HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-01-12, Page 2ti
Positively cured by these
Little Pills„
They Also relieve Distress from I)yspepsta,
bacligcstio:t and Too Hearty Eating. A pere
feet remedy for Dizziness, NOUSea, ))rowst.
Aess, Bad Tarte is the Mouth, Coated Tongnaa
Paan, in th, Side, TORPID.. LIVER. They
Regulate the Powell. Purely Vegetable.
Sarah ' Small D0s01
Small 1Prlce.
the fraua of the qday.
See you get Carter's,.
Lc!: for Carter's,
only he ttta you, We are ooaa'apell al to carry
then stat,"
,".[''1 is ti iiteustrotic t" mil th,t lit tet.
• "Do yen know this is es private house?"
"Vt, a do," aliaswer.,cl the pellet:man
who had spoken first, "and you lomat let
us enter. Our •orders are to take the
names of all 1 reaaeut."
"My go:xl man," said tlh 4 host, adept-
- Mg a tone of calm. persuasion, "you're
leaking it }treat mistake. But you can
cuter, anti take what namee you like,and i
I will see your chief about the matter in
tlw teeming."
The policemen thereupon stepped fore
ward iute the ball -room, and tite chance
that was in progress was. stopped. Tho
ihost briefly ea jtlaitted the situation to
his startled gtltasts, who resented the in-
dignity of the iutesrrptiou with much
wartitth.. t•till, t:tey gave their .unites
to tilt) p.)1te(te 11, auci anxiously waited
1 '.tut!'ertieve.optueuts.
hia..iest taticiiul,y t•uttred. the name:;
let his boot:, oust of the men walked up
to the refresi .'at -table nand poured oat
a glass of chai'itpagne for himself and
al:ether for his''compauion.
Tliis was a 1t)erty which enraged the
Lost, and he w6ut to the men and said;
".Wheat right liitvo you two fellows to
drink my wine*"
"I don't know about the right," was
the answer made by one of the police-
men, "but we, supposed when we were
invited that refreshments were iuolud-
t.C.t ,r Little Liver Pills' ed," and =Ida, roar of 1aug:+ter, the
lioolts For Farrnere.
two men produced their cards of invite -
tam. They Were well-kuownl friends,
and so effete -eel had been their disguise
The Outario Departmeut of Agricul- that until the mament of self -disclosure
tore has taken a'very advanced step in - no one in the room had suspected them
issuing a bulletin recommendiug books - of being other titan reel policemen,
for perusal by farmers, stockmen, dairy-
airy-fruitgrowers. The. pamphlet ' CANNOT TELL YOU ALL
epared by Prof. 3: 33.. Rey-
nolds of th grioultural College. ' In a limited uewapeper space, we can-
points out brieliy the material and other ls•'t ? ell you all that you should know
advantages which come from the pos- crags,
ratgs our ampse and variedilet stations
ock of
session and utilization of wisely selected ane egxuesites, and ourdicines noel irnpr�ved taeili-
books. and how best to use books, and ties for accurate dispensing.
submits a list, ;some or all of which it men MOTTO:
world be well for every farmer to own. " Purest Drugs;, Best Goods
The list is prepared to suit a aide and Lowest Prices,"
variety of tastes; and a wide range cfHave you tsed`Paine's Celery Com -
not, Ii we advise you to give
trial if you are nervous, weak, run
study are grouped down or ailing in Any way.
; 3, general agrieul- reliable and efficacious medecme of the
has be
agricultural pu•Lf�uits. The subjects am ' y
recommended f
under the follown
crop; 2, live stoc]
• lure; 4, dairying;
flowers and vege
animal life. .7
': found the tai:• a s: -To of the volume.
Some books' a and practical,
while others re of an e3'•)rt to
combine scie t practice, giving
principles as e• • iu1es. The private
library is Feer e.• sled as the best of
all ine to • ar profis from a eicnl-
t ai t - , lee F • ers' Institutes are
ea b
heads; --1, soil and Paiue's Celery Compound is the most
5,poultry;6, fruit, day.. It makes sick people will.
bles; 'T, plant and Vin;ham, Out.
(: �r each head will be
A. L. HAMILTC.N, Druggist,
t' 'i t.
Why the Do',
A night or two al
cago citizen, who
celehre..ted flee ran
giage by giving a
house. 'FGhile t
Assa l •td, into oonversatiour Sim chatted
fr - , and detailed the teetteate at the
basket, whereupon Mr, txladKtoue lifted
it, and hemi, it heavy offered to party
it for her.
The offer was aceepted, and the veter-
an. bore the basket to the white -washed
cottage, near the summit. A party of
tourists, approaching from the Druids
eirele Pass,respc'etfully saluted Mr.Glatl-
stone, who, having set lata load clown at
the old wouulu's door, strode vigorously
across the mountain pass to •Pennuteu-
"Did you. know it was Mr. 'Gladstone
who carried your basket?" enquired one
of the party.
"No, iudeed; I don't knew Me. Glad-
stone," r.plied the woman. "But I
know he is a ]kind gentleman, wilocv('r
h > is."
Vagrants Are Decreasing.
Dr. Chamberlain, 1''roviucial inspector
of jails, says that the number of corn- -
mittals during la, t year has been just
about the .same as the number for 1898,
'namely 8000. L 'et year there were
perhaps 100 or 1 less committals, but
not yet available. A
f.•the year is the de-
bert,of tramps and
abed.- A't.present there
ew of this" class in the
is is attributed to the
the full returns
d of thee nneati°
for their own mem- �`
crease in the n
vagrants incarce
are remarkably
ce Tnterfcred. ' county jails. T
o a well-to-do Chi- fact that poor people find it much easier
ves on the west side, to obtain work at good salaries now than
iversary of his mar- they diel a year or so ago.'
•aney-dress ball at his -
0 festivities were in; Gladstone's Couttesy.
Etesti'ng the Muscles.
W'hca a eatt1LSis tired, 110 stretches hit
arias and legs .1111 yawn.. Birds and
annuals, so far ahs l oast; le, follow his
Buds spread their fcathors and also
Yawn, or gape. t Fowls often do this.
Fish yawn; they open their mouths
slowly until they are round, the bones
of the head seem to. loosen, and the
gills open.
Dogs aro inveterate yawners and
stretchers, but seldom sneeze unless
they have a cold,,. Cats are always
stretching their bodies, legs aul claws,
as every one knd'vrs who has a oat for a
Horses stretch violently when and
after indulging ill, a roll, but' not, as a
rule, on all fours. .
A stag when stretching sticks out his
head, stretches hit; fore feet out and hol-
lows his back and neck as though trying
to creep under a bar.
Most ruminant animals stretch when
they rise up after lying down. Deer do
it regularly; so do cows. This fact is
so well leuewn that if a cow, when
arising from lying down, does not
stretch herself it is a sign she is i11.
The reason for this is plain—the.
stretch moves *very muscle of the body,
and. if there beany injury anywhere it
hurts. Pittsburg Dispatch.
Every brave matt is a man of his
Praise undeserved is satire in dis-
Each present joy or sorrow seems the
chief.—Shakespeare. -
We are often able because we think
we are able.—J'. Hawes.
A proud man never shows his pride so
much as. when he is oivil. Greville.
The desire of appearing' .clever often
prevents our becoming so, _Zinuner-
+ ,3
This world -full of fools, and'he
who wouldpot wish to see one must not
only pliii£ `Himself up alone, but also
),,credit his loolr iug gl
/ That which is called liberality is fre-
quently nothing more than the vanity
of giving, of which we are more; fond
than the thing given.—Roohefoucauld.
ass.—Boileau. '
full swing two tlolicemen in onifor'm An incident which 'occurred at Pen
presented thorns.}hes . at the main en.- maenmawr, iu the summer of 1890, is
trance and demanded an immediate in- told as a beautiful example of 'Mr.
terview with. the host. Gladstone's courtesy. We borrow it
'Well, what's'the matter?" said the front the London'Ohroniole:
latter when he came to the door. About twelve hundred feet up the
"Don't you knpw you are breaking the mountain was a farm homestead at
law?" said one of the policemen. which resided aC woman more thea
"Breaking the law! What do you seventy years old, who brought her
mean? How?" ; Cried the master. of weekly stock of srovissions in a large
the heves e ' 'allowing such scenes as ! basket up the steep ascent from. Llan -
axe going cn inside," -c utile rep'ied the ; fetirfechan village. -
bluecoated one, "and. we shell have to One hot Saturday, soon after begin -
insist that the company be dismissed." ning the Climb, slie sat down to rest.
"Very Ferry, sir," added the second Mr. Gladstone, who was sojourning in
policeman, "butwe have received our the neighborhood was making the same
instructions, and however unpleasant it I- climb, when he saw her, and the two
Imuffla JiC
A Lesson In Physiognomy.
They were enthusiasts in physiognomy
and phrenology, and were travelling by
train. On the opposite seat was a maat
of commanding figure, massive brow,.
mid serious expression. - 'What a fine
countenance, eirthur l I wish I knew his
occupation.' 'Perhaps he's a lawyer,
Edith.' 'No, te's not a lawyer. There's
too much benevolence in that face for a
lawyer.' 'He may be a banker.' 'I air
sure he is not, A. man with such a
heavenly' expression couldn't content
himself with money -getting. His aim in
life is'higher.' 'Well, do yea think he
can be an editor?' 'An editor with such
a facet An editor, saying hand. things
abomt everybody, ridiouli g women's
tit -Levee, awl aahnelug naothateeire-liar!
Au editor, euttiag and slashing I; hix
enendett, flaying latlbliti rhinal itttlii a ire
innately, and mere ileinaiy aleughterii g his
best friends for We sake o a paragraph!
No, Arthur, he's a philanthropist. His
face plainly hulie'ates that he is all that
is good, noble, pure awl true.' A.t the
hhoxt station an iutluisitire O1c1 fellow
took a seat beside the man with the .
Moble h row and asked hint about his
vocation. The couple opposite held their
breayth. The reply was this:—"I've a
public house atlid a, butcher's shop. •My
wife Rieke after the bar, and 1< do my -
Ma killiu'.'—Char.)
Lungs one ]Gong Life.
One of the most remarkable cases of
longevity on record. was that of ani
Englishman, born iu 1483, whose eleli-
eato appearance made all the doctors
give hint up when he was in the cradle.
His chest was so liaxraw, says the report,
that he seemed to have difficulty in
'breathing. Well, this young moribund,
coaldomned by the doctors to olio in short
order, died in 1651 at ,the ago of 160- He
saw the reign of ten kings.
Secuni Hango, conn . of 'Venice at
Smyrna, measured. only 67 centimeters
around We chest, and one of his lungs
was diseased. - Nevertheless he lived to
the age of 116, years, He was married
five times and anck had 40 children. When
he was 100 yeas old,. ho got his wisdom
teeth. When lie was iho his hair turned
blaok again, t 112 his eyebrows: and
his beard turned black.
A New Tear Proposal.
"What resolutions -have I vowed to,Actep
the. coming year? - - '
Come, sit beside me, Maiden fair,and.
straightway you shill hear:
x've pledged myself to choose one girl
from out the throng so gay,
And love her with =honest love forever
and for aye..
I'll Svork for her with brain and brawn,
with all my might and swain,
Until I've won her everything that Cldldren and Their studies.
honesty call gain; The cramming system and its accent-
I'll All her life with•all that's good, till 1nyang evils are characterized as '`A
life itself is done-- ' National Crime at the. Feet of Ameri-
And - while we ;train our minds and ban Parents" by Edward Bok iu the
hearts we'll not neglect the fan. Janaaty Ladies' Home Journal
child under fifteen years of age" be 0012 -
Now tell me, won't you maiden fair, tends, "should be given any home study
what you have vowed to do— I whatever by his teachers. Ile should
For I've laid. bare my iumost soul to no not have more than from' one hour to
one but to you.?" . four of schooling each day, the hours
',I've made no `pledges," site replied in inereasing.with,his years. • Outside of
so,demure a tone, school hours he should have at least
"But, if you don't object, I'll�;tiy to' three hours to play. After fifteen the
Help you keep your Gain!" brain has auothee period ,of rapid de
--"Wallace Dunbar Visicent, in Frank velopment, with special increases of
Leslie's Popular Monthly for January. the higher faculties. Four hours of
sohooling3 then, is not too much, pro-
vided the child's physical being is
capable ofit, a in time an hour of
isolated study may be added. But that
is enough. Five hours of brain world a
'clay is the most we should ask of ortr
IN' , ,',;.... _
What is
ee \\\ \ \ \\ - \\\\\\t. \ \\ \\\\\ \\\\\\\\' se,e,� ' \D
Castoria is for Iuttuits and Children. Cats ,t2lrla
harmless substitute for Castor OU,r Parer air , Drop
and Soothing; Syrups. It contains ne her °pimp,
Morphine nor other Narcotic sub .s ear.. It is Piensai*i /
Its guarantee is thirty years' ' e by Minims of
.others. Castoria destroys Worms .awl: allays' F isbr
cess. easterly, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Cone., Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, Cores Constipatiol and\
Flatulency.. Castoria assimilt s the Food, regulates •
the Stomach. and Bowels of Info, is and. Children, giving 1,
healthy and natural sleep. ' Ca Coria is the Children's
Panacea—The lilothea''s Friend
Castoria. Castoria.
"Cestoria is au excellent medicine for "t',Castoria is so well adapted to children,
children, ltfothers have repeatedly told me tlut T recommend it AS sufrerior to Any pre.
of its good effect upon their children." scrlption known. to ire.:' '
• DTC, Y., C. OSGoon, Lowell.. Nass. ' I Il. A-.ATtatun, 7%i At) -Brooklyn, ,?t: 1"
et,+.11 r;;A trZ*,, .•: .1i9irx.f +r'kt'
Better stop at
,cough now ith
a few doses of
Dr. wood's
Norway Pine
Syrup than: let r
it run on to end ®r• Wood., s
perhaps in Bion- Norway
chitis, Pneu- vine
monia or Con-
sumption. les Syrup•
healing remedy
that - cures the
worst kinds of
Filen others fail.
Price 25c. & All dealers.
o Cure constipation, biliousness, sick
headachy+ and dyspepsia. Every.
Rpill tuaxanteed perfect and to adt
without= ny griping, weakening or
sickenink effects.. ssa. at alk drug-
t dU,specialists
after the first dost was taken all pain
A of o�, ip eiali is and was gone, and ins de of. three days re-
s..,✓i) a.c COvery was 80 marked that Clip patient
medicine vendors decreed that James walked without assistance, Many have
U testi-
SmithGrimsby,shouldspend'j,., had a similar experienoo and have
Ont., the • fled toit.
� James Smiths a dairyman of Grimsby,
rest of his days in the agonizing chains of Ont., was a great sufferer from sciatica
But B common sense • and modern
medical science produced - rebuttal -
evidence and procured his release.
The ureal $routh American No medicine of modern times has
turned ed the
proved half so effective in giving almost
t e �.,
relief Or
i illi e . + "+„ti•"al • -, t` '« , '' ' .4 D cures bordering on the miraculotte, as
felw tatadl t".ielat•O,, erttir'tlttil
n man or wooed ;suffering the
ole Tit Froth:seed by liheuma-
u wieetireer form, ase eesaty cm its
sa.,.., and its actio,
Wits ales desirable objective
ttse sufferer is the nshottest
the paha and the
t's4 d s(rasing,
the great South Amerioan Rhettmatic
Cure. So often. luta it provedits efficacy
in eases that were placed on the "no
cure" list by doctors and specialists,
by many of the most eminent lights in
profession have: been frank enoug
make confession that South A
Rheumatic Curs, without di
formula at all., blas proved tl
oacious of remetties, and t
efenviotiCOa, > primal
practice; and doctors always have been
the slowest to convince of the merits of
any proprietary remedy.
South American Rheumatic Cure is
powerful, potent, but harmless. It is a
specific for all cases of Rheumatic
Ailments; it goes directly to the seat of
the troubles, dissolves and eradicates
from the system the foreign matters
which eanee the excruciating pains
It act
and swe11 the joints.
d surely, and an proof
e testimony to dhow
uy years' standing,
almost helpless,
o was the suffer-
ry to turn the
•t was torture
each of the
and rheumatism. 'Ile was almost help-
less; could not walla without crotches.
He had tried any number of remedies,
and had been treated by almost innumer-
able doctors without any permanent
help, tie began using South American
Rheumatic Cure. In a few hours tjle
pain left him; in a few days he threw
away the crutches and has never hada
touch of the trouble singe. You are at
liberty to write John about his own ease.
No need for an hour's suffering. South
American Rheumatie Cure can do as
much for you es it has done for thoLis-
Saila American Nervine is a wonder -
fol •ts5 It for the stomach. It owes all
ditoadere of the digestive organs, repairs
• eichaustedl nerve -power, puts on flesh,
land is a general health builder.
South American Rldney* Cure is a
liquid. kidney spoolfic; it t eras Diabetes,
Eright'ae Divests, Inileatunation of t a
Bladder and all disorders arising front
erfeet working of ; the kidneys. It
gi relief in sial houl;'s.
children; and We c'hffid should. pass at
least two hours a day in. the open, air_
Our boys and girgs ;do not get enough.
fresh air and sunshine into their bodies
and natures. The higlber institutions o£
learning tmderrtand the need . of physi
Fal development for brain growth far
better than our lesser schools end ons
homes—sad as it is to admit it." ;
Children Cry for
Ib Xs said that the peasant of the sonde
of France spend son feed fora family of
five an average of two pence. a day.
Reports from Ontario fisheries over
seers show that the provincial law r
t' 'z 't e: caught
a the sh a of d# b Ca
spe lug fill. g
being well observed and t' t-tffee d.
fish era in consequence vanishing
the markets:
250,000 CTTRE1) IN 20 YEA -L
$.[000 IN '. i CAN o-rcu4a:,oF 'h
URR °mar,. SYPii1LIS, ,'-S'i'U35iTEi2i'
The New Method Treatment is the
,v. Greatest Discovery. c1 tile -Age.
There s+da of young and middle aged mea are annually swept' to a premature
'AU laAvn ri y of the following symptoms consult us before it is too lato.' Aro von ner-.
meat ani, 4t•atx, despondent and.glnomy, specks before. the oyes with dark circles under
.99 them. rot:,back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and
bona pains,
lo4'tc R, a-diev'nt in urinn, pimplos on the taco, oyes sunken, hollow cheeks. careworn
avltrnrniue, poor nlnmory, lifeless,. distrustful,; luck energy and Rtrbngtl tlr,•d horn -
it q rr.fl •ss llI^htR ehnngnahlo mnncr, weak mnanhood,stunted orga» and proma-
Stair loose, sore throat ow.
tYOU HAVE SEMINAL. 111.ICAlf141.z`,ssS;I
xI O'l'd NSW meruoD'CHEATMENT aleno can
.euro $o0, -and make a:mao of you. Vnderits�influ-
Once the brain bi0onies aot1v0, the'biood purified
so that all pimples, blatclrcR andulcers disappear;
j the heron bocomo strong as eteel,Be that nervous-
nese ba,shfolness ancL despondency' disappear;
the eyed heeteno bright, the face full and clear.
energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical
and sexual syetems aro iuvigoratedl rill drains
cease • nu more vital wasto from the system. Tho
variun3.errr•ne become natural rind manly. YOu
fool yonr'soli o man and know marriage cannot bo
a failures Wo all 11,' atfflicted to .Consult us
confidentiallyand tree of charge. Don't lot quacks
mad fakirs rob you Of your hurl earned dollars.
IVs w.,t car's you e,'•,no pay..
gYPHII).5 ie the ",oetprevalent and most serious
B).001) disen.,'.. 1t pairs the very life blood of no
, viotlmraid out '+pc+-'tr,'ivrradi'aunt from tltosy's- nRRRDTrABr:noon bTatCABE.
• `:u'111 a :wttlae n a:•ring. L'oware of Mercury.
only suppresses the ry:nptOms-our N8W Nig moo pnsitivelyr cures forever.
YOUNG OR MID )LL•-AgeD MAN You've led a gay lite, or indulged 1t iho follioe
1 sr Isom, Re1t.ni.use r ? later c" uOsses have broken down your system. You feel the
• ayinAeon; Moatnt ov t ' n,,. 1,ientalIy. physically and sexually you menet the num
yes used to he ur chunk. L. - seta:el practices reap rich harvepte. will yon hood the
den 'Or.siganis,
iAY'af leis,
I A:n onart.•nr+>:tovn]hithnrn7ArnyottOrintomaiatinitmarria,tA7
!11 let it na4 .11tt'b1nrut hpnb,tl.*. u.••.1 r others it %ail c OUr MAw•lit!taled
Treatanent will euro yon. Whet it hos.1009 101 tatters it trill d,rf,.t• you. Cnf5aitatien
Pres. Nq matter who has treated 't• rut. write for an honest opinion Vree of year
�. rl O-alo" rda, lo Dgeenn E"tnO
BngnarnOn" Fb
medielne gent
Everyth,ng confidential. Quegkioi I(st,,antl Cost p1 trete.
Charges a u.,K4
O onabin. 1S
Meng Inclosestn e, 2 can
omit. FREE. Was Or envelope
Th0- Time,j
from nowtilt January i s t, 1901.
maB ]?IJZEaitd GLOB
Cay Jn 1.8$ Win j
1901. summit Rum 'w, ,
OMT, ul,ll' Pt.