HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1900-01-12, Page 1XVIII, -NQ, 1447.
IA order to facilitate the ? uit k sale of
the rest of our large stock of Dress.
s..,;.. Goods nue. Fine Dry Goods, we have
bought a very largo stock of stapes in
all lines, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes,
Shirting, Towelling, AproiLinen, Tick-
Cotton/ales, &o. Those will be sold
.tut lower prices than you can possibly
buy them elsewhere, The public knows
•as well as wo can toll them that the
prices of all these goods have greatly ad-
vanced. We bought before the rise, and
.as we sell there at cost, our customers
get them at a price less than they can be
bought wholesale to -day.
:And don't forget that we must get rid
of the rest of our Dry Goods before
sppring. Hitherto we have been selling
them at cost; from now till they are all
'gone we shall sell BELOW COST.
We quote a few prices to show we
mean what we say:
25 pieces of Dress Goods Regalia, price
,liras $1.00, now 60o.
• :26 pieties of Dress Goods, regular price
price was .85o, now 550.
• 15 pieces of Dress Goods, regular price
75c, now 48e
8 pieces of Dress Goods, regular price
was 65o, now 27o .' a :' `
10 pieces of Dress Goods,.rea`�r:price
•GO0, now 82e.: rut•
5 pieces of Dress Goods,'reenilarprice
.vas 35e, now 21c
5 pieces Dress Goods, regular price
Was 500, now t.. 10 pieces Dress Goods, regular '
'vas 80e, now 180
The balance of our stook of Ready-
made Overcoats, tilaters acid Suits
be sold for the balance of the season
•cost. This is positively a fact; we
it. ,Speoially Iow prices will be quoted
this mouth ' our Boot and ShoeDepart-
meat, as .we . want to make room for
=Spring Goods.te ,
Our Tailorzug ]dept, has evidently
blie al.-
�•attention of the pu ,
thea t
'though late in the seasov.we'are still
crowded with orders. We claim,.,and
our customers will bear us out that we.
give the best value and turn out the best
fitting, most stylish acid, altogether the
most satisfactory Clothing made in the
County, Don't forget to leave us year
'order for the next suit or overcoat you
want. at
• . To SITSIM rDUKOs.--Tbe ttgw setnr
the address of every subscriber faident nt
the ciao to which his snbooriptiou hag
been paid: A ohnr.ge of the number is a
41) receipt for motley reoeived. Watch the
1NutsJi X
Also the
` Dinner,- Tea
Sets and Fancy C
shown in town.
figtues and see that
son and Jones,of
opened, a butcher sb
ad bye Mrs. Flynn,
terian church. The
perienced in their 1i
favored with a eta
the public of Wing
you are paid in ail-
r.—M- • e aek-
Wal • e on. bean
e store Own -
the 1'resb -
$IA '
Hamm BY A " • young znnn
uarued Tabbitt, w r . was working in
Wm. Holmes' b - • th chop, received
a severe • ak •^o • a horse on Mouth y
morning. w working at a horse,
whet; ago • �r hors- near by got uneasy,
causing the ouo is was working at to
'Mak. The young atm was pretty badly
shaken up, bet s' a learn not seriously
hurt. Monday w the first Clay he had
beou at work in t1 a shop.
to y
o gentlemen are Oe. Lx;RNSE TRANS "tui—Tho WestIIuran The genial l ropricor of the Wznghant
o and Hope to be license commissi nems have transferred , Glove factory is eiirays bound to have •
of the patronage of the liceuse of Jos pbRiley, fornierly of the l:tt eet iu(proviceemits in his establish-
in and vie/rite'. - the Queen's h el, Saltford, to • :iglu. merit. In the it cure the glove cutters
Belfast, who is. now will occupy a roan on the ground floor
the hotel, and that of n(1 the machines rill be extended into - •
connection with the - the room recently eceupi:'d by the cut-
inghazn, to Patrick tens on the second aoor. The Wingham tw
f Seaforth. Mrs Dins- glove factory is one of the battiest V
is applying to have . establishments in -Yiu ham.
lie late husband placed in PRESENT.eta7oN B : FIREMEN.= dward V
'iui the spring. 1e Teems is pleased. to Sherman, a' ram,. _ex ofthe tug am
BONK OF k -'CO rL P. --Te lest meths& fie
of ('amp Celed n on Friday .sett wu
well attenried. The oflictt3ze fee the, rtii
your wore testalle au(1 routine burin'eta .F�
trafsaete:I. T1i rueml err;ser joyed sett
oyster supper at Jo ins' rc••stauraa:t after A
the meeting. The text nwotiug will be A
held on Mortday nett dud every rase:,.- ,
ber should. be ores( it to assist fu mak- •
ing the corning cot cert az success.
Inritorresyrw e Shove Feetrot x. ; it
PeROTIASED A lrAU z. --Malcom• La-
t- Ilatniltou. late
,Hoot has purchase 1 from Robt 11iar:in the proprictor, 0
Jas O'Lea
his •33•ticro farm senate en tlto Bltt:cvtnit, �'• n
road,. Mr e amod will have porfessiou
Central .fete.,
- on the 15th of the(- month. Wo under -
stand that it is M Lamont's intention ley, of Wizigh
to erect new build. lugs on this property l'u� aavQUAc va
her own name ' Sh 1 W' h
learn that Mr Latent has decided to re- S. 0. S. Con EE:r.--Remember that flee brigade, and .veli -known in town,
this Iocalit the' date of the ' attish colzcext is Jan- has, we are sorry it, ropart, been confined.
ry nary 23rd, J- �• es Fax will. sing some o is coma of : overs weeks wit an
w •—The cons e -
main a resident oi1� y w.
LrsT at! CON uTTON. , t h 1 f l 1 h
The Magic Remedy
For Coughs and
funny songs,' •s . Waldrum, one attack of rheumatism. The members of .. ••••• v-''`! i�.47.
tions made by tie • magistrates of the
and Toilet --
county for the coaster 'eucliug Doe. 12, of the best'Scot•I sin{eors, will delight the fire brigade presented him with a __..._'
Hina eV (• f foe
audience. ' couch; clanoing, bag pipe we11-filled purse one day di- the
EY bread erec. 5. ,f these 10 ~vete o, musio eto, 'r L plan is now open at N week, which will be a area
breaoh of the a ecense Act • eight for
assault and batt
offences, ave
magistrates; eig
Garrie,the othe.
9 anal the others snail A Farquharson': grocery store. Secure in his time of si� •kness
E ,'Sr
p to him We are too•busy
so • lel winter goods chi
� a. 11;11fa�so� �,
1 ,,,,
your seats early s all the best ones are ecovery.
S were by Seaforth Look for big t,it'.,,..ins here its a.l lines
t by Brussels, five by being taken. ' ogrammes will be is- Mxz.IT a CHAN n;,,•—The Canada Ge- of fall and winter goods. Furs of all
five being b individual sued on. Saturda • of this week. The tette °containsstt e following volunteer kinds
g yLargo Ii
1 4
magistrates. O :the flues imposed, two hall should be 0 owded on this odea- militia news:-'88rd Huron Battalion Blankets Men's Sleigh
Coatses&e Horse at
to write an •
were $20 ones; a $10; one e0; four $2; sion. of Infantry --T)* under -mentioned offs- slaughter' prices. D. M. Goneorr.
The China Haase Winglra111. and all the zest 1'Snes, NTi,:Itrr> Lem • Dooxnp.--Mr, A. W. cers having left -emits, their names are
CARit'snNa F E Rdr13.—A young men Campbell,. the On • lo Good Road's I11 removed from t: to lists of officers of the
Association of stern Ontario vnll
� struotor, has eon tided, #tom returns active militia Provisional Second nasal convention o 7 the Cheese andRatter •
1 in town svas.ata sued this tvee� #or haSr ;
GENERAL LOCAL Nr+(�VSr iv edd. that th l f Ontario Lieutenants JF Spooner J M Keine J
fug a loaded rev Aver in Ins pleat- on. received
v•e op e o are , hold at Stratfor, ou x'aesd
w 'See Halsey Park's advertisement. The young man previous good charac-
pretty generally ed of the statute R R Boone, lerovisional Lieutenant J
labors stern. C nclemnations of the McCarter, hay.g absented himself from
lay, Wednes-
day and Thurs • `• y of next week. no
for was taken'in ,o consideration and he • y speakers, as usu.' 1, are masters of theory'
Dr Butler; of London, will be at the was 'von his lit ex The praotiee ;of system have come Ai from 140 different the annual traieing of his corpse, is re- and in practice The list fneluzdes viral,
„Queen's H t l W ham the fire
F,rlday of each artonth:• froD1• a. Young netill 8 o'clock p 'ext , for consultati.n stopped Any -• person guilty of 0 aro going to vote rayon the question, in.- active militia."
ng ' on 11 80" oun men carrying firearms should be returns, Many owns and townships moved from tht • list of officers of the of the best to b
A large list of
in diseases. of;' the eye,. eluding the followi fig- Orillia Nelson,
ear, no offence k d fell to a heavy ' ' ADDRESS a1aV PRESENTATION. — A Single fare w
throat. t' fine: Chief Va Orman says he is on Datvi, Rama, Bran , Tuckorstnith, Ka-
a- number of the : fiends of James O'Leary DIsrRIOT L.
price' ingliam L. 4 . L,, will the look Y)art for .ties who are'gitilty Pella, Albermarle, Edwardsburg and mot at Jas 1veoKelvie'., restaurant on ins of the T
ady, i1 the Chu it Chamber of this offence au 'that, he will make an South Norwich.Tho.: following have Friday evenitrglast and presented lam was held in
will # ext .week, A abolished the statue- e labor system en -
example of seine them if the practicewith a gold -headed cane, prior to his
n at g program not PP tixely: North Monahan, SaltSet, To- departure from Sawn. A pleasant even- d for the
meso Ladies aro a e�tod to brio boxes :with
ionto, Gore, Sarnia, North Grimsby ,
xP gIng was spent a. d oysters were served 1SeMaunl
DEER SLAIN--dltief Binbrook and. Barton. The following in. Mr Mc Kel 'e's best style. Dr Casemore; C
Insley estimates the municipalities have already committed
ed last season.* the themselves: Monk) Chighohn seas t
an Were/Ise of a out` Euithemia, Bast
r Not- d e t
s year. Yong an An tis e
� g
Box Societe—
hold a box sooial
on Tuesday eve
good. 'pr �atn being prepared. is o stormed.
e i
eatables. Adn ;cion for .gentle en 20 Six TnousAND
Game 'Warden
cents. All are-'eloome.
number of deer
I. 0..O. F. exeidEzt `t- :the, .Fust Clinton, Stamford, re""
peeving at 6,000, lj ra, Reaoli, Gordon,
meetingof Mini -va Encampment, I. O. mad 1
1 000 over
O. F., the follovetug offieere'Were elected withstanding the largo number killed
for the resent year:C P 'Wallace NoTxoE. Any one weeniest to pap T
hough; H: P., ['hos. J. Elliott; S. W., deer axe holdiu heir gown, and at the at the Bank of Ha*riitton. As I consider
P ' this year Mr Ttsley thinks that the their notes ora part of ahem* ca do so o, '
a,c t] • r< Scribe, J. W. Dodd; g
The number of ' Hunters reporting was until my return .about the first of April, `;. sorry at your dep
R. J lea 'resent rate will not be all killed off all my customers good none need p:iwv'
Tress., John A,tvat, J. W:, Jas. 1,
found in theDanzita.
bjects will be dismissedid
prevail on the xaaiwe s.
L. O, rxoERs.-A meet -
berry District L. O. L.
Ingham on Tuesday of
following officers were)
year:: District Master.
Deputy Master, J. • 0 '
air, W Stewart''
chairman and Thos Bee. See., R. 3 acMfatll -..tisfir
e t i= yrese . .tion: — of C., Ed. John .ton; Lec., Andre , Me
Win:'lvan, Jan 5th, 1003. Mannas.
J` S O'LEARY, 'sQ, WrNuir.Ax, x ..
cumber of ytu friends and wel._ T$F succs, s `r o lea cx esnsG ewes..
fishers of the to cu of Wiughatn being TLTirrea
The marmot cirenitition ?o which
tura from the town, the "Family H •e1d end Weekly ural; '
to accept this small of Mouireal, h climbed in the,
(a gold -headed cane) mouth, singles teat paper mit
2 idndly esteem ,and
,. great newspaper ,..::cess pit tl
yon by the iuhabi- We understand t
of Wiagham. and now subsori
OWING —As our read- by the " Fainil
as was mentioned last Star" within a fe
movement on foot to thinking man sa
for David Louglieod, deserves its phe
this tawa to serve best compliment t
Fon. BALI;.—A quantity of s
an eeI e 1.
hand two d thr n h p i
on reasonable terms. I a
ed to pay the highest prix
6,5Q0, but there v -as probably athonyand 1900. Rosi. MoINDoo, tf • would beg of you
token of our este:
or so more in theaback country who di • OM ER WIN= ',ACME WEDDED.—as a slight taken
• :.orsale
not reort, _ Th - Express Companic ' B'rom the Opinion,p tblished at °hinock,
a preps. P 'P remetnberauce
• all kinds carried arbout 2,( 00 carcasses to varies -le Montana, of Decent/ear 280-1, we gleau tuts of the t
e..the marriage
of wood.. Apply at salt b oak dace. cities and towns' the following partdc Gars of arr.ag
as the
ow :t4n:ly(entl t'1ot1t-
xs haL•, be.n tee. ritrcl
Herald and Weekly
v days, au•1 every lair
the "Family Herald"
•mtnalsutcesfi: The
the " ...'-i` Erre !C"
continent in South is the enormous p •cenfage of reneweir
Africa. It wa`- first proposed to have of old snbseribers which the publishers
parties leave th,ei• subscriptions at either report as exceed g nicety sovea 1 e
the Advance or ti'mxn printing office. cent. of the entire "se
After • further consideration it was
thought that the arrangement would be menu
too slow a process. On Mcnday after- The anneal ince
Presbyterian. b ch
noon Messrs. T Hell and T/' Gregory took y
open themselves the task of passing a Monday evening,
subscription list among the business The annual me
men. The tasl . was not a very hard Band of the Persia
one, as every bsiness man resp;:nled held on Sat ted
most heartily to the call and the two o'clock.
Rat lee 1 rd H
of Clark Elder,, a fo mer young Wing- A SPLENDID S
A-rnAR.. IN CE°TnAi. PRISo \—
OLD Bots bz iduit .-An ssaciation . 'hainito and son of ers will rememb
ohn Elder, of this
.der of Harlem and
of Dodson, were
e M. E. Parsonage
m. Christmas Day.
ere present when
ed the ceremony
;ether for better or
ey. The bride is a
mparatively short
i, where she has
terms, endeared
ale of admiring
as been a resident
for of years, first as
Tpithern and late -
to one of the most
Charles Jahns. n, a young man who
town:—"Mr. J, C.
week, there was
formerly lived >t Wiugham, lith lately Miss Lenora Sippl raise some moue
o Lucknow, a- ipropri anquietlymarried at t who has gene fr
and a suit of el►,tlies belonguug to a fel- with the recon
iter names will be t-ticedin the follow in this. city at 4.30 p.
Ing list of .officers: ;. President, J. S. low boar"der -=t the McGarry .louse, Ouly a few friends
ea es • L ekna and en event to Dungannon
to be known as the Duron. Old Boys'
Freda anon was cage,
in Toronton. f sued overcoat
Friday #ught of last ...reek, Many
1<1arxeage Licenses
. 'Issued by':neetrx PATEBs0i7,fisc. 28 Victoria
street, Wiiabnm, Ont. No witnesae required.
ni should satisfy you. You will in all
probability attend a business col-
lege coca in your life time, then
why not spend your time in a
ego there
are notv
school where �
doubts about getting a first-class''
training? The Central Business
elollege, Stratford, Ont., has the
reputation of being one of the very
!best schools in the Dominion, It
has a large staff of expert instruct-
ors and °mays a largo attendancei
• Write for our handsome catalogue,'
New term now open. ' Enter as
soon as possible.. .
Wl . J. ELLIOTT. Principal,
4 Central Business College,
Stratford, Ont.
Willison; Vice Press ent,D Weismiller; u w' Rev. Vigus perfor
Secretary, E. Floe =y; Treasurer, I3. 'where he got a horse and cut from om which• joined them t
Beattie; Executive: Jommittee, Messrs H.Medd, with he expressed intention of worse, for life's jour
Hugh llteMath, R. J A.. Turnbull, going to Blyth.. Instead of going there yo_ g lady of mar
Dr, Sloan, D. M. ohnston, ler. "J. E. he come to Go
Elliott, Walter Soo t, G. A. Smith, T. here -by Thos
McGillicuddy, M. L••arlunson, W. Prend- morning he wa
ergast, W. Murray W'. C. McKay, G, Masson on the.
Gibson. W. r, H. E. Jolinstou, of the clothes a1
W. E. Groves and et A. Allan. • cutter. He plea
tencod to a yea
FTR SALD*—A. H. dare is offering his, on each charge,
d bl ty n Minnie street
esua a proper o
sale. For terms and other particulars concurrently.
apply to the owner. tf ing young fells
PUBLIC LIBRARY, The annual meet- family roamed,
ing of the members* f the Wingham A trtuer. ibis
Public', Zibeary washe1d on
of t e
evening last. • The
taken from the Gove:
be of interest to -ou
Public Library year
to end on the last of
of the 1st of May.
figures axe therefor '
months, ending twit
ber last. 250 n
purchased in that
number of volume
for the eight montes has been:—
OYSTERS DP 3.41 PRIO.E.--•Those who nil sums
are fond of oystt rs will regret to learn Balance on hand _ . .......... $ $8 S5
that the price is Likely to advance from L dative grant , ; , ....., ,.. i87 00
10o to 15c an th . quart. The reason for M ntcipal grant . , ..' ••... ; 177 00
the increase is that Baltimore Bay is M bers1ip fees enc. donations 108 50
frozen over, an' . it 18 only with great
difficulty that fledging oraft car get out
following figures was held in 1
1lnent return will Wednesday afeernoon. Quite a number
readers. The of members weee in attendance. John
tas been, changed, Currie,Preside tt,occupied the chair, The
December instead. rake of the sot iety.fere adopted about
erich; and was arrested who has, during a e.
Gundry. On Saturday residence at Harlel
arraigned before Judge taught the school tw
vo charges of the theft herself to a go
d stealing the horse and • friends Eider 1
ed guilty arc, was sen- for a num
of Har
in tie Central Prison agent for the Great
and the sentences to stun ly he has developed i
oltteston is a good look-
, and has respeotable
ns—Goderieh Signal.
r',ct.--'••The ainival meat-
fry Agricultural Society
Council Chamber, on
The following
only ,for the Dight
the 81st of Decetn-
bo'bks Have been
time and the total'
now in 'the library
is 2 946'. The recepts and expenditure
from and. 1n110 harbor.
•'p erre..--Butter .Seta. -r 20ets,
trade. All kinds of product handled.
Ifwant the money we do not owe
I/ wr whether it gods • swell your
bank account or pay yo store bill in i
your own tom. It's the tter the want.
"But,"eov,farm0re "w 't's the Senn of
stuffing that chop b to • c00 Hogs in the/
face of $5) cast But • " Ned the eater
---the 're your dividend prodaa
era i a Boom •tacobill*
your vrliere .int.'s. effiteente Atex
you Irma* rv2" tilers foe Matt
Irl. w mei 1441,,. '" 08 %TO 77W
; .411 44
Ate tae
zomt NDrl`une
.ent, light and hotting......
aretakttg , •. • •... • •
ooks, &tion . • .. ... if
$588 85
„ $180 86
• 68 00
• 67 51
16,1 Dfxeetete
.. 6 6 H
the same as 1 .- year. The only change
made being t • t son -members will be
charged 25 can for admission on eecond -
day in place o 15 cents. It was also de-
cided to hold t
day and Fred
will no doubt
will net Weide
sham/tag, Oh
Honorary Pr
Henderson h
working mens
since ineepti
is entitled to
red on hien.
elected for t
Currie; est
'2nd Viee
ooks, not fiction
Beading Room snealies......
Mtsaeiianeous ... i.
Balance •,•r,..r.. ... l
truster employees of J11e Harlem Mercan-
tile Company. It Affords the Opinion
great pleasure to sdsh this estimable
sere of
young couple af'u]l n_e s P1
and joy, and may tJ y live long. The
young couple round ad over in town
participating in the. Christmas ball in
the evening and re:nrned to Harlem
Tuesday morning eel .ere they will make
their future home."
11 NOTo4,
fila of the Winrh:un
h st1ll. . held on
anuary 24th.
ting of the Missirn
-feria: church will l e
afternoon at ee ).
gentlemeu wore rewarded for their les will deliver how
labors by seetuil•�; the handsome sum of lecture, "The Triangular Man," in to
$86.00. Mr Ha .,informs us that they Lucknow Mctacdst church on I1ton:lay
E'er -
hardly left Josep title street when mak- evening next.
Ina their canvass This is certainly a Rev Ml Yaaslsoi conducted the a:er-
gcod showing fo • the business men of V1005 in the Pre llytclt�a (,.Harr.:, on
Wingham and it else shows that our Sunday last. Tis ever itrg Mt.emirs°
townsman was sot forgotten. Tin wQS a VeitaSt0F y 0110.
above amount tris forwarded to Mr RevTW Ili Burro B A, of .ging ey, u
Longheed at Tonto on Wednesday C, swill preach .1 the I ra�l:yterit n
afternoon. As -rill be seen' from the c.titrcll on Sulirlay ev ziitlg, t;c,llet"tion
Council ntinutes i another colnntn err will be takezt in aid of the Langley
Council are effect g an insurance of Marisa Fund.
$1,000 on.the life f David. Lon1;11ee(l. ROV R Hobbs nducted the <diuroa
We remitter that ie people of Whig -
services o�e Methodist clmurolx
e show on diciest "Filers ham have Clone ell for their soldier at Netvblirtl;e'on clay last. Rev
y of Soptenibet. This SYRUP OF WILD boy. Wo uncle tand that one of the H°Eking, of or oh, took t�
• e a better date, as it London papers ha. been saying Trusty Hobbs' work , e.
e with so many neighbor- things about Win harp. citizens for al- Ensign and Mrs Collier, late o"1' Lt
Henderson was• elected lowing eDung Lo *Beed to depart with- towel11ave taken charge of the local
dent 'delta Society. M
en o oeie y. r out a proper send off. To snake the oorps of the Salt> .tion Arnny. �'n
been a faithful, hard- - .natter plain and ut in a few words, tcve - Brannigan has bees tranderretl to Sarnia
er of the Society ever would sily to the man who has been : and Lieut. Mason ere-% to i3oaleriah.
writing n the to don paper:—"Wing- a nel a rag t1 a �y of a . sago
, same $$ years ago and g Mary-Txessauwr
e honor that has'Confer- ' hale people are q'. h Diocese of
The following anima/ 'tate OOL S' after their own n 1i weer
e year: President, John Ggza'sBN Q� any advice from
ice Pr eident,John Mofftitt; COs? a \Ve could not git
President, Amos Tfpliaig; SOU seni. off when he
B�(aiehill,S reerrnighan, Jas
"to capable of locking - c'1ve ecru • 1e
airs and don't .the °'The Bi•
citizens cif Lotldulr. _
'our soldier boy a P-1' ' A11�rr18
eft W ingltam as we
ould be accepted. As
vn that lie had been
. nit. about two hnurn 1;
r him from the bust- . S taw(", et Wotn a Ick; Paso .
The Tetra Council In. and evening. l e ciollt &
)X) insurance on his eervioee axe varfti lm tee.
not: like tendon. In Owing to the eti•
r much tel tap' end Biatop, the rite of
ink, but fair flint th.be.
Cron to llo•tR
rp is ,tad:
weenies teen e a
were net euro he
1 6 Ire Spm' c John Mulvey, W soon as it was ldn
1, Peter Fowler, W J Currie • soonaed, it 01117
7 92
(tart3140115U .13�attt'O meetnxa, THall'
sued I i I8 ai211iostt. A meeting - of the placing
$'S$B 8ti Dieeetors '1 -aa held >utnre ately after an" alio
The total nsnrbe+rsl ip at the end ofee a ulre auawtt Meeting when W Roleert-
Taal" was 1t3i.
cit s:g Will Ise
gather $w0.00 2
t of the town.
'nee le
three weel Rev Wm Lowe prom/thee et tee
opening of Ft Pete es chtteoli, tet