The Wingham Times, 1900-01-12, Page 6•'� 4 111 11.. 3 I 4a I 332 2423 2. 27.i 29 30 31 • t os DaT 1BL1S}ri3n illEx,111 'l��rt..sj,h ii ia;i Ti� �� ,. R. B.t'5 T•TOTT, Pcruasalasit AND P4- oPR1EoeoE. FRTDAX, JANIIARS: 12, 1200. OUR OTTAWA LETTER. Tram our own Correspondent. Ottawa, January 0th. The temporary lull in Federal politics has' given the opportunity, ° to pay a little more attention than usual to Mun- icipal matters, and the local affairs of the town and township have been upper- anost for the past two weeks. So much interest is generally taken in Federal politics that Proviuciai and Municipal. matters are liable to be overlooked, and yet to the average citizen they aro of at least as much importance and often affect him the more closely of the two. '.Ince a year, for about two weeks be- fore election day attention is given to a more or less superficial consideration of local affairs, but the waxd politician and the municipal wire puller', who are evorking full time twelve mouths in the year have an advantage which a couple of weeks spasmotic discussion: Daunt offset. In spite of this there are.in- dications of a steady progress in the development of our municipal institu- tions and the votes this year in several places show the increasing interest the people are taking: The disposition to reduce the number of representatives and thereby secure better men is grow- ing, and the 'discarding of the old :ward -system. and electing representatives from the municipality at large is also being regarded with increasing favor. Our parliamentarian§ largely learn the. blasiness of government ih the Munici- pal Council Chamber andit is therefore the more desirable that they learn it thoroughly and well. Better men and 'better methods.should be the outcome of the present forward movement. THE CONTINGENT. The work of prepar%ng the second contingent goes bravely on, and the ar- rangements are now in a forward con- dition. ' The enthusiasm of those. who seek admission within the charmed circle of the chosen 1200 .grows as the ranks close up, and the work of discrim- inating which confronts the recruiting . 'officers is more embarassing than ever. 'The news from the front telling of the first .brush with _the enemy when a ilunclred of the • Toronto boys in Col. Pitcher's column routed a detachment of Boers numerically much etrongerand captured prisoners and stores, has raised ed the excitement to fever heat, and if every fellow was taken that. wants to gq therewould not be enough left to form a home .gnartl'"to•.entertain the "span raiders who are mustering ilt Omaha. TRADE wire AVSTRALASIA. This week's Australian mail brought to the trade and commerce department rani interesting report from. J. S. Larke, Oanadiall Commissioner. He gives the a* -tirade figures for the , year for South .Australia and Tasmania and states that 'while some `Canadian products reach those colonies the development of trade = •,with Canada is nape rapid as it might tae if representatives of Canadian houses =1 i c as subject to thin blood and nervous may well 'tremble at the ntentien rc ikihere, as they have in their•systent the r ;gsrPletoh least to weakness of the heart. Ri j tt , vitaelity of the heart is amazing considering •.., 5 Ts: arracn rrt of work it does, and oo long I . ed with plenty of rich, red blood it ....tar gly, reebaRfling its waste as the gtsthin and the nerves starved ',nate gradually becomes Incas aT prooki and iinaty tromp -esetetkiw causes the boating fin the back and limbs, sleep- . rsiardltreagtearitists of the 4:radon • of the heart mrd 'i ryuw red Mtn The Beginning of ees Heart Failure Thin, watery bleed, and weak, exhausted memos the real Callen—Dr. Chase's Nerve Food the preventative. e to wawal. bloats+ buntlines oonadee- tiuue tiiYeetstly 1i2t0 .Ana trttlitt T1re wool crap iu New S.o*2th Wales prowioes to be abort this year as fecal live to eight xllillion sheep less will be shown. The wheat harvest luolnixes a kin ttlul it la estinlatt+d that for tlio whole of ,Aastraha there will bo 18,000 bushels to export. Mr. latrko aut'ntiais the gratifying fact that wawa Camselian houses laevo been assialous as working up trade they •h;ase beset sucocssful, one Canadian factory for instance, having secured. an order for 125,000 cbaires. The Com- nth:sioner seesno r.'ason wily Canada should not niouopolizo the chair trade with Australia. He says, "that energy and lots of it counts in Australia," and me'ntious the gratifyiug fact that the representative of a Toronto neckwaro factory clic' such good business on leis. first. •v sit that he quickly found it' to liis Advantage to make a second 'Call for orders. Tho Commissioner suggests that where it would not pay a single house to send a represeutative to Australia, a number of firms might unite to send out a traveller. In. this way there would be an economy of ex- pense. ONTARIO'S LUMBER SUPPLY. A correspendence in the Toronto Globe sends au interesting estimate of the probable output of lumber this •sea- son•frozu Northern Ontario. He quotes from carefully collected returns to show that a total of nearly 900 million feet of lumber will becut, distributed as fol- lows : ollows: Parxy Sound and Muskoka, 200 millions; Upper Ottawa and Tribu- taries, 150 millions; Thunder Bay and Rat Portage, 75 'millions; North Shore and Lake Huron, 800 minions; Peter•' born' and Nipissing, 150 million,.. Total, 870 millions• ' These figures while not final will un- doubtedly be borne out by the facts at the close of the season. ' When compar- ed with the cut for the previous year, they show au enormous inorease, as the out in 1898 was only 570,000,000 _feet. The year 1896 constitutes . a record,the output then being 940,000,000, but the average is far below the figures estimat- ed for.1899. Inconsidering the causes of the large increase, undoubtedly the principal element is the ` high price of lumber, With the prospect of good sales of Canadian sawn lumber in the United States. TTILWIY '! +r, t A UAIY 12: 1900. West Maxon If rulers'' testl.tute. 11\N 1)11EtT(IXt 1b9...4.13L1fI:61 ronowll are tiro programa al' the CAS O IA ``# Meetings to be bell by the Weat Ream B:AN•rie;r t'IIrltcll- Sabbtttll Servieert at 1, ,E v N(i11AI 4j Far -mere' a' Il s'l'ut a at Clinton and Dun , e 11 a nl rani 'i It lu. Sunday Nc lnx�1 tit For @ti'= alit, Ohjtdaell,. ,1•:iiU r lti (t+lu'xtil at vt' meeting 1K 1'um,telfig 7 gannou;�•-Clinttu, Thursday, jammer * player r 18th, in the team hall. Aftornooii ses- aion, 1.80 o'clock—•President's address; address, "• 'ecxbi and Feeding," Hopp, Gleud:'nniva, Manilla; diteussian, ad- dress, "Clover and Clover Hay," A. Elliott, Galt; discussion; adcirt'ss, selected, M. Loekbart, Auburn; dis- cussion. Evening session, 7,80 o'ckt:;f:k PresideUt'saddress; address,. "Best 'dud of Grass for Pasture," H. Glendenning; address, "Earth Worms and Their Re- lation to the Soil," A. Elliott; addresses, R. Holmes, Clinton, and Jainos Mitell- ell, Goderich. Duiganuon, Friday, January 19th, in the agricultural hall. Afternoon session, 1.30 o'clock --Presi- dent's address; address, "The Bacon IIog and How to Feed Him," A. Tile bank clearii..gs for Montreal last' C"0Ncllt'n(L Tioxax, Cllvltalx. Sabbath Elliott; discussion; address, "'Weeds oil: year reached a total of $7;'1,000,000, : R chool ate 13Qap 1i td General Sr the Farm, H. Gleudemtiug; dlSCussio11; . compared with $732,000,000 for the year ' lneeting on 'Wednesday evenings. P Rev. address, "Feeding Cattle for Export," before,a gain of $02,000,0(-0. For the' J. W. Gehl., Pastor. Gavin Wilson, S. D. A. Forrester, Clinton; discussion. year previous the figures showed a gain I S. Superintendent. Evening session, 7.80 o'eioo Presi• ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH ••— Every g"The of 1131,000,000. ' fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:30' a in, Ser - dent's address; address, The Changed -mon and benediction at 7 p nl, Rov. D. Condition of Agriculture," A. Elliott, P. MoMenenlin, P. P, address, "'Tho Spraying pf Fruit Tress,,, 'SALVATION -ARMY Strvice at 7 and 11 H. Gleaclenuing; address, selected, D. Oe in Seven Dies a In and 3 and 8 g m on Sunday, and every evening during the ween at 8 A. Forrester, Other local speakers thou . e a f Consumption O'clock at the .barracks. those maned will also take part. Coale j k 1 t OIIUISTSAN \VOR1cEits—Services in the prepared to help by taking part in the Mission Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday And :Coneumptioa Paellas with a Cold that at 3 and 7:30 p in. T. A. Calhouue, in discussion, and give the benefit of your Could Be Cured by Lr, phase's Syrup Charge, experience. Ladies are specially invited of Linseed and Turpentine: POST OPPICE—Tal Macdonald Block. to all sessions. Suitable programmes Office hours from 8 a an to 0:30.p m. will be provided for all the eveningPeter Fisher, postmaster. sessions. Visitors attending the Clintonconsumption isv seven persons dies of MTigflANICS' INSTiTUTR— ,ribrary and g pproven by government .free reading room ha the ,Town Hall, meeting will have the privilege of visit- statistics, and When it is .remembered that will be open afternoon fret" 2 to ing the House of Refuge. woman whis o succuthemb to young effects o tIrian and his 5:45 o'clock and everyery evening from 7 to terribly fatal disease, the ravages Of COD.9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, NEW YORK MILLIONAIRES. sumption are more fully realized. librarian. " Only a few people reading :advertisements of Consumption always beggins with a peg. TOWN C%OUNCII4—Wm. Clegg, Mayor; bankers and 'brokers, saying that mono could acted cold, and how dreadful must be'the TTl0s, Gregory,. Jos,-ellep, L. W Han - be made through speculation, realize that. the misery of every mother whose dear ones fall son. A J. Irwin, Geo. McKenzie aid R, richest lthum 1©e v yAmerica, a d aver have Bair fnrtine p.-ey to this monster as a result of 'another's McIntloo, Councillors J. B. Ferguson, through stock exu1innge speculations. neglect to cure the cold. Clerk and Treasurer.; Samuel y0Rhi11,, Men like,Jay Gould who worked as a dry . It is rarely that consumption is ever Assessor, Wm. Roertson, Collector. goods Clerk Inc small town at 610.00 a week up :cured, but it can always be prevented by a _ Board meets first Monday evening in to his twentieth year, and commenced to weer- each month at 8 o'clock. ate with his entail saving . of $200,00 in wall 'tirnely use of Dr; Chase's Syrup of Linseed • Street left at his death 70 millions of dollars • and Turpentine, the most popular and far- SCHOOL BOARD. -C. N. Griffin, (chair - Russell Sage who worked pass a grocery boy at famed remedy for throat and lung diseases, man), Thos.. Abraham, H. G. Lee,. J. J. esti�matedwt 100inillfornhs of dollars wealth tDr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tun.. Homuth, Wil. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. . oper- ating the market, although 80 years of age, and pe,ntrneis composed of the best ingredients 'Bell, Wna:. Button. Secretary, Win. so are thousands of others, who are enjoying ever used for coughs and colds, It is Robertsou; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. all the luxuries life can offer, which. is duo' to pleasant to take, prompt in its action, and'Meetings second. :Tuesday- evening in. their success in speculations. a ositive cure for croup,bronchitis, whoop -each month. To -the shrewd speculator the same Duper•„P 'unities are open today as to others in thepast. ing cough, sere throat, hoarseness, asthnta PUBLIC SolaooL TEACIIEIt4-r-A. II. The smallest lot ~which can be bought and sold and coughs and colds of every description. . Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, is 10 shares on 5% margin, making 50 dollars. 2 o. a large bottle at all dealers, or r Anybody interested as to how speculations 5 g •..OMAN- Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharspn, Miss are conducted can get information and market SON, $q,TES cc Co., Tore to. ' i Cornyn, Miss Vauatone, Miss Matheson. totter free of charge upon application by letter to• and Miss Reid. • Boarin • of Hueran Ma or GENERAL . SERVICE MEDALS. BANKERS &BROKERS, (chairman), C: J. Reading, Thos. Greg- CONSOLIDATED STOOK EXCHANGE Bnno. • �•p I r Dry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec - The ribbon for the general service CO BROADWAY, NEW YORK. :1 N ' 1 i 1 i u retary; Dr. Towler, Metheid• Health Officer. A Littie Too Mot. Little Janet, aged 4, noticed the other IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE. day, at dinner- the rest of . the family helping themselves liberally to. the mus. tard.. Nobody Foffering,her any, Ishe waited until something. drew away the Campaign and • now reside within the attention of the others,:' When she lifted the mustard . spoon, `liberally daubed a piece of bread witih it and took agreat bite. Her hand immediately went up to her burned mouth; but, bravely sup- 8.30 11.35 `. Toronto 8.25 5.40. kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph ressin an outcry,Via T. G. & B. Poles, Cedar pressing , y,: put.the bread Q ' Posts and,.Shingle Bolts away from her, remarking, "I think I'll wait till that jelly.gets"cold." Scalded Hand. • Mrs. T. Wannamaker, Frankford, Ont., states: Eight years ago r scalded my hand very badly .and. took cold in it. My hand swelled and Was very' -ppainful ` but one-half a bottle ofHagyard'sYellow i l THE "FENION TNVASTAN:' Oil Cured it." j L We have pleasure in' reproducing the .LY• ' following sensible and forcible' editorial from the Chicago i0 Evening Post," in f ou tulY t "day eradiate:. Rc+t W. The mile1;79*""" it ao Freed, llaeetl'r• W. J. t%Tait lYli:ezi,'s�. 4. � l cls sjata icy e� Superintendent. s' Maer'noma1 tally:'itf'n —Sabbath services ' at 11 tt m aril 7 p 111. Sumba- Selma at Mr, Archie Mc uaxrlet, aou "'80 p en, l:pwvGen Leagueaperry Mon- day • rltty evening. General prayer nlretiYi;; o1 NT' en Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard Hugh McQuazxae, of 1311 t11, has t+lalisted Robbs, pastor. Dr. Towvler, S. $up- for service in/4 oath ' Africa. Ho ie a erintenueut. ineinber of the 13t11 Field i Battery, PisucsIIYTEltxA,N CauRati;• Suilibbatll $er- cires at 11 a m and 7 p 111. Suncitty Wiu11i11eg, aud Tett thin city on Monday Sellool at 2:30 p nl. • General prayer evening for B iigstou, en route to the :,ntectting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. flYlYlt. - D. Peaxie, pastor. 1), M. Gordon, S. S. About a year ago I had an eruption on t,u T. lea 's Ouuitcti, Ei iseorer--Sab- my face which was of n. very itching, - bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sun- burning nature anti inclined to spread, day School at 2 :110 p na;. General prayer I used two bottles of Burdoek Blood meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Bitters which cured me completely and Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F. t3horo, S. S. permanently. - Superintendent. GEORGE'SKALLER & CO y Clegg, medals has arrived from England and as soon as medals and clasps have been properly attached the distribution will be commenced. The first issue will probably be to Ontario veterans, , soon after the 15th inst. Those who served in the Feniari 'Raids and Red River• headquarters district will receive their medals direct from the Ci'aims Board. Elsewhere they will be clistributed from district headquarters. There ' are still many claims to be dealt with which. were put in subsequent to the date fixed for receiving them. These will be dealt with after the distribution of the medals now awarded have been delivered. The Claims Board found that only twp per cent of the claims had been rejected. EAST. READ DOWN. P. M. ' A. M. 2.80 ',0.25 READ'' �, WEST. A. ltf, P. at• Teeswater 2.00 11.10 8.00 0.53 Wingham 1.32 10,43 4.00 7.45 Harristou 12.35 9.48 4,22 8.05 • Mount Forest 12.10 9.25 4.57 8,33 Arthur 11.95. 8.60 Highest cash prices paid for all 5.22 8,55 Grand Valley 11.10 8.20 LDS LOGS! Through Coach to and from Toronto ' ilelieered in our yard. on all trains via. Orangeyille and T. G. A. H. NOTMAN, . • ' Asst Gen'1 passenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto. •i How He Got Teich. ' Railroad people have an arrangement regard to the " Fenian invasiau " of'' by Which they can register the speed of Canada, a, train.. It looks like a steam gnage,and CANADIAN n sroo Toaf;srynoT, is connected with the axle,, so that the Aha! Hurrol John Bull, look out] pointer registers the number of restate- Over 0Vbb1- O er.the border theFenians will go:-- gone everymmn te. Thereareso many some some time.1 t It is impossible to say jtist : revolutions to the mile, and by an in when, but the prediction may be ven- . genious ' arrangement the number of tured that it will be when Uncle Sam is' miles an hour on the dial. The , ripper= asleep And he is a wide awake intli= atm 'is expensive as well as•delicate. . '';iditol. •• • w' - s »,.. • The late Jay Gould was one Of the What tommyrot all this P`' bout the first to adopt it, and shortly after a ..reg= invasion of Canada . is, a�y` i + „jt later Was placed•in his private ear Russel arov.es aothing'so conclusively as that'• Sage was making a journey' with bum' lot of men whose tongues are hung in dengilired what it was. Mr. Gould the middle have exhausted various other explained the mechanism. and the use- subjects of conversation. • They must fulness 'of the machine. Mr. Sage was keep up a Chin•ohiinine of some sort, •silent for a moment and then, . looping and they can think of nothing else to 11P, entluired: say. Why, if they should really attempt "noes it earn anything?" to Cross over . into Canada on an evil "Nealtbinlr not'," .said Mr. Gould, mission they would be rounded up ana with a, smile. brought back by a squad of police from '4Does•it'save anything?" Detroit or Cleveland or some other city "iib." along the chain of lakes,- It wouldn't "Then I would not leave it in my car." take mach of. a squad, either. It is a --Chicane Record, • libel on the intelligence of the average American to Concede. that there• Worms Dangerous, are enough fools to make any serious, Don't forget it, mother—Worms are. trouble in this way., dangerous, they suck the life ont of your The Man who undertook to — OCTORS invade chip." The only safe areliable comedy Se IlPW Ter. Low's Pleasant Warns Syrup. Canada, from the United States would be getting himself into trouble with The gove i tient revenue from the both J, Bull and 'Uncle Sam, and would . Yuke7n gold fields for the year amounts be called to the more serious accounting to $1,400,000. The revenue for lrl'ovem- by Thick) San,. There would be no real ben was $14,7/97. reason why John BulI should worry The Ontario government has granted about it at all for he would have a right $500 to the Red Cross fi'und to provide to look to Uncle Sam for whatever darn- comforts for the second contingent en a, age aright be done. Thus the Fenian route to Cape TOWIL. 'asap the els r and vltallty ane ace invader would in reality would be mak- awean Wren.tra ilitallar 7ra•o>t;m rir a "i'vLtt Otat its 'I°otes Ing war upon the United States. But COti1an't 'Work. 1 Stricture and Cleat, the whole thing h; too preposterous to Mrs. JOileppb Cartier, VirOtOria Herber, it No matter hew chronic, yield to our Vital. disctusti certainly. Should the raid be . Out., had Rheumatism bathe kiaees, feel, toed Treetteteat. Nootaeratios rya pain, sand (41")°"' 11.74.° boxes of Mi•1latlrn's no dnrentton frmu biaeellien . All drains attempted, tiros taking petit in It would Rheumatic PMI's arartrcl her. ;; ynrou. �'t a'a'°'ue will 41 find themselves in no more heroic sur- 11r, Nomura Shaw, formerly of the blood at Sexual Diseasese. rortnddng titan there afforded by outdo Bank of Coautnerce, eon of Alex maw, 'r tend forever. lclo return of the 4l. t*e. .,police station., . o mamma. No P�iaop . Our DolN�e lases, Q. C., Wlvllt tteraa, died at reesteittett will cute You, We = Cash ravnca., idal.r — ou•Cla itra Day, a ta9aere cave*. l triw. 0 , 3-Isvaal&i n Oimb., haei tt1'"etreat,sold tam din. Mg 1:11 les k i b e i site d SOvett el i re a for r,p 'HILL!, iMiRt1r Ma...ditiWi fel 1t1, i•.:I: ' trAi,Np, LAMAR w 0 Villa .f •f';�,1 I in s ,' 14,1;�drel1 t for avi ,th .. dial. �__ � Y GL. OSI NG CUSTOM SAWING, EVERY FRIDAY M The Times Mee, Des WINO -MAN, OWT T5uats Orr Sttt»t'eatl'piox—*1,00 per annual i 'Avarice s4,1.1:0 if not eto paid. Nob paperm tinted tilt all. onto re . aro pari, excerpt an tits option of Che publfuher. f"Attva.rtrteirite RAmnm,— Legal and'ethet ear -null telt.'TO:emnnte 84 per Netalwrie'lline for ih'st im•er•iicrt, 8e per line for peaty uubeequent lwnt'rrion. • A dv' a tlt-eli ente in local whimsies are aluil ire q* 10 etre. per line for forst 1nse len end fe cents. per line for emelt enzb eequent in.ertloa, . Advertitee'ments4 tat Lost, 1r in4, etaws , Farms for Halo or to Rent, and u51tnflar #1 mr tiroesnth.' alontll and 80 Dent„ for each aubseuue*t COYanRAC1. BATES -•The following table iiliow a our rates for the in':crtion of advertisements for spe'cifie'd per ioebt: sPAc.. 1 re. Giro. 8 Ato. 1 Dptto. One Colunan'i$60.00 $85.00 $15.00 58,00 Ralf0olurnn d5.00 18.00 -10.00 4.00.,' Quarter Uolunur 18.00 a 10.00 0,00 2,00 Advertisements without Ktanc!ine (.1ireail. will be tnee'rte d till forbidLand charge. aceo adr incly. Tranvanc,4e•ont advertisements meet be paid. Por fn Tln Joa DEPARmresNT it sbeckcd with an extensive ns,,ortineut of all requisites for paint- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the countyfor turning out first clam work. Large type and appropriate outs for alt stylea of Post - ens, Nand Bills, etc„ and the latest styles of Pout - firs, fancy type for the fluor classes of print- ing. E. B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher. BANK or HAMILTON • WINGHAM. Capital. $1,494,520: F Rest, $1,000,000 .._ . Pl'PHidPIIt—JOtiN.,C..m+}aT{�• ' Vise-President—A. cy RAHSAr. DIRECTORS„'. John Proe'tor, Geo. Remelt: Wm. Gibson, ff.P., A. T, Wood, M. P., A. B.Loe (Toronto). U'I.I,. 8:$Smturtbas,:10 rdg 1'ecPived.and received at current States is on Guredsold. itain and the Untied W, QOR.BOULI), .Agent. Ill, L. ]�r<CB:INSON, Solicitor. Cashier- J•;TURNB SavingsBank--Beare 10'to to 1. Tielaosits of $1 acrd upwa interest allowfd. Special Deposits 'also rates of interest. .A. SMITI 733..x . i , WIN01MAM, General Banking Business transacted. Money advanced to farmers and business inen on emdoreed notes and collateral. Farmers' i Safe Notes Cashed Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of Canada and the United States. Notes and 'accounts collected on reasonable terms, , . WINGHAM HOSPITAL For the treatment of DISEASES OF•.WOMEN and SURGICAL CASES of all kinds. Dior par- ticulars address DR. .1. P. KENNEDY, Medical Superintendent, Wingham, Out, "DVANSTONE, 111. . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, Private and Company fiends to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort- gages, town and farm property bought and sol., Office, Beaver, Block, Wing tam: SHINGLE,Cl�TY1N0: JA. MORTON, , done at lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and get prices be •ft)re disposing of your timber. Before' placing your order p for Spring ” Clothin ng 1 g call and see our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to .sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one -Balt more than new and better goods of the latest styles . will cost to -day. We make clothes that fit. EESTER & Queen's Bioek. - • tosommotiootosoassemoreftiN WE MAKE , 9OLL44. Sewer and Culvert Pipes Alt Sizes from 4 fu. to 24 In. Also Conn s"ho"e. WRITE POP PRjofES3 CLEAN & SON •AMERICAii= ' / 'I{_� FCR6iGN �J Caveats and Trade.lViark3 obtained. and all patent business conducted for MODERATE NEE$. My office is in theimmed,ate vicinity of the Patent Offica and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch orphotograph of invention wits description and statement as to advantages claimed. :IfirXo charge 4s made for an, opin{oirasto patetitabiUggo, and My fee for prosecuting the application awl nee be vatted •�for 'ttst{a the patent �s (snowed. "INvenroaa Gunn," eon. mining full information seat free, All Ceemmunt. .cations Considered as strictly toniidentlal. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH 'claw e8r,e $ WASHINGTON A. a. • 01.1110t/SANDS with Ob' nervouYOUNsness, Mmemory,NQi THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO troubled with nervoutlnestl, mag a• dent cxliaustio,i loss of acbrnagbacics and kidneys, painful urine .i 8O l-2 ADELAIDE ST. Ct., tion bashfulness, sediment in urine, losses at night, impotency, headaches, varicocele, rACTOCY AT AIIMICO. TORONTO pimples, Meet , bone pales, --The results 'of evil habits In youth or later excassee. Our Vitalized Treatment cures the worst Emissions tic Varloocele 'inn 7...i_ r ' „ir ,1i , r i, - nn dlli - ��4n1 (n, n 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 11 dee' 1,1 .I' 91 ;i.1 r5, "i'RpDIC 111fa'i RRS - DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &o. An ]�ya rending a sketch end deeorevtton cone certain:yet. opinion tree ,,,,other Strout arc chart 1 itnhle. Co,c nunttf. utpnepfrfat pow flan'a. ase noko t' ;utEel' *It a,�nne! soca tents. :«n t8t011 h Malan t�o. raoetve +rtt 1 emerge, tot e nit MitittiCan. 1 frent rtrr,et sr,ti,itt.. 7 ic, •ch' tit• !W'14 b7 ;,.1 WrrMM�nwre.; • BARRISTER, die., gingham, Ont. • L. DICKENSON, e BARRISTER, ETC. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan•. Office—Meyer Block, Winghant. ARTHUR J.eIRWIN D D. S.,;L D'. S. - Doctorn f Dental 0 eta Sttr..c -oE• �t hePearn Pennsylvania, is Dental College 'and' lgtrenntiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Mee* over PW. Ding D 12, ost ROSSOffice,, Dr Di. S•, Lin. 8., f DENTIST, Office -Beaver Block, Wingftam, JOHN RITOHIE, GENERAL INSUItA'N.CE AGENT, Winghnrn, Ont. s p DEANS, Jn, ' • LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales• attended in any part of the County, Charges: Moderate. (TORN CURRIE, WINGnnAar,, Oitr. LICENSED A.UCTibNEER, ts�"irlivi of Farm Stoalt and. Vann Implements of apa• Aeeill ordeltrs left at Tun TneEs office promptly attended to. 'Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Shh Cant) Caledonia, No. 40, moats ■ ■ So "the first and third Monday In every month, in the Oddfedlews Ha11. V1Kitinq- t rethren welcome. J. MtrintaY, 'Chief; H, B. Elliott, Rec.- ice. • JOB PRINTING, lueludin. it Books, Pura lets, Pouters, Bill Heads, ironism,+ e.., Fri., executed in the hast •,'tyle of the art, at moderate prices, and on rhort notice. • BoorenntInna.--We aro pleased. to announce that any Book; or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding 121. any style will be given on application to THE Tram On01010, Ingham. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Glum) TRUNK RAILWAY 'SYSTEM.l7f mutat mars sou Palmeri ton .........•.... 0,413 a.m..., rr,ti5 a tri. tendona.m..., 8.15 pti. Kineardlnn' •...11 a.m... Lin p•rtt•...10.48 p.m. Altrt1Va reoos 1Sineatdine ...,0.44e.m•• !; iStiam.,,. 47,15 pear. Iwmdn. 11,10 a,m.,..Ft. DO p,rc,. Pelmetetota 8.06 p.m , 10.•15 prat, d. H. GORDON, Assort, Nr'fnghatn, rill SA'BE'R PACIFIC RAIf wAT. l tTRAINS LEAVE MR . . .'R ^ tet.. ROIT.ns. if ,Met, r .... Int .ta ..le.. p.tm. iliiti'tii.3 w•Lt.eat. .M.. 8.4