HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-01-12, Page 511, THE W1YGH •......I. '• 1- 1.-- 14104,0, wausta" 0') w__):Ail91)(11X10,4 t 44#/h • • VVIalatlitt.E.V. 1 11 I In IA• 0 0 1. i) '.!Cfrikr.r'iV4i 01'1* OrtiTif:0)1R.P/i ''Z'4.."4414"1164444.111)4114%1111 Maltrieo Ocemeil meefius held i disetatled fe mato do aanarallettrall$ u .041 PPY NEW YEAR TO ALL lgargetire's Blusavetla, jaanary sa„ zweidenee on Mot (valuta& tTagle laihs Watiafeeedia' • k 1900. The neembere all present. The ar 7 reasaa." at p. re. .411 blen—ds Aro izYlt- u" q tit .invAr*, E1 to seam& Eat& Oestanassay, bald ID U Mr. Copeland—aar. Lovell—That that hall Prisister, Amara W. tiaa •?':'AS - meeting do vow adjourn to meet in, iisse beard yet *mews motet Maguire's Hall, Bluevale, on Mouday, Jean R. rAar, aaLcrem mutt., stsgisoi • February lath, 1900.—Carried, James Alameda Alm Diluent emit la a ' t arteaseat-- t Oonanunieations Were teed front W. it , Jame Bantam, Clerk. E. Powell. Mx. Reliant Maxwell, tame s H. Browses, Toranto, re debentures; &welt Wednesday, Deem:al:0r 20th, at 11 erly a direetor, reeigneed, and Mr, Papa ' For th, bait trari4esfrom the Sick Objlereua erospitai Treete oieleak a. in., a very pleasant event took was elected in aie plata. All the etherssi).ceg, Baking Piow... Torouto, re subseriptieue from. Joseph place at tae home a Mr. 'Tabu GemmillAbeleaged to the limner boar& The • Wrigly, Clerk, North Duntfriee, re nil- Loealebrre Settlement, Metaitobit, A U•eating was 'Veg. Well attended -and WO - 'slm"r4 arl I Extract°, 4°11 oin ,.,,' •,.., way cattle guiteds; also trout P. Porter. befeie the Inert -lege of his daughter, is the second time in 21 yeerk eltat. the 4 A Add, Clerk, B. Wetwatiosb, re advice on Naist to Mr. Geo. B. Giutby, of Cert. Board of pirectors were eleeted by ao- I. "A Q got . minti-i-ti ..- deviatiou roads. waysitt, Man. The ceremony Was per. elareation, At the close a the general UrrVetefte LI* I'll Natillea By-law No. 1 for 1900 be passed for the Oeftwright. et bride was given away and elected John R. Miller as president; Mr; Mosgrove—Mr. Copeland—That formed by tliotpar. M. Aleguarrie, of meeting, the direetors hel 1 a uteetieg appointment of read earoutiseioners.-- by3lea father; and looked am. pretty in John Burgess as Secretary marl Wm. Oarriea. a watite figured cashraere, trimmed with Messer as Treasurer. Robert Maxwell, Mr. Coaeland—Mr. Lovell—all,* By- white satin chiffon and pearl trimming. who retired tut a director had beau a law No. 2 for 11;0G be passed foe the ep- She , eves. ably supported by her sister, member a the Board for 21 years. Ile poiatmeut of auditors for the cureant lgisarOther, who watt gowned ill SYhite item teudered a. hearty vote cl thanks, year at the same salary as heretofore.— inuslia , end valeuciennee lace. The The number of pounds of milk retched Carried. ' graft:. etas supported by Mr. John A. at the factory lett year were 1,681,785. Mr. Mosgrovo — Mr. 1Vlitchola— Thai' Robieies et Beiasevain. After the °ere- Average pounds of =tilt to a pound of Alex. McEwen and Douglass Fraser be many, tamer wee served and the lumpy cheese, 10 70-100; average prim eheese appointed auclitors.—Carried. couple left for their home at Cartwright sold, 10 30-100 cents per pormd; average Mr. Mitchell — Mr. Mosgrove es. That an the 4,20 train. The many friends of 'coat ef (halving adlie 0 8-8 mine per By-law No. 8, 1000, be passed, appoint- the bride in this neighborhood will wish gallon; east of malriug cheese, including ing Jahn S. MeTavish, assessor, for the her many years of happy wedded life. all expenses. of drawing milk, bisurance, current year at a ealary of a55 and post- awe—Carried, Mr. Mitchell—Mr. alosgreve—That By-law No, 4, 1000, be passed appoint- ing Gavin Wilson. a member of the Local Boaaideet Health for three years; also appointing Dr.Toole Medical Health Officer for the'eurrent year; antl. also ap- erns:webers haviug eulaserlbed their desolate. atiom of 41101feet/ea aud of office took IN.`? their Metta • The manatee af lest meetulae-Nrre read, approved ana sigma. • a0uary Sale °F Heavy Goods '-120 Ladies' Cloth Coats at 25 per • cent. 12 Men's Wallaby Fur Coats (Special) at 812.00. 8 doz. Y[en's Cloth Caps, regular prict 500 to. 75c for 40c. Thanking our many customers for their vors during 1899, we feel it .our duty to serve them even better in 1900. Aiivt",/./..wpo.4frivisAinv•www4644 ii4vvp.44,%4064* JOHN MANNA. Footwear to Suit every person, either Man, Woman or Child, is what you will find in this store. •• We have a large 'assortment in the various kinds, the production of the best makers. „ ' Ladies' Skating Shoes, Felt Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers. LADIES' OVERCAITERS AND LECCINC''' Cardigans and Overstoc4ings. \ Men's Shoes in Box Calf, Dongola, Patent Leather and Felt See our 11/en's Leggings. Stub Proof Rubbers, every pair guaranteed. a 12 G E E • Ordered work and. repairing promptly attended to. calr...Tir • 4:2101E:D. one crate of' .7. & G. Meakin's Celebrated Make of Hig4i•C1ess Dishes • comprising Tea Sets, Breakfast Sets end Dinner Set. Oreakfast Sets Dinner Sets, 97 Pieces 6 12 Breakfast PlateS 12 Cups, 12 Saucers 6 12 Butter Pads, -1 Vegetable Dish • Oi 1 Jug, 1 Platter 1 Salad Bowl, 12 Salad Dishes • 1 Tea Pot, 1 Sugar Bowl 1 Cream, 1 Bowl. Dinner Sets, 85 Pieces 12 Dinner Plates ike 12 Tea Plates, 12 Sauce Dishes • 12 Butter Pads 12 Cups, 12 Saucers • 1 Tea Pot, 1 Large Bowl f 1 Cream, 1 Slop Bowl JP 2 Platter, 2 'Vegetable Dishes $ 1 Gravy Boat ; FOR $8.00. Dinner Sets, 87 Pieces 12 Dinner Plates 12 Tea Plates, 12 Fruit Saucers 12 Butter Pads 12 Cups, 12 Saucers 1 Tea Pot, 1 Sugar Bowl. 1 Cream, 1 Slop Bowl, 1 Gravy Bowl, 2 Platters 2 Vegetable Dishes 2 Bread Plates FOR $8.50. -ALT 12 Dinner Plates, 12 Tea Plates • 12 Soup Plates, 12 Sauce Dishes' 12 Butter Pada 12 Cups, 12 Saucers • 1 Tea Pot, 1 Sugar Bowl 1 Cream, 1 Slop Bowl 1 Gravy Boat, 2 Vegetable Dishes k 2 Platters • FOR $10.00. Dinner Sets, 100• Places • 12 Dinner Plates, 12 Soup Plates 12 Tea Plates, 12 Sauce Dishes 12 Butter Pads • ' 2 Vegetable Dishes, 2 Platters 12 Cups, 12 Saucers ' 1 Soup Tureen, 1 Tea Pot 1 Sugar Bow', 1 Cream, 1' Slefillolcd;114ritil BoWi FOR $11.504 Dinner Sets, 116 Pieces 12; Dinner Plates, 12 Soup Plates, 12 Tea Mates, 12 Desert Plates 12 Sauce Dishes, 12 Butter Pads 12 Cups, 12 Saucers, 1 Tea Pot 1 Sugar Bowl, 1 Cream re 1 Slop Bowl, 2 Bread Plates SI • 1 Gravy 'Boat, 1 Sauce Tureen 8 Platters, 2 Vegetable Dishes ' FOR $14.00 la.PIX11441-9 teatarratateted-7}atealadeaealtaeeeMeetateolease,.S. • The Stamp of Security. On every " Slater Shoe ", pat there by the makers as a guarantee of wear value protec- tion against extortionate profits. Many men would readily pay more for a " Slater Shoe " were not the price stamped on the sole this stamp gives the actual market value of the shoe determined by the manufac- turers. --':-i,..1.i i, -. Made in twelve feet -model shapes, all1,1,11;1:1'=:: ' ,4, '0. sizes, Widths, leathers, 4) ,. • 4 1 colovs and styles. Every pair Good- 4 -1, 4 . .1 year welted. CPI i 1 .t • $3.5o and. $5.0o. a 1 • e, laseeaalaileal s; # . -- a , a. ; , eN,3-e••• a 1. asaisenaval The annual meeting of the reennbers of the East Wawanosh Agricultural Society was held. here on Wednesday afternoon. The President, Mr Walter Scott, took the chair. ' The minutes of the last annual meet - ablating John Diment Sr. Sanitory. In- ing were road and passed. specter for the current year.—Carried. The auditors' report and annual evert Mr. Mosgrove—Mr. Mitebell—That were read, shelving receipts to the cur Reeve be instructed to go to Gocleriah amount of $414.31; expenditure iu prizes, etc., a315.15; leaviug n balance on hand of $99,16. Mr Owens—Mr Seott—That the report be adopted—Carried. The following resolution. wile Passed That we, the officers and members of consideration of this by-law be left over the ELIA Wawanosh Agricultural So- to next meeting.—Carried. •ciety, desire to express our deep regret Mosgrave—Mr. Lovell—That .the at the loss we have sustained in the death auditors' report to this Council at the of our late esteemed President, Charles meeting to be held Feb. 12th next.— Praetor, Esq., and we further extend Carried. . our sincere sympathy to the widow and re deviation roads.—Carried. A petition was laid before the Council from John Wylie and 87 other ratepay- ers, asking that a by-law bo passed to remove deg tax in this municipality. Mr. Lovell—Mr. Xitehell—That the salaries, renewa,supp lslies S. repairs Button IcIpeix, O. tl•:. nu M deal exclusively in these articles, am in a tion to secure the: BESTGOODq from the most re- liable sources, VV,. st.11 for cash ; you get the bftnefir, and don't have to pay for others bad debts. Try our Teas .and yoit will and all other incidental expenses,' 91-1C0 be our regular customer, we alway s JAS B 0 0 L IP ce001115 per pound. hear of the prosperity of the cbeese N1 compauy, es their business means a good. deal to the neighborhood. Cheese end Butter Co. will be held. in WRONETEE. Au adjourued, meeting of the Bkevale Annie MolVfichael, A. Hamilton, Edith; the Foresters? hall on Friday, January Gibson, Elcla linaleweed, Bleat) Allen 9th,, The business to come before the aul A. Hoopea attended the gatheriug of meeting will be the letting of the tnilk the old studeitts of the Ilarristen High routes, confirming by-laws, etc. Selma' on. New Year's day. • Mrs. Wm. Paulin and laas Paulin were visiting in Owen Found last week. • Tuesday morning about (o'clock the John McTavish, a former merchant of this place, uow of Baden, was calling on most serious fire ia 13lyth's bistory cc- curred, The fire started in Mr, atotaers, old friends here last week. Mr, Cook, of Hensall, was visiting bakery, which was totally consumed, together with es G. aleser,a hardware with Thos. Hemphill, sr., last week. and tinware; T. W. Scott, betas, shims A. W. Robinson has secured a school and groceries; Heffrou Bros„ butcher• s at Eden Grove and left for that pine and the Bank of Hamilton. Theeniouni las1; week, • of iusurance is not knowu at present; . en L1 0 41. boss will be heavy. . Within the past two or three weeks Mr. Mosgrove—Mr. Copeland—That family, and pray that God may comfort "there have passed away from this im- the Clerk be instructed to ask fortenders and sustain tltem. in this their sad berea: Mediate vieinity three of the pioneers of for the township printing for the current vement. And that the Secretary be avOltitiS. • tho township. On Sunday, Dec. 17th, year from. the proprietors of the Whip eequested to send a copy of this motion A number of young people enjoyed Alex. McGregor and Peter Grant joined ham Times and Advance newspapers; to Mrs Proctor. ; themselves at a social hop at the home the gr,eat majority on. the other shore tenders to be received up to noon, Feb. kr H Edwards was voted to the chair whoa the following offieers were eleeted: evening. of Mr. and MrG. G. Fyfe's on Monday awl on Wednesday, 27th Dee., James 12th.—Carrie (Lrson, of the 7th, con., passed away-, (1. The following accounts were passed —President, Walter Scott; lst Vice- M. Geo. A. Page, who bas been living bevieg lived nearly aye years past three and eheques issued:—J. J. Moffatt, gra- President, Jas Owens; and Vice-Presi- on as. A„ Graham's form, for some time, core and ten. Although Mr. Carson ad, $1; F. 1VIcClelland, drain in BilmOre, dent, R Procter; Directors, 3 Cole, P W has . moved' to his recently purchased had not beeu very strong for same time 4 I oue day, $14.75; Elliott Bros., tile, $18.88; Treas- Scott, 11 Edevards, R Scott, Geo Repeat- aum near xerneele • yet he eves only serionts y urer, Wingham, work on boundary, son, lt, McMurray, Geo Taylor, A 'Kerr j .Pth 11 fla&4tLCiSA ht • $5.70; Goo. Mn', stationery, 88o; H. and 3 Coultes. .R Currie was appointed known as thGerdon farm,en the 7th B. Elliott, printiug, $13.75; atandelpal eneanasary director dn amount pf lus ,00neessien, s 100; acmes, for $1.,001 As World, papers, $5.75; Ross Roberts0n, long and faithful services to the society. fa grant to S. C. Hospital, $5, , Treasurer, 0 McClelland; Seciy, l' And- rm lends are going up in. price this place raiordd bo a bargain. At the annual meting in No 10, Mr Messer, the retiring trustee, resigned the position, which he has faithfully The Cornmettee of Council appointer' erson ; Auditors, J S Scott and Iseae to 'make arrangements for the presenta- Stubbs.. tion of a suitable testimonial to our ex- • 004 ni.VEN-A.I.E. " filled for over 20 -years. He is sacceed- . Briefs Me. John Powell, barrister, ed b Robt Shaw. , . ospfearDeenit.t,rob1ants, IsbpeeenntbieuNnew Year's with bis E , po.orc. hea.lJthohon lPow"late e Mr. andreAssa Georgeivst• has taugntusnow tornakethe ; , has exchanged his house nt Wanglunn, side, . ' • • • were 'visiting at the borne of IlrATra9yslaor., of Lane best' Emulsion in the w• rld ex, 3.. s op e]. rn u s ouse . , their daughter, Mrs. W. 5. Calve over Experience has proved that' o, ; the village, anti tnade a second ex uge Sunday. Their grauddaughter, Mabel this 'Emulsion is worth f walr1VIr. Alexander Messer. 0,urrie turned home with there. for a Ms' Ira Etcher, spent New Year's he 11 ViSit' Experi y 0 at . ' r and Mrs John T Currie are having 'entire confidence. There • Miss Alice Duff returned to Clinton more than their share of eickness in are many imitations a lls6-week. . their family. At the present time five • members of their family are quite ill. vstg at her grandfather's, Mr iscwin etrativiono • ii11/e.eins Hattie Geddes, who has been ; John May they all have a speedy' recovery t. If your doctor it. MeChaeken, of the Blueyale road, for will be thee wish;of Mr and Mrs Currie's and all kinds of substitutes for it; sometime, joined hei• fatally in Dethait many friend's' but -none equal . last week. recommends you to tare Cod -Liver mrs wintain Gray, of Manitoba; is 4 l 10.* WEST WAWANOSH. oil,. or you know yourself that you *W *Wang her., parents. Mr. and Mrs, Adame regret to earn of the sudden need it, pt SCOTT'S EMtJLSroad.- . ION Oleghorn, of the Blnevaledeath of Mr. Frank jury, Which took it is the best Cod -Liver Oil..in theeplace at his resiamm on the 13th bestform • Mr. Thomas Cannes has been laid up aaii a west wew osh, di Iriiiii;satti If we had your address we would send you a,samploAap41,itavadwhia 4euing Miss Clara Gitelman, of' Torenta/ it ill tor atm dayswith throataronbl d Mrs` 3•.zrzl' itiehin; Mir' Vic'e-Ptes" • taming which be spite; ed int use pain. His partner iu lite"pree tried hint some tat. months ago: _lie game to Culrasa 1876 entl settled oe the term where he ' • beta since lived. H s family all ereith �hldtood FORDwiCH. • M . Alex Wyness 1. as entaseil into partnership with Mr. jetties Argo, of Fergus, aurl has assumed the manage- ment of a large stq:e them. Mr. F. A. D yerghy will look after his besaiess here. M tut- "ram here attended the Method- ist ch -reit opening servic at' Newbridge ou Se, a ty and Mouday lest. The f >Tidying aro it offi aas af the Christie. t Endeavor of the aresayterian churel; —Honary Prost lent, f. A. B. Dobeen; Piesideut, Miss Odie gers; Vic P,r seident, Miss Mary fleck:sr; See - are, ?red Becker; Treasurer, Arthur Dobson.; Corresponding Secretery, J. 11. Ito;ers; Payer-ineeting Committee, Rev. a . B. Dobson, Mrs. Alex Wyness, A. 0. II itelansoti wad Mrs. L. B:citer. The Eeworth. League of the Fordwich Meth elset church have eleateal.tIze lot-a—a-ea" • ,officees en. yon—Pres., enlea fazzie Mose; First Vine -Pres., • morning last. eased had only been Mis'4 41' 3()11118thil ; tie‘ton Vice -Pres„ ith a bad attack of rheumatism. • his very sacideiv death is a sad sures:is% Juhnstou; Seen lass Viva more about it. — • visiting her Sister-. soc. and Er.00, ail druggists. • SCOTT & BOWNE, 'Toronto. at Miss May Powell, of Turnberry, was to his family atid many friends, and to visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Macdon- whom the earnest sympathy is extended ald, last week. in their great bereavement. Mr. Jury Messrs Joseph and Robert Smillie re- 'had reached the ripe age of 70 years, and turned, tb.eir studies iu Toronto, this was an old ancl highly esteemed resident . LEHIGH VALLEY : Mr. Robert L. Stewart,after spendhig of the township and his death will be universally regretted by rai who knew the holidays with his parents, in the• hini. A Kingston, to resume his studies. BRUSSELS. : village, returned to queen's College i ! Rev. W. I. West M. A., exchanged The estial monthly horse fair was held , : ! Pulpits with Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of on Thussdny cf het week. j Teeswater, on. Sabbath last. East, auron Farmers' Mediate meet Mr. and Mrs. McGregor, of Kiburn, lugs in 13raesels, on Wednesday, Jan. visited Mr. and Mrs. George Macdonald over Sunday. 1 An entertainment will be given some time in. Februaryethe proceeds of will& will be used to bay near maps and other . neeesearies for our school. Mr. A. Mc- ,111calwan is managing the affair. _It is .(keeled that all ex -pupils iu the velnity f will help, it eking. i Messrs Brinker and MePltereen have t 4 dieeolveapartnership. The tailoring tbe ••••1•1••••••••.... The best grade of , bard coal ever mined. It's fret from dust or ' dirt. Contains a.great amount of heat and 1 ; burns to a clean, white ash. If you are in , need of any hard coal, butt r let us send you i a ton. We'lli unarantee ev cry Iump of • 1 • it nas proven best for this Northern clim- , i • ate. i ; • . I J. CLEGG &CO • 17th, at 1.80 and '7 o'clock. Hardeue; Treas., Ezra Riehm; Supt. of .Junio. Department, Miss Helmut Ma- • hoed; CollecIor for Forward lVfovement, Miss Anes Harding. • Mtsers andrew Derby and J'as R Eire. 11 were struck by • a train on a crossiag while ariviter near alosbore and both were hestently "Ever r Matt Hath His Ill Day." Las fell while packing apples Joe, A doctor s examination McKay put a note in a barrel asidng the 'night show that kidneys, receiver to ;communicate with him stat- ing. the eoeclition ot the fruit when par- liver and stomach afe normal, cns '1 real the price Deal Dist .wat,k but,ithe doctor cannot 4nalyze heaeceived a reply front 11.0. Itowlanas the olooa upon atiliich these atHauntea Lekes Ranch, Lanatt ea organs depend, All'erat, saying the a nit was eeceivea in Hood's Sarsaparilla purifiee, vitalizes gaol oraer aeel the price lurid Was VI par and enrich -al the blood. It tures you when "a bit a_" or when eeriously So affirt'hteaudnetsg ana gents' furnishing partnership.- -will M la And A. Hewitt al?a shariZfreea,,,aat. eavried en by Mr. Pritzker. Mr. Ito. have their Detestable (the old trrny. bar- taparillii has no equal for rheumatism. St Phaeton, went to Carsonville, rims racks) fitted up nal. filleaewith horses. )gtosfignorle ineherale°11aea,gp°1, thr,:a3komat Ds„,„i„, last weak. They have 87 heavy boreas en band, but 1:viny, ittrampton, (Mt. Tho annual meeting of the Bled:ale as they have only Waite for :ta that is at aiad Gush—"After my long Mmoas, $ very weak and had bald omen'. / Iresbe ...talon eortgrsgiai..u, will be held they eatt keep la re at onwas ee. could not eat or sleep. Different rtmo in 111‘, church eit Taesdly evening°, ,T,ttx. 1 The fe'dowing officers 1....o,.., eltla r . did not help me but I/cod's Smuts I 15th. ii; Din° by the, T. 0. le, :......1, 9. Watwi,,A.. built me op and 1 am now lame to etaate lies gitl alio ate of twelve different !tlhatf Ranger; • S. Wiltan, Irive.f,1;,,o- tri7 Wc)rk*" mrrimc --- • 3 ACttles Owhano, Vat. ilhrietnum ( ekes. tnade by twelve dif- i atanger; T. cyrrie, 'c: ;- T.Flec• It ferent persona, and partaken of at twelve I or, Pin. 44e.; T. (1. Itiebetels. fatale:sal • taffetas& Masora twill to married beferel T. Ilote, $.W.; Hrteth Mitlete ZiJ.W.a. J.W. . .. :,. ., .,,...... : ..„..., 1: ,d- ire te:. pts - ; Altx Forlevtla 8. IL ; Illlas. R.: •.e11, 3. — -..... ......... . .......----..- ......-..... . . I • i'., , .. . u. *4 .ht il:1:1 .... • :•!-Itt': 2 ; r• Mack. Treas. 4 villas eitia ea.. • • st ,t• lib 4 if fit 0 *10 ni<S('WP,P4s aiworgir- ".4 • •