, times and passed.
Holmes-Beattie—That the local Ira= at 3 o'clock p. m.. . .•
ounty of Huron
Yuen Chamber; rix
provement debentures for 1899, amount-
ing to $1060.02 not including interest be • W. LANE, Clerk.
purchased by this Corporation at par or ,; Dated San, 8th, 1900.
face value, with money now to the
credit of its Sinking Pend, and the
Mayor and Treasurer are hereby author -
meeting of Court Maitland, bringingsuint against A W Beadle, pro- e1� t am harteeairb of $x be1 ed
tall afibandr of Am to obi $0,000 for the death of her eneenzaerjaaaaa,
husband, who inhaled polite -was fumesnears •-+atria retie—Mad the
4Ixfo* toe bete
matterurs thug Farren
ltti at :':'xeger orf
while employed ed in i ard&s's• rte' of heettlatifee n the lea of ti Irl
Mr. 0. S. 0 anke, =a angst of .the I a lua related tutted hlrraostIve
' rank of Eawxiltoraum atalfol e t� two at x i° da
�+ W. t 'ii? '� �' fa Sii 1(Ul. 7 7o,„,,,,.. n It' r 111( f1
e sten {, ran f rn
/55 Ifsi>Hita%fgt, .
: has Veda mama to itke nEtad5
Seta, ,. ..
inru giitl
;nx nf;) nn
,11,�anA= 11 r• 11(rl't nen
distant friends.
They will -
appreciate it,.
New Subscribers
to our add
�l o' V'L'#r . t daily.
Road Clubbing
patio WI
icultural and
be held in
Corrie, Ja'' . 1 1900
at f.80 p, m ,and ,.so p. ., and in
Rruss Jan. 17th, 1900
1.30e. m., and 7.80 p. m.'
411 a • cordially invited to attend, an Iso
take • part in these meetings, that he
law . ledge we ind vldtia.11y have 'acquired m
b mparted to others and thuggbenefit be r
ived by all.
_ GEO. HOOD, See.
Strayed on th e • -emises of . undersigned,
Lot 84, Concession East " awanash, on or
about the 1st of Novem . a spring steer calf.
pr•.• : .ropertyand
Owner ceZpan have enses.same
T. HENRY, Marno
Night galls at Button Block, or Fifth
door south of School House. Shop ops
postte Maodonaid' blook..'
Family and other .Groups from
small sunbeams up to 16 x:20,
actual size of photographs.
Pictures copied and enlarged or
Dowri floor gallery,
Presb. Church,.
E. "'."' ■
in the store
(next C, N. Griffin's
and; is prepared to .. ma ,y» it
�al Suits or O. er oats • i
F 1 v c
'most approued and u l -to -date'
S'pecial.a.ttention given also
to Ladies' Jackets with New
York latest_ styles.
E. 0. 'OLAB$ r
Oct.. 27, 1899. �• a.
Off' THE ,
is pure and cold and
Stamps the
as a man of some importance when the
dress is right. ` Ill-fitting clothing brings
little consider€ition for the man inside
Let ns improve yamappearance an
at the same time your importance. O
will do both.
Every little detail, anything that will
add to the style or improve the finish of
the garment is carefully* considered and
nothing neglected, Our garments are
perfect in every respect.
Robt, Maxwell
High Art Tailor, Wingham.
Sight ie PriceiEss!
Get your sight tested. It costs nothing.
Scientifically, Correo
Try us.