HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-01-12, Page 7l
wuthor of "Lena Rivers," "Edna Browning,"
"Tempest and Sunshine," Etc., Etc.
upene'rl alts It fes -fire, shell after shell
Gower, (feel or the battle smoke, elem. cut the mummer iii•, and burst with .
ng 'the brightness of that Sabbath murderous hiss; shout titter about rent
orn. Loudest, shriller grew the Gaelic the smote r sky, shriek atter shriek
realm fiercer rose the Celtic my, Went down uitb:.'.the rushing wind, of-
• ,.
_ids r rung the ;Mkt of the lath, as its ; ficer after ()Meer bit the dust, *asst( atter
itmabf•rs plunged into the thielccst of rank was broken up, soul after soul
he fight, their demoniacal shouts al)-
went to the bar of God, and then there
'palling the iloru'ts of the foe far more came n. pause, The firing eeaved, the
than the rails of shot so vigorously kept stifling smoke rolled gradually away,
up, and causing them to flee as from end allowed a dreadful sight,—men ime
tilated and tont till not a vestige of
( Steady in its place George Gralitun's their former looks was left to tell who
giant form was seen; no thought ot they had leech, Mingled together in
Annie now; Iao thought of home; no one frightful mass, the deed and sly-
thought of Bible 'buttoned over the dug. lay, smiles wreathing the livid lips
await: 'thoughts only of the fray and ' of some, and ;frowns disfiguring others,
victory. Arms, halide and feet, heads, fingers, •
' Not far away, and whew the fight toes, and clots of human heir, (trip-
-. woo thickest, the widow's boys, Eli and ping red with blood, were scattered ,over
.'John, stood •firm as granite rocks, the the fields—parts of the living roam lie !
beaded sweat dropping from their leurre Pee but a few hours agorae Moving an ;
ing brows, begrimed with battle smoke, so hopefully • beneath the morning
), as with unflinching nerves and haunts • moonlight, "Like leaves of the forest •
that trembled not, they took their :inns, 'elm autumn. hath blown, they lay
seeing more than one fall before their there. now, tlseir iu ngietl rentnine cry
sure fire.ing loudly to Heaven for , I geance on1.
White as the winter anew one boyish I the llOacla of those, whgt brought this
curse upon us.
;� '' �► , 1 '
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one fate stmt vieteuse .1**10
heli the first iloilpxt tag 14)
tole vireW,
tale,they are Iaeliese 1 eiatdl,
Ifenspittg His Ise aur arms tat some area t•
"Leat us ran, too., You lista on Mee saad
I'll lead you safely through." ,
With sr bl•iter green, Ceorl a aftosa at•
• rail to rise, but souk beck cola t oio lot
for exhaustion. A ttlar.'elee et Ivpathy
had stolen over 'hila,• atnd11, won rn-
ther stay there and di®. la +t' wid, then
make the attempt to hoe. lie cltce not "''t+t, Charlie," enewereel, mows-
•tkink of Aunie until 1amae, beuclitv fully, "I think yen will. Are yea afraid
down, said, eutr*atiugly: io tle'1 Lid yuur aoaother 13"*"13"*"troll
It will be horrid for Annie to know i you ali' the Zakivio i ?"
you died wvhen' you might `have spot ! «yc'+e, yes, oh yes!" and the little fuse •(
away, Try, for Annie's; seise,Nall i lighted up noat the limed= of a dear
you. s frieatd. "1 wewt to. Sunday school and
Yes, for Annie's sake he eoaild. and lo►uued of Jesus there. I've prayed
at the mere mention of her nam,('. the to, him every night* eted ew'ery ancalrrtime#
Ellin eye kindled. and the pale eheeles slut* I came (roan home. I atomised
glowed, while the w.aunded igen made her I Would,—mother,. I roma—awl she
another effort to riser lie enesc•0ded prays, •too; she said so in her letter,
this time, anti with Blow steps the two r.glit here in my jacket poeleet. Pont
commenced their retreat, It was a nem- you want to read it?"
el sight, that tall, muscular man, tow. The officer shook stirs head. and Char.
ening head and shoulder's above th efrall lie wean out e
a lack of fiends.'
cioativ ?ra tllptt
eateeestly itt' lam =at a
]� tt•11 'high pile? s,ea1'yot b
haw: .,„5.0,414 no ,Ike tiatbitU
trust if he withheld the lcaalawk4d&e, r&a
fail ad t4 leoiut that eloing QM to the
oat • aouree ere lyre.
11 PI V
boy, upon whom be leaned • bear "I didn't want to fight to -day because
ly for support, --the generous Isaac, . I knew it w•as Suntley, but I had to or
we ito viould not leave hint there alone, run itwvay, Wilt God puuieh arae for
(.TW„ th�•1,^•b l*a s••i'w tb.e dnutger lie that, 'tlzbtk? Will He turn ane out of RETURNED.. ON TIME.
was incurring Yon hlmeelf, heaven"P'
t .Ott ,t 1t titin Itt tmeer'Iit 1f We're tak• "No, not oh,- no!" and the North
cu priwmurrs, won't they, thtnls?" he Catrolihian'a tears dropped like rain up -
:eased, es the poi sibility of such a ea- on the troubled face, upturned :so ren-
lamity was -suggested to his mind. " xiously to; his. "Goal will never pnn-
Nt t till then had George thought of lett those whe,put their trust in: Je4iva"
that. They would not murder a wound- 1 do, I do, I do!" and the trembling t
act Matz, 'hoer'
ie wvni9 sure', but they might voice grew fainter, adding utter a
take thin prisoner, and decub itself wart fiance: "you are n, good man, I know.
most preferable to days of captivity .You. have •be'en to Sunday school, I .
and ale• silhuingrsuspense away from .1n» - guess,.. and yen prayed this •morning, �
The -Very a roused him into didn't you?
lite, and, with .n superhuman effort, he `L'he soldier auswerc
hastened on, almost outrunning Lame child continued:
J l� I ry
\1.011,\I.rin* llrl �r,. ��S (lJ U 1UI all '
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OR you OEri tpestw
paper foe ono you
Rrlae lay s.e 4brt
Ihe paaii!'tadtt v,
Send 11) 11..eas for satin
You +gilt litre F. Address sl" '
Ca> .nadia.Ia Monne Jay'iaere lb
ti-IMlr.a) ronatnage
face gleamed amici the meting throng;
the fair hair pushed back from the; girl-
ish forehead. and the scorebing. sun fail-
ing upon the unsheltered head, for •
Isaac's cap had , been shot away, and CfI3A P'TLt VIII,
the ball Hutt shot it lay smiling in The. day was mete .nobly won with
the dark life- bloodof poor Ilarry . Ba• sweat and toil aud.tblood, -and the brave
•14er, just behind, and just two 'inches Intra w leo Won wore thinking of the
taller than the widow's youngest !torn-. laurels 00, laboriously earned,.' when still!
dozily thetilt 1
..r It a lit
settle wasturned,. Y lied and
- had ohis a to
or Harry! 1 a done beat ,.
l'a I rw.Iet
keep tate promise made- so boastfully, etre. they kaigrw what they were doing,
Itt ell the !Nth Regiment there was not tate tired, j$iietl troops found themselves
rushing idle fromi
one who played a braver' part _than lie, ng �. ug the i,.tttle••fi.eld,
firing off with every gun a tintcly joke, never tee much Its meting a backward
. which raised a smile even in that dread glance, but each striving to outrun the
ful hour. But Harry's work were' done, otheia 'and so escape, front they knew.
and Mrs. Baker had but one boy now, 1104n -hat! Howthat panic happened
for her first -horn lay upon the ground
I 1
one can tell.
.Some Charged
it to the
so blackened and disfigured, with the ckless conduct of a band of Rosie
thick brains slowly oozing trona. the ars sent baekfor at]um.tian, told
mangled heaul, and the purple gore flour• others upon the idle' lookers-on, the curl-
sing from his lips, that only those w otts ones, who lied cone "tat see the
saw him fall eotitd guess that ;t w ' srebels whipped," awl who at 'the first
!Harry! We say it again, sadly, re ter- intimation 01: defeat•. joined in 'Ole gen-
eattly, for rude and reckless though he ' oral stampede, making the confusion
was, he fell fighting for' his country ; worse, and adding greatly .to the fright
a the �i lti
h !e.
iperishf Being -
n u tttcl
e a. 3 t
to• 11 whothus weow
and a hg
debt of gratitude, :t :weed oeepra ae. Sa- It was. at strange retreat our soldiers
eyed, !then; be the memory of those made. AU law and ostler, were at' :u1
Whose graves are with the slain, fax , cud, company mixed e. with company,
eway beneath• Virginia's sky, and sit- regiment with regiment, and together
creel be the memory, of poor Harry Btt- they rushde ihettalohg down the hili;
ker. His own, Worst enemy, be lived many .M their disarray fording the eree].
his life's brief span, and died at last it regardless of the shot • anti shell. sent ;.
soldier's death.. after them by'the astonishes fee, now
• really, in pus suit.
"Shot plump through the upper storm! •Some there were, however, Who made
Won't the .old woman .row it, though?"s the retreat more leisurely, ,and among
�wvas I3a11's c'klaracteristic comruehrtt as
these Bi ' p tice. Rememberingfire
the whizzing and the death shriek lues, mark b1i hal fixed In- his own mind, he
histsar, and the falling. bleeding figure soughtamong the slum far 'Harry. find- ,
1 n , :„ g
met his view, • ing r7ism at last, trampled ahll clttsllell'
Spiteof his jeering words, there teas bs1tlle flying troops, and wholly unre- •
at keen pang in Billy's heart is he c4ttnizable by any save a brother's eye.
dhraulc -away from the gory mass he
Til knee. him, however, in a moment,
knew had been• his. brother,—a sudclri' but there was,no time now to "do the,
uphenving of something in his thkatatt
' and a blur before his vision,as ire' be-
' gen to realize what it eons fo go to war.
But there was then no time to waste
r, nr,. .
b of tri ren
;. over a fallenh e d d work
! must go on, and. with the whispered
Iee oi,ds, "Poor Ilal, I'll do. the tencIe fiver
you when we get the va>ments licked,"
, he narked the position by signs he
1 could hot miss, and then pressed 'closer
to his conerade,.snyittg; as he did so:
"Ike, • Hare a goner. Shot right
:through his top -knot, with a p`t'ce of,
your• cap wedged in his skull. 1f yo:Pit
been. a leetle teller, you'd been scalped
instead of Hal. So melt you get for
- bein' 'Stub,' "
Isaac shuddered involuntarily, but ere
he could look back the crowd behind
pushed him forward, and so he 'failed
° to see the ruin which, but for his short
stature, would stave come to him, There
Were no marks upon him yet,—nothing,
save the uneo'vered head, to tell .where
he had been. '.Dhe balls which stru:ic
down others passed trim by. the wind
they made lifting occasionally his fair
iinir,but doing .no other damage. Above,
around, before, behind, at right. at ).eft,
the, grape .shot fell like hail, but left
him all untouched, and Billy,grown thn-
Id since poor Harry's fate, pressed tilos-
er •to the boy who would not tell a lie,
as if there were safety there.
Onward, onward they pressed, Isaac
wondering Often how Tom Carietan
fared, and looking atgain in quest Of
Abair -young Lieutenant Grah>Ytn, still'
towering nbove them a11, in spite of
• posse's prediction. The bell for which
- he was the mark had not been fired
• yet, but it was coming. An Alabamian
volunteer had singled out that form,
yelling exultantly as he saw it reel and
totter like a broken reed. They were
• well tnntelted in size, the two combats
antes, both splendid narks, as Rose had
Said, and Bill Baker's *,ire aim froze
,the laugh upon the Alabaaninit's lips
and sent him staggering to the grounds.
dust as Isaac received ]tis captain's or -
dere; to lead the fainting, wounded
George to a piece of comparative
"Ttis only my arm they've shattered,"
George whispered, glancing sadly art the
i1Jeabled limb over which Isaac's tears
;were falling. "Will it kill rne, do you
think?" was the next remark, prompted
by a thought of Annie.
Isaac did not believe it would, and
With all at women's tenderness he bound
It up and held his enrtteen to the 11101
of 'the fainting, weary man, whIevering:
"Water, boy, water."
Tame had not, like many others,
thrown his ctueteen acwity, and Ite gave
freely to the thirsty George,who, with
each drnught,fel�t Stie pulse grow strong-
er, while his eyes kindled eviith fresh
moil as the nolee of the tittle grew
londcr, and seemed to he coming near-
er. The onalnnglat was terrible/ Mow;
, cannon ern CU 211.011 belctfaetf hts'tlt 143
terrific thunder, hail aftetr hIl gaed oft '
Its deadly track, What al4IM 1srtreasr
ender," as lie had , proposed . doing.
`There was clanger in tarrying.long, end •
with a ,shudder Bill bent over dile ,man-
gled form, and with his jack-knife
ered a' lock of•blood-wethstn, taking
also from the pockets Whatever c•f value
they contained, not from any a\'nricioua -,
motive, but rather from a feeling that
the; rebels should gat' nothing save the
".1 darnecl.sig1tt good Hat's carcass
will do•.3'el • 11e said; 'emtttkiug his fist
}.ofaatly in the direction of the Yoe;
"but the wust is 'Yoter , own tidy 'hot -
weather, if you don't Thiry him, decent- .
ly;" then tinning to the lifeless gore, •
he continued: "Poor 'I-T4U1 ten kinder
sorry you are cleats. you had now end
then a :stealc•of good about you, and •
I'm sorry we ever quarrelled, I be, up-
on my word, -and. I wish yo>.i could
hear me say so; but you can't, 7cnock-
cal into a. cocked up hat as you, are, .
poor Hal. If there was a. spat' on's
your face as big as a sixpence that
wasn't smashed into a jelly, I'd kiss
you jurat for the old woman's sake,
but I ewran if l can stoinach its I might
yc nr hnrnls, perhaps," and bending low-
er, *Bill's
ow -er,*BiIl's lips touched the clammy fin-
gers of the dead.
There was ' something in tiro tou. h
which brought a pang to Bill's heart
shutter to the oho he felt ,when. he saw
his brother fall, slid, rising to his feet,
he said mourhfully:
"Good bye,, old Hal, I'm going now:
With you might go, too. Good --bye,"
and, wiping away a. tear which felt
inucli out of plaee on hie rough cheek,-.
Bill .walked away, saying •to himself,
"Poor 11 a1, I didn't s'poae 4 fiend stub
• liankerin?' for him. Didn't s'pose 1
cared for nobody; but such at ckty'e work
as this finds the soft spot in a feller's
heart, if he's got any. Noor Hall :tlo-
tker'll nigh about raise the ruff!"
Thus soliloquizing, Bill moved on, not
rapidly,, as others did, but wither lei-
surely than otherwise. Ile seemed to
be benenbed, and did not cure melt
wvlmt'became of himself. Wading the
stream, he trudged on, now wondering
"Whet the plague they all were run-
ning for, when mod got the reseals
lteked," hid again nnet'hentatizing the
shot which fell ilrounal Sttn.
"S'pose 3 'erre for you," he, said, hit-
ting a spent ball a kiek. "S'posse I etre
if I do get killed? better do that than
t) nu,"
'Then refecting that to be' shot in the
back •was net considered a :itMtingule bed
mark of honor, he Shasteuc'd his legging
steps math the eheT,te-r of the wood was
melted. Bill was very tired, unit feel-
ing comparatively safe, determined oat
to travel farther until he had had some
rest. Hunting up a Miek clump of tnh-
tlerbrntsh, near a stream of water,whvre
he wro'ruld be etheltcred from obaerva-
then, ho emoted into its midst, and was
ere long sleeping soundly, wholly obli-
v1cu to t!es, ssor'alaiase sights ted teounda
sttertted eet , ars wad atter sand of
0eltd' httr Arad W.
Carefully washed. properly Irani d,
correctly finished .and :fairy priced ---
that's the history of your linen .when
brought here. Not a thing in our
washing. preparations. to injure the
fibre of the goods and not a thing
nbealthy about our work rooms,
until they, too, had renehed the friende ; "You are dying, too, I 'most know,
ly woods where Bill had already take)) for there's blood all over us,• We"il go
shelter. ,hist then. a loaded waggon together, won't we, yeti. and I?' "Will
passed thein, its frightened, exctted 00- there lee war in heaved, between the -
cupants payipg no heed to Itinac's north and the South?"
cry for help, until .one, whose iutaforint "No,. Charlie. There is naught but
showvetl him to lie p11. officer sprang lilt, peace in heaven," and again the white
exicaimtng: • hands laved the feverish Sorehead, ,for
"Thee strong must give plia tothe
the soldierwould • i
w of d Ea a keep that little
woe -tucked. I canfind my way to spirit till his could joie it company, and
Washington better than 'that bleeding speed away' to the land where trouble
mart! and Tont Carleton seized .the is unknown. •
rellte with a grasp which brought the But it could not be, for Charlie's life
foaming steeds nearly to their hounds. was ebbing away the last sand was
es. 'The vehicle eves stopped, and the dropping from the glass. Closer the
next instant Tom ]u1d leaped mime 1.11e fair curly. head uestled to its strange
ground, spraining his .ankle severely, pillow, --the bleeding bosom of a toe,—
and reeling is Ida first pain agpiust and the lips murmured ineollerently of
the astounded Isaac, who cried Out, joy- the' elle trees growing near the moun-
fully: twin home, and the mother watching
"`011, Captain Carleton, sate Lieuten- daily for tidings of her boy, Then the
not Graham, won't you. We can *talc, !k, trete of •thought was changed, and
500 and I." Charl!e heard the bell just as it peal -
Tom had not the least suspicion's to ed that morning from his own village
whom. he was befriending until then, spire.. Etow grand the'music was ec110-
end now, unmindful of his own aching ing through the l'irginia woods, and
foot, he assisted George to the eget he the blue eyes closed, as with a :whim=..
had vacated, and watched the party per' he asked:
without a pang as they drove rapidly Dou't you hear the old bell -at home,; -
away, leaving him alone with Isaac, calling the •folks' to church?' It• hat;
"We'll do the best we Can, my hay,"• stopped now, and the children are sing -
he said, cheerily,•. as the met the cenfid- ing before the organ, 'Glory. to 'God en
ing, dnquiring look bent upon him by high,' 1 used to sing it with them. 110
Isaac, who, relieved of his former
charge, felt now like lecuiing • ter liro-
tection and guidance updn Captain
Alas,is hopes weres rtW
h a a .;
pea aha y d, for
n groan, just then escaped from Tena'ts Noxth Carolinian, born. on Southern
white lips, wrung out by the agony it • soil.
cost him to step. 'Salle saw him stag- <<-"Then sing it," Charlie whispered;
ger when he sprang to the ground, and .htg it, wont yon? 1Tafibe Ill go to
comprehending the case at once, be I sleep. I don't ache any
resumed his bttrcleu of tare, Hutt' kneel= 'With n mighty effort the soitider forc-
ing before poor 'Tone, who had sunk ed down his bitter grief, ami in a low,
ttpon the .grass, he rubbed the swollen motu'ntill tone. cr•rlmeneocl our` bc:Riti-.
limb as tenderly as Rose herself coal' ful church ehaut, the (lying child for
You know it, `Gloria In Exce1s's'2"
"Yes,; yesl" the soldier gingerly repli-
ed, glad to fiakl they Were -both of the
seinefaith,—that Yarth h l e:
t tt tI
t t
, Yankee t
'horn ancon. the • granite halls, : ant' lie,' a
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have done. whom he sang Wetly joining with hint
"If wve could only find some .water,'" . for. ai time, but the swi• vet voice ceased
Tom. rr
Lout- said,. sennning.the ttiltltemrnmee of "ere laaa�,,t11e .early fiienuf prersacd lieavi�n•.`
the woods, an(L judging at hast by duds the bleeding' getups lay motionless, and
. patiori.� which seldom ailed, th;it there when the chant wits enders, Ch iilie hall
xrittst be same' not very far away. gone to his lust sleep.
"There where 'the bushes are," he said, Cwarefully, swot:eptly, the North Cai'o-
pointitig toward the very., .spot where
Tinian laid tlhe.little folia -upon the gi•ass
Bill lay snoring soundly, and dreaming and kissed the stiffened lips for. the
ot robbing , Phrson .Goodwihl's orchard, sake of the mother, whe might never
in cerimany with flea "There must laiaw just how Charlie died.
be water there, attd.ltitmatn,beiigs, too, lust, then footsteps sounded near.
for I • hear' singing, don't you?" Tom and paste' were coming, and et:he
Isaac listened till. he, 'too, caught a face of p soldier darkened when he
strain of melody, its sad and low as if sew them, FIs of they had been intrud-
era upon hl `` his beautiful dead.
it, were a funeral dirge some one was a_
trilling. there. 1hcis appearance, 'howev r, disarmed
"What can }t mean?" Tom said. bird at once, and with a faint smile he
"Lend Inc your hand, my boy, ed I'll pointed to his compnfiaon aaed raid's
Ile was in the Federal arm two
aeon find out. •} v
It was a harder task to move than hours ago; ho has joined God's welly
nowv I'oar Charlie I would 11 ve t le
be anticipated, fol' the anrltle was swell- much to save him!" and with bis ha lid
ing . rapidly, and .bearing the least he smoothed the golden hair on which
weight upon it made the pain intoler= the fleeces et eitnshiaie ley,
able. h.c'aniag on Isaac's shoulder, :lie , !sane knew it eons a rebel speaking
mranaged to Blake slow progress toward to kiln, incl.' for an instant he experi-
the Istrettea - `bubbling so deliciously ended the same seneittion be had telt
among the grass, and toward the music its the• niidst of the fray, but only for
crowing more and more distinct. an instant, for though he knew it was
' It was renehed at Last, and the mys- 8 swvorn foe', he knew, too, that 'twits
'tery Was solved. Leaning. against as a noble -Hearted man, and with a laity -
tree was :t Confederate officer, Wltoso fug glance at the dead, he asked If
White face told plainer • than words aught eat -rid -lee lee done' for the living;
could tell Haat never again'evould he bP ' "No," and the Soldier sailed 'again;
seen in the pine -shadowed home he snail "My passport is sealed;, I am going
left so unwillingly •but a few. months anter Charlie. Some one of your men
before. Beside hien upon tite ,rasa my did' his work welt—see!" and opening
a boy scarcely more titan twelve Sears hie coat he diselosed the frightfoi
alts, a drummer in a. company cat 114' Wetted from 'Mitch the dark blood was
England volunteers, .-both little hands gushing,
s'hot entirely off, and the bleeding Then, in a few' words. he had told
stumps bound carefully up' in the hand- t,he11n Charlie's story, adding in conelu-
1cerChief of the rebel, who hail snraoth- smoa1:
ered his own dyeing anguish for rhe "you will escape: 'ydii will go hone
sake .of comforting that poor child; ;nob- egain; and, if yeti da, write to Char-
bing so piteously with pain. . lie's mother, nhd tell her how he dieKI.
'I didn't s'lloae any of yon was £o' Tell het not to weep for him so early
good, orI wouldn't have come to fight saved. Iler Tetter is in his .pocket; ,
sort. Oh, mother, tuot;+er, .they do take It as 'a guide where to dilent y'onr
ache sso,—my. Manila,—my hands!" he „mete,
:saki, the cry of contrition ending in tt rirh;s 1te said to Isaac, for'he saw `L'orrt
childish wail for the mother eyniPP- wris disasrbled- lshitc dtct as tsse -sus 11sid-
t'hy never mare • to be experieueeri by den, and the letter from Gharne's ritn-
that drummer boy. tlior, Written bttt it week before, was
A smile flitted across the o;lfcer's Lely not away tor future ref'eren'ce,
face as he t'eplieds "Bald ww^e till known a.tul then Isaac clltl f'or'Ike Not-tlt Cktto- .
each other better, t:+ls war would neer' lhtnt soldier 'abut the 31'ort1i C arenas
er have boon," ants the noble foe held wolr1ier haft' done for the 'l nnkee bol t
the boy closer to his 1lle0ding bosun, lie etnntnehed the flowing blood es beet
dipping hie hand in tint running strewth he coda. bathing the throbbing heal,
and lnvirl�`the' feverish brow wvherethe Mid held the egoling water to the dry,
(frosts of sevent wenn standing. „ perished lips, which feebly murntttrcd
"`yhnt matltcas ,>ou ga kind io ri 7 th thank,
the cly!•ttg boy asked, his dim teyes Mgrs• ,e stranger saw the tlistinrtron there ,
ing wistfully into the tam bending so was betwGea) httt news' -found fricnel's,and
endly over slim. feeling that 'loan was the one to *home
"1 have a boy about your sines--Ct'f• [Tet ate ;OON,ly.]
lie, we esti him," the stranger stairs,
"And I OM (harslet, too," the -ouft l
replied, "Charlie 'l'oucngleve, and my '' j l i Ci r i Cryfor
hone is in New Hanrpst ilre, right MI a .
i,li'e ftltultilthin s 11t, Felker le dead!, did
t'mc male mate. Pitt ere Ina 1. "Illee`thi • ` 1i t ;:
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